White Lines (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

- [crickets chirping]
- [sighs]
I've felt like a coward my whole life.
[radio chatter in Spanish]
You put seven kilos of coke in my car.
I wasn't brave enough
to come here with Axel.
[in Spanish] Good afternoon.
Papers, please?
[in English] Okay. Let's go.
- What?
- Put your foot down.
- [whimpers]
- [Joanna] What are you gonna do?
Well, for starters, I'm going to stop
running away from problems
that were my fault in the first place.
- [tires screech]
- [officers shouting in Spanish]
[siren wailing]
- Okay. Okay.
- [siren blaring]
Where's the coke?
[Zoe screams]
- Where's the coke?
- Uh, it's in my bag. In the boot.
[groans] Fuck!
Fucking stitches have ripped.
What the fuck is it doing here?
I took it from Marcus so he'd talk
about Axel.
I was dealing with that
in the fucking pool.
Get a fucking move on!
[Axel] Be brave
little sis.
[engine revving]
Okay. Take the next bend
as fast as you can.
Shit! Oh!
[sirens blaring]
Oh, fuck!
Now the fucking plastic's broken.
Oh, I'm sorry, I should have said.
Oh, you knew? [laughs]
[in Spanish] Fucking hell, fuck my life!
They're right behind us.
Here, use this.
How the hell did you know where this was?
- Does it matter?
- Ah, fuck.
Oh, shit.
- [Boxer] What now?
- They've blocked the road up ahead.
Oh, fuck.
[officers shouting in Spanish]
[man] Switch off your bloody phone.
[radio chatter in Spanish]
Where the hell did you learn
to drive like that?
[door opens]
[door creaks]
[keys jingling]
What's goin' on?
I'm going to Ibiza for a while,
little sis.
But how come?
If this is about Dad,
just get a place with Marcus.
Yeah, I know.
But Ibiza's where it's at, Zo.
All the best dance music, house music.
All the best DJs.
That's the place to be.
Come on.
Let's pack your bags, you're comin'.
Come on, hurry up.
We've gotta go before Dad gets back.
[Zoe] Wait a minute.
- Dad doesn't know?
- Nope.
How are we gonna get there?
- What about school?
- Don't worry about school.
I'm sure there are schools in Ibiza.
This one?
Okay, but I can't speak Spanish,
and Dad's not well.
Axel, wait.
Listen, Zo, I'm not leaving without you.
You and me, we come together.
We're like a package.
So be brave
little sis.
I don't think I can be.
I don't want to run away from home, Axel.
I don't want Dad to come back
and find nobody here.
It would break his heart.
And I'm only 15.
Come here.
It's not gonna be easy at first,
livin' at home with zombie Dad.
But I'll write
and I'll call you.
And the day you turn 18,
I'll be here with a ticket
to take you with me.
[phone ringing]
[in Spanish] When we saw the checkpoint,
we just freaked out.
The truth is, we'd taken some pills.
[in English] The tests have come back
negative for drugs and alcohol.
They must have sold us some crap,
Huh. They cheated us.
[in Spanish] What the fuck
are you talking about, Boxer?
You expect me to believe
someone would sell you bad pills?
Don't fuck with me.
We got them
at one of the Martínez family's clubs.
You know what they're like,
you can't trust them.
Tell that to the judge, okay?
[in English]
I'm charging you with reckless driving
and disobeying the authorities.
These are serious charges.
You could be facing two to five years
in prison.
You're a foreigner,
so they will make a quick decision.
You must report here every three days
until the hearing.
I need your address.
- Um
- Uh, take mine, Your Honor.
[judge] The court will keep your passport.
You can go.
[in Spanish] You're bleeding.
[in English] It was a diving accident.
A harpoon.
[in Spanish] First
they sell you bad pills,
then you shoot yourself with a harpoon
like an idiot
You're getting old, Boxer.
[cicadas chirping]
[Oriol, in Spanish] Mum.
The investors are deserting us,
all of them.
The British, the Las Vegas Murdoch guys,
Carson Resorts.
What are you talking about?
There are stories in the newspapers
about the body found on our land.
They don't want to be associated with us.
That son of a bitch Axel Collins
carries on fucking us
even after he's dead.
No one's going to fuck anything,
calm down.
Have you spoken to your father?
