Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 6: Goo Woong]
Are pharmacies open today?
What time is it now?
Did you ask what time it was?
-Seoul time.
I see.
Right! I get it. It's Seoul time.
That's funny.
-Do you know this?
Do you know what a gentleman says
when he introduces himself?
-I'm not sure.
-I'm a gentleman.
A gentleman?
That is hilarious.
What a relief.
Woong is getting back to normal.
All thanks to whom?
She's laughing out loud.
You just have to trust me now.
Are you going to do it again?
I think that was enough.
What are you talking about?
I still have 100 more left.
What should I do next?
When an apple laughs, it's a green apple.
When a hat is surprised, it's mosaic.
-That's hilarious.
-I have one more.
Another one?
You'd better stop or else
Do you know what a slipper says
when it introduces itself?
-I'm not sure.
I said stop it.
Do you really want to die?
-Emotion. Calm down.
This is how a slipper introduces itself.
"I'm a slipper."
Your coffee is ready.
-I'll get it.
Seriously, that guy.
He is kind of slow.
Let's calm down, Emotion.
Let's leave after the coffee.
It's a game company,
but it's more like a team.
We're all friends.
Really? That must be very nice.
What do you mean? We fight every day.
Still, it's fun.
I'm sure it is. I'm jealous.
It's nice that I don't have to be there
on time,
but I'm also never off work on time.
I see.
What kind of game do you make?
Oh, right.
Right now, I'm working on Bow Wow Time.
It's about a puppy looking for treats
his owner hid.
Really? I love puppies.
That sounds fun.
The puppy goes through the house.
That's cute.
How boring.
For how long do I have to do this?
It's been two hours.
I think we can leave now.
Wait. What's that sound?
Is that Hunger?
I'm hungry.
Guys. I'm hungry.
-I'm hungry.
-Why did he get so big?
Because she skipped breakfast
and didn't have proper lunch.
-What do we do?
-Let's leave.
It's not even fun. Let's go home and eat.
Still, we can't just leave
all of a sudden.
Gosh. I'm so hungry.
I can't take it anymore.
Wait. That's the belly pipe.
Not the belly pipe.
She's on a blind date right now.
I stay up all night because of this.
When will you release it?
It will be released in July.
By the way, it's already 6 p.m.
-Oh, yes.
-Shall we go eat?
-I know a really good restaurant nearby.
Since you introduced me to a nice cafe,
I will take you
to a nice Korean restaurant.
But I'm good
Shall we?
-Let's go.
I've never been here before.
Not a lot of people know about this place.
But this is the best hidden restaurant
in Ilsan.
[Rolled omelet, kimchi stew]
Is it?
I know most good restaurants in Ilsan.
I've lived here for a long time.
Your food is here.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
What do you think?
It's delicious.
It's delicious!
Do you like it?
Yes. I love it.
The side dishes are good too.
[Rolled omelet, kimchi stew]
Everything is tasty.
Everything is tasty.
It's the best grilled mackerel.
It's the best rolled omelet.
It's the best braised lotus root.
I can't believe how delicious it can be.
Calm down, Hunger.
You're eating well.
[Rolled omelet, kimchi stew]
Oh, I
I skipped lunch.
It's nice. I'm glad you like it.
-Shall we get kimchi stew too?
-Kimchi stew?
Their ripened kimchi stew
and grilled mackerel are matchless.
-Excuse me. One kimchi stew, please.
Kimchi stew.
Having grilled mackerel
and ripened kimchi together
will be truly amazing.
Oh, yes!
It's delicious. Oh, yes!
I can't believe him.
I like him. I like that guy.
-He knows the best hidden restaurant.
I have a feeling
if I date him, I can have
delicious food all the time.
You idiot. Don't sell your soul for food.
Reason. I'm nervous.
[That soup will splatter.]
[Yu-mi is wearing white. What do we do?]
It's an apron.
