Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Everything Comes with a Price

Where are you going?
I'm going out.
So you won't tell me where you're going?
Someone has wronged nature.
And I must settle the score
on nature's behalf.
What's that supposed to mean?
That Finn will keep losing sheep until
the blood money for Horagallis is paid.
You promised me not to cause
any more drama because of that mutt.
You must leave Finn alone.
We should look forward
That dog has a name. It is Horagallis.
You are my woman now,
and my woman backs me in everything.
Without batting an eyelid,
questioning me or making demands.
Is that clear?
-Hello. It's Kari.
-Kari Hungerholt?
-Fix & Move. We have found the error.
-A typo.
Your account number
didn't match our records, obviously.
-Surely that's not my fault?
-I'm not trying to blame anyone.
I'm just letting you know
that it was due to an error
which has been sorted,
and your boxes are on their way.
-Okay. Sure. Thanks.
I shouldn't have told you
about Dad and Horagallis.
You are a child.
A child's job is to go to school,
do homework,
play and do as they're told.
Everything else is the job of adults.
The adults deal with adult problems,
and children deal with their stuff.
That's how the world works.
You won't tell anyone about it?
You should stop thinking about it.
And you'll miss the bus, so hurry!
-I'll be done in a second.
-It's just
the earrings.
What are you talking about, Ingrid?
The earrings you gave me.
The ones with the white stones.
I'm not quite sure
which earrings you're referring to.
They're gone.
I always put them in the white bowl
so I know where they are.
Nothing makes sense!
This is not the way it should be.
Dear My dear.
I think you're having
one of your muddled days.
Do you remember
what the doctor said?
You forget things that are real,
and remember things that never happened.
The ones with the white stones.
It's your condition.
Your dementia is playing tricks on you.
Hi, Willman.
Hi, Dagrun.
I've brought chocolate. Perfectly fine,
just a little past the expiration date.
The last time you were here,
you had a fit, didn't you?
Ingrid was upset
for the rest of the day.
She's my sister.
-She's familiar with my fits.
She's not herself anymore.
She keeps insisting
that things disappear.
Today she's going on
about some earrings.
Dementia is not a pleasant disease.
I am so glad that she has you.
Hi, Unna. This is for you.
I have diabetes.
Type 2.
Well, that's not a pleasant disease.
Any news?
Yes, five reports from people
claiming to have seen the wolf.
And Stein may have brought in
two new prostitutes.
Rumors, Unna. You should care less
about rumors. I focus on facts.
They're from Albania. Their names
are Drita and Elena, apparently.
Well, this is Drita.
Right. Drita.
Does she speak Norwegian?
You won't get
any Norwegian hookers here!
One, two Oh, sorry.
I have to drive Elena to another job.
I'll be back in half an hour.
I expect you to treat Drita
with respect.
No kisses on the mouth,
no violence or perversions.
What do you mean by that?
I mean there will be no pissing
in anyone's face, Lars.
Half an hour.
Hey! Could you give me
20 minutes extra?
-What did you say?
-The pill needs time to work.
Fuck, you only just took it now?
But suppose if you were late?
I'd be sitting here, flag at full mast.
The effect wears off, Stein.
And it's 50 kroner a pill.
I'll give you ten minutes.
Not a second more!
-And just this once.
We wait twenty.
Yes, is this a good time?
We rung and knocked on the door.
You didn't hear a thing.
This is Elena. She is experienced,
flexible, and knows her stuff.
Treat her with respect.
No violence, no perversions,
and no kissing on the mouth.
Half an hour.
It's a bog. It's bottomless.
It swallows everything.
Didn't you see the signs?
No, Mr Policeman, I didn't.
You see, I'm Sámi,
and I wanted to show my girlfriend
one of our sacred places.
The bog is a sacred place.
Bloody hell.
We call it The Wolf's Mouth.
How cool!
-Well, let's see
-Here, something for your trouble.