Dad doesn't pick up the phone
or look me in the eye, Mum.
Speak to the investors.
You're the CEO, Oriol.
Convince them we are honorable.
Everything will be okay, do you hear?
Come here.
You're too upset, Oriol.
Tell me
do you know who did it?
Do you know who could have killed Axel?
Yes, perhaps.
[machines beeping]
[Marcus] I need to be out
by tomorrow morning.
Uh It's urgent!
Just uh, give me a local anesthetic.
Emergency contact? Family, friends?
- I don't have any family, right? No one.
- [woman calling in Spanish]
[Boxer] Come on, harpoon girl.
Fuck Hey!
[groaning] Oh, fuck
What have you done with it?
What's happened?
They broke me tibia in two places.
What the hell were you thinkin'?
I'm sorry, I just wanted
to find out the truth about Axel and
What the fuck?
- I told you everything I know!
- [Boxer] Hey.
- Marcus
- Hey. Let her go, okay?
This crazy bitch stole drugs
from the fucking Romanians.
Look, if I don't have the coke,
plus interest, by tomorrow,
they're going round to Matilda's school.
Do you get it?
They're coming for my daughter.
- Hey. I told you to let her go, okay?
- Ow!
- [woman] Sir? Sir?
- [yelping]
You have an exposed fracture.
We are taking you to surgery.
You've still got it though, right?
Um, well, not exactly.
- What?
- But I know where it is, so don't worry.
- Oh, fuck!
- [Zoe] I'll get it.
Oh, fuck!
They have to be here somewhere.
[Boxer] Hey.
Shall we clean up the place a bit?
If the vacuum's here,
the drugs must be.
Come on. Who's gonna take
packets of cocaine
- from the middle of nowhere?
- This is Ibiza.
It could be anyone.
The officer who caught us, a farmer,
- that cyclist over there.
- Hola.
[phone ringing]
[Boxer] Uh
- [Zoe] Hi, Mike.
- Oh
Hey. How are you?
[Zoe] Um I'm just
uh, out having a walk in the forest.
A bit early, isn't it?
Uh, yeah, just
- wanted to do a bit of exercise.
- [crashing]
Has Jenny left for school already?
She stayed at Laura's last night.
Oh, no, Mike. Not on a school night.
Well, they said they had some work to do.
Don't worry about it. I'm on it, okay?
[Zoe] How come you haven't called?
You need your space. I know that.
And I trust you to call me
if anything happens.
Thank you, Mike.
What you're doing makes me proud, Zoe.
Can I call you later?
- Okay.
- Bye.
Are you seriously doing that?
Well, I haven't done it for years,
but my fucking leg hurts.
I'm really stressed out.
Well, I'm stressed out as well.
I'm here trying to find out
who killed my brother,
but instead I'm stood in a forest,
trying to find seven packets
of fucking cocaine.
And, by the way,
waiting to hear whether or not
- I'm going to prison for two years.
- [snorting]
[Boxer groans]
Do you think Marcus had anything to do
with what happened to Axel?
If I had to bet, I would say no.
So why did you try and drown him
in the pool?
Bit of coke?
I've screwed up Marcus's life,
and you're offering me a line of coke?
No, I don't do that kind of thing.
[Boxer] Really?
Not even a spliff?
- No.
- Pills?
- No
- Prozac?
What? Diazepam? Lithium?
[Axel] Be brave
little sis.
I don't think I can be.
[Boxer] Sorry. Um
Sorry if I offended you.
It doesn't matter.
I wanted to ask Marcus
about Oriol Calafat.
Oriol and Axel had been very close,
until suddenly everything went to shit.
How come?
Well, they had some
minor disagreements.
Someone burned down
one of your brother's clubs.
Axel told me he thought it was Oriol.
- Wait, my brother told you that?
- Yeah.
But you said you didn't know him.
- [house music playing]
- [laughs]
I knew him a bit.
I met him the first time
he came into the Calafat house.
[party outside]
[Boxer] Long distance?
Yeah, I haven't got a mobile.
I need to get a mobile.
It's personal. Do you mind?
No problem, mate.
- [Axel] Thanks.
- [Boxer] Let's go out to the party.
[Axel dialing]
[cheering and whooping]
[phone ringing]
[Axel] All right, our kid?
Axel! How's it going in Ibiza?