Just in case the soup splatters.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, my. What was that? He's considerate.
So what?
He didn't buy the apron.
It was already there. It's nothing hard.
Still, people aren't that considerate.
I like him.
Look at you.
Didn't you notice?
He heard the belly pipe,
but he pretended he didn't hear it.
He has good manners.
What do you think of kimchi stew?
It's totally
Eat up. It's all you can eat.
Do you come here often?
Yes. When I miss home-cooked meals.
I often get deliveries since I live alone.
I often miss home-cooked side dishes.
Me too.
Since I lived alone for a long time,
I began to like home-style restaurants.
He doesn't pretend or show off.
-I like that.
-He doesn't look like he'd waste money.
I like him too.
Hey. How do you know that?
We've just met him.
I looked at him closely.
He didn't just wear what he found.
[Moderately messy hair.]
[Bohemian style beard.]
[A wrinkled T-shirt and flip-flops.]
[I almost couldn't notice
because it was elaborately calculated.]
[But he can never fool me.]
That's the perfect effortless look
I pursue.
He's quite fashionable.
Stop exaggerating.
How can a beggar look be fashionable?
I like him.
I don't know how big
of a spender he is yet,
-but I like him too.
-I like him too.
I like him too.
My gosh. What's up with you guys?
How much is it?
It's 22,000 won.
What are you doing?
You bought coffee earlier,
so I'll buy dinner.
What are you talking about?
I just went to the restroom.
-I'll pay.
-No way. I said I was buying.
-I can't let you pay for everything.
-We're going up.
-We're going up.
-We're going up!
-We're going up.
What are you guys doing?
Why are you doing this?
We've just met him!
I guess everyone was lonely.
Emotion, come here.
Let's enjoy ourselves for a day.
-Come on. Let's have fun.
-Come to your senses!
Yu-mi's not that easy!
This won't do.
We should end this date and go home.
[Mom's Cooking]
-Thank you.
I should've paid.
No, it's okay. I had fun today.
-You're leaving already?
Oh, I thought you might be busy, so--
I'm not.
-Do you want to get a beer?
I can't really drink.
Right. It's a bit awkward to do that.
We should go there.
There's no place better than there.
I don't remember what it's called.
That place
[He has to remember what it's called.]
Guys, gather around the millstone.
We can't end this date here.
-He has to think of a place to go next.
-A place to go next!
-A place to go next!
That place is a great place to go next.
Where are you talking about?
Oh, it's
[Kkummaru Frog Festival]
-Do you know where Kkummaru Park is?
-There's a frog festival going on there.
They have a bunch of frogs roaming around,
and apparently, it's fun.
It starts today,
and I heard there are concerts too.
What is he talking about? Frogs?
I want to go home and rest.
Oh, no. I really want to go,
but I have to go home--
What are you doing?
Let's just go. Everyone wants to go.
There's nothing to do at home anyway.
I want to have popcorn and ice cream
for dessert.
He's well-mannered, so don't you think
he'd take us home if it gets late?
You guys
[Kkummaru Frog Festival]
Welcome! Ribbit, ribbit.
The entrance fee is 30,000 won
for 2 adults.
If you're a couple,
you can get 50 percent off.
We're not a couple.
My gosh.
What's so hard about saying you are?
If you say you're a couple, it's half off!
We are a couple.
We're a couple.
Give us a discount.
Are you guys really a couple?
Right, we are.
Then if you put this on
and post a picture of you guys together
on social media,
you can win a prize
if you get a lot of likes.
No, that's okay.
You can get an additional 3,000 won off.
Is it 3,000 won per couple?
It's 3,000 won per person.
That's a total of 6,000 won.
You know, 6,000 won is a lot.
Should we take a photo?
I'm going to take the photo now.
[Frog Festival]
I don't have a social media account.
I can post it on mine.
It's a pity to miss out on a discount.
One, two, three. Ribbit!
