Wistoria: Wand and Sword (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

Order & Watcher

I know it very well.
You're the kindest and
bravest person I know.
Well then.
Elfie! I'll definitely climb the Tower!
Even if I can't use magic!
Even if many things are trying
to separate us together!
I'll definitely come to you!
This is my promise to you.
Let's watch the sunset together!
This is a promise.
I'll always and always
be waiting for you.
Professor Workner
This is going to be the last time
I cry aloud in a miserable voice.
Are you afraid of opening
your eyes again?
Do you hate being like
a stranger to yourself?
Even if you realize you have no talent
Does that become a pretext
to keep running away?
To respond to the screams
echoing within
Who is there to answer them?
At least, in the few moments
of your life
I want you to be an honest actor
What if today is that day?
Are you afraid of opening
your eyes again?
Do you hate being like
a stranger to yourself?
But you've realized, haven't you?
Your body can't stop moving
"If I think of you, who I can't bear to lose,
my fears seem trivial."
Even if I expose my life and sing
In time, you will understand
Will it end here?
You wouldn't want that, would you?
(Episode 3: Order & Watcher)
Will Serfort.
A no-talent and an overachieving
book learner.
Also a self-supported student.
Hey, Will!
Early as ever, I see.
Good morning, Donnan!
Keep up the good work!
I'll see you later at Gina's place.
I'll be waiting!
Oh, no
"Elfaria, the Albis Vina,
invented a new magic."
"A record of twelve original spells
by a single mage."
You're working hard, Elfie.
I need to keep working hard too.
"Along with this, the Upper Institute has
placed an order to the Academy."
"The client is Elfaria herself."
Wait, what?!
Rosty! Rosty!
Rosty! Can you prepare
a magic item for me?
What's up, Will?
Why the hurry?
Elfie has placed an order.
I have to go.
And what about classes?
I don't take any today.
That's why I can prioritize this.
Does it seem hard?
The order is to gather ice cores
from the Frost Walkers.
Apparently, she needs a lot of
magical catalysts.
The students will get paid for
any amounts they can gather.
I'm going to the fourth floor,
that's why I need your magic items!
You're really an honest roommate.
I've made some upgrades
since last time.
Here you go.
As expected of an artificer!
Thanks a lot!
Take care.
See you later!
The great ancestor, the Mage Queen
Mercedes, once said this:
"Everything comes from the dungeon."
"O children of magic, venture forth
with knowledge and wisdom."
"Conquer the unknown along your path."
"Everything is connected."
This place is in total chaos.
It's Elfie's order, after all.
All right, Kiki, we go too-
That's Sion for you!
You blew those Frost Walkers to pieces!
These small fries won't cut it.
That time, he was more
Sion is amazing.
But I somehow feel his bloodlust.
If he's like that, there won't
be any monsters left here.
I'll just have to go further down.
Watch out!
What just happened?
Wait, that wasn't magic,
but a swordplay?
Are you okay? Any injuries?
No! I'm fine!
Thank you for saving me.
I'm glad.
I'm Will, and you are?
My name is Iris.
In this world, the creation of
new magic is a great achievement.
It's so great that it allows one
to advance to the Tower unconditionally.
New magic is often named after its creator
or a word associated with that person.
For example, the dark magic,
Dax Darbicans.
It's named after the ancient mage
Darbicans, the Keeper of Fire.
If one of you could create new magic,
you would leave your mark on history.
It sounds easy.
But it's not a very realistic way
to advance.
Professor Workner!
Isn't the thing about Lady Elfaria from
this morning's newspaper amazing, then?
If I put it into words
She's incredibly amazing.
In fact, it's almost unbelievable.
I've never even heard of an individual
creating twelve new magic.
In that respect,
she can be called the greatest mage
in the long history of the world.
Lady Elfaria is really amazing.
Does that mean ice magic
is the greatest now?
I'm definitely going to the Ice Faction.
The childhood friend that Will chases
is such an amazing person.
Even now, the whole academy
is buzzing because of her order.
Ah, you're looking like
a damsel in distress.
A damsel?
What do you mean by that, Rose?
You're jealous of Lady Elfaria,
aren't you?
"His amazing childhood friend is going
to steal Will from me!" like that.
Don't be silly!
You two, don't be noisy!
We're in the middle of a lesson!
I'm sorry, Professor Workner!
I'm sorry!
We got scolded.
Good grief.
Is he going to the dungeon today
for her sake?
You must be that book learner.
The senior who can't use magic,
the academy's first-ever no-talent.
The first-ever, huh
Why did you call me senior?
I'm fourteen.
Two years younger than me.
She's a fourth-year then.
Doesn't it bother you?
Like you said, I'm a no-talent.
