When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

When the Devil Calls Your Name
I'll vouch for your passing. Just go and sing like always, okay?
You're going to be fine, right?
Episode 3
Oh, that's really funny. What are you aiming for, an audition?
Are you threatening me for this? Even if you come, you won't qualify.
You're an extra for a real star. No need to come.
Don't come here! Never come!
Yes! I'm not going!
I'm not going so don't worry!
Thanks for coming to our So Hyi's 1st Birthday
♫ Someday it will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than in the mirror ♫
Yes, Dong Hui?
Hey, Kim Yi Gyeong, you know I haven't liked writing since I was in high school, right?
I'm the one who's been up all night, and I wrote a cover letter for you.
I wrote your cover letter!
If you're not going, give me the price of your makeup.
I paid them with a three months' installment plan.
Why don't you go? Why are you getting all dressed up and all made up and running to a kid's party?
- Why?
- A part-time job is about trust.
It's good to go wearing pretty clothes. It is also a performance.
I'm hanging up.
Was she really that ashtray?
She really is that ashtray Kim Yi Gyeong of Seongbok High.
Oh, my God. Shouldn't we tell Hee Soo?
Yes, right now. Or take her head, grab her and take her away.
- Okay, let's go. Let's drag her put.
- Let's go, let's go.
You've finished, haven't you? I'm in a hurry.
I don't usually do this, but I'll give you a chance to make an excuse, which means to celebrate
our new contract, because you feel sorry.
- So what is it now?
- You'll have to decide what to do.
It's nothing to do with me. It doesn't matter at all.
It doesn't matter. It doesn't
Kim Yi Gyeong!
Is it why you stood me up?
Does this suppress guilt?
If you're polite to apologize, it might be different for some people.
No, don't get out. Take this car home.
No, I can take the bus.
I don't have much to say.
Don't say anything, just do it.
I'm really
Oh, really, this pride!
Why is living so tiring?
She is getting a good night's sleep.
It's not a big deal. Just
lack of sleep?
All right.
Because you feel sorry.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Yes.
What are you doing?
It was beautiful today.
Look at that, you are so sensitive.
What? A call is coming in!
- It's the driving aide service.
- And what?
If she doesn't answer, she will lose business, right?
- Don't care unless you're going to run instead.
- You know she is a poor girl!
She is more stupid than she looks like, right?
Rather than these jobs, it will be wiser to learn one skill and have a proper job.
No, why are you mean when you've been nice?
That's the theory, Dude.
- Who called for a driver?
- Here, here.
I'll take care of you!
Driver Ha, pay attention.
- Uh? There are two drivers.
- We are a set.
Driver Ha?
Hey! Do you know how much this car cost?
- We are ready to leave.
- I know how much it costs.
Honey, I asked for a female assistant driver. But I have two men with me.
Customer, 20,000 won.
Honey, I'm scared. Don't hang up on me, okay?
Hey, can you lighten up your expression?
How could I have done the driving without a license?
No. Don't answer. If you do, I'll kill you.
- If you take one more drive, you will have made 100,000 won.
- I'll pay it to her.
I'll pay it. Let's stop, huh?
I hear you've been overworking.
What are you doing at night? You're not getting enough sleep.
Thank you.
I am sorry.
I'm going.
Huh? What is this?
I have a sensitive stomach, and it was left over.
It is near the expiration date. Don't look at me with that expression.
It is left over because today my stomach isn't sensitive.
Well, you also have to take your pills with food.
Thank you.
But, don't you hire a housekeeper? You have a lot of money.
Cleaning is done by a washing machine. Drying is done by a drier. Telephone can prepare food (delivery).
It's more efficient and convenient than calling a tired person.
I heard you boss people around pretty well, conveniently and efficiently.
When did I!
How long is that Kang Ha going to sleep?
I heard you had a very eccentric personality.
After being convicted of excessive self-defense, she was sentenced to six months in custody and probation.