You guys look great together!
I'll take another photo.
Can you guys get a bit closer?
One, two, three. Ribbit!
[Sorry about this. Frog Festival]
[Sorry about this.]
Oh, my. Who's this?
Why are they together? No way.
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
No. She might ignore my call again.
The frogs are really loud.
Is it okay for you to post this photo
on your social media?
It's fine.
Nobody's going to see it anyway.
Aren't you going to pick up?
I don't know this number.
Excuse me.
[Hi, Woong.]
Who is this?
[It's me, Ruby.]
Oh, hello, Ruby.
[Did he just say "Ruby"?]
What? Do you think it's the same Ruby
that we know?
How does Woong know Ruby?
What is this? I'm starting to get mad!
Yes. I didn't save your number,
so I didn't know it was you.
Gosh, Ruby is so upset.
Why didn't you save my number?
Why did you call?
[Aren't you with Yu-mi right now?
Why are you together?]
How did you know?
I saw that she posted a photo of you two
on her social media.
A blind date? Really?
Who introduced you guys--
Did Ugi introduce you guys? Really?
[Oh, my gosh!]
But why are you getting excited about me
being on a blind date with Yu-mi?
I see.
Good luck, then! Right.
I hope you guys have fun tonight
and be sure to go home late!
Ruby is rooting for you!
Oh, my gosh. Ugi set them up?
That means that Yu-mi
has no chance with him.
Oh, yes!
What was that?
You know Ruby, right?
Are you talking about Lee Ruby
from my company?
Yes. She says that she's rooting for us.
-Rooting for us?
-So that we can end up together.
Why would she
She said she would root for us?
My goodness.
How do you know her?
She tagged along
when I met up with Ugi recently.
He lives in Ilsan.
That's why when I went to Ilsan with you,
I was hoping to introduce you to
one another.
[-But because Ruby ended up]
[joining us that day,]
[she ended up meeting him.]
Oh, you met her that day.
Oh, no.
Now that Ruby knows, imagine what a fuss
she's going to make tomorrow.
I know!
That's why I said we should just go home!
But she's kind of weird.
How so?
She calls herself by her name.
"Ruby is sad. Ruby will do it." Like that.
Why does she talk like that?
What's wrong with it? Isn't she cute?
That's what everyone says.
That's cute?
I thought it was weird.
My niece stopped talking like that
once she turned five.
Why are you laughing?
Is it okay for you to say that?
I could tell her everything
you said tomorrow.
There's nothing I can do about that.
I'm just calling it as I see it.
I can't lie.
people generally say that
people like you are cute.
You know how to suck up to people.
I'm not.
I told you I can't lie.
He's different from Yu-mi.
He doesn't care about what others think.
I know. He's honest. That's a huge plus.
How should I react now?
No, it's fine.
I'll answer him myself.
It's nice to hear.
Even if you're just sucking up to me.
It's been a while since anyone told me
that I was cute.
No way. I don't believe you.
I'm serious.
I'm grateful,
so I'll treat you to some popcorn.
There it is.
You don't have to be grateful.
I was just being honest.
I'll treat you to two.
It's true.
They have a lot in common,
and as long as he doesn't tell jokes,
he's perfect.
I like his name too. Goo Woong.
I'm in a good mood.
Should I suggest we go for some beer?
I think Woong
would know a great craft beer place.
-Let's do that!
-Let's do that!
This is ridiculous.
-Here's the first one.
-Thank you.
What's going on?
What's with Yu-mi's mood all of a sudden?
I don't know. She's suddenly upset.
Maybe someone pulled down the mood lever.
Let's go find out.
Guys, over there.
It's Hysterius.
Hysterius! What are you doing here?
Why did you touch the mood lever?
We're not supposed to touch it!
You fools.
Look at you all excited.
What? Were you hoping
she'd start going out with Goo Woong?
Why can't she?
You guys are the problem.