Ah, Zo. It's epic.
Like, you wouldn't believe
this place I'm in.
I can't believe
it's only been three days. Oh!
It's mad.
Owners are a pretty big deal
round here. They've got servants.
So, what, you're, like, living there?
No, I'm not living here.
No, not yet.
It's just a party.
It's got six bathrooms.
- Two swimming pools
- [Zoe gasps]
I'm serious.
And a church.
Well, it's a chapel,
but it's in the house.
And I'm mates with their son, Oriol.
- Making yourself at home?
- Oh, he's here.
Is this Axel's girlfriend?
No, I'm his sister, Zoe.
- Be nice.
- Your brother is very talented.
We're going to do big things together.
When are you coming out to see him?
Um I don't think my dad will let me.
[Oriol] Well hurry up, because we're
having a party tomorrow at the beach.
You should come.
[in Spanish] A kiss!
[in English] I need a beer.
You see?
- People here are great.
- [doorbell rings]
Hey, on Thursday,
we're doing an Amadeus night
at one of their clubs.
That's so cool, Axel.
Oh, shit. Zo, listen. I've got go.
Call you soon. Love you.
I love you.
You shouldn't come into my house so wet.
Shit, no, sorry.
Hi. I'm Axel.
Axel Collins.
I'm a DJ. I'm playing one of your clubs.
Just a session, so
Make sure you play well.
Then maybe they'll give you another go.
Hey, can I ask you a question?
Whose music's that?
That's my opera collection.
You've got Lucio Silla.
You like Mozart?
Do I like Mozart?
Are you kidding? Mozart
- Mozart's the man.
- [chuckles]
Do you know how hard this is to find?
To be honest,
I haven't ever listened to that one.
That's criminal.
Do you mind?
Of course.
This overture is savage.
[intro to Lucio Silla playing]
First, the opening bars.
here it comes
Can you hear that?
It's pretty much techno.
[Conchita, in Spanish] Darling.
This is Axel, a friend of your brother's.
[in English] This is my daughter, Kika.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I can't study with so many people here.
I'm joining the party.
["Hallelujah" by Happy Mondays
overlaps with overture]
Hallelujah ♪
- [laughter and conversation]
- Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
- [cheering and whooping]
- We're here to pull ya ♪
Back in to do it all the same ♪
Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
Do it long, long, doin' it long ♪
Do it fine, fine, doin' it fine ♪
Goin' in, out, goin' in, not out ♪
How are you?
Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
Not here to praise ya ♪
Just here to raise ya
An' fill ya full of nails ♪
Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah ♪
["A. Cupido" by Deva & Recycled J playing]
- [knocking at door]
- [Andreu] Kika!
- Aún sincero esa story ♪
- [speaking Spanish]
Sabiendo el peligro, vine a ti ♪
[knocking at door]
Historias de espina ♪
Me he clavado una espina
Te he clavado la mía, no la puedes sacar ♪
No la puedes sacar
All the way from the start ♪
No soy María, María ♪
- [knocking at door]
- Aún baby, baby, baby ♪
Dímelo, dímelo ♪
Aún baby, baby, baby ♪
[Andreu, in Spanish]
We're waiting for you at the table.
- [knocking]
- Coming, coming.
- [knocking at door]
- [sighs]
Come in, Dad.
I take it you went out last night?
I needed to get away from it all.
See my friends.
Maybe I needed to find some affection too.
You brought someone home?
Maldigo al que disparó ♪
Ando buscando un remedio
Que aleje el dolor ♪
Good morning, Mr. Calafat.
No discuto, podría haber sido peor ♪
Good afternoon, Sissy.
[door closes]
Are you trying to provoke me?
[Kika] Provoke you?
You trick me into leaving Miami,
then at a dog's funeral,
you tell me my brother or mum
might be killers.
Come on, Dad, if that's not provocative,
I don't know what is.
I couldn't tell you on the phone.
Do you think they killed Axel?
I don't know yet.
Fuck, Dad
[sighs] Look, I really don't care.
They're nothing to me.
I only come here for two days at Christmas
and by the third, I want to shoot them.
But what really kills me
is how long it took you
to realize who they are.
No, I have suspected things aren't right
for some time.
That's why I want you to be brave
and take over the company, Kika.
I'm not one of your employees, Dad.
I have a life in Miami,
I'm going to be an actress.
