Wave Makers (2023) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Regarding biomass power generation,
the attribution of responsibility
for the test abnormalities that caused
accidents has attracted much attention.
-Lung, where's my Public Opinion Weekly?
-How would I know?
-Why did you take it?
Ms. Ya-ting asked us to make LINE photos
for the group chat.
I'm looking for meaningful quotes.
It's nice, right?
Listen, it's a bombshell.
Mr. Chen, are the words on this sign fine?
Change "faking" to yellow.
-Okay, no problem.
-Add a black frame.
-Mr. Chen, choose a tablecloth
for the press conference later.
Why are these the only colors?
Are we having a funeral?
-Black. For Sun Ling-hsien's funeral.
-Mr. Chen, here are the photos.
-Take a look.
-What's this?
Black smoke from burning BPL secretly.
It looks edited. Get a new one.
Why are you still here?
The chairperson is giving a speech
in NTU later.
I'm still confirming some things.
And there is still stuff to do
after the press conference.
Okay, I got it. Thank you.
Let's make a bet. How many percent
will the polls drop for the MHD?
Less than one.
Are you that pessimistic?
It should be at least 5%.
You're thinking too much.
The public doesn't care
if the plant produces power or not.
They just need their phones to have power.
And if anyone dies today,
that news would cover this one.
You're too pessimistic.
President Sun, we have a question.
What happened to the biomass plant?
The grand opening was two months ago.
But based on the weekly journal's report,
it's still not being used until now.
How much power does this
500 million dollars power plant generate?
Ministry of Economic Affairs,
please explain, don't evade it.
some people have already photographed
black smoke at the BPL recycling site.
This smells like burned plastic.
Is Sun Ling-hsien's administration
trying to poison our people?
Is our air pollution not enough?
Why didn't anyone make an inspection?
Sanmin, Yi-hsuan.
Excuse me.
We've just received breaking news.
The Ministry of Justice will execute
five death row inmates.
What's the Justice Party's
response to this?
But you're already very slim.
It's so dirty here.
I'm dumbfounded.
What the heck?
If I had known,
I wouldn't have worn white shoes today.
-Okay, give me a second.
Utterly evil BPL.
There's "deep seawater."
Deep BPL.
-Take photos first.
Mountain water.
Hello, Yi-an.
Mao, Wei, and I are protesting
at the Ministry of Justice.
Where are you?
I'm at work.
Did you see the news?
They're executing five people
this morning.
I know. It's crazy.
That's the MHD's old trick
to divert attention.
Hao is here too.
Yi-an, are you coming? We'll wait for you.
I can't, I'm at the beach.
Aren't you at the party headquarters?
I'm a minor party staff.
I was sent to film garbage videos.
If the police don't take us away,
we'll be here until noon.
Call me when you're back in the city.
I'll probably go back
to the headquarters directly.
Fine, do whatever you want.
Ask the party to issue a statement
to condemn this.
I'll try.
Yi-an, we're counting on you.
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
What's the matter?
What happened?
Film me.
Film me.
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
BPL isn't a tool to defraud votes!
Ya-ching. How is it going?
-Almost everyone is upstairs.
I went to the pantry this morning.
If I'm lucky, I may be able to get proof.
But I'm sorry,
if I want to get surveillance footage,
does the authority lie in our party
or the management committee?
-We can ask the management committee.
-Ms. Weng.
These damn kids
who claim to be future elites,
don't cause trouble for me.
But it became such big news today.
Will they ask the chairperson
about the death penalty abolition?
That's what I'm afraid of.
So I told them beforehand
that we won't accept live questions.
If they want to ask questions,
they have to give me the question list.
Ms. Weng.
I wonder if this would be fine with you.
What is it?
Before announcing information
about this talk,
the Student Council's representative
and speaker questioned me at our meeting.
They suspect that the Student Council
is promoting a particular candidate.
To avoid controversy,
the Student Council would like to be open
to live questions today,
-then live stream the whole thing--
Live questions and live stream?
-Yes, in the meeting, the representative--
If you want to change it to that,
you must inform me in advance.
When I talked to you this morning,
didn't you say there was no problem
with the question list?
I think you spoke
to our Academic Director.
-His main authority lies--
-I'm not…
It's okay.