-I'm the sheriff. Just doing my duty.
It's up to you.
Finn isn't a sheriff.
He'd love to get a reward.
-I don't want anything.
-Don't put on airs, now.
Accept their token of gratitude.
-That's great. Thanks for the help.
-You're welcome.
I have a dead sheep on the flatbed.
Could have been the wolf
we were talking about.
-Bilzi shot it through the head.
-Someone may well have shot your sheep.
It was Bilzi.
But without witnesses, we can't be sure.
Hey! I'll take half of that.
Listen up, students. The sheriff
sent out a warning about that wolf.
So don't wander into the woods alone.
And we'll be performing at the bazaar.
But I thought we could do something
more modern this year. Something funky.
Just a love song, a pop song.
Think about it until next time. Bye!
Are you okay?
I want you guys to see me
as more than a teacher.
I want to be seen
as an adult you can talk to.
To whom you can talk about problems.
Any kind of problem.
My mom left my dad
because he punched her in the face.
Because she slept with someone else.
We then moved in with that other man.
My dad drinks,
and my mom's new boyfriend seems kind,
but I feel guilty for being so happy
with the man who ruined my dad's life.
And then my dad ran over his dog.
I think he feels so guilty
that he's drinking more than he used to.
Mom says that I shouldn't get involved,
so now I don't know what to do.
Did it feel good to vent a little?
Do you want a hug?
No thanks.
It always feels good
to put things into words,
to work out which problems
you want to solve.
"I go to school."
"I am in the second grade."
What did you get?
I got one with a ball gag.
Dressed in latex and wool socks,
with a white ass
in need of a good spanking.
Drita, I have a customer for you later.
And Elena, you have an appointment
at the motel tonight.
Yes, I'd like a room.
Okay, for how many nights?
No, just
Just for an hour.
-Hi, Finn.
Nine hundred for the hour,
and 500 for the room.
Thank you, Finn.
I'll wait in reception.
Go wash first.
-No, but I have washed.
-Not enough. You smell like sheep. Go.
I don't smell.
Go wash, then we'll have fun.
But I'm clean.
-No, you're not clean. Go wash again.
-No, I'm clean!
I'm sorry.
Here. Hey. Go care Go careful.
I'm sorry.
Hi, there's been an accident in
In room number 11.
Look. New one.
What the fuck is going on here?
Come with me. Come on.
What the fuck's going on with you, Finn?
I suggest we keep this to ourselves.
I'll come by tomorrow,
then we'll settle this like adults.
Håvard really knows
how to fix a broken face.
He's an undertaker?
I mean, he can make dead people
look not
not that dead.
Okay. What exactly happened?
-Accident at work.
-Drive her to a hospital!
-They'll ask too many questions.
-Of course.
Much better than you
come barging in here with
a bloody hooker
who needs stitching up!
Okay. Can you
Can you come here and sit. Please.
-The chair.
Okay. Take it down, please.
Yes, this needs stitching.
Suture here.
You're blocking the light, Stein.
Move away.
I am a man with a gun.
But I don't need to threaten you,
because you're about to
do the right thing, Finn.
I paid 50,000 kroner for Elena.
Now she's damaged goods,
so you must pay me 50,000 kroner.
I don't have 50,000 kroner.
We're Norwegians.
We live in one of the wealthiest
countries in the world.
The oil fund just passed
10 trillion kroner.
Any Norwegian can dig up 50,000 kroner.
Call your bank. Now.
A sheep is a ruminant mammal.
A sheep has four stomachs.
Reticulum, omasum, abomasum and rumen.
Food from Grillslottet.
Chicken and fries.
And some ketchup for the fries.
What about a "thank you"?
Your laundry is over there.
You know,
I can be outside the house waiting,
but I can't be inside the room
when you're fucking, can I?!
I've already told you!
This is not my fault!
This is not my fucking fault!
-What should we do?
There's no "we".