The prosecutor tried to convict her of attempted murder.
[Because of domestic violence]
The court ruled she had only caused bodily harm and
[18-year-old attempts murder
after considering that she was an under-age victim of domestic violence, it suspended the sentence.
But how were you there yesterday?
Why didn't you come to the audition?
- You told me not to come.
- Why did you submit an application if you weren't coming?
My friend submitted the application.
- You haven't answered my question.
- Why do I have to answer every question?
Accidentally, when I was on my way home, we ran into each other. We're not strangers and it was time to go home anyway.
This country doesn't produce a drop of oil, so I felt like car-pooling with you. So please don't take it too seriously.
So you were doing a coincidental carpool.
That is it.
Thank you.
I was desperately begging yesterday.
I hoped someone would rescue me.
At that moment, PD appeared. Wow, I thought you were a real angel.
Well, whether by coincidence or whatever, I really thank you.
You don't need to thank me that much.
I owe you one so I will pay you back next time.
You're not in a position to thank me like that, are you?
It hasn't been so pleasant every time we've met.
That was that. I'm thanking you for something thankful.
My motto is to repay a kindness.
Don't you have any self-respect?
I left it at home for a while.
When you're a musician, how could you leave your self-respect at home for a while?
Instead, I carry self-esteem with me.
Why do you think I don't have my pride?
To be recognized by others, I cater to other's needs and get nervous and lose confidence.
I stopped doing that because it was difficult.
I just want to get acknowledged by me and live happily.
Well, overcoming a trauma,
that's important to me.
Do you have more porridge?
What kind of food made you think like that?
It's hard to earn enough to feed myself.
It's hard to breathe if you are picky.
So I just live that way, infinite affirmation.
Are you feeling better?
Yes, I'm all good.
Then go. After eating.
Why are you back?! Hold on.
How did he find out?
My time just became available.
Even if you are not a human, you should've called before visiting. You just do what you want—
We agreed to do lessons in the contract.
But we never said it would be today.
I am fine with it.
- Thanks for yesterday.
- Don't mention it.
I won't do that deal.
I like that deal. Work on my song for now, and I'll give you an additional 3 months.
- Then bring the substitute.
- What?
Bring me the soul contract of another person.
Then your soul will be free, freedom!
As for the lesson, I'll work on it diligently. The fan meeting—
I'll make it grand and I'll disappear with a big bang. That's my decision.
With a big bang?
I see. But why should I give you three months when you are not bringing a soul to me?
- You said you wanted to do the fan meeting?
- Fan meeting?
That's true. But it is a package deal with the lesson and the soul.
- A package?! You never mentioned a word about it!
- But that's what I recall.
You are the one who requested three months using the fan meeting.
And it was you who said you'd bring a substitute soul, too.
Isn't that what I agreed to it? Lesson and substitute?
No. I never agreed to that. Do you have proof? Did you get a recording of it?
I won't do it! I definitely can't!
That so?
Then I'll take your soul right now. A human just messed with a devil?
You are ready to pay the price, right?
What would that be?
Let me think about it. I turned a person into a frog once.
Are you kidding me?!
I also tore someone to pieces when I didn't have the time and wasn't in the least bothered.
- Wouldn't that be too cruel?
- That wasn't there in the contract.
I promised to give you three months and you promised to give me another soul.
That was your choice and mine, too.
Still, I don't care about your choice, but don't try to fight mine.
Just do what you promised to.
I can't do it. It goes against my conscience. I just can't do it.
You'll use your conscience now to win against the devil?
Listen well. The devil lives off of people's desperation.
Figure. Figure of speech, that was it. We don't actually eat it.
But they are the kind of souls we choose to buy.
People who are living on the peak of desperation.
No wonder why you chose me.
What will humans full of despair think of my offer?
Will they be frightened or pleased?
Didn't you think that your choice can become the last ray of hope
in the life of someone who is full of despair?
You shouldn't feel hurt about giving hopeless people some hope.
