Watership Down (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

The Escape

[Fiver] Hazel?
[nervous breathing]
[Fiver] Hazel?
[machines screech]
Ha Hazel, where are you?
[gasps and pants]
[machinery clanks]
[pants and grunts]
[man] Now, then, Fiver, looks to me
like you've gone beyond again.
Big mistake.
[pants] Hazel?
What do you think
of your old warren, then?
Although it's not a warren no more.
Not one for rabbits, anyway.
[whimpers] Where's Hazel?
Hazel? [chuckles]
Wouldn't you like to know!
We don't have him. He's in the hole.
Now, you get back to that path.
[grunts and pants]
[grunts and pants]
[sighs and whimpers]
[sobs softly]
- [Orchis] Where is she?
- Hm?
- Where is she?
- Calm yourself!
She's responsible for the death
of my brother, General.
She's the doe behind every escape attempt,
and it's only a matter of time
before she succeeds!
I want her destroyed! [grunts]
He who thinks death
is the gravest of punishments
knows nothing of what it is to suffer.
Hers is the spirit
that emboldens the does, Captain.
Break Hyzenthlay
and you break them all.
Holly, is this Efrafa place
as bad as Bluebell says?
It's far worse, and you can't imagine it
until you've been there.
Okay, okay. What we mustn't do is panic.
Yeah, that's right everyone. Don't panic.
Just because there's
this massive, terrifying warren nearby
that tried to imprison a few of us
and the fact that Hazel's gone,
so we don't have a leader, which means
this warren is completely finished.
- We don't know for sure that Hazel's gone.
- Let me finish.
- Will you stop arguing?
- No, I won't give up on him.
Just like he wouldn't give up
on any of us. If we form a search party
I want to find out what has become
of Hazel as much as anyone,
but no one goes out in this fog.
It's too dangerous.
Holly! I think know where he is.
Fiver, where is he? Is he alive?
He's in some some sort of a hole,
down by the farm.
That settles it. If no one else wants
to come, I'll go on my own.
This time, two days ago,
you were in a hutch, Clover.
You wouldn't survive out there, even if
it were clement. I'm sorry, but it's true.
- [Bigwig] I'll go with you.
- By Frith!
Thlayli, use your head!
I didn't realise you'd been made
Chief Rabbit, Holly.
I haven't, nor do I wish to be.
You have a reputation for being impetuous.
Now is the time for consideration,
not impulse.
How dare you call me impetuous?
No one else thinks that.
Who else thinks I'm impetuous? Huh?
Uh, I don't know what "intemptuous" means,
but yes!
It means hot-headed!
He's calling me a hot-head!
I say if Clover wants to go,
then let's go.
- We can't let Clover go on her own.
- You're making things worse.
We don't know for sure that Hazel's gone!
We don't know where he is.
[pants] Hazel!
Hazel. [pants]
Hazel. Hazel!
[heavy sigh]
[pants and grunts]
[squawking and wings flutter]
[gasps and whimpers]
[gasps softly and whimpers]
Think, Clover.
- [Hazel] Clover!
- Hazel!
- [Hazel] Clover!
- Hazel.
- [Hazel groans]
- [gasps softly]
- Hazel. I thought I'd lost you.
- I'm here. I'm here.
[breathes heavily]
- Show me.
- [Hazel grunts]
Okay, let me clean it.
This is going to sting, by the way.
Do you know being shot hurts almost
exactly as much as I thought it might?
[Clover chuckles] You don't recommend it?
Why do the men have
the black branches that shoot, Hazel?
They have them for killing, I suppose.
I imagine they think there's great skill
in destroying things
when in fact it's the easiest thing
in the world.
So What's it like being free?
I feel scared confused, exhausted.
I feel alive.
I don't want to be apart from you again.
You won't be.
From today, we face everything together.
- [Bigwig] Clover! Where are you?
- Bigwig. Let me go and find him.
- He can help us get you back.
- Clover
Thank you for not giving up on me.
Bigwig! Bigwig!
Bigwig! I've found
[Sainfoin] So, who do we have here?
[exhales deeply] Help!
[guard] Move it! Come on.
- [Clover] No. Get off me!
- No!
[Clover grunts] Get off me!
No, no, no, no.
[Hazel] Clover?
Hazel you're alive!
What's wrong?
Bigwig, where's Clover?
- [spits]
- [insects buzz]
[grunts and yells in pain]
[distant groans]
Oh! Why are birds so messy?
You've been here less than a week
- and it already smells like bog.
