X-Men (2011) s01e03 Episode Script


The infamous Miss Frost.
Emma Frost.
One of the four leaders of the Inner
Their White Queen. We should be careful,
she's an extremely powerful telepath.
Why is she sleeping
in the U-Men hideout?
What the hell are you doing
to Jean's mind?
Jean's mind?
What the hell does that mean?
The person who was manipulating Jean's
mind was
Emma Frost!
What did you say?
Emma was the one manipulating Jean
when Jean transformed into Phoenix.
Hold on, we were there too.
Why didn't any of us see her?
I was right there.
And I saw her, make no mistake!
I tried desperately to talk some
sense into her.
Then that woman murdered Jean.
Wolverine, don't be ridiculous. We know
what happened, Jean took her own life.
She sacrificed herself for us
and for the world.
Who's to say this girl didn't put
that idea in her head?
She's a telepath, isn't she?
What the hell are you doing?
Now is not the time.
We came here to find
a missing girl, not to avenge Jean
Who says!
When the time comes,
I'll be the one to do it.
Attacking her while she sleeps
wouldn't exactly be fair, now would it?
Stop playing around!
This woman murdered Jean.
If you say so, do whatever you like then.
But do you want to be a coward and act
like the members of the Inner Circle?
They will steal
the young mutant organs
that we made so much effort to acquire.
Let's attack them now!
Patience, Doctor.
It's not every day the X-Men
deliver themselves to our doorstep.
Let's not waste the opportunity.
Continue collecting your data.
How much damned data do we need!
Our opponents are the X-Men.
They may still be concealing
their true abilities.
Nothing is more important in battle
than data, data, data.
Lock up the room with the mutants.
Jean Grey? What are you talking about?
You manipulated people
with your telepathy
and drove them to suicide.
Answer me!
I know about your battle with
the Inner Circle. It was one year ago.
But, I had already left them by then.
Left them?
I was not part of the attack.
I'm not crazy.
I saw you there, right before Jean died.
I don't know who or what you saw,
but it wasn't me.
You're mistaken!
Even though you say that
I can't take your word for it.
You were a member of the Inner Circle.
I didn't tell you to take my word for it.
Just think about it. Think it over.
That's all I ask.
What made you quit the Inner Circle,
if I may ask?
As opposed to the princess over there,
you seem to have a sense of discretion.
You strive to judge
the situation impartially
Mr. McCoy.
Just answer the question.
When I joined the Inner Circle
they had such high ideals.
I helped them.
But the more we worked together
I started realizing that it was
all a big mistake.
It's not a matter of a simple mistake!
You killed Jean!
-Stay right where you are.
Are you awake?
Don't worry
we are not the people
who brought you here.
You'll be fine, honey.
You just overslept a little.
Emma, I've been waiting
a long time for you.
It would appear you two know each other.
Hisako's parents decided
it was time to call.
They asked me to be her tutor.
When she was still a young child
she manifested her powers only once.
So we've heard.
But she didn't manifest them
after that, right?
But because of the mutant phenomena
occurring in this area recently
her parents thought that she may
manifest her powers again.
When that happens
they thought she could use someone
who could teach her how to use them.
Of course, they had tried calling the
Xavier Institute, but it was shut down.
Mr. Ichiki heard about me
through the grapevine
so they asked me to teach her.
Before I joined the Inner Circle
I taught young mutants.
After I left them, I returned to teaching.
At that time, I was tutoring in South
America and could not travel to Japan.
Hisako and I began our lessons
long distance
through the Internet and telepathy.
Hi, Hisako.
I'll be able to visit you in
northern Japan soon.
That's awesome news, Miss Frost.
I can't wait to meet you in person!
Same here.
A few days ago
I received word that Hisako
had gone missing.
I came to Japan as soon as I could.
I thought I'd be able to
reach by telepathy,
but I couldn't make contact at all.
It's like this whole region
is sort of a
A telepathic dead zone.
Cerebro is also unable to scan this area.
I went to the forest where
Hisako had disappeared,
hoping to find a trace of
but before I knew it,
the U-Men ambushed me.
You, who are known to be one of
the Inner Circle's top guns
It's a little hard to believe
you were so easily caught.
They were cyborgs
so I couldn't exactly use
my telepathy on them, could I?
Besides, I thought if they captured me,
they might lead me to Hisako.
