Zero Day (2025) s01e03 Episode Script
Episode 3
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing faintly]
[Evan] Uh-huh, yeah. No, I get that.
I get that. Hold on one second.
Not too pretty, okay?
I want to look like I haven't slept.
[woman] Three minutes, Mr. Green.
It's Annie, right? Okay, you're new,
so I'll give you a pass. It's Evan.
Please call me Evan, okay? Thank you.
Yeah, you still there? Look,
I said to him courtside or not at all.
Well, then you tell him
to go fuck himself.
[whispers] Hey, Veronica.
Hey, monsters.
- Hey, I said no screen time.
- Sorry.
Don't let them guilt you.
They drove the last one nuts.
All right, people, let's do this.
- Good afternoon, everyone.
- [woman] Hey, Evan.
[man 1] Good afternoon.
- [man 2] Hey.
- [Evan] All right.
[director] Last looks?
Fuck last looks. I don't need them.
[Evan clears throat, vocalizes]
[director] Everybody settle.
Five, four, three
[theme music playing]
Evening, folks.
I'll begin tonight with something
that is shaking me to my core.
Something that should be
keeping you up at night too.
The Reapers.
America's most popular
domestic terror organization
that nobody has ever heard of
before last night.
Now, the lamestream media
says they are the bad guys.
They're all applauding Mullen
for his big break.
But are the Reapers really
the evil masterminds behind Zero Day?
Or are they just another scapegoat
being sold to shut us up?
All over the country,
Mullen is rounding up regular Americans.
Hardworking men and women,
he says, are tied to these Reapers.
But where is the proof?
Just filled up at the 76, headed
toward the light at Killian Drive.
[Evan] Every single expert
said Russia attacked us.
But George Mullen,
hiding in his black tower,
decided this is
the narrative we should buy,
the tall tale we need to get behind.
And, folks, we most
certainly should not.
Because Mullen is lying to you,
just like he did
when he was back in office.
By saying the attack came from within,
he's got us right where
he and his corporate overlords want us.
He's blaming the working man,
blaming people like you and me.
He's blaming a group
no one has ever heard of.
Something to say, Carl?
Sir, respectfully,
we don't have to get these warrants.
We don't, but we're going to.
[dramatic swell]
[dramatic music playing]
[cop 2] Police! Search warrant!
Hands up! Let me see your hands!
- [cop 2] Don't move!
- [dramatic music continues]
[cop 2] Grab him!
- [tires screech]
- [cop 3] Hands up!
[dramatic music continues]
- [music fades]
- [alarm clock beeping]
[pensive music playing]
[toilet flushes]
[pensive music continues]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[indistinct chatter]
Mr. President, I'm
sorry, but he insisted.
Apologies for the intrusion, George.
Uh, it's all right, Allison.
You can close the door.
Some show the other day.
Yeah, if you call
truth and transparency a show.
Truth, huh?
In the last 16 hours, we've arrested
41 members of the Reapers.
We're confident one of the detainees
can tell us who modified the malware,
who's controlling it now,
and who can unleash it again.
Okay, let's get everybody in here
on a staggered schedule,
twelve hours on, six hours off.
From now on, all the department heads
are gonna meet at 0600 and 1800
to prep in advance for all the briefings.
I don't want to waste the boss's time.
- [Carl] Got it.
- Valerie.
Roger. Thanks, Carl.
I'm assuming you got a call about this.
- We don't have to have a conversation.
- I did. No, we don't.
- Good. Hi.
- Hi.
Let's let's try and keep it
in your pants this time, okay?
I'm sure you're gonna find
some way to be useful.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna go talk to the boss.
[man] I'm told Mullen's in a meeting.
- With who?
- [man] Director Lasch. CIA.
Yeah. I know who that is. Jesus.
I know we didn't always
see eye to eye in the past,
but I never thought
you took me for a fool.
Attacking Russia
for something they didn't do
would seem foolhearted to me,
wouldn't it to you?
Remember Iraq?
The Reapers lead is solid.
I should hope so.
You got people thinking
their neighbors are terrorists.
You and I had
a conversation the other day.
How this had to work, what was at stake,
and why it had to go a certain way.
I know.
But I run this investigation.
Not the White House, not the CIA.
I run it.
Okay, fine. Play it your way.
And Proteus?
Jesus, George.
What about it?
If it's a threat, it won't work.
- Gentlemen.
- Valerie.
- [Valerie] Jeremy.
- Happy to see you back at the helm.
I'm sorry to have to cut this short, but
President Mullen has someplace to be.
I was just on my way out.
Best of luck, pal.
That won't happen again.
- The latest.
- Thanks.
And welcome.
Thank you.
We have to We should
Yeah, we will. Later.
We got a lot of work to do.
- [Allison] Your coffee, Mr. President.
- Not now, Allison. Thanks.
Uh, Roger, would you come in?
- Just give me a minute.
- Of course.
- [Roger] Thank you.
- Have at it.
No one goes in that office
without me knowing about it first.
Okay? I don't care if you have to pull
a fire alarm to stop it.
And clear out this office.
This is gonna be mine.
- That's Mr. Carlson's.
- [Valerie] And?
[Allison] Where should I put his stuff?
Someplace else?
I spoke to her parents,
who confirmed that
she was indeed buried.
It was a paperwork mix-up at the morgue.
Just an amazing coincidence.
So they're sure it was her?
As sure as a parent can be
about their kid, I guess.
I have no doubt they believe
whoever they buried was their daughter,
but, uh, how do we really know for sure?
You'd like proof, sir?
I would.
Right away.
Oh, Roger, also,
could you call Dr. Kronberg
and ask him for a list of my
prescriptions and then get the refills?
Will do.
[indistinct chatter]
- What was that about?
- I don't know. Why don't you ask him?
[Valerie] Hey.
- I don't care if he's your A.A. sponsor.
- [Roger] N.A.
- Nothing happens without me knowing.
- I'm a recovering drug addict
- [Valerie] You understand?
- Whatever you say, Valerie.
Enjoy my fucking office.
No one likes to see
Americans pulled off the street,
but if these Reapers are
as dangerous as Mullen says they are,
we need to act quickly.
We asked him to do a job,
and he's doing it.
[Richard] He seems
confident in this lead,
but I'm going to remain
cautiously optimistic.
The Reapers might just be
the tip of this iceberg.
Extremism is a cancer, and I
[anchor] Good morning.
We'll see temperatures
- For Americans who
- Trying to
The Reapers lie is about to be exposed
right here on this program.
George Mullen thinks
he's a comic book superhero,
but in fact, he's the villain,
and he just proved it.
Truth Bomb coming your way soon.
Stay tuned.
[loud thud]
- [clamoring]
- [journalist] Alexandra!
Are you comfortable
with these mass arrests?
[journalist 2] What's
the Oversight Committee doing
to ensure these
detentions are justified?
I called and texted.
[Alex] Hello.
Having fun yet?
I think I'm gonna need security.
I'll talk to the Sergeant at Arms.
But what you really need
is a good answer to their questions.
And, uh, you're gonna give me one?
It's time for the Oversight Committee
to exercise some oversight.