Aren't you uncomfortable?
Why would I look down on my savior?
You may not be able to use magic,
but you do have talent.
And I respect that.
Are you here for the order as well?
Yes! I want to help Magia Vanders.
I want to do my part to hold up the sky.
What Iris said is not an exaggeration.
We've never seen the real sky.
The sky hanging over this world now
is a false sky, an enormous barrier,
that Magia Vanders have put up
with their powerful magic.
According to the Lore,
when the barrier fails, the world will be
plunged into darkness once more.
Then, the Calamity will begin.
We students want to clear the orders not
just because we admire Magia Vanders.
It's also because we believe
we're doing our part to hold up the sky.
Senior Will!
The truth is, I have met Lady Elfaria.
Huh? Really?
Yes. I'll never forget it.
That was when I was all alone in
the dungeon, and I was in danger.
Iris, you get in danger a lot, huh?
Surrounded by monsters. All alone.
It was a desperate situation.
Just when I had death on my mind
Are you okay?
Be careful next time.
That's what happened to me!
I see.
Yes! And we talked about
a lot of things.
Oh! Lady Elfaria!
I will dedicate my life to you!
And now, I was so excited about
the order and came down here,
but I haven't found
a single Frost Walker.
The others must have
taken them all out.
My Search isn't picking up
anything either.
Senior? What are you doing?
Frost Walkers leave ice shards
in their tracks.
Usually, the size is between
0.5 and 1 mille wide.
But these are more than double that.
There must be a colossal one up ahead.
A colossal?
Probably somewhere your Search
can't reach.
Wait! You can't use magic, right?
How can you know that?
Magic is great, but it's not absolute.
Especially not in the dungeon.
Besides, even I can make up for it with
wisdom, knowledge, and experience.
That's what I believe.
Knowing the unknown.
That is
A Frost Rex!
I knew it.
It's a colossal.
A Frost Rex.
It's an advanced subspecies of
Frost Walker.
An Over-Five Enemy is worth six credits.
The fourth floor's Notorious Monster.
You stay here, Iris.
Physical attacks won't work
on Frost Rex.
That's the dwarf killer.
It can freeze you if it touches you.
The only measure is to use
ranged magic.
It's too much for you!
Don't worry.
I've beaten that thing
so many times already.
Frost Rex is weak against fire.
In other words, explosives.
Torus Navalde!
Rosty's magic items are incredible.
I'll be sure to thank him later.
I see. So this is the no-talent.
There's a big difference
between rumors and reality.
How should I report this?
We got a lot of it.
Let's head back!
Peering through the telescope
I gaze at you
The everyday life I see there
is completely upside down
I can't keep my feet on the ground
My heart is in the clouds
Feelings with no destination
only become painful
Ah, it's so cruel
The spell "what if" has no effect
But everything would be fine
if it were with me
I can't help but think of that
I used to be able to say,
"I love you. Do you love me? I love you!"
It was like half-eaten frozen,
crunchy memories
(We're stuck in Love)
Not enough, not enough, not enough
There's not enough of you
(We're stuck in Love)
I want to touch you, I want to touch you
It's so cold
Before love freezes over
Warm it up, please
Since he can't use magic, he makes it up
with creativity and ingenuity.
Not to mention, a battle sense that
can only come from experiences.
Indeed, he's not a mage,
but a talented warrior.
Excuse me.
May I have a moment of your time?
Magia Vanders.
Am I disturbing your time?
Not at all, just the usual
insignificant meeting.
Because if the barrier were breached,
the world would be destroyed by now.
I'll bet those Celestial Hosts are just
over the other side watching us.
We haven't got the numbers
or the strength to fight them.
We need more elite mages
for the Fated Day.
We won't allow the Lore
to become reality.
How's everything on your side, Watcher?
You found anyone worth using?
During my search at the Academy,
I found an interesting prospect.
A no-talent who can't use magic.
His name is Will Serfort.
I recommend that he be brought
into the Tower.
- Out of the question.
- Nope.
That's interesting!
I don't want more
inferior goods near me.
I simply couldn't bear it.
Both of you are so rigid.
I'd even take a dwarf
if they were good.
You'd take barbarians?
I still can't see how a guy like you
can even be here in the first place.
Enough, you two.
In any case,
there's no need to be hasty.
The Grand Magic Festival
is almost upon us.
We can wait until then to
reach a decision.
Talented people should find
their way to the top.
And if they can't,
then that's it for them.
The insignificant meeting
is over, right?
I'm going first.
The boy you told me about,
he's really fascinating.
Lady Elfaria.
Will, I'll always be waiting for you.
Next up, Episode 4 of
Wistoria: Wand and Sword,
"Festival Eve."
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