You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e03 Episode Script

El tatuaje

I was leaving.
Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.
I only came to personally thank
you for what you did for me.
One of your coworkers
gave me your address.
I'm glad you're OK.
You saved my life.
I'm sorry, but now is not a good time.
Right. I have to go too.
Thank you.
I'm not hungry. Thank you.
Did you get any sleep?
Only a little.
What's all this?
Are you going out to post fliers?
I last spoke to Natalia after the attack.
She was almost home.
If she went downstairs,
someone must've seen her get into a car
or something, don't you think?
I also want to spread the word on line.
Would you help me?
You know I don't have
any social media accounts.
But your friends do.
They're journalists and artists.
They could help us.
Well, yes, they can. Consider it done.
Monica, you need to rest.
The police are handling it.
The police? They haven't done anything!
Time keeps passing by.
I can't sit around doing nothing,
waiting for news about Natalia
or whoever has her.
Calm down.
Take a deep breath and listen to yourself.
Natalia called you.
Maybe she chose to leave.
Even if that were the case,
I'm sure something was wrong.
But no one can or wants to tell me what.
What do you mean?
That Eli obviously knows
something and won't say it.
-She already said she didn't.
-We're not sure, though.
Know what I don't get?
It's like you don't care.
You haven't done anything to help me.
Of course, since
your daughter isn't missing.
I understand you're upset
and that you don't trust anyone,
but Eli grew up in a very violent place
and something like this
makes expressing herself
harder than usual.
In fact, it's hard for her
to admit she has feelings.
That doesn't mean she doesn't care.
I'll talk to her again.
I'll talk to her alone.
Maybe then I'll get something out of her.
Thank you.
I brought you something to eat.
Eat. It's better that way.
If you don't, you'll get sick
and everything will be worse.
Very good.
I said I don't know where she is.
-Why won't you believe me?
-That's not it.
It's not about you.
I just want to know
if you two argued and why.
Any detail is important, really.
It was nonsense. That's all.
Was it over a guy?
It was stupid. We already worked it out.
You know I don't like
to talk about these things.
Hey, Eli. Look at me.
You know I trust you, don't you?
I just want to know if you think
what happened to
If that were the case,
if that were even a remote possibility,
I would've told you, OK?
Give me a hug.
What's up?
Humber, we have to talk.
I'm worried.
That's why I want a divorce!
I can't stand another day living with you!
Don't you get it?
What are you going to do? Hit me?
What's that?
A conversation Beatriz Prats
recorded on her phone.
We managed to obtain a portion of it.
We're not getting divorced!
I won't let that happen!
-Oh, you're not?
You're not going to screw me now!
-What are you going to do?
-What am I going to do?
Whatever it takes!
I've had it, Alberto!
I've had it with this sham of a marriage,
with you fucking girls
who could be your daughters!
What are you saying? You're no saint!
I'm not. That's why I want a divorce!
I can't stand another day living with you!
Don't you get it?
What are you going to do? Hit me?
We have him. We clearly do.
Otherwise, why else would she record
their conversation?
She was afraid of him.
Does the captain know?
I have to tell him.
Go on.
Go on, kid. Wash up.
Let's check on that wound.
Take off your shirt
and put these clothes on.
Or you'll end up soaked too. It's cold.
Beautiful and rebellious, huh?
You don't have to be embarrassed
around me, kid.
I wouldn't do anything you wouldn't like.
Maxim, that's enough!
Watch it, Dasha.
Your daughter?
Sorry about last night.
Can we talk?
What do you want?
I can help you find her.
I'm a police officer.
Well, I was.
I can help you.
She hates it when I say Goddamn it.
She's never even said it herself,
but on the day she called
she said it twice.
Maybe it's nothing,
but I think she was trying
to tell me something.
I don't think it's nothing.
You know her better than anyone.
It's part of the script
for police officers,
but any detail, no matter how small,
can aid the investigation.
Alex, I'm in Natalia's bedroom.
This is Daniel.
He's a former police officer
who'll help us find Natalia.
