Women in Blue (2024) s01e03 Episode Script


We are here, in Santiago Park,
to find out how people feel.
How they've taken the news about
the police finally catching The Undresser.
I feel at peace because we can
be out late again, thank God.
It was thanks to our prayers
that he was caught.
-Well, I think
-What I want to know is
why wasn't he caught until now?
As a police officer,
you must feel twice as happy
that The Undresser was finally arrested.
All the citizens will now feel safer
walking down the street.
It's a media circus, sir.
The government is trying to distract us
from the issues that actually matter
in this country.
In the name of all the victims,
If we keep this up,
we'll put many more lunatics behind bars.
It feels good not having to be
so careful at night, you know?
He never had a trial.
The Undresser decided
to take his own life.
Yes, I know, but
Was he really The Undresser?
It was about time.
I am very pleased. It's great news.
We will finally have peace
in this neighborhood.
Mommy, lots of kisses
all the way to Tamaulipas!
We have to pray for him.
I have three daughters and I wouldn't have
wanted anything bad to happen to them.
About time the police did something right.
What if he didn't do it?
Ma'am, what are you doing?
Are you trying to scare the audience?
This was supposed to be
an inspiring story.
-Let's go.
-I'm sorry.
-You could have smiled more.
Right? More conviction?
You know I'm right.
What are you doing just standing around?
Let's go make our rounds.
Everything will be all right.
I'm getting you out of here.
Why did you do this to them, Tito?
Take a good look,
because you're gonna pay for it, fucker!
Look what you did, motherfucker!
Scared me.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I don't know where my head is.
I didn't sleep very well last night.
Mr. Cabos. What a pleasant surprise.
No, you're not interrupting.
Yes, he's here. I'll put him on.
Have a nice day.
Good morning, Mr. Cabos.
How are you doing?
I'm fine. Thank you.
Tonight at eight. Perfect.
Thank you. Goodbye.
-We are invited to dinner.
Yes, you and me,
him, his wife and no one else.
At his place.
Do you think that
-Of course, darling.
-No, no, no.
-No, no, no, please.
-How exciting!
-No, no, no!
Let's not celebrate just yet.
We don't know. I mean
After giving up Acapulco, I thought
Honey, come on. It's yours. I'm sure.
-We don't know yet.
-What's yours? I don't get it.
Dad is getting
a well-deserved promotion at work.
We don't know.
And I think he deserves a hug too.
Congratulations, Dad!
-Yes, honey.
I'm sure you'll get it.
Hey, Mom.
Does that mean
you won't have to work anymore?
No, honey. No, I'm going to keep working.
-Alex. Alex!
-Alex. Alex!
Well, sit down.
-So it's settled, then?
-Yes, honey.
We have to be there at eight.
-We can't be late.
-Yes, of course.
Well, hello. I'm María de la Torre.
How do you do?
Yes, we could go out to dinner soon.
Ángeles, breakfast!
-How's work?
-I get paid on Friday.
That's not why I'm asking.
How are your friends?
I'm not sure they're my friends, Grandma.
They are my coworkers.
Are there any men?
-I mean, in the police?
-Yes. Many. Most are men.
Is there anyone you like?
As like a boyfriend or something.
So that you're not alone.
I'm not alone. I'm with you.
Yes, but an old grandma is not the same
as a man walking beside you.
To keep you company.
I have to go.
Would you like to have a boyfriend?
Very much.
What time did you wake up?
A while ago.
Did you clean?
Valentina, nobody likes a mess.
Yes, but it's my mess.
So, next time, ask, okay?
Once my dad gets over it,
I'll be out of your way.
Your dad doesn't seem like the type
of person that gets over things.
-Yes, he is. He went a little too far.
-He smacked you in the fucking face.
Because I lied to him.
My family may be traditional.
But we're very close.
We love each other.
If you pay half the rent
and you stop cleaning,
you can stay as long as you want, okay?
Is he drunk?
I got a hangover just looking at him.
Change of plans.
From now on, you will be alternating
between the station and the parks.
Well, and one or two other places.
-Who asked?
-I did.
Chief's orders.
Could it be because we found a corpse?
-What do you mean, you found a corpse?
-Yes, we found a corpse.