Open your heart and look around.
You'll find that there are a lot of humans with fragile souls like that.
I can't do it. How can I do something like that being a human?
If you don't want to do it, then…
I'll have no choice.
Let's start our lesson. What song do you want to learn?
- ♫ You an—
- Ah!
How huge.
I would love to live in a place like this. Then I'll be free
to make whatever music I want. Ah, I should know my place.
♫ We hold our hands
♫ We hold our hands again
♫ Like that time
♫ You're not here
♫ You!
♫ Yo—
♫ You!
♫ YOU!
- I'll go to the lower key.
I'll go, I'm going. Tomorrow, the same time?
-Do whatever you want.
-I did well today, right?
You're not a devil, but a deity.
Right? I killed it, right?
♫ If I go to Busan
How can he create a hymn that doesn't even exist?
How tiring.
Hey, you clean—
This is why strangers should not be let into the house.
It's delicious.
Dong Hui.
Okay, let's hear it. The reason why you didn't go to the audition and also didn't answer the phone.
Why? What were you doing all this time?
I was at Harib's house.
- Why were you there? What did you do there?
- Slept.
Were you that kind of person?
I know things are hard for you, but was that the only thing you could do?
- What are you saying?
- You just said you slept at Harib's place.
You idiot. That was your chance to audition. You should've sung in front of him, not just stuffed your face with porridge!
- Why won't you listen to your manager (me)?
- I sang for the last time at that birthday party.
What is it that you're taking about?
Ah, audition? Yeah, I got it, yeah.
How can he just quit on us so suddenly just before the performance?
Yi Gyeong, go do it yourself.
I won't do it.
Don't tell me you want money first.
I'll pay you so don't mind me.
- I'm quitting music.
- What?
I said I'm quitting. Music. I won't do it again.
Quitting and doing it again? Is this smoking?
Is this real?
Really. I officially announced it today.
So, what do you plan to do from now on?
"Anyone who has a dream can start over again."
- What's that?
- I read it while leaving the detention center.
I'm going to start over with a dream.
Surreal dream?
For now, I'll earn money, a lot.
- How?
- Doing a part-time job, a lot.
You really are mad, a lot. You quit music?
It's about time I face a turning point in my life.
They're not picking up, right? It's a very intentional scam.
I don't think it'll take long to pack. Get going.
The flat was sold so I should get lost?
Vacating the flat was a condition of the deal. We're also victims, you know!
The new owner doesn't deserve this.
Then do I deserve to get kicked out suddenly like this?
A scam of a deal is invalid.
The real estate company should take responsibility.
If there's nothing you can do about the new owner, then at least give back my deposit.
I told you the former owner took that deposit with him.
And the new owner had to take out a huge loan to buy this building. So there's no money to give back your deposit.
Sorry, but what are you saying?
Look, young lady.
It says flat 401 in the registry.
And here's 501.
If your contract says flat 501, things will get really complicated.
Technically, this flat doesn't exist in the world.
But the owner said that there were no problems when I signed it.
What real estate agency did you consult? Did you sign it without confirming it?
Ah, you naive girl.
Still, you need to move out.
Damn it.
I stuffed my face with pork belly after saving money on consulting fees.
You have a pretty suitcase.
It's the same as yours.
Where are you going?
- Hongdae.
- Hongdae? Even I'm going there.
This is my first day in Korea and I got pickpocketed.
Wow, he was really fast and I lost everything.
Lost everything?
Cut. What is this? Do you like it?
Isn't this similar?
To what?
What's that? "At Your House" by Yu Seong.
- But, isn't that what you wrote?
- That's why!
It just sounds similar.
I'm going this way. Good bye.
Excuse me could you lend me that?
What's that?
It suits you. Take it.
Yes, Mr. PD. You even give me a call.
That's the only thing I can do for you.
It's really nothing.
Stop being noisy and just listen.
You're even singing me a song?
I just came up with the melody. This is mine, right? It's not yours.