You're ruining Yu-mi!
What did we do?
Can't you tell why he's flattering her?
It's so obvious.
Are we going to fall for that again?
-My gosh!
Listen up!
The Love cell you guys confided in
is now dead!
Love's minion, True Feelings,
is also dead.
Which means, this village
is mine as of today.
Yu-mi can't date
as long as this village is mine!
Do you all understand?
[What am I doing right now?]
-Thank you.
[I was rejected by my crush
just a few days ago.]
[I can't believe I'm already laughing
and smiling.]
[Am I really going to date that guy?]
[The guy Ugi set me up with?]
[I have no pride, seriously.]
You told me to get two,
so I didn't buy more.
Why don't we go over there?
I heard there's a photo zone
where we can take pictures with the frog.
It's getting late. I should go.
Let's get going.
["Let's get going"?]
[What does she mean by that?]
[Like, go somewhere else?]
[But I bought two bags of popcorn.]
[Does she mean she wants to walk
while eating popcorn?]
[But we haven't seen the frog yet.]
[I don't want to go home yet.]
[Episode 7: The Beard]
Do you know what happens
if I kick that car?
If I kick that car over there.
I don't know.
The car will be startled.
Oh, the bus is here.
I had fun today. Get home safely.
I will. Wait
He told her that lame joke
right before they parted ways.
I can't believe this. I'm so annoyed!
What's wrong with it?
He couldn't even say a proper goodbye
because of your stupid joke!
Darn you!
-Leaving now?
-Where have you been?
Louis is waiting for you.
I heard you guys have to finish it today.
Yes, we should.
What were you up to all day?
What do you think? The blind date.
You were with her until now?
Nice. Look at you, Goo Woong.
I suppose you like her,
if you were with her all day.
Do you really like her?
She must be pretty.
-She is.
Looks aren't everything, you fool.
No, I like everything about her.
All of it. I like everything about her.
We have so much in common.
We have similar tastes
and like the same foods.
We even have the same sense of humor,
and that's--
I'm off.
I'm back.
Hey, I'm back. Wake up.
I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
Who is she?
Why is she running around our village?
Can't you tell? She's Yu-mi!
Woong's village is now mine!
She should be home by now.
Thanks to you,
I had
[Goo Woong: Did you get home safely?]
[Thanks to you, I had so much fun today.]
[Did you get home safely?
Thanks to you, I had so much fun today.]
My gosh! She just read it.
[Yes, I]
[Did you get home safely?
Thanks to you, I had so much fun today.]
No reply.
She's not replying.
What do we do? Did we get caught?
Darn it.
I should have just stayed in jail.
Guys, it's me.
We thought you were dead!
Where are the other guys?
I'm not sure.
They're probably all hiding somewhere.
Hysterius, that crazy jerk.
He was quiet for a while.
What's with the sudden rampage?
I think he's losing it because
he's worried Yu-mi would date that guy.
Why can't she date?
He's afraid she'd be hurt again.
Then does he want Yu-mi to stay single
for the rest of her life?
That lunatic!
We can't let that happen.
Look at this, guys.
Woong texted her.
"Did you get home safely?"
"Thanks to you, I had so much fun today."
She should text him back, right?
If she doesn't, he'll take that
as her rejecting him.
Then it's all over.
-Yes! Text him back!
-Yes! Text him back!
But how?
The village is under Hysterius' control
at the moment.
Love is the only one
who can stop Hysterius.
He said Love is dead.
There is sugar.
If she has sugar, Hysterius becomes weak.
That's right. Hunger.
We can only rely on Hunger for now.
[I'm hungry. Let's eat that.]
[I'm hungry.]
Yes. Let's eat. Let's have chocolate.
["Sweet Life"]
No way! This can't be happening!
My appetite!
-What's going on?
-What's going on?
Hunger has lost his appetite.
-We're doomed.
-We're doomed.
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
[Did you get home safely?