- Yeah? Well, I wasn't expecting visitors
Otherwise I would have tidied up. Do you
want me to help him or not, plump rabbit?
Plump rabbit? My name is Bigwig.
Get it right.
[Hazel groans]
There. I think
I got all of the black stones out.
After three days' rest,
it should start to improve.
- [grunts]
- There's little time for rest.
Go on, Hazel-rah.
They've been waiting to see you.
We leave for Efrafa at daybreak,
and we don't return
until we've freed Clover, Hyzenthlay
and anyone else who wishes to leave.
- How do I convince the others to join me?
- They'd follow you anywhere.
But are you sure you're up to this?
When they stole the liberty
of rabbits from Watership Down,
they may not have wanted a war,
but, by Frith, that is what they will get.
Move it!
Wait here.
- [grunting]
- [small gasp]
Are you all right?
- Should I tell someone?
- Tell someone?
And who would you tell? Frith Himself?
My name's Clover.
I've heard about this place.
There's a doe here called Hyzenthlay.
I need to find her.
Why do you smell like fresh straw?
I was freed from a hutch
just two days ago.
A hutch rabbit.
That explains why you look so soft
why you look so hopeful.
What's wrong with being hopeful?
Bring her in.
You'll find out soon enough.
[exhales deeply]
If anyone's going to infiltrate Efrafa,
it should be me!
It might be better to send someone
less threatening, Thlayli.
Someone who can pass themselves
off as a storyteller, or an outskirter.
I agree, this is an operation
that will require subtlety and cunning.
[grunts] But I'm a hot-head, right?
When I get out with all those does,
you'll see how subtle
and cunning Thlayli is!
[sighs] There's not exactly an abundance
of options, Hazel.
It can't be Bluebell or I
because they'd recognise us.
You can't go in because of your
- Well
- I've told you, my leg is fine.
We don't know how they'll take
to an injured rabbit.
[sighs] Very well. Bigwig, infiltrate
the warren by pretending to be a hlessi.
Once inside, find Clover or Hyzenthlay.
They can help you organise an escape
that will take place tomorrow night.
As soon as they're out,
the Efrafans will be all over them.
- How will they get away?
- [Kehaar yells]
- That's where our secret weapon comes in.
- Whoa! Whoo!
Hey, hey!
Yeah! Ow!
[groans and pants]
No one commands the skies
quite like Kehaar.
That's what all the lady gulls say.
[chuckles] Oh!
Kehaar, tomorrow night at Frith Down,
Bigwig will break out of this other warren
with many others.
We want you to provide support from above
to make sure they can get away.
Maybe. Let me think about it.
[inhales and sighs]
Uh Okay, right, I'll do it.
I'll do it on one condition.
Bluebell has to make up
an epic story about me,
how the amazing and super humble
Kehaar saved the rabbits!
Bigwig, the rest of us will wait
for you beneath the Iron Road.
Does that all make fox?
Fox! Everybody, get to the bushes.
I'll handle this.
- [pants]
- [barks]
[grunts and pants]
[grunting softly]
[guard] Keep your eyes on your rear side.
Movement, dead ahead!
- [growl]
- [grunt]
- Come on, lads!
- [yelling]
- [growls]
- Ah!
- What just happened?
- I don't know, but we need to move on.
Kehaar, catch him up and escort him
as close as you can to Efrafa.
Everyone, let's go.
[frightened breathing]
[evil cackle]
You look tired Hyzenthlay.
Are the guards treating you well?
I'm fine.
I imagine you're wondering
why you're still alive.
After all, you were complicit
in the escape of three rabbits,
not to mention the deaths of two guards
[yells] And my brother!
- Couldn't have happened to a nicer rabbit.
- [cackles]
Good old Hyzenthlay.
Defiant even in the shadow of one
who could have her throat out.
You are alive because we see value in you.
The does, they respect you.
I respect you.
I want you to work for me,
be a captain in all but title.
You want me to become a spy?
You use words like spy,
but what you would actually be doing
is securing the safety
of your friends and family.
You could be the one
who makes sure
they have good conditions
happy lives.
I'll give you a brace of Friths
to consider it.
Be aware that if you should refuse,
you will be sentenced to death.
Guard, uh, let this doe return
to her old mark.
Um, her friends, too.
Think on this, Hyzenthlay. Is it better
to hope for the winds to stop blowing
or to learn how to steal yourself
against them?
[chatter in the background]
Hyzenthlay, I thought I'd never
see you again. What happened?