- Yeah?
- I am being so conscientious now.
It's not yours, right?
Thank you for asking for my opinion.
- It seems to be yours, it's the first time I'm hearing it—
- Got it.
How is business going?
Are you referring to the cafe or the fish cakes?
This is more profitable.
That's fortunate.
- Are you going overseas?
- No.
They are fixing the boiler. I'll be staying at your place for a few days.
Do what you must.
Thank you!
From what I think,
life is not filled with only misfortunes.
If bad things happen, one after the other,
then, what do you call it? That is life's rock bottom.
Now, there are only good things left to happen.
That's how life is.
Yes, thank you!
The sauna over there costs 15,000 won (around $12 USD)
My store doesn't have a sauna so
I'll take only 5,000 won ($4 USD).
Coming empty-handed
and leaving empty-handed. That's how life is.
Friendship is friendship, and paying my tab is better for both of us.
I'm leaving.
That's 3,000 won.
They dated secretly for five years and broke up last year.
Excuse me. I'm sorry.
Come, get on.
Soul Entertainment
I'm asking you as the director.
Please push aside your personal feelings and work professionally.
Personal feelings?
Do you have personal feelings towards me?
I heard you're learning how to sing from Producer Ha.
Are you trying to debut as a singer?
It's for my fan meeting.
You left me so coolly.
What's your reason for coming back?
I wonder.
Is— Is the person here in front of me not Mo Tae Kang and someone else?
You do this and you're still human? If you're a human being, you shouldn't be like this!
I guess.
We dated for five years and the last time we met was a year ago.
Okay, I admit, I was so busy,
I couldn't keep a lot of our promises. You must have been angry.
But still, without even telling me, you have a concert?
I found that out through the internet!
Even so, I went, with flowers too!
But what'd you do?
Tae Kang
Ignored me. I know I didn't keep a lot of our promises, I'm sorry!
But still, you ignored me even though I went with flowers?
Oh, I'm sorry.
We're in the middle of talking. Can you leave?
Are you getting revenge?
You became this amazing star and you're appearing in front of me now to get revenge?
I still don't know,
did we break up? Is this the end?
Why did you do that? What did I do so wrong?
There's not one thing that's clear to me.
I'm frustrated, upset, and angry!
My pride
If you're human, shouldn't you say something at this point?
Is it so hard to say 'sorry'?
Because you can't say that one word, you're just trying to let this pass now?
I'm sorry.
I. Am. Sorry.
Ah, sorry.
You're such a jerk.
I like the sound of that.
Human Ji Seo Yong might feel like going crazy because you're a jerk,
but I ask you as the director of Soul Entertainment.
Please separate work and personal feelings.
I don't think I can.
You can't communicate with the press properly?
Are you going to let me keep taking the calls?
If you are going to be lax because the company got bigger,
then return your pay and bonuses based on your conscience.
Also, did you guys bury something in the emergency stairwell?
Why do you keep going back and forth there?
Go out.
I apologize.
Unbelievable. How dare he smile?
Soul Entertainment
A desperate soul. Only one.
Devils live on human despair.
We pick on humans who are dealing with their souls.
Someone who is at the end of his rope.
Hello! Oh, I surprised you, sorry!
I'll give you a lot of service!
People who are on the cliff of despair, what would they think of our offer?
Will they be afraid? Be happy?
Please take one of these.
Please take one.
Have you ever thought of your decision
gives the last hope when they are at the end of their desperation?
Open your mind and take a look around.
Then you will see a lot of desperate people.
Excuse me?
What would a world look like without a soul?
Hey! Were you conned?
Uh, such bad jerks.
But even if you sue, will it be taken care of quickly?
You need the attorney fees and get a room, too.
How about if you ask the owner?
I am too ashamed. I've asked to advance my pay a few times already.
I don't want to inconvenience him further.
Should I lend you some?
You barely have any money.
It's okay.
And I got one more part-time job. Don't worry.