What do you want me to do?
Drop everything and be your CEO?
You sent me to Boston when I was 17.
You abandoned me, Dad.
I wanted to
walk the dog with you.
Get almonds from the trees.
It was better you weren't here.
Not being with my dad was better for me,
was it?
It wasn't just running hotels anymore.
Suddenly we ran the nightlife in Ibiza.
A world of drug dealers and whores.
People disappeared
and nobody asked questions.
I didn't want my little girl to realize
that I was no better than any of them.
Well, thanks very much, Dad,
but that's the exact reason
you can't expect me to come back.
I'm flying back tomorrow.
Okay, Kika.
Come on. Let's eat.
[whistling continues]
[in English] Boxer. How much does it cost
to buy seven kilos of cocaine?
Are we talking wholesale or retail?
Whichever's cheapest.
I could get it for
280 grand.
Are you going out?
Ah, Parrot Beach.
- There's a party at eight.
- You're going to a party?
Sure, it's a party, but it's also my job.
My shift starts in half an hour.
Have you seen Marcus' leg?
What are they gonna do to him
if he can't return the drugs?
Scoop out his eyes with a spoon?
Rape his daughters?
Have you got no principles?
You say that you read books
and that you're really sensitive,
but the truth is you don't care
about anybody but yourself.
You are the one who took the cocaine.
You fucked up that guy's life,
so if anything happens to his daughters,
- it's not on me, it's on you.
- I thought that you suspected him!
I didn't know what else to do.
Do you want to know why I took lithium,
When my brother disappeared,
I felt like I'd been
hit by a truck.
I didn't speak for months and I
I just wanted to die.
I don't handle problems well.
One doesn't handle problems, Zoe.
One tears them out of the fucking ground,
so they don't blow up in your face.
What are you doing?
Where are you going?
To sort out this mess.
Just wait here.
[Zoe] When my brother asked me
to come to Ibiza, I chose to stay.
To live a safe life in Manchester.
Maybe that was just an excuse,
and actually I was just scared.
Then when he disappeared,
I tried to kill myself.
Is there anything more cowardly than that?
[clears throat]
[machines beeping]
[phone rings]
- Hello?
- Hi, Marcus. It's Zoe.
How are you?
What, besides the fact
that my leg's got a piece of fuckin' metal
stickin' out of it?
So why don't you just tell me
where my fuckin' drugs are?
I'm I'm really sorry,
but I I haven't found them.
Um perhaps if they gave us
a bit more time,
- then I could get the money.
- What time is it?
Uh, it's seven o'clock.
You'd better get the hell off this island.
Because when I get out of here,
I am gonna fucking hunt you down.
- [grunts]
- [rapid beeping]
[in Spanish]
Room 212. Quick! Something's going on.
[Marcus] Ow.
Where's me stuff?
[in English] Try to calm down, Mr. Ward.
The anesthesia takes time to work.
No, no. I've gotta go. [yells]
Call the doctor.
We need more sedatives.
No. No more sedative, right?
Just take it off.
- Everyone ♪
- I need to call my family.
You said you didn't have any.
I lied. Ah You are really startin'
to piss me off.
Give me my fucking mobile.
- Don't. Don't you dare.
- Everybody knows the pain ♪
Go. Go!
[Zoe] Shit.
Boxer, mate. You've gotta help me out.
Marcus, it's Zoe.
- Boxer's not here.
- Oh, fuck
Oh, fuck.
I've got one hour before they come
for me daughters.
Okay, look, don't worry.
Nothing's gonna happen to them.
Just tell me where they are
and I'll go and get them.
Matilda leaves judo in half an hour.
Tanny will be there to meet her.
It's the British College, right?
Take both of them to to
Formentera, to the mainland,
I don't care.
Oh, and whatever you do
don't tell their mother.
[men speaking Spanish]
- [laughing]
- Kika.
- [in English] Hey, Zoe. Hi.
- Have you got a car?
- Yeah, I have a car. What's up?
- Could you give me a lift?
I came to say goodbye to Boxer,
because I'm leaving tomorrow.
Boxer's not here. Listen, I can't explain
right now, but it's really important.