You have a tidy little
answer for everything, don't you?
Someone had to look for her,
no one else was.
Where were you?
If you X-Men had been there,
I wouldn't have had to look for her.
Who are these people?
Don't be afraid of them.
You can trust them more than anyone.
Mobile weapons activated. Programming
for data collection is complete.
Ready to commence tactical actions.
Let me show you around.
So, have I proven my innocence
Mr. Tough Guy?
I'm confused.
Ask our leader.
Honestly, I don't believe
a word of it either.
However, our main concern right now
is getting Hisako out of here
and back to her parents.
Is it just me
or does it seem a little
too quiet around here?
Is it lunch time?
Or are they too chicken to face us?
You just had to say something,
didn't you?
Isn't it time for your
after-lunch workout?
Storm, you're still weak
from the last fight.
-Get Emma and Hisako out of here!
-Got it.
Cyclops, where are you?
Beast, Storm, Wolverine.
What's going on?
Hisako. Open your eyes.
I'm afraid you can't hide from it anymore.
You have to face reality.
Why does everything go hazy
when I try to focus on
that one part of northern Japan?
And why do I see that child so clearly?
Could it be? Could it be that
I've got a bad feeling about this.
This feels like a setup.
Should we take a different route?
You call this a route?
Unfortunately, there are no elevators for
celebrities like you.
Signal lost.
X-Men out of monitoring range.
Data collection impossible.
Leave this to me.
What's the matter?
Whatever they injected us with
is wearing off.
I sense the U-Men somewhere nearby.
It seems there was some sort of system
monitoring your abilities
on that route.
What is this place?
It seems to be another operating room
of some kind.
It's huge.
Don't touch that!
That is organ extract taken
from mutants like you.
In order for us, the U-Men,
to have powers like mutants
we are going to harvest your organs.
You're dead, freak!
Cyclops, are you all right?
You son of a
Your adamantium skeleton makes you
an easy target for the electromagnet
We have collected all of your data.
Shut it, electric witch!
Give me your fresh organs.
Organs! Organs!
It's no use.
He's lost his mind.
My telepathy won't work.
There's some kind of interference.
Cyclops, now! Follow me!
We're getting out of here!
If you want her,
you'll have to go through me!
Then give me your organs first!
That's enough! Stay away from her!
I won't let you hurt her!
You bastard!
Kid's got a mean right hook.
Wow. So those are Hisako's powers.
Hisako's ability is to transform
psionic energy
into a suit of armor around her.
Why does it hurt so much?
What's happening to me?
I can't hear anything.
I can't see anything!
Emma, where have you gone?
She's lost control!
It's all new to her. And she's never
generated this much power before.
Emma, where are you?
Somebody! Anybody!
Please make it stop!
You can stop it yourself!
Pretend you're riding a bike, kid!
Use your brakes! Hit the brakes, kid!
Someone please stop it.
Hisako! Hisako!
Get it together! You control your power,
it doesn't control you!
Don't give into it!
Don't let it take you over!
I'm not strong enough to make it stop!
You're strong enough, you can do this!
Fight it, Hisako!
It's no use!
Believe, Hisako!
Just believe in yourself.
We're all here to help you.
We all believe in you
but we can't do it for you.
This is your very first lesson.
My first lesson?
That's right.
You can do it. I'm right beside you.
You passed.
You're an excellent student.
I'm proud of you.
This is just a gut feeling,
but I don't think Emma
was responsible for Jean's death.
It's not that I doubt what you say
but she is not our enemy, at least.
She's an excellent teacher.
You have to admit, Cyclops.
Fine, but let's not forget
She's a telepath.
And for all we know,
she could have been controlling
Hisako's mind and our minds
this whole damn time.
So much for our headquarters.
On the bright side,
we collected plenty of data.
X-Men bastards!
Let them have their fun for now.
They were just put into a deep sleep.
I see.
Charles, Hisako is fine.
We've freed all the young mutants.
Organs! Organs!
Emma protected Hisako from the laser
that Todd, the surviving U-Man, fired.
An unusual transformation occurs
in Emma's body.
The X-Men take Emma and Hisako
to the Xavier Institute in New York
and are attacked by a mysterious
monster on the way.
What is the true form of the monster
and the surprising truth behind
Emma's unusual transformation?
Next X-Men: Secondary Mutation.
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