Hey, a part-time job doesn't even pay much.
Why don't you just take the money from Harib Company?
You said you wouldn't participate in the audition?
No. Ask for more. Let's just post it online.
Dong Hui. Have you gone to detention center before?
I don't ever want to go there again. That's a con.
Sentencing up to 10 years and fine up to 20 million.
Yi Gyeong.
When I face the pain, I just feel it and move on.
If you can call this a normal life, I am managing to become normal.
I want to live normally like others now.
If I fall forward, I break my nose,
and if I fall backward, I break my head; that's the life I want to live.
That's why you should accept the money!
Can you say the way you live right now is normal?
You can't sleep and always work part-time jobs. Is that normal?
If you want to be normal, accept the money.
I've been worse situations than now.
So it can only get better from now on.
Gyeong. Don't be like this and let's go to my place.
No thanks. Not even a flea will sleep in a newlywed's place.
Newlywed my foot
- Your suitcase is pretty.
- It's the same as yours.
Shocking. This young person must have a kid.
Damn. Your eyes are more surprising.
This is not a father and son but the same person.
This kid grew up to be like this.
Oh my gosh!
Soul Entertainment
I have given you three months,
and you promised to bring a substitute soul.
Hey, what's with him?
Hello. I'm singer-songwriter, Jang Choong Moon.
Pleased to meet you.
♫ Did you forget? Our promise, the future we painted together?
♫ We agreed to stay together forever.
♫ How could you do this to me?
♫ How could you see someone else?
♫ Please, brother.
♫ I love you, brother. I love you, brother.
♫ I love you!
People who are on the cliff of despair, what would they think of our offer?
Would they be afraid or happy?
- Do you want to sing?
- To die for.
Would you sell your soul—
If for singing, I'd sell my body or my soul.
Did I make it? Thank you Harib, I'll do well.
You know I'm basically better than this. I'll do well.
He can't get more desperate than this. He said he'll even sell his soul.
I praise your hard efforts, working hard for day and night.
Very much so.
Let's sign the contract with him. Then my contract is extended until I die, right?
- Hyung, am I signing a contract?
- Be still.
He is desperate, but
not him. He's not on that level.
Level? He's on the top. He's a top star!
We are exchanging your measly soul for his.
But what would I do with a soul worth less than your measly soul?
Measly soul then
Are you saying there are grades in souls?
- What?
- Thank you for bring it up.
Of course, even souls are graded, from one to nine.
What I need from you is a healthy and beautiful grade-one soul.
Grade one!? You never said that!
I'm saying it now.
Then what grade am I?
Probably higher than you think—
So what grade is it?
For someone who didn't even know the fact that different grades of souls existed
Grade four? That's pretty high.
- Isn't he grade one?
- Not at all.
I was ranked number 2 in school.
He said he's in grade two.
He wants it badly, just take his soul.
Do you have a transcript at your house?
I have to look for it.
I am not a god so how am I supposed know
which grade he is?
A grade-one soul is different from ordinary souls.
Should I say it's a characteristic mark by getting special care from some being.
Do they have wings and fly around in the sky?
Are you the spoon-fed type?
I'll feed myself so
You need to at least give me a hint!
Is it hard? Am I asking for something hard?
Yes. You're asking for a hint,
but it sounds like you're asking where you could find one?
That would be even better.
I don't know.
- What?
- I said I don't know. I don't know where the top grade is.
This crazy devil really—
You're at it again.
Look here, Mr. Seo. If I knew where a grade-one soul is,
I'd go there and sign the contract myself. Why would I
try finding it by delaying your contact?
Now, go and search for it.
Not a school grade-two like him, but a desperate grade-one soul.
Know this will not benefit you, so forget what happened here.
Now, go on.
How could you just kill him?!
Take him on your way out.
Where were we again? Ah.
The human I'm watching over is an evil being.
By controlling and covering up the evil with goodness,
if not for that hypocrisy, they'd probably kill or be killed by each other and no longer exist already.
