Zorro (2024) s01e03 Episode Script

La apuesta

How much is your
curiosity worth, gentlemen?
In Los Angeles,
very few can match your stakes,
Mr Ramírez.
You're one of them, Mr Tchang.
The richest Chinaman in Los Angeles, no?
I'm just the simple owner
of a gaming room
where my compatriots amuse themselves.
So you're folding?
My curiosity is great, Mr Ramírez.
Greater than my hand?
Confucius says there are three ways
to acquire wisdom.
Reflection, the noblest.
Imagination, the simplest.
And experience,
the bitterest.
Thank you for the lesson, Mr Ramírez.
What does Confucius say
about double or nothing?
Thank you for your kind invitation,
but I've lost everything
I brought to gamble today.
Not everything.
Don't do it, Mr. Tchang.
Will you scorn my offer, Mr Tchang?
It would be a discourtesy.
Highest card.
Mr Tchang, may I see my sister?
Mei is no longer here.
Go home, girl. It's late.
I want to see my sister!
Mr Tchang!
Mr Tchang!
I want to see my sister!
Good morning.
Good morning, my girl.
How do you feel?
I feel good.
- You look good.
- What are you doing?
- I'm going to practice.
- You're still convalescing.
Dr. Ros said I could carry on
my normal life if I felt better.
Say something to her.
There's Diego de la Vega!
- Welcome.
- Thanks.
Such a surprise, Diego.
- Thanks.
- Who are these for?
Are you going to shoot him?
It isn't loaded.
Good, because your legs
are shaking a little.
You could hit your father.
You're such a joker, mom.
- Where are you going?
- I told you, to practice.
- Diego has come to visit you.
- I don't want to see him.
He saved your life.
Tell him I'm convalescing.
Flowers, how thoughtful.
Quite the gentleman.
Go ahead, son.
- Doña Lucía.
- Diego, how nice.
For you.
Thank you. You shouldn't have!
It's no bother, it's a pleasure.
These are for Lolita.
How is she feeling?
I don't think now is a good time.
Lolita was feeling light-headed
and went to rest.
I'm sorry.
No, don't worry.
She's fine, isn't she, dear?
Yes, it was just an isolated episode.
Then give her this from me
and tell her I wish her
a speedy recovery.
If you don't mind, I'll return
another time to see how she is.
- Of course.
- You're always welcome.
Why didn't you let me tell him
that Lolita doesn't want to see him?
Because what Lolita wants
is not what's good for her.
For her or the family.
Boss! Boss!
What happened, Juan?
A varmint, boss. It got to the cattle.
Let's go.
What are you doing here?
I was going to practice,
but I heard the shrieking.
It looks like a puma.
Diego came to see you.
As you may realize,
I'm much more useful here.
That was very rude.
Don't let it happen again, please.
- How many has it killed, Manuel?
- With this, three.
Strange that it came down
from the mountains.
It must be very hungry.
If it's hungry, it'll be back.
We must set traps.
What are you doing here?
I have nothing to say to you.
Weren't you supposed to
be unwell?
I went to see you.
How kind.
I'm fine, thanks. You can go.
I'll go then.
Lolita, I came to explain.
No, really, I'm not interested.
Then I'll go.
You behaved like a coward.
I was trying to prevent more deaths.
Doing nothing is trying
to prevent more deaths?
Your impatience almost got us killed.
I asked you to be calm.
Why, to wait for Zorro
to come and rescue us?
No, I was looking for
the right moment.
Sure. You tried to ally yourself
with the head robber. It's shameful!
I didn't know you were
a coward as well as selfish.
Lolita, you have no idea.
No? Then explain.
I'm listening.
Zorro wasn't coming.
How do you know?
Because he tried to kill me.
You're wrong.
But I saved your life.
- Lolita, please, not again.
- Shut up.
Put the gun down, please.
Okay, it wasn't just my idea,
it was Monasterio's too.
Thank you.
If you saved my life, now we're even.
I brought the poison.
Lolita hunted down the puma.
- It was reckless.
- She's her father's daughter.
She certainly didn't inherit
my common sense.
She inherited your beauty.
It's good that you brought provisions.
The Governor's coming
for dinner tomorrow night.
