Zero Hour s01e03 Episode Script
1 Previously on "Zero Hour" They're breaking in! We know quite a bit about who might have her The highest-end mercenary in the world.
It's about a clock.
1938, the church appoints 12 new apostles and trusts them with the ultimate secret, and it's hidden in these clocks.
I solve this, I find Laila.
The guy in the sub, he looked like you? He looked exactly like me.
How did you end up working for the FBI? Plane blows up on the other side of the planet.
You're husband's on it, and suddenly you just wanna put a bullet in the bomber's head.
Laila! Hank! I'll find you! Zero Hour 01x03 Pendulum 2 is the number of love, life's everlasting breath.
Sometimes its blind pursuit leads not to life but death.
Which way? Ping off Vincent's cell puts them on this floor.
Laila? Laila! Laila? Oh, Hank.
Are you all right? Hank.
We need to get her to a hospital.
You have to stop.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- No, it's not.
Hank, he's coming back.
You don't have to worry about Vincent.
The FBI's here.
You don't understand.
He's coming back.
Folks, in just a moment, we will prepare for our final descent into New York City.
Must be hard.
W-when someone you love dies of a heart attack, you exercise, you you eat better.
When they die in a car accident, you make sure to buckle up.
But when they're murdered? There's only one thing you can do to prevent that from happening again.
Once we find Laila, you can do whatever you want with Vincent.
How about that? Okay.
Uh, let's think about what we know.
Vincent's after these clocks.
And these clocks, they seem to have a map in them.
Which leads to what, exactly? I don't know, and I-I don't care.
I just wanna find out where he's keeping her.
Maybe the better question is "why?" Vincent has never kept a hostage alive.
So why Laila? I need you to fix this.
The pieces inside are loose.
But each piece had numbers and letters inscribed on them.
Clearly a puzzle waiting to be solved when the gears rotate into place Something that is not possible in the clock's current condition.
You are going to help me.
I know this because When I'm halfway through removing the ears of a person using only a butter knife, they do whatever it is I ask.
I would prefer to skip this step with you, Laila.
Would you also prefer this? Good.
The clothes you have been wearing have taken on a colorful odor.
For you.
Put it on.
I won't peek.
When we're on the move, we should appear as a happy couple out for a stroll.
If I help you, are you gonna return me safely to my husband? Your husband, I find him quite curious.
Perhaps we can discuss this tonight over duck and a bottle of Dornfelder.
I'm gonna need parts and tools.
Laila? You saw her in India? How did she look? Well, she was alive, which is all that matters.
Yeah, but Vincent's got the clock, and we got nada.
So how are we gonna figure out where they're headed? I'm still working on that.
You know, I need you to work on something.
When we were in India, someone tried to kill us a priest.
What? Yeah, he was wearing the rose cross.
Last time I checked my program, the Rosicrucians were supposed to be the good guys.
So what does that make us? In trouble.
Did you guys lock up last night? Yeah.
I was the last one out.
Wait here.
Don't move.
Not even an inch.
Relax, Agent Willis.
This is Mr.
Galliston, not the target.
You wanna tell me why you've broken into my office? Oh, we didn't break in.
The janitor let us in.
The janitor opened the door.
The warrant let us in.
The thought is, Vincent might try to make contact again.
We need to be here if he does.
And given what we encountered in India, to have some people with guns watching your back might not be such a bad idea.
I'll ask that you sit tight now.
We'll handle it from here.
The Bureau's been "handling" Vincent for the last six years.
How's that goin'? Terrence I appreciate you signing off on this, but you have got to let me do it my way.
I am so close.
Yeah, maybe that's the problem.
Catch him this time.
Agent Willis, we online? Facial recognition package is keyed wide on Laila Galliston and White Vincent.
Either one of them crosses our 460,000 cameras globally networked on our system, we'll see it here.
What did you mean earlier when you said that You were curious about my husband? What if I told you I met a man recently, the spitting image of Hank Galliston? Would that surprise you? What do you mean? Like a doppelganger? In one of the older issues of your husband's magazine, he wrote an article about doppelgangers, scientifically disproving the viability of the phenomena.
Well, Hank doesn't believe anything that he can't see for himself.
Perhaps he saw things recently that makes him a believer.
It's fixed.
" P-R-6-4-2.
Does that mean anything to you? That means I know where we're headed.
If anybody can survive an ordeal like this, it's Laila.
She's always been so strong.
Remember your wedding, how everything that could go wrong did? And she smiled through the whole thing.
Thank you.
I-I really appreciate you guys coming down.
You know, I did have a question I was hoping you could answer.
Do we have any family In Germany? Like, someone from grandpa's generation? Not that I can think of.
Is this for one of your stories? No, it's It's just, I saw something Some some Someone who, uh, looked like he could've been related.
We got a hit! Excuse me.
