Wolfe (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

MUSIC: "Clearly"
by Grace VanderWaal
There's a world outside my door ♪
I don't know it anymore ♪
I'm gonna stay here now ♪
I'm gonna stay here now ♪
Take a breath and say a prayer ♪
Find the strength in my despair ♪
It's not gonna take me down ♪
It's not gonna take me down ♪
I can see clearly now ♪
The rain has gone ♪
I accept all the things
that I cannot change ♪
It's gonna be a bright ♪
bright sunshiny day ♪
I'm on my way. Is it behind the big house?
Take the left track and follow it down.
I'd forgotten the size of these grounds.
That's weird, considering how long
it took us to leave the night we were asked
when you kept referring
to their main product as Tupperware.
So, where is your client?
Howard and Julia have taken
their grandson, Jack, to France.
- Jack's parents, Michael and Martha
- Ah, they're the ones who "met in rehab".
They live here, independently.
- How's Jeff, by the way?
- VALERIE: Seriously?
I've just told you there is
a smell coming from the cottage
and you're fishing about Jeff?
They call this a cottage?
So Howard noticed some irregularities
in Michael's finances.
He sent me to arrange power of attorney
and when no one answered the intercom,
that's when we
Who's "we"?
VALERIE: Amber Jansen.
Howard's right hand.
Howard is left-handed.
Nobody's got a key?
Hence the locksmith.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. I'm tasting it.
- Yep.
Hundred percent cadaver,
999 right now.
Breathe through the mouth.
Look, er, don't vomit here
you'll contaminate the scene.
This Martha.
Look at me. Do you recognise me?
OK. This is
This is my husband, Wolfe.
It's OK.
DOT: Could they get it any hotter?
Let's see what's hiding under there.
You ready, Maggy?
One, two, three.
- MAGGY: Hit the deck! Down!
- STEVE: Ow!
- Ugh.
Wolfe! What in God's name happened?
Well, you know when they put
a Mentos into a Coke bottle?
This is the sulphur and haemoglobin version.
Not helped by the heat.
- Look at that.
- Oh.
He had a pacemaker at 40.
As if that wasn't enough of a warning.
Oh, you've
- Appendix?
- Yeah.
I'll inform Howard and Julia Gilk.
Well, I'll give them the gist.
Look, I know it's weird but um
I grew up in this flat.
I wondered if I could have a look around.
We found four sets of prints in the room
er, one set of leather fibres,
someone in gloves, maybe
but we only found one set of prints
on the gaffer tape used to seal the room.
They match prints on a credit card
belonging to Martha Gilk.
- BETSY: So he overdosed and she freaked out?
- Don't jinx it.
Michael was the sole heir
to Gilk Industries.
I can think of 1.7 billion reasons
to bump him off.
Steve, I think that maggot's
definitely drowned, mate.
It's a beauty, look.
Assuming that its growth was accelerated
by the presence of heroin in his blood
Michael Gilk has been dead
for at least a month.
So no blood samples.
Dot, can you take a shot of vitreous humour?
D'you know, this is a nice mattress.
Where's it from?
Can someone get a picture of the label
for me, please?
- Er yeah, can we open another window?
- Can we open a window?
Woah! Ms Jansen.
This is an active investigation.
I commend you on the gloves, but be careful.
Even they leave a trace.
These are not for your convenience.
There are needles everywhere.
Like confetti.
- Hello. You OK?
- Er, yeah. Fine, thanks.
There was loads of traffic,
a big demolition job in Salford.
Gilk Industries. Ironic.
Can you get Dot to analyse these?
I'm off to see Val.
Dr Slater's given her a sedative.
Shall we fix a time to take her statement
at the station today
Er, can't we just take care of that here?
Mr Gilk's instructed me to thank you
in advance for your discretion.
If Martha goes to the station,
there's no chance of keeping this situation
out of the public eye.
She concealed human remains.
Two years ago, a magazine article claimed
Martha had had an affair.
It was a baseless allegation,
but it sent her into a tailspin
both physically and mentally.
You can't blame that for everything
that went wrong in this marriage.
Tell me, Wolfe, what exactly do you know
about a healthy marriage?
WOLFE: But I remember a happy marriage.
And it didn't have this many needles.
- I was very good at hiding them.
- One way or another Martha's going to trial.
- Be realistic, Val.
- BOTH: Valerie.
Howard will give you his prints
but no blood, no DNA, not without a warrant.
