13 Reasons Why (2017) s01e04 Episode Script
Tape 2, Side B
1 Shh.
For this next one, you need to be very, very quiet.
Because you're about to do something very wrong.
Be careful.
And don't get caught.
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to watch someone? To invade someone's privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might uncover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for this next one, you're about to find out.
A-4 on your map, kids.
Mother Now, don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing, because guess what? You spy on people every day.
We're always watching someone.
Following someone.
And being followed.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram they've made us a society of stalkers.
And we love it.
Of course, stalking someone in real life is a whole 'nother thing.
That's right.
I had a stalker.
And if you've made it to A-4, you're outside his window.
Just like I am right now.
Any guesses yet? No? Well, stay tuned to hear about the skeletons he dug up.
For now let's see if he's got any of his own.
I get that it's a thrill looking into someone's life.
My heart's pounding right now.
Can you hear it? Listen.
Marcus! You asshole.
What the hell? - What are you doing? - Sorry, okay? I said your name, like, three times.
What are you wearing? Oh, I totally forgot.
I'm El Niño.
The tropical storm? No? Okay.
Wow, I really hope you're not one of the judges tomorrow, 'cause Marcus, what are you doing? The costume contest.
Two hundred bucks.
Here what are you doing out here? Oh.
I heard you, man.
The car alarm.
I live right over there.
Besides, you're not the first one to come look at the famous window.
We all did it.
And we all took our shot.
Wait, "we"? Are you on the? Why? What did you do? Who knows? Okay? I didn't listen.
I just started each tape till I heard who it was, figured out who came after me, and passed 'em on.
But what about the second set? - Hannah said that if we don't listen - Hannah said.
Dude, Hannah's dead.
I'm sorry, but it's true.
Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school.
She just wanted attention.
And leaving those tapes that's a fucked-up thing to do! No one deserves that.
Except maybe that psycho.
Tyler Down? Dude, listen, take your shot and pass those things on, man.
You'll feel better.
We need to get this window fixed, Tyler.
It's time.
They're just gonna break it again.
Who are these kids? We need names.
I want to report it to the school or to the police.
We don't need to.
Just forget it.
I don't know who they are, Dad, okay? Why are they doing this? I said I don't know, okay? Can I just do my homework, please? Yeah.
Welcome to your tape, Tyler Down.
Good night.
So, tell me when did it start? How long were you watching me, Tyler? I can't believe you don't like them.
Look, I'm just saying, I don't Okay, vampires, aliens, even werewolves, I get it.
I get the motivation, I get the metaphors, right? But, like, zombies? They're just They're just stupid.
So you hate zombies? You're a zombie racist.
Just, like, I don't understand 'em.
What's their story? They don't want to take over the world, kill their masters, anything interesting.
They're not good or evil.
They're just hungry for brains.
I mean, like, brains.
Well thank you for walking me home.
And for destroying all future zombie media for me forever.
Turn around, dude.
I didn't really think anything of it at first.
Must have been the sound of a tree branch in the wind.
But the sound followed me.
I was too scared to move even to shut the blinds.
These pictures are proof.
They're gonna help us in the fight.
And if we tear this room apart I don't want to tear this room apart, and I'm not sure I want to fight.
We have to.
For Hannah.
What about for us? Honey, our daughter is gone.
Christ, Andy, I know that! I have to know why.
I need to know why.
And if you don't, I I didn't sleep much that night.
You should know.
But then, the pictures you took that night aren't the reason you're on this tape, are they? We're talking about one picture in particular.
Goddamn it, Tyler.
How bad is it? Oh, um Hey, Dad.
How bad is what? I'll never forget my first hangover.
Uh Yeah.
Is that what I'm feeling? Ugh.
I prefer to leave my lectures in the lecture hall, but, you know there's actually an important lesson to be learned from a hangover.
Don't drink? Sure, but you'll drink.
It happens.
The overarching lesson is that actions have consequences.
Judging from the way you look, you've probably suffered enough for today.
What is that? Hot sauce, horseradish, kale, a raw egg, and, uh, about six other things designed to cure a hangover.
Oh, no, don't smell it.
Just drink.
So, listen, uh, I talked to Mom about the grounding situation and all it entails, and I managed to convince her to stay her ruling, on one condition: You gotta start opening up to us, kid.
Just you know, let us know what's going on.
Only enough to keep us informed.
And your mother also prefers no more closed doors.
Literal and figurative.
Oh, and no big spread this morning.
It's just us, so cereal okay? Wait, where's Mom? So, mood swings.
Refusal to participate in group activities, change in their appearance You're making me feel like a bad student.
I'm starting to feel like a bad parent.
declining GPA and substance abuse.
Now, paying close attention to these warning signs can help you prevent your children from making a terrible mistake.
Thank you, Mr.
Porter, for that informative presentation.
If anybody has questions, we're happy to answer now.
Yeah? What can you tell us about this lawsuit? Was that girl bullied? Actually, legally, we are not allowed to discuss that, but we can all become more involved in our children's lives, okay? And that starts at home.
Yeah? Should we be worried about our own kids being bullied? In our experience, relative to many other schools, we do not have a problem with bullying.
Then why did that girl do it? That girl's name is Hannah.
It's so good to see you.
We didn't know you'd be joining us.
Well, I'm still a member of the school community, right? And if you want to know why I suggest you ask your own children.
Or take a look at the walls of the restrooms they use every day.
" "Slut.
" "Whore.
" "Die.
" Die! These are the words carved on the walls of the bathrooms they use, and your kids did the carving.
Wait, hey, Tyler.
I'm sorry, man.
This fucking chain is gay.
You look really hot.
- I look like a punk rock dog.
- Mmm-hmm.
What? Justin, what? You said you wanted to do this.
I do.
I'm here, right? I'm doing it.
What the fuck are you looking at, Jensen? He's checking out our awesome costumes.
Clay gets it, right? Yeah.
Sid Vicious, born John Ritchie, bassist for the Sex Pistols, and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen.