I was telling him about the phone call.
He also thinks it's important.
Yes. Nice to meet you.
Thank you. Any help is welcome.
I assume
you're some sort of private detective.
No, no. Not at all.
He was present during the attack.
Yes, she helped me.
I'm only helping Monica. That's all.
Did you talk to Eli?
I told him about that too.
Yes, and it was two teens
fighting over nothing.
I have to ask.
Is there anyone who would want
to hurt you or Natalia?
Monica, why are you calling me?
That wasn't part of the deal.
My daughter is missing.
Yes, you heard right.
Do you know something I don't?
Your ex-husband died three years ago.
I doubt it has anything to do with us.
You said you'd protect us, Pete.
It's a coincidence.
Are you going to help me find her?
I'm a DEA agent. I take on narcs.
I don't find missing people.
Well, why don't you see if my ex-husband
had an enemy who wanted
to get back at him?
You know more about
these people than I do.
Please help me.
If I hear something, I'll contact you, OK?
What do I do now?
I'm going to the police station.
I can ask a former partner for a favor.
It's best if you come with me.
I can't believe it's taken you
this long to tell me.
Well, Humber,
it's not the easiest thing to share.
It's Alberto Torres.
Darling, we're supposed
to tell each other everything.
I'm telling you now.
That's intense.
You, Natalia
I'm the only one who's missing.
Don't be an idiot.
I swear I don't know what to think.
What if?
What if Torres was scared
Natalia would go to the press?
Just imagine what could happen.
It'd be a scan
It'd be a scandal.
But if you were both sleeping with him,
why is she the only one missing?
When Natalia found out
I was hooking up with him,
she didn't take it well.
What did she say?
To stay away from him,
that he was an asshole, to be careful.
The usual things you say
when you're heartbroken.
Maybe she knew something
and wanted to warn you.
I don't know. I don't think so.
He's so perfect.
Yes, so perfect, but he was sleeping
with you both. Wasn't he?
Not exactly.
He was married to Prats!
Look, I don't know.
Do you suspect anything?
You should tell the police
and let them investigate.
It's your call, sir,
but after what we heard,
I think we should meet
and come to a decision.
I won't do anything
without running it by you first.
See you at five.
I can't believe it.
Daniel, in the flesh. You look older.
Hi, Laura.
It's been so long. You've aged so much.
It's great to see you too.
What are you doing here? Have a seat.
I'm not here alone.
Nice to meet you.
She's a friend.
She saved my life during the attack.
If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be here.
I'm sorry.
This is Laura Urrutia,
an old friend from the police academy
and later my partner
Go on.
On different adventures.
I need to ask you for a favor.
I need to locate a phone.
Always asking for the impossible.
You owe me.
You know, I'm not so sure.
Her daughter is missing.
Wait here.
Come with me.
Goddamn it, Urrutia,
this isn't how we do things!
I know, but it's your department
and I need a favor.
A favor? We don't do favors!
We work! Evidence, Urrutia!
The girl called to say
she'd run away from home.
And yes, this is my department.
You want me to make up
something that didn't happen?
Tell me if you do and I will.
If there's no other choice
You're not going to do anything, are you?
Please take her back to the office.
Where's my daughter's picture?
Why is it so hard
to put my daughter's picture
-on the fucking wall?
-Calm down.
-Listen to me.
I've asked you to do your job
and you haven't.
Starting now we'll do everything we can.
Look at me. Trust me.
Take it. It'll ease the pain.
What will you do with me?
Too many questions, darling.
You're going to sell me, right?
They'll make good deal with you.
They'll make a lot of money off of you.
No, it's not true.
It can't be.
You have to help me, please.
Don't say that again.
You might get out.
Some get out.
If you keep crying,
I swear I'll tell Maxim
to deal with you himself.
That's more like it.
Yes, thank you.
Sorry for screaming.
Don't worry about it.
You're in a police station.
Believe me, they've heard worse.
I hate that no one believes me.
I feel paranoid.
Your partner thinks
my daughter is out partying.