He's not having anyone in his family
in a database.
Amber was Michael's nanny.
He wants custody of his grandson?
A hundred percent.
He's already trying to spin a case.
You're gonna help him do it?
Remember the size of our mortgage?
Well someone's gotta be Team Goliath.
Why do you think I'm telling you this?
Keep an eye out for Martha
and she might stand a chance.
If she sneezed on you,
you'd call that intimacy.
Well, I'm desperately sad,
of course, but
um, not surprised.
Would you say, Julia?
No, no, not surprised.
Amber, draw the curtains will you?
He can't see what he's doing.
- We don't want to delay Professor Burgess.
- Kinteh.
Val kept her maiden name.
We've met before, of course.
Val was just saying that,
and I'm trying to remember.
Forgive me.
You kept saying you were
the only black face for, literally, miles.
Your wife got ill
and you gallantly took her home.
Martha took our name.
And then, did the worst she could
to our son's body.
Very much like her refurbishment
of the cottage.
- Martha's a good kid.
Ah, she's not without her complications.
Sadly, Michael's addiction made him
just isolated, paranoid, weak.
I don't think he could
take the pain anymore.
Do you think he took his own life?
- No! Of course he didn't.
- I wouldn't be surprised.
I told you to open the curtains.
I'll be in my quarters
when you need to do mine.
I'm a big investor in biotech.
A lot of people are very confident
that in my lifetime
we'll see the first synthetic neuro tissue
from human source.
Yeah, we just need his brain stem.
We are talking about cryogenics?
I'd have to temper your expectations,
Mr Gilk.
Michael's been dead for some time.
But, I hope you're right.
Well I'm banking on it, Professor.
Then there's a market
of seven and a half billion people.
In the meantime, the only two things
that remain inevitable are death and taxes.
Well, you should try my accountant.
Maxine not here yet?
Ah no, she's picking her mum up
from a police station, again.
I've hacked Michael's pacemaker.
It shows he suffered
from tachycardia before he died.
With a heroin OD you'd expect
low blood pressure and a weak pulse.
- No other drugs in his blood? Coke?
- No, just heroin..
And, not a life-threatening amount either,
given his tolerance.
The bleeding in the intestines and stomach
would make sense if he had
Hepatitis B or C, or HIV
- but he doesn't.
- The liver isn't diseased, either.
But you know what does cause
tachycardia, internal bleeding
- liver failure and death?
- Stage pause.
Poison. Obviously. You wrecked that.
- How's the vintage?
Er, it's opulent, full-bodied, yet refined.
There are no traces of talc,
paracetamol, caffeine or starches.
In fact, there are no adulterants whatsoever.
It's clean.
- So the tachycardia
- Yeah, whatever sent his heart haywire
- it wasn't the heroin.
- Do you recognise the lab?
Judging on the purity
it matches a couple of samples
coming out of Salford.
That was rude.
Let's leave it for tonight,
if that's alright?
- Is this like a "less is more" conversation?
- Where were you this morning?
- I told you I went to the hospital.
- Which hospital? When?
Woah, hang on, Boss,
I'm not happy about the way
No, I just need to know
which hospital you were at
when you saw demolition convoys
at a Gilk property.
Salford Royal.
You're a star. Get your coats.
Grab what you can.
Hey! No fucking way!
If you can carry two
you can carry four!
You! Five!
- No one's getting a break
- You heard the man. Grab four.
until Stage One is clear!
Anything worth having?
Er, there's nothing in this lot
but in these two we're finding splinters
from chemistry glassware
condensing valves, some of it high-end.
- Well, let's get it tested.
- DOT: Ooh!
We already did.
It's identical to the heroin samples
we collected at Gilk's cottage.
Five-star gear.
So, Michael's own father
is shoving him pure heroin?
What do you buy for a son
who'll take absolutely anything?
A lab that makes nothing but the best.
I can also put Amber Jansen's DNA
inside the same lab.
How? We haven't got her DNA yet.
MAGGY: OK, but who else do we know
connected to the family
with post-menopausal grey hair
dyed blonde?
- Well
- Don't do the accent!
I've come to formally request
the return of Michael Gilk's remains.
- Seriously?
- VALERIE: Mm-hmm.
Howard wants to pop him in a freezer
till the Jetsons come along
and shove a battery up his arse?
Maggy's just been telling me
that Michael's tox report came back.
- Nothing suspicious, no poisons.