But you know how the story ends, right? What? How does the story end? Thanks, Clay.
How does the story end? I don't know.
I think you kill me.
Alex, hey.
Alex! Hey.
Have you seen Tyler? Why? I did research about what he did.
- I think that we should - No, see, there's no "we," okay? You should be very careful about who you talk to.
There he is! Jensen! Nice work last night, buddy.
You can hold your booze.
Yeah, I bet he puked like a bitch.
Fuck you, Dempsey.
You puked on three wine coolers last weekend.
Yeah, because they were strawberry.
I'm allergic.
I'm having a Halloween thing at my place, super small.
You should come.
Alex will be there.
I uh, I'll think about it.
What, you got something else to do? How about French? Madame Steinberg? You needed help with the homework.
Why would I need your help I mean, yeah, sure.
Think about it, Jensen.
I have a better grade than you in French.
I was just trying to help.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Where was your help last night? Where'd you go? I had a family thing.
- Family thing? - Yeah.
That's good.
"Megan is a whore and a" what on earth is a "cum dumpster"? Well, sir, I assume well, it could be a guy or a girl, actually.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
These kids, they can't even spell, and they come up with this shit.
How have we never seen this before? Oh, well, faculty is not supposed to be in the students' restroom.
I could call the janitorial staff and see if they could repaint these walls.
Well, I think we should, although I don't know how this is going to calm Olivia Baker at all.
I'm wondering if her husband is any more reasonable.
I actually know Andy a bit.
I shop at their store.
I understand about the grief, all right? It's just the It's the grasping for blame.
It's just graffiti, right? Oh, my God! In honor of Halloween, your in-class essay today will analyze this quote from chapter four of Beyond Good and Evil: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster.
" Psst.
I'm worried about you, Clay.
Why aren't you entering the costume contest? Because I'm not wearing a costume.
Can you think of the abyss in your own life? Can you think of an occasion in the book where the protagonist lost their way? - What monsters have you - Psst.
You're gonna get in trouble.
Watch and learn.
- You sleep in class? - Are you kidding? With my schedule, power naps are essential.
I just couldn't sleep last night.
Obsessing over the history exam? Uh, no.
About who you're going to take to Winter Formal? People take people to that? Quiet study, please.
What else has you up nights? I think there's someone outside my window.
What, like a burglar? Like someone taking pictures.
No way! Shh.
Nothing that interesting ever happens to me.
I'm not sure "interesting" is the first word that comes to mind.
It's sort of awful.
You have to do something about it.
Like what? I don't know.
But I'll help.
I didn't realize you were taking photography.
Yep, the project is all about contrast, which is why we have to do it at night, and which is why I have to sleep over.
- It's due tomorrow.
- I see.
I would like your parents' number, just in case.
Already put the Bakers in your contacts.
You'll make sure to text me before you go to bed? Yes.
And you're sure you don't want me to help I've got it, Dad, really.
Okay, okay.
He's very involved.
That's the worst, right? No, it's cool.
I like that you can just talk to him.
I wish I could do that.
Grass is always greener, I guess.
That was the first time I've ever lied to either of them.
Welcome to the dark side.
Technically, it's for bears.
Supposedly, like, blinds the bears, giving you time to run away.
So, who do you think it could be? I don't know, but there's this creepy old dude on the corner who walks with an umbrella on perfectly sunny days.
- Weird.
- Exactly.
My money's on him.
He's gonna need more than an umbrella to block the rays of this thing.
Wanna see? You may want to look away.
I'm amazed you still shoot on film.
I shoot all different ways, but film really makes you focus on the image you're creating.
It's not just there for you on a screen.
These are really good.
I need you to print a few for the tribute issue.
- Okay.
- Can you get them in time? Yeah, I'm already started.
That one.
That one.
This candid.
This one.
You really did capture her, didn't you? Um I've really got a lot of work to do.
Do you think you could? - Yeah.
- Yeah, okay, cool.
Yeah, no, um You've got a real eye.
Jesus, Clay, what are you doing in here? Just seeing what our prize-winning photographer is working on.
Interesting stuff.
Well, no, don't.
This is all for yearbook only.
You're not supposed to be here.
Really? You're gonna call me out on trespassing? I heard your tape.
And throwing a rock through my window isn't enough? I didn't throw one.
So, what do you want, then? I want you to delete the photos you took.
Destroy the negatives.
- Or I'm turning you in.
- Turning me in? What, are you gonna turn everybody in? Like Justin and Alex? You stalked her.
I'm the student life photographer, okay? I stalk everybody.
It's my job.
That means you stand outside everyone's windows? - No, it doesn't mean that.
- That's a relief.
'Cause a first-time offense is only six months in jail, but for repeat offenders, that's a year.
That's not a thing.
Criminal invasion of a minor's privacy.
Look it up.
I don't think they'll let you have a camera in prison, but maybe you can draw pictures.
- I'm not a criminal.
- You are.
- And you're a creep.
- I just took pictures.
- You humiliated her.
- I didn't mean to.
- You ruined her.
- I loved her! And I know I barely knew her, but I I saw her.
Most people, you put a camera on them, and they smile.
They pose.
They basically fake it.
You don't see them, you see their mask.
Whenever my camera was on Hannah, she was different.
Like, real, and I fell in love with that.
So, yeah, I took pictures of her, but that's because girls like that don't hang out with the yearbook guy, with me.
Why didn't you just talk to her? Why didn't you? What do you mean? Come on, I stalk everybody, remember? I don't miss much.
You loved her, too.
And all you did was watch her from the sidelines, so I guess we're not so different, are we? Delete the pictures, Tyler.
Destroy them.
All of them.
Come on.
You sure you don't want to keep just one? Okay, everybody.
Drumroll, please.
Tight race, you guys, but I think we've narrowed down our finalists.
We're gonna choose the winner by applause.
The costume with the most applause takes home 200 smackers, so Genius is so often misunderstood.
Mud divers! Hey, you okay? Yeah.