I'll handle it. I'll ask, okay?
I'm going to kill them.
All right.
Unexpected things always occur
in an election.
But I believe the weekly journal's exposé
today still hurts Sun Ling-hsien a lot.
In many web portals and news websites now,
Sun Ling-hsien's support rate
is still above 70%.
That's because
of the death penalty execution.
The public is very happy.
It will drop later on.
So no one cares about the power plant.
Everyone is discussing the death penalty.
-Damn them.
-We're back.
-Shi-min, Yi-an.
-Mr. Chen.
-Mr. Chen.
-What happened to you?
-Keep the camera.
-How was it?
-Did you get a lot of BPL photos?
Yes, we got some.
We're counting on you.
Defeat the MHD.
You can do it.
Thank you for your hard work.
Good work.
-Well done.
-You're so wet.
Fuck, the weather is crazy.
There are a lot.
This is nice, Yi-an.
Mr. Chen.
All my former social movement juniors
are protesting
in front of the Ministry of Justice.
We also support
the death penalty abolition.
Let's issue a statement.
We can't.
Or maybe
-we can use--
I know that you have ideals
and ambitions.
But this is an election.
If we lose,
we won't have an administration.
Then there's no point in talking
about the death penalty abolition, right?
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes!
BPL isn't a tool to defraud votes!
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes.
It's not.
Do you want some?
Hello, Wen-fang.
The death penalty isn't a tool
to defraud votes.
The death penalty really isn't a tool
to defraud votes.
Be nice.
Be good.
Please welcome
the Justice Party's chairperson,
Ms. Lin Yue-chen.
Yes, the building surveillance cameras.
We'd like to see it.
Okay, that's all for now.
In the past, I was just like you.
At the university,
I was often an audience of speeches.
At that time,
we didn't dare to ask questions.
Because we were required
to have the same values.
And we didn't have the opportunity
to discuss it openly this way.
That was a dangerous era
when having your own thoughts
will get you into trouble.
But it's different now.
I believe in dialogues.
That's why I'll reserve some time later.
Because I want to hear your opinions too.
Today, we are going to talk about
-When the chairperson stands on stage,
-women in politics.
-she's completely different.
-Taiwan already has a female president.
-Of course. She's a candidate.
-It's already equal.
-She must face this.
-Do we have equal rights
-just because a woman became president?
-She must be able to handle any situation.
Do you know
that the proportion
of female government officials
is less than 10%?
This means that in terms of Taiwan's
current political environment,
we're still a long way
from the so-called gender equality.
People would often ask me,
"As a woman,
is it particularly difficult to be in such
a masculine political environment?"
I said, "Yes, that's right."
It's precisely because it's difficult
that we can't back down all the more.
We must work harder and persevere more.
Thank you, sir.
Can you save this part for me?
-Sure, no problem.
-Okay, thank you.
Okay, thank you, Ms. Lin,
for that wonderful talk.
Let's give Ms. Lin
a round of applause, okay?
We found the video.
-Okay, next is the Q and A portion.
-Thank you.
Any questions from anyone?
The person over there.
Ms. Lin, I'd like to ask,
do you support
the death penalty abolition?
-Don't mess around.
-Sit down.
-My gosh.
What's going on?
It's Q and A time.
-Q and A time.
-Respect freedom of speech.
-Everyone, sit down.
-Q and A time.
Sit down.
-Sit down.
-It's okay. We can discuss this.
We need more room for dialogue anyway.
No rush, take your time.
I'll answer.
But if you stand like this,
I'm afraid you'll block those at the back.
Unless they don't want to see me.
That's not the case, right?
Before answering your question,
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
I support the death penalty abolition.
Can you tell me your reason?
The crime rate has nothing to do
with the death penalty.
It's more related to economic conditions
and unemployment rate.
Okay, thank you.
What about you?
Humans are the ones judging the cases.
As long as humans are judging them,
justice will be miscarried.
If justice is miscarried in one case,
there can't be a death penalty.
What about the victims' human rights?
What if the evidence is conclusive?
Can you go and study?
Shut up.
These questions are all very important.
I also agree that society needs
a rational debate process on these issues.
Whether to abolish the death penalty
or not is closely related
to prison reform,
social safety net, and the overall health
of our criminal justice system.