- Thank you, Maggy.
I just want to make this painless, OK?
- Because Howard fights dirty.
- Two can play at that game.
Don't start dick swinging.
We traced the heroin in Michael's blood
to a lab operating out of a Gilk property.
It was bulldozed
an hour after he was identified.
Howard owns lots of old industrial spaces.
While they stand derelict
- they do attract criminal activity.
- WOLFE: So it was a coincidence?
I can place Amber Jansen at the lab too.
Well I can't
because I stole the evidence
but I imagine she's not beyond
doing Howard's dirty work for him.
No one was murdered.
Michael had diarrhoea, heroin bungs you up.
He was vomiting, bleeding internally.
Explain those symptoms.
- Food poisoning?
- No, no, no.
That would have to be volcanic botulism,
which this categorically isn't.
Um, Amber, have I got this right?
Jack was living with his grandparents
for some time before they went away?
Yeah, Michael and Martha relapsed.
- Jack was removed for his own well-being.
- You didn't fancy the South of France?
Julia preferred me to stay.
I would give Michael food and so on.
But then I received instructions
to leave the supplies at the cottage door.
Do you think that he killed himself?
If he did, Martha has the blood
on her hands.
Are you Jack?
How are you doing? You coping?
I I just wanted to see my mum.
Yeah, I'm just gonna to take her prints,
and then yours, then I'm sure you can.
What's the most disgusting thing
you've ever seen?
I was on a train and the man opposite me
ate an entire Battenberg cake in one go.
- I meant at work.
- WOLFE: Nothing that bad.
I mean, this guy didn't even chew.
He just shoved it in inch by inch,
like an anaconda.
Jack darling, Grandpa's going
to take you out for a drive.
I do need to take Jack's prints.
He's already got the McLaren out.
Lucky lad's got a cool grandad.
Oh, like a lot of men
Howard embraced parenting
a generation too late.
Sorry if I was terse,
Professor, when we met.
- You understand.
- Of course.
You're doing a great job,
but Jack does need his mum too.
I once got put on Butobarbital.
It was like staring up from a sewer.
You doing OK, Martha?
Was that Jack outside?
Yeah, he's just gone off with his grandad.
He's doing OK, though.
What is it?
They've taken him away from me.
Did you try and stop them?
How could I?
You know, when Howard thought I was cheating
he bullied Mike into stifling me.
Reading me texts, me letters.
He knew he put the fear of God in Mike,
but he did it anyway.
When Michael Mike got sick
did you ever share the same symptoms?
He used to joke that I had high immunity.
Can you tell us how it started?
We thought it was only diarrhoea at first
and then
Mike vomited blood.
And then he couldn't breathe.
And then I lost both of them.
Jack is still your son, Martha.
Nothing can change that.
You obviously don't know any rich people.
Martha's been sleeping in here.
I think we should split up.
What have I done?
No, I meant I meant split up.
Are you OK?
My mum was an addict.
Mm, yeah, I didn't start off
where I ended up.
Four foster families
and the last ones were the wealthiest
and bingo, they adopted.
But this poor kid has to go
from top to bottom
and that has to be a shittier ride.
Did you love her?
Yeah, that never goes away.
But since she married the guy
that broke my ribs and
my arm
we just stuck to swapping Christmas cards.
Let's get a Chinese tonight.
It's pretty obvious
which fingerprints are Jack's.
He's the only child on the bloody estate.
Standard practice for elimination.
You understand?
You sound a bit peaky there, Jack.
Begging your pardon. He's a GP now.
He saw the doctor this morning
for a check-up.
Julia and I are very health conscious.
She's in with the doctor now.
You know, a real one.
Those look sore.
When I was your age,
I was a big nail-biter too.
OK, if that's done, let's be having you.
That's your lot.
Is your stomach OK there, Jack?
The doctor gave him charcoal for it.
Come on, on your feet, Matey.
I need to go again.
Not yet.
For his dignity.
Castor oil would've had it sorted
by now, guaranteed. Come on.
For ten points.
Which untraceable poison
symptoms including coughs,
diarrhoea and tachycardia,
is made from castor beans?
If you're serious,
we need to file the case with Porton Down.
And you reckon the paperwork for that
will take less than two days?
Is this about saving Jack Gilk,
or catching the killer?
To prove it was ricin that poisoned them,
we need an antigen.
To make the antigen,
we need ricin, and ricin
is very easy to make.
