23.5 (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Then listen to me carefully, Ongsa.
What you did today was so damn cool.
If this is the light from a UFO,
it's the only chance to meet my friends.
So, we're friends from now on, Aylin.
Are you all right, human?
-Is it about Sun?
-Please don't tell anyone about this.
About human Ongsa liking human Sun?
-Ongsa, you like Sun?
Tinh, Ongsa likes Sun.
You're missing it.
Serves you right. You're a sinner.
It's karma for not joining me
for the evening prayer.
I'm hanging up. The end. Bye.
It's not like that.
You're misunderstanding.
High-pitched voice.
You definitely like her.
please don't tell anybody about this.
I already told Tinh.
But we won't tell anyone else.
We're friends.
We keep each other's secrets.
Love is normal for humans.
You can like or love
anyone you want, human.
But isn't it weird
that I
like Sun?
How is that weird?
because I'm a girl
and Sun is also a girl.
That's not weird at all.
Tinh once told me he liked men
and I like everyone.
But I don't like any human being.
Ongsa, do you want me and Tinh
to help you with Sun?
Hey! No!
Can I have your date of birth?
What do you want with it?
I'm using it to check your horoscope
to see if it matches Sun's.
What? No!
No! No way. Nope.
Humans are credulous.
Hey, Aylin.
-Aylin, wait.
Hey! Ongsa, wait.
Give me more updates! I want to know!
Club Fair Day is around the corner.
Think of the activity your club will host.
What activity is your club hosting, Alpha?
No activities
for the Student Committee Club.
Our job is to maintain
the orderliness of the event.
What about your club, Ton?
What will you do?
It's the Mysterious Stories Club.
We're doing a haunted house, of course.
Wait and see.
Everyone is going to want
to visit my club.
I guarantee it.
By the way,
what will the Astronomy Club do?
I don't know yet.
You don't know yet?
Are you sure you can run the club at all?
How about you just terminate it?
Ton, you'll see.
My Astronomy Club will get more attention
than your stupid superstitious club.
Can you actually do that?
Of course I can!
-If you think you can, bring it on.
-Game on.
-That's fierce.
Hey! You missed.
Be prepared.
I'm going to overthrow you this year.
Long reigning champion, huh?
This year, I'm going to be the winner.
-Hey! Don't hit me with that. It hurts.
-Got it?
-Put it down.
-I'm hitting you with two books now.
This is the pride of the Astronomy Club.
We believe in science.
We'll never let any superstitious clubs
look down on us.
So what do you want us to do, Luna?
The goal is to get as many people
to visit our club as possible.
More than the number that visit
Ton's haunted house.
But the haunted house is hosted every year
and has always been
the most successful activity.
Based on that fact, Luna,
I don't think we can beat them.
Hey, don't be afraid.
Don't be discouraged.
I'm sure there must be a way.
You guys have any ideas?
How about an astronomical exhibition?
It would fit well in academic events,
but this is the club fair.
It must be something fun.
It must draw a huge amount
of attention from students.
That's difficult.
Let's do this.
You guys go home and think about it.
Tomorrow, we'll discuss
your thoughts, okay?
Ongsa. Look.
Hey, Tinh, don't. Don't film me.
Don't you want to be in my vlog?
No. Your channel is full of weird stuff.
Ongsa! What day did your birthday fall on?
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, or Sun?
I was born on a Tuesday.
"People born on a Tuesday
are straightforward.
They are bold and brave.
They have a strong personality
in others' opinions.
People born on a Tuesday are givers.
When in love, they are madly in love.
They are clingy and always like
to spend time with their loved ones.
They are good caretakers of their lovers."
Hey! Can you read my horoscope too?
I was born on a Monday.
Come on, Monday. Quick.
"People born on a Monday are enemies
of those born on a Thursday."
Who was born on a Thursday?
That's why I don't quite like you.
I don't think you and your book
make sense.
Hey. Tinh, easy there.
Let's make peace.
Checking your horoscope?
Yes, we are.
Do you want to check yours too, Sun?