If they already caught The Undresser,
why can't we stay in the park?
First, we can't carry weapons,
then we find a corpse.
Now we can't even work in the park?
Wouldn't you like to just lock us up
in a closet?
Just you.
Hey, this is good news.
The station is where the real work is.
Isn't that right, Captain?
Let me explain
how these morning briefings work.
I give the orders and you obey.
No chitchat.
No suggestions and, most importantly,
no goddamn debates.
Each group was assigned a district.
Check the list out there.
Well, it's not so bad.
We were assigned here.
What are we going to do exactly?
I guess we'll offer to help.
Because the early bird gets the worm.
We've had this conversation
a thousand times.
Yes, of course I'm listening.
Mm-hmm. What does your mother
have to do with all this?
And with my daughter?
If you think I'm going to let your mother
decide what I do with my daughter
Hang on.
Can you stop loitering?
It's annoying.
Of course.
Our job today is to offer help.
Do you need help?
If I say yes, will you leave?
If what you need involves
me going elsewhere, then yes.
All right.
Call you later, honey.
-What's up?
I'm here to offer you my help,
as a colleague, for any future projects.
I have read the police manual
several times.
I know investigative tactics,
hand-to-hand combat,
weapons, and most importantly,
I don't bend under pressure.
Actually, there is something
you can help me with.
So this is real work, huh?
Bring one down for me, would you?
See? Having women
in the police force is not so bad.
-Thank you.
You're welcome.
Do you need anything else?
For instance, I don't know
something police-related?
The damn paperwork.
Ah, that's right.
Actually, we do have something for you.
You're buying lunch, right?
That's the third time this week.
No, it's your turn.
-What's all this?
1964. 1965.
They must be sorted
in order to be archived.
In alphabetical order and by date.
-Let's get to work.
-Not here!
-Not until it's sorted.
You heard her.
Come back after you've sorted it out.
So you're going to give us an office?
I don't think so.
Your captain should've cleared that
with the station chief.
So where are we supposed to work?
You can work in the fucking toilet
for all I care.
But you get it done today.
-Let's have lunch, shall we?
-Yes, of course.
What are you doing here?
Nothing. I came to see
if you needed any help.
No. I don't need help,
thank you very much. You can leave.
Sorry, was I not clear? Come with me.
I understand that you found the young
man's fingerprints on the victim's body.
That's right.
Did you find his fingerprints
on the other bodies as well?
That is confidential information.
It's none of your business.
I understand,
but since the case has already been closed
and The Undresser is dead,
I thought I could learn something.
You want to learn something?
Look at her.
Look at what people are
capable of nowadays.
So you'd better not leave your house.
-Let's go.
-What's that?
You see?
They think we're slaves, not cops.
Tomorrow they'll have us
sweeping the floors.
They found prints
in the mud and on the body.
On top of that,
he was arrested right there in the park.
Where he worked.
Would any of you leave your victim
in your workplace?
I wouldn't kill anyone.
We know that, Ángeles. But the point is,
wouldn't you want to be sure?
What the fuck are you doing here?
I've been looking everywhere for you.
Protecting the people, Captain,
isn't it obvious?
This is the task we were assigned.
They said there was no room for us.
Goddamn it.
If he were sober,
he'd almost be good-looking.
I don't know about you,
but I would like to make sure
that Tito Flores was The Undresser.
Of course.
You must've learned something
from all those crime novels. Right, María?
I say we kick the hornet's nest
and see what happens.
What do you have in mind?
you used to work in the print department.
Could you check
if Margarito's fingerprints
were found on the other bodies?
That would go against protocol.
Wait, hold on.
I think we should listen
to what my brother says.
I know he's not easy.
But he's a good cop and I don't think
he'd arrest someone without any evidence.
One day,
you're going to have to grow up, Gabina.
You could check the fingerprints.
Nobody needs to know.
I would know.
I know you would.
I'm talking about the assholes up there.
If we find anything,
we have to go straight to Gerardo.
It's protocol.
Just because there are no fingerprints
doesn't mean he didn't kill them.
Jessica Machado believes that her sister
got into a car with a white top
the night she was murdered.
And the day Margarito was arrested,
they mentioned his mother.
