Was It Love (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

let's just say that Dad died, okay?
You see, there are some people
you'd rather wish were dead.
-You'll understand when you're older.
What? My goodness.
It all started when I realized
what it meant to wonder about my dad.
I lost my grip and it fell.
From the time I first realized
that doing so would make my mom sad.
Have you all made a wish?
All right, then.
Let's see who blows out the candles first.
Since then, I've wished for the same thing
year after year.
"I wish not to wonder about my dad."
My wish
did not come true.
Ha-nee, your teacher's here.
-Goodness, welcome.
-Hello, Ms. Choi.
Because right now,
I couldn't possibly be more curious
about my dad.
Fine, I'll admit it.
You've made a name for yourself,
and I'm nothing compared to you.
It's why I'm here today despite
how annoyed I am that you've made it.
Is this why
-you wanted to see me?
I'm not asking for your approval.
It's a notification.
You wrote a story based on me
without my permission
You have no right to decline.
Consider your notification delivered.
But I'm here for another reason.
Will you answer me
if I ask you a question?
All right. Dinner's ready.
You have until this glass is emptied.
After that, you'll give me an answer
regarding my notification.
Got it.
Then I'll keep it simple
and only ask one question.
Where have you been?
Where were you for the last 14 years?
Will you do it, then?
Let's do this project together.
Agree to work with me
then I'll tell you why we broke up.
Why are you laughing?
I don't believe I told a joke.
Did you think you could bargain
a contract with me
over our silly little breakup?
You must think I'm still not over you.
I'm Cheon Eok-man for crying out loud.
I'm no longer the Oh Dae-o
you used to know.
I'm the renowned author Cheon Eok-man.
Hearing about why we broke up
isn't worth signing this contract.
I gain nothing from it.
It'd be more effective
to ask for my help in saving your life
from going down the drain.
You never know.
I may come to your aid
for old times' sake.
I said I'd only talk
until that glass was emptied.
Goodbye, then.
-Noh Ae-jeong!
-Yes, Mr. Cheon?
You may think otherwise,
but I'm not here to beg and grovel.
I'm here to propose a movie.
I had no intention to score this deal
by making you pity me.
you seemed curious
about what happened 14 years ago,
and I didn't want you
to keep on wondering.
I'm glad
because breaking up with you
was the best thing I ever did.
hung up on me or not,
don't you need to know why?
Your book, Love Is Nonexistent.
It has great value to you
since it kick-started
your career as an author.
It never got any public attention.
There's a reason why
it stayed buried all these years.
What did you just say?
It was written from the perspective
of the male lead I mean,
it could only be written
from your perspective
because you never knew
why I broke up with you.
If you wish
to finally complete this story,
you have no choice but to work with me.
You shouldn't call yourself an author,
if you don't care that much
about your own work.
That being said, you'll now never
get the chance to complete this story.
I am no longer interested
in making a movie with an asshole.
Yes, Jin?
Kwae-nam, you need to get over here.
-It's an emergency.
-An emergency…
An emergency? Where? What? Why?
-Here he comes.
-Is that him?
Excuse me, isn't Ryu Jin inside?
-He's inside, right?
I'm practically locked up.
I can't get out.
What? By whom?
Who the hell locked you in there?
Can you keep it down? They'll hear you.
Right, sorry.
Anyway, I've been sitting
on the toilet for hours.
-Get your priorities straight.
-Of course.
Who on earth has the audacity to lock up
the nation's sweetheart?
There's one.
The one that got away.
What is it?
I didn't hear you.
And here's the main dish for today.
Ms. Choi, this is more than generous.
Don't be too excited though.
My grandma isn't really
that good of a cook.
What's wrong with my cooking?
Ask the restaurants you ran
that went under--
My cooking wasn't to blame.
A virus broke out making it hard
to serve pork and chicken.
I was hit with a stream of bad luck.
As if that was the only reason--
Anyway, I tried this and that
before settling as a body scrubber
at the nearby sauna.