Don't worry, I'll see to it.
Juan, Manuel, unload the wagon
and take it all to the kitchen.
Right away, boss.
Clean off this thing you drew.
It's the Zorro symbol.
Who's Zorro?
No one.
Clean off this thing.
Are you real?
Did you summon me?
You are real!
I knew it!
It's incredible.
I need you to lower your voice.
I don't want anyone hearing me.
You came!
I was told you were a legend,
but I knew you weren't.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Do you understand me?
- You have to help me.
- What?
Because you help everyone.
We have a problem.
We don't understand each other.
So, you stay here and I'll be right back.
An explosion in the mine!
- Boss!
- Mr Ramírez!
There's been an explosion
in Ramirez's mine.
We need you and Dr. Ros.
What happened?
The gallery suddenly exploded.
There are more people inside.
- Why are you standing there?
- Quick! Call the boss!
Don't worry. You're safe.
Can you communicate with the Chinese?
Then put that on, please.
Why does she think
her sister may be dead?
Because she works for
the boss of the gaming room?
Of the Chinese.
Then I'll find out
what happened to her.
And if she's alive, I'll bring her back.
How many men died?
14, it seems.
6 natives, the rest Chinese.
Is that a problem?
No, a setback.
What does Zorro have
to do with all this?
That man is a problem.
His intentions are never good.
Under the façade
of the defender of the people
is a fraud and a killer
who works for his own benefit.
You seem to know the matter well.
Why not?
Zorro is the worst enemy
of order in California.
That's right.
Perhaps he was the cause
of the explosion.
In any case, Monasterio
will haunt him down soon.
Isn't that right, Captain?
I was on the point of doing so.
He won't escape me again.
And I'm glad you put
my daughter's life before your duty.
We'll set the wedding date
when you catch him.
Don't joke about that, please.
In Russia no woman jokes
about something like that.
Right, director?
Of course.
Or in California.
Then I'll take it as a challenge.
Well, that said,
we must toast to
the prompt capture of Zorro
and to the future wedding of the
Captain and Señorita Márquez.
An amontillado, gentlemen?
I have an excellent one.
The wine is the only thing
I miss from Spain.
No, thank you. It'd be a waste.
- Rosario, please
- My dear, I'll go. I'll pour.
Thank you, Rosario.
I know it's not customary here, but
in my country it's not strange
for women to drink.
Especially when it's
such a special wine.
Of course.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
- May I help you?
- No, there's no need.
It's no bother, really. I insist.
I'm sorry.
I'm very clumsy.
It's a pity about the dress.
I should go fix it now
so that it's not ruined.
Could you get me some water?
Please, Rosario.
Come in.
We both know it doesn't come out
with just water. What's your intention?
To help you.
I saw you.
You were going to poison him.
The Governor sent Monasterio to the loans
house knowing that Lolita was inside.
He was going to sacrifice her.
- And Monasterio?
- He knew nothing.
The Governor said he didn't know
who the hostages were.
He only cared about catching Zorro.
I understand your anger.
But you must control it.
Otherwise you'll ruin
your future and your daughter's.
Is that what you want?
What was this wedding thing about?
If you want to stay ahead
of your enemy, keep him close.
No one better than Monasterio
to find out the Governor's scheme.
And if he captures Zorro?
Another will come along.
Isn't that what always happens?
Get out of here! And don't come back!
I'm a friend of Mr Tchang.
We're all friends of Mr Tchang here.
A demon!
- I won't hurt you.
- Don't kill me!
- Go see what happens.
- Yes.
Don't kill me!
Bring him to me.
Your sword.
Leave me alone.
I haven't done anything to you.
Don't waste your time.
I know you understand me.
Where's Mei?
With Ramírez.
He won her at cards.
You gambled with her?
You can't say no to Ramírez.
If he gets angry, there's no work.
We do what they let us do:
wash clothes and work in the mines.
That's the others.
You keep their money.
Do you see any Chinese
in the cantina?
They let me in to lose.
Nice try.
Confucius says:
"While the wise man points
to the moon,
the fool looks at his finger".
Shoot if you like.
It's not loaded.
Translate for him.
It isn't loaded, stupid!
I find it hard to believe.