Let's just say I've had
a brief stay of execution.
Why've they let us all back
in the right hind mark?
I I don't know.
Sister, did you hear us
singing to you down the tunnels?
We wanted you to know we were with you.
I heard you. Thank you, everyone, but you
mustn't sing anymore, Thethuthinang.
You know the rules. All it does is annoy
the guards and causes trouble for us.
Hyzenthlay's on borrowed time.
We need to put our heads together
- and get out of here once and for all.
- But how, Nettle? How?
Orchis is always one step ahead of us.
I don't know how many spies
he has in his paw,
but I do know that he tries
to recruit everyone.
[guards shout distantly]
I want you all to listen.
Don't speak to anyone you don't trust.
Don't speak to anyone you don't know.
[Bigwig] Right,
remember the plan tomorrow night.
As soon as I get out with the does,
- Um maybe.
- What do you mean, maybe?
Well, the thing is, I've decided I'm going
to nip to the big water for a bit.
- Hopefully, I'll be back tomorrow.
- Oh, no, no, no. Not hopefully.
You will be back tomorrow.
[chuckles] All right, plump rabbit.
I will be back tomorrow.
- No. Wait!
- I might come back. I might not.
- Damn you, you flying weasel!
- [guard] You there! Stay where you are!
Okay. Okay, Bigwig, softly does it, now.
You're just a wandering rabbit,
looking for a home.
Just an easy-going rabbit,
who's not going to cause any problems.
Come with us without a fuss.
I'm not moving an inch
until I see the Chief Rabbit!
No one sees the Chief Rabbit.
Aren't you all hot,
lying there in the sun?
What do you suggest we do about it,
hutch rabbit?
Excuse me? The does and I are very warm
and wondered if we could move in
- [groans]
- Get out of here!
[groans and pants]
- It was worth a try, hutch rabbit.
- Don't talk to her, Thethuthinang.
- Are you Hyzenthlay?
- There's no doe here by that name.
Please. I know the rabbits
from the other warren.
- I know Blackberry and Bluebell and Holly.
- She's lying.
No! You can trust me.
- [guard] He's coming above ground.
- [guard] Look sharp.
- Get in line!
- Move.
- Move!
- Get in line.
- He's coming.
- To your positions.
- Move.
- Shh.
- Look sharp.
- Shh, quick.
Bring her to my quarters.
[frightened breathing]
It's probably safe to say
the Efrafan patrols don't come this far.
Yes, this seems like a safe place to wait.
Tomorrow night we'll head back
to the Iron Road
and meet the others
when they break out.
[pants and grunts]
There's no sign of Kehaar. Must've gone.
So long as he's there tomorrow night
when we need him.
[grunts] Just keep going,
a little farther!
Look how fast it moves!
You might want to come and see this.
I vote we stay on this side of the river.
[cars zoom past]
You don't look like
the Chief Rabbit to me.
Well, the General isn't the type of rabbit
who's easily met.
- Who are you?
- My name is Thlayli.
Thlayli, sir.
Why have you come here?
My warren was destroyed by men.
I've come to join Efrafa.
I don't like it. No, a rabbit your size.
You look like a trouble maker.
Were you a member of the Owsla
in your old warren? Hm? Can you fight?
[chuckles] Me? No. No, I'm not a fighter.
No, I don't have the instincts for it.
In my old warren,
I was a a storyteller.
No, you're not a fighter.
Captain Campion's wide patrol
was attacked by a fox.
- Three sergeants were killed.
- Three?
That's five officers dead
in less than a week.
Why didn't they smell it coming?
It was led on to them
by another rabbit, sir.
Captain Campion says they'll need
new guards as soon as possible.
Hey, your old Chief was a fool
not to train you up, Thlayli.
I'm no fool.
Remember that.
Yes, sir.
[breathes heavily]
[soft gasp]
I see you've been marked.
An unpleasant experience, I know,
but a necessity nonetheless.
There's a warren somewhere nearby
that's been causing us trouble.
First, we thought you were
from that warren,
but today, I heard on the wind that
you're actually an escaped hutch rabbit.
Few here know that I lived
in a hutch for a brief while.
But like you, I managed to get out
And here I am
From hutch rabbit to chief rabbit.
King of the warren
but kings need queens.
An empire is born not in a lifetime,
but over generations.
- Don't you think that's right?
- [whimpers and pants]
You need time to settle in.
You may leave
It is Clover, isn't it?
I don't like to be disappointed.