You kept listening, didn't you? I know that feeling, man.
Hurts bad, I know it.
Let yourself off the hook.
Hannah's gone.
And it's terrible, but we've got to live on.
And let go.
Come hang out with everybody tonight.
Bring the tapes.
We'll figure it out.
Okay, okay, okay.
Ladies and gents, I think we have a winner! Justin and Jessica, as sexy punk rockers! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Sid and Nancy, for fuck's sake.
Come on! Whoo! Pathetic, right? - What? - The way they celebrate themselves and just their whole group.
It's It's better to stay outside of it all.
You know? No, I don't know.
Seriously? You're following me into the bathroom now? Silent treatment.
You know what? Good.
'Cause I'm tired of it all anyway.
- Clay.
- Oh, it speaks! Clay, those guys are using you.
They just want to shut you down.
And whatever they're offering you, they're lying.
You lied to me.
You lied about where you were last night.
I saw you.
With your brothers.
I saw you beating up that guy.
Or were you just "helping" him too? Clay.
Clay! Oh, fuck.
- Still open? - Still open.
Oh, thank God.
My wife would kill me if I came home empty-handed again.
You got uh, two different sizes here.
I got two different kids, two and a half and nine months.
I'm running on fumes here.
I think I slept a few hours last week.
I remember those times.
Oh! We ran out of these last year.
You know, I fought having the Walplex move in, too.
I mean, maybe it's open late, but it's not this, you know? It's not people we know.
Well, thank you.
We appreciate your business.
'Course, if I've learned anything from watching high school football, the bigger team always seems to win.
Am I right? Um Look, I know this whole lawsuit thing has made it hard to talk to people, but if you ever needed someone to talk to Not me, of course.
That would be Um I could recommend someone.
You know, a professional.
Yeah, thank you, that's a very kind offer, but, uh I think we're handling it our own way.
Don't forget your keys.
Good luck with your store.
Come on! Hey, hey, whoa, whoa! What are you guys doing? Let's go, let's go! Get out of here.
Drop it, right now! You stay right there while I call the police.
- Wait, this wasn't me.
- It's in your hand.
No, I was taking it down.
Baker, I knew Hannah.
We used to work together.
I was riding by, and I saw these kids You knew Hannah? I did.
Would you want to come inside? Sure.
We won't be late.
I don't know.
Maybe we should just change the reservations to another night.
They'll be fine.
I think this place will probably charge the card if we move it.
You said you wanted a nice restaurant.
Um, what are you guys still doing here? Your mother thinks that we should stay home.
And break date night? You guys, go.
Do, yeah, date night things I'm trying not to picture right now.
- The only thing - We've got pizza money.
I'm just thinking maybe I should cook dinner for your new friend.
She's gonna be my new ex-friend if you guys don't stop acting weird.
- Okay.
- Okay.
All right, have fun.
Thank you.
- I love you.
- Okay, bye.
Alone at last.
Shall we? Okay, so Once it's dark and we hear him outside the window We open the window and flash the light.
And expose creepy umbrella guy.
Aah! Oh, my God, don't say "expose.
" What if he's? Eww.
For the first time, I'm freaking.
Me too.
Do we need courage? I could use some courage.
My husband was the one who suggested that we not give out candy this year.
He thought seeing all the kids would make me too emotional.
Now all it's done is attract them.
I'm really sorry.
Kids can be Yes.
They can.
Did you Did you want a soda or something? I'm really fine, thank you.
Hannah didn't have many friends, so I'm I'm thrilled to finally meet one.
Clay, was it? Yes.
Clay Jensen.
You do look familiar, though.
You two worked together? Right.
At the Crestmont.
I wonder if she said anything to you.
Did she ever talk to you about her experiences at school? Uh, experiences? I mean, did she ever say anything to you that would indicate that she might have been mistreated or bullied in any way? I, uh we didn't really talk about that kind of thing, I guess.
Maybe I was more of, um an acquaintance than a close friend.
I see.
We moved to this town for a fresh start.
For all of us, but especially for Hannah.
You just ask yourself over and over what happened? Todd.
Andy! Hey! I, uh, wow, I guess you got curious too, about all this Walplex nonsense.
Listen, Dr.
Mendez hasn't called in your refill.
It's been a couple of months.
Should I give him a ring? Uh, no, I'm No, there's no need.
Okay, well Take care.
Give my best to Olivia, please.
Thank you for this.
Now I know who's responsible.
You are! You killed Hannah! Who does that? Who? The whole thing.
Like Wait.
Shut up, wait.
So the whole Justin thing was just a rumor? I totally thought you guys went to third.
Just first.
Also, why someone picked the most boring sport ever to mark our sexual milestones still kind of baffles me.
My God.
I am so sorry.
I totally misjudged you.
It's cool.
I misjudge me all the time.
Boys are assholes.
Sometimes I think we'd be better off without them.
I will drink to that.
What is in this? Vodka, Scotch, Kahlúa, and and just enough of anything the parents won't notice is missing! It's kind of like when you run your soda cup under the fountain drinks at the Crestmont, just, you know, with liquor.
Yeah, my friend Kat and I used to call it a suicide.
I can't imagine why.
So, yeah, we kind of lost track of the plan.
Your turn.
I dare you to take another drink.
But it was so nice having a new friend.
Boring! Well, I don't know.
Okay, your turn.
I dare you to take off your bra.
Under your shirt.
I dare you to take off your shirt.
Um I dare you to kiss me.
Yeah, right.
- Seriously? - Come on.
Doesn't mean anything.
Come on.
Here, I'll close my eyes.
Everything okay? Sorry, I just got turned around on my way back from This is Hannah's room? Yes.
It is.
But you knew that already.
I what? I knew you looked familiar.
I saw you standing outside that window.
I was just, uh No, it's okay.
I'm not angry.
But, um Maybe we could help each other.
You must have questions.
It's actually It's getting late, Mrs.
No, no, no.
Please, Clay.
I'm just trying to piece things together.