I'm sure you remember
how I was a well-known body scrubber
back when I ran a bathhouse.
Yes, of course.
I remember going there myself.
What about my mom?
Do you share any memories with my mom?
Ha-nee, have some braised tofu.
I see you like tofu.
It's my favorite too.
-Yes, we must have similar palates.
And? What else do you like?
What's with all the questions?
-You're keeping him from eating.
Anyway, are you married?
No, not yet.
I see.
Where are you currently living, then?
Nearby, but I'll have to move soon.
-If only I can find a decent place.
-Goodness me.
We have a few spare rooms here.
They were actually
put on the market recently.
The landlady is long-time friends
with Ae-jeong,
so I could ask for a discount.
I don't know if it'll be okay to do that.
Shouldn't you get Mom's permission first?
As if that's necessary.
You have no idea how close they are.
-Are you sure about this?
-Of course.
Mr. Oh.
Hey, Ha-nee.
-What is it? Are you off to somewhere?
-That's not it.
You forgot this.
Gosh, how silly of me.
-Mr. Oh.
What was your relationship with my mom?
How should I put it?
Someone I wanted
to take care of?
Yes, of course, he's a great person.
Thank you, Sook-hee.
I'll make sure that he pays rent on time.
Sure, good night.
Are you sure about this?
-Mr. Oh.
Is it okay for him to live here?
Did you offer the room
for some other reason?
-Did you?
-It must be your mom.
-Ae-jeong, is that you?
-Darn it.
Mom, I have something to ask.
-A special guest came--
-Mom, listen--
I'm sorry about this,
but I need to stay clear
of any unnecessary stress.
-Got it.
What's wrong with her?
Why can she never come home
in a peaceful mood?
Fine, you asked for this.
A contract from ten years ago?
I'll find it and sue the hell out of you.
Where on earth is it?
Shit, that hurts.
Damn it.
Here it is. Okay.
Wait. What was this doing in there?
YEAR 2005
I don't know.
This is some rejection.
Who said you could get cheeky
with your senior?
Are you turning me down?
Well, not exactly
"Not exactly"?
You were getting too close.
Too close?
You see
Help me up.
I'm soaking in water
and it's cold.
If this isn't a rejection, pull me up.
Whatever. I'm going.
Let's take a photo.
-Come on.
-Let's get this over with.
-Get moving.
Hurry. I want to look good for the photo.
Come on!
Gather around.
Move aside.
-We'll talk later.
-Let's take it.
-Let's hurry!
-Are you ready?
Wait, there's a better spot.
-Stop messing with us.
-I'm hungry.
-Take a good one.
-Yu-gyeong isn't here.
-Fetch her.
Hold on a second. I'm sorry.
Just a second. Sorry, guys.
-Okay, fine.
It's fine.
Sorry about this!
-I'm sorry.
Sorry about this.
-Are you kidding me?
-Let's do this.
Wait, the banner.
-Move faster.
-Why did you run?
-Okay, good.
Why do you keep following me?
-I'll take the photo.
He's about to take the photo.
You should look ahead.
-Did you take my hand yesterday?
Zip it.
-You did, didn't you?
Zip it!
Fine, I'll grab it instead.
-Let's fly.
-Let's fly!
No way.
Go someplace else. There's a VIP inside.
-Jin's taking a dump inside.
Girls, keep it down.
How can one take a dump
for two hours though?
He's going to Hollywood soon, remember?
The stress must be eating him up.
Someone like Jin would never take a dump.
Then why hasn't he come out?
You go in there and check.
Jin, do you need some help?
Excuse me. Coming through--
What do you think you're doing
in front of the men's room?
-Who does he think he is?
-Are you kidding me?
-What a jerk.
-Even Ryu Jin poops.
-Hemorrhoid alert.
Be gone, constipation!
-What did he eat?
-He should film an ad.
-So handsome!