I do.
I like having my fortune told so much.
I was born on a Friday.
"Those born on Friday are charming
and enjoy talking.
They are suitable
for rhetoric-oriented tasks.
They like to seek out activities
and ask their lovers to join them.
People will never be bored around them.
Lastly, those born on a Friday are
compatible with those born on a Tuesday."
Ongsa was born on a Tuesday.
That's why I feel like
we hit it off so well.
It's because our fortunes are compatible.
I think so too.
I never thought Sun
would believe in stuff like this.
How cute.
Lastly, those born on a Friday are
compatible with those born on a Tuesday.
That's why I feel like
we hit it off so well.
Our fortunes are compatible.
What day did your birthday fall on?
I heard that people born on a Tuesday are
compatible with those born on a Friday.
What does compatible mean?
You really don't know,
or you're just messing with me?
And what day did your birthday fall on?
Don't tell me it was a Friday.
How do you know?
I took a guess.
In case we're compatible.
Do you like having your fortune told?
It's fun.
How so?
I don't know.
I just know that fortune-telling
can't be explained scientifically.
do you believe it?
Do I?
I guess I do.
Fortune-telling is like feeling something.
If you feel it's right, it's right.
No logic.
That's true.
I guess it's because feelings
aren't something you can explain.
Sometimes, the foretelling
just highlights what we already feel.
That's the reason why
it's sometimes more fun
than science to me.
Fortune-telling is like feeling something.
If you feel it's right, it's right.
That's the reason why it's sometimes
more fun than science to me.
I've got it.
What is it, human?
I know what activity our club will host.
You want to hear it?
Shut the door, human.
This activity is called
astrological fortune-telling.
It's a fortune-telling activity
held by our Astronomy Club.
Everyone is welcome to join us.
We'll give them scientific
and astrological information together.
How, Ongsa?
I can't picture it just yet.
We'll tell them their ruling planets
based on their date of birth,
zodiac constellations, and signs.
We'll explain to them what they are,
how far from the Earth,
and which direction
they should look to see them.
And what about the astrological part?
Where do we gather the info?
I borrowed this from a friend.
Aylin and I believe this will help draw
more attention to our club.
Who knows? I might beat
the Mysterious Stories' haunted house.
It's not like everyone likes ghosts.
But almost everyone likes
getting their fortune told.
Wow! That's great.
I'm buying this idea.
Let's do it.
Ongsa and Aylin, you guys are geniuses.
How did you come up with it?
It was Ongsa's idea.
I just agreed to it.
My dear juniors,
if we beat Ton's club,
I'll treat you all to boba tea.
I don't like boba tea.
But I do.
I do too.
Yeah! It's on me.
Let's fight.
Can I see the book?
The Prophecy Tome:
Mastering the Art of Fortune-telling.
The more I read, the more fun it gets.
I told you.
Ongsa, are you all right?
I found this.
"It's stated in some books
that borrowing power from the stars
to foretell someone's fortune
requires you to sell the power
of your own soul.
The more accurate the prophecy,
the more soul power you will lose."
So, we
That's bull.
There's no such thing as soul power.
But it sounds scary, Aylin.
I'll read it to you then.
"Aries people are charming,
strong, and lively.
Aries people are attractive, brave"
That was dope!
Too bad I didn't record it.
You're ridiculous, human senior.
What did you just say?
Guys, let's call it a day.
Go home and rest.
Let's recharge our soul power.
Come on, let's go. Grab your things.
Come on.
Grab your stuff. Come on.
And this one.
Why is it like this?
What are you doing?
Human senior.
Be quiet. I need to focus.
Okay. Quiet.
Why are you staring? I can't focus.
Is it so wrong to look?
Why don't you practice fortune reading?
Practicing fortune reading? Me?
You must be our club's fortune teller,
human senior.
Says who?
Who told you I must?
Aylin and I?
You two will be our fortune tellers
on Club Fair Day.
But, Luna,
we're not fit to be fortune tellers.
Why not?