You don't need My parents are expecting me home.
No, we We never got a note.
We never got a reason.
So now my daughter might as well be an acquaintance to me, too.
I have some of her things, some of her photos, and, um, her notes.
We could look at them together.
Wait wait here? It's hard to say exactly how things turned, but let's just say that night, things escalated quickly.
While Courtney didn't hear my stalker arrive I did.
Thankfully, I found a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Who are you? Tyler? Tyler Down? Oh, my God, you said it was some creepy guy from down the street! I thought it was.
Uh, I should - Wait.
- I should go.
What? No.
Courtney, wait.
Come back.
Please, I just want to talk.
I'm sorry, my mom's waiting for me.
I'm sorry.
Remember when I said you wouldn't believe the skeletons Tyler found? Turns out they weren't mine.
They were Courtney's.
- Everything okay? - Everything's great.
Um, I'm sorry I left last night.
I just wasn't feeling well.
Should we at least talk about it? There's nothing to talk about.
Listen, I'm going to get those pictures from Tyler, so don't worry about that.
Yeah, okay.
You should.
Is this all of them? Yeah.
Um, Hannah, wait.
Um Would you ever want to hang out? You want to hang out with me? I guess we all have secrets.
And nobody likes it when their secret gets out.
What did you do? Whoa, what's wrong? No, I talked to Tyler this morning.
- He told me he got rid of all of them.
- Well, he lied.
Group-texted half the school.
Okay, look, calm down.
No one can tell that's us.
You don't think they'll figure it out? I shouldn't even be seen talking to you right now.
- Because of a stupid picture? - Come on, Hannah.
You of all people should know what a picture can do to a person's life.
Me of all people? I told you Just stay away from me, okay? Courtney.
Funny thing is, no one ever found out it was us.
That whole fall, everyone looked at that picture.
I'd imagine some boys more than once.
But no one ever knew who it was.
Well, now you know.
So, just, a gentle reminder about closed doors.
Old habits.
I'll work on it.
Your mother has dinner ready.
And a special surprise.
Be right down.
Like I said, we're a society of stalkers.
We're all guilty.
We all look.
We all think things we're ashamed of.
The only difference is, Tyler you got caught.
Guys, I have to go out after dinner, okay? Won't be long.
Where you going? What are you doing here? Your mom invited me.
There you are! I ran into Tony's dad at school today.
I haven't seen Tony in so long, I thought, invite him to dinner.
You have three older brothers? God, I only had one, and we fought constantly.
Though, to be fair, he's an asshole.
Matt! Well, we actually get along pretty well.
Really? I feel I saw you guys fighting recently.
Well, that's true.
We're not afraid of confrontation, but at the end of the day, we always know whose side we're on.
How's that history project going? With the cassettes.
That's a good question.
How are things going, Clay? I, uh I think I'm done, actually.
Oh, yeah? - Already? - Yeah.
I think I'm just gonna pass the project on to the next student.
Sounds very collaborative.
A colleague of mine is studying collaborative learning theory.
It actually strengthens your synapses.
Um Yeah, it's - It's like our oral history is - Trick or treat! passed down through the generations.
That kind of thing.
It's the oral tradition.
Except if we don't finish our part first, we could fail the whole assignment.
Right? We could.
But I doubt it.
I would hate for us to have to face those repercussions.
Maybe we won't.
Maybe those repercussions aren't even real.
As your project partner, I would highly recommend that we Are you my partner? The assignment was very clear what would happen if we broke the rules.
The assignment was given by a dead person.
In history.
The historical figure is dead, obviously.
Sure, sure.
In a sense, all our assignments are given by dead people.
Hmm? I mean, we came here to get away from the fucking Walplexes and and now, they've not only followed us, but but they're stealing our customers.
Walplex isn't the reason why people aren't coming in, Andy.
They're scared of us.
They can't face us.
What can we do about that? We could fight.
You know, take on the monolith.
We've got those pictures from the bathroom that you took.
We have that list.
And if that's not enough, we're just gonna have to find something else, because we have to let them know this is not a senseless tragedy, that there are reasons why this happened.
That our little girl has a face.
And a name.
That guy you saw last night.
He messed with my sister.
Me and my brothers took care of it.
Messed with You should call the police.
The police in my neighborhood are a little different than yours.
Sometimes when there's no justice, you make it for yourself.
Don't go to Bryce's.
Don't listen to Marcus.
Just don't do it.
Why not? It's not what Hannah wanted.
How do you know what Hannah wanted? Hey, how do you even Marcus told me he just passed the tapes on.
- Marcus lied.
- How do you know? There probably isn't even a second set of tapes.
It's probably all bullshit.
Hey, it's Hannah.
Hannah Baker.
That's right.
Don't adjust your whatever device you're hearing this on.
It's me, live and in stereo.
Thing is even though Tyler stopped coming around I never stopped feeling afraid.
So what could I do after that? First the school, then my house even my own bedroom.
Nowhere was safe.
You took all that away.
You guys have any idea how much shit I'm in with Jessica? - Where the fuck is he? - He'll be here.
If he doesn't show, we're done making friends.
We do it my way.
- What is your way, exactly? - We make him understand.
Yeah, understand what? Candy's in the bowl.
You got a delivery.
Holy shit, is that them? - The fuck! Those are for my dad! - Uh Dude! I must be, like, really stoned or something.
Okay, we should not be doing this at his house.
Really? Should we do it at yours? - He's going to find out.
- Maybe he should.
Maybe that's how this ends.
This ends with Clay.
Whatever we have to do, okay? You're freaking me out.
Maybe you're too fucking stoned, huh? You made me paranoid, Tyler.
So now I'm giving that to you.
Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did.
But I can make you understand how it felt to be me.
That's why I'm outside your window, Tyler.
And after people hear this, I bet I won't be the only one.
Knock knock, Tyler.
Oh, shit.
Fucking Clay.
You're so done.
You're so fucking done.
For this next one, you need to be very, very quiet.
Because you're about to do something very wrong.
