Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e03 Episode Script

Sales Event and Gamers Meetup

I'm going to be busy on my next day off.
I won't have any free time for a while.
I think I understand you a little.
Can you tell me without hiding it?
-How's your progress?
-I'm still on the rough draft
-I'm such a horrible person.
-You don't need to apologize.
I don't mind, and
I know that you're the one who has it worse.
I'll send you the finished screentones.
You forgot to fix the second panel on page 12,
so I did it for you. Check it out, okay?
Hirotaka, you
You really are amazing at your job!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
Good morning.
I'm in front of the venue.
Oh, no. I'm so nervous! What should I wear?
-I'm not done planning which tables to visit!
-Go to sleep already.
-I wonder if she's dead.
-Sorry to keep you waiting, Hirotaka.
Let's go.
To the battlefield.
Her eyes look so serious.
She dressed up so cute. What a waste
Thank you! Four hundred yen, please.
You came last time too, right? I'm so happy!
I'm glad I was able to publish a new volume.
It's all thanks to the power of moe.
What?! You're the real thing? Oh, my God!
I always love seeing your work on pixiv.
I love you. Uh Keep it up. I'll be cheering for you!
I'm going for a smoke.
Okay! See you!
It's from Mr. Kabakura.
Where are you?
I just left Narumi's table.
Hey, Nifuji!
You're easy to spot since you're so big.
-Oh, you think so too?
Mr. Kabakura, that good-looking guy is
your girlfriend, right?
-Do something.
-What do you mean, "Do something"?
She's surrounded by fangirls.
I get jealous, so I try not to look.
What's wrong? You sound like a monkey
that got ran over.
I forgot to visit one of my gods!
It's in the annex, and it's for a hot genre.
It's going to be crowded!
It's no good. I give up.
It wasn't meant to be.
Anyway, I can buy doujinshi anytime.
Some books you can only buy today, right?
I'll stay here and watch your table.
Buy some tea on the way.
I thought he was god.
Please stay calm as you walk around!
The holy land is a place for testing your abilities,
not a place for racing!
You are all maidens of god. Proceed slowly.
Narus ran,
at a permitted speed,
to fulfill her promise to Hirotakantius.
Wait for me, Hirotaka!
Hey, get this. Just now
a tall, handsome guy with glasses
was selling boys love porn.
-Seriously?! Where?
-That hot guy is a yaoi fanboy? That turns me on!
Where did you say he was?
Narus ran, at a permitted speed,
to preserve Hirotakantius' dignity!
Excuse me! Excuse me!
Wait for me, Hirotaka! Sorry, Hirotaka!
-Welcome back.
Sorry! Sorry!
-Here's your tea.
-Don't worry. I can calculate the change.
-That's not what I mean!
-I was worried that I put you in a difficult situation.
-No, it was pretty fun.
Hey, how do you feel right now?
Did you write this book?
Don't you feel embarrassed?
No, not really.
Oh, wow. He really likes touching my hand.
I never thought I'd get asked that in real life.
Hirotaka was sexually harassed.
I wonder if he's okay.
Details, ASAP!
Ah. It's over.
You're right. Thanks for your hard work.
Even I feel refreshed now.
We can relax for a while now.
-Let's go somewhere next week
The next event has already started.
You're so busy.
Afterwards, I spent time in a diner,
drawing the rough draft.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
It's finally Friday, so
Do you have any plans tomorrow?
Not really. I'm just going with the flow.
How admiring.
-Tonight, how about?
-I'll go.
That was fast.
I was just thinking that I'm in the mood
for a drink too.
-I'd follow you to the end of the world, master.
-Oh, really?
My place, okay?
Narumi couldn't remember
which pair of underwear she was wearing.
What's wrong? Hurry up.
-Hold on. This is the biggest surprise of the year.
-I can tell by the look on your face.
I'm almost done. Give me two minutes.
He just blushed.
Oh, I forgot to check in the bathroom.
Despite reading Hirotaka's expression,
Narumi still didn't know
the color of her own underwear.
-Hirotaka, I didn't know you took the bus.
-Yeah, I looked for a place nearby.
I know how you feel.
I chose a place one train-ride from the office.
Remember how we used to hang out often
when we lived near each other?
We used to play games at your house till dinnertime.
We used to hang out all the time,
but I don't remember what started it.
We were friends before I even realized it.
Weird, right?
Is that Animate?
Do you remember why you became a yaoi fangirl?
My brain!
Thanks for having me over.
Make yourself at home.
This is no good. I should say something.
You know, I Whenever I visit someone's house,
I end up trying to smell it.
-What am I saying?
-Huh? I don't smoke in my room often. Does it smell?
What an awkward situation!
That's not what I meant. I mean, your smell.
I'm talking about how I can get a sense
of that person's everyday life from the air.
Didn't you have friends whose houses smelled good?
Wait. I didn't have friends in the first place,
so I've never been to anyone's house before.
Whoa! I just stepped on a land mine.
-Is beer okay?
-Oh, yeah.
Hirotaka, um
It's okay. Don't worry about it.
Asahi Super
This is no good. Why am I so nervous?
It's not like this is the first time
I've been to a guy's place.
This is different from when I used to hang out
at Hirotaka's house.
Huh? Wait. Dixie isn't good.
Help, Hirotaka!
Well, it's true that Diddy's jumps are better.
But the reason Dixie isn't good
is because you're not good.
Right now, we're
-Do you want to shower?
-Huh? Already?
Huh? You're sweaty, right? Here. Beer.
Calm down! There's nothing to be afraid of.