I didn't hear what you said
- but don't repeat it, Wolfe.
- I've gotta go.
Mr Gilk.
What a beautiful car.
Look, I'm not a doctor, I can't compel you
to give me a sample of Jack's blood
but it would give you absolute certainty
there's nothing more seriously wrong.
Well, I'm a businessman, Professor.
I respond to reciprocity.
I'd honestly give you anything,
I just can't give you Michael's body.
Yeah, I don't want all of it.
But given the decomposition
Michael's head needs to be
in Palo Alto by Friday.
I can't let you decapitate your son.
That's not me, that's the law.
Just Just leave the red tape to me.
I can drive you to the morgue right now.
Is that your solution
to all obstacles, Howard?
Oh! Oh, we're talking
about the lab in Salford, yes?
Are you?
Frankly, it matters not one fuck, Professor.
If you've been, then you went
without a warrant, therefore trespassing.
If you removed anything,
it's theft, etcetera, etcetera.
When Michael made
his very best efforts for me
they rewarded him with Methadone treatment.
I mean, there's no moral contest
between serving him that garbage
or professionally manufactured heroin.
You know your organic,
free range shit is on the street?
There's very little vetting
that you can hypothetically do
with the kind of people who make heroin.
WOLFE (VO): If Jack's
only just been poisoned
there is a good chance
that there is ricin in Howard's house.
Before we can go looking we need
to prove that it is ricin that poisoned them.
We need to test Michael's vitreous humour
and Jack's blood for antigens.
Involving the illegal manufacture of ricin.
Look, can't we just tell Betsy?
WOLFE: Without material evidence,
what can she do to speed up the process?
If we make ricin and botch it
everyone in this building
could be dead in 36 hours.
It's nearer 72.
We'll go to jail.
Every case which has ever been swayed
by your expert testimony
could get overturned.
WOLFE: Look, I wouldn't ask you
to break the law
to solve a murder.
This is about saving a life.
I'm in.
Me too.
You can walk away, no harm done.
Don't you see how that would make
my job impossible?
Right, well I'll pop to the garden centre.
Where are we gonna get
a sample of Jack Gilk's blood?
- Nice practice.
- You should have gone private.
This is Class B in the UK,
you prescribed it to Martha.
Look, what do you want?
- Oh!
- Oh!
Uh! See? Yep.
Ricin definitely killed Michael Gilk.
Young Jack could only have ingested
his dose since his return.
You know, it's early symptoms,
he was fine abroad.
- Child Services need involving.
- No, no, no, no, no.
The other way around.
OK, in the absence of what we actually know,
we've got to find the ricin first.
Starting where?
In the cottage.
You know, wherever it was manufactured,
there must be traces in there.
Michael never left.
We've got a bloody war crime in our lab
and no way of justifying its existence
because the evidence has been obliterated
by fucking Squeak 'n' Bleach.
It's still a result though.
If Howard's not guilty,
why else would he do this?
Because he can. And who's saying
he's not covering for Amber?
Well, if it's between Jack dying and jail,
I hope you lot like making tea on a radiator.
You know I went to get power of attorney
over Michael's money?
- Uh-huh.
- Well guess where I traced the cash to?
A swanky old people's home in Germany.
- Er, Amber's been embezzling from Michael?
- VALERIE: Mm-hm.
- You know Howard's boffing her?
- I do have eyes, yes.
Well, you'd be wrong.
That used to be true.
She was asked to leave.
Julia then brought her back from Germany
presumably on reduced wages
and permanent surveillance.
But why in God's name would Amber accept?
She loves this family.
- WOLFE: This family?
- Mmm.
You say that when you're presenting a case.
Um, what am I really here for?
Oh, come on.
On one level, what's the rational argument
against freezing yourself?
Worst case scenario, you just stay dead.
You're talking about reanimating meat.
At best, you'll get a lamb chop
that can walk.
- You ambushed me for that?
- VALERIE: It's in both of our best interests
to resolve this.
Jack's been poisoned, for your information.
Howard's destroying evidence
all over the cottage.
- You dragged me into this, Val.
- VALERIE: Dickhead.
If Jack's ill,
I don't know why you're not intervening?
Jack isn't ill, not yet, but that doesn't
I'm not supposed to know what I know.
One of them poisoned him,
I just need a few hours' head start.
Someone left their keys in the door?
Wolfe was just leaving.
What are we celebrating, Jeff?