Be careful.
And don't get caught.
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to watch someone? To invade someone's privacy? Do you wonder what secrets you might uncover? What skeletons you might turn up? Well, for this next one, you're about to find out.
A-4 on your map, kids.
Mother Now, don't say you're too afraid or that you don't feel comfortable doing this kind of thing, because guess what? You spy on people every day.
We're always watching someone.
Following someone.
And being followed.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram they've made us a society of stalkers.
And we love it.
Of course, stalking someone in real life is a whole 'nother thing.
That's right.
I had a stalker.
And if you've made it to A-4, you're outside his window.
Just like I am right now.
Any guesses yet? No? Well, stay tuned to hear about the skeletons he dug up.
For now let's see if he's got any of his own.
I get that it's a thrill looking into someone's life.
My heart's pounding right now.
Can you hear it? Listen.
Marcus! You asshole.
What the hell? - What are you doing? - Sorry, okay? I said your name, like, three times.
What are you wearing? Oh, I totally forgot.
I'm El Niño.
The tropical storm? No? Okay.
Wow, I really hope you're not one of the judges tomorrow, 'cause Marcus, what are you doing? The costume contest.
Two hundred bucks.
Here what are you doing out here? Oh.
I heard you, man.
The car alarm.
I live right over there.
Besides, you're not the first one to come look at the famous window.
We all did it.
And we all took our shot.
Wait, "we"? Are you on the? Why? What did you do? Who knows? Okay? I didn't listen.
I just started each tape till I heard who it was, figured out who came after me, and passed 'em on.
But what about the second set? - Hannah said that if we don't listen - Hannah said.
Dude, Hannah's dead.
I'm sorry, but it's true.
Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school.
She just wanted attention.
And leaving those tapes that's a fucked-up thing to do! No one deserves that.
Except maybe that psycho.
Tyler Down? Dude, listen, take your shot and pass those things on, man.
You'll feel better.
We need to get this window fixed, Tyler.
It's time.
They're just gonna break it again.
Who are these kids? We need names.
I want to report it to the school or to the police.
We don't need to.
Just forget it.
I don't know who they are, Dad, okay? Why are they doing this? I said I don't know, okay? Can I just do my homework, please? Yeah.
Welcome to your tape, Tyler Down.
Good night.
So, tell me when did it start? How long were you watching me, Tyler? I can't believe you don't like them.
Look, I'm just saying, I don't Okay, vampires, aliens, even werewolves, I get it.
I get the motivation, I get the metaphors, right? But, like, zombies? They're just They're just stupid.
So you hate zombies? You're a zombie racist.
Just, like, I don't understand 'em.
What's their story? They don't want to take over the world, kill their masters, anything interesting.
They're not good or evil.
They're just hungry for brains.
I mean, like, brains.
Well thank you for walking me home.
And for destroying all future zombie media for me forever.
Turn around, dude.
I didn't really think anything of it at first.
Must have been the sound of a tree branch in the wind.
But the sound followed me.
I was too scared to move even to shut the blinds.
These pictures are proof.
They're gonna help us in the fight.
And if we tear this room apart I don't want to tear this room apart, and I'm not sure I want to fight.
We have to.
For Hannah.
What about for us? Honey, our daughter is gone.
Christ, Andy, I know that! I have to know why.
I need to know why.
And if you don't, I I didn't sleep much that night.
You should know.
But then, the pictures you took that night aren't the reason you're on this tape, are they? We're talking about one picture in particular.
Goddamn it, Tyler.
How bad is it? Oh, um Hey, Dad.
How bad is what? I'll never forget my first hangover.
Uh Yeah.
Is that what I'm feeling? Ugh.
I prefer to leave my lectures in the lecture hall, but, you know there's actually an important lesson to be learned from a hangover.
Don't drink? Sure, but you'll drink.
It happens.
The overarching lesson is that actions have consequences.
Judging from the way you look, you've probably suffered enough for today.
What is that? Hot sauce, horseradish, kale, a raw egg, and, uh, about six other things designed to cure a hangover.
Oh, no, don't smell it.
Just drink.
So, listen, uh, I talked to Mom about the grounding situation and all it entails, and I managed to convince her to stay her ruling, on one condition: You gotta start opening up to us, kid.
Just you know, let us know what's going on.
Only enough to keep us informed.
And your mother also prefers no more closed doors.
Literal and figurative.
Oh, and no big spread this morning.
It's just us, so cereal okay? Wait, where's Mom? So, mood swings.
Refusal to participate in group activities, change in their appearance You're making me feel like a bad student.
I'm starting to feel like a bad parent.
declining GPA and substance abuse.
Now, paying close attention to these warning signs can help you prevent your children from making a terrible mistake.
Thank you, Mr.
Porter, for that informative presentation.
If anybody has questions, we're happy to answer now.
Yeah? What can you tell us about this lawsuit? Was that girl bullied? Actually, legally, we are not allowed to discuss that, but we can all become more involved in our children's lives, okay? And that starts at home.
Yeah? Should we be worried about our own kids being bullied? In our experience, relative to many other schools, we do not have a problem with bullying.
Then why did that girl do it? That girl's name is Hannah.
It's so good to see you.
We didn't know you'd be joining us.
Well, I'm still a member of the school community, right? And if you want to know why I suggest you ask your own children.
Or take a look at the walls of the restrooms they use every day.
" "Slut.
" "Whore.
" "Die.
" Die! These are the words carved on the walls of the bathrooms they use, and your kids did the carving.
Wait, hey, Tyler.
I'm sorry, man.
This fucking chain is gay.
You look really hot.
- I look like a punk rock dog.
- Mmm-hmm.
What? Justin, what? You said you wanted to do this.
I do.
I'm here, right? I'm doing it.
What the fuck are you looking at, Jensen? He's checking out our awesome costumes.
Clay gets it, right? Yeah.
Sid Vicious, born John Ritchie, bassist for the Sex Pistols, and his girlfriend Nancy Spungen.