Kicking down doors on Main Street?
The American people are
gonna get tired of that real quick.
Polls I've seen say
the country is behind him.
Sixty-eight percent say
the investigation's on the right track.
He was 74% 24 hours ago.
And that was before Evan Green announced
that he has evidence a kid got arrested.
- Since when?
- Twenty minutes ago.
Promised to go live with the mom.
Okay, what's the play?
Get your father to answer for this.
To justify his investigation
of the Reapers to the American people
or move on.
Is it really yielding any results?
Is it too narrowly focused?
- You want him to testify.
- He'll stall, I know.
- St Stonewall.
- Not you.
I'm a congresswoman.
I'm not Daddy's little girl.
Like it or not, you're both.
Haven't I always believed in you?
When no one else could see past
your family's name
or the size of your Instagram following,
I knew you were serious.
A force to be reckoned with.
As you say, you're a congresswoman.
Recently named to the committee
charged with ensuring
that the most powerful investigative
body in the history of this country
does its job properly.
You do this right
and get us the answers we need,
no one will ever question
who you are ever again.
[phone vibrates]
[pensive music playing]
[phone vibrating]
I need you to pencil me in
some time with my dad.
You are going to have
to call Valerie for that.
She's approving his schedule now.
- Valerie?
- Valerie.
Valerie Whitesell?
Yep, that's the one.
[phone ringing]
[Sheila] Calm down.
[Alex] You don't care?
She she is the best chief of staff
your father has ever had.
Right, and you're that deep
in your denial.
Your father is under the most
intense spotlight in American history.
My God, you are still
making excuses for him.
People are rooting for him to misstep,
and you'd feel better
with Roger running point?
Yeah. At least Roger's
not gonna try to fuck him.
Believe it or not,
I'm not thinking about
what's best for me right now. Or you.
Well, you never did,
so maybe that's the problem.
I just
I think that defending him is one thing,
enabling him is something else.
Listen, I have to
go. I'll call you later.
[Evan] Welcome our special guest,
Diana Moore,
with us today from Clovis, New Mexico.
Now, you're here because you have
something important you wanted to share
with the American people. Is that right?
George Mullen took my son.
We were sleeping.
And his men broke down our door.
It's all right. Take your time.
He's only 17 years old,
and they put a hood over his head
and they dragged him from his bed
like he was some sort of a rag doll.
We woke up to the sound of them
banging down our door
and going into my Paul's room.
They didn't even speak to me.
[Evan] Well, folks, this is exactly
what I warned you about.
George Mullen and his cronies
have trampled
on every civil liberty we have.
It's gone viral on social,
and the major outlets are chasing it.
Sir, the sooner that we
make a statement, the better.
- She's a paid actress.
- Do you have evidence of that?
She looks like a freaked-out mom to me.
You're looking for this kid?
Yes. And as far as I know, we have
no one with that name in custody.
Far as you know?
Carl, you gotta do better than that.
[Sheila] Tell me Evan
Green is delusional.
We are looking into it.
Meanwhile, I'm upholding
my end of the bargain, as requested.
- Well?
- He's doing fine.
[anchor] A compelling wake-up call.
I never thought I'd be saying this,
but give Evan Green credit.
This is one conspiracy theory of his
that might not be rooted in fantasy.
You know, it's constant motion,
but he's keeping up.
That's good.
[Evan] George Mullen
is a deeply troubled man.
He couldn't hold it together
for two terms in office.
His own daughter publicly opposes him,
and now he's breaking
into American homes
and kidnapping children
in the name of protecting this country.
And here the sordid circle expands.
Robert Lyndon, a guy with his
own rumored interest in children,
who, as we broke exclusively yesterday,
shorted the market
the day before the attacks.
You think they've hauled him in
for questioning?
So while Mullen dances
on the strings of plutocrats,
kicking in doors,
snatching your children in the night
I gotta go.
I'll be shouting from the mountain
until America's eyes open up.
Until then, keep truthing.
And when others won't hear it,
just say it louder until they do.
I'm on to you, Georgie.
[TV rewinding]
[Evan] Keep truthing.
And when others won't hear it,
just say it louder until they do.
[theme music playing]
[theme music continues]
Oh, this is a nice surprise.
- Congratulations on your appointment.
- Thanks.
Twelve members of this committee.
That's a big deal.
[Alex] We don't have
[George] But you know
this only works with real oversight.
So, Valerie.
You came to talk about Valerie?
No, I
No, actually, uh,
this is an official visit.
- [Alexandra clears throat]
- Okay.
Go for it.
I'm concerned you're putting
all your eggs in this Reapers basket.
And you're breaking a lot of them.
You're concerned, or
We would like you
to explain in closed session
just how all these arrests
are getting us closer to preventing
another attack.
Can you can you do that?
Can you justify all of this?
It's only been a few days.
We're just starting to question people.
And the kid who got swept up?
That's unverified.
Right, okay. [inhales]
Uh, I assume you've already seen this.
Every cyber incident around the country
in the last 72 hours.
Copycats and wannabes, major and minor.
A few days ago,
everybody was so sure this was Russia.
So maybe you're right,
but unless all of these arrests
are revealing more proof
that you're just not showing us,
the committee does need to know
that you're open-minded,
that you're willing to pivot
if you make a mistake.
You can tell your colleagues
I remain nimble as ever,
but I will not be testifying.
[man] Do you know how many state regs
I am turning a blind eye to?
Well, sir, the highest office in all
the land has waved its magic wand.
[man sighs]
[man exhales]
[coroner] We good?
Take a cheek swab to verify her DNA.
You heard him.
Did you see her?
[Roger] Yes, sir, just did.
Does it look like her?
[Roger] Well, from what I could tell.
We're testing her DNA.
Okay, thanks, Roger.
Yes, sir.
Your phone, please.
Thank you.
Where have you been?
He's been trying to reach you.
[man] And having you dig up corpses?
Not to mention
that performance on television.
[inhales] They got to him, huh?
Who? Who got to him?
Is he seeing things? Hmm?
Hearing things?
I don't know
what you're talking about, but, uh,
if you think he's really in trouble,
then then you need to help him.
No, I can't see him again.
It's too dangerous for the both of us.
You need to tell him
he can't win this fight.
He needs to step down now,
go back to that cottage of his,
even farther away if possible.
Look, um, if you have something useful,
I'll pass it along to him,
but he's not going to just run and hide,
and I'm not going to be
the person to tell him to do that.
George Mullen
needs to vanish, Roger.
Just like I am.
[Carl] It's true,
this 17-year-old Paul Moore,
we're after his older brother.
Neither of these kids are saints,
but the team entered the wrong bedroom.
We're having him released.
And I'm working on a statement.
- Okay, when?
- [Valerie] Soon.
- We're just holding for the presser.
- She's on.
[journalists clamoring]
The trauma of the past few days
has been unimaginable.
I want to assure you, and I can, the
best and brightest in your government
are spending every waking moment working
to make sure
that no one can harm us again.
But in our desire for answers,
let us not forget
that now is also a time for healing,
a time to come together.
In that spirit,
I'd like to introduce several
- [Carl] That wasn't an answer.
