Welcome to the N.H.K. (2006) s01e03 Episode Script

Welcome to the Beautiful Girls!

I lift my eyes a little and look into the sky
All I do is mutter every time
I turn my back on this perfect everyday life
Where am I supposed to go
With you who are giving me a look like that?
Shadows on back streets
Hands of a clock
Repaint the time that has been stopped
Extended hands, puzzle pieces that don't fit
Until the abandoned two reunite
Something that has been lost
Recover the last piece
Let's start walking
Erotic game?
If you don't like how it sounds,
you can also call it a "gal game" or "moe game."
I am Not L0li
The gist of the game is the
conquest of beautiful girls.
The gist of the game is the
conquest of beautiful girls.
Even I know that much, but still
Don't be surprised!
I'm a creator!
I don't know how to say this, but, it's like
I'm not very sure about showing her a gal game.
What do you mean by that?
I think she'll despise me, rather than be impressed
by me, if I show her a game like that.
"A game like that"?
She's gonna despise you if you
show her a game like that?
Sato-san, have you ever played a gal game?
No, never
That's what I thought.
That's why you can spout nonsense like that.
You know nothing!
This one, this one
This one too
This one too
This one and this one!
They're all made by the same company!
I'm sure you don't know about this,
but they're all big hits!
They have an office in a prime location in Roppongi
and over a hundred employees!
At present, they are at the forefront of the gaming
industry with an established reputation!
At present, they are at the forefront of the gaming
industry with an established reputation!
Embarrassing Royale
But it all started
But it all started
with this group gal game!
You've got to be kidding me!
Embarrassing Royale
You've got to be kidding me!
I am Not Loli
You've got to be kidding me!
Basically, gal games have hidden potential
to turn an amateur into a big creator
Basically, gal games have hidden potential
to turn an amateur into a big creator
without having to have a good academic
background or connections!
A big creator?
That's right! That is why we
must create a gal game!
We're gonna make it and go sell it.
It might not sell at all in the beginning
since we're still no-names,
I'm sure our game will eventually become
popular by word of mouth
and one day start selling like hotcakes!
Y You think so?
Sugar Cape
next winter convention.
It will be impossible to keep up with demand
doing only on-site sales.
It will be impossible to keep up with demand
doing only on-site sales.
If things come to that, the next step would
be forming our own company!
I see!
Sugar Cape
I see!
Then, we'll officially get into the
game production business
Then, we'll officially get into the
game production business
and start launching hit titles
one after another!
and start launching hit titles
one after another!
The number of employees will grow
as well as the size of the office!
The company will continue to grow!
Then we'll venture into anime production and
merchandising and score big again!
This years #1 seller!
School Comedy
Wanna challenge me?
Then we'll venture into anime production and
merchandising and score big again!
Then we'll venture into anime production and
merchandising and score big again!
Yes! Yes!
Then, at the same time we'll start to
embark on ventures abroad!
Eventually, we'll become a global company
everyone knows about!
Then, we'll leave our mark on history as the most
successful creators that ever existed!
We'll no longer be just a couple of regular guys
people can casually walk up to!
So what do you think, Sato-san?
Are you still making fun of gal games?
No! Gal games are the best!
Gal games are our ticket! Our one and only ticket!
Now that's the spirit!
Let's make a great gal game ourselves!
First, you must understand what makes a good gal
game in order to make an excellent gal game.
Memory Ann!
I've picked out my top ten gal games for you.
Try to play a few.
Yeah! I'm gonna play them all!
All right, it's finished installing.
First I have to enter my name, eh?
What is your name?
First I have to enter my name, eh?
My name is Sato Tatsuhiro.
Nickname is Tatchan!
Big Brother?
Big Brother!
I said, wake up, Big Brother!
It's morning already!
I'm her big brother?
She's pretty cute
Stay asleep
Jump out of bed
I shouldn't make a cute girl like her wait!
So the answer is B, of course!
Why did you get up like that all
of a sudden, Big Brother?
Oh, Sato-san What's up?
Yamazaki, those games you let me borrow
Did you slip in some G-rated games too?
No, I didn't.
Remember, I let you borrow them as
materials for game production.
They're all authentic gal games.
Then why I didn't see any scenes that
contained that "certain action"?!
I've spent hours and finally reached the ending!
I've spent hours and finally reached the ending!
All I saw was a couple of panty shots
and changing scenes!
What's up with that?!
Please clam down, Sato-san.
Let me guess. You picked the answers
you thought all the girls would like?
Well, that's because they're all so cute and
Normally, you're not supposed to be able to make it
with multiple girls at the same time in the gal game.