No, that's not it.
Ana tries to use the resources
we have as best she can.
We have to follow certain protocols.
If it's of any consolation, I believe you.
I do. The same thing happens to me.
I always trust my intuition
above anything else.
May I offer some advice?
Try to be less emotional.
-I know it's hard given your situation,
but you'll only be able to see
things clearly at a distance.
I understand,
but should I sit idly by
and watch time pass
without knowing where my daughter is?
You're right,
but if you act the way
you did before, you'll only lose.
Trust me, you need women
like Ana on your side.
Alberto, did you review
the press releases?
I haven't gotten around to it.
I need you to do that
before I sent them out.
I understand you know that phone
Yes, don't worry. Thank you.
I'll review the press releases now.
You're no saint!
I'm not. That's why I want a divorce!
I can't stand another day living with you!
Don't you get it?
What are you going to do? Hit me?
Torres lied to us.
The recording clearly shows
Prats was terrified.
We have to interrogate him.
If we bring him in for questioning,
there's no going back.
We won't be able to keep
this from being leaked.
If we're wrong
and we destroy Torres' career
and it turns out he's innocent,
the three of us can
start looking for new jobs.
What do you think?
Torres has everything against him.
A priori.
Even though the recording has shown us
a side of Torres we didn't know,
an impulsive and rash man,
it doesn't fit.
It doesn't match the scene.
We're dealing
with a highly ritualized crime.
It's not at all like a passion murder.
But of course, I could be wrong.
We won't call him in
for further questioning just yet.
The press would tear him apart.
The press should be the least
of our concerns, Captain.
His wife was terrified and afraid of him.
That's a fact.
Our duty is to investigate Torres.
Continue to do so.
Do it from the shadows, though.
When we have something more concrete,
we'll act accordingly.
Get back to work.
who are the young women in the recording?
Did you look into it?
I don't think a youngster
is responsible for the crime.
In any case, we're still working on it.
Would you like something to drink?
Coffee, liquor?
No, thank you. It's late and I should go.
Thank you.
I'm only paying you back
for what you did for me.
It was my job.
Well, then
let's just say I'm doing my duty too.
We're going to find her, right?
Of course.
I won't stop looking for her.
Don't lose hope.
Thank you.
Who sent you?
-I don't know!
Talk, damn it!
I don't know
what you're talking about, damn it!
Weren't you coming by later?
I haven't made dinner yet.
Don't just stand there. Come in.
I'm sorry.
Well, I'm more and more convinced
that telepathy is real.
I was thinking about you.
Are you in the mood for a drink?
I'm free for a few hours.
That's plenty.
How's everything, Monica?
Daniel is pressuring them
into finding the phone's location.
I don't think it'll be long
before they give it to him.
Hopefully we'll get lucky.
We'll leave as soon as he gets it.
Well, I'm busy working on the exhibit,
but let me know as soon
as you know anything.
Sure. I'll call you.
All right. Kisses.
Truth is everyone thinks of death.
Whoever says otherwise is a fool.
Wouldn't you agree?
I've been obsessed with it
since I was a child.
That's why you became a war photographer.
To be closer to death.
Are you psychoanalyzing me?
What do you think?
That it is dangerous.
You might find something frightening.
Drop the air of mystery.
That won't work with me.
Have you had any near-death experiences?
I'm a police officer.
I've been held at gunpoint more than once.
Years ago
I protected the wrong person.
An Italian who was allegedly
involved with the mafia.
All the evidence pointed at him,
but I was sure he was innocent.
The point is, he tried
to escape during a raid
and I did nothing to stop him.
I was such an idiot
that I ended up being his hostage.
If it weren't for Velasco,
my partner, I'd be dead
instead of having a drink
with you right now.
I suppose you at least learned
something about yourself.
I don't like Italian men anymore.
-Another drink?
Two more.
Your turn.
What near-death experience
has affected you most?
Do you remember the Chechen War?
I was in the second one.
I was about to step on to a bus
It seemed the war was over.
Suddenly, there's a shootout,
so I run away.
