White Wall (2020) s01e03 Episode Script

The gold train

You know, people make mistakes.
Holmström didn't have the detonator.
- Someone may have brought something in.
You mean they have someone inside?
- We must go back there.
You lied to me.
- You have to see it.
What is it?
- We'll keep quiet until we know.
I think it was alive.
- I was down there.
We can't work if they keep placing bombs.
- It was no bomb! There is no bomb!
Come on now, where are we
- Just wait.
Sorry about the time,
did I wake you up?
Sorry, just a quick question.
Where are the diamond drill bits?
Because I
No, I checked there.
You drink this thing?!
- No.
How did it go with Said?
- I don't know, we'll see.
Ok, time to go home and sleep.
- I have to finish this.
No, now.
I have to check these carbon allotropes.
- Nope.
Sleep on it.
I'm checking the archives in case
we missed something during test drilling.
From when the mine was still operating.
From No. 136 on
the tunnels date back to the 80's.
There's a story about an entire ore train disappearing.
Based on the new info
I'm convinced it wasn't terrorism.
What new info?
- I've seen footages from the explosion.
And we should buy this?
How much do they pay you to say this?
That's bullshit!
Someone broke into the area before the explosion!
And you say there's no connection?
- Exactly.
Come on now our protest paid off,
I got to see the video recordings.
Now I'm telling you what I saw.
- I don't buy it, we'll strike until they can prove it!
Sit down, please sit down!
There's another thing.
I promised to stay quiet, but
Holmström it was no accident.
He could never do such a rookie mistake.
They're trying to protect his family.
His wife is alone with two kids.
They shouldn't suffer any more.
- You mean he actually
He'd been on antidepressants for months.
Not even his wife knew.
We shouldn't have been there.
He had an extra charge ready for later
but it was triggered by the explosion.
There must be an easier way to
- Not if you want the insurance money.
Holmström may have been on pills
but he wasn't stupid.
Now you know why it is an "accident"
and you know what to say.
Thank you.
It would help to know what I'm looking for.
Anything related to "Black Forest".
The wall is right under it.
If there ever was mining in the area.
Isn't all digitalized?
- Only what was considered interesting.
So why are we looking here?
- 'Cause not everything was digitalized.
Something that wasn't considered special then
might be special for us now.
Pictures, drilling reports,
things that have not been mapped.
No trace of explosions.
Not on our side anyway.
And nothing strange in the mine tunnels.
- Something must have happened elsewhere.
There have been no activities.
- There's a trail there, where di it go?
To the other road.
- What you mean? It just stops.
It went to houses they never built.
- No, they did some drilling there.
There was no reason to build a road
that led nowhere.
What do you think then?
Maybe they were digging for gold.
700 meters underground?
- Maybe they were looking to hide it.
A vault full of gold 700 meters underground?
- We know they have found gold before.
An entire ore train went missing.
So you think there's a train full of gold
in a 700 meters deep vault?
And you think that's an unknown material
from some other dimension?
What the hell!
No explosions until we learn more about it!
It was just a tiny little
The air will be clean
in fifteen minutes approximately.
I can't say for sure that he's psychotic.
He keeps telling the same story over and over.
He keeps talking about a big wall of bone.
- Yes, he mentioned it.
There's no wall, of course.
- He says you two found it.
Will he get better?
- It would be useful to know what triggered this condition.
Is it always this cold in here?
Nobody believes me here.
About what?
- That the end is near.
Nobody cares.
It's inside there.
The end?
- It's in the wall, I saw it on the other side.
Saw what?
- A gate something was moving inside there.
You were hallucinating
- No no.
Do you remember the former site director?
Besse Stenmark?
Yes, why?
- Do you know where he lives?
I'm going out.
- Bye.
Bye, love.
I'll write down all the extra hours.
I'm just a bit behind, sorry.
She says it was all our idea
and she couldn't say anything about it.
I don't want to force her.
- So we'll do it together?
What do you think?
You sound distracted.
Yes ok
Now I know your mind.
You can call her yourself then.
I'm not sure I want to encourage her when
- Yes
Sorry, there's a wolf on the road.
I just managed not to hit it.
I think this is Nicola's last chance
but I want us to agree about it.
Ok what?
- We agree, we stick to the plan.
Is this how you feel?
- This is how I feel.
I'll tell Nicole you're going to call her.
Drive safe. Kisses.
Bye kisses.
- Come in!
So let's see.
Sorry to bother you.
- Yes, yes
I was wondering if you remember
what happened here.
Nothing perhaps just some test drilling.
Did you come across anything strange?
- Like what?
Unusual kinds of rock or mineral
Concentration decreased steadily to the east,
away from the main crusher.
I don't think we even reached the Black Forest.
So you're not 100% sure?
- Why you ask? Have you been digging there?
The landscape on the picture
matches the soil in this area.
Where was it taken?
- Well it was taken here.
It was summer '85 or 86,
about the end of it.
Why were you there?
It was a big mistake.
We were looking for gold.
We were doomed to fail.
We thought we'd found the mother lode.
There had been gold there
so we dug several hundred meters
until we came to our senses and stopped.
We lost our savings there.
Was it this road?
- Why was it built if it was meant to be hidden?
I can't remember every little trail!
There are roads everywhere.
Now if you'll excuse me
Those weren't easy times.
Some lost their family and health.
It's deworming for the dog.
He must have found a carcass somewhere.
Now, if there's nothing else
- No.
We saw a wolf on the way here.
Dark or light?
- Light, I think.
Yellow in the neck?
- I don't really remember
We're building part of the final repository
under the Black Forest.
So this would be a good time to talk.