"He who grasps for everything,
attains nothing." Get it?
Is that how it is?
Emiri Okudaira
Ruri Ito
Sakurako Himori
Rumi Nanpa
First, pick your favorite girl.
Ruri Ito
Sakurako Himori
First, pick your favorite girl.
If you keep the game focusing on her,
you should be able to see good scenes.
Emiri Okudaira
Ruri Ito
Sakurako Himori
Rumi Nanpa
If you keep the game focusing on her,
you should be able to see good scenes.
If you keep the game focusing on her,
you should be able to see good scenes.
If you keep the game focusing on her,
you should be able to see good scenes.
Misao Honda
If you keep the game focusing on her,
you should be able to see good scenes.
Misao, huh?
All right, I've picked my favorite!
I'm gonna tear your clothes off first!
Tell me what the hell is going on with this, Yamazaki!
I can't make it with Misao!
Just like you said, I gave everyone except
Misao the cold shoulder the whole time!
Just like you said, I gave everyone except
Misao the cold shoulder the whole time!
Just like you said, I gave everyone except
Misao the cold shoulder the whole time!
But then, my most important character
Misao stopped showing up!
But then, my most important character
Misao stopped showing up!
Huh? I can't be too cold to them either?
Then what am I supposed to do?
Hm, I see. Oh, I get it
Thanks, Yamazaki! I'll give it a try!
Mita House
I did it, Yamazaki! I finally saw the scene!
Good for you.
By the way,
what can I do to save this particular picture?
I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Hey, Misao, good morning!
You look pretty as usual today, Urara!
Oh, everyone's great!
I get it, this must be the world of gal games!
Sato-san! I know you're in there!
I'm coming in.
Hey, Yamazaki! Long time no see!
These gal games are fun!
No wonder you're crazy about them.
So, I'd really appreciate it if you'd let
me borrow them a little longer.
Hell, I have all the time in the world.
If you give me a month, I should be able
to clear ten or twenty gal games!
A month? Don't tell me you've forgotten
about the promise.
Huh? Promise?
You promised her that you're going to
show her the game we made!
Oh, I forgot about that
In creating a game,
you generally nail down the game-playing system
and the world overview of the game first.
You generally nail down the game-playing system
and the world overview of the game first.
However, when you make a gal game,
the element that takes first priority
is the characters!
It's not excessive to say that it's the charming and
unique array of beautiful girls that one presents
that determines whether the game is a hit,
or if it crashes and burns.
Now that I think about it, every one
of them was charming.
Especially, Misao
You have to come up with them, Sato-san!
Huh? Why me?
Because you're in charge of the scenario!
The person who writes the scenario is
supposed to come up with them!
Then what are you going to do?
Programming, music production, CG and
all the other miscellaneous tasks!
Basically, I'll take care of everything
except the scenario.
Good luck, dude
The girls I know are
Yugure Melon
Good grief
As if you were a dumb high school girl!
But I am a dumb high school girl.
Sure, I know you're trying to get into
Waseda University.
Say, Sato-kun
What is it?
Do you think you'd be sad if I died?
Sato-san! Can I talk to you for a sec?
Yeah, it's open.
I was hoping you could use these
to create characters.
They're my secret collections that
I've gathered on the internet.
Just go over them really quickly.
See ya.
Secret collection?
A collection of pictures, huh?
I guess she looks all right.
Whoa, whoa! Is this for real?
A cute girl like her?!
Could the next one be
This scene is imaginary
Is this all right?!
Don't tell me this girl too
This scene is imaginary
Th This ain't right
Is it possible that everything on this CD is
What the
Who would've thought I'd be able to see photographic
images with that level of awesomeness in Japan?
This is the world, eh?
Now that I think about it, Yamazaki was saying
that he found these on the internet.
If he can do it, so can I!
I'm coming to get ya, digital world!
Keyword search, commence!
Right there!
I'm not gonna let you get away!
It's probably okay tomorrow
Laughing is the first step, that's life
A big one! I gotta catch it!
It was probably okay yesterday too
For some reason I don't worry about what's past
I'm gonna get you with this!
I'm gonna get you with this!
Amidais probably okay
Amida is probably okay
Praying is the first step, that's how fortune works
Oh no!
Check out my light-speed mouse maneuver!
Hopes are probably okay too
I'm gonna collect them
I'm gonna collect them all!
Because no one remembers your decisions
The Life of an Amorous Man!
Mita House
Uh, Yamazaki?
I've got a little problem.
Can I ask you for some advice?
I was deleting all the files I don't need,
then all of a sudden it froze up.
You deleted the system file!
You do need that, you know!