As you can see, you got left marks there
and your right marks over there
and, as a guard, you'll be free
to move between marks.
So, where are all the does around here?
I've not seen any since I arrived.
The does? They're not kept
in this part of the warren.
- Kept? What do you mean by kept?
- You there? You must be Thlayli?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I was furious when Sainfoin said
he'd begun training a hlessi
but seeing you in person,
I can see why he did.
With the right training, you'll make
a formidable member of the Owsla.
Thank you, sir.
You can wipe that smile off
your face, Sainfoin.
If he messes up,
it'll be you I come and find.
Move it, Blackavar! Move it!
Take a good look.
He's almost been toured around
every mark now
so they'll be retiring him very shortly.
Which direction was
your old warren from here, Thlayli?
- To the south, sir.
- Walk towards Frith all the way here?
Yes, sir. I had Frith
on my shoulder all the way.
But that would mean your warren
was to the north! Which was it?
That That's right. It's to the north.
I mean, I traveled south to get here.
As you were.
So, where did you say the does were?
As an officer, you can request that
any doe joins you in your burrow, huh?
Except that one. No, she's out of bounds.
I'm going to silflay for a second.
[sighs] Make it quick. I don't want to be
holding your paw all day.
- [gasps] Bigwig.
- Don't look up.
They're watching,
and they're already suspicious.
I've come to break you out,
but it has to be tonight.
Be ready. Find a reason to get
above ground. Tell the others.
The others won't have anything
to do with me.
The one in the middle there is Hyzenthlay.
If we can convince her,
then the others will follow.
Leave it with me.
Thlayli, she's out of bounds.
I heard you the first time.
Any others catch your eye?
As a matter of fact, yes.
[pants and grunts]
I'm in the mark, sir,
and under your orders,
- but you have made a mistake.
- No, I haven't.
You needn't be afraid.
Come in here, close beside me.
We haven't much time. My name is Bigwig.
I was sent here to break you free. You,
the does, anyone else who wants to come.
[guard 1] all night.
I'm on wide patrol tomorrow.
[guard 2] Who are you relieving?
Tonight if you can, get outside.
A great bird will come to help us escape.
Why should I believe you?
- I'm a friend of Captain Holly's.
- You're lying.
He said that when he closes his eyes and
thinks of something that makes him happy,
he doesn't think of spring mornings
and sow thistle, he thinks of you.
He thinks of how you saved him.
[guard] I always seem to be on
wide patrol. Never get the cushy jobs.
Ever since the new does got here
Clover is one of us. She'll help you
spread the word to the does.
I'll go and find Blackavar.
The poor wretch has suffered here
long enough. All right, go.
[anxious breathing]
Bigwig, promise me this will work.
- If it doesn't, I
- It will.
[soft gasp]
[grunts and pants]
Here. Let me take over, sister.
Oh, come on, Kehaar. Where is he?
[soil collapses]
By Inle!
- How long have you been digging?
- All afternoon.
What now? What's the plan?
We need to move before we're spotted.
Curse him! Flying weasel. Where is he?
We just have to run for it. Follow me.
- No.
- Thlayli, what's going on here?
There was a collapse in one of the tunnels
because of the dry weather.
I moved these does outside
in case there was another.
On whose authority?
On my own authority.
I heard cries for help and I acted.
Wake up, Thlayli! You've been tricked!
Take these does down to the deep burrows!
[does whimper]
I will be watching you, Thlayli,
and Frith help you,
when Captain Orchis hears of this.
[whimpers and grunts]
[owl hoots]
When they get out, it's our job to help
everyone get as far away as they can,
whilst Kehaar keeps the Efrafans at bay.
Oh, look. Look up there, see that?
No, there's no seagull, Hazel.
After we fed him and looked after him,
he'd better show.
Maybe he got confused
about when he was to show up?
Or maybe he's a completely unreliable
knave who we should never have trusted.
I hate to say it, but we can't stay here
much longer, Hazel.
We're at our wits' end. And without
Kehaar, we've no means of escape.
Come on. Let's just give it a little
while longer. We can't give up yet.
You got out of there
without Kehaar. Maybe they can, too.
- Hazel.
- I'm not leaving without her!
[owl hoots]
Can we at least go back to the river?
None of us like being this close
to Efrafa.
Hyzenthlay, Bigwig thinks
there might be a spy amongst us.
He's wrong. I know these does.
These does are my sisters, my family.
There's no spy here.
Listen, at night, they have
two guards down here at most.