- Sure it is. No vote of confidence.
- She's wavering.
- Can you give us the room? Thank you.
We're in trouble.
We've got 48 people in custody.
Forty-five of them are
in the final stages of interrogation.
So far as we can tell,
they're chat room warriors.
Disillusioned, unemployed,
some radicalized vets.
They spend more time coming up with
their group's name than anything else.
"The Reapers"?
After the McCormick Reaper Works,
site of the first labor riots
in American history,
but there's no leader,
no formal structure.
Closest link to the wire transfer
is an individual named Erik Hayes,
lives in Belcourt, North Dakota.
The funds were moved to the hacking
collective from a bank in Bismarck.
He's still being questioned,
but, sir, we're getting nowhere.
[Valerie] Between the mistake
with the kid and the lack of progress,
we need to acknowledge that we're gonna
pursue other investigative avenues.
Can I see him? Can I see Hayes?
Yes, you can.
[interrogator] Don't be a wiseass,
Erik, all right?
You understand the trouble you're in?
Some of the shit you wrote online is
True freedom is the right to say
something others don't want to hear.
[interrogator] Whoever said that
didn't read the Sedition Act, okay?
I'm talking decades inside.
You're fucked, unless you work with me.
- [Erik] Fuck you. I want my lawyer.
- [interrogator] Yeah, he'll be here.
In the meantime,
we need to set a few things straight
- These are our interrogators?
- 'cause if you don't coop
On loan from the CIA.
They don't have time to build rapport.
And per your instructions,
they've been told to refrain
from any enhanced techniques
[fading] that could expedite
the process.
[Valerie] Jesus, Carl, you went to Yale.
You don't know
the first thing about torture.
- Where's the sheet on him?
- Right here.
[George] Tell them I'm coming down.
[Carl] Yes, sir.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[George] Mr. Hayes.
George Mullen.
Yeah, I know who you are.
We're okay.
Let us be alone.
We're okay.
[door opens, shuts]
Adam Prentice.
Your lawyer. We called him.
I'm just here to talk.
While we wait. Vet to vet.
I was in intelligence.
Two tours in Vietnam.
And you were, um
I think you were [inhales]
Three in Afghanistan, two in Iraq.
How was it getting back?
Not talking?
That's all right.
I'll tell you about myself.
It wasn't great.
I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.
And it got so bad that I found myself
sitting alone in my room,
just sitting, holding my sidearm.
I just didn't understand
what was going on.
Well, I hope they
found you a good shrink.
I I did, actually,
and he he suggested I try fishing.
[sucks teeth]
Yeah. Mine told me to find a group.
You know, a church, a softball
rec league, something like that.
Well, that sounds about right.
Just never been one
for coping strategies.
You know, I face my obstacles head-on.
So I read, wound up going
to a liberal arts college.
Yeah, I know. At Muhlenberg.
Yeah, I found history, writing.
I read some of your stuff online.
It's pretty good.
And you had a
an interpreter from Herat.
Isar Obaiddullah.
I had one, too, from Vietnam.
Name was Nguyen.
I never met a more loyal guy.
Saved my ass more than once.
And all he wanted was for me
to bring him back to the States.
I guess that's where
you and I are different,
because when my time was up,
I shook Nguyen's hand,
thanked him for his service,
jumped on a chopper,
went home, never saw him again.
- Yeah, that's fucked.
- Yeah.
It's war.
Your friend Isar,
he lives outside Minneapolis.
You guys play pool
the first Tuesday of every month.
Maybe you're a better man than I am.
Yeah, maybe I am.
3,402 people
on Zero Day.
3,402 people killed
that we know of in just that one minute.
Come Judgment Day,
when it comes to either one of us,
I'm not so sure.
I already told you.
I had nothing to do with that.
But like you said
- It's war.
- Yeah. Well, that's why I'm here.
I'm not gonna waste a lot of time
going over all the ways
I can get information out of you.
I'm gonna get right to it.
Your friend Isar,
ICE picked him up.
He'll be deported within two days.
Your father, Medicare
stopped paying for his dialysis.
He'll last, what, five, six weeks
before he drops dead?
And then you have a son, Charlie.
He's about to turn seven.
I had a son.
Did you know that?
Died about 12 years ago.
Okay, that's enough. Cut the cameras.
And it's funny how memory works.
- Especially when you get older.
- [Carl] Cut the cameras.
Some things fade in,
some things fade out.
I said cut the fucking cameras.
- [tech] You want me to cut the feed?
- Yes, right now.
- [Valerie] Jesus.
- Thank you.
Losing a kid never goes away.
The pain, the despair, it never lets up.
Your ex, she's using again.
I had her arrested.
And your son, social services has him.
They'll put him in foster care.
But you know, when you think about it,
Isar, your father, your son,
that's three people.
That's nothing
compared to the thousands
and thousands of innocent lives
that were lost
because of what you took part in.
I think that's a fair exchange.
I'm giving you ten minutes.
I want to know how the malware
was modified and who controls it.
Ten minutes.
It's up to you.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music builds]
[music fades]
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing faintly]
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music continues muffled]
[crowd] Stop the arrests!
Stop the arrests! Stop the arrests!
Stop the arrests!
This is Roger.
Okay, well, you can't argue with DNA.
[man] Get in.
- What?
- Get in.
[crowd continues chanting]
Stop the arrests! Stop the arrests!
[pensive music playing]
[siren wailing in the distance]
- [man] Welcome, Mr. Carlson.
- [Roger] Thanks.
[indistinct chatter in distorted voice]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[man] This way, sir.
Mr. Lyndon will be right with you.
Everyone's always wondering
about that Roger Carlson.
[Roger] I've been trying to get
a hold of you for over a week.
How does he always know
which way the wind is blowing?
[Roger] Look, Bob, I
I did my best.
I can show him the door.
I can shove him towards it.
But he's got to be the one
who steps through.
It wasn't Moscow.
And if I was unclear when we last spoke,
I'm not committing treason
so you can make a buck.
A buck?
Everyone thinks I'm Scrooge McDuck,
that I'm enjoying this.
Roughing up the Russians
would've been good for everyone,
but this eating our own?
- This will all blow over, I promise.
- [scoffs]
Please. I know when
the bottom's falling out.
I am gone.
On my way to palm trees and anonymity.
So what? That's it?
Not for you, asshole.
You're gonna make it up to me.
That cocksucker Evan Green,
he's saying filthy things about me.
Evan Green, Bob? Nobody believes him.
He's got my fucking houses on TV.
When Green talks, crazy people listen.
I don't feel safe anymore.
Got you a little gift for your boss.
Green's got me
and people I care about in danger.
He's got me under a microscope,
so I thought you could return the favor.
- What the fuck is this?
- Congratulations.
You found his dead girl.
You're sloppy, Roger. It wasn't hard
to find out what you were up to.
You said he suspects this girl.
I wanted him after Green.
I figured this ought to do it.
Hey! Do you need me to be more specific
about what happens
if Green doesn't back off?
Those screenshots I sent you,
that was an amuse-bouche.