Well, I've never seen that file name
extension, so I figured
First of all, the games I've lent you were pretty
much the only things on your system,
so your hard drive had a lot of room.
I don't understand why you had to delete files.
Well, actually it got full as I was
collecting materials
"Materials," huh?
It should be fine now.
Thank god You're a lifesaver, Yamazaki.
By the way, what kind of material did you collect?
H Hey!
Don't look! Hey!
Don't look! Hey!
Eguchi? Moroboshi? Lo
Eguchi? Moroboshi? Lo
My friends' personal information is in there,
so you can't look!
You don't have friends!
I wasn't getting much inspiration from
the materials you had given me, so
So, you stayed locked up in here for a week straight
and collected these types of images.
I guess you could say that.
You didn't take a bath or eat.
Sato-san, are you stupid or what?
All right, it can't be helped that you're hikikomori,
but even I wouldn't lock myself up in here for a week
and collect 120GB worth of girls' photos!
Quite honestly, I don't think it's normal!
Yeah, but Nozomi is so pretty and
Kiyomi is unbelievably wild and
Rika is the cutest and
Sato-san, get a hold of yourself!
Do you realize what people would think of
you if they saw you like this?
Right now you're just an ugly,
pitiful and filthy-Iooking pervert!
Not to mention, you're the worst hikikomori loser!
My childhood dream was to become a scholar
and do something to help others.
So, how the hell did this happen to me?!
You must face reality, Sato-san!
Face reality?
Good grief, how did he even
He should focus his passion on something else!
This isn't bad at all
S Sato-san?
I have to face reality!
Yamazaki, you bring your own digital camera too!
I thought you were hikikomori!
It's not time to be hikikomori right now!
Yamazaki, what did you call me earlier?
Um, an ugly, pitiful and filthy-Iooking pervert.
I'm about to do something
only a pervert would do!
Yamazaki, take pictures of me!
Take pictures of me and show them to me!
Why would you want me to do such a thing?
I don't understand what you're trying to do at all.
A man won't be able to change
unless he faces reality!
Looking at pictures of myself, taken by you,
will make me see myself as others see me
and I'll probably fall into a state of self-hatred.
But I'm sure that self-hatred could be turned into
an energy that could change who I am right now!
I am I am
I am going to
Break free of this darkness!
Class is now over.
Soon girls will be coming through the gate.
I will take pictures of them.
The so-called "sneak pictures."
What do you think?
Isn't that just what an ugly, pitiful and
filthy-looking pervert would do?
I'm ugly, right? I'm pitiful, right?
But that is exactly who I am right now!
How did this happen?
I wanted to have a normal, healthy life.
Here they come, Yamazaki!
Listen, be sure to take pictures
of me doing this, all right?
What are you doing, Sato-kun?
Like I said, I'm taking sneak photos of girls!
Yamazaki? Yamazaki?
You mean the guy who was standing here?
He covered his face and ran away.
Um, Sato-kun
Are you, by any chance,
into young girls?
No, I'm not!
I had no choice! I had to do it to collect materials!
Remember I told you that I'm a creator, so
Oh yeah
Now that I think about it, taking all the girls' photos
is part of the material gathering process.
That's the truth!
What's that?
What a moron!
That's nasty!
I gotta go home, right now!
I could help you, you know?
Just like I thought, you're that kind of person.
N No! That was just a spinal reflex, and
No, I mean,
This is for gathering materials! I have no choice!
But I guess it's better that way
Yeah, in fact, it's perfect for my
project if you're that way.
What? What?
Let's meet again.
Don't do anything that would get
you in the news, okay?
What the hell is up with her?
I don't get it!
Episode 03
Welcome to the Beautiful Girls!
Ababa, ababa, ababa, dancing baby human!
When we were born naked
When we were born naked
We were all loved equally
Just as it's supposed to be
But why, as life goes on
But why, as life goes on
Each destiny takes a different path
It's almost cruel
Some can look at other's eyes
While others can't
Some get to learn love
While others don't
If that's how it is
I'd rather be
A baby, a baby human till I die
"Oh, what an adorable baby!"
"I just want to love you!"
Just like I planned!
It worked perfectly!
The baby she is holding is really a baby human
"Ababa!" I snicker to myself
Hiding in my pretended innocence
It's so easy to be a baby human
So you should be one too!
Ababa, ababa! Dance, multiply
And take it to space!
To Mars
To Saturn
To the galaxy!
Baby human!
Baby human!
What's up with this town?
Long time no see, Sato-kun.
This is the sub-culture that Japan prides itself on!
Next episode,
"Welcome to the New World!"
Next Episode
Welcome to the New World!
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