W-where is this? Paris, nine hours ago.
A security camera caught them exiting a hotel.
I'll have the Bureau notify the F.
, monitor the trains.
Right there.
Okay, roll it back.
All right.
What is it? Find out what room they're in And send somebody there to look under every tabletop, counter, desk, everything.
Wanna tell us why? Just relax.
You're gonna do great.
I'm about to tell a packed room at a U.
convention that there's no such thing as a U.
I know! It's gonna be awesome! Okay, listen, just remember two things.
One, spit out your gum before you talk.
And two, of all the people out there, you, Hank Galliston, have the hottest wife.
- That's true - Yeah.
But, you know, I'm probably the only one out there who's actually touched a girl So it's not saying much.
Please welcome our next speaker this evening Mr.
Hank Galliston.
I-I used to chew a lot of gum when I was nervous, and I'd forget to spit it out.
So we developed a sign, and she would remind me, i would take it out, and I would stick it under the desk.
Okay, got it.
" It was cared under the desk.
Does that mean anything to you? I-I don't think so.
I got a washer and a dryer part number pr642.
Model number for a steel folding pocketknife, some brake pads.
No, we gotta stop thinking about what the clues mean today.
I mean, if it came from the clock, we need to think about "PR642" means in 1938.
It's a phone number.
Uh, PR642.
Right up through the '40s, phone numbers didn't have seven digits.
Everything went through a central exchange The first two letters of the city followed by a 3-number code.
I don't have a "who" but I have a "where.
" The exchange "PR" means we're looking for someone in Get this Princeton, New Jersey.
We don't need to find the clock to know where Vincent's going.
Laila is gonna lead us there.
Beck and I are gonna track down who that phone number belonged to back in '38.
And get to them before Vincent does.
I'll call you.
You wanna tell us what the hell's going on here, son? No, I can't.
I'll I'll call you later, okay? I love you, guys.
Listen, I'll I'll make sure they get home safe.
Uh, then there's some people I know who might be able to shed some light on the Rosicrucians, help us figure out what the hell their role is in all this.
Thank you.
Where you heading? The only place in Princeton that has phone records from 1938.
Over here.
You seem to know your way around this place.
Well, I've been here before.
This way.
P-R PR642.
Well, that's a bingo.
Who do you think's at that address? Are you ever gonna tell me what this is all about? You mean the clocks? I could be more helpful to you if I knew what Don't mistake my asking for your help as me needing your help.
If you don't need my help, then why am I still here? You're a smart lady.
You'll figure it out.
Listen, we know that Hank's gonna try to keep us in the dark to keep us from worrying.
But I would ask that if something's going on, something that a mother and father should know, that you'll tell us.
Hank rarely seeks the counsel of his Heavenly Father either, so I wouldn't take it personally.
Appreciate that.
Take care.
So What do we tell them? Nothing yet.
The devastation here is absolutely unprecedented as wildfires continue to rage in the pacific northwest.
Relief groups such as the Red Cross, Operation U.
, and The 41 Trust have begun to send donations to the thousands who have already lost their homes.
The page has been ripped out.
He's been here already, the son of a bitch.
The trail's dry again.
No, it's not.
Well, how do you know? Laila's telling us.
You're crazy.
"The joy of sex" "Of mice and men.
" That's your literary mash-up? That's genius.
Yeah, unless you're the mouse.
What do you have for me? Turn around.
Get ready.
"Everyone poops" Mm-hmm.
"On the road" "Far from the maddening crowd.
" Yes! Three titles.
I totally win.
You totally cheated.
"Everyone poops" is not in this section.
Oh, come on.
Points for creativity.
I know that look.
That's your skeptic face.
I just keep waiting.
For what? The other shoe to drop.
What are you doing? Just do it.
You, too.
- We're in the middle of a library.
- Just do it.
Shh! Sorry.
See? Nothing happened.
We're still here Together.
It's a game we used to play.
"I," "a," "s.
" Uh, we got a lot of options here, Hank.
" Could be anything.
Indian Administration Service.
Integrated Appliance Solutions.
International Association of Sufism.
Okay, it's probably not that one.
I got it.
Institute for Advanced Study.
"Found in 1930, I.
Is dedicated to "the original, often speculative thinking "that produces advances in knowledge that change the way we understand the world.
" Oh, that sounds apostle-ish.
Guess where it's located.
Princeton, New Jersey.
Some of the world's foremost thinkers did their greatest work here Kurt Godel, Robert Oppenheimer.
You don't approve of his work? No one should create something they can't control.
Tell that to God.
If you dialed "Princeton 642" in 1938, it would ring on the other side of this door.
But the question is, who would answer it? After you.
Excuse me.
Have you seen either of these people? Have either of you seen these two people on campus today? They may have been together as a couple.
I'm looking for a couple.