I take cover from the bullets
behind the bus.
I stay crouched down there.
I turn around
and see a young woman
dragging herself towards me.
She was seriously injured.
I look at her and I think she's dead.
I take one picture,
then another and a third.
Then I hear a terrifying scream
that shakes me to my very core and I turn.
I see the girl
Her daughter.
Screaming and crying desolately.
I pick up my camera and take her picture.
And another, and another.
I think I've seen that picture.
Do you know what became of that girl?
She lives with me.
She's Eli, my daughter.
I have to go.
Excuse me. Check, please.
No, I'll get it.
No, it's my treat. That way, you owe me.
I'm on my way to my gallery.
Want a lift somewhere?
No, thank you.
I'll stay here for a while.
Tell me you have it.
Why won't you answer?
How are you, sweetheart?
Everything OK?
Yes, everything is OK.
You sure?
Yes, really.
I'm going to bed.
A drink?
I don't drink anymore.
Why have you made me come here?
Couldn't you text me?
Are you sleeping with that woman?
No, not at all.
How can you think that?
She's beautiful.
Very much your type.
I'm not sleeping with her.
Why are you helping her?
What's with the questions?
I want to know you won't get me in trouble
if I give you what you want.
Even if I did, it wouldn't be half as bad
as what you did to me.
I was only doing my job.
-And now you owe me one.
-You fucked up your own life.
Don't blame me now.
Anything else?
You do realize that if you mess up
and anyone finds out
I gave you the information,
that'd be my downfall, don't you?
Look at me, Daniel.
Tell me this won't leave this place.
I just want to help her. That's all.
I don't owe you anything anymore.
This is the last location
the GPS picked up.
We lose track of Natalia here.
Let's look for cameras.
There has to be a place
around here with cameras.
There's one over there.
Yes, she stopped by
on the day of the attack.
I remember her
because she looked very worried.
What? Do you know anything else?
-Was she with someone?
Listen, my shift is over.
I have to go home.
Please, just five more minutes.
This is very important.
Tell us something else.
Know which way she went?
No, I don't.
You said she looked worried.
Did you notice anything odd?
Now that you mention it,
something weird happened.
I went that way after I finished my shift
and found an unopened pack
of cigarettes on the ground.
I don't know, maybe it was hers.
Where? By the intersection?
Yes, I think so. Why?
Could you show us the footage
from the outside camera?
No, I'm not authorized.
Show it to me.
Follow me.
Start recording.
Introduce yourself.
Introduce yourself to the camera.
Look, kid, don't waste my time.
You can ask Dasha, she knows well.
This is how this works.
My name is Natalia.
Natalia Saldaña.
I'm 19 years old.
I'm Mexican
and I live in Madrid with my mother.
It should be around here.
There she is. Stop.
That's her.
Look at the time.
Just a little before the last time
she logged into WhatsApp.
Go back.
That van was parked there all along
and left just as she disappears.
Look, the plates are covered.
The hand. Can you zoom in?
What is it?
It's a tattoo used by criminals
from the east,
but they don't usually wear it there.
That van is what we're after.
Where were we, Gabriel?
Anything you'd like to tell me?
Message sent.
Take her away.
Where are you taking me?
To hell, dear.
You're an asshole, Dani.
It's your fault Carlos is dead!
It's your fucking fault!
I told you to stop drinking!
We're all here because we believe in you.
I believe in you.
Open your eyes, Eli. He's a liar.
He cheated on his wife with you both.
Who says he's not involved
with what happened to Natalia?
Why are you doing this?
Bad choices, kid.
What happened?
I fell in love with the wrong guy.
The guys photographed
everyone who entered or left
at around the same time as Torres.
-He used the service door.
-I don't know whom he met,
but he clearly didn't want
anyone to know about it.
Why are you here? I already told
Daniel what you wanted to know.
Tell me what you told him.
Daniel, where are you?
Why aren't you answering my calls?
Put your hands up!
I'm outside the bar.
I can't wait any longer.
I'm going in.
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