Wind Breaker (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

The Man Who Stands at the Top

Nice, nice! Sparks are flying!
What's so nice about this?
But, Sakura-kun,
when you're in front of Sugishita-san
you really shouldn't have said
"I came here to be the top."
You bastard.
Sugishita-kun has been visiting here
since he was in middle school,
and after his passion and talents
were recognized,
he was allowed to call himself a part of
Bofurin before he even got to high school.
What's more, his extreme loyalty
to our current top, or rather,
his worship of him
makes him a fanatic to the
And here you are,
saying you'll usurp him, so yeah.
Don't just stir things up! Stop him!
Me? Why don't you stop them, then?
We can't!
If you don't stop him,
he'll kill that outsider!
Too bad, you missed.
A fanatic, eh?
That means you can't think for yourself
or decide anything on your own, right?
As if I'd lose to a guy like that!
One, two. One, two. Testing, testing.
Which button am I supposed to press?
What? It's already on?
Why didn't you say anything?
I did!
What the hell?
Welcome, all new students!
Quiet it down, moron! Just talk normally!
But it's important
to make a good first impression.
Your regular voice is loud already!
Do you want complaints from the neighbors?
What the hell?
Things were just gettin' good.
What are those bastards doing?
Come on! Let's get this going again!
What happened? The air's stiff
Who is this guy?
Well, let's get back to it.
This is the Bofurin rep, Hajime Umemiya.
This guy is Furin's top!
The strongest guy in Furin!
Sorry! I forgot what I was gonna say!
Oh, right!
You guys better enjoy your youth!
That's right, youth!
You guys made it to high school,
after all!
Go make loads of memories
and live a meaningful school life!
Like going to the beach or the mountains!
By the way, I'm a beach guy myself!
Wow, I really couldn't care less.
All right! Let's all go to
the beach this summer!
Let's chow on some shaved ice!
Shaved ice?
You got a problem with that?
Nothing! Nothing at all!
I am honored to hear the teachings
of your great god and savior!
Ah, right. I said "everyone" out of habit,
but with this many people,
some of you may not get along well.
A lot's gonna happen from now on, too.
Well, I doubt anyone will be
punching each other on the first day!
I'm not asking y'all to be best buds,
but try to behave, 'kay?
You can wipe blood off your nose,
but we all saw you fighting.
What the heck? He was
the one who attacked me first!
And also, I gotta say this
at the very least
All of you
Protect our town.
We're given the name "Bofurin,"
"Chime of the Wind Breaker."
Live up to that name and protect
the people, the things, and the memories
of everything that's important to you!
That's the one and only rule here.
Yes, sir!
That's all!
I'm leaving the rest to you guys!
All right, I'm done!
Let's grab something to eat!
The mic is still on!
It's not like he's right in front of us
But why does it feel like
everyone's united?
Can someone make this happen
just by being good at fighting?
What sort of guy is he?
Hey, you two!
Don't you need to make up now?
I know! How about you shake hands?
To settle this! Like proper youth!
Why do I have to do it with him? Besides,
we haven't settled! We're still fighting!
And he's the one who attacked me first!
Sakura-san, why is your face red?
As someone who strives for the top,
this should be trivial for you, right?
Sugishita-kun, what do you think
Umemiya-san is going to say,
if he hears you attacked your classmate?
We're really going to do a handshake?
For real?
Sakura-san! Hurry and take his hand!
I just gotta grab his hand, right?
Not punching him back or smack him away
Touching someone for
something other than fighting
feels really weird.
Nice, nice! Now this is youth!
What's so nice about this?
What is he, a gorilla?
That hurts! What are you doi
You're really somethin'!
You actually managed to hit Sugishita!
That kick was crazy, too!
You're so flexible, huh?
I bet he can walk while doing the bridge!
-Hey, I can do that!
-But come to think of it,
things like this keep happening
ever since I came to this town
Hey, why are you all quiet?
You didn't strangle him, did you?
As if I'd go down that easily!
A human body is a lot
warmer than I thought
Hey, you guys!
Get your butts outside. Come on.
Huh? We just got inside the classroom.
Also, who are you?
Sakura-san, that part is uneven!
I got some extra paint.
is this?
Nirei-kun, you're so good at painting.
Do you think so?
What is happening?
What now?
We just got to the classroom.
Shut up!
Don't just stand there chatting!
Get your butts out to the field!
I'm gonna get yelled at
if you little punks are late!
He rolls his tongue a lot
What's keeping y'all so long?
It's been seven minutes, 48 seconds,
and 26 milliseconds!
Even preschoolers can
move faster than this!
He even counts to the milliseconds?
He's so particular.
He's from yesterday
Sakura-san, you know him?
Yesterday, when I saved
that girl from the café.
You mean Kotoha-san?
That hurts, man! What are you do
I told you not to tell anyone
that Kotoha-chan was there too!
-Gross! Keep your spit to yourself!
-You really don't get it, do you?
-I wonder what they're talking about.
-Yeah, I wonder.
I told you it'll be such a pain in the ass
if he finds out Kotoha-chan was in danger!
Anyway, Kotoha-chan wasn't there.
And don't tell anyone
what happened yesterday!
Or else
-I'll throw up blood.
Good grief.
I have no idea why you'd
come here from outta town,
but you've ended up
under one hell of a captain.
Sakura-san, what were you two
talking about?
What? Then, what was he like?
A weirdo who was yellin' out of nowhere,
started hurtin', and took a Gaskun 10.
Gaskun 10?
A stomach medicine?
Why are you writing that down?
Hiragi-san is one of the
Four Kings of Bofurin!
Four Kings?
Umemiya-san's the top of Bofurin
and under him are the Four Kings.
Each one of them fulfills the role of
captain to one class in each grade.
So we're kinda like team one?