Ramirez was a friend of my father.
Is it true what Tchang said?
Carmen Díaz de la Madrid,
her brother, Ramírez
Are all the ranchers the same?
And my father?
You knew him as a young man
in Capistrano.
Was he just as reserved?
I admired him.
I know he loved me.
And you too.
I'll go see Ramirez,
to see what I can find out.
I know you're there.
I saw you.
Can you believe it?
6 natives and 8 Chinese have died
and they come to protest.
They're stubborn as mules,
just like the damned Indians.
Do you want to know
the only good thing about them?
They work for nothing.
Why do you want them?
I'm thinking of reopening
the Scotsman's mine my father had.
No, listen to me.
There's nothing of value there.
I tried some years ago
and found nothing.
Still, if you want to try your luck,
I can sell you some explosives.
Thank you, I'll bear it in mind.
The whip is the universal language.
It is.
It sure is.
My husband died in the mine.
If he was a good Christian,
he'll be in heaven.
What'll become of us now?
Of us?
What'll become of me?
Do you want to know
what's a problem?
Recovering my losses.
Too many soldiers.
For that I must get ten men.
Do you want help?
Do you?!
How many children do you have?
Two? Three?
That's the only thing you know how to do.
Send your oldest to take
his father's place in the mine.
We'll wait.
And De la Vega?
He's not here.
The defender of the oppressed.
I don't know if you understand me,
but I won't hurt you, alright?
Sure, with these
I'm going to cut this for you.
But I need you to be quiet.
No, no, no. Be quiet.
Who cares about the souls
of those wretches?
Because of them
I'm going to lose a week.
They can all rot in hell.
Why are you standing there
like good-for-nothings?
I don't want anyone disturbing me.
Maybe you'll do that right at least.
She's coming with me.
And if I find out you're trying
to get her back or you buy anyone again,
I'll be back.
And instead of a Z,
it'll be a cross.
Boss, are you alright?
Forget it, I'm not going back.
Mei, please.
You know I can't.
I need you.
Don't ask.
So, her father sold her to Tchang.
Are you sure
you understood her well?
If she goes home, her father will
punish her and send her back to Tchang.
And Tchang will give her
back to Ramirez.
I thought these things
didn't happen in California.
Hood man.
Hood man.
Hood man.
It's the first thing I thought of.
You're not going to tell her
your real name?
Hood man.
Hood man.
For now she'll stay here,
in the cave.
You'll take care of her.
You're a model Christian, Diego.
No, Father.
I just have more money than I need.
Can you get some
to the Chinese families?
I'll try. I don't find it easy
to deal with them.
They're wary.
They think my only interest
is in converting them.
Maybe not the only one,
but they're not wrong.
I've heard they live
in appalling conditions.
Bordering on slavery.
Slavery has been abolished in Mexico
since independence from Spain
and should not exist in California.
But reality is something else.
What do you mean?
It's not enough to free people.
One must teach them to be free.
Or the problem will remain
in another form.
What happened?
Bernardo, how can she
have run away?
Yes, I suppose you didn't
open the door for her to go.
She took Tornado!
How could you let her
take my horse, Bernardo?
Tornado is Zorro's horse?
But I'm Zorro, aren't I?
How do we get her back?
No, I don't think Mei
has gone back to Tchang.
Or to her house.
It'd get her in big trouble.
He can find his way back alone?
Then maybe he can take me
to where she went.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Are you alright?
I'm very sorry.
I didn't want to do it.
I just wanted to go far away.
And to be free, but they found me.
I warned you to leave her alone.
Poor thing.
I've had her walking past
the window for three hours.
But it was worth it.
He's here!
Are you alright?
Well, well.
Here we are again,
with the memories still fresh
from our last encounter.
What did you say you'd do
to me if you came back?
I remember now.
A cross.
But thinking it over,
I shall give that cross to you.
But first I have to see
what name we'll give her.
De la Vega?
I don't believe it.
You know what's so funny?
I'm going to shoot you
just as they shot your father.
And I know
because I was there when it happened.
Who killed my father?
You want to know before you die?
Your desire will be unfulfilled.
Thus will you go to hell.
Better that treacherous rat
tells you when you meet.
What's going on?
We're under attack!
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