The way humans operate these days
So, what are you trying to say?
I am going to give them a hint.
Don't be suprised.
Stand by.
I hate f bastards like you.
Those bastards are so into themselves.
If you look at these so-called it's not what .
You, you.. do you know why you're tone deaf?
You have no emotion, emotion! F!
If a human doesn't have f emotion, do you think you can sing?
What the f do you think would happen? S.
You're the f same, you s.
Just the thought of the two of you, I could
just kick the .
You only look good on the exterior. You think the world is for you, don't you?
Become a human, a human. Huh?
In your heart, your heart!
Is there even anything there?
Lower your eyes.
I'm just asking because I'm curious, but what can you do without me?
Can you even take a dump by yourself?
F devil bastard.
I know that was hard to hear, but that's his true self.
Those were his true feelings that he was hiding all along.
With my one touch, they pour out their last bit of dirty and evil in their heart.
These are the ordinary humans.
But the grade-one soul is different.
- Different how?
- If I tell you,
at least try to understand it.
They don't have an evil will or ugly purpose in their heart.
These are non-existing in them. So there would be nothing to empty out of them.
The true heart is like that, so there is nothing to take out.
That's all. So the grade-one soul pours out nothing when poked.
And you don't know who that is?
Right. Best of luck to you.
Do I have to fall down, too?
No, take the elevator down.
This way.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Chief Kang.
Yes, yes.
I heard you very well.
Have you been thinking of me like that all along?
Please, please!
Come quickly.
I was wrong!
Every action you take is in your heart. Save us, merciful Buddha.
Monk, I have a question.
- A grade-one so—
- Your heart carries all the answers.
Excuse me, a grade-one—
Your heart carries all the answers.
Your heart carries all the answers.
Your heart carries all the answers.
- Where is the church around here?
- Your heart carries all the answers.
♫ Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Jesus is always with us.
Do you happen to know anything about souls?
Grade-one souls?
Yes, welcome. Jesus will lead you.
Please come in.
Do you know what a grade-one soul is?
You want to change the refrigerator? Why? It's still good.
Though these days, if you replace your appliances to grade-one quality,
they lower your taxes and stuff. Right?
Forget it.
Grade one? That'd be the marbling, of course.
Sorento, fighting!
You eat the pork belly.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Life is between the small intestines of cattle and entrails, you know?
This is grade one. The special order.
That looks good.
The beef marbling carries a soul.
So you are grade one.
How did we do this year?
Let's get first place on the Billboard charts this year.
I'll bring PD Ha.
Let's go all the way.
Here, let's drink.
Here. Say ah.
The pillar of our Soul Entertainment.
CEO, ah.
It's okay.
You are embarrassing my old hand.
Here. Say ah.
It's fine.
If I get to be reborn, then I'll be this beef.
Keep talking.
My former boyfriend said he's sorry, but ignores me.
What does it mean?
He thinks you are an idiot.
Means he has no lingering feelings.
A junk car passes and a Benz will come.
He probably won't show up.
That's why you gave them money? That's how you smooth things over?
Why pay her? It means we are acknowledging that I plagiarized it.
One of the two of you probably did.
One of you would know, and I don't care which.
Heart and Soul.
Artist: Lee Choong Ryeol
Lyrics: Lee Choong Ryeol
Composition: Lee Choong Ryeol
It will be love
This is very embarrassing but with your love,
I'll sing "It Will Be Love" to you.
♫ Please take my heart
♫ I'll show you all of my ugliness
♫ - On hard days
- On hard days!
♫ - On happy days
- On happy days
♫ So that forever
♫ Show it, Lee Choong Ryeol
♫ Please take my heart
Don't do it.
♫ If I only see you
What the heck is that?
Isn't it great, how Lee Choong Ryeol proposed to his girlfriend?
That's how they got married and she became a president's wife!
Isn't it romantic?
Let me tell you a secret.
