Zero (2021) s01e03 Episode Script

Episode 3

Guys, I wanted to tell you
that in a few days,
power will be back on in the red blocks.
Get the word out. Peace.
Ah! All this thanks to Sharif
and to the money raised
by Sara's recording studio.
[upbeat instrumental music plays]
Fuck Sirenetta and it's shady business.
[guard] There's something wrong
with the monitors.
There's a strange interference,
and at the VIP table,
some kids are breaking the bank.
[Sharif] To those motherfuckers
who enjoy wrecking the hood
I'll handle it.
the Barrio won't give in. We stay here.
[Sharif] The plan is simple.
Go to the glam poker night
and win the 30,000 jackpot
with me cheating.
Besides, taking money from the mob
and giving it to the Barrio
isn't stealing but the right thing to do.
Just like Robin Hood.
Momo is the dealer.
- Who's that?
- [Omar] He deals the cards.
- [Sharif] I've never played poker.
- [Momo] Okay.
- [Sharif] But it can't be difficult.
- [Momo] Bang! Bang!
I have a jack and a queen.
Momo turned over a jack,
a queen, a ten, and a nine.
Sara, turn yours over. Boom!
This time, Sara beats me because her cards
and the ones the dealer turned over
make three tens, three of a kind, but
Bro, can I?
[Momo] Guys, it's easy.
You have to match the cards
on the table with the cards
[Omar] I'm understanding fuck all.
You can do one pair, two pair,
three of a kind, straight, straight flush
All right, Momo. We got it, thanks.
That's when you come in, Zero.
[Sharif] Do what you want,
just make sure
you give me the winning cards, okay?
- Is he really able to become invisible?
- Yes, he is. Why are you doubting him?
- I don't believe it. Look at him.
- [Sharif] Why are you so negative?
- [Sharif] What's your problem?
- What are you saying?
[Sharif] Always negative.
- I don't believe it.
- Guys!
[Omar] Yes, I can become invisible,
but I can't vanish on command.
- [Sara laughing]
- [Sharif sighing]
Kids, playtime is over.
[Sara] If we don't repair
the electric generator, we're fucked.
Okay, bro. Come with me.
- Hm?
- [Sara] Where?
[chair scraping]
[distant car alarm wailing]
You can't fucking vanish on command?
Didn't you do it before?
Only once.
When I was a kid.
- [echoing] Mom!
- [wind blowing]
[Omar] And it happened again
in the elevator.
So, tell me how you vanished that time.
He pointed a gun at me.
[Inno] It's fear!
So you vanish when you're scared.
[synth music plays]
[Sharif] Then we just need to scare you.
Hey, guys. What the fuck Guys.
Whoa, whoa!
What are you doing?
[Omar gasping]
We can't scare the shit out of him
every time we want him to vanish.
- Ah!
- That time you vanished, you were alone.
- What were you scared of?
- I wasn't scared.
I was just very sad
and angry.
You vanish when you're emotional.
[Sharif gasping]
[distant church bell ringing]
[Sharif sighing]
Okay. Then bro,
you've got it inside you, okay?
- You just have to find it. Go.
- Yes.
- [breathing]
- [Momo] Go.
[birds chirping]
[Momo] Yes.
[Inno] When I'm kicking a penalty,
I calm down, and I think
Bro, he doesn't need to be calm.
He needs to be emotional.
Zero, try to think something positive.
[Sara] Maybe a good memory.
Something that makes you fly high.
[Sara] Try it. Come on. Hm?
[melodic music plays]
[music rises]
[air rushing]
[Inno] What the fuck?
- Oh! Did you see?
- [Sara] Fuck, guys.
[Sharif] Well done, bro.
Try again, okay? Come on. Try again.
[breathing deeply]
[melodic music grows louder]
[air rushing]
- [all exclaiming]
- [Inno] Fuck!
- [electronic music plays]
- [Momo screaming, laughing]
[air rushing]
[Sara muffled] No!
- [Omar breathing loudly]
- [muffled] Woo-hoo-hoo!
[muffled] Yes!
[gasping, sighing]
[air rushing]
[Omar exhaling]
- [Sara] Fuck!
- [Momo] Zero!
Zero! Zero! Zero!
[Momo laughing]
[Sara] Well done, bro.
- [Omar sighing]
- [Momo] Woo!
[air rushing]
[air rushing]
[timer beeping]
- Good. Twelve seconds, you're improving.
- [Omar] Yes.
- [Sharif] Again.
- [air rushing]
[timer beeping]
[birds and insects chirping]
To me, he's from another planet.
Stop talking shit.
- [air rushing]
- Okay, Einstein.
Name another terrestrial human
who can become invisible.
[Inno] Human beings can
only be terrestrial.