Since we're in class one.
Oh, not really.
Bofurin's Four Kings takes
after the Four Heavenly Kings.
So starting from team one, they're called
the Tamon, Jikoku, Zojo, and Komoku teams.
We're part of the Tamon team.
Split up into a group of four or five.
Each group will have
a second or third-year in it.
They'll be leading you,
so follow their instructions carefully.
Come on, let's go.
Go where? For what?
To patrol the town.
Patrolling aside
why do I have to be with him?
Didn't I tell you already?
Umemiya told me to keep my eye on you two.
You two are coming with me.
Umemiya's orders.
In fact, you two already
got into a fight, didn't you?
We didn't! He tried to punch me,
so I just kicked him away!
Enough! Just walk and
keep a distance, okay?
-He's like a preschool teacher.
-Who're you callin' a teacher?
Also, you said patrollin',
but all we do is walk around.
If we're supposed to protect the town,
wouldn't it be better to just look
for the bad guys to beat instead?
You moron.
That's called attacking, not protecting.
Walking around town serves a purpose.
Just by showin' up in our uniforms,
small teams are gonna stay far away.
We fight to protect.
There's no need for us
to pick a fight ourselves.
What's that supposed to mean?
That's so boring.
You're the boring one for
only finding joy in fist-fights!
Whoa, hey! Granny!
Stop it! It's dangerous!
You guys get over here!
Man, you guys are a lot of help!
They keep painting on the wall
each time we erase it.
There are a lot less of them now, though.
It's nothing, sir.
What the hell is this?
This is par for the course
for Bofurin members, too.
Hey, owner!
We're done over here.
Man, thank you so much!
Here, take this.
Thank you!
You're not having fun unless it's a fight?
It's not that I don't get it.
We were all like that before.
talking with people
and being needed by them
that kinda stuff can be pretty fun, too.
Is it a restaurant district beyond here?
What an ugly mutt.
You shouldn't say that!
We don't know if those guys are close!
Those guys?
We're right at the border between
Bofurin and another team's turf.
We mustn't cause any trouble
past this tunnel at any cost!
Just like how every country
has its own laws,
our rules here don't mean
a thing over there.
The team that controls the turf
beyond this point is
The devotees of power, Shishitoren!
Huh, "the devotees of power"?
Not bad. I like the sound of that.
Stop right there!
That's San Middle's uniform!
What are you doing over there?
Hurry and get over here!
Behind him!
That orange baseball jacket
It's Shishitoren!
Dammit! He's not gonna make it
past the tunnel!
Hey, bastard. Get outta the way.
Why did they do that?
Taking on a member of
another team on their turf
What are you talking about?
If this guy is one of us
then they're the ones who struck first!
What are you two doing?
I'll take care of the rest.
Get back over there.
Listen to me!
What are you doing, man?
Well, crap. He's completely knocked out.
He went down with just one kick. Lame.
What's wrong with them?
Aren't they on the same team?
Hey, what's with all this?
I saw one of our guys runnin' by,
so I came all the way here.
Out of all people to show up,
it just had to be him?
Shishitoren's second-in-command,
Jo Togame!
What are Furin guys doing here?
Huh? Saruwatari? What happened to you?
What's up with this guy?
That guy was chasin' one of our own.
Oh, it's Hiragi.
Why is he talking so slowly?
It's getting on my nerves!
did those guys do this?
Seems like this guy's something special.
You bastards! Are you screwing with us?
We've got rules not to do crap
on other team's turfs!
Past this damn track
is Shishitoren's turf!
Don't act all high into our turf
"Our turf"?
But you lost.
That means you're weak.
You know already, don't you?
Stop it!
Huh? What?
Isn't he one of your guys?
Surely not this guy.
Cuz he lost.
Losing means you're weak.
And the weak don't belong in Shishitoren.
How can they?
I heard the rumors, but they really
don't seem like the friendly type.
You call yourself "devotees of power"
and this what you do?
Beatin' up weaklings is
what power means to you?
And here I thought you guys
would be kinda fun.
What a letdown.
A letdown, huh?
Hey, can you believe what he said?
Should we kill him?
Ah, don't worry about that.
More importantly
Look at your hair.
It's like an Othello board.
Huh? You only noticed now?
Also, dude, you talk way too fast.
Huh? You're just slow!
I can't hear a thing you say
It's getting on my nerves.
All right. I've decided.
I'm gonna pummel you up on a proper stage.
I remember your face now.
I'll see you again, Othello-kun.
Othello, my ass.
Hold up! What have you two done?
You have totally provoked a war!
This will be a war!
There, there. Calm down, Nirei-kun.
I missed my cue to interrupt you guys,
but after looking at that,
I'm glad I didn't.
Hiragi-san, please follow
the daily dose instructions
Besides, if you didn't stir him up
at the end there,
we could've gotten away with that kick!
Togame ain't that easygoing.
Among the guys in Shishitoren,
he's particular about their territory.
He wouldn't have let us go that easily.
Is that so?
What's done is done.
Besides, I should've been
the first one to step in.
Let's head back to school now.
You're from San Middle
I'm Sasaki.
You should come with us.
We gotta report everything to Umemiya.
Does he hate reporting
to Umemiya that badly?
He sounded pretty friendly
on the announcement, though.
What kind of guy is he?
What is this?
The top of Furin!
The strongest in the school!
Oh, Hiragi! Look at this!
The eggplants and green peppers
are growing strong!
We can have a BBQ
with everyone in the summer!
He's like an elementary school kid.
Is he strong?
Still, though. What should
we do about this desk?
Why are you asking me that?
I didn't break it.
But it all started because
you agitated Sugishita-san.
Whose side are you on?
You go say that to him!
Hey, Sugishita! Hey!
That bastard! He's pretending to sleep!
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