So it must be discussed in the context
-of overall judicial reform--
-I'm sorry.
We've heard this empty talk many times.
Ms. Lin, please answer the question.
-Ms. Lin, answer the question.
-Do you support death penalty abolition?
-Excuse me.
Regarding this question,
we're actually trying very hard
to discuss this too.
We must find
the largest cohesive consensus
in this society
-to slowly discuss…
-Wen-fang. I'll do it.
All right.
What kind of process do you think
the death penalty abolition
needs to go through?
Congress must amend the law.
We have a complete Congress
and Constitutional Court.
We are fortunate to have
these two avenues to respond
to problems encountered in the criminal
law system using democratic mechanisms.
Even the president
can't change the system
based on personal preference
or view.
Do you think
that democracy
can be decided by one person
and he can do whatever he wants?
Taiwan finally
got past martial law
and an authoritarian system.
So the government should be more cautious
when exercising public power.
People's lives are very precious.
We must treat them very seriously.
But unfortunately,
we see the current government
hastily using human life
to manipulate public opinion
and politics.
How can we build a better system
in the future?
How can we implement criminal law
to achieve fairness and justice
instead of serving the interests
of those politicians?
These are
the questions that my staff and I
are thinking about every day.
If I become the president,
I commit to building a healthy ecosystem
so that society,
including government agencies, the people,
and the families of victims,
can have a dialogue on the same platform.
This way, we'll have a chance
to find a common direction,
generate consensus,
and answer this question
about the death penalty together.
I firmly believe that as long as we work
toward this direction,
we can certainly build a country
that's more in line with our ideals.
After all,
you and I love this land.
Of course
we must love everyone on this land too.
I'm not sure if I heard it wrongly.
But the chairperson didn't express
her stance on the death penalty, right?
-She said so much nonsense.
-You're not mistaken. She really didn't.
-"Social consensus, administer by law."
-She won't say her stance.
-Politicians are all like that.
-She even mentioned her aides.
-She doesn't dare to express her stance.
-Exactly. It's useless.
-Thank you, Ms. Lin.
-Will they become Ms. Lin's anti-fans?
-Let's go.
-Three, two, one.
-It can't be helped.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-She already did what she could.
They want her to endorse it.
But how can she express her stance now?
After getting elected,
the president can ask
the Minister of Justice not to approve it.
Then there will be no death penalty
for at least the next four years.
If I were a death penalty supporter,
I'd be very disappointed.
Are you?
That was just theoretical.
I have no position on this.
I just think doing this
feels like we're deceiving the public.
If this deception
can at least suspend the death penalty
in the next four years
or make Taiwan a better place,
do you think this deception
is acceptable to you?
But people with great power
and high status
should choose to lie less, right?
This will harm a lot of people.
By harming a lot of people, you mean…
In terms of an election,
maybe deciding
not to express her stance is right.
It's just that
I really don't like the feeling
of being deceived and lied to.
Neither do I.
Of course, if you could get elected
by telling the truth 100%,
that would be the best.
But most people
only see appearances.
Some things just can't be said.
Some emotions just need to be controlled.
How to handle and balance it
is probably the hardest part of politics.
Thank you.
-Let's talk again sometime.
-I have to go.
Take care.
Why would someone suddenly ask that?
It's all over the news.
Everyone wants to know your stance.
Ms. Lin, I think you said it so well.
Of course I know your view
on the death penalty.
But over 80% of the people in Taiwan
support the death penalty now.
That's why I told you,
in enforcing the death penalty now,
the government is just diverting the focus
from today's weekly journal exposé.
In the next few days,
I think the news will keep bringing up
Luzhou's case.
Organizations supporting the death penalty
abolition will also make a lot of noise.
I think Mr. Wang would also…
Our next itinerary
is the Three Gorges Chiang Wen-yue
Memorial Hall opening speech.
You're having dinner
with the Secretary-General tonight.
He wants to discuss
the vice president candidate with you.
Give me the draft
for Chiang Wen-yue's opening speech.
Mr. Chiang Wen-yue
was an important musician in Taiwan.
He was an important asset to Taiwan.
He was also the Three Gorges' pride.
The Three Gorges
is very lucky to have a legislator
like Weng Jen-hsiung
who's committed to cultural preservation.