We could talk to her.
What was she wearing?
Of course, she's such a slut.
Detective Sanchez or Ramirez
needs the address of the family member
in order to send the belongings and
I'm on the phone.
And I'm in trouble.
Come closer.
If I don't deliver these things today,
I'm going to get fired.
And you know what would be terrible?
Having to tell them
that it was all because an employee
was making a personal call
during office hours.
It's not a personal call.
I don't give a crap
if you're calling Santa Claus.
There's a squad car
that doesn't know where to go.
So, what are we gonna do?
What do you need?
Margarito Flores's address.
Who's that?
What's your name?
Margarito Flores is The Undresser.
Fine. I'll help you.
Thank you.
I just wanted to let you know
we're going out for lunch.
Yes, I don't need to be notified.
-Go ahead.
-All right.
De la Torre.
María, please.
Every time I hear "de la Torre"
I feel my husband is nearby.
Well, then,
I know it seems
like they don't want you here.
It doesn't seem like it. It's the truth.
Well, yes.
The thing is They're stuck in the past.
They didn't see what I saw at the academy.
I remember the first time
I arrived at the station.
I was 24. I was full of
-What's up?
My colleagues are waiting for me
to go to lunch.
Ah, yes, of course. Go. You can go.
Thank you.
Let's go.
-I'm not going.
-Why not?
Because my family is waiting
for me to mess up
to prove that I shouldn't be here.
I won't prove them right.
-Who's going to find out?
-My brothers.
What about the victims?
Aren't we cops because of them?
It's okay.
Keep working on the files.
In case we're late. Okay?
It's not okay.
That woman is a pain in the ass.
I bet her husband isn't dead. He's hiding.
How could you stand her?
Well, because we had already found
a dynamic. She trusted me.
She was comfortable with me.
Yeah, you have to be patient.
She'll get used to it.
Or you come with me to Acapulco
this weekend
-We take her out for dinner.
You introduce me properly.
Tell her I'm not an idiot
-I'm not going to Acapulco.
-that I know what I'm doing.
-Alejandro, please.
-It's not necessary.
-It's more necessary than you think.
-It's not necessary.
-It is necessary
-I already told you
I want to be with my family.
I made a promise. A promise.
And I'm trying to keep it.
What part don't you understand?
A promise that could cost us the firm.
We're gonna lose the project.
Fuck your promise, Alejandro.
Don't talk nonsense.
Miguel. The project is yours now.
So, you're going to Acapulco.
And you're going to take charge
and you're going to handle
what you need to handle, Miguel.
All right.
-I'll take care of it.
Congratulations for tonight.
Well deserved.
The First Lady reminded everyone
that even though the city celebrates
The Undresser's arrest,
this is also a time to reflect.
She asked the people
to pray for the victims.
Especially for the most recent victim,
Paola Machado,
whose burial will take place
at Panteón Jardín tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.
Hey, I was listening.
Sorry, but I can't concentrate on the map.
We should ask for directions,
don't you think?
It's not necessary.
I don't want to get lost here.
We're not lost.
Some of the streets around here have names
that aren't on the map, that's all.
So, we're lost.
I think you're going to want to turn left.
You think?
You want the map and I'll drive?
No. You're not driving my car.
Then stop fucking around and turn left.
Let's go. Go, go, go, go.
We're here.
Mrs. Norma Hidalgo Juarez.
We're with the police.
Please leave.
We just want to ask you
a few questions. Please.
So you can keep telling lies
about my son, right?
No, it's simply because
we want to know the truth. Ma'am!
Goddamn it!
Mrs. Norma. We don't believe
your son killed those women.
My son was not a murderer, miss.
He was a good person.
Maybe you can help us prove it.
I was wondering
when you were going to come visit.
Do you have copies of the prints
found on The Undresser's victims?
Why do you need them?
It's not against protocol.
But it has to be a secret for now.
You've only been a cop for a few days
and already you're keeping secrets.
I have copies of all the prints.
You taught me that,
or do you think I forgot?
Let's see.
And how is it going
with your new colleagues?
I'm still trying to understand them.
They're a little bit weird.
It's okay.
You'll understand them sooner or later.
You understood me.
Thank you.