In fact, this song isn't written by Lee Choong Ryeol or the lyrics.
It's actually written by Seo Dong Cheol.
Lee Choong Ryeol!
♫ I will become the moon
I should make my wish number one to make you disappear from this world.
Hey, Lee Choong Ryeol.
Is your belly full from singing the song you stole?
[1978 seaside stage waiting room]
Stole? I completed the song when someone threw it in the trash.
No. If it weren't for you, I may not have sold my soul.
♫ It will the shade of a tree
Sorry. I pushed the wrong button.
I can't see a penny from the song going into your pocket.
♫ I will become the moon
What is this?
♫ My heart is burning
Your descendants will be well fed from the stolen song.
Annoying bastard.
He'd sell his soul for money.
This bastard is perfect.
He can't be grade one.
What a mannerless young bastard.
Am I your friend, you jerk?
What was the name, Cat Pharmaceuticals?
Mr. Park. It's been a while.
It's nothing much, I just have a little favor to ask of you.
Don't tell anyone.
Write it down for now.
This isn't the time for me to do this.
This is where?
Substitute Driver
No, no, no!
No way
Don't answer. Don't answer. Don't answer.
Don't answer. Don't answer. Don't.
I am sorry. I thought it was a driver. I am sorry.
Where are you?
Why make so much noise?
You are dropping crumbs.
I haven't eaten a meal today. I am sorry.
What do you do? You want to do music when you don't even have time to eat?
That's arrogant.
I still have to make a living.
Don't try to sell me a story. Everyone has a story.
How much do you think it'll cost to take a ten-minute lesson from me?
- A lot.
- Of course.
If you get my question right, I'll listen to one song.
What is it?
What do you think is a grade-one soul?
Do you have choices to pick from? I am weak on essays.
Forget it.
If by grade-one soul, you mean a good soul.
A soul that is good to everyone and even to
the wind that comes and goes. I don't think that exists, do you?
But I do think everyone has a soul that is good to them.
A soul that will pain you when it disappears.
A soul that if you think it's gone, you'll be in agonizing pain.
Eh? The question is
to be answered in five syllables.
Five syllables.
Precious to me.
Wrong. Too bad.
Next chance for the lesson.
Well, I don't really care either way. I quit, you know?
What did you quit?
It's not because of you, so don't worry about it.
Why would I?
I thought about why my life is this way, and it's all because of music.
I don't even work hard on it, using my main jobs as an excuse as I envy others and get greedy.
That's why things never end well.
So I've cleanly removed it from my life. Music.
Now, I will just work diligently and live happily.
Super duper happily.
Good thinking. Although, it would have been even better had you thought about it before.
If you think this isn't your path, it'll be better to move on quickly.
It's better than regretting it in your fifties.
You think you have no path other than this, right?
But you have so many paths not traveled yet.
Once you take your eye off of one thing you've been staring at, you'll see many interesting things.
No matter what you do in the future, I wish you happiness.
And forget about the bad memories between us.
Yes, thank you.
With that thought, let's get rid of the recording file first.
Let's get rid of that recording from ten years ago.
That's a bit troubling since it's also a memory.
It hurts!
I got it! I got it!
What are you doing?
Can't believe how frigging strong she is.
You said you quit the music so why hold on to that?
Are you planning to blackmail me or what?
I knew you were an ill-mannered person, but I didn't know you were this ignorant a person.
You've reached thirty and a new chapter of your life is starting.
You should be building up your resume instead of threatening people!
You are so petty, petty. Here, and forget the change.
Never mind. I don't need it.
And I'm not yet thirty!
And you are going to threaten me with it later, right?
And you do look like thirty years old.
I am returning the favor you did for me before.
But well, if this makes you feel better.
You should get rid of that attachment quickly.
There are many people who said they gave up on music and humming in their dreams.
It looks ugly to me.
Yes, you told me before
that I shouldn't think of it as a talent.
Don't think about it as a talent.
It just makes you look pitiful.