Student says he saw the targets enter an office on the first floor of fuld hall about ten minutes ago.
Come on.
What the hell?! - Anyone in here with you? - - No.
Have you seen either of these two people? Yeah.
They were just here about ten minutes ago.
- Go.
- What were they looking for? The same thing everybody else is looking for when they stumble into this office The guy who used to work here.
Who is that? Albert Einstein.
In January, nobel prize mathematician Albert Einstein visited California.
Ten months later, he was in exile, his property seized by Hitler's new regime.
Germany's loss, America's gain.
Albert Einstein? Jewish, crazy hair, kinda smart Albert Einstein was one of the new apostles? That's the theory.
You know, it might be more than a theory.
I'm just reading a quote of his that says, "only the church stood "squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign.
"I never had "any special interest in the church before, "but now I feel a great affection "because the church alone has had the courage to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom.
" So like the other apostles, he would've been given a clock to protect.
Where is it? Figure that out, and we know where Vincent's going next.
Here's a photograph from "Life" magazine, taken in Einstein's office at I.
the day the died.
Any sign of a clock? - Not in this photo.
- - Well, it says here, in accordance with Einstein's wishes, his office and his home were not preserved for a memorial for his work.
However, the historical society of Princeton is developing an exhibition featuring some of Einstein's personal possessions His favorite armchair, his wooden music stand, his pipe, and get this His treasured Biedermeir-style grandfather clock.
Find out where it's stored.
Five card.
Nothing wild.
I like it.
Traditional game.
None of this hold'em crap you see on TV.
Jack high bets.
That's you, Mickle.
Brothers, can I ask you something? Are any of you aware of a sect of Rosicrucians who fled Nazi Germany but are still actively operating today "actively operating"? That's a rather odd question, Mickle.
A good friend of mine's tangled up in a situation.
He says a man carrying the rose cross tried to take his life in India a few days ago.
What? That doesn't make any sense.
Rosicrusians, while outside the circle of traditional christianity, are by nature a peaceful order, dedicated to spreading the gospel and healing the sick.
The situation you say your- your friend is tangled up in, does it have anything to do with why you ended up in the hospital? Perhaps.
Have you considered that, uh, maybe this good friend of yours isn't as good as you think? We're too late.
Vincent's already been here.
How long? Less than 30.
I'm a few minutes late.
I have the first three clocks.
Tell her it's just a matter of time till she has the object she seeks.
Excuse me.
Are you reading "Disinfo"? Yeah.
You know it? Know it? It's like porn to me.
Me, too.
I mean, not the porn part.
Yeah, no, I-I'm not Me neither.
I don't I'm not into porn.
I was actually just reading some back issues on some stuff about Einstein, and there's apparently all this speculation about what he was really working on before he died.
Did you see the stuff about the blackboard in his office? It was the last thing he was working on before he was taken to the hospital.
The there's this part right here that he mysteriously erased before he left.
There's theories that before he died, Einstein discovered something, an equation that would create a new form of power, but he thought that the people weren't ready for it.
So he erased it so no one would know what it was.
Hey, Hank.
Did you did you did you find I'm sorry, man.
Hey, Rach, you can stand down on that clock research.
Vincent already found it.
- No, he didn't.
- What? Put it on speaker.
Vincent doesn't have the clock.
How do you know? Because the Biedermeir was built in the 1800s, and it's been in Einstein's family for generations.
That means there's no way the church could've given it to him in 1938.
So where's the real one? He must've hidden it somewhere because he knew he was going to die.
He refused surgery, saying, "I want to go when I want.
" "It is tasteless to prolong life artificially.
" "I have done my share.
It is time to go.
I will do it elegantly.
" As an apostle, he knew he had to protect the clock.
So he must've hid it somewhere where no one could find it.
The erased part of the blackboard.
Einstein hid it in the only place he knew it couldn't fall into the wrong hands.
His mind.
So what exactly is this thing? It's an electromagnetic spectrometer.
Basically what's gonna happen is the photoelectron spectroscopy will bounce x-rays off the surface of the board.
And then based on the reflection, the machine should be able to line map the chemical composition on the atomic level.
Then we'll be able to read what was erased from the blackboard.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured was going on right there.
So I've been thinking.
If there's one thing Laila knows, it's clocks, right? Yeah.
And if we figured out they've got the wrong one, you can bet she has.
So what is she waiting for? For us to find her.
You wouldn't be stalling now, would you? There's almost a thousand pieces in this clock.
The clue be in any one of them.
You like taking things apart.
Not as much as I like putting things back together.
Is that what you did to your husband? Put him back together again? What makes you think I needed to? You took a 40-year-old man who'd never been married A man who doesn't believe in something unless he can see it and you made him believe in the one and only thing no one can ever see.
What's that? Love.
And what makes you think love can't be seen? What makes you think it can? Because I've seen it.