He wasn't born that way.
A horse kicked him in the head.
Over at my brother's ranch.
The doctor told me
that a few more inches to the left
and it would've torn his head right off.
What changed after that?
Everything. Everything changed.
He could no longer move.
He could hardly speak.
He got kicked out of school, you know?
They said they didn't know
what to do with him.
Can you tell us about his criminal record?
Criminal record, my foot.
That's another disgusting lie.
There's a park nearby.
My Tito would spend hours
sitting on the swing.
He met Inés there.
She was 13 years old, but for Tito
she was like his older sister.
One day, Inés gave him a flower.
My Tito wanted to kiss her.
He was a teenager.
He made a mistake.
Her mother pressed charges.
Sexual abuse, she said.
They put him in jail.
It took me about a month
to get him out of there.
When he came back
Something happened in there, you know?
He never spoke again.
And how did your son get to work?
Did he own a car?
He couldn't even hold a pencil.
I would take the bus with him to work.
I would pick him up, as well.
Because I realized
he couldn't remember the bus routes.
Let alone learn how to drive.
Excuse me.
Do you know where I can find
the pair for this shoe?
Not today, please.
I have a lot of work to do.
And I'm a customer
looking to buy a pair of shoes.
Are you going to deny me your service?
What size?
What size are you?
I'm a size 23.
Such tiny feet. I like that.
Hey, hey.
Let's make a deal.
I buy you a pair of shoes,
which will make your boss very happy.
And you wear them to our dinner,
which will make me very happy.
Everybody wins.
Look. I don't know
how many times I've told you.
I'm not going on a date with you.
-You don't like men?
-Don't be rude.
You're gonna regret it.
What did he say?
That I'm going to regret it, apparently.
You should go out with him.
With a man like that, you'll never
work again for the rest of your life.
I'm not interested. How about that?
It's not like you have
a long list of suitors.
I wouldn't be so picky.
But it's your life. He's coming.
I'll take these.
Size 23.
Commander Herrera. It's been a while.
-You don't look a day over 40.
-Who told you to sit?
My officers need a space to work.
The park is big enough, is it not?
However, Chief Escobedo assigned them
here. Since you are station chief
My job at this station is to make sure
that every inch of this place
is dedicated to investigating
and solving crimes.
Not to indulge the fucking whims
of a politician
who wants to show off
his campaign promises.
Commander, with all due respect.
I'm not blind.
I personally trained them.
And I must say that there are
some real cops in that group.
Including your daughter.
Do you have children?
No, no, I don't.
You obviously don't.
If you did, you'd understand
that I'm not proud that my only daughter
is prancing around the fucking streets
of this dangerous city
dressed in a fucking miniskirt.
I got it all broken down, actually.
No, you didn't.
When did we invite a uniformed cop
into a detective-only table?
Detective, do you have a minute?
Are you finished?
This is more important, sir.
You don't tell me what's important.
-I tell you what's important.
-Lozano, leave them alone, man.
As you can see, we're busy, ladies.
What do you want?
Margarito Flores.
-What about him?
-He is not The Undresser.
And we have evidence.
-You have evidence?
You idiots. Who's behind all this?
-It was Díaz.
-It was you, right?
You said that.
Don't play dumb.
It's not a joke.
-It's not a joke?
Let's see the evidence.
Of course, sir.
Margarito Flores was diagnosed
with irreparable damage to his cerebellum
which controls fine motor skills.
That's why he couldn't even grab the pen
to sign his confession.
Let alone tie up six victims with rope.
Nineteen sets of chaotic prints
on the arms.
But not a single print was found
on the neck, wrists or ankles.
Despite being tied up and strangled.
Quite the opposite.
Those areas were spotless.
No one with that level of care
would be so disorganized.
His mother told us
he didn't know how to drive.
And he couldn't get on the bus
without help either.
Someone explain to me
how he traveled alone to each location,
killed all those people and then left
without leaving
a single trace of evidence, sir.
The more likely scenario,
he was in the park where he worked.
During his rounds, he found the corpse
and thought she was alive.
He tried to wake her,
and left his fingerprints on her arms.
When he realized she was dead,
he ran away,
leaving his boot print in the mud.
So you did your research.