I talked to Sun.
You two are the best fit.
Ongsa, you came up with the idea.
You understand it the best.
Aylin is the best among us
when it comes to information.
Luna and I will promote the activity.
We'll also be the receptionists and assist
you two throughout the readings.
Because Sun and I are our best shot
at getting people to join our activity
because we're popular.
Any arguments?
Ongsa, you can do it.
Just do your best, you two.
Come on. Be brave. Fight it.
I don't think I can do it.
I can't even talk to people I don't know.
But with this, I have to
tell their fortunes and give them advice.
And I don't know how to talk to humans.
I know you guys are introverts.
So, let's do this.
I'll help bring out
the extrovertness in you.
What's an introvert?
You two are perfect cousins.
Let's just say Charoenporn
and I will help you.
How about we start by practicing
how to talk like fortune tellers?
Welcome to the Astronomy Club.
I'm the fortune teller.
Today, I'll read you
your fortunes and predictions.
Gosh! Stop it.
I don't think it'll work.
Question. Are you guys home all day?
We're not going anywhere.
Charoen and I will drop by.
You two seriously need some training.
Okay? See you. Charoen, I'm calling you.
These are all we have.
Should we go buy some more
in case those two want something else?
If they can finish all this,
they aren't humans.
Yeah. True.
Why do you seem thrilled?
I am thrilled.
I've never had friends over before.
Me neither.
That must be them.
Aylin, come on.
You're here.
-Hi, Ongsa.
-Hi, Ongsa.
Hi, Ongsa.
Hi, Sun.
Come in.
You can leave your shoes there.
Aylin, lead the way.
Hey, Sun. Let me.
Thank you.
Having friends over
for the first time is hard enough,
but having Sun over
turns my stomach completely upside down.
We met Sun on the way here,
so we invited her along
in case she could help with anything.
I'm sorry for coming here unannounced,
Aylin, Ongsa.
It's fine.
Are you feeling uncomfortable?
If so, I can leave.
Oh, don't. I
I'm glad you came to help.
No problem at all.
I brought you more books.
If you two can't pass
for fortune tellers today,
we won't leave this place.
We're staying.
This is for you, Ongsa.
How To Be a Fortune Teller.
And this one is for you, Alien.
The Art of Talking.
Take it.
For our Astronomy Club, keep fighting.
-Ongsa, you need a cape.
Hand up.
-Like this?
-Not like that, Tinh.
-Yes, like this.
-Like this.
-There you go.
Oh, I have a headscarf.
-I'm coming.
Don't check it yet. We're not done.
-Hey, where are you going?
-Where are you going?
-Come back.
-Attach it here.
Aylin, hold this.
-Try it.
-Hold it.
Smile. Smile a little more.
Thank you all so much for today.
My pleasure.
I'm happy to help again anytime.
I will root for you on Club Fair Day.
Though I'm in the Mysterious Stories Club,
I'm supporting you two. Keep fighting.
I'm blessed.
Our ride is here. Let's go, Charoen.
-We're leaving.
Come on.
Get home safe.
Bye, human Sun.
Thank you so much for today, Sun.
It's okay. We're in the same club.
Oh, how will you get home?
Did you book a ride?
I came with Sunny.
My bike.
Thank you.
Too many thank-yous now.
You already said that.
I mean, thank you for dropping by.
I've never had friends over before.
This was my first time ever.
It means a lot to me.
can I drop by again?
I know that getting too close
to the Sun like her
can get me burned by the heat.
But if it's the only way to be near Sun,
just prepare to get burned, Ongsa.
I'll be leaving then.
Get home safe, Sun.
Thank you.
Thank you. I forgot that.
Ride safe.
Thank you.
Goodnight, Sun.
Goodnight to you too.
Let's hand out these.
Hi. The Astronomy Club is offering
fortune-telling this year.
-We're reading fortunes for free.
-Don't forget to swing by.
Let's go.
Make sure they look great.
Let's put up the posters
on the third floor.
I don't think anyone will come, Aylin.