It's only Hirotaka,
who's famous for no one being able to tell
whether he's awake or sleeping with his eyes open!
He wouldn't try pulling a fast one.
I know better than anyone
that he doesn't have the guts
Narumi remembered that Hirotaka was a man
and that her underwear was beige.
Huh? Wait Hiro
Uh Wait
-Let's do it on a day when it's pink
-Here we go.
You wanted a pink one?
I don't have any.
-You're going to play a game?
-You're not going to play?
I'll play.
-Do you want to play Mario Kart?
You! Damn! Thwomp, get out of my way!
Who put the banana peel under the item box?!
-Taking your eyes off the road? Must be confident.
You reached the goal already? You bastard!
-Sorry for being late. I had to work overtime.
-Thanks for your hard work.
We've already started playing Mario Kart.
Thanks for having us over!
Naru! Thanks for your hard work.
Going to a sleepover like this makes me feel
like we're in school again!
Huh? A sleepover?
Huh? Didn't I tell you?
You didn't.
Nifuji. I'm going to borrow your fridge.
I bought some booze.
-Asahi Super
-What are you talking about?
Kabakura, where are you? I want to see you.
Bullshit! I can hear that Starman music, you bastard!
Stop, idiot! Stay away!
Things are heating up all of a sudden.
What do you mean, "Yeah"?
Don't you care how I feel? Hirotaka, you idiot!
You know, I
I've never played games with so many people before.
I'm having a lot of fun right now.
-I forgive you.
-For what? What's wrong?
Shut up Invite us anytime.
Whoa. Thwomp is such a pain!
Die, scum!
Hey. I'm supporting this girl
from this group right now.
-Oh, wow.
That felt good.
Huh? Who are you?
-Kabakura, you look cute without makeup on!
Nifuji, hurry up and shower.
Hey, Nifuji.
-Is that your bedroom over there?
-That's right.
-Is it okay with you if I look for your stash?
Yeah, right. There's a stash
in every single guy's place.
Of course it's not okay!
-Go ahead.
-You're okay with it?!
Aren't you afraid of anything?!
Let's look for his stash together.
Sorry. As a fellow man, I am unable to do that.
Go to sleep, you chicken. Forget Kabakura.
Let's look for it ourselves.
I'll smash your glasses, bastard.
-Let's go, Naru.
Let's look under the bed first.
Is there anything under the mattress?
Nothing here, captain!
Then next up is the closet.
He might have hid it in his off-season clothes
Nothing here, captain!
Those boxes that could store magazines
are suspicious.
Hana Koyanagi?!
Don't tell me you searched my room too!
I can't tell what Nifuji is thinking in the first place.
I don't know his personality well,
so it's hard for me to guess where he hid it.
It's hard to tell what he's thinking.
Hirotaka doesn't think about anything.
It's probably just lying out in the open.
You and Nifuji are childhood friends, right?
Yeah. We went to the same elementary
and middle school.
He almost never smiles and he's not very friendly,
but he's really happy that you two came.
-He smiles?
-He smiles?
Kabakura thanks.
That's enough, right?
There was nothing to discover in the first place.
-What if they're e-books?
Even though everything is digitized,
paper media will never die!
Otaku like us symbolize the people of Japan,
who value emotion.
-It'd be weird if an otaku didn't own any porn!
-You're the weird one!
No! We must not forget the spirit
of the Japanese people!
-I got it. You must be sleepy, right?
-It must be in the living room
-Maybe it's in the kitchen!
Oh! What's this?
Toys and card games from the good old days!
I used to trade cards and battle,
without even knowing the rules.
This is a treasure trove of memories!
You're right. This is so nostalgic.
Hirotaka?! That was a short bath.
Really? I prefer showers.
This brings back so many memories.
I copied my friends and collected these.
Don't remember where I put them.
You were the same, even back then.
These are all powerful characters.
I'm impressed.
-That one
That one I traded for.
I gave the other person a small-fry character.
She wanted the cute cards
more than the powerful ones.
That was probably
what started it.
Trade? Are you sure?
We were friends before I even realized it.
What are you doing? Stop
Well, you know.
Unlike me, you always had
a lot of friends and hobbies.
Other things that were important to you too.
So you can't help it that you don't remember.
I want things to be fair between us.
Huh? Sorry. I don't understand
what you're trying to say.
I don't want us to pretend
or hold things back when we're together.
But hearing you say that it can't be helped
makes me feel sad and guilty.
If you think that I'm a terrible person, don't hold back.
Go ahead and punch me!
Okay. I got it. Go ahead. Do it.
Getting punched by you wouldn't hurt any more
than being bitten by a mosquito.
I bet the mosquito would be stronger.
You know what, keep it to 60 or 40 percent
of full strength.
-You don't want to hurt your wrist or game-playing.
-You should close your mouth.
-This is fair, right?
Unfair attack!
Are you mad?
Well, I'm not mad.
I was just surprised.
The mood wasn't really leading up to that
I didn't know that you felt like kissing.
I am a man.
Oh, that's right. You love big boobs.
Wait. What are you talking about?
Hey. Why are my girl figurines facing the wall?
-Do you like boobs?
-Of course I do.
Hey, Hana-chan.
Sales Event and Gamers Meetup
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
By the way, Narumi
What is it?
You said pink, right?
No! That day, it was just a coincidence.
I don't wear beige every day.
-You found a pink one.
-Yeah, I found one.
You bought it.
Yeah, I bought it.
I'll come again.
Yeah. Come over.
I should finish stamping the seals during lunch.
What is this?
Why is there a "stash" in my desk
that I've never seen before? Great!
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