Find yourself that Norwegian man,
but don't forget the pepper spray.
That's what you should do.
Please pass the ketchup.
-How many do you want?
Seeing the lid slide over him
made me happier than I've ever been
since I married the bastard in 1971.
One more time?
-Håvard, I'm up here.
-Hi, Helene.
-What is it?
-I've brought with me
a donation for the church bazaar.
You're being very generous this year.
I don't want you
to hear this from anyone else,
so I'm just going to say it like it is.
We're pregnant.
Or rather
Kjersti is pregnant.
That's how it is.
You got over our divorce fast enough.
We were married for a mere 17 years,
then you found someone else. It happens.
You tried to pay off
your guilty conscience
so that you could enjoy
your new wife in peace
and look forward to all
the wonderful things you have in store.
Helene. Helene! Listen.
I only want the best for you.
I think returning the favor
would do you good.
He doesn't want any couples' therapy.
We are members of the state church
and pay our taxes.
So we should get help from the vicar,
not a therapist charging us
through the nose
to tell me that I should
do the dishes more often.
What's the problem in your relationship?
I mean
We sort of don't have
a whole lot of sex.
-None at all.
-Oh come on, Sverre. We do.
No, we bloody well don't.
Have you considered a divorce?
Losing interest
is usually just the beginning.
Then you stop talking,
there's no intimacy, no affection.
Just two people sharing a fridge
and watching too much TV.
From there, it can get pretty difficult
to turn things around.
When one door closes,
other doors usually
close as well.
I think we should go see
that therapist after all.
Sverre? Hang on, Sverre.
Brand new slow juicer
from the Kitchen Specialist.
It'll do well at the auction.
I thought we could do some shooting.
I'm not really in the mood today.
Have you been drinking?
Just a little tired.
I thought that maybe you could
have a chat with Bilzi?
About what?
About what happened to Horagallis.
I know you don't like him, but
it could do you both good
if you just told him.
What are you talking about?
I saw the front of your car.
I saw blood and dog hairs.
Mom said
I shouldn't get involved, but
it often helps to talk about things.
To put things into words.
So it was you who snitched.
The snitch! That's fucking rich.
I'm no snitch, but when someone does
something wrong, they should apologize.
Take your crappy bike!
Get lost!
You don't betray your own father.
And yes, I am drunk.
I drink when it suits me.
Vodka. Cheers!
Stay away!
-Dagrun sells detergents, you know?
-I know.
It just feels nice
with a little life in the house.
So you pay me
to have someone to drink coffee with?
No, I've just had a lot on my mind.
It's not exactly like
I'm overrun with visitors here.
No. But where's your family?
They are
down south.
-What do they do in Norheimsund?
They are
I had a great conversation
with Marin today.
That girl truly reflects on things.
Oh yes. What is she reflecting on, then?
Well, she
It slipped out
that there have been
a number of changes in your lives.
And children tend to absorb
their parents' worries and conflicts.
What What conflicts?
No, it was just about the divorce.
And the new relationship.
And something about her dad and alcohol.
And then something about
a dog he ran over.
It was a positive conversation
about opening up.
About talking about things.
Putting them into words.
Hey, you.
Can you please stop blabbing
about our private life?
Our divorce doesn't concern anyone else.
Neither does your dad's drinking.
Learn to keep your fucking trap shut!
You walk around, yapping away!
Adult things are adult things,
and you're a child!
Learn to keep your fucking trap shut!
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?!
Fucking hell!
A thousand.
I'm in.
A thousand.
A flush of hearts.
All right, good luck.
-That's all for me.
-Me too.
A little full house.
It looks like
I have the best hand after all.
Good news!
You can pay me back what you owe me.
Good news, Willman.
This nearly covers your debt.
-Want to play Mexican Stud?
-Your wife called me that last night.
I brought you a cup of tea
You're not picking up?
Dad wants to talk to you.
She doesn't want to talk to you.
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