Where's Wally (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

A Day in Turkey

# Oh-eh-oh! Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh-eh-oh! Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
(CHORUS) # Oh-eh-oh!
# I search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip all around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach
Jump and discover something new
# Oh-eh-oh!
Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh-eh-oh!
Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Ohh-oh-oh!
Where do you go? Where do you go?
# (CHORUS) Where's Wally? #
Whitebeard Wizard? Hello?
Whitebeard Wizard? Hello?
It's Wally and Wenda!
I know he's here somewhere.I'm sure
he's just combing his beard.
Or sorting his umbrella collection.
Wenda, look out!
Or sorting his umbrella collection.
Wenda, look out!
Arf! Arf! Arf!Looks like he's
rolling out the red carpet for us!
Wanderers, welcome back!
(BOTH) Wizard Whitebeard!
I'm so glad you could make it
Wanderers, welcome back!
(BOTH) Wizard Whitebeard!
I'm so glad you could make it
to the big reveal!The big
reveal?Yes! Arf needs
a new napping carpet.
I finally found the perfect one.
It's long and red and leads
right out to the WanderGlobe!
right out to the WanderGlobe!
Try it out, Arf.
Too long? Yeah,
I was afraid of that. I've tried
every carpet in the house.
This one is too small. That one
is too scratchy.
This one is too small. That one
is too scratchy.
What was wrong
with this one again?Too brown?
Ho-ho, right! Too brown.
I remember when I bought
this napping carpet. A fast-talking
salesperson convinced me
I remember when I bought
this napping carpet. A fast-talking
salesperson convinced me
brown was the new black. I need
your help, Wanderers.
Can you find Arf a new carpet?
Can you find Arf a new carpet?
Sure. We'll find him the best carpet
in the world. Not too long.
Not too scratchy.
And not too brown.(WHIMPERS)
Not too scratchy.
And not too brown.(WHIMPERS)
Wonderful! To the WanderGlobe!
(CHANTING) By strip-ed staff
and white of beard,
(CHANTING) By strip-ed staff
and white of beard,
I summon magic wild and weird.
Spin, Magic Globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go.
Spin, Magic Globe, to show
where these Wanderers will go.
To find Arf's carpet.
Of course.
Of course.
Turkey is famous
for its beautiful carpets.
Yes, it most certainly is.
And I have reached out
to a fellow Wanderer, Yasemin,
who will be your guide
in the wonderful city of Istanbul.
who will be your guide
in the wonderful city of Istanbul.
And remember, look out
for any missing magic keys.
They could be anywhere.
They could be anywhere.
(BOTH) Wander!
Safe travels, Wanderers. Make sure
to pick up some spot cleaner
for pet stains!
Safe travels, Wanderers. Make sure
to pick up some spot cleaner
for pet stains!
(SIGHS) I always lose!
I win!
Well, here we are, Istanbul, Turkey!
Well, here we are, Istanbul, Turkey!
What a cool place!
Look at the size of this plaza!
But how are we supposed
to find Yasemin? There are people
But how are we supposed
to find Yasemin? There are people
I'm sure she's close by.
Merhaba, Wally and Wenda.
Merhaba, Wally and Wenda.
I'm Yasemin. Fellow Wanderer.
Hello. Or merhaba to you too,
It's nice to meet you.
(CHUCKLES) Nice to meet you too.
It's nice to meet you.
(CHUCKLES) Nice to meet you too.
It's a beautiful city.
And Istanbul is also
filled with history.
And Istanbul is also
filled with history.
(WHISPERS) And mystery!
But you just need a carpet. I know
the perfect place to find one.
But you just need a carpet. I know
the perfect place to find one.
Wow! You're really good at that.
When I'm not Wandering,
Wow! You're really good at that.
When I'm not Wandering,
I'm playing football.
Greatest sport in the world!
I wish you had time to see a game.
We have an amazing football stadium.
That sounds great. But first,
I wish you had time to see a game.
We have an amazing football stadium.
That sounds great. But first,
we'd better find that carpet.Wally?
Wenda? This is the Grand Bazaar.
we'd better find that carpet.Wally?
Wenda? This is the Grand Bazaar.
I've never seen anything like it!
Look at all these shops. It's huge!
You can find everything here
from a yo-yo to a pair of trainers.
And I bet we can also find
the perfect carpet.
And I bet we can also find
the perfect carpet.
An ice cream magician?!
Not just ice cream,
An ice cream magician?!
Not just ice cream,
Turkish ice cream.
It's called salep dondurma.
It's sticky and delicious
and it's made from flowers.
It's sticky and delicious
and it's made from flowers.
Orchids, to be exact.
We definitely have to try
some of that. Right, Wally? Wally?
Where's Wally?
We definitely have to try
some of that. Right, Wally? Wally?
Where's Wally?
I found carpets. Lots of carpets.
And a cool fan.
A really cool fan!
A really cool fan!
And some really cool carpets.
That one looks too long.
And that one looks too scratchy.