But you know how the story ends, right? What? How does the story end? Thanks, Clay.
How does the story end? I don't know.
I think you kill me.
Alex, hey.
Alex! Hey.
Have you seen Tyler? Why? I did research about what he did.
- I think that we should - No, see, there's no "we," okay? You should be very careful about who you talk to.
There he is! Jensen! Nice work last night, buddy.
You can hold your booze.
Yeah, I bet he puked like a bitch.
Fuck you, Dempsey.
You puked on three wine coolers last weekend.
Yeah, because they were strawberry.
I'm allergic.
I'm having a Halloween thing at my place, super small.
You should come.
Alex will be there.
I uh, I'll think about it.
What, you got something else to do? How about French? Madame Steinberg? You needed help with the homework.
Why would I need your help I mean, yeah, sure.
Think about it, Jensen.
I have a better grade than you in French.
I was just trying to help.
- Yeah? - Yeah.
Where was your help last night? Where'd you go? I had a family thing.
- Family thing? - Yeah.
That's good.
"Megan is a whore and a" what on earth is a "cum dumpster"? Well, sir, I assume well, it could be a guy or a girl, actually.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
These kids, they can't even spell, and they come up with this shit.
How have we never seen this before? Oh, well, faculty is not supposed to be in the students' restroom.
I could call the janitorial staff and see if they could repaint these walls.
Well, I think we should, although I don't know how this is going to calm Olivia Baker at all.
I'm wondering if her husband is any more reasonable.
I actually know Andy a bit.
I shop at their store.
I understand about the grief, all right? It's just the It's the grasping for blame.
It's just graffiti, right? Oh, my God! In honor of Halloween, your in-class essay today will analyze this quote from chapter four of Beyond Good and Evil: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster.
" Psst.
I'm worried about you, Clay.
Why aren't you entering the costume contest? Because I'm not wearing a costume.
Can you think of the abyss in your own life? Can you think of an occasion in the book where the protagonist lost their way? - What monsters have you - Psst.
You're gonna get in trouble.
Watch and learn.
- You sleep in class? - Are you kidding? With my schedule, power naps are essential.
I just couldn't sleep last night.
Obsessing over the history exam? Uh, no.
About who you're going to take to Winter Formal? People take people to that? Quiet study, please.
What else has you up nights? I think there's someone outside my window.
What, like a burglar? Like someone taking pictures.
No way! Shh.
Nothing that interesting ever happens to me.
I'm not sure "interesting" is the first word that comes to mind.
It's sort of awful.
You have to do something about it.
Like what? I don't know.
But I'll help.
I didn't realize you were taking photography.
Yep, the project is all about contrast, which is why we have to do it at night, and which is why I have to sleep over.
- It's due tomorrow.
- I see.
I would like your parents' number, just in case.
Already put the Bakers in your contacts.
You'll make sure to text me before you go to bed? Yes.
And you're sure you don't want me to help I've got it, Dad, really.
Okay, okay.
He's very involved.
That's the worst, right? No, it's cool.
I like that you can just talk to him.
I wish I could do that.
Grass is always greener, I guess.
That was the first time I've ever lied to either of them.
Welcome to the dark side.
Technically, it's for bears.
Supposedly, like, blinds the bears, giving you time to run away.
So, who do you think it could be? I don't know, but there's this creepy old dude on the corner who walks with an umbrella on perfectly sunny days.
- Weird.
- Exactly.
My money's on him.
He's gonna need more than an umbrella to block the rays of this thing.
Wanna see? You may want to look away.
I'm amazed you still shoot on film.
I shoot all different ways, but film really makes you focus on the image you're creating.
It's not just there for you on a screen.
These are really good.
I need you to print a few for the tribute issue.
- Okay.
- Can you get them in time? Yeah, I'm already started.
That one.
That one.
This candid.
This one.
You really did capture her, didn't you? Um I've really got a lot of work to do.
Do you think you could? - Yeah.
- Yeah, okay, cool.
Yeah, no, um You've got a real eye.
Jesus, Clay, what are you doing in here? Just seeing what our prize-winning photographer is working on.
Interesting stuff.
Well, no, don't.
This is all for yearbook only.
You're not supposed to be here.
Really? You're gonna call me out on trespassing? I heard your tape.
And throwing a rock through my window isn't enough? I didn't throw one.
So, what do you want, then? I want you to delete the photos you took.
Destroy the negatives.
- Or I'm turning you in.
- Turning me in? What, are you gonna turn everybody in? Like Justin and Alex? You stalked her.
I'm the student life photographer, okay? I stalk everybody.
It's my job.
That means you stand outside everyone's windows? - No, it doesn't mean that.
- That's a relief.
'Cause a first-time offense is only six months in jail, but for repeat offenders, that's a year.
That's not a thing.
Criminal invasion of a minor's privacy.
Look it up.
I don't think they'll let you have a camera in prison, but maybe you can draw pictures.
- I'm not a criminal.
- You are.
- And you're a creep.
- I just took pictures.
- You humiliated her.
- I didn't mean to.
- You ruined her.
- I loved her! And I know I barely knew her, but I I saw her.
Most people, you put a camera on them, and they smile.
They pose.
They basically fake it.
You don't see them, you see their mask.
Whenever my camera was on Hannah, she was different.
Like, real, and I fell in love with that.
So, yeah, I took pictures of her, but that's because girls like that don't hang out with the yearbook guy, with me.
Why didn't you just talk to her? Why didn't you? What do you mean? Come on, I stalk everybody, remember? I don't miss much.
You loved her, too.
And all you did was watch her from the sidelines, so I guess we're not so different, are we? Delete the pictures, Tyler.
Destroy them.
All of them.
Come on.
You sure you don't want to keep just one? Okay, everybody.
Drumroll, please.
Tight race, you guys, but I think we've narrowed down our finalists.
We're gonna choose the winner by applause.
The costume with the most applause takes home 200 smackers, so Genius is so often misunderstood.
Mud divers! Hey, you okay? Yeah.