Next up, open to the public,
an all-you-can-eat buffet
of all the laws you've broken
in service of your
bottom-feeding clients.
Come on, Bob.
I can't I can't I can't do this.
Not to him.
You can, and you will.
Your loyalty's touching,
but it's not gonna mean much
once he finds out what
kind of guy you really are,
and I haven't even touched
on what I'll tell your girlfriend.
Let's not forget what you did to her.
I'm giving you one chance
to save the only thing
you've ever given a shit about.
Don't blow it.
[Erik] We met at a rally,
but mostly we just messaged on Discord.
He's real foot-on-the-pedal.
Reset the economy,
redistribute the wealth,
burn this whole country down.
He knew the NSA had this program,
and he knew how to get it.
Hayes says this guy joined the Reapers
in the last year.
Doesn't know his real name,
of course, but calls himself Leon
and built up his own following
inside the group.
Hayes says Zero Day was Leon's idea,
and he provided the money.
[Valerie] A million dollars was deposited
by a shell company in the Caymans
and then sent to the hacking collective
the next morning.
The hackers delivered
the malware to Hayes,
and then he handed it to this guy Leon.
Leon insisted the malware
be delivered on a thumb drive to a farm
outside of Pocatello, Idaho.
We'll have a tactical team
on site within the hour.
[pensive music playing]
[electronic whirring]
[interrogator] You understand the
trouble you're in? The shit you wrote
True freedom is the right to say
something others don't want to hear.
[interrogator] Whoever said that
didn't read the
Come here.
I just want to show you something.
I thought this sounded familiar.
He says the same thing as Evan Green.
The same thing.
Yeah, probably.
All these scumbags love him.
Okay, well, tell me when
we have boots on the ground in Idaho.
Yes, sir.
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing faintly]
Who killed ♪
[music halts]
- [music amplifies]
- Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music continues faintly]
[music fades in, out]
Who shot little Bambi? ♪
Never trust a hippie ♪
- [music amplifies]
- 'Cause I love punky Bambi ♪
I'll kill to find the killer ♪
[music continues faintly]
All the spikey punkers ♪
Believers in the ruins ♪
With one big shout, they all cry out ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who ♪
[music continues, fades]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
- [dramatic music continues]
- [sirens wailing in the distance]
[knocking on door]
[George] Hey.
What is it, Roger?
Um, finally heard
back from Dr. Kronberg.
He said he emailed you,
and your prescriptions are ready.
- [George] When? Now?
- Yes, it should be in your inbox.
Can you give us a minute?
- [Allison] Of course.
- [Roger] Thank you.
[door shuts]
Sir, I actually came
by to give you this.
Oh, another gift of mysterious origin?
[Roger] Um
[Roger] I'm told this guy with Green
is someone we have in custody?
Yeah, Erik Hayes.
That's Erik Hayes. That's him.
Um, that's not all.
This is from the summer of 2020.
Apparently, the images
have been scrubbed from the Internet,
but our guys checked
it out and confirmed
they're 100% real. Not doctored.
So she does have a hand in this.
I'm still not exactly sure
what to make of it, sir,
but it would seem so.
Until we get this locked down,
the Anna Sindler thing is between us.
Of course.
And find me every time Hayes
has been in the same place as Green
over the last, say,
ten years as soon as you can.
- Yes, sir.
- Great work, Roger.
- Thank you, sir. Is that all?
- That's all.
told just hours ago
that Paul Moore, a teenager,
finally walked free
from his Gestapo cell,
confirming what we already know.
George Mullen is
not only a wannabe tyrant,
he's inept.
He's an idiot.
Tonight, because of George Mullen,
none of us can sleep easy.
We all have to fear
the late-night knock on the door,
the battering ram.
Uh, not everybody, Evan.
Maybe you do.
Maybe you've got something to hide.
[Evan] I think you've got
something to hide, George.
You heard me.
I know you're flailing, lost in a fog,
blinded by your hate for real Americans,
your hate for people like me.
My friends, tonight I'm afraid
they're coming for us.
Maybe you're next.
Maybe it's me.
Hell, it may damn well be me.
Yeah, keep at it. We'll see.
I dare you, Georgie.
Come and get me.
- [dramatic whoosh]
- [knocking on door]
The latest from Idaho.
The farm was cleared out,
but there's a barn
full of computer servers.
Looks like they tried to burn it,
but some are still intact.
We've got every available tech
on their way to the site.
- Could be a goldmine.
- Could be.
I think you should call President
Mitchell and have her announce it.
[Roger] I have what you asked for, sir.
What did you ask for?
Erik Hayes and Evan Green
were in the same city at the same time
on 17 separate occasions
in the last seven years.
How do I not know about this?
That's That's significant, sir.
Or Or not.
Because Erik Hayes is
just a fanboy of Evan Green.
He follows him to
rallies, book signings.
I'm sure all of this is explainable.
It probably is,
but that's why it's the perfect cover.
Well, let's not get distracted, sir.
This farm is a huge win.
Without question.
But we're on to something even bigger.
That's why I want you
to go get Evan Green.
We don't want
to just go for the foot soldiers.
We want the head of the snake.
We can't just go
arrest a TV personality.
No, in fact, we can.
- Where'd you get these?
- They're legit. Carl's guys checked.
Like it or not,
Evan Green is connected to all of this.
With all due respect,
this is a circumstantial case at best.
She's right.
We'd never get a warrant for this.
Well, like you were saying, Carl,
we don't need a warrant.
Evan Green is a target
of this investigation.
Go get him.
Yes, sir.
Mr. President, this is a mistake.
- Evan Green is a blowhard and an asshole
- Thank you.
but you cannot just go
kicking down his door, George.
That's all. Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
[tech] Security's disabled.
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
Good work tonight, everyone.
[all] Thank you, sir.
Can I get a secure line, please?
I need you to come here immediately.
We've got to talk.
Sure, we can talk.
But you're coming to me.
[sirens wailing in the distance]
- [phone vibrates]
- [clears throat] Hi.
[Richard] Did you see the Times?
Um, one sec. [clears throat]
Holy shit.
[door opens]
[breathing heavily]
[Richard] I hear your father
just arrested him.
No, it says here
that he was already in custody.
No, not Hayes. Green.
[doorbell buzzes]
Dragged him out of his house
in front of his kids.
That's insane.
It is insane.
People are gonna be asking
a lot of questions.
- Come see me first thing.
- Okay.
[dramatic swell]
Evan fucking Green?
- Don't ask.
- Why is Valerie back?
Uh, that I have a theory.
- You've been drinking.
- And? You look like shit.
Who cares?
[static buzzing]
Did you restart Proteus?
Of course not. We
shut it down years ago.
When your boss told us to.
Then why did he mention it?
I thought that's what
you were coming to tell me.
No, I don't know why.
Well, just because we shut it down
doesn't mean someone else
didn't pick it back up again.
[breathing shakily]
Who's the idiot now?
[dramatic music plays]
[music fades]
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
[music fades]
[upbeat music playing faintly]
[Evan] Uh-huh, yeah. No, I get that.
I get that. Hold on one second.
Not too pretty, okay?
I want to look like I haven't slept.