Under Jen-hsiung's
great coordination efforts,
we were finally able
to preserve Mr. Chiang's former residence
and founded the Memorial Hall today.
As Taiwanese,
we must know the history
of Taiwanese people.
We have too many
historically significant buildings
that aren't well preserved.
It's difficult for someone without a view
of history to grasp the future.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
How is the situation here?
We're steadily in the lead, don't worry.
When the time comes that you need
the party headquarters' help,
tell me.
-Che-cheng, come here.
-I'm coming.
This is my junior, Che-cheng.
We're planning to let him run
for councilor after two years.
He's helping me now.
That's great.
…kids who want to prepare a gift
for their moms.
So for task types,
there are a variety of designs.
Like sections for uploading pictures,
text creation, and quizzes.
We hope that through these tasks,
we can clearly get interactions.
Our customers can also…
Call him
anytime you need him.
In the future,
our party's campaign activities here…
The second text creation section
has a messaging activity.
Fill in the blanks, message relay,
and design the dialogue. The main thing…
I'm counting on you.
No, this is nothing.
…increasing engagement with regulars
and solidifying their cohesion.
It has been a long time.
-Ms. Wen-fang.
-It has been a long time.
Ms. Wen-fang, well…
The overpass was demolished.
That's more convenient for my mom.
That's great.
Did you apply for a subsidy?
Yes, we got it.
You must take care of yourself.
You must run again.
You're so talented
and beautiful.
Thank you.
-Okay, I'll think about it.
-Not yet.
Thank you.
You're so enthusiastic.
Why don't you run for office?
No, I still have a lot to learn
from Wen-fang
before I can become a good councilor
-and serve you.
-Mr. Yung.
-It has been a while.
-Ms. Han.
Yes, Che-cheng is so talented.
You must support him.
-Yes, did you hear that?
She said so herself.
-You must run
-Thank you.
since you're capable.
It's too soon for me to run as councilor.
Now, let's just support
Mr. Weng Jen-hsiung well, okay?
-Thank you for coming out and running.
Okay. No problem.
-Okay, he'll definitely win.
Yes. Just vote for Jen-hsiung this time.
Ms. Lin.
I still can't figure it out.
The voters clearly love me.
And I serviced them well.
But in the end,
why did I lose?
Six years ago,
I was re-elected as mayor of New Taipei.
I had the highest approval rating
in the country.
But I lost
to the Democracy and Peace Party.
That was a huge blow to me.
Why do you think
they didn't vote for me?
Because the people have poor taste.
It's because most voters are irrational.
We're not belittling them.
It's reality.
Why should they vote for you
just because you did well?
You can't guarantee that your opponent
will do worse than you either.
But you think
you can do better than others.
That's why you're running for re-election.
That's true.
But voters aren't obligated
to vote for you.
It's the same no matter how well you do.
That's how a democratic society is.
Some people will just vote
for the Democracy and Peace Party.
Some will just vote for the Justice Party.
And some will only vote
for good-looking people.
In a democratic society,
these are all allowed.
We must accept them.
Just like we must accept
that a borough chief
can influence a few hundred voters.
This is the current situation in Taiwan.
If you want to continue in politics,
you'd better accept it
as soon as possible.
Of course I know
I'd get elected if I apologize.
But I don't want to give in
and please certain people just to win.
It sounds like you just didn't have
enough desire to win.
Is there no way to win
without giving in and pleasing people?
…it must be discussed in the context
-of overall judicial reform--
-I'm sorry.
We've heard this empty talk many times.
Ms. Lin, please answer the question.
-Do you support death penalty abolition?
Excuse me.
Regarding this question, we're actually…
Yi-an, what are you doing?
I'm going to buy coffee.
Get one for me too.
-What do you want?
-Iced Americano.
Thank you.
Tsai Yi-an.
Do you want some coffee?
It was buy one, take one today.
Thank you for lending me
your power bank the other day.
It's no big deal.
It's fine.
Thank you.
Is this your look?
I especially had this look set up.
I thought you might interview me.
Where's my coffee?
Shut up.
-I'll get going first.
-Go ahead.
Reporters come and befriend us.
That's what they do.
Save it.
They would befriend the management level.