[house music playing]
This is how we do ♪
We make a move and act the fool
While we up in the club ♪
This is how we do ♪
We make a move and act the fool
While we up in the club ♪
This is how we do ♪
We make a move and act the fool
While we up in the club ♪
This is how we do ♪
[in Spanish] I want to talk to you, Pepe.
Take the little tanned one as well.
And that's it.
[man] Stop the music!
It must be pretty important for you
to deign to show up at one of my clubs.
[woman speaking Spanish]
Go ahead.
[Oriol clears throat]
I've come here because
I need you to ask your son Cristóbal
to do something.
To go to the police,
and tell them that 20 years ago,
he killed Axel Collins.
Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
Not here to praise ya ♪
- Cristóbal!
- Just here to raise ya ♪
An' fill you full of nails ♪
Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah ♪
Hallelujah ♪
[all chanting] Cristóbal!
- Whoo!
- [all] Cristóbal! Cristóbal!
- Cristóbal! Cristóbal!
- [whooping and whistling]
[Oriol] Nothing's going to happen to him.
The crime has expired.
But I know it was him.
And I need him to acknowledge it.
We're having problems
with the casino investors.
And I'm
And I'm losing my father's respect.
They say that kid was taken
across the Mediterranean to Almeria.
And buried in the desert,
leaving no trace.
A perfect crime.
You think this moron could commit
a perfect crime?
His mother says he's an artist.
You know what I see?
An idiot whose brain has been fried
by cocaine.
A piece of shit who will squander
my businesses on whores and pills
after I die.
Look at me.
I'm nearly 70 years old
and I'm still training dancers
and even choosing which oil
they're going to use on their arse.
I'd give my right arm
for my son to take over my business,
and for him to have had the balls
to kill the English kid 20 years ago.
That prick was fucking up all our lives,
the Martinezes' and the Calafats'.
I didn't kill Axel, Pepe.
As you said the crime has expired.
Besides, who even cares
about that kid anymore?
I do.
I care.
[instructor shouts]
[in English] Uh, sorry to interrupt.
Um, I just need to collect,
uh, Matilda Ward.
Well, there's 15 minutes left.
Wait outside, please.
Okay, we have to wait.
[whistle blows]
I don't think you can smoke in here.
[Kika] I'm an adult. What are they gonna
do? Put me in detention? Bring it on.
Last time, they expelled me for a week.
[players shouting]
No, thank you. Gave up years ago.
You know it's not tobacco, right?
Once, I did it with your brother
over on those mats.
- [laughs]
- Oh, my God.
You had sex with my brother
in this gym?
[Kika] What is the craziest place
you've ever done it?
[Zoe] I don't know.
- My dad's bed.
- What?
That's not even that crazy.
- Unless your dad was in the bed.
- [snorts]
[house music playing]
[cheering and whistling]
[in Spanish]
I don't want any blood or violence.
No cutting off fingers
or anything like that.
Just make it all very polite.
I don't want any problems with his family.
What do you want to know?
I want him to confess what he did.
Film him saying he killed Axel Collins.
That's all.
And after?
Afterwards, just let him go
and let him carry on polluting the world
with his shitty music.
[cheering and whistling]
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
I'll be back soon!
But I'm leaving you in good hands.
Eh? [laughs]
Give it up
for the American queen of house!
I'll be right back!
Keep on flying, people!
[crowd chanting]
[chanting and cheering]
Hey! Hey!
I'm in here, for fuck's sake!
I'm in here, you sons of bitches!
- Hey!
- [engine starts]
You sons of bitches! Get me out of here!
Get me out of here!
[whistle blows]
[man, in English] Keep moving.
I slept with Sissy last night.
You know her, right?
She's pretty.
Lately, I've been going for women.
But I don't know anymore.
I guess having some chaos in your life,
when you're 20, it's okay, but
I'm almost 40.
[sighs] Maybe I should have a baby.
- What, a baby with Sissy?
- Hmm.
All my life,
I've always started new things.
Magnet therapy.
Abstract painting.
Same thing with relationships, you know?
I've fallen for so many different people.
And you always think
it's gonna be the one,
but deep down inside, you know it's not.
And here we are today,
picking up a girl from school.
Maybe that should be my life.
Doing normal things.
Let's go.
We're here for Matilda.
I told your friend ten minutes.
Yes, but I'm her aunt,
you see, and she has a head full of lice.
So you don't want to have her be
in contact with other children. Adiós!