If we rush them,
maybe some of us would get out.
But even if we escaped the deep burrow,
there'd be guards on each mark entrance.
- Well, we have to do something.
- Stop!
Listen to me, all of you.
My stay of execution ends today.
Before they take me,
I want you to promise me one thing.
- Stop fighting. They will always win.
- But, sister, we must keep
You all keep hoping for the winds
to stop blowing,
when instead you should learn
to steel yourself against them.
- Don't give up yet. There's still hope.
- Hey, you, Hyzenthlay.
Captain Orchis wishes to see you.
There you go again with your hope, Clover.
In Efrafa, hope is your enemy.
Now, it has come to my attention
that some of you have been singing.
Anyone caught doing this
will face severe punishment.
It's the heat. She's exhausted.
What will become of us without Hyzenthlay?
Without her to lead us, we're done for.
- I need to see the General.
- No.
I am the hutch rabbit
with the ear of General Woundwort.
What do we do about Hyzenthlay?
They'll kill her before Frith-down.
If she dies, we don't just lose a sister,
we lose any chance
of ever getting out of this place.
[breathes heavily]
I've come to make a deal.
So, you do have a voice.
I'll consider being your queen,
but on one condition.
Hyzenthlay must live.
No. You have misunderstood the situation.
I am not a rabbit who makes deals!
Either you chose to become my queen,
or you live out your days
in the deep burrows.
It matters little to me which.
[gasps and grunts]
[Blackberry] Seems to me
like we're in a bit of a quandary.
A quandary? With Kehaar gone,
we have no getaway plan.
Even if they escape, the Efrafans
will follow them here and kill us!
I know Hazel's injured,
but we need to think of something.
Let me talk to him.
I don't think I'm very well, Hrairoo.
And don't worry.
I just need to rest, just a little while.
I never said thank you
for helping them find me.
It was my gift that got you shot.
It was the least I could do.
- Your visions didn't get me shot, Hrairoo.
- [car horn]
You do yourself a great disservice
when you doubt them.
Fiver, are you sure about this?
I understand a few things, but I am not
sure how a hrududu is going to help us.
Look, Kehaar's gone.
We need a getaway plan.
There's something about that hrududu
that means we'll be safe,
that means everything will be okay.
[breathes heavily]
[level-crossing bell rings]
[engine revs]
[gasps softly]
[train klaxon blares]
What's he doing?
No, uh
Something something isn't right.
We need to go back.
[level-crossing bell rings]
We need to go back! This isn't right.
[engine revs]
Run! Run!
- Go, Dandelion! Go!
- [grunts]
[panicked grunts]
- Dandelion!
- Oh, no!
Next time you have a vision, Fiver,
can you do us all a favour
and keep it to yourself?
Ah, here we are, Hyzenthlay.
Have you thought about what I said?
I can work for you, but there'd need
to be better conditions for the does.
And you'll tell me everything?
You'll be my ears?
Guard, remove this doe!
- She's to be executed at Frith-down.
- [exhales sharply]
The truth is that
I already have spies everywhere.
- [whimpers]
- Everywhere!
- But why did you
- Why?
Because the General wanted to see
if I could break you, Hyzenthlay.
He wanted to see if I could break
you into 1,000 tiny pieces
and then cast you to the wind
and I have to say
it was so disappointingly easy.
- [guard] What did she say?
- [Nettle] Hyzenthlay, Thethuthinang,
- and that new doe.
- They said that?
Yes. Yes, it's all of them.
You did the right thing telling us.
[sighs] Nettle.
- Come on, keep moving!
- [grunts and pants]
So, Prince Rainbow let the rabbits
out of the marshes of Kelfazin
and now nothing on earth can keep
a rabbit out the vegetable garden.
Especially if he's a member
of the Efrafan Owsla.
Thlayli. Sainfoin said you were
a storyteller at your old warren?
- [guard 1] Come on Thlayli, tell a story!
- [guard 2] Come on. Give us a story.
All right.
Okay. Okay. [clears throat]
El-Ahrairah needed a trick
- Captain Orchis, sir!
- As you were.
Thlayli was telling us a story, Captain.
Thlayli. [chuckles]
Which one of you is Thlayli?
Campion has told me all about you.
Little big for a storyteller, aren't you?
You must be very good. [chuckles]
Carry on.
[clears throat]
- So, El-Ahrairah needed a clever trick
- No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
Now, if you're going to tell
a story about a trick
why don't you tell the story about how you
were tricked last night by the does, hm?