[moody electronic music plays]
- What kind of fucking answer is that?
- [Sara] Can you stop?
- Have a rest, okay?
- [Sara] Look at him.
He's not an alien. He's a human being.
[hushed tone] Guys, Sara's right.
That man's our ace in the hole,
and so we have to treat him
like a fucking princess. Hm?
I'm sick of this.
I've got my training now.
[Momo] What's wrong with this prick now?
[Sharif] I don't know. Inno!
[music rises]
Bro, I'm late. The coach's strict,
and he doesn't like me.
I've got to go, bro.
Bro, why the fuck you care
about your coach?
We have the invisible man.
We can turn the power back on in our hood
and become kings.
[Inno] I don't give a shit
about being the Barrio's king.
- Bro, you're ruining everything.
- Isn't Zero enough for you?
- Are you jealous?
- Don't talk shit.
Don't talk shit, bro.
[vehicle engine running]
I don't trust that guy, okay?
- You saw it with your own eyes.
- I only saw a trick.
- People don't vanish.
- Even if it was, it's a fucking great one.
[Inno sighing]
Grow up, okay?
[Inno] Move, or I'll miss the bus.
[somber instrumental music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
[music grows louder]
[female vocalist humming]
[Sara] Hey.
Come and see this.
- [air rushes]
- [Momo laughing] Boh!
- [air rushing]
- [gasping] Whoa!
[Momo laughing]
Bro, make me disappear too.
Come on. [holding his breath]
[air rushing]
[Sharif sighing]
- [Momo] Ah.
- Okay, not people.
- [Sharif] Try again, okay?
- Come on. I'm tired.
The chair then.
[Sharif chuckling]
Hey, guys, this time,
I'll smash Instagram. Come on.
[air rushing]
Uh, what's going on?
- [air rushing]
- [Sharif gasping]
- Why didn't you answer?
- I did. Maybe you didn't hear me.
You talk, but we can't hear you.
And now, even the phone's cameras crash
when you disappear.
Like a mental screen?
[Sharif] Okay.
Now that we know how it works,
here's the plan.
[disco music plays]
Dealers have many decks,
all the same, new.
They open them in front of the players.
Zero, you'll steal one.
[male vocalist sings wordless]
[air rushing]
Then you enter as an invisible man,
and you'll put us on the list.
Then Momo and I get in.
You'll watch our back, bro.
While Sara and I play at the tables.
- And we screw them, one by one.
- It won't work.
- Why not?
- [Omar] Sara's right.
What if there are already four kings
in your hand and on the table?
- Thanks.
- [Sharif] That's right.
You check the other players' cards.
If there are doubles, you tap my shoulder.
I pass, and we try again.
Why can't I say "pass"?
Let's go there and look like idiots
- [Sharif] It's got nothing
- I'm not going to jail!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Guys! Who cares if he checks or passes?
- And the money?
- [Sharif] Well, the money
- We'll use our money.
- [Sara laughs]
Do you mean my money?
The money for the rent.
- Yes.
- No, guys. No way.
Come on, Sara. I beg you.
Do it for your little brother.
[flute music plays]
[music stops]
Hm! ♪
[disco music plays]
- Good evening.
- Magon.
Fahal, Scatolin.
- I don't see you.
- You sure? Look closer.
Daniela Scatolin, Arun Fahal, Dylan Magon.
- Ah! VIP table!
- [Sara chuckling]
- [hostess] I'm sorry. I'll take you there.
- Thank you.
Remember, bro. You stay here as I said.
[slow piano music plays]
[indistinct chatter]
Good evening.
- Good evening.
- [cashier] Good evening.
[Sara] Oops!
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- [Sharif] Evening.
- Good evening.
[Sara] Hi.
[chips clacking]
[dealer] Here.
[muffled piano music plays from the hall]
[Sara sighing]
[dealer] Here it is.
[Sharif] Your turn.
[fast-tempo electronic music rises]
[Sharif] Yes!
[dealer] Check.
[music builds]
Pair and two pair.
[both laughing]
Easy, bro.
[fast-tempo music plays]
[Sara and Sharif laugh]
[Sara chuckles]
[dealer] Call.
[Sara gasping]
[Omar whispering] Yes!
[bell chiming]
[guard] There's something wrong
with the monitors.
There's a strange interference.
and at the VIP table,
some kids are breaking the bank.
I'll handle it.
[Anna] No! Is this the Cathedral?
- [door creaking]
- [jazz piano playing]
[male voice singing indistinctly]
I talk to her and she's mine ♪
I'm number one
Therefore, I don't disappear ♪
[chips clacking]
[Momo singing muffled]
- [Sara sighs]
- [dealer] Call.
[eerie synth music plays]
[dealer] Call. Call.
[dealer] Call.