[woman] Three minutes, Mr. Green.
It's Annie, right? Okay, you're new,
so I'll give you a pass. It's Evan.
Please call me Evan, okay? Thank you.
Yeah, you still there? Look,
I said to him courtside or not at all.
Well, then you tell him
to go fuck himself.
[whispers] Hey, Veronica.
Hey, monsters.
- Hey, I said no screen time.
- Sorry.
Don't let them guilt you.
They drove the last one nuts.
All right, people, let's do this.
- Good afternoon, everyone.
- [woman] Hey, Evan.
[man 1] Good afternoon.
- [man 2] Hey.
- [Evan] All right.
[director] Last looks?
Fuck last looks. I don't need them.
[Evan clears throat, vocalizes]
[director] Everybody settle.
Five, four, three
[theme music playing]
Evening, folks.
I'll begin tonight with something
that is shaking me to my core.
Something that should be
keeping you up at night too.
The Reapers.
America's most popular
domestic terror organization
that nobody has ever heard of
before last night.
Now, the lamestream media
says they are the bad guys.
They're all applauding Mullen
for his big break.
But are the Reapers really
the evil masterminds behind Zero Day?
Or are they just another scapegoat
being sold to shut us up?
All over the country,
Mullen is rounding up regular Americans.
Hardworking men and women,
he says, are tied to these Reapers.
But where is the proof?
Just filled up at the 76, headed
toward the light at Killian Drive.
[Evan] Every single expert
said Russia attacked us.
But George Mullen,
hiding in his black tower,
decided this is
the narrative we should buy,
the tall tale we need to get behind.
And, folks, we most
certainly should not.
Because Mullen is lying to you,
just like he did
when he was back in office.
By saying the attack came from within,
he's got us right where
he and his corporate overlords want us.
He's blaming the working man,
blaming people like you and me.
He's blaming a group
no one has ever heard of.
Something to say, Carl?
Sir, respectfully,
we don't have to get these warrants.
We don't, but we're going to.
[dramatic swell]
[dramatic music playing]
[cop 2] Police! Search warrant!
Hands up! Let me see your hands!
- [cop 2] Don't move!
- [dramatic music continues]
[cop 2] Grab him!
- [tires screech]
- [cop 3] Hands up!
[dramatic music continues]
- [music fades]
- [alarm clock beeping]
[pensive music playing]
[toilet flushes]
[pensive music continues]
[sirens wailing in the distance]
[indistinct chatter]
Mr. President, I'm
sorry, but he insisted.
Apologies for the intrusion, George.
Uh, it's all right, Allison.
You can close the door.
Some show the other day.
Yeah, if you call
truth and transparency a show.
Truth, huh?
In the last 16 hours, we've arrested
41 members of the Reapers.
We're confident one of the detainees
can tell us who modified the malware,
who's controlling it now,
and who can unleash it again.
Okay, let's get everybody in here
on a staggered schedule,
twelve hours on, six hours off.
From now on, all the department heads
are gonna meet at 0600 and 1800
to prep in advance for all the briefings.
I don't want to waste the boss's time.
- [Carl] Got it.
- Valerie.
Roger. Thanks, Carl.
I'm assuming you got a call about this.
- We don't have to have a conversation.
- I did. No, we don't.
- Good. Hi.
- Hi.
Let's let's try and keep it
in your pants this time, okay?
I'm sure you're gonna find
some way to be useful.
- Oh.
- I'm gonna go talk to the boss.
[man] I'm told Mullen's in a meeting.
- With who?
- [man] Director Lasch. CIA.
Yeah. I know who that is. Jesus.
I know we didn't always
see eye to eye in the past,
but I never thought
you took me for a fool.
Attacking Russia
for something they didn't do
would seem foolhearted to me,
wouldn't it to you?
Remember Iraq?
The Reapers lead is solid.
I should hope so.
You got people thinking
their neighbors are terrorists.
You and I had
a conversation the other day.
How this had to work, what was at stake,
and why it had to go a certain way.
I know.
But I run this investigation.
Not the White House, not the CIA.
I run it.
Okay, fine. Play it your way.
And Proteus?
Jesus, George.
What about it?
If it's a threat, it won't work.
- Gentlemen.
- Valerie.
- [Valerie] Jeremy.
- Happy to see you back at the helm.
I'm sorry to have to cut this short, but
President Mullen has someplace to be.
I was just on my way out.
Best of luck, pal.
That won't happen again.
- The latest.
- Thanks.
And welcome.
Thank you.
We have to We should
Yeah, we will. Later.
We got a lot of work to do.
- [Allison] Your coffee, Mr. President.
- Not now, Allison. Thanks.
Uh, Roger, would you come in?
- Just give me a minute.
- Of course.
- [Roger] Thank you.
- Have at it.
No one goes in that office
without me knowing about it first.
Okay? I don't care if you have to pull
a fire alarm to stop it.
And clear out this office.
This is gonna be mine.
- That's Mr. Carlson's.
- [Valerie] And?
[Allison] Where should I put his stuff?
Someplace else?
I spoke to her parents,
who confirmed that
she was indeed buried.
It was a paperwork mix-up at the morgue.
Just an amazing coincidence.
So they're sure it was her?
As sure as a parent can be
about their kid, I guess.
I have no doubt they believe
whoever they buried was their daughter,
but, uh, how do we really know for sure?
You'd like proof, sir?
I would.
Right away.
Oh, Roger, also,
could you call Dr. Kronberg
and ask him for a list of my
prescriptions and then get the refills?
Will do.
[indistinct chatter]
- What was that about?
- I don't know. Why don't you ask him?
[Valerie] Hey.
- I don't care if he's your A.A. sponsor.
- [Roger] N.A.
- Nothing happens without me knowing.
- I'm a recovering drug addict
- [Valerie] You understand?
- Whatever you say, Valerie.
Enjoy my fucking office.
No one likes to see
Americans pulled off the street,
but if these Reapers are
as dangerous as Mullen says they are,
we need to act quickly.
We asked him to do a job,
and he's doing it.
[Richard] He seems
confident in this lead,
but I'm going to remain
cautiously optimistic.
The Reapers might just be
the tip of this iceberg.
Extremism is a cancer, and I
[anchor] Good morning.
We'll see temperatures
- For Americans who
- Trying to
The Reapers lie is about to be exposed
right here on this program.
George Mullen thinks
he's a comic book superhero,
but in fact, he's the villain,
and he just proved it.
Truth Bomb coming your way soon.
Stay tuned.
[loud thud]
- [clamoring]
- [journalist] Alexandra!
Are you comfortable
with these mass arrests?
[journalist 2] What's
the Oversight Committee doing
to ensure these
detentions are justified?
I called and texted.
[Alex] Hello.
Having fun yet?
I think I'm gonna need security.
I'll talk to the Sergeant at Arms.
But what you really need
is a good answer to their questions.
And, uh, you're gonna give me one?
It's time for the Oversight Committee
to exercise some oversight.
Kicking down doors on Main Street?
The American people are
gonna get tired of that real quick.
Polls I've seen say
the country is behind him.
