Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s01e03 Episode Script

El Hijo

Although this story
is inspired by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
So, you're not Jewish.
Actually, my mother isn't Jewish.
But my real father is.
Hugo Peres wasn't your real father?
My mom and Abraham Glusberg were lovers,
and later they got married.
Recently, I found out I'm his son.
And I feel as Jewish as he is.
That's the truth.
My mother kept my true identity from me.
For me, that's unforgivable.
In Judaism, lying is unforgivable
except in two cases:
to save a life and for true love.
If your mother lied to you,
it was to protect you.
nothing would have protected me more
than the knowledge of who I am.
Iosi, some truths are too big
for such young people.
I'm sure you'll forgive her one day.
Rabbi Shtraimel,
-will you bless me?
-Of course. Come here.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God,
King of the Universe,
who has granted us life, sustained us,
and allowed us to arrive at this time.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Come on.
This is going to cost you.
You lost control, Garrido.
So shut up and do as I say,
because Norma doesn't have much time.
Tell your people to take Route 41
towards San Antonio de Areco.
After 30 miles, leave the highway
and take the unpaved road.
Continue on for two miles,
then take a right turn.
Go until you see a "For Sale" sign.
Leave the kid there and go. Is that clear?
You're crazy to be doing this, dumbass.
You better hurry up. Norma looks pale.
Son of a bitch, you Jew.
Drive half a mile and wait for my sign.
Heads up, incoming car.
Watch out, a car is coming.
It's a blue car.
-G-S-Z-2-8-3. That's the plate.
Tell them to stay put.
I have a call for you.
Jonás? My name is Iosi.
I'm your mom's friend.
I'll help you get back to her,
but I need you to listen carefully.
Go, go.
Come on!
You have the boy. Where is my wife?
In the parking lot in Talcahuano.
Upper level.
Hurry up, Garrido.
-They just drove by.
-You did well, Jonás.
Do you see the corn field?
Go through the cattle gate.
There's a rope tied to a stake.
Do you see it?
Take it and follow it to the other side.
Focus on the rope.
Jonás, can you hear me?
Blessed be God
Thank you
for renewing my faith
in each deed
where I feel
your presence.
Thank you
for giving me strength
not to lose hope.
How good and wonderful you are
for taking care of my family.
I know I don't have
the ability to understand,
but whatever comes from you,
I'll take as a miracle.
-Are you okay?
Let's go.
Who are you?
Someone who cares about you and your mom.
You don't remember me,
but when you were little,
we spent a lot of time together.
Trust me.
I'll take you to your mom and Victor.
But we have to go right now. Come on.
Let's go.
Go inside, Eli. Go
Víctor, take them out of the country.
Don't tell me what to do.
You hear me?
You want to do your part?
Stop ruining her life.
Get lost.
He'll want to know who he is one day.
And you'll have to tell him who I am.
God doesn't even know who you are.
By now, everybody knows
a delegation from Israel will come
before the Prime Minister arrives.
That delegation
includes members of MAPAM
in the same line as us in Ofakim.
They are a very strong opposition
to Israel's policies on Palestine.
Now, MAPAM does not want
to be associated with anyone,
neither the embassy here,
nor the Israeli right-wing.
Okay? So, we have to play it cool,
stay calm, stay put,
and not validate any oppressive
Israeli policies against Palestine.
Especially now with this uprising.
That's extremely important, okay?
-Victor. I agree with you
We have the same ideology.
But we have to engage in politics,
and in order to do that,
we need to sit with the decision-makers.
That's the Argentinian Zionist Federation.
We must take MAPAM's seat there,
the one you don't want to use.
You've spent 15 minutes with us.
You don't understand how we work here.
Expelling the Palestinians from their land
is an Israeli military operation
against any law.
Politics can have good manners.
Let's sit and talk,
especially with those in charge.
What the hell?
I don't know if you're an idiot
or simply a fascist.
Maybe you should join the guys at Likud.
And you, the Palestinians
who follow Arafat!
We have the whole palace to ourselves.
He'd kill you for drinking his whiskey.
Are you staying there?
What are you doing here?
I'm embarrassed to admit it,
but since arriving,
I've wanted to see your dad's studio.