Oh no, these were a client gift
to the office
but Flick and her mates
can demolish them though, yeah?
Who is she?
That's Theresa Gillespie.
And for your information,
that's me being kissed.
- She's an ex-client.
- Oh drop "client" and we're a lot warmer.
They spent the night at hers.
Wait a minute.
Ah, the whisky was a dark message from you?
And this is the guy you still have
mixed feelings for?
Stalking people like some creep
who got kicked out the territorials.
Y'know, I've already heard enough
to prosecute you.
- Running my DNA from illegal samples you took.
Out of the house, please.
Are you serious? Me?
- Yeah.
- And take him with you.
- WOLFE: Hey!
I am so sorry.
I thought he was coming at me.
Oh, my God.
I need your PayPal for my gymnastics subs,
before I get booted out.
You alright, Dad?
Yes, it took me twelve hours to tell her "no"
because I thought I'd found a future.
And it turned out to involve
this fucking lunatic.
I'm done here.
Well done, Wolfe.
Not only will Howard not be charged
with tampering with the cottage
we'll need a warrant to enter his property.
- What did I do?
- You pissed off his lawyer.
Now, what was so important?
We made ricin.
D'you know what you've done to me
by just saying that, you basket case?
- Wolfe Kinteh, I'm arresting you
- Betsy, behave,
I can't prove
that there's ricin in Jack's blood
without confessing to
how I made the antigen.
If I can't arrest you,
I'll get you sectioned.
Unless we can find ricin at the Gilk estate.
How will I get a warrant
without throwing my CSI team under the bus?
Well if we find ricin then it won't matter.
And if we don't, you can arrest me.
Jeff lobs the punch,
and Dad gets thrown out with him?
Your dad's hands were not clean today,
believe me.
Yeah, because he cares.
Stalkers care?
Calling Dad a stalker is not cool.
Alright? He's got enough labels.
Mental health doesn't mitigate
being an arsehole
when he's being an arsehole,
and, believe me, I can tell the difference.
The only reason Dad was here today
was because you invited him.
He rang to say.
I hadn't the heart to disabuse him
in case things went somewhere
after you'd sweetened him for the client.
- He was excited.
- Are you deliberately trying
to sound like him?
I don't appreciate you being
such a child about this, Flick.
There's nothing binary about it.
What if it's neither of them?
But y'know, give me a year or two
to get back on Tinder, won't you?
You missed one.
Where are you?
- Er, I'm
- What the fuck have you let them do to me?
This is a disgrace!
DCI Chambers.
My family's being bullied
and intimidated by your officers.
- This warrant's a joke.
- WOLFE: Mr Gilk, sir.
Everyone needs to leave this house
Will you get this man off my property?
Howard, the warrant stands up,
and even if there were holes in it
Holes? You could drive
a fucking tractor through it.
If you push back, people are gonna wonder
what you've got to hide.
So are you gonna get rid of him or
When you hired me,
you said you didn't want a yes man.
- I'm telling you, no.
- Then I accept your resignation.
Oh, my God!
Can I say first, that was the old Val
- I just saw
- And can I just say next
- what the fuck have you just gone and done?
- You were completely magnificent.
Classy poise and tradecraft.
It was like the old you.
- Well, it was the old you, but you now, so
- The only thing I need from you, Wolfe
is to know that you can cover the mortgage
if I get the boot for this.
Do you think there's something missing
from this bed?
Hi, Maggy.
- Er, we came out pretty empty handed.
- MAGGY: Is that right?
Yeah, it's mainly just er,
muddy clothes from the laundry piles.
That's not mud.
This estate is built on clay soil.
Doesn't show up red on clothes.
Yeah, well it's not ricin, is it?
As soon as my boss wakes up, this is over.
I'm literally calling it a day, Wolfe.
Jack had red dirt under his nails.
I'm getting too old for this.
It's like a pressure cooker
for the peri-menopause.
What're we looking at?
Brick dust.
Maggy, Dominique, check the grounds
er, mainly areas with high moisture
causing decomp.
I'll take Steve if that's OK?
STEVE: Seriously, Maggy,
is this the time and place?
If this goes tits up
an undisclosed relationship
could be the final nail in our coffin.
But you can't just share a coffee?
No, only after a certain point.
OK, we've just been flirting. That's it.
- Why?
- STEVE: She's smart.
Everyone in the building's smart.
Why pick on her?
I want a relationship, Maggy.