That's correct, sir.
Learn, motherfuckers.
This is how an investigation is conducted.
Romandía! Come here!
What's wrong?
Nothing. Everything's fine.
In fact, I wanted to congratulate you.
Look, three of your subordinates
conducted an unauthorized investigation,
breaking every chain of command,
and having the balls
to come and tell me to my face
that I arrested an innocent person.
Isn't that right?
You be quiet. Okay?
When you're in front of a superior,
keep silent.
Same goes for you and you.
Unless we tell you otherwise.
You went to visit his mom, didn't you?
What did you think
the lady was going to tell you?
Other than anything to protect her son,
and make you believe
that he isn't the killer.
And the prints.
Very good job, by the way.
Congratulations. Just one thing.
Killers aren't perfect.
They make mistakes.
And that's how we catch them.
I don't give a shit
if this is Escobedo's pet project.
I'm filing charges for insubordination.
And these three Blues are hereby
suspended, effective immediately.
Your time as police officers is over.
Gentlemen, let's stop fucking around
and get back to work.
You're dismissed.
My office. Go.
Look, Herrera
You're right.
They still don't know
how things operate in here.
Give them another chance.
I will personally
see to it that they follow the rules.
This way, we avoid Escobedo.
And why the fuck would I do that?
Because if you don't, I'll quit.
Look at you.
Aren't you the hero.
Do whatever you want, Romandía.
It's your funeral, not mine.
That cabaret sure changed you, huh?
Thank you.
Why didn't you come to me?
Because he is the detective, sir.
Yes, but I'm your boss, damn it!
You made me look like an idiot.
Doing all this behind my back.
We only wanted the case
to be reopened, sir. We are very sorry.
I don't want to hear that you're sorry.
I want you to tell me
that you won't go anywhere near him.
That you won't even look at any of them!
It's not just your ass on the line, here.
Now get out.
Whether you like it or not,
your actions have consequences.
You want to be their leader?
Start by understanding that.
Commander. Escobedo here.
Sir, I'm very busy at the moment.
I won't take much of your time.
The Women in Blue, Commander.
I'm listening.
I understand that Captain Romandía
and you were talking.
And I was very clear with him
when I told him that
I know what you said.
But, Commander,
I need to put my officers to work.
They need a space. It's as simple as that.
There's no room at the station
at this time.
With the reputation the police have earned
in recent years,
I know we're understaffed.
I have the numbers right here.
-I can give them to you, if you wish.
-I'm aware of the numbers, sir.
Could it be that you feel threatened
by a few girls dressed in blue?
Is that it, my commander?
Not at all, sir.
I don't need anything fancy.
Something simple. That's it.
All right, sir.
The president of the republic and I
will be grateful for your support.
Welcome, welcome.
Come in, come in.
What do you think?
Well, here we are.
What's "here" exactly?
It's your new workspace.
What is that smell?
Humidity. And a dead rat, for sure.
Your father chose this place himself.
Well, then. Make yourselves at home.
I, well
Where are you going?
Why do you want to know?
No, it's just
Please, I'm not trying to
Never mind. Good night.
You know.
Not many people question my brother
here at the station.
And I know he wouldn't listen,
but I think you did a very good job.
Very thorough.
Yes. I know.
Anyway. I just wanted to tell you that.
My name is Ángeles Cruz.
What is your name?
Gabriel. Gabriel Herrera.
-Good night, Gabriel.
-Good night.
Can I take you home?
Yes. Where is your car?
No, I don't have a car.
We can walk if you want.
It's fine.
Let's go, let's go.
Okay, here we are.
I was thinking it would be better
to avoid mentioning that you are a cop.
So there's nothing to complicate
Are you asking me to lie?
I'm just asking you to avoid the subject.
For now.
I need the promotion.
We both need it.
All right.
-Look. This is our granddaughter.
-Let's see.
-She's lovely.
-Thank you.
-Her grandmother's eyes.
-Thank you.
You have two kids, right?
-Yes, a boy and a girl.
And sometimes I feel overwhelmed.
Believe it or not,
you'll miss them when they leave.
You should consider having another baby.
To keep you company.
Yes, we have talked about it.
We have mentioned it.
-Right, honey?