-Nobody's perfect.
-I love you no matter what.
I'm okay with that.
Ryu Jin. There's a hospital I know.
They specialize in hemorrhoids.
No way.
I'm not like that.
That's not what happened!
Jin, what should I do?
Answer it.
Explain the photos on the internet.
Why are there photos of him
next to toilets?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
What use do I even have for you?
-Just how incompetent--
-Ms. Song.
Ryu. Are you all right?
-What on earth--
-There's no need to worry.
I'm free of constipation and hemorrhoids.
Also, I didn't take a dump.
Of course, I know that.
You'd never do such a thing, I know.
But your public image--
The truth will prevail.
The gossiping will subside,
so don't make a fuss.
I'm hanging up.
Ryu, wait. Ryu!
I want the related photos taken down.
Why the hell did I even go there?
What was that?
I shouldn't have been there.
There's no need to be harsh.
Why don't we just consider this
as a good but unlucky experience?
A good experience, a bad experience,
or an experience that's good
because it was horrendous.
One's experiences serve
as good ingredients for a writer.
But there's an issue.
It's just impossible
to experience everything in life.
For instance, let's say
I'm writing military fiction.
Oh, dear.
I guess I'll have to fight in a war.
Young man, would you do that?
-No way.
-You should do it.
That's something you should never do.
That novel will be your last one.
That is why, I focus
on the emotions instead of the experience
when writing.
Edna Ferber once said
that in order to write well,
one must be poisoned by emotion.
That's me.
For instance,
there's hostility, displeasure,
-Top-selling novelist? My ass.
-and resentment.
I should let the world know
how much of a loser you were back then.
Two million won,12 months, 24 million won.
My gosh!
It'll take me over 40 years
to pay off my debt?
It could also include things like blame,
self-deprecation, and regret.
I'm sorry, but no loan can be approved.
futility and acceptance of reality.
All of these emotions mentioned
are great fuels for a writer
to write a good story.
They come with a basic rule though.
Always keep in mind
that you should focus on the darkness.
John Gregory Dunne said this.
"Resentment sharpens the author's eyes,
and hostility hones his killer instinct."
Mr. Cheon.
You said just now
that we must focus on emotions
to write better.
What were the emotions
that you focused on while writing
your debut novel Love Is Nonexistent?
That story follows the heartache
of the male protagonist
-who was betrayed by a loved one--
I was wondering
about the emotions of the woman.
Throughout the story,
her emotions didn't seem to be on display.
The book didn't deliver.
As you know, the woman is a killer.
So focusing on how she betrayed
the protagonist--
But still,
wouldn't there have been a reason?
Don't you need to know why?
Could you elaborate?
No matter how brief the relationship was,
wouldn't it be worth diving
into the emotions of a woman
who betrayed the man she loved?
Couldn't the ending have been changed
if you did that?
-What's she saying?
-Maybe she's right.
-What's her problem?
-Mr. Cheon looks pissed.
Did she shut her brains off
while reading my book?
You never knew why I broke up with you.
This is exactly why I can't have her
of all people produce my work.
The landlord evicted them.
Wang Seong-gyu is off the grid
and no rent is being paid.
Ms. Noh was forced to move out.
I want to give up everything as is.
If I feel relieved,
I might really collapse.
Don't look at me that way
if you can't get me out of this hellhole.
I'm barely holding it together as is
so that I won't collapse.
Any news on Mr. Wang?
Why the hell is he coming
to the office in person?
Would it kill him to have some patience?
Mr. Koo!
My goodness, hello.
What on earth brings you by?
You probably just got here.
I was late today--
Well, actually--
Yes, we just got here ourselves.
What a relief.
I'd hate for you to have been waiting.
I had something to tell you anyway,
but the office is a mess.
Why don't we head to the cafe?
What the hell? Why are you here?
Is it against the law or something?
who are you
and why is Ms. Noh intimidated by you?
Are you Writer Cheon Eok-man?