I'm your line manager.
Just tell me the truth
and you can stay on the team.
- Look, I promise you, nothing's gonna happen.
But I'm
I'm probably not even her type. I'm
too posh or, I dunno
Next of kin only, I'm afraid.
I heard Grandpa talking to you.
He said my dad killed himself.
Is that why you broke
into Mum and Dad's house?
To get the card back?
I didn't want anyone to know what I wrote.
- I made Dad kill himself.
- He didn't kill himself.
I promise.
I don't understand, sweetheart.
What does the card say?
I said I hated Dad.
But I hate you more.
Cos you never left him.
Even for me.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, and Dad hid it from Mum, didn't he?
Didn't wanna upset her.
Why didn't you destroy the card?
It was the last thing my dad read.
I love you.
I love you so much.
And I'm never gonna leave you again.
I don't understand how ricin kills you
if it's just lying in the card.
It'll kill you if it's aerosolised,
if it gets right into the lungs.
How do you aerosolise a powder
with something you buy from Clinton's?
Oh, I'm touched.
Can you tell me when these stems were broken?
And check the soil out.
There are two sets of prints on the cards,
Michael's and Jack's.
But we know Amber wears gloves.
It's possible that Michael found out
that Amber was ripping him off.
She decided to silence him.
But the card was sent to Martha.
Hypothetically, what if Howard blames Martha
for enabling Michael's addiction?
And Howard's a scientist,
he'd be clued up on ricin.
Like I said, hypothetically.
WOLFE: Er, we'll be able to release
your son's body soon.
- I know you're both keen to get
his head to California.
Well, the the science is speculative.
Well, I'd choose another word
beginning with S, but you know that.
I looked you up,
you got a double first from Cambridge.
Howard only scraped a third.
Howard played the genius, I did the work.
It was efficient.
I'd love your help with a theory of mine.
Jesus! What What are you playing at?
It's aerosolised talcum powder.
All you need is a card and some glue.
- How very childish.
- WOLFE: It's ingenious.
You told Jack to write the card.
I don't want to be vulgar,
but do you have any proof?
Well you know,
when someone treads on a plant
they cut off the hormone
that controls its growth.
Without that hormone, all the shoots
below the break start to grow like crazy.
If you measure the shoots,
you can tell how long ago they were broken.
Five weeks ago you made ricin,
poisoned the card to Martha
then went on holiday.
Sadly for you, Michael intercepted it.
Howard overcompensated
by indulging Michael,
by paying for his drugs
making his drugs.
His guilt was literally killing our son.
I thought a shock could pull him
out of his spiral.
Say, if
if Martha left him.
Who spread the rumours about her affair?
But she still wouldn't leave, would she?
Not even when you took Jack away.
So what if she loved Michael?
A good woman knows when to put herself last.
I've been doing it my whole damn life.
Come on, Julia.
The sacrifices you made were still a choice.
- You tried to take Martha out.
- For my son.
I didn't dislike her.
She was too thin, she was squalid
and uninspiring but it wasn't malicious.
She was collateral damage.
Same applies to young Jack.
I I didn't know he was ill.
I would never, ever hurt
It was the most logical thing
to do, Professor.
- I will kill you!
- WOLFE: No! Howard!
- HOWARD: I'll kill you!
- WOLFE: No!
I will kill you!
I want him back.
I want him back.
So is it happily ever after
for Howard and Amber?
No way, she ripped him off.
- I think he'll press charges.
If I was Julia, I'd have killed Amber.
Julia ran the business for Howard.
Then he goes and shags the nanny.
On balance, that might have worked out
better than killing her son.
Can I stay with you tonight?
Oh, my fuck.
Maggy, you walk like a mouse.
Aren't you with Steve tonight?
Why would Steve be with me?
Why, indeed.
But when you two get caught, Dominique,
it won't be personal.
Last one in, first one out.
That's a gender-free by-law.
Yeah, but this doesn't just involve you,
Well aware of that, Maggy.
If we make ricin and botch it
everyone in this building
could be dead in 36 hours.
It's nearer 72.
We'll go to jail.
We wear red so they don't see us bleed ♪
Hey! ♪
- Hundred dollar bills under our sleeve ♪
- Hey! ♪
We intend not to sleep till we're dead ♪
Hey! ♪
- Drink our problems right out of our heads ♪
- Hey! ♪
Singing oh, oh-oh-oh, oh ♪
Trouble ♪
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