Then you should hurry up
because you're not getting any younger.
Leave them alone, woman.
Would anyone like some chocolate mousse?
I must confess
that chocolate is my only sin.
-Mine too.
Yeah, I love it.
Lucas, I need to tell you something.
You're going to love it.
Are you looking for Lucas?
Yes. Is he here?
He's not here yet. Who are you?
Could you tell him
that I was looking for
That Valentina was looking for him?
Vale Valentina?
It's so nice to meet you.
Lucas has told me so much about you.
Really? And what did he tell you?
Oh, nothing serious.
Lucas and I have no secrets,
if you know what I mean.
I don't.
-Come inside.
-No, I have things to do.
I just remembered.
Lucas should be here any minute now.
In fact, he should already be here.
Stay for dinner.
I don't do dinner.
The fact that you're a cop
is the bravest thing in the world.
Okay then.
-Thank you.
-See you later, okay?
Aged for 24 years in Scotland.
I feel guilty just drinking it.
-That's a lot of years, isn't it?
-Don't worry. Drink, drink.
Great things don't last forever.
Well, I'm not sure I agree with that.
I'm listening.
Architecture, for example.
Without architecture,
we wouldn't know who we are,
who we were, or who we want to be
in the private or in the public sphere.
We have the Colosseum, the Golden Gate.
Pani's Tower. They're testimonies
of every historical moment, aren't they?
Of what we used to have.
The technology we had at the time.
Of what we thought at that time,
our customs.
And because of that,
architecture is forever.
Because we, as architects,
have the possibility,
the responsibility
to leave our legacy
in time.
"To leave our legacy in time."
-I like it.
And that's why
I can't think
that this job is just a business.
For me, it's culture.
It's art.
Cheers to that.
Very impressive.
The wallpaper,
the combination of colors. It's beautiful.
I wish I had a sliver of your good taste.
It wasn't easy.
I'm sure you have a natural talent.
May I confess something?
I'm taking interior design classes.
I'm telling you. I'm obsessed.
Every time I go
to one of my friends' houses,
I don't know,
I feel like I need to change things.
It's wonderful to do something you love.
You're doing something, aren't you?
-No, not at all.
Tell me, come on. I already told you.
You can trust me.
At the beginning
I didn't think it was for me,
but now I can't stop thinking about it.
Tell me. What are you doing?
I'm a police officer.
Wow. A police officer.
But I want you to know
that I'm fully devoted to my family.
Of course, why wouldn't you be?
Gilberto. Thank God.
I thought it was someone capable
of beating the shit out of me.
You've been gone so long that you've
forgotten how things work?
I already talked to them.
That's enough.
Get up, motherfucker.
Listen to me, asshole.
If you ever undermine
my father's authority again
you know what will happen.
You better not go crying to Escobedo.
Keep the little dignity you have left.
And if you ever mess
with the Herreras again,
I'll kill you myself, motherfucker.
You hear me?
Let's go.
He's not worth it.
-You told her you were a police officer?
We agreed you weren't going
to say anything.
It was for the best.
Why did you have to tell her?
We were speaking in confidence, darling.
In confidence? Yes, but taking
interior design classes is very different
from being a police officer.
Can't you see, María?
Honey, they adored you.
But if it makes you feel better,
I'll call them tomorrow and explain
this was my idea
and you had nothing to do with it.
Precisely. Being a cop was your idea
and I had nothing to do with it.
And that makes me look even worse.
It makes me look like a fool.
-I think you are overreacting.
Yes, you're overreacting!
They would've found out eventually.
-They would've found out
once I already had the promotion!
And now, thanks to you,
that's not gonna happen!
-Can you keep it down?
-Of course I can!
I actually have a better idea.
Divine providence guides our lives.
And by divine order, we return to dust.
AUGUST 27, 1937 - MARCH 14, 1956
Forgive me!
In the next episode
I found her just like all the others.
What kind of maniac
would want to copy The Undresser?
The police caught the wrong man.
Captain, I went to see Jessica.
I showed her all these cars
and she chose this one.
You know what I call this?
A fucking coincidence.
You were late this morning.
Do your goddamn job, María.
Or I'm the one who's going to
end up firing you.
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