He is, isn't he?
I really wanted to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Koo Pa-do of Nine Capital.
What should I write?
Ha-nee, do you want to eat this bread
or something?
What if you reunited with your dad
after 14 years?
Would you be able to recognize him
at once?
I'm not sure. I don't know.
Because I live with him.
I said what if.
Well, will I get a feeling?
So what do you think that feeling is?
Will a light bulb go on
or will a bell ring
as soon as you see him?
Shouldn't you need more information?
Right. I need more objective information.
By the way, why do you ask?
I'm going to look for my dad
starting today.
-Your dad?
Here. Tell me if you have any questions
you want to add.
What is this?
It's a paternity test
disguised as a tenant checklist.
-"A paternity test"?
Isn't this our homeroom teacher?
Watch it.
There's no confirmation,
but only a conviction.
"A conviction"?
I don't think anyone will tell me,
so I have to figure it out myself.
This form must be filled out
before you move into my house.
-Is there such a thing?
-Don't get me wrong.
This is to minimize
the period of adjustment after moving in.
There is absolutely no other purpose.
I wish you the best of luck.
I've always wanted to meet you.
It's an honor to see you.
-Mr. Koo, why don't we--
-Nine Capital?
Is it a loan company?
Why do you ask?
A loan company showed up
at a film production company.
It doesn't paint a very nice picture,
does it?
Mr. Koo, I'd like to talk with you alone
somewhere else.
I believe whether it'll be a nice picture
or not
depends on you. Mr. Cheon.
-Ms. Noh.
Did the talk go well with Mr. Cheon?
I won't make a film with Mr. Cheon's work.
That doesn't sound right.
Excuse me, Ms. Noh.
Please say it correctly.
It's not that you won't make it,
you can't make it.
Because I'll break this contract
and sue you.
What? Sue me?
Of course I will. You threatened me
with this ridiculous contract.
Anyway, where do you come into picture
regarding our situation?
I was thinking about investing in Ms. Noh
who was going to make a film
with your work.
Mr. Koo, I'd like to talk to you alone
somewhere else.
It's simple.
I was going to invest ten billion won.
With that money,
she was going to make a movie.
Because she has to pay me back
with the profit the movie makes.
Mr. Koo, please.
Let me ask you again.
Are you really not going to make a movie?
All right then.
Prepare the repayment amount
of 1.05 billion won by the due date.
1.05 billion?
1.05 billion won?
Hey, 1.05 billion? Are you kidding me?
Just be quiet.
Mind your own business.
As you know, if you break your promise,
I'll confiscate everything of Thumb Film,
-I'll pay you back.
I'll repay you no matter what.
I'll keep my promise at any cost, so…
please give me a little more time,
Mr. Koo.
It's settled relatively quietly.
you are Ms. Noh's creditor.
I am.
And you are?
At least I'm closer to her than you.
You're much closer to her than I am,
but you don't trust her.
Thanks to you,
Ms. Noh has lost a lot of things.
Hey, 1.05 billion? Are you kidding me?
What a senseless punk!
Who dared to park illegally
in front of my house?
Someone parked illegally
in front of our house.
Goodness, you don't have to do the dishes.
-I can do it.
-Give me that.
There are too many.
Don't worry about them.
I'll take care of them.
Goodness. It's okay.
-I'll do it.
-Give me that.
-Give me that.
Ae-jeong, you're home.
Mom, hi.
You're late.
Yeon-woo, what are you doing here?
How can you do this
without talking to me at all?
Keep me out of this. I'm a minor.
I have no say in tenant matters anyway.
Mom, was it you then?
Did you do this arbitrarily?
Yes, it was me!
So what? Yeon-woo isn't a stranger.
He isn't a stranger?
Him living with us is good for Ha-nee
and for me.
We get to earn rent, too.
-Then maybe Yeon-woo and you--
Yeon-woo is Ha-nee's homeroom teacher
before he's my acquaintance.