I don't know
His pictures with celebrities, his books,
his world
Now that you've seen it up close,
how is it?
I can't understand why everyone is afraid
of a Jew who likes mint chocolate.
I never felt such a need to care
for someone as I do with you.
I know you've suffered a lot,
but you deserve the best, Dafne.
Is Zuni here?
She went out She'll be right back.
All right. Look
So I need a shirt just like this one, see?
Look. With an Italian collar,
but with a double seam.
I'll write down your measurements.
Use a long tape measure.
I've been having lots of barbecues.
I think this one will do.
Do you want
the same fabric as what you brought?
The one I brought is nylon.
I'd like it to be some really nice cotton.
-Is that possible?
At least the moths don't eat nylon.
It doesn't crease.
But in summer,
it's like carrying a sauna with you.
Yes. That's true.
There must be an alternative
to sweating or creases!
Look who's here.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
I didn't know you had an assistant.
You should see how kind he is.
-How are you doing?
You're a little chubbier.
Stopped playing soccer?
I never miss a game.
Okay. That's good.
Iosi needs to get out more.
He should play sports.
That can be arranged.
We always need of strikers.
Do you need the shirt urgently?
To be honest,
I have several weddings coming up, so yes.
Don't worry.
I'll send it today and tell them to hurry.
Perfect. I can come pick it up.
Don't worry. I'll send it to you.
Do you want to see our cotton?
Look at the number. It was sent form Iran.
They're weapons.
It has to be a triangulation.
Saúl's arming them for the Andinia Plan.
They bring weapons,
the Israelis are already
disguised as civilians It's so clever!
But why Iran,
if they're enemies of Israel?
And the rest of the fax?
That's all I got.
Maybe only the call comes from Iran.
You okay with the Jewish girl?
I think I'm doing a good job.
Let her do a good job with you.
Let her feel that you like her.
Feeling she's got you by the balls
will make her feel safe.
That theory only applies to Dafne?
I'm won't report this until we know more.
If it leaks, Israel could abort,
and we'd be exposed.
Don't you trust the bosses?
It's a matter of timing. I'll handle it.
Just find out how
and when the weapons will arrive.
It might be by boat,
to some harbor in the South.
We need that intel to go all in.
Did you know my parents met
playing paddle tennis?
Back when it still wasn't popular.
Mom had this court built.
I never saw them play.
Shall we take a shower?
Evidently, I'll take a shower with you.
The chicken is delicious, Rita!
Thank you, sir.
Pass me the lemon.
Is that the four-lane
Monza track downstairs?
-Do you like Scalextric?
-Who doesn't?
We could race sometime.
Don't get your hopes up. Dad never plays.
He's waiting for my brothers.
They seem to have some unfinished races.
-Can I ask you a favor?
-Of course.
I'm going to Paraguay.
Could you stay here in the house?
I'd feel better knowing Dafne isn't alone.
If you don't mind.
The one that shouldn't mind is me, right?
Will Estroessner last long?
Last long in what?
In power.
Definitely longer than Alfonsín.
If the uprisings continue,
they'll topple him.
But could there be a coup or not?
You young people are so politicized,
but you don't know shit about politics.
Dafne thinks she understands politics
because she goes to Ofakim once a week.
Iosi knows a lot about politics.
Ofakim is an interesting group.
You know what surprises me?
That a guy like you can go once a week
to meet those Ofakim idiots.
Come to think about it, anyone with
half a brain can make a mess in there.
-Excuse me, Mr. Saúl. You have a call.
-Excuse me.
Hello, Kadar.
No, my friend, I didn't receive any fax.
We're going to be alone.
Four days.
But we're all looking forward to it.
God damn it! Who touched the fax machine?
-What is it?
-Come here!
-Why did you touch my stuff?
I didn't!
You did! Now there's no paper.
You used it but you forgot
because you're old.
Let me go! I'm not mom!
Yes, everything's under control.
Yes, my friend.
I'll stand here, waiting next to it.
May peace be with you.
More protein, less rice.
María, how's your medication?
Sara, eat up.
Rosa, can you pass that?
Next time make more meat,
more protein, less rice.
Óscar, how's it coming along?
Working on it.
My shirt has arrived.
Thank you.