I hope you'll be successful anyway,
although you've already succeeded.
Good bye.
And this isn't that phone.
Do you think music is a pancake?
You flip it this way then the other way.
What's the occasion, you getting up in the morning?
Let's hire a housekeeper. I can't do it anymore.
This isOh dear. Hold on.
Don't do it. I said don't.
Don't do it. Did I tell you to do it?!
Why'd you wake up early for no reason?
Here you go again. I told you I'm not doing that.
No matter how difficult it is for me, I won't do that.
I'm not doing it.
Manager Kang. Have you heard of the Gasigom insect?
This is my first time hearing about it.
It can live in 151 degrees and in negative 273 degrees, too.
It can even withstand vacuums and radiation.
It can survive in outer space as well. It is like an invincible thing.
No matter how hard you try to kill it, it never dies.
It's quite an interesting thing.
I sometimes meet gasigom insect-like humans.
It's a struggle for survival.
If I find the grade-one soul, will you really release Teacher Seo?
I should release him if he survives like a gasigom insect.
But it won't be easy.
What happened to what I asked of you?
I am searching, but
because he isn't a human
Hurry it up.
President Song's side effect definitely happened here, too.
It's a liquid comprised only of salt and glucose.
What could it possibly be?
Is it you, Boss?
Boss, have you come to the store?
What the heck are you talking about?
Outside someone is trying to come in.
I'm on my way, so close the door and find a place to hide.
Don't move until the police get there. Now!
I know you're in there, come out.
I said, come out!
When I catch you, you're dead. I'll break this door down.
Aren't you coming out?
Come out! Come out! Come out!
Come out!
He must've run after hearing the sirens.
They're looking through the CCTVs right now to find him, so don't worry too much.
Could he just be a petty thief?
What is there to steal here?
He's probably a thug who knew you were here alone.
Anyway, it'll be hard for you to stay here now.
We don't know what can happen.
But, how did you get here so quickly?
You were faster than the police.
I flew here.
You didn't know? I can fly.
Of course you can.
In any case, do you have a place to stay?
Don't worry.
What about going home?
Fabulous Snacks
This isn't enough.
I just barely got this much.
You know the interest, right?
I said not to put two pickled radishes!
Why is this so salty?
I said come home and eat.
What good is that? Forget it, I have to go to my job.
That girl. She has to eat it with the soup so it's not salty.
♫ Not everyone can achieve.
♫ Not everyone can achieve.
♫ Even if you run closer and closer toward the front
♫ Not everyone can achieve
♫ Even if you run closer and closer toward the front
♫ it seems like you can't even get halfway there
♫ I'm already standing in the gloomy darkness
♫ Somewhere in my dream of wanting to fly
♫ How far far away
♫ must I go to find it?
♫ I call out and call out again
♫ While you without looking back come back to me
♫ Just with a gesture
♫ Even if it was not during a long life
♫ I wished I met you once someday
♫ How far far away
♫ must I go to find it?
♫ I call out and call out again
♫ While you without looking back
♫ come back to me
♫ just with a gesture
♫ By the time this song is over
♫ Will this insignificant dream soar again?
♫ to somewhere in my vague painful dream?
I at least need time to sleep if I want to dream.
Why is this world so cruel?
Hello, sir. It's me. I'll do that part-time job.
I'll do it.
Don't move!
Don't turn around.
Please. Please.
Please don't.
When the Devil Calls Your Name
It's a vain hope.
Get out.
Hope is what makes humans evil.
You have to act well.
Ji Seo Yeong knows the real Mo Tae Kang better than anyone else.
I ran away because I want to be mentored by Teacher Ha.
Who are you, really?
You never heard you look like Seo Dong Cheon?
How could this be?
There's been no progress with finding a grade-one?
I'll have to make my decision now.
It seems like a roof to me. I meant music and songs are for me.
When I hear your music, I feel dirty.
I don't want sympathy.
Who the heck are you? Who are you to sing here?
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