What if someone sees him
going in and out of his student's house?
You know what it's like.
We've been through so much
because of people talking.
I'm already stumped as is.
Why is everyone doing this to me?
I'm sorry, Yeon-woo. We'll talk later.
How can she do that without thinking?
She's my mom,
but I don't understand her at all.
-You must've looked lonely.
I have no time to be lonely.
I'm busy making ends meet.
Loneliness is a luxury I can't afford.
Here you are
saying what you don't mean again.
You're an accomplice.
You're the landlord. We're the tenants.
Your tenants are trying
to sublet your property.
How can you agree to that?
Your mom wants to pay the overdue rent
by doing that. Why would I stop her?
If you were me,
would you side with you who has no way
to repay a billion won loan
or your mom who is trying so hard
to find a way
to pay back the overdue rent?
Mom doesn't know that I'm in debt, right?
Are you crazy?
I'm not into telling tales.
I'm sorry, Sook-hee.
thank you.
The sky is clear.
I guess tomorrow will be a good day.
You're right.
The sky really is clear.
The rain in my life never stops,
does it?
Darn it.
Thanks to you,
Ms. Noh has lost a lot of things.
Why does she have to act so proud?
What did she do to get herself
into that shit?
Isn't she well-off
from marrying a rich man?
I don't know.
I don't care.
It's none of my business.
Who is it?
Mr. Cheon!
-Big news!
-Be quiet. Do you know what time it is?
It doesn't matter what time it is.
You might go to Hollywood again.
What? Hollywood?
Yes! Hollywood!
You've got an amazing offer
from Hollywood!
They want to make a movie
with Love Is Nonexistent.
With Love Is Nonexistent?
The production cost will be
three times larger
than the last movie Girlfriend.
Mr. Cheon. It's just beginning.
Let's go to Hollywood again,
and make you famous.
With that money, we can make
The Six Million Dollar Man,
no, The Terminator.
What did you say?
Ms. Choi.
What was the headline for the article
about Ryu going to Hollywood?
The headline was
"Actor Ryu Jin is a strong favorite
to star as the main character
in the remake of the movie
The Bodyguard after 20 years--"
what was the result of the audition,
Mr. Kang?
He got the role
of bodyguard number three. I'm sorry.
The role he got
after flying all the way there
to take an audition was a mere
-bodyguard number three.
it looks like Director James Caramel
contacted a Chinese actor.
For months, we were sure
that Ryu would go to Hollywood,
that he'd be the next Kevin Costner.
We've already jumped the gun!
But there's nothing we can do
about Director James Caramel
changing his mind.
You should've stopped him before he did.
You guys should've stopped him
from contacting other actors!
That's enough, Ms. Song.
Did you
tell him?
Don't you know
that could make him suffer emotionally?
I thought he should know.
How could you do such a thing!
Without realizing it,
the individual composes his life
according to the laws of beauty
even in times of greatest distress.
That's from
The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
Ryu, this isn't the time
for such nonsense.
I'm okay.
Even a small role
can be considered a meaningful experience.
What are you saying?
Ryu, you must be the main character
no matter what.
Ms. Song.
I don't want these people
to have a hard time
because of me.
Ryu, we can't let this slide--
What can you do?
It's not something you can fix.
There isn't a problem I can't solve.
I'm Jennifer Song.
You're Jennifer Song in Korea,
but you're just Ms. Song in Hollywood.
If you don't want to be just Ms. Song,
try to solve this problem yourself.
Buckle up, everyone.
Until this Hollywood case is concluded,
intense nights will continue.
He's so cool.
What did I tell you?
An actor should have a good personality.
I can hear you.
I can't do this.
I told you to leave them.
I'll fold them.
Did you forget you yelled at me?
When did I yell at you?
I spoke loudly.
I really don't think you take after me.
I'm afraid Ha-nee will take after
your nasty temper.
No way.
It's so obvious that I'm your daughter.