And that one looks Wait
And that one looks Wait
Like a map?!
You're right!
This isn't just a carpet,
it's a treasure map
This isn't just a carpet,
it's a treasure map
to another one
of the Wanderers' magic keys.
I've heard stories
from other Wanderers
about a missing key in Istanbul,
from other Wanderers
about a missing key in Istanbul,
but I never knew where to look.
If this carpet leads to a key,
we have to find it
for Wizard Whitebeard.
It appears the map leads
to the Basilica Cistern. Follow me!
for Wizard Whitebeard.
It appears the map leads
to the Basilica Cistern. Follow me!
See, Fritz? I knew there was
a missing key in Turkey.
All we need to do is follow Wally
and Wenda until they find the key,
then take it for ourselves.
then take it for ourselves.
The time for treats
is after I get that key.
I can't believe this enormous room
is right under the city.
I can't believe this enormous room
is right under the city.
What is this place?
The Basilica Cistern.
That used to supply water
to the people of Istanbul.
Definitely the perfect place
That used to supply water
to the people of Istanbul.
Definitely the perfect place
to hide a magic key.
Whoa! Cool!
Whoa! Cool!
Upside-down Medusa!
Are you sure this map is right?
I can't find anything.
We must be missing something.
Are you sure this map is right?
I can't find anything.
We must be missing something.
What's this?
What's this?
A secret door!
Wally, you did it!Did what?
A secret door!
Wally, you did it!Did what?
Oh! Cool. Thanks, Medusa!
OK, Wanderers.
It's time to go find a magic key.
These caves are like a maze!
Let's make sure
we keep track of our turns.
Good thinking, Wenda. By my count,
we've already made three left turns
Good thinking, Wenda. By my count,
we've already made three left turns
and two right ones.
Oops. I think I did something.
Oops. I think I did something.
Oh, no! If that door closes
We're not gonna make it!
Hold onto your stripes!
We're not gonna make it!
Hold onto your stripes!
I'm on it. (GRUNTS)
Phew! Great job, Wenda.
That was close!
We found the key!
I wonder what kind of key it is.
We found the key!
I wonder what kind of key it is.
It's my kind of key.
(ALL) Odlulu!
Thanks for doing all the hard work,
(ALL) Odlulu!
Thanks for doing all the hard work,
Wanderers, but I'll take it
from here.No way, Odlulu. This key
goes straight to Wizard Whitebeard.
Hm. We'll see about that. Fritz!
Hm. We'll see about that. Fritz!
No! The key!(GRUNTS)
Yes, yes, yes!
Catch, Wally!No, no, no!
Yes, yes, yes!
Catch, Wally!No, no, no!
Whoa! I think we know
what kind of key it is.
A Doubling Key!
Whoa! I think we know
what kind of key it is.
A Doubling Key!
See ya later, Wanderers!
Come on! We can't let her get away!
Come on! We can't let her get away!
Fritz, they're coming!
Fritz, they're coming!
We have to throw them off our path.
Do you have any ideas?
Fritz, that's a great idea!
Fritz, that's a great idea!
We'll confuse them with Fritzes!
Come on. I hear them.
There's Fritz! That way!
There's Fritz! That way!
No, there's Fritz! He's going
that way.
Odlulu must have used
the Doubling Key on Fritz!
Odlulu must have used
the Doubling Key on Fritz!
Well, in that case, everyone, chase
a ferret!
There's an exit, Fritz! Hurry!
There's only one thing to do.
Odlulu, stop!
Fritz bridge!
Bye-bye, Wally.
(CLONES) Bye-bye!
Bye-bye, Wally.
(CLONES) Bye-bye!
Umdo you remember the way out?
Let's check the map, Wally.
Let's check the map, Wally.
We're not on the map anymore.
Come on, Fritz. It won't take
too long for those Wanderers
to find their way
out of the tunnels.
(BABBLING)What is it?
Alright, Fritz. One ice cream,
then we're out of here.
I think it's this way.
Haven't we been here before? I feel
like we're running in circles.
Haven't we been here before? I feel
like we're running in circles.
No. This is definitely
a different puddle.
How do you know?The last one
was shaped like an elephant.
This one's more of a hippopotamus.
was shaped like an elephant.
This one's more of a hippopotamus.
Wally. Yasemin. Fresh air!
Right, Wenda! If there's a breeze,
it must lead to the surface.
Right, Wenda! If there's a breeze,
it must lead to the surface.
Now, let's get out of here
and find Odlulu.
And the Doubling Key.
Uh, we might want to be careful.
This is a water channel.You mean,
at any moment, it could
fill with(GASPING) water?!
This is a water channel.You mean,
at any moment, it could
fill with(GASPING) water?!
This is actually kind of fun!
Uh, for the record, we've made
12 lefts and 15 rights!
This is actually kind of fun!
Uh, for the record, we've made
12 lefts and 15 rights!
And one waterfall!
(ALL) Whoa!
Wow! What an amazing ride!
Yes. It was definitely exciting.