Oh? In post-its filled with poems, stuck on my bathroom mirror.
And in a yellow tack given to me every single year on my birthday, knowing that wherever I stick it on the map, that's exactly where we're gonna wake up the next morning.
And you know what? I see it in Hank's eyes every single time he looks at me.
In his eyes.
Why is that so unbelievable to you? Oh.
What's unbelievable is it's taking you so long to fix the damn clock.
Unless, of course, you have a good reason.
Perhaps, Laila, you're waiting for something.
Okay, here it comes.
That's it? More math? This doesn't make sense.
It feels like Einstein made it impossible.
Not just that he didn't want the wrong person to find the clock.
He didn't want anyone to.
Or maybe his blackboard is just a damn blackboard, and we're just wasting time.
I think we missed something.
It's a clue.
This part here, the part he erased, I think it's a cryptovariable.
So what does that mean? It means that the part he erased from his blackboard isn't a math problem.
It's a math solution.
Like a decoder? Exactly.
But a decoder for what? Well, maybe all of this.
Give me a pen, something, anything to write with.
Can I borrow your flashlight? Yeah.
You all right? Yeah.
Einstein's files.
Did you know that in the hospital, the last thing for was a piece of paper and a pencil? I cannot spend my whole life searching for answers.
Mercer Oak.
I've I've read about that.
Hey, guys, we got a lead on the clock.
Mercer Oak.
It's a tree halfway between Einstein's house and his office, and he used to stop there every day for lunch.
Hank, where are you? 28th street.
I-I can't hear.
I'm going outside.
I just just just wait where you are.
I'm coming.
It's Laila.
She's leaving a trail.
Hank! Laila? Hank! I'm glad you got my message.
Where is she? I thought you knew exactly where she was, what with those little clues she's been leaving you all day.
At first I was angry, but then I realized, that's the best way to get what I wanted.
And what is that? Isn't that obvious? Some time alone with you, brother.
My team found the next clock.
I can tell you where it is if if you give her back to me.
I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to do that.
I'd like to get to know you better.
Your wife filled in some of the details.
Mm, gushingly, in fact.
I-I don't understand.
What do you what do you want to know? How the two of you met, for starters.
How the two of us met? Uhh! How the two of you met, for starters.
Cambridge, four four years ago, at the unveiling of the Corpus Clock.
If I remember correctly, that is the clock with the locust on top.
The locust that eats time, reminding us that time always has the upper hand, always runs out As it will for your wife.
As it will for you, brother.
Stop calling me brother, okay? We have nothing in common.
You know that's not true.
We both understand the shame of the masquerade But I've come to offer you solace.
What are you talking about? I-I-I want to see them.
See what? The flaw, Hank! Show me the flaw! Ohh! Aah! Aah! Freeze! Wait here.
Uhh! Let me tell you why you're not going to shoot me.
Aah! Uhh! Uhh! We should be formally acquainted.
Do we know one other? March 7, 2008.
You killed 270 people.
March 7? Flight 71.
Let me guess.
Husband? He had a name.
Theo Riley.
But you wouldn't know that.
You didn't know any of their names.
They were just collateral damage in a plane crash that you caused for God knows what reason! To you, he was nothing.
To me, he was everything.
Theo Riley.
Seat 17a.
Maybe he wasn't just collateral damage.
Maybe everyone else was.
You found it.
It's right where you said it would be.
Thank you.
We should celebrate.
The clock isn't the goal.
It's a means to the end, something to trade.
We will celebrate when Laila's home.
There's something down there.
- What? - At the bottom.
Look at what we found inside Einstein's clock.
Beck talked about this.
She said that on his deathbed, The last thing he asked for was a piece of paper and a pencil.
We could be looking at Einstein's final thoughts.
Is Paige still here? - No, she left.
- Bring her back.
We need to translate this.
Queen of heav'n the ocean star guide of the wand'rer here below thrown on life's surge we claim thy care save us from peril and from woe mother of Christ star of the sea pray for the wand'rer pray for me o gentle chaste and spotless mind I have some information I think can help you and and your friend.
This sect that you asked about, they call themselves "The Shepherds.
" Their mission is to protect only the holiest of relics, those that are touched by God himself.
They're ready to give their lives and and take lives, if need arises.
Who are they protecting the relics from? They're known only as the Great Pirates.
You had a visit with my friend? What did he tell you? What's it say? "I have always regretted the role I played in the development of the atomic bomb.
" "But I have a chance to atone for that now, to stop something even more destructive.
" From Princeton, New Jersey, the emergency committee of atomic scientists, headed by Dr.
Einstein, has issued an urgent appeal.
"We scientists who released this immense power have overwhelming responsibility in this world life-and-death struggle" Good.
"The line has been crossed.
" Now go do your chores.
"The line that once separated man from his Creator.