Sixty-eight percent say
the investigation's on the right track.
He was 74% 24 hours ago.
And that was before Evan Green announced
that he has evidence a kid got arrested.
- Since when?
- Twenty minutes ago.
Promised to go live with the mom.
Okay, what's the play?
Get your father to answer for this.
To justify his investigation
of the Reapers to the American people
or move on.
Is it really yielding any results?
Is it too narrowly focused?
- You want him to testify.
- He'll stall, I know.
- St Stonewall.
- Not you.
I'm a congresswoman.
I'm not Daddy's little girl.
Like it or not, you're both.
Haven't I always believed in you?
When no one else could see past
your family's name
or the size of your Instagram following,
I knew you were serious.
A force to be reckoned with.
As you say, you're a congresswoman.
Recently named to the committee
charged with ensuring
that the most powerful investigative
body in the history of this country
does its job properly.
You do this right
and get us the answers we need,
no one will ever question
who you are ever again.
[phone vibrates]
[pensive music playing]
[phone vibrating]
I need you to pencil me in
some time with my dad.
You are going to have
to call Valerie for that.
She's approving his schedule now.
- Valerie?
- Valerie.
Valerie Whitesell?
Yep, that's the one.
[phone ringing]
[Sheila] Calm down.
[Alex] You don't care?
She she is the best chief of staff
your father has ever had.
Right, and you're that deep
in your denial.
Your father is under the most
intense spotlight in American history.
My God, you are still
making excuses for him.
People are rooting for him to misstep,
and you'd feel better
with Roger running point?
Yeah. At least Roger's
not gonna try to fuck him.
Believe it or not,
I'm not thinking about
what's best for me right now. Or you.
Well, you never did,
so maybe that's the problem.
I just
I think that defending him is one thing,
enabling him is something else.
Listen, I have to
go. I'll call you later.
[Evan] Welcome our special guest,
Diana Moore,
with us today from Clovis, New Mexico.
Now, you're here because you have
something important you wanted to share
with the American people. Is that right?
George Mullen took my son.
We were sleeping.
And his men broke down our door.
It's all right. Take your time.
He's only 17 years old,
and they put a hood over his head
and they dragged him from his bed
like he was some sort of a rag doll.
We woke up to the sound of them
banging down our door
and going into my Paul's room.
They didn't even speak to me.
[Evan] Well, folks, this is exactly
what I warned you about.
George Mullen and his cronies
have trampled
on every civil liberty we have.
It's gone viral on social,
and the major outlets are chasing it.
Sir, the sooner that we
make a statement, the better.
- She's a paid actress.
- Do you have evidence of that?
She looks like a freaked-out mom to me.
You're looking for this kid?
Yes. And as far as I know, we have
no one with that name in custody.
Far as you know?
Carl, you gotta do better than that.
[Sheila] Tell me Evan
Green is delusional.
We are looking into it.
Meanwhile, I'm upholding
my end of the bargain, as requested.
- Well?
- He's doing fine.
[anchor] A compelling wake-up call.
I never thought I'd be saying this,
but give Evan Green credit.
This is one conspiracy theory of his
that might not be rooted in fantasy.
You know, it's constant motion,
but he's keeping up.
That's good.
[Evan] George Mullen
is a deeply troubled man.
He couldn't hold it together
for two terms in office.
His own daughter publicly opposes him,
and now he's breaking
into American homes
and kidnapping children
in the name of protecting this country.
And here the sordid circle expands.
Robert Lyndon, a guy with his
own rumored interest in children,
who, as we broke exclusively yesterday,
shorted the market
the day before the attacks.
You think they've hauled him in
for questioning?
So while Mullen dances
on the strings of plutocrats,
kicking in doors,
snatching your children in the night
I gotta go.
I'll be shouting from the mountain
until America's eyes open up.
Until then, keep truthing.
And when others won't hear it,
just say it louder until they do.
I'm on to you, Georgie.
[TV rewinding]
[Evan] Keep truthing.
And when others won't hear it,
just say it louder until they do.
[theme music playing]
[theme music continues]
Oh, this is a nice surprise.
- Congratulations on your appointment.
- Thanks.
Twelve members of this committee.
That's a big deal.
[Alex] We don't have
[George] But you know
this only works with real oversight.
So, Valerie.
You came to talk about Valerie?
No, I
No, actually, uh,
this is an official visit.
- [Alexandra clears throat]
- Okay.
Go for it.
I'm concerned you're putting
all your eggs in this Reapers basket.
And you're breaking a lot of them.
You're concerned, or
We would like you
to explain in closed session
just how all these arrests
are getting us closer to preventing
another attack.
Can you can you do that?
Can you justify all of this?
It's only been a few days.
We're just starting to question people.
And the kid who got swept up?
That's unverified.
Right, okay. [inhales]
Uh, I assume you've already seen this.
Every cyber incident around the country
in the last 72 hours.
Copycats and wannabes, major and minor.
A few days ago,
everybody was so sure this was Russia.
So maybe you're right,
but unless all of these arrests
are revealing more proof
that you're just not showing us,
the committee does need to know
that you're open-minded,
that you're willing to pivot
if you make a mistake.
You can tell your colleagues
I remain nimble as ever,
but I will not be testifying.
[man] Do you know how many state regs
I am turning a blind eye to?
Well, sir, the highest office in all
the land has waved its magic wand.
[man sighs]
[man exhales]
[coroner] We good?
Take a cheek swab to verify her DNA.
You heard him.
Did you see her?
[Roger] Yes, sir, just did.
Does it look like her?
[Roger] Well, from what I could tell.
We're testing her DNA.
Okay, thanks, Roger.
Yes, sir.
Your phone, please.
Thank you.
Where have you been?
He's been trying to reach you.
[man] And having you dig up corpses?
Not to mention
that performance on television.
[inhales] They got to him, huh?
Who? Who got to him?
Is he seeing things? Hmm?
Hearing things?
I don't know
what you're talking about, but, uh,
if you think he's really in trouble,
then then you need to help him.
No, I can't see him again.
It's too dangerous for the both of us.
You need to tell him
he can't win this fight.
He needs to step down now,
go back to that cottage of his,
even farther away if possible.
Look, um, if you have something useful,
I'll pass it along to him,
but he's not going to just run and hide,
and I'm not going to be
the person to tell him to do that.
George Mullen
needs to vanish, Roger.
Just like I am.
[Carl] It's true,
this 17-year-old Paul Moore,
we're after his older brother.
Neither of these kids are saints,
but the team entered the wrong bedroom.
We're having him released.
And I'm working on a statement.
- Okay, when?
- [Valerie] Soon.
- We're just holding for the presser.
- She's on.
[journalists clamoring]
The trauma of the past few days
has been unimaginable.
I want to assure you, and I can, the
best and brightest in your government
are spending every waking moment working
to make sure
that no one can harm us again.
But in our desire for answers,
let us not forget
that now is also a time for healing,
a time to come together.
In that spirit,
I'd like to introduce several
- [Carl] That wasn't an answer.
- Sure it is. No vote of confidence.
- She's wavering.
- Can you give us the room? Thank you.
We're in trouble.