Definitely. But now we're even
deeper in the Cistern
and further away from Odlulu
Definitely. But now we're even
deeper in the Cistern
and further away from Odlulu
and the key!
(LAUGHS) Ice cream!
OK, are you happy?
OK, are you happy?
Now we can go. Oh, right.
Sorry, other Fritzes.
I forgot all about ya.
OK. Just hold on a second.
Wait! Don't leave. I need
more ice cream.
Wait! Don't leave. I need
more ice cream.
It's called salep dondurma.
Oh, I need some more Salep dondurma.
I'm sorry, I'm closed for the day.
And the rest of the week!
Ice cream! Ice cream!
Ice cream! Ice cream!
Ice cream! Ice cream!
Ice cream! Ice cream!
OK. OK. Here.
Argh! Too many Fritzes
and not enough salep dondurma!
I guess we can head back
into the tunnels?
Or maybe even climb up the slide?
Actually, since this Cistern
used to supply water to the city,
maybe if we follow the water
We'll find a way out! Great idea,
maybe if we follow the water
We'll find a way out! Great idea,
Yasemin. What do you think, Wally?
Wait, where's Wally?
Wait, where's Wally?
Hey, guys, look! I made a boat
out of old barrels and water jugs
and a bunch of shoelaces I had
in my hat. I call it
and a bunch of shoelaces I had
in my hat. I call it
the Super Deluxe Wally Water-nator.
But a boat needs an engine.
Or at least some wind.
But a boat needs an engine.
Or at least some wind.
Make that the Fan-powered
Super Deluxe Wally Water-nator!
Oh, no. What have I done?
Uh-oh. This is bad!
Uh-oh. This is bad!
And this is worse.
Fritz! You have to reverse
the magic! Use the key!
No, Fritz,
you're just making it worse!
No, Fritz,
you're just making it worse!
You have to push the jewel
to reverse the magic!
You have to push the jewel
to reverse the magic!
Look! A way out!
Look! A way out!
Wally? Yasemin? We might have
a problem.
Wally? Yasemin? We might have
a problem.
OK, I like playing ball
like everyone else, but this
is ridiculous!
OK, I like playing ball
like everyone else, but this
is ridiculous!
Help, Wanderers! Do something!
(CLONES CHANT) Ice cream! Ice cream!
Help, Wanderers! Do something!
(CLONES CHANT) Ice cream! Ice cream!
Where's the Doubling Key?
Fritz has it.
Which Fritz?!
I guess there's only one way
to find out.Right, Wally.
You take the Fritzes on the right.
Yasemin, you take the Fritzes
on the left. I have the middle.
You take the Fritzes on the right.
Yasemin, you take the Fritzes
on the left. I have the middle.
Look out, Fritzes, here I come.
Come here! Stop! Please,
just stop moving!
Come here! Stop! Please,
just stop moving!
(GRUNTS) Nothing in the pocket.
Nothing in the hood.
OK. You wanna play? Let's play.
No key!
Nothing over here either.
No key!
Nothing over here either.
Just a bunch of Fritzes. Any luck,
Wally? Wally? Where's Wally?
Time to roll out the red carpet,
Wizard Whitebeard-style!
I'll take that.(WHIMPERS)
I'll take that.(WHIMPERS)
Nice move, Wally.
Nice move, Wally.
Oh, no! Odlulu!
Not so fast, Fritz!
Not so fast, Fritz!
I think 50 Fritzes is 49 too many.
I couldn't agree more.
I think 50 Fritzes is 49 too many.
I couldn't agree more.
Come on, Fritz. I've had enough.
Really, Fritz?
Wanderers, on,
Odlulu and Fritzes, zero.
Wanderers, on,
Odlulu and Fritzes, zero.
Thanks, Wally and Wenda
for an amazing adventure.
And thank you
for showing us your city.
And thank you
for showing us your city.
Now it's time to deliver this
to Wizard Whitebeard
and give Arf his new carpet.
It's wonderful, Wanderers!
Spectacular! What do you think, Arf?
It's wonderful, Wanderers!
Spectacular! What do you think, Arf?
He loves it!
He loves it. I've never seen Arf
so happy!
And that carpet's not the only thing
we brought back.
And that carpet's not the only thing
we brought back.
The Doubling Key?! What a find!
Just be careful with it,
Just be careful with it,
unless you want a dozen Arfs
running around the HQ.
Excellent job, Wanderers!
Why don't you kick back, relax
and take a nap yourselves?
Why don't you kick back, relax
and take a nap yourselves?
I have plenty of carpets.Actually,
we're headed back to Turkey.
We're gonna watch with Yasemin.
Football? I love football!
Also called soccer. Can I come?
Football? I love football!
Also called soccer. Can I come?
Of course!Ooh! And we can get some
Turkish ice cream while we're there?
They call it salep dondurma.
Sticky and delicious!
They call it salep dondurma.
Sticky and delicious!
Did you know it was made
from flowers?Yes.Trust us.
(BOTH) We know all about it.
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