You should take after my good qualities,
not the terrible hardships.
Mom, stop it.
You always say that.
I feel responsible
for the way your life turned out.
Because I'm a widow,
maybe that's why your life is that way.
Why is that your fault?
I'm going to see you get married
before I die.
I moved your stuff from the attic
to your room.
I saw your old pictures.
You were very pretty.
Gosh, you look great.
Wait. I need to record this.
September 13, 2005.
Noh Ae-jeong and friends start filming.
Okay. Let's go with that feeling.
A film directed by Oh Dae-o
and produced by Noh Ae-jeong.
-How do you think it'll do?
-It'll be a hit!
We'll go to Hollywood with this!
Jin! Ryu Jin!
-It's our male lead.
What are you doing?
He's trying to look cool again.
Do I look weird?
How about this?
I can't film this anymore.
Jin, let's go to Hollywood with our work.
-Let's go to Hollywood!
-Hollywood, here we come!
-Let's go!
-Let's go!
How does it feel to go to Hollywood?
We've always wanted to go there.
I felt
really good when I was offered
to go to Hollywood for the first time.
I got another love call
from Hollywood.
At this rate, I might receive
an Academy Award.
If I give this all up,
I'd be a fool,
What's the purpose of this conversation?
To show off?
To rub salt in the wound?
Why is Mr. Hollywood grumpy today?
You're saying Hollywood in every sentence.
It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
Jin. We achieved our dreams.
What is your work
that Hollywood is interested in?
My debut work, Love Is Nonexistent.
You won't be seeing Ae-jeong
anymore then, will you?
Of course not. Are you kidding me?
It was over between Ae-jeong and me
since the book concert.
Ae-jeong will regret it
for the rest of her life.
Won't you be the one with regrets?
Because you can't complete that work
without her.
What are you saying?
The work is virtually incomplete.
You were lucky to make your debut
despite the open-ended conclusion.
You couldn't write the ending
because you didn't know why she left him.
If we put it that way,
aren't you the one who's missing out?
I'm going to go.
Stay to drink more if you want.
By the way,
I really don't like you today.
You're so full of yourself.
Mr. Wang, you look terrible.
Who did this to him?
Please spare me.
I can't do that unless you pay me back.
Spare me, please.
I can spare you
only if you repay the money.
Stow this client away
to that deep sea forever.
Please spare me.
Who are they?
Hello, sir.
Until our client pays back all the money
he owes to Nine Capital,
we are to be responsible for their safety.
You little bastard.
Are you joking with me?
That hurts, sir.
Stay away
from our client!
You bastard!
Mr. Kim.
Let him go.
Is this
because of Ms. Noh?
It's strange.
She's the one who's indebted to you,
but it feels like the other way around.
If we put it that way,
aren't you the one who's missing out?
I'm not here to beg and grovel.
I'm here to propose a movie.
I can't borrow any money,
and I've lost my chance as well.
How will I make the movie and pay my debt?
Hey, Yeon-woo.
Thanks, Yeon-woo.
I'm sorry about last night.
I wasn't mad at you.
Don't be sorry.
I thought too lightly of it
since it was your place.
I was being thoughtless.
I just have a lot going on these days.
Give me your hand.
-I had a dream last night.
I dreamt of a golden pig.
Give me your hand.
This is just a candy.
Now, your wish will come true.
My gosh, what is this?
You just smiled. Right?
Did I smile just now?
Of all things, he dreamt of a golden pig.
Cheer up.
He scored 98 percent?
Yes, only 98 percent.
Come on, that's a really high score.
That's what the paper says,
but it's strange. I don't get the vibe.
Something's lacking.
Then how about you ask him directly
whether he's your dad or not?
Hey, I'd be so humiliated
if it turned out that he wasn't.
Then I'll have to move schools again.
Move schools?
That shouldn't happen.
Then how about a DNA test?
How much is that?
Probably just around a few 100,000 won.