We have found a way to not only destroy man but God.
It's about a clock.
1938, the church appoints 12 new apostles and trusts them with the ultimate secret, and it's hidden in these clocks.
I solve this, I find Laila.
The guy in the sub, he looked like you? He looked exactly like me.
How did you end up working for the FBI? Plane blows up on the other side of the planet.
You're husband's on it, and suddenly you just wanna put a bullet in the bomber's head.
Laila! Hank! I'll find you! Zero Hour 01x03 Pendulum 2 is the number of love, life's everlasting breath.
Sometimes its blind pursuit leads not to life but death.
Which way? Ping off Vincent's cell puts them on this floor.
Laila? Laila! Laila? Oh, Hank.
Are you all right? Hank.
We need to get her to a hospital.
You have to stop.
- Everything's gonna be okay.
- No, it's not.
Hank, he's coming back.
You don't have to worry about Vincent.
The FBI's here.
You don't understand.
He's coming back.
Folks, in just a moment, we will prepare for our final descent into New York City.
Must be hard.
W-when someone you love dies of a heart attack, you exercise, you you eat better.
When they die in a car accident, you make sure to buckle up.
But when they're murdered? There's only one thing you can do to prevent that from happening again.
Once we find Laila, you can do whatever you want with Vincent.
How about that? Okay.
Uh, let's think about what we know.
Vincent's after these clocks.
And these clocks, they seem to have a map in them.
Which leads to what, exactly? I don't know, and I-I don't care.
I just wanna find out where he's keeping her.
Maybe the better question is "why?" Vincent has never kept a hostage alive.
So why Laila? I need you to fix this.
The pieces inside are loose.
But each piece had numbers and letters inscribed on them.
Clearly a puzzle waiting to be solved when the gears rotate into place Something that is not possible in the clock's current condition.
You are going to help me.
I know this because When I'm halfway through removing the ears of a person using only a butter knife, they do whatever it is I ask.
I would prefer to skip this step with you, Laila.
Would you also prefer this? Good.
The clothes you have been wearing have taken on a colorful odor.
For you.
Put it on.
I won't peek.
When we're on the move, we should appear as a happy couple out for a stroll.
If I help you, are you gonna return me safely to my husband? Your husband, I find him quite curious.
Perhaps we can discuss this tonight over duck and a bottle of Dornfelder.
I'm gonna need parts and tools.
Laila? You saw her in India? How did she look? Well, she was alive, which is all that matters.
Yeah, but Vincent's got the clock, and we got nada.
So how are we gonna figure out where they're headed? I'm still working on that.
You know, I need you to work on something.
When we were in India, someone tried to kill us a priest.
What? Yeah, he was wearing the rose cross.
Last time I checked my program, the Rosicrucians were supposed to be the good guys.
So what does that make us? In trouble.
Did you guys lock up last night? Yeah.
I was the last one out.
Wait here.
Don't move.
Not even an inch.
Relax, Agent Willis.
This is Mr.
Galliston, not the target.
You wanna tell me why you've broken into my office? Oh, we didn't break in.
The janitor let us in.
The janitor opened the door.
The warrant let us in.
The thought is, Vincent might try to make contact again.
We need to be here if he does.
And given what we encountered in India, to have some people with guns watching your back might not be such a bad idea.
I'll ask that you sit tight now.
We'll handle it from here.
The Bureau's been "handling" Vincent for the last six years.
How's that goin'? Terrence I appreciate you signing off on this, but you have got to let me do it my way.
I am so close.
Yeah, maybe that's the problem.
Catch him this time.
Agent Willis, we online? Facial recognition package is keyed wide on Laila Galliston and White Vincent.
Either one of them crosses our 460,000 cameras globally networked on our system, we'll see it here.
What did you mean earlier when you said that You were curious about my husband? What if I told you I met a man recently, the spitting image of Hank Galliston? Would that surprise you? What do you mean? Like a doppelganger? In one of the older issues of your husband's magazine, he wrote an article about doppelgangers, scientifically disproving the viability of the phenomena.
Well, Hank doesn't believe anything that he can't see for himself.
Perhaps he saw things recently that makes him a believer.
It's fixed.
" P-R-6-4-2.
Does that mean anything to you? That means I know where we're headed.
If anybody can survive an ordeal like this, it's Laila.
She's always been so strong.
Remember your wedding, how everything that could go wrong did? And she smiled through the whole thing.
Thank you.
I-I really appreciate you guys coming down.
You know, I did have a question I was hoping you could answer.
Do we have any family In Germany? Like, someone from grandpa's generation? Not that I can think of.
Is this for one of your stories? No, it's It's just, I saw something Some some Someone who, uh, looked like he could've been related.
We got a hit! Excuse me.
W-where is this? Paris, nine hours ago.
A security camera caught them exiting a hotel.
I'll have the Bureau notify the F.