[music rises]
[Sharif laughing]
[chips clacking]
[sound distorting]
[high heels echoing]
[Sharif and Sara chuckling]
- Oh! Oh-oh!
- [Sara laughing]
[sound echoing]
[Sara chuckling, sighing]
[heart beating]
[air rushing]
[muffled indistinct chatter]
- Three of a kind! Go!
- [Sara laughs]
[Momo laughing]
- Momo.
- Bro, you have no idea.
That guy's a producer.
He gave me his business card.
He said to send him the demo, bro.
We'll smash it, bro
- Wait. I can see you.
- I can't become invisible anymore.
What can I do? I'm not Tony Stark.
Please, tell Sharif and Sara
before they lose everything.
Holy shit, Zero.
- Sara, we have a problem.
- Really?
- Zero isn't here.
- As if I didn't notice. Thanks.
- So why is he still playing?
- I don't know.
[bell ringing]
What are you doing here?
How about you?
I thought you didn't want to come.
Why are you here?
I've been asking myself the same thing.
Shall we get out of here?
[somber instrumental music plays]
[Sharif] All in.
I don't want to see.
[music crescendos]
[Sharif laughing]
[Momo giggling]
Okay. Okay.
Sorry, gentlemen.
[chips clacking]
You've won too much tonight.
[music stops]
Can you empty your pockets, please?
Sure. [clears his throat]
- Clean.
- He has nothing.
You won too much anyway.
Is that a problem?
Is it a problem I won too much?
Honey, now we can go.
No. You're not going anywhere.
Don't touch me, please.
- This suit cost more than you.
- Guys! Guys!
Why fighting?
Let's be friends. Come here. Come. Come.
[Momo yelling]
- [Momo] Idiot!
- [croupier] To the exit!
They're running away!
[fast jazz music plays]
[chuckling, sighing]
It's been a wonderful night.
Enjoy the rest of it.
[Sharif sighing]
Shit. We were so close.
Not really, bro.
We weren't close.
I won.
Even without Zero.
[melodic music plays]
[Momo sighing]
- It's €14,200. I've counted it.
- [Sharif whistles]
Ten thousand for the Barrio,
and the rest for the crew.
Woo! Woo-hoo-hoo!
[Momo laughing]
- Woo-hoo!
- [Momo] Whoa!
- Whoa! Whoa!
- Whoa.
- You keep it.
- How the fuck did you do it?
[Sharif gasping]
[all laughing]
[Sharif] Woo-hoo! Let's go!
[melodic electronic music plays]
[Sharif] Guys, I just wanted to tell you
that in a few days,
power will be back on in the red blocks.
All this thanks to Sharif
and to the money raised
by Sara's recording studio.
[Sharif] Ah.
To those motherfuckers
who enjoy wrecking our hood,
the Barrio won't give in.
We stay here. This is our home.
- Are you all right?
- [Omar] No.
- [Omar] I can't even tell you that
- What?
I can't even tell you that
[R&B music plays]
Ali closed, back to the wall ♪
Years of looking for the right things ♪
I assure you as if I were papier-mâché ♪
I write in the smoke, in the middle
Of a puzzle, to undo them all ♪
Nobody remains and then speeches
I feel wrong ♪
If I lived straight away, trembling
How much is that cost? ♪
Inside your eyes
An immense minute is short ♪
While I'm better I wonder
If you're okay ♪
When everything is fine ♪
Roses and guns come around
A little straight in the chest, I press ♪
He shoots a flower, which he then aims
Is gone lost ♪
I write panic in every color
That we barely mix ♪
I think, a hundred things
That I have on the list, falling I grow ♪
I think it was worth more
Yes, banknotes ♪
Claims, promises that are now in smoke ♪
Like swings, then took
Stretched out in the void, I down ♪
We burn on an ashtray
When you ask me for more ♪
Then you do too ♪
[music stops]
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
[Anna sighing]
I don't even remember
What the sun looks like ♪
When you snap and close, oh ♪
And I always bite my lip
After saying a stupid thought ♪
Slam doors in your face like nothing
Create the coldest wind ever ♪
While what used to be sky is now rain
And as rain falls down ♪
You say that, there are two of us
But I always decide ♪
Each one for his own streets
But I always turn around ♪
And I no longer hear the noise
Of this storm ♪
When are you with me here? ♪
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
Then tell me
When it is more peaceful outside ♪
A thousand empty spaces
Between you and me ♪
I often ask myself
What I believe in too often ♪
If I fell I would be fragile ♪
How much does it cost to tell you things
I would never say, stay ♪
Then I always postpone
When everything is nothing ♪
While I think that ♪
[music stops]
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
It's not raining anymore ♪
When you are you, with me, here ♪
[R&B music plays]
[melodic instrumental music plays]
Angelica Lacetera
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