Thanks to you, I had so much fun today.]
No reply.
She's not replying.
How come?
Is she sleeping?
But she read it.
Hey, Louis.
If she doesn't reply to my text
after the blind date, what does
Are you sleeping?
Ugi. That's right. Ugi.
[Ugi. It's me. Are you sleeping?]
[Good luck with your blind date.
I'm getting on a flight.]
[I'm on a business trip to the US
for three weeks. Best wishes.]
[After the blind date,]
[I texted her, but she wouldn't reply.]
[Did I get rejected?
There is no response.]
[Unless she really hated you,]
[she wouldn't ignore.]
[Think about what you did
on the blind date.]
What I did?
Did you ask what time it was? Seoul time.
I'm a gentleman. The car will be startled.
[Didn't I tell you to stop?]
What are you doing?
It's because of your terrible jokes.
-Aside from that, everything was perfect.
-That's right!
What are you talking about?
She laughed out loud at my jokes.
No. I don't think that's it.
Yu-mi laughed out loud so much.
[The reason your blind date
does not respond]
[Is it not good if I don't shave
for a blind date?]
[My friend told me to shave.]
[Do women not like a man with a beard?]
[I hate it. They look like
they'd never shower.]
[Honestly, most women don't like it
because it looks messy.]
[What you need is a good-looking face.]
[If you're good-looking, people don't care
if you have a beard or not.]
[You must shave.]
Gosh. What?
What? What's wrong?
-What's up?
I found the shocking truth
while searching.
What? What is it?
This is completely unexpected.
I don't know what to do.
Do women hate a beard?
You stress me out so much.
It says most women hate a beard.
Did you think they'd like it?
Don't they think it's hot?
They think it's dirty.
It's freezing.
A beard is dirty?
Did you get dumped?
Oh, my. You did.
-Did you get dumped?
-Not yet.
What do you mean not yet?
-I texted her.
She left me on read.
You got dumped.
That's what getting dumped means, boss.
Maybe she fell asleep.
You said she left you on read.
She can't fall asleep
right after reading it.
I told you to shave before you go.
My goodness.
Didn't I tell you to listen to me?
I should've been on the blind date.
Seriously You idiot.
Then the cell that ruined
the blind date is
See? It wasn't me.
Guys. Capture Hair.
Is that it? Really?
Are you saying Yu-mi isn't replying
because of me?
How absurd.
There is no other suspect.
Face it. I'm shaving all that hair today.
Wait. No.
Do you know how long it took me
to grow this?
A beard is a man's pride.
A man needs a beard.
A beard is the man itself.
It's not easy to grow.
If you don't take care of it,
you get pimples.
You have to organize it every day.
So what? Women think it's disgusting.
She didn't say she doesn't like my beard.
Did she say it's cool?
-That means she doesn't like it.
If women don't mention it,
it means they don't like it.
No woman would say on the first meeting,
"Oh, my. You look dirty."
Who would do that? No one.
No way. Did she reply?
[If you're in urgent need of money,
call now.]
You should shave.
Hey. Wait. Hey.
Give me time until tomorrow morning.
What difference does it make
in the morning?
If Yu-mi doesn't reply until morning,
I will face my destiny.
What time in the morning?
That is 8 No, 9 a.m!
I say 8 a.m.
Hey. Seriously.
[To go to work,]
[Yu-mi will have to get up
at 7 a.m., at least]
["A Bite of Love"]
[If she still doesn't reply,]
[then accept the fact
that you got dumped.]
["A Bite of Love"]
[Did you get home safely?
Thanks to you, I had so much fun today.]
[Bus Stop]
Go back. Go back in, please.
Light's back on.
It's back on. Yu-mi ate sweets.
Now is time. Let's hurry up
before the blood sugar drops.
-Yu-mi, reply!
-Yu-mi, reply!
[Bus Stop]
[I fell asleep right away last night.]