I'm not following you
- We found
The cracks in the bedrock indicate
there have been explosions down there.
So if you know anything
You better go now.
I was there.
No doubt. Either he was lying
or he has a massive dementia.
I'm going there now
to have another word with him.
We're way behind, we have to go under it.
Too much time.
- You wanna go around it?
The fastest way is to blow it up.
- It'll draw too much attention.
Do you trust the new ones to shut up?
- They get paid well, they won't risk their job.
Honestly, what you think it is?
- It's no gold.
Ok I know it sounds weird
- It's no UFO either.
But it's not a rock,
any rookie can see that.
Scientists agree that there's probably
life on other planets beside Earth.
It's mathematically impossible that there isn't.
The Fermi paradox.
What do you think?
I don't think there's an ore train full of gold,
that's for sure.
What about that rock?
- I don't think it's rock.
No train, no UFO
what would a UFO do down there?
What you know about UFO's?
- There must be another explanation.
What then? Rock inside rock?
Shut up.
- He's an UFO expert now.
I don't care if it's a train or a UFO.
Nothing good will come out of this.
By the way, your drill has arrived.
- Has it? Yes!
What? You're going to drill through it?
What is it then?
- It's impossible to scan.
It just doesn't work.
It's like I'm using a toy machine.
I can't do what I need to do.
- So we can't tell what it is?
This is just pointless.
You turned your phone off.
- Just before I left.
They came asking about you.
- How do they know about me?
I don't know but they better not find you here.
Can you fix this? It's very slow charging.
- Put it there.
What was my drone carrying?
Something like that, only older.
- Where do you get these?
I have plenty of those.
It's the only thing you
and your friends can do.
Endless measurements without any result,
without making any difference.
You know what?
I let you drag me into your game
and now you accuse me for your failures.
Take your shit and go tell your friends
that they can do it by themselves, I'm out!
Go home!
If I see you again, I'll call the police!
Wait a second.
You're looking at it?
It's working!
It's on but it's very far from the area.
You got it?
What do you want?
I was going to drop a Geiger counter
in the temporary storage area but
someone replaced it.
- So you don't know what you dropped? Smart
Ok I'll call it in
and you tell them yourself about it.
How do you think I knew
you were working tonight?
Whoever replaced the counter
has someone working inside.
Someone paid to do things.
You think I'm stupid?
- I know how it sounds.
Sounds like you're about to put the blame on me.
- I'm not.
I promise.
I just want to know what it is
that it's not something bad.
If you find it, you'll be the hero.
Who is this person you trusted so blindly?
My father.
You have to find it.
Thanks for a long, long, long day.
- You're welcome.
Good thing we did a test.
- Indeed.
A step forward.
- Absolutely.
If you want to come in
there's something I'd like to talk to you about.
Axel and Li are still sleeping.
You can take this off.
- Yes ok.
Will you go back to your family
after the inauguration?
To your wife and kids
and pretend nothing happened?
Is that what you think?
- What am I supposed to think?
What are we?
Can I borrow this?
See? It's clearly breaking.
Christopher hey!
- Helen!
I wanted to call you many times
but I never got around to do it.
It happens.
The email you sent me was cryptic,
to say the least.
You got me curious.
- That's good.
You have it with you?
Will you show it to me
or do I have to guess?
We can go to the other room.
- Yes, please.
How's your heart?
- Perfect.
The board completely agrees.
We hope you will continue.
In fact, we have a draft of a new contract.
Maybe we should wait for the inauguration.
The decision is yours and yours.
I don't want to pressure you.
There's so much more in life
than just work.
Other than work.
- Is it?
What are you working on?
Me? I run a hotel chain.
- Really? I didn't know.
Any plans for the future?
Expand your business?
We're thinking about starting
our own business.
Find a quiet place to move in.
Sounds great.
Have you found anything?
A very nice place, perfect.
The price was also nice but
we've been too slow.
Maybe it wasn't meant to be
you'll find something better. Cheers to that!
It's important to me that you come along.
Why this sudden?
- Because that's how it is.
You don't have to believe me.
- I'm not going to.
But we agreed and we stick to it.
Even if it's stupid?
- It was your idea in the first place.
You said you were falling behind
and wanted to raise your grades.
What has changed?
- I just wanted to make you happy
Enough! It'll be alright.
You can focus on something else for a couple of weeks.
Like you know what I'm focused on
- Now you can better your grades.
End of discussion.
I'm not that sure anymore.
I think we're only forcing her.
30 minutes!
We must catch the night flight!
You're going to stay mad the whole flight?
- Hi.
This is Helen, a colleague.
This is Nicola, my daughter.
She'll stay with me a while to raise her grades.
We'll see.
Good luck. You wanna sit here?
- Yes.
I dropped off the test results.
We'll have an answer tomorrow.
We'll talk about it.
- We're already talking about it.
Helen is the best geologist we have.
The only one, actually.
- But damn good.
- Thanks.
Good morning, Bryksele.
Today it's -29°C.
Maybe it's me but it looks like
the day is getting darker than the night.
Spring equinox is in two months
but I'll believe it when I see it.
Until then,
I'll keep taking my antidepressants.
Ok, let's see what's in our unofficial "shout-box".
Jönsson's dog is missing, a Terranova.
"Don't try to befriend him".
ECSO will move their nuclear waste
between 10 and 2 pm today.
I need to stop by at work.
- But it's Saturday.
You study!
It's carbon.
Something else too.
- But mainly carbon, 96,3% of it.
Also something that's never
been seen before.
In Sweden?
- In nature on Earth.
No one knows what it is.
But it's carbon.
It's a miracle.
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