, monitor the trains.
Right there.
Okay, roll it back.
All right.
What is it? Find out what room they're in And send somebody there to look under every tabletop, counter, desk, everything.
Wanna tell us why? Just relax.
You're gonna do great.
I'm about to tell a packed room at a U.
convention that there's no such thing as a U.
I know! It's gonna be awesome! Okay, listen, just remember two things.
One, spit out your gum before you talk.
And two, of all the people out there, you, Hank Galliston, have the hottest wife.
- That's true - Yeah.
But, you know, I'm probably the only one out there who's actually touched a girl So it's not saying much.
Please welcome our next speaker this evening Mr.
Hank Galliston.
I-I used to chew a lot of gum when I was nervous, and I'd forget to spit it out.
So we developed a sign, and she would remind me, i would take it out, and I would stick it under the desk.
Okay, got it.
" It was cared under the desk.
Does that mean anything to you? I-I don't think so.
I got a washer and a dryer part number pr642.
Model number for a steel folding pocketknife, some brake pads.
No, we gotta stop thinking about what the clues mean today.
I mean, if it came from the clock, we need to think about "PR642" means in 1938.
It's a phone number.
Uh, PR642.
Right up through the '40s, phone numbers didn't have seven digits.
Everything went through a central exchange The first two letters of the city followed by a 3-number code.
I don't have a "who" but I have a "where.
" The exchange "PR" means we're looking for someone in Get this Princeton, New Jersey.
We don't need to find the clock to know where Vincent's going.
Laila is gonna lead us there.
Beck and I are gonna track down who that phone number belonged to back in '38.
And get to them before Vincent does.
I'll call you.
You wanna tell us what the hell's going on here, son? No, I can't.
I'll I'll call you later, okay? I love you, guys.
Listen, I'll I'll make sure they get home safe.
Uh, then there's some people I know who might be able to shed some light on the Rosicrucians, help us figure out what the hell their role is in all this.
Thank you.
Where you heading? The only place in Princeton that has phone records from 1938.
Over here.
You seem to know your way around this place.
Well, I've been here before.
This way.
P-R PR642.
Well, that's a bingo.
Who do you think's at that address? Are you ever gonna tell me what this is all about? You mean the clocks? I could be more helpful to you if I knew what Don't mistake my asking for your help as me needing your help.
If you don't need my help, then why am I still here? You're a smart lady.
You'll figure it out.
Listen, we know that Hank's gonna try to keep us in the dark to keep us from worrying.
But I would ask that if something's going on, something that a mother and father should know, that you'll tell us.
Hank rarely seeks the counsel of his Heavenly Father either, so I wouldn't take it personally.
Appreciate that.
Take care.
So What do we tell them? Nothing yet.
The devastation here is absolutely unprecedented as wildfires continue to rage in the pacific northwest.
Relief groups such as the Red Cross, Operation U.
, and The 41 Trust have begun to send donations to the thousands who have already lost their homes.
The page has been ripped out.
He's been here already, the son of a bitch.
The trail's dry again.
No, it's not.
Well, how do you know? Laila's telling us.
You're crazy.
"The joy of sex" "Of mice and men.
" That's your literary mash-up? That's genius.
Yeah, unless you're the mouse.
What do you have for me? Turn around.
Get ready.
"Everyone poops" Mm-hmm.
"On the road" "Far from the maddening crowd.
" Yes! Three titles.
I totally win.
You totally cheated.
"Everyone poops" is not in this section.
Oh, come on.
Points for creativity.
I know that look.
That's your skeptic face.
I just keep waiting.
For what? The other shoe to drop.
What are you doing? Just do it.
You, too.
- We're in the middle of a library.
- Just do it.
Shh! Sorry.
See? Nothing happened.
We're still here Together.
It's a game we used to play.
"I," "a," "s.
" Uh, we got a lot of options here, Hank.
" Could be anything.
Indian Administration Service.
Integrated Appliance Solutions.
International Association of Sufism.
Okay, it's probably not that one.
I got it.
Institute for Advanced Study.
"Found in 1930, I.
Is dedicated to "the original, often speculative thinking "that produces advances in knowledge that change the way we understand the world.
" Oh, that sounds apostle-ish.
Guess where it's located.
Princeton, New Jersey.
Some of the world's foremost thinkers did their greatest work here Kurt Godel, Robert Oppenheimer.
You don't approve of his work? No one should create something they can't control.
Tell that to God.
If you dialed "Princeton 642" in 1938, it would ring on the other side of this door.
But the question is, who would answer it? After you.
Excuse me.
Have you seen either of these people? Have either of you seen these two people on campus today? They may have been together as a couple.
I'm looking for a couple.
Student says he saw the targets enter an office on the first floor of fuld hall about ten minutes ago.
Come on.
What the hell?! - Anyone in here with you? - - No.