[Sorry for the late reply.]
-Get rid of the rest.
We got a reply from Yu-mi.
It's true. We really got a reply.
See? It wasn't me.
Oh, my hair.
My precious hair.
Put it back on. Now!
That's impossible.
No. Don't do that.
-Shave the rest.
-Sounds good.
-Not there.
-Let's shave it all.
Here too.
[Episode 8: Umbrella]
Good morning.
Did you guys sleep here last night?
I told you to sleep at home.
I'm going to go home and get changed.
There's something different about you.
Your beard. What happened to it?
I shaved.
-Because I got tired of it.
It feels nice to shave it off.
You grew it out for a while.
Why did you shave it all of a sudden?
-Just because.
-Just because?
You once said that a beard
is a sign of a man's pride.
Did I?
I'm going to go.
He shaved because of Kim Yu-mi.
He was so upset
because she didn't text him back,
so I said it was because of his beard.
Then he really shaved it off.
What a fool. Did he get rejected?
If he got rejected, he got rejected.
Why would he shave because of it?
But she texted him back.
I guess he really liked her.
[Yu-mi: I had a lot of fun last night too.]
[Get to work safely,
and I hope you have a good day.]
[Goo Woong: Oh, I see.]
[I hope you get to work safely too.
Have a nice day!]
[Goo Woong: Oh, by the way,]
[Goo Woong: I shaved off my beard.]
[I shaved off my beard.]
His beard?
"I shaved off my beard."
What do you think this means?
It's so random.
Who cares if he shaved?
Why would he tell her that?
Why did he shave? I liked his beard.
Guys, do you think that "beard"
is slang for something?
I think it means something bad.
I'm nervous.
Yu-mi must have low blood sugar again.
What should we do?
All she did was text him back.
-I can't see anything. I'm scared.
-My gosh.
This won't do. I'll go out and check
to see how things are outside.
Reason, wait for me.
Yu-mi, how did your blind date go?
I can't believe it.
You guys looked great together
in the photo.
How did Ugi come up with that idea?
How was it?
Can you tell me? Ruby is curious!
It's a stress minefield!
Everything must be stressing her out!
Are you going to meet with him again?
Did he ask you out on a second date?
Why isn't it coming?
Did he ask you out on a second date?
I don't know.
How could you not know?
Ruby is so curious!
I'm going to take the stairs,
so take your time coming up.
What? Wait
It's going to take forever
to get to the seventh floor.
Hold on.
Are you just getting here?
The elevator came shortly after you left.
Hey, Yu-mi.
I heard your blind date went really well.
Who said that?
Ruby. She said she knows him.
I heard he was really handsome.
He's totally, completely handsome.
-What are you--
-Who's totally, completely handsome?
The guy Ms. Kim went on a blind date with.
Really? You left in such
a hurry yesterday. Did it go well?
It's not that
Yes, sir. I know him, and he's great.
Ruby. Can you just shut your mouth?
Stop pouring gas on the fire!
She's doing that on purpose, right?
So that everyone finds out
she went on a blind date!
That fool. Does she think that
she could have Ugi then?
These are the documents
for Dongguk Steel Mill Company.
Want me to see how compatible
you and Woong are with your names?
Don't you know what that is?
You can write the name of the couple,
[Kim Yu-mi, Goo Woong]
Kim Yu-mi. Goo Woong.
Kim is five.
Goo is
What are you doing?
[Kim Yu-mi, Goo Woong]
Mi is three.
No way. How is this possible?
It says you're perfect for each other!
Can you come here for a second?
It says you guys are
a match made in heaven!
At this rate, the entire village
will end up blowing up!
We have to try something!
What can we possibly do?
We don't even know if Love
is dead or alive.
I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat.
Hunger must be dying.
She needs to eat something to gain energy,
but she's not eating anything.
Is there another way?
You know what will happen
if we leave Yu-mi alone like this.