We've got 48 people in custody.
Forty-five of them are
in the final stages of interrogation.
So far as we can tell,
they're chat room warriors.
Disillusioned, unemployed,
some radicalized vets.
They spend more time coming up with
their group's name than anything else.
"The Reapers"?
After the McCormick Reaper Works,
site of the first labor riots
in American history,
but there's no leader,
no formal structure.
Closest link to the wire transfer
is an individual named Erik Hayes,
lives in Belcourt, North Dakota.
The funds were moved to the hacking
collective from a bank in Bismarck.
He's still being questioned,
but, sir, we're getting nowhere.
[Valerie] Between the mistake
with the kid and the lack of progress,
we need to acknowledge that we're gonna
pursue other investigative avenues.
Can I see him? Can I see Hayes?
Yes, you can.
[interrogator] Don't be a wiseass,
Erik, all right?
You understand the trouble you're in?
Some of the shit you wrote online is
True freedom is the right to say
something others don't want to hear.
[interrogator] Whoever said that
didn't read the Sedition Act, okay?
I'm talking decades inside.
You're fucked, unless you work with me.
- [Erik] Fuck you. I want my lawyer.
- [interrogator] Yeah, he'll be here.
In the meantime,
we need to set a few things straight
- These are our interrogators?
- 'cause if you don't coop
On loan from the CIA.
They don't have time to build rapport.
And per your instructions,
they've been told to refrain
from any enhanced techniques
[fading] that could expedite
the process.
[Valerie] Jesus, Carl, you went to Yale.
You don't know
the first thing about torture.
- Where's the sheet on him?
- Right here.
[George] Tell them I'm coming down.
[Carl] Yes, sir.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
[George] Mr. Hayes.
George Mullen.
Yeah, I know who you are.
We're okay.
Let us be alone.
We're okay.
[door opens, shuts]
Adam Prentice.
Your lawyer. We called him.
I'm just here to talk.
While we wait. Vet to vet.
I was in intelligence.
Two tours in Vietnam.
And you were, um
I think you were [inhales]
Three in Afghanistan, two in Iraq.
How was it getting back?
Not talking?
That's all right.
I'll tell you about myself.
It wasn't great.
I wanted to crawl out of my own skin.
And it got so bad that I found myself
sitting alone in my room,
just sitting, holding my sidearm.
I just didn't understand
what was going on.
Well, I hope they
found you a good shrink.
I I did, actually,
and he he suggested I try fishing.
[sucks teeth]
Yeah. Mine told me to find a group.
You know, a church, a softball
rec league, something like that.
Well, that sounds about right.
Just never been one
for coping strategies.
You know, I face my obstacles head-on.
So I read, wound up going
to a liberal arts college.
Yeah, I know. At Muhlenberg.
Yeah, I found history, writing.
I read some of your stuff online.
It's pretty good.
And you had a
an interpreter from Herat.
Isar Obaiddullah.
I had one, too, from Vietnam.
Name was Nguyen.
I never met a more loyal guy.
Saved my ass more than once.
And all he wanted was for me
to bring him back to the States.
I guess that's where
you and I are different,
because when my time was up,
I shook Nguyen's hand,
thanked him for his service,
jumped on a chopper,
went home, never saw him again.
- Yeah, that's fucked.
- Yeah.
It's war.
Your friend Isar,
he lives outside Minneapolis.
You guys play pool
the first Tuesday of every month.
Maybe you're a better man than I am.
Yeah, maybe I am.
3,402 people
on Zero Day.
3,402 people killed
that we know of in just that one minute.
Come Judgment Day,
when it comes to either one of us,
I'm not so sure.
I already told you.
I had nothing to do with that.
But like you said
- It's war.
- Yeah. Well, that's why I'm here.
I'm not gonna waste a lot of time
going over all the ways
I can get information out of you.
I'm gonna get right to it.
Your friend Isar,
ICE picked him up.
He'll be deported within two days.
Your father, Medicare
stopped paying for his dialysis.
He'll last, what, five, six weeks
before he drops dead?
And then you have a son, Charlie.
He's about to turn seven.
I had a son.
Did you know that?
Died about 12 years ago.
Okay, that's enough. Cut the cameras.
And it's funny how memory works.
- Especially when you get older.
- [Carl] Cut the cameras.
Some things fade in,
some things fade out.
I said cut the fucking cameras.
- [tech] You want me to cut the feed?
- Yes, right now.
- [Valerie] Jesus.
- Thank you.
Losing a kid never goes away.
The pain, the despair, it never lets up.
Your ex, she's using again.
I had her arrested.
And your son, social services has him.
They'll put him in foster care.
But you know, when you think about it,
Isar, your father, your son,
that's three people.
That's nothing
compared to the thousands
and thousands of innocent lives
that were lost
because of what you took part in.
I think that's a fair exchange.
I'm giving you ten minutes.
I want to know how the malware
was modified and who controls it.
Ten minutes.
It's up to you.
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music builds]
[music fades]
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing faintly]
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music continues muffled]
[crowd] Stop the arrests!
Stop the arrests! Stop the arrests!
Stop the arrests!
This is Roger.
Okay, well, you can't argue with DNA.
[man] Get in.
- What?
- Get in.
[crowd continues chanting]
Stop the arrests! Stop the arrests!
[pensive music playing]
[siren wailing in the distance]
- [man] Welcome, Mr. Carlson.
- [Roger] Thanks.
[indistinct chatter in distorted voice]
[indistinct chatter continues]
[man] This way, sir.
Mr. Lyndon will be right with you.
Everyone's always wondering
about that Roger Carlson.
[Roger] I've been trying to get
a hold of you for over a week.
How does he always know
which way the wind is blowing?
[Roger] Look, Bob, I
I did my best.
I can show him the door.
I can shove him towards it.
But he's got to be the one
who steps through.
It wasn't Moscow.
And if I was unclear when we last spoke,
I'm not committing treason
so you can make a buck.
A buck?
Everyone thinks I'm Scrooge McDuck,
that I'm enjoying this.
Roughing up the Russians
would've been good for everyone,
but this eating our own?
- This will all blow over, I promise.
- [scoffs]
Please. I know when
the bottom's falling out.
I am gone.
On my way to palm trees and anonymity.
So what? That's it?
Not for you, asshole.
You're gonna make it up to me.
That cocksucker Evan Green,
he's saying filthy things about me.
Evan Green, Bob? Nobody believes him.
He's got my fucking houses on TV.
When Green talks, crazy people listen.
I don't feel safe anymore.
Got you a little gift for your boss.
Green's got me
and people I care about in danger.
He's got me under a microscope,
so I thought you could return the favor.
- What the fuck is this?
- Congratulations.
You found his dead girl.
You're sloppy, Roger. It wasn't hard
to find out what you were up to.
You said he suspects this girl.
I wanted him after Green.
I figured this ought to do it.
Hey! Do you need me to be more specific
about what happens
if Green doesn't back off?
Those screenshots I sent you,
that was an amuse-bouche.
Next up, open to the public,
an all-you-can-eat buffet
of all the laws you've broken
in service of your
bottom-feeding clients.