You kept listening, didn't you? I know that feeling, man.
Hurts bad, I know it.
Let yourself off the hook.
Hannah's gone.
And it's terrible, but we've got to live on.
And let go.
Come hang out with everybody tonight.
Bring the tapes.
We'll figure it out.
Okay, okay, okay.
Ladies and gents, I think we have a winner! Justin and Jessica, as sexy punk rockers! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Sid and Nancy, for fuck's sake.
Come on! Whoo! Pathetic, right? - What? - The way they celebrate themselves and just their whole group.
It's It's better to stay outside of it all.
You know? No, I don't know.
Seriously? You're following me into the bathroom now? Silent treatment.
You know what? Good.
'Cause I'm tired of it all anyway.
- Clay.
- Oh, it speaks! Clay, those guys are using you.
They just want to shut you down.
And whatever they're offering you, they're lying.
You lied to me.
You lied about where you were last night.
I saw you.
With your brothers.
I saw you beating up that guy.
Or were you just "helping" him too? Clay.
Clay! Oh, fuck.
- Still open? - Still open.
Oh, thank God.
My wife would kill me if I came home empty-handed again.
You got uh, two different sizes here.
I got two different kids, two and a half and nine months.
I'm running on fumes here.
I think I slept a few hours last week.
I remember those times.
Oh! We ran out of these last year.
You know, I fought having the Walplex move in, too.
I mean, maybe it's open late, but it's not this, you know? It's not people we know.
Well, thank you.
We appreciate your business.
'Course, if I've learned anything from watching high school football, the bigger team always seems to win.
Am I right? Um Look, I know this whole lawsuit thing has made it hard to talk to people, but if you ever needed someone to talk to Not me, of course.
That would be Um I could recommend someone.
You know, a professional.
Yeah, thank you, that's a very kind offer, but, uh I think we're handling it our own way.
Don't forget your keys.
Good luck with your store.
Come on! Hey, hey, whoa, whoa! What are you guys doing? Let's go, let's go! Get out of here.
Drop it, right now! You stay right there while I call the police.
- Wait, this wasn't me.
- It's in your hand.
No, I was taking it down.
Baker, I knew Hannah.
We used to work together.
I was riding by, and I saw these kids You knew Hannah? I did.
Would you want to come inside? Sure.
We won't be late.
I don't know.
Maybe we should just change the reservations to another night.
They'll be fine.
I think this place will probably charge the card if we move it.
You said you wanted a nice restaurant.
Um, what are you guys still doing here? Your mother thinks that we should stay home.
And break date night? You guys, go.
Do, yeah, date night things I'm trying not to picture right now.
- The only thing - We've got pizza money.
I'm just thinking maybe I should cook dinner for your new friend.
She's gonna be my new ex-friend if you guys don't stop acting weird.
- Okay.
- Okay.
All right, have fun.
Thank you.
- I love you.
- Okay, bye.
Alone at last.
Shall we? Okay, so Once it's dark and we hear him outside the window We open the window and flash the light.
And expose creepy umbrella guy.
Aah! Oh, my God, don't say "expose.
" What if he's? Eww.
For the first time, I'm freaking.
Me too.
Do we need courage? I could use some courage.
My husband was the one who suggested that we not give out candy this year.
He thought seeing all the kids would make me too emotional.
Now all it's done is attract them.
I'm really sorry.
Kids can be Yes.
They can.
Did you Did you want a soda or something? I'm really fine, thank you.
Hannah didn't have many friends, so I'm I'm thrilled to finally meet one.
Clay, was it? Yes.
Clay Jensen.
You do look familiar, though.
You two worked together? Right.
At the Crestmont.
I wonder if she said anything to you.
Did she ever talk to you about her experiences at school? Uh, experiences? I mean, did she ever say anything to you that would indicate that she might have been mistreated or bullied in any way? I, uh we didn't really talk about that kind of thing, I guess.
Maybe I was more of, um an acquaintance than a close friend.
I see.
We moved to this town for a fresh start.
For all of us, but especially for Hannah.
You just ask yourself over and over what happened? Todd.
Andy! Hey! I, uh, wow, I guess you got curious too, about all this Walplex nonsense.
Listen, Dr.
Mendez hasn't called in your refill.
It's been a couple of months.
Should I give him a ring? Uh, no, I'm No, there's no need.
Okay, well Take care.
Give my best to Olivia, please.
Thank you for this.
Now I know who's responsible.
You are! You killed Hannah! Who does that? Who? The whole thing.
Like Wait.
Shut up, wait.
So the whole Justin thing was just a rumor? I totally thought you guys went to third.
Just first.
Also, why someone picked the most boring sport ever to mark our sexual milestones still kind of baffles me.
My God.
I am so sorry.
I totally misjudged you.
It's cool.
I misjudge me all the time.
Boys are assholes.
Sometimes I think we'd be better off without them.
I will drink to that.
What is in this? Vodka, Scotch, Kahlúa, and and just enough of anything the parents won't notice is missing! It's kind of like when you run your soda cup under the fountain drinks at the Crestmont, just, you know, with liquor.
Yeah, my friend Kat and I used to call it a suicide.
I can't imagine why.
So, yeah, we kind of lost track of the plan.
Your turn.
I dare you to take another drink.
But it was so nice having a new friend.
Boring! Well, I don't know.
Okay, your turn.
I dare you to take off your bra.
Under your shirt.
I dare you to take off your shirt.
Um I dare you to kiss me.
Yeah, right.
- Seriously? - Come on.
Doesn't mean anything.
Come on.
Here, I'll close my eyes.
Everything okay? Sorry, I just got turned around on my way back from This is Hannah's room? Yes.
It is.
But you knew that already.
I what? I knew you looked familiar.
I saw you standing outside that window.
I was just, uh No, it's okay.
I'm not angry.
But, um Maybe we could help each other.
You must have questions.
It's actually It's getting late, Mrs.
No, no, no.
Please, Clay.
I'm just trying to piece things together.