[There's a deep valley called
the Ravine of Subconscious]
[in everyone's heart.]
[Hysterius lives here all alone,]
I'm almost done collecting all of it.
I'm almost done.
[and he gathers all of Yu-mi's stress
to create weapons.]
[Once it reaches the limit, he comes into
the village and causes a scene.]
I'm going to raze everything
to the ground!
[When Hysterius takes over the village,
this happens.]
Yu-mi. Have a macaron. It's from Ms. Yoon.
You can have it. I don't have an appetite.
[She loses her desire to do anything.]
Really? You didn't even have lunch--
Oh, are you on a diet
because you just started dating?
Gosh, I can't believe Kim Yu-mi
is refusing to have a macaron.
Dating must be nice.
[Every little thing someone says
to her makes her mad.]
I said, wait!
[Her worst memories keep replaying
in the theater,]
[and she falls into a swamp of
negative thoughts.]
[In the end,]
[her heart becomes empty,]
[and her body begins to fall apart too.]
What's wrong?
My head is killing me.
Do you have any medicine on you?
There should be some in the lounge.
Want me to get some?
No, it's fine. I'll get it.
Why does my head hurt so badly?
[Goo Woong: Did you have lunch?]
[What are you doing after work?]
Yu-mi. Reply to his message.
Yu-mi! You can't lose to Hysterius!
Right! Goo Woong didn't do anything wrong!
You had fun yesterday!
Let's meet with him one more time. Please?
You might not end up getting hurt again!
[You might regret losing him.]
[Ms. Kim Yu-mi]
[I have no plans.]
[Then shall we have dinner together?]
[I'll meet you near your office, Yu-mi.]
[What time will you be done?]
Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on.
What was that?
What is this? Is her phone broken?
Why now? No, this can't be happening!
Nothing is going my way today.
It's not just the screen that's broken.
The LED inside is broken too.
The inner parts
are completely unsalvageable.
If you leave it here to get fixed,
it'll take a day.
-A day?
You won't be able to use your phone.
Will that be okay?
What happened to your phone?
He said it'll take a day.
You won't have a phone for a day?
That must be frustrating.
It's okay. It's not like
I'm waiting for urgent calls.
But you have that guy. The handsome one
you met on the blind date.
He'll contact you.
Message him on social media
and tell him that your phone's broken.
No, forget it.
I shouldn't see him again.
Why not?
I don't know.
I just
replied because he texted me back.
I'm just not sure.
I was thinking of seeing him,
but I have no reason to meet him again.
Why? You said he was a nice guy.
Yes, he is.
But he's not exactly a great catch.
And you know what it's like.
Even the ones who seem nice
always end up being such jerks.
Still, it might be different this time.
No, forget it.
I'm sick of being hopeful every time
only to be let down again.
I shouldn't even start.
But still
Now, even my phone is broken.
The universe is telling me
that I should stop here.
I feel much better now that
I've decided not to see him again.
It's raining.
It is indeed.
"Did you get home safely?"
"Thanks to you, I had so much fun today."
Smiley face.
"Oh, I see."
"I hope you get to work safely too.
Have a nice day!"
"Oh, by the way,"
"I shaved off my beard." After this,
she didn't reply.
But you sent her another text?
"Did you have lunch?"
"What are you doing after work?"
"I have no plans."
"Then shall we have dinner together?"
"I'll meet you near your office, Yu-mi."
"What time will you be done?"
You sent this message at 2 p.m.
It's past 4 p.m., but she hasn't replied
when she already read your message.
Then it's over.
-This conversation is over.
Had she wanted
to carry on the conversation,
she would've asked you questions
about your commute this morning
or told you details
about what she enjoyed yesterday.
Besides, she didn't use a single emoticon.
You're right. She used none.
Are emoticons important?
They are, of course.
Look at the texts she sent you
before the blind date.
She used many emoticons.