-You work here?
-What do you do?
-I'm the rabbi.
Med school didn't want me.
Rabbinical school did.
Come here. Sit and eat.
Would you make some room
for us, please? Sit.
You know rabbinical school
is at junior college level.
There are essential careers
at the same level,
like podiatry, nursing school
I didn't know you could
eat inside a temple.
There's nothing more sacred
than feeding someone.
Do you serve food every day?
Despite inflation,
we've managed to so far.
Some people come because
they don't have food.
Some because they have no one to eat with.
Loneliness is another type of hunger.
What about you?
-Are you hungry?
-Let's eat then!
There you go.
Come on, it's delicious.
Do you think you can join us
on Tuesday for a soccer game?
We need a striker who can score.
I'm your man.
Great. It's a done deal.
Here we get all sorts of professionals
Sara was a claque in Telecómicos.
Remember it? No one laughs like her.
Show us how you laugh.
Laughing is a blessing.
Dad wants to see you.
He's waiting in the office.
Call Minister Grinspun's secretary.
Tell her I'll be late.
I'll go straight to his office.
Have a seat.
Thank you.
Dafne told me to come.
I don't have time to beat around the bush.
Would you like to work for me?
I need someone to help me
sort out certain matters.
Of course. I don't know how I can help
You will.
Mabel, bring me a typewriter.
A small one or a big one, Mr. Menahem?
A small one.
Look, I don't know how to type,
but I'm a fast learner.
-Anything else?
-No, thank you.
Take it to the repair shop.
Ask Mabel for the address.
-Wait for it and bring it back.
Thank you so much, Saúl.
SINCE 1959
-How can I help you?
I brought this typewriter to repair.
-Did you get a paper?
Thank you.
Hi, Beti.
-Everything okay?
-The same as usual?
-Yes, please.
How's it going?
It's ready.
That's it?
I wasn't given
-money to pay you.
-It's paid for.
-Excuse me.
-Give it to me.
I didn't know it had money in it.
Shouldn't you have told me?
Your face would've given it away.
For you. Take it.
-It's too much.
-It's never too much.
You're not counting it?
No need, I trust you.
Mabel, please,
take Iosi to buy some decent shoes.
I need you for another job.
Like this one?
Go, I'll call you.
Thank you, Saúl.
-Hi, Sara.
-Hey, kiddo.
-Hi, Iosi.
-Hi, Eli.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
Did you convince Victor
-about the embassy business?
It wasn't easy, but he said he'll come.
We'll talk to the MAPAM people,
-after the choir performance.
It's a big moment for Ofakim.
Yes, of course it is.
See you later.
You won't ask me to come in?
Yes, please, come in.
I was getting ready to go to the embassy.
We're singing with the choir.
Can I help you?
I miss this so much.
Good times.
When you have nothing to lose.
When I was carefree like you,
I spent all my money on shoes.
-You know why?
You go to a meeting,
you cross your legs
in a good pair of shining shoes,
and as they listen,
you know what they think?
If he has money for shoes like those,
the rest of his outfit is cheap by choice.
And when people see
your choices and not your circumstances,
they respect you.
Come on.
Put your shoes on. It's late.
After signing the corresponding decrees,
the President of the nation warned
about the following concepts before
his departure to Switzerland
This isn't the way to the embassy?
You're not singing today.
I need you to run an errand for me.
Take the briefcase in the backseat.
transferring the capital to the South.
This means separating
politics from economics
-Where are we going?
-Not far.
Put it on.
important for the population
and the development of Patagonia.
-And the keys?
-When you get there.
It also means favoring a State reform
followed by this measure.
On the hearth a fire burns,
And in the room it is warm
And the rabbi is teaching little children
The alphabet
And the rabbi is teaching little children
See, children, remember, dear ones
What you learn here
Repeat and repeat yet again
-It's been a pleasure.
Like I said,
MAPAM are not interested in us.
They said it like that?
What do you mean "like that?"
No, but they implied it.
They sugar-coated it, but
They told me they appreciate us,
but we're not mature enough to get a seat.
We should have waited for Iosi.
It would have been the same.
That's just the way it is. No means no.
Iosi Peres
Look at you.
Who'd have thought we'd meet here?
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