Come on, Bob.
I can't I can't I can't do this.
Not to him.
You can, and you will.
Your loyalty's touching,
but it's not gonna mean much
once he finds out what
kind of guy you really are,
and I haven't even touched
on what I'll tell your girlfriend.
Let's not forget what you did to her.
I'm giving you one chance
to save the only thing
you've ever given a shit about.
Don't blow it.
[Erik] We met at a rally,
but mostly we just messaged on Discord.
He's real foot-on-the-pedal.
Reset the economy,
redistribute the wealth,
burn this whole country down.
He knew the NSA had this program,
and he knew how to get it.
Hayes says this guy joined the Reapers
in the last year.
Doesn't know his real name,
of course, but calls himself Leon
and built up his own following
inside the group.
Hayes says Zero Day was Leon's idea,
and he provided the money.
[Valerie] A million dollars was deposited
by a shell company in the Caymans
and then sent to the hacking collective
the next morning.
The hackers delivered
the malware to Hayes,
and then he handed it to this guy Leon.
Leon insisted the malware
be delivered on a thumb drive to a farm
outside of Pocatello, Idaho.
We'll have a tactical team
on site within the hour.
[pensive music playing]
[electronic whirring]
[interrogator] You understand the
trouble you're in? The shit you wrote
True freedom is the right to say
something others don't want to hear.
[interrogator] Whoever said that
didn't read the
Come here.
I just want to show you something.
I thought this sounded familiar.
He says the same thing as Evan Green.
The same thing.
Yeah, probably.
All these scumbags love him.
Okay, well, tell me when
we have boots on the ground in Idaho.
Yes, sir.
["Who Killed Bambi?" playing faintly]
Who killed ♪
[music halts]
- [music amplifies]
- Who killed Bambi? ♪
[music continues faintly]
[music fades in, out]
Who shot little Bambi? ♪
Never trust a hippie ♪
- [music amplifies]
- 'Cause I love punky Bambi ♪
I'll kill to find the killer ♪
[music continues faintly]
All the spikey punkers ♪
Believers in the ruins ♪
With one big shout, they all cry out ♪
Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who killed Bambi? Who killed Bambi? ♪
Who ♪
[music continues, fades]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[dramatic music playing]
[dramatic music continues]
- [dramatic music continues]
- [sirens wailing in the distance]
[knocking on door]
[George] Hey.
What is it, Roger?
Um, finally heard
back from Dr. Kronberg.
He said he emailed you,
and your prescriptions are ready.
- [George] When? Now?
- Yes, it should be in your inbox.
Can you give us a minute?
- [Allison] Of course.
- [Roger] Thank you.
[door shuts]
Sir, I actually came
by to give you this.
Oh, another gift of mysterious origin?
[Roger] Um
[Roger] I'm told this guy with Green
is someone we have in custody?
Yeah, Erik Hayes.
That's Erik Hayes. That's him.
Um, that's not all.
This is from the summer of 2020.
Apparently, the images
have been scrubbed from the Internet,
but our guys checked
it out and confirmed
they're 100% real. Not doctored.
So she does have a hand in this.
I'm still not exactly sure
what to make of it, sir,
but it would seem so.
Until we get this locked down,
the Anna Sindler thing is between us.
Of course.
And find me every time Hayes
has been in the same place as Green
over the last, say,
ten years as soon as you can.
- Yes, sir.
- Great work, Roger.
- Thank you, sir. Is that all?
- That's all.
told just hours ago
that Paul Moore, a teenager,
finally walked free
from his Gestapo cell,
confirming what we already know.
George Mullen is
not only a wannabe tyrant,
he's inept.
He's an idiot.
Tonight, because of George Mullen,
none of us can sleep easy.
We all have to fear
the late-night knock on the door,
the battering ram.
Uh, not everybody, Evan.
Maybe you do.
Maybe you've got something to hide.
[Evan] I think you've got
something to hide, George.
You heard me.
I know you're flailing, lost in a fog,
blinded by your hate for real Americans,
your hate for people like me.
My friends, tonight I'm afraid
they're coming for us.
Maybe you're next.
Maybe it's me.
Hell, it may damn well be me.
Yeah, keep at it. We'll see.
I dare you, Georgie.
Come and get me.
- [dramatic whoosh]
- [knocking on door]
The latest from Idaho.
The farm was cleared out,
but there's a barn
full of computer servers.
Looks like they tried to burn it,
but some are still intact.
We've got every available tech
on their way to the site.
- Could be a goldmine.
- Could be.
I think you should call President
Mitchell and have her announce it.
[Roger] I have what you asked for, sir.
What did you ask for?
Erik Hayes and Evan Green
were in the same city at the same time
on 17 separate occasions
in the last seven years.
How do I not know about this?
That's That's significant, sir.
Or Or not.
Because Erik Hayes is
just a fanboy of Evan Green.
He follows him to
rallies, book signings.
I'm sure all of this is explainable.
It probably is,
but that's why it's the perfect cover.
Well, let's not get distracted, sir.
This farm is a huge win.
Without question.
But we're on to something even bigger.
That's why I want you
to go get Evan Green.
We don't want
to just go for the foot soldiers.
We want the head of the snake.
We can't just go
arrest a TV personality.
No, in fact, we can.
- Where'd you get these?
- They're legit. Carl's guys checked.
Like it or not,
Evan Green is connected to all of this.
With all due respect,
this is a circumstantial case at best.
She's right.
We'd never get a warrant for this.
Well, like you were saying, Carl,
we don't need a warrant.
Evan Green is a target
of this investigation.
Go get him.
Yes, sir.
Mr. President, this is a mistake.
- Evan Green is a blowhard and an asshole
- Thank you.
but you cannot just go
kicking down his door, George.
That's all. Thank you.
[dramatic music playing]
[tech] Security's disabled.
[dramatic music continues]
[dramatic music continues]
Good work tonight, everyone.
[all] Thank you, sir.
Can I get a secure line, please?
I need you to come here immediately.
We've got to talk.
Sure, we can talk.
But you're coming to me.
[sirens wailing in the distance]
- [phone vibrates]
- [clears throat] Hi.
[Richard] Did you see the Times?
Um, one sec. [clears throat]
Holy shit.
[door opens]
[breathing heavily]
[Richard] I hear your father
just arrested him.
No, it says here
that he was already in custody.
No, not Hayes. Green.
[doorbell buzzes]
Dragged him out of his house
in front of his kids.
That's insane.
It is insane.
People are gonna be asking
a lot of questions.
- Come see me first thing.
- Okay.
[dramatic swell]
Evan fucking Green?
- Don't ask.
- Why is Valerie back?
Uh, that I have a theory.
- You've been drinking.
- And? You look like shit.
Who cares?
[static buzzing]
Did you restart Proteus?
Of course not. We
shut it down years ago.
When your boss told us to.
Then why did he mention it?
I thought that's what
you were coming to tell me.
No, I don't know why.
Well, just because we shut it down
doesn't mean someone else
didn't pick it back up again.
[breathing shakily]
Who's the idiot now?
[dramatic music plays]
[music fades]
[pensive music playing]
[music fades]