"A few 100,000 won"?
Do you think I have that much? Darn it.
what if your mom suddenly comes home?
-It's on.
Nice. If I can find any information
on this old phone, it's game over.
Hey, whose number is that?
It's not his.
What should we do now?
What are you doing? Stop eating!
Your sugar level will skyrocket again!
I'm about to have a meltdown,
so let me be.
Jin, thanks to how much
you've provoked her,
Ms. Song just got on a flight to the US.
Don't you know her?
She'll do anything to get what she wants.
She's Lucifer.
Seriously? She did?
Yes. I'm telling you.
You really know how to get her worked up.
So don't you worry
and stop eating these candies.
Let's be patient, okay?
I'm totally fine now.
Wait a minute.
I'll go buy some pills to calm you down.
Why do I need to suffer like this?
Who could it be?
Maybe it's a reporter.
Hello, Ryu Jin speaking.
What was that? Why won't they talk?
Do you happen to know Ms. Noh Ae-jeong?
I'm her daughter, Ha-nee.
Hey, I think they totally fell in love
with your work.
They want to sign the contract tomorrow.
That's great.
I think he wants to grab a drink.
Why did you want to see me?
I heard your company has the copyright
for Cheon Eok-man's debut work.
Why didn't you tell me that sooner?
I've been looking everywhere for that.
There were rumors
about it being sold to Hollywood.
I'll offer a good deal,
so could you sell it to me
before its expiration date?
Is that why you wanted to see me?
Ms. Noh, I've told you this before,
but make some money out of this.
Your company has gone belly up,
so you can't produce any movies.
You're not competent enough
to handle such a blockbuster.
-I can do it.
-One of our producers, Kang,
studied abroad and is quite competent.
-Oh, right. I've heard.
-I can really do it.
Since he is more experienced
and competent,
it's only natural
that Mr. Kang takes over.
I can do well!
What about taking me in instead?
If you put me in charge,
I'm confident I can do well.
Well, Ms. Na--
I'm Noh, not Na!
My name is Noh Ae-jeong.
What are you doing here, Ms. Noh?
Who are they?
I've never heard of this company before.
-What are you doing here?
-Excuse me.
-Who are you?
-Mr. Cheon!
What are you doing here
when our buyer is waiting?
I'll sign a contract
with Ms. Noh.
Mr. Cheon.
Let's go.
-Mr. Cheon.
-Let me go.
Mr. Cheon!
Let me go.
I said, let go!
What's the problem?
Why are you so upset?
Tell me.
Tell me so I'd know!
Wait. Are you--
What was that? Is this a game to you?
You'll suddenly sign the contract?
Are you still not done pestering me?
It's not like that.
Ever since we met,
I've felt pitiful and miserable
every single day. It drove me crazy.
And yesterday,
I finally realized
that everything was over.
So why do I have to feel comforted
by your insincere words?
Is this part of your revenge as well?
Are you here to torment me?
Gosh, this is driving me insane.
It's not like that.
I came to grab onto you.
You had told me
that you were my opportunity.
What do you mean?
I want you to produce my work.
So prove what kind of opportunity
you are to me.
If you're doing this out of pity--
Gosh, it's nothing like that.
I'm speaking to you
as a writer would to a producer.
If you're the only person
who can complete my work,
then I ought to leave it up to you.
Help me up.
Work with me.
What is it? Are you not confident?
If that's not it…
If this isn't a rejection…
Then work with me.
Take me up.
My name is Oh Yeon-woo
and I live with Ae-jeong.
He's younger than her.
Have you ever had a fling with someone?
Of course I have.
Are you doing this to me
because of that woman?
It looks like I'll have to direct
the film myself.
I'd rather not get you involved.
Do you still have feelings for Ae-jeong?
My name is Noh Ha-nee
and I'm Noh Ae-jeong's daughter.
Can I call you dad?
She doesn't have a husband?
Subtitle translation by Soo-ji Kim
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