Worst Roommate Ever (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

Marathon Man

1 What do you think when you look at it? Like, where you were in the world, why you decided to come here.
Yeah, definitely.
Did you ever see him training? Is he handsome? It was an easy day.
Easy when we see the other days we've been running.
So it was an easy day.
We could relax more for tomorrow.
First time I heard the name of Youssef Khater was January 2011.
Maher, this leader of the Palestinian community in Denmark, he said that a Palestinian athlete was going to come here to run for this ultramarathon of San Pedro de Atacama.
And it was very important for us as a Palestinian community that he arrives here in Chile.
I met him the first night that he arrived here in Chile.
We made a whole campaign to raise funds to be able to pay for his registration for the ultramarathon.
And for his personal expenses that he would have here in Chile.
He carried himself well.
He was very charismatic, and people liked him very much.
That's why he was given the support that he was given.
Did he tell the other roommates that he was sending the backpack with their money in it home with you? And how much money was it? Was Youssef aware of this cash? I was obviously worried.
We were discovering that he had done these scams in Denmark, but we didn't have the whole picture.
That's when he begins to tell us that there was a very strange situation.
On top of Youssef having his money, he began receiving emails from a supposed Brazilian lawyer.
I made a simple tracing analysis of the email headers to find out approximately where this email was sent from.
It was obvious that Youssef had sent them.
Youssef took advantage of Maher's enthusiasm.
He was able to touch a sensitive fiber of the Palestinian community.
I was interested in this getting resolved because, obviously, he was damaging the Palestinian community in Chile.
It was also a moral issue for us.
We encouraged Dominic to return to Chile to recover his money.
Dominic sent us an email once he was in London in which he detailed everything that happened at his meeting with Youssef.
And at the same time, he was alerting the Chilean consulate in London that this man was dangerous.
- How long were you in there? - I don't know.
He buried you alive.
Where was Youssef? Well, when I read the story of what happened with Youssef and Callie in the newspaper, that motivated me.
I wrote in the commentaries of the newspaper that this is a guy that's very dangerous, and that you should be careful.
And that if they needed more information, they could contact me.
And there, Rocio also responded to me.
I began to converse with her, that we should meet up so that I could give her more information about Youssef.
I told her the story of what happened with Youssef before he almost killed Callie.
That's where the communication started with us.
We started to help one another to see how we could know where he lived.
It was in that moment when they got him.
Almost like a movie.
The punishment is super low here in Chile.
Someone charged with attempted murder won't be in jail longer than two years.
We want to trust, yes, because imagine if you live your life not trusting anyone, you can't live like that.
Have you recovered? When I saw the news in Costa Rica, that motivated me.
This had to stop, and something had to be done to stop him.
That's where I came up with the idea to do the blog.
Will Youssef ever stop? And where is Youssef now?
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