You don't need My parents are expecting me home.
No, we We never got a note.
We never got a reason.
So now my daughter might as well be an acquaintance to me, too.
I have some of her things, some of her photos, and, um, her notes.
We could look at them together.
Wait wait here? It's hard to say exactly how things turned, but let's just say that night, things escalated quickly.
While Courtney didn't hear my stalker arrive I did.
Thankfully, I found a way to kill two birds with one stone.
Who are you? Tyler? Tyler Down? Oh, my God, you said it was some creepy guy from down the street! I thought it was.
Uh, I should - Wait.
- I should go.
What? No.
Courtney, wait.
Come back.
Please, I just want to talk.
I'm sorry, my mom's waiting for me.
I'm sorry.
Remember when I said you wouldn't believe the skeletons Tyler found? Turns out they weren't mine.
They were Courtney's.
- Everything okay? - Everything's great.
Um, I'm sorry I left last night.
I just wasn't feeling well.
Should we at least talk about it? There's nothing to talk about.
Listen, I'm going to get those pictures from Tyler, so don't worry about that.
Yeah, okay.
You should.
Is this all of them? Yeah.
Um, Hannah, wait.
Um Would you ever want to hang out? You want to hang out with me? I guess we all have secrets.
And nobody likes it when their secret gets out.
What did you do? Whoa, what's wrong? No, I talked to Tyler this morning.
- He told me he got rid of all of them.
- Well, he lied.
Group-texted half the school.
Okay, look, calm down.
No one can tell that's us.
You don't think they'll figure it out? I shouldn't even be seen talking to you right now.
- Because of a stupid picture? - Come on, Hannah.
You of all people should know what a picture can do to a person's life.
Me of all people? I told you Just stay away from me, okay? Courtney.
Funny thing is, no one ever found out it was us.
That whole fall, everyone looked at that picture.
I'd imagine some boys more than once.
But no one ever knew who it was.
Well, now you know.
So, just, a gentle reminder about closed doors.
Old habits.
I'll work on it.
Your mother has dinner ready.
And a special surprise.
Be right down.
Like I said, we're a society of stalkers.
We're all guilty.
We all look.
We all think things we're ashamed of.
The only difference is, Tyler you got caught.
Guys, I have to go out after dinner, okay? Won't be long.
Where you going? What are you doing here? Your mom invited me.
There you are! I ran into Tony's dad at school today.
I haven't seen Tony in so long, I thought, invite him to dinner.
You have three older brothers? God, I only had one, and we fought constantly.
Though, to be fair, he's an asshole.
Matt! Well, we actually get along pretty well.
Really? I feel I saw you guys fighting recently.
Well, that's true.
We're not afraid of confrontation, but at the end of the day, we always know whose side we're on.
How's that history project going? With the cassettes.
That's a good question.
How are things going, Clay? I, uh I think I'm done, actually.
Oh, yeah? - Already? - Yeah.
I think I'm just gonna pass the project on to the next student.
Sounds very collaborative.
A colleague of mine is studying collaborative learning theory.
It actually strengthens your synapses.
Um Yeah, it's - It's like our oral history is - Trick or treat! passed down through the generations.
That kind of thing.
It's the oral tradition.
Except if we don't finish our part first, we could fail the whole assignment.
Right? We could.
But I doubt it.
I would hate for us to have to face those repercussions.
Maybe we won't.
Maybe those repercussions aren't even real.
As your project partner, I would highly recommend that we Are you my partner? The assignment was very clear what would happen if we broke the rules.
The assignment was given by a dead person.
In history.
The historical figure is dead, obviously.
Sure, sure.
In a sense, all our assignments are given by dead people.
Hmm? I mean, we came here to get away from the fucking Walplexes and and now, they've not only followed us, but but they're stealing our customers.
Walplex isn't the reason why people aren't coming in, Andy.
They're scared of us.
They can't face us.
What can we do about that? We could fight.
You know, take on the monolith.
We've got those pictures from the bathroom that you took.
We have that list.
And if that's not enough, we're just gonna have to find something else, because we have to let them know this is not a senseless tragedy, that there are reasons why this happened.
That our little girl has a face.
And a name.
That guy you saw last night.
He messed with my sister.
Me and my brothers took care of it.
Messed with You should call the police.
The police in my neighborhood are a little different than yours.
Sometimes when there's no justice, you make it for yourself.
Don't go to Bryce's.
Don't listen to Marcus.
Just don't do it.
Why not? It's not what Hannah wanted.
How do you know what Hannah wanted? Hey, how do you even Marcus told me he just passed the tapes on.
- Marcus lied.
- How do you know? There probably isn't even a second set of tapes.
It's probably all bullshit.
Hey, it's Hannah.
Hannah Baker.
That's right.
Don't adjust your whatever device you're hearing this on.
It's me, live and in stereo.
Thing is even though Tyler stopped coming around I never stopped feeling afraid.
So what could I do after that? First the school, then my house even my own bedroom.
Nowhere was safe.
You took all that away.
You guys have any idea how much shit I'm in with Jessica? - Where the fuck is he? - He'll be here.
If he doesn't show, we're done making friends.
We do it my way.
- What is your way, exactly? - We make him understand.
Yeah, understand what? Candy's in the bowl.
You got a delivery.
Holy shit, is that them? - The fuck! Those are for my dad! - Uh Dude! I must be, like, really stoned or something.
Okay, we should not be doing this at his house.
Really? Should we do it at yours? - He's going to find out.
- Maybe he should.
Maybe that's how this ends.
This ends with Clay.
Whatever we have to do, okay? You're freaking me out.
Maybe you're too fucking stoned, huh? You made me paranoid, Tyler.
So now I'm giving that to you.
Maybe I'll never know why you did what you did.
But I can make you understand how it felt to be me.
That's why I'm outside your window, Tyler.
And after people hear this, I bet I won't be the only one.
Knock knock, Tyler.
Oh, shit.
Fucking Clay.
You're so done.
You're so fucking done.