I don't think having head lice
is going to make me very popular.
Mmm. I'm sorry, sweetie.
Where the fuck are you going?
- [Tanny] We're going to Formentera?
- Yay! Formentera!
[Tanny] I'm not going. Let me out.
- I don't even know you.
- [Zoe] Yes, you do.
- I'm a friend of your father's. So is she.
- I don't care. I'm calling Mum.
No, you're not.
Your father asked us to take you
on a little trip. Just us girls.
Somewhere nice that we can enjoy
and everyone's just getting
a little bit stressed out right now.
Stop the car! Stop the car!
- It's our dog. It's Pancho.
- What?
- [Zoe] That is their dog.
- Stop! Stop the car!
[Kika] Please be careful.
- God!
- Ay!
Oh, God! Jesus!
[Tanny] Pancho! Pancho!
- Oh!
- [Pancho whimpers]
Oh! Mwah! Are you okay?
- What the fuck?
- Girls?
- They're running away.
- [tires skid]
[Zoe] Standing there
in the middle of the forest,
I realized that I've had it all wrong.
I thought Axel was the brave one
and I was the coward.
But he ran away
and I stayed.
And let me tell you now,
that wasn't the easy option.
I took responsibility
and I think that's
I think that's brave.
This has to stop.
What do you mean stop?
How am I supposed to protect two girls
from a couple of Romanian traffickers?
It's time to be brave.
Don't you think?
[door opens]
Are you ready, Mrs. Walker?
[Cristóbal, in Spanish]
Get me out of here!
Hey! [yelling in Spanish]
Get me out of here!
- [retching]
- [shouts]
What the fuck are you doing?
Do you know who I am, you fucking morons?
What the fuck is that?
You'd play great sets on this.
Why don't you give it a try?
Fuck off.
Take me back, now!
You're going to look into the camera
and tell me the truth.
What truth?
It's a simple question.
Did you kill Axel Collins?
What are you talking about?
Kill Axel? Of course not, arsehole!
Well, someone told us you said
something different a long time ago.
Twenty years ago. Don't you remember?
Don't worry,
I'm sure the music will bring it all back.
- [loud techno plays]
- [screaming]
Turn that down, for fuck's sake!
Okay, guys, okay, okay.
[laughs] Yeah!
We've all had a good laugh.
Let me go now.
I didn't kill Axel!
You have no fucking idea
what you're doing!
I'm Pepe Martínez's son!
You're fucking up
the rest of your goddamn lives!
[Grigor, in English]
What are you doing here, Boxer?
We're about to head out.
[Boxer] Let me up, boys.
You look nice.
Going to a party?
[Yuri] What the fuck do you want?
[Boxer] I wanna know
what the fuck is going on, Yuri.
Seven large packets of cocaine
turned up in a pine forest today.
- I thought they might be yours.
- They're Marcus's.
Someone took them from him.
- What are you planning to do?
- What do you think?
Jesus! [laughs]
What the fuck do you catch with this?
Put it down. Now.
[mimics Yuri] Okay, no problem.
Hey. You got any coke?
There is a ban. Remember?
[Boxer] It's just for me.
I had my first line in eight years.
And I could use a little more.
Come on, guys.
Just give me something
and I'll head off. Huh?
There's a good boy.
You've even got beer.
This is better than a yacht.
- [bottle cap falls]
- Ah.
[ship's horn blares in distance]
Oh, shit.
[Grigor groaning]
[Grigor groans]
Hang in there.
What the fuck?
[loud techno music playing]
- Hey
- [man shouts in Spanish]
[Cristóbal sobbing]
[Cristóbal yells] Oriol!
I don't know what the fuck's happening,
man. Let me go!
135 decibels
and the son of a bitch isn't breaking.
- [man shouts in Spanish]
- [volume increases]
It was you!
You killed Axel, Oriol!
Even his father knows it!
He did it because Axel Collins
was fucking his mum!
[volume increases]
[Zoe, in English] Yesterday
I didn't tell you the whole truth.
The reason why I drove away
is because there were seven kilos
of cocaine in the car.
They were hidden in an inflatable banana.
You know, the ones that you find
on the beach, for kids.
I found it and I took it.
And now there are two Romanian traffickers
who are trying to kidnap
my friend's girls.
And it's my fault.
It's all my fault.
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