Why waste time on you?
-You're amazing.
-Shut up.
-Shut up.
-She's so pretty.
Shut your nose and your mouth.
You're back so fast?
Where's my iced Americano?
Just buy it yourself.
We'll go ahead.
-Take care.
-Good work.
Let's go.
How much longer?
A long time, can't you see?
I'll go ahead then, see you tomorrow.
Want to have dinner with us?
It's okay, you go ahead.
Don't give up.
Are you stupid?
She was my junior high classmate.
Then why does it seem like
she doesn't want to be friends with us?
How would I know?
When I posted an opening online before,
she contacted me.
We hadn't been in contact for ages.
I only realized then that we went
to the same high school.
Yi-an. We want to eat at Chicken Chief.
But it closes at eight o'clock.
Eight o'clock?
-It's seven o'clock now.
But I'm far from finishing this.
I was waiting for you to say that, buddy.
Help me finish it, okay?
This is very important.
You must finish uploading it.
I'm counting on you.
-Let's go. Hurry.
-Yi-an, bye.
When is your friend coming?
I'm not sure. Maybe a bit later.
Try the new drink first.
I think you'll like it.
This one is tea-based.
It mainly maximizes the tea's aroma.
Will it always be available?
No, only in these two months.
There are two kinds of liquor,
but it's very balanced.
It has a subtle
black tea tannin aftertaste.
It's quite refreshing. Try it.
-It's good, right?
-It's quite cool.
Call me if you need anything.
What are you drinking?
Tell me about it.
Do you come here often?
Miss, don't act this way.
Let's be friends, okay?
How about I buy you a drink?
See what you like.
Let's go out and have fun.
How about karaoke later?
-I'll buy you two drinks, okay?
-It's okay.
What are you doing?
That hurts.
Crazy woman.
Thank you.
It's crazy.
-The excavator was ready to demolish it.
-Damn, I really thought I'd die.
Did Tsai Yi-an come at that time?
No, he already graduated then.
He already had a job.
-He's wallowing in his own degeneration.
To put it nicely,
we all have battle stations.
He chose the easiest one.
Yes, why?
No, I even called him this morning.
I thought he'd come.
I'm here now.
Yi-an, you haven't eaten, right? Sit down.
-Come on, sit down. Here.
-It's okay. I'll leave after I'm done.
I'm really sorry
for not protesting in front
of the Ministry of Justice with you.
I was filming a garbage video
two hours away from Taipei by car.
All right, forget the garbage, sit down.
It's a garbage video!
Sun Ling-hsien introduced a bioplastic
that claims it can naturally decompose.
There's no way to decompose it.
Then she spent 500 million dollars
to build a power plant.
It can't generate any electricity.
I filmed the video to prove
that her policy is wrong.
I edited it all afternoon.
Everyone is off work.
And I was only able to upload it just now.
Let me say it again.
I'm sorry if I didn't protest
with you there.
Yi-an, that's not what I meant. Sit down.
It doesn't mean I don't care
about the death penalty and you guys.
All right, don't be mad anymore.
You think shouting slogans
can change the world?
If Sun Ling-hsien becomes president
for another four years,
let's see what you can change.
A bar is good.
There's a nice bar on Anhe Road.
-Let's go together.
-Let's go.
-Come on. It's still early.
I don't drink now.
-No. You had three drinks last time.
-Tsai Yi-an.
I ran into a friend.
Let's meet another day.
-Come with us.
Help me.
Don't look back.
Keep walking.
Who are they?
A friend of a friend.
A friend of a friend?
A friend of a friend.
I also joined all sorts
of social movements in college.
Don't they say this?
"If you're not a leftist before 30,
you have no conscience."
"If you're still a leftist after 30,
you're stupid."
-Let's drink.
But I'm only 24.
Don't talk about age in front of me.
-Drink it.
-I'm sorry.
I also ran around in the streets before.
But now, I realized that
that isn't the only choice.
I know.
I just wanted to tell them earlier
that our goal is the same.
We just have different methods.
Is that so hard to understand?
Forget it.
They just want to be heroes.
They want to defeat those
who have a different view from them.
Do you want to be a hero?
You can't be a hero.
No, why would I be a hero?
-I'll stop you from being a hero.