It means that she usually uses emoticons.
But here, there's none.
Here, the smiley eyes.
She sent that
because you sent the smiley eyes first.
No tildes or exclamation marks.
And not a single emoticon.
Here, look. "Have a nice day."
The period here shows that
she wanted to end the conversation here.
But you didn't pick up the hint
and replied to this message.
Gosh, and you even told her
about your beard.
I bet it made her uncomfortable.
When you asked her
what she was doing this evening,
she could already tell
that you're dangerous.
That's why she's not texting you back.
She's figured you out.
She knows
that you'll cling onto her forever
if she continues to text you back nicely.
Sae-yi, you're so good
at explaining the situation.
That was very succinct
and easy to understand.
Clear and concise.
I think I know
what kind of woman Yu-mi is.
Gentle, kind, and pure-hearted.
That's how she is, right?
Yes, some women are just like that.
They're so nice
that they can't say no to anyone.
If she takes this long to texts you back
or never replies,
just take that as a no.
She was like this yesterday
but eventually replied.
"Eventually replied"?
That means she had no choice but to reply.
If you make another move at this stage,
what does that make you?
A clingy guy.
What? "Clingy"?
Do you now know what you should do?
You know how blind dates work.
Cheer up, okay?
You're making me feel even worse.
Well, since it's raining,
how about we go for some fritters?
-It's on me.
-Let's go.
Let's go, okay?
Let's go! Nice, let's go!
♫ I love fritters ♫
♫ I love fritters ♫
Let's have some rice wine too.
Sure. Just one bottle though.
Nice, one bottle.
What's taking him so long?
Hey, Woong. What are you doing?
Let's go.
The thing is,
you know that I always do the opposite
of what I'm told to do.
What are you talking about?
I'm slow-witted on top of that.
Yes, you are slow-witted.
But that's how I am.
This is just how I am.
You want to leave early?
Yes, I'm not feeling well.
I should go see a doctor.
Gosh, okay. Go home and get some rest.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
Your face is flushed.
Do you have a fever?
I think so.
Hold on. Shall I call a cab for you?
No, it's okay.
Go home and get some rest.
I didn't bring an umbrella.
Are you going home?
-I heard your phone is at the repair shop.
What if Woong texts you?
Use my phone. I have his number.
I'll figure it out.
Taking too long to respond
could tire the other person out.
I'll decide what to do.
Come on. It's rude.
Are you the one dating him?
Why are you so nosy?
I'm just trying to help you. That's all.
Shall I call him and tell him
you're not feeling well?
Enough, okay?
If I tell him you're not feeling well,
he'll come running.
I said, enough.
Don't do anything, please.
My job and my personal life
Please stop being so nosy.
Are you mad at me?
I really was only trying to help
because you two looked so cute together.
I just think Ugi made such a good call
setting you two up.
"A good call"?
Sure, maybe for you.
Yes. All the things you couldn't stand
but have been keeping inside.
Let it all go, Yu-mi!
Let's wipe them up once and for all!
Am I wrong?
I was just trying to help you.
Why would you help me?
You're not feeling well.
If you go home alone, I'll be worried.
If we call Woong,
he'll come and pick you up.
There's no need.
But you'll be alone at home. Don't be--
I don't care.
I was always alone.
I can go to the hospital alone
and go home by myself.
What's wrong with that?
I'm so used to it.
I'm comfortable with this.
So please
Why are you getting soaked in the rain?
You'll catch a cold.
[Yumi's Cells]
Excuse me!
Please help this emergency patient.
[Your boyfriend left it here.]
My boyfriend?
Hi, Yu-mi's love cell.
[You went to see a girl
who wouldn't even text you back?]
I just followed the algorithm.
He's fallen head over heels for Kim Yu-mi.
Must be nice.
I have to go. Just eat without me.
-Look at this.
-Wow, this is great news.
[Another date tomorrow!]
[I want to go now.]
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