Have you seen either of these two people? Yeah.
They were just here about ten minutes ago.
- Go.
- What were they looking for? The same thing everybody else is looking for when they stumble into this office The guy who used to work here.
Who is that? Albert Einstein.
In January, nobel prize mathematician Albert Einstein visited California.
Ten months later, he was in exile, his property seized by Hitler's new regime.
Germany's loss, America's gain.
Albert Einstein? Jewish, crazy hair, kinda smart Albert Einstein was one of the new apostles? That's the theory.
You know, it might be more than a theory.
I'm just reading a quote of his that says, "only the church stood "squarely across the path of Hitler's campaign.
"I never had "any special interest in the church before, "but now I feel a great affection "because the church alone has had the courage to stand for intellectual truth and moral freedom.
" So like the other apostles, he would've been given a clock to protect.
Where is it? Figure that out, and we know where Vincent's going next.
Here's a photograph from "Life" magazine, taken in Einstein's office at I.
the day the died.
Any sign of a clock? - Not in this photo.
- - Well, it says here, in accordance with Einstein's wishes, his office and his home were not preserved for a memorial for his work.
However, the historical society of Princeton is developing an exhibition featuring some of Einstein's personal possessions His favorite armchair, his wooden music stand, his pipe, and get this His treasured Biedermeir-style grandfather clock.
Find out where it's stored.
Five card.
Nothing wild.
I like it.
Traditional game.
None of this hold'em crap you see on TV.
Jack high bets.
That's you, Mickle.
Brothers, can I ask you something? Are any of you aware of a sect of Rosicrucians who fled Nazi Germany but are still actively operating today "actively operating"? That's a rather odd question, Mickle.
A good friend of mine's tangled up in a situation.
He says a man carrying the rose cross tried to take his life in India a few days ago.
What? That doesn't make any sense.
Rosicrusians, while outside the circle of traditional christianity, are by nature a peaceful order, dedicated to spreading the gospel and healing the sick.
The situation you say your- your friend is tangled up in, does it have anything to do with why you ended up in the hospital? Perhaps.
Have you considered that, uh, maybe this good friend of yours isn't as good as you think? We're too late.
Vincent's already been here.
How long? Less than 30.
I'm a few minutes late.
I have the first three clocks.
Tell her it's just a matter of time till she has the object she seeks.
Excuse me.
Are you reading "Disinfo"? Yeah.
You know it? Know it? It's like porn to me.
Me, too.
I mean, not the porn part.
Yeah, no, I-I'm not Me neither.
I don't I'm not into porn.
I was actually just reading some back issues on some stuff about Einstein, and there's apparently all this speculation about what he was really working on before he died.
Did you see the stuff about the blackboard in his office? It was the last thing he was working on before he was taken to the hospital.
The there's this part right here that he mysteriously erased before he left.
There's theories that before he died, Einstein discovered something, an equation that would create a new form of power, but he thought that the people weren't ready for it.
So he erased it so no one would know what it was.
Hey, Hank.
Did you did you did you find I'm sorry, man.
Hey, Rach, you can stand down on that clock research.
Vincent already found it.
- No, he didn't.
- What? Put it on speaker.
Vincent doesn't have the clock.
How do you know? Because the Biedermeir was built in the 1800s, and it's been in Einstein's family for generations.
That means there's no way the church could've given it to him in 1938.
So where's the real one? He must've hidden it somewhere because he knew he was going to die.
He refused surgery, saying, "I want to go when I want.
" "It is tasteless to prolong life artificially.
" "I have done my share.
It is time to go.
I will do it elegantly.
" As an apostle, he knew he had to protect the clock.
So he must've hid it somewhere where no one could find it.
The erased part of the blackboard.
Einstein hid it in the only place he knew it couldn't fall into the wrong hands.
His mind.
So what exactly is this thing? It's an electromagnetic spectrometer.
Basically what's gonna happen is the photoelectron spectroscopy will bounce x-rays off the surface of the board.
And then based on the reflection, the machine should be able to line map the chemical composition on the atomic level.
Then we'll be able to read what was erased from the blackboard.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured was going on right there.
So I've been thinking.
If there's one thing Laila knows, it's clocks, right? Yeah.
And if we figured out they've got the wrong one, you can bet she has.
So what is she waiting for? For us to find her.
You wouldn't be stalling now, would you? There's almost a thousand pieces in this clock.
The clue be in any one of them.
You like taking things apart.
Not as much as I like putting things back together.
Is that what you did to your husband? Put him back together again? What makes you think I needed to? You took a 40-year-old man who'd never been married A man who doesn't believe in something unless he can see it and you made him believe in the one and only thing no one can ever see.
What's that? Love.
And what makes you think love can't be seen? What makes you think it can? Because I've seen it.
Oh? In post-its filled with poems, stuck on my bathroom mirror.