[chuckles] Sorry, my apologies, Thlayli.
It's a joke. It's a joke. My apologies.
[chuckles] Right.
Continue. Continue, please.
- Uh, he needed a trick to convince
- Oh, no. no, no, no.
I've decided I don't want to hear
a story about El-Ahrairah.
Which story would you like to hear, sir?
I want to hear the story about how
you led a homba on to Campion's patrol,
a fox which killed three members
of his scouting group.
It was an accident, sir.
I didn't know they were in the woods.
You're from the other warren,
aren't you, Thlayli?
Which other warren, sir?
The one with Captain Holly, the one
responsible for the death of my brother.
I don't know any Holly.
My warren was destroyed by men, sir!
Again! [laughs]
Now, I'll ask you one more time.
What do you know of the other warren?
All I know is that my warren
was destroyed by men, sir!
You've a yona's mile to go
before you earn my trust, Thlayli.
But I know just the way you can start.
Hazel, we need to leave.
I know Clover.
She'll find a way to get out.
We don't even know
if Bigwig and Clover are still alive.
Even if they did escape,
we have no way to flee from the Efrafans.
No, you can't. Fiver? Fiver, tell them.
You know yourself
this is no country for rabbits, Hazel.
The heat's crushing us like a giant paw
and the storms will be here before long.
I can't give up on her.
She didn't give up on me.
You walked miles to get here
on an injured leg
and stuck it out amongst the marsh
and the heat and the humans.
I know you'd wait here forever for Clover
and if you say stay, we stay.
But if we leave,
know that we gave it our all, brother.
No one can say we didn't.
We'll pass back under the Iron Road
and then to the south, to avoid Efrafa.
[grunts and pants]
Thlayli, you want to earn my trust
You will be the one who ends her.
[doe singing ballad in distance]
[doe singing softly]
I'm ordering you to stop right now!
[continues singing]
- [thunder]
- [singing]
Do you have any last requests?
I do have a request.
I'd like to speak to Nettle.
[doe singing]
Guard! Find out where that singing
is coming from and put an end to it!
Please, would you give me some space?
Go to the west side of the warren
as fast as you can.
They're breaking free, all of them. Go!
Thlayli, deal with this quickly.
Sainfoin, if he hesitates, kill him, too.
We're going to break free
west side of the warren.
Sir! Sir! There's a mass escape attempt
in progress to the west of the warren.
I'm rounding up as many guards as I can.
It's fine.
Tell Holly I'll be with him
when he closes his eyes.
[does chant] We shall be free!
We shall be free! We shall be free!
I'm ordering you!
- We shall be free!
- Stop right now!
We shall be free! We shall be free!
- I'm ordering you!
- We shall be free!
We shall be free.
You know, Hyzenthlay,
some rabbits are subtle and cunning.
Some are good at tricks,
but I'm not one of them.
Look at my face.
Look how rough and worn it is.
Look at my scars.
I'm not a saboteur or a storyteller.
I'm Bigwig! I'm a fighter!
And, by Frith, I'll be damned if
I'll leave this world doing anything else!
I don't know what you think you're doing,
but it ends now. [grunts]
Mm. In the last two days,
you have cuffed me in the face
- [grunts]
over and over again.
And it's been incredibly frustrating!
- [grunts]
- [chuckles] Oh, how I've longed for this.
[pants softly]
Do you have any fight left in you?
The tunnels are empty.
They've taken the bait!
Quickly! It won't be long before
they realise what's happening.
Stop! What are you doing down here?
So, here's the deal. I'll only kill
whichever one of you I catch first.
[both whimper]
You must be the one they call Thlayli.
You can call me Bigwig.
I've got one question for you.
Can you fight?
I've got claws and teeth, haven't I?
I like you already.
I'm going to see to it personally
that every single one of you is punished.
[thumping and groaning]
[soft gasp]
You fancy coming out for a stroll?
Everyone back to your marks now!
We've been tricked.
Hyzenthlay! They said
they'd hurt the does if I didn't.
I never gave them any names.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry.
Hazel, it's Bigwig,
and he's with the others!
Hazel! [gasps]
Oh, Clover! Is it really you?
I'm not going to let you
out of my sight from now on.
These Efrafans are fast, big
and they know how to cover ground.
If they catch up with us
[nervous breathing]
So, we finally meet, Thlayli.
[soft gasps]
They told me you weren't a fighter,
but I know a fighter when I see one.
I'm going to take great pleasure
in killing you.
[thunder cracks]
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