-Why would I?
Why would I want that?
Why did you join a political party then?
I want to…
I'm afraid
that I'd forget my initial intention.
That's what I'm afraid of now.
-Don't record it.
-Don't block it.
-Don't film me.
Don't block it.
Okay, Mr. Tsai Yi-an.
What is your initial intention
in joining politics?
…uploaded a video today
alleging failure of the BPL policy
promoted by the MHD government.
The beach is still full of garbage.
Mr. Chao, you majored
in environmental law.
What do you think?
Of course
we can find ways to improve
the garbage problem at the beach.
But after all,
BPL is a biodegradable material.
If the garbage on the beach
is made of plastic,
then that would cause a catastrophe,
just like in the past
-when the Justice Party ruled.
I'm in the environmental movement
-What do you want to talk about?
-for many years.
-Sit down.
-I've never thought
that economic development
and environmental protection
can both be achieved.
I know that it has been hard on you.
I'm often not home
and you do all the housework.
And I'm a scatterbrain.
I don't do what I say.
I couldn't do what I promised.
You told me not to force myself,
but I wouldn't listen.
I often created a lot of trouble for you.
And then?
I want to change.
You will change?
Yes, I will change.
Starting today.
I know I'm not a good husband and dad yet.
I admit that it's really hard
during the election period.
I'm entrusting this family to you.
You're entrusting it to me?
Yes, please.
This family really needs you.
You know, I bought
salted egg yolk tofu
from your favorite restaurant today.
You love this.
And this scrambled eggs with shrimp.
This fried rice is so good too.
I ate there earlier.
I've decided to live with my mom
until the election is over.
Do you know what project I'm doing now?
I must submit 40 drawings in two weeks.
Two weeks is okay.
Won't I have other projects after that?
This is my job.
After two weeks,
-there will be another two weeks.
-Yes, I think that's okay.
I just think…
I think a family should live together.
I'm not saying I don't want to.
It's just that living together now means
-I must do everything on my own at home.
Only then can I have a little time
to do what I want.
You don't need to do everything
on your own.
We can hire a cleaning lady.
I've checked, we can afford it.
Cleaning isn't the problem.
Just cooking for Yang-yang
is already very troublesome.
And he's in elementary school now.
I must check his homework daily.
So I really want to talk to the GZD.
Stop hindering Taiwan's progress
and development.
-The TV show is good, enjoy watching it.
-No, wait.
It's a work habit. I just peeked at it.
I'm sorry.
I think your work is very important.
I think my work is very important too.
Working from home doesn't mean
that I have more time
so I should do all the housework.
No, I'm really just quite busy now.
I can do everything after the election.
You can't help it if you're busy
and when you'll be busy, right?
We're both working.
It's peak season now.
If you really can't control yourself
and you can't understand this,
we can separate first too.
So I really want to talk to the GZD.
Stop hindering Taiwan's progress
and development.
Stop holding us back.
Does the GZD
want our beautiful island of Taiwan
to become an island of garbage?
can responsibly make a promise here.
We're willing to stand with people
who really love Taiwan
and do our best for this land.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to bother you at this hour.
It's fine.
You're a senior I really respect.
I know you're busy.
If you need anything, just tell me.
I'll get straight to the point then.
Our alliance
is hoping that you can sign this
death penalty abolition declaration
to express your stance.
Mr. Wang.
I can't sign this.
Actually, before coming here,
I also thought
that this would be hard on you.
But this issue is very important.
If you can sign and express your stance,
it will be very helpful to us.
To be honest,
I'm still 10% behind in the polls.
As the one on the losing side,
I don't have room for any mistakes.
If I express my stance now,
my polls won't go up.
And it will be more difficult
to catch up later on.
If you don't express your stance now,
how would we know
that you're different from Sun Ling-hsien?
Even if I can't say this publicly,
I can promise you this.
After getting elected, I'll do everything
to stop the death penalty implementation.
But Mr. Wang,
if I don't get elected,
I can't do anything at all.
Whatever I say would be useless.
Twenty-five years ago, I remember
we all protested
in the Ministry of Justice.
At that time, you didn't say
that you must become president
to change this society.
Why do you have to be president
to be able to do things?
Do you want to reform
or power?
I think
only you know the answer.
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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