And in a yellow tack given to me every single year on my birthday, knowing that wherever I stick it on the map, that's exactly where we're gonna wake up the next morning.
And you know what? I see it in Hank's eyes every single time he looks at me.
In his eyes.
Why is that so unbelievable to you? Oh.
What's unbelievable is it's taking you so long to fix the damn clock.
Unless, of course, you have a good reason.
Perhaps, Laila, you're waiting for something.
Okay, here it comes.
That's it? More math? This doesn't make sense.
It feels like Einstein made it impossible.
Not just that he didn't want the wrong person to find the clock.
He didn't want anyone to.
Or maybe his blackboard is just a damn blackboard, and we're just wasting time.
I think we missed something.
It's a clue.
This part here, the part he erased, I think it's a cryptovariable.
So what does that mean? It means that the part he erased from his blackboard isn't a math problem.
It's a math solution.
Like a decoder? Exactly.
But a decoder for what? Well, maybe all of this.
Give me a pen, something, anything to write with.
Can I borrow your flashlight? Yeah.
You all right? Yeah.
Einstein's files.
Did you know that in the hospital, the last thing for was a piece of paper and a pencil? I cannot spend my whole life searching for answers.
Mercer Oak.
I've I've read about that.
Hey, guys, we got a lead on the clock.
Mercer Oak.
It's a tree halfway between Einstein's house and his office, and he used to stop there every day for lunch.
Hank, where are you? 28th street.
I-I can't hear.
I'm going outside.
I just just just wait where you are.
I'm coming.
It's Laila.
She's leaving a trail.
Hank! Laila? Hank! I'm glad you got my message.
Where is she? I thought you knew exactly where she was, what with those little clues she's been leaving you all day.
At first I was angry, but then I realized, that's the best way to get what I wanted.
And what is that? Isn't that obvious? Some time alone with you, brother.
My team found the next clock.
I can tell you where it is if if you give her back to me.
I'm afraid I'm not quite ready to do that.
I'd like to get to know you better.
Your wife filled in some of the details.
Mm, gushingly, in fact.
I-I don't understand.
What do you what do you want to know? How the two of you met, for starters.
How the two of us met? Uhh! How the two of you met, for starters.
Cambridge, four four years ago, at the unveiling of the Corpus Clock.
If I remember correctly, that is the clock with the locust on top.
The locust that eats time, reminding us that time always has the upper hand, always runs out As it will for your wife.
As it will for you, brother.
Stop calling me brother, okay? We have nothing in common.
You know that's not true.
We both understand the shame of the masquerade But I've come to offer you solace.
What are you talking about? I-I-I want to see them.
See what? The flaw, Hank! Show me the flaw! Ohh! Aah! Aah! Freeze! Wait here.
Uhh! Let me tell you why you're not going to shoot me.
Aah! Uhh! Uhh! We should be formally acquainted.
Do we know one other? March 7, 2008.
You killed 270 people.
March 7? Flight 71.
Let me guess.
Husband? He had a name.
Theo Riley.
But you wouldn't know that.
You didn't know any of their names.
They were just collateral damage in a plane crash that you caused for God knows what reason! To you, he was nothing.
To me, he was everything.
Theo Riley.
Seat 17a.
Maybe he wasn't just collateral damage.
Maybe everyone else was.
You found it.
It's right where you said it would be.
Thank you.
We should celebrate.
The clock isn't the goal.
It's a means to the end, something to trade.
We will celebrate when Laila's home.
There's something down there.
- What? - At the bottom.
Look at what we found inside Einstein's clock.
Beck talked about this.
She said that on his deathbed, The last thing he asked for was a piece of paper and a pencil.
We could be looking at Einstein's final thoughts.
Is Paige still here? - No, she left.
- Bring her back.
We need to translate this.
Queen of heav'n the ocean star guide of the wand'rer here below thrown on life's surge we claim thy care save us from peril and from woe mother of Christ star of the sea pray for the wand'rer pray for me o gentle chaste and spotless mind I have some information I think can help you and and your friend.
This sect that you asked about, they call themselves "The Shepherds.
" Their mission is to protect only the holiest of relics, those that are touched by God himself.
They're ready to give their lives and and take lives, if need arises.
Who are they protecting the relics from? They're known only as the Great Pirates.
You had a visit with my friend? What did he tell you? What's it say? "I have always regretted the role I played in the development of the atomic bomb.
" "But I have a chance to atone for that now, to stop something even more destructive.
" From Princeton, New Jersey, the emergency committee of atomic scientists, headed by Dr.
Einstein, has issued an urgent appeal.
"We scientists who released this immense power have overwhelming responsibility in this world life-and-death struggle" Good.
"The line has been crossed.
" Now go do your chores.
"The line that once separated man from his Creator.
We have found a way to not only destroy man but God.