Maybe humans just take time
to travel here.
What if nobody cares about our club?
Please come in.
Please step inside.
The fortune tellers are waiting for you.
This way, please.
The other customer, over here.
I hope you two enjoy the Astronomy Club's
astrological fortune-telling.
Alien, you know how to tell fortunes?
I'm an alien fortune teller.
I know it.
I see it.
I feel it.
Whoa! You're channeling power.
I'm getting goosebumps.
Your name is Mint, isn't it?
How did you know? I didn't tell you that.
Do you have a psychic power?
Human Pop,
you're a Sagittarius, aren't you?
I am.
How did you know that, Alien?
You're stubborn. You hate it
when people tell you what to do.
You didn't want your fortune told,
but your friend dragged you here.
You planned to tell people not to come
if Alien wasn't accurate.
Is that right?
-How did you know?
-Of course I knew.
I've known you since Grade 4, human bully.
What did you say?
Are you ready to have your fortune told?
I am.
Then may I please have your date of birth?
Of course.
Did you just buy a house
in the Lak Si district?
How did you know that, Alien?
I only just posted it on Facebook
five minutes ago.
Shit. I'm getting chills.
You're a Gemini, air element.
You get along well with those
of the fire element.
That's why I became good friends with Pop.
Fortune teller, can you tell me
anything about love?
Why do you look stressed?
Anything can happen with fortunes.
Well, I want to know
something about my friend.
My boyfriend doesn't have time
for me these days.
He has cram school after school.
When we video call, instead of talking,
I have to watch him read.
Alien, can you tell me
if Mint is so infatuated with her guy
that she will neglect me?
I only have one close friend.
I think the one
who can answer this question is
your boyfriend.
Each human friend has their own life.
No human friend
can stay with you forever, human Pop.
There are days
when friends encounter each other
and days when friends depart.
If you guys truly love
and value each other,
you guys cannot be apart.
It's just like the Earth
that needs light from the Sun.
That's so great.
It's sharp and touching.
I'll tell lots of people to come
and have their fortune told by you, Alien.
Did I say something wrong?
I'm sorry, Mint.
No, no.
You were right about everything,
fortune teller.
It just hit hard.
I'll tell my friends to come
and use your service.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Mint.
I hope you have a long relationship
with your boyfriend.
Here she comes!
-I want to have my fortune told.
-Can I go first?
Guys, calm down.
I'll let the two people
who came first inside.
-That's me.
-You two?
-Sun, take these two girls inside.
-Of course.
-You guys are next in line.
-We have more customers coming in.
Guys, who are the next two?
I am so stressed.
My friends labeled me a bad person
even though I've done nothing wrong.
Fortune teller Alien,
will I pass my English exam?
Looking good.
-Here's your cue ticket.
-Grab your ticket, guys.
They are so precise.
-So accurate.
Please have a seat.
Aylin, hang in there.
What do you want to know?
-I have a crush on someone.
But, I'm afraid to start a conversation.
I don't know what the person feels.
Please help me, fortune teller.
Will my mom win the lottery this round?
Today is the most
Alien has ever spoken to humans.
Me too.
I'll be right back, human.
I'm buying some water.
-Where are you going?
-To get water.
I'm coming with you.
Annoying human senior.
I'm coming.
Can you tell my fortune as well?
Time's up, human senior.
Please, Aylin.
Everything went so well.
The Astronomy Club was even more popular
than Ton's Mysterious Stories Club.
Being the fortune teller Ongsa
wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
At least today, you did something
you never thought you could do, Ongsa.
Can I still have my fortune told?
We're closed.
Can't you do one more, fortune teller?
The heat from the Sun is burning me again.
Well then,
can I have your date of birth?
It's June 22nd.
"Those born on June 22nd are Geminis.
Their zodiac constellation
is Gemini, the twins.
Gemini folks are wise and fun,
with excellent leadership skills.
They are eloquent
and good problem solvers.
Mercury is their ruling planet.
It's the first planet in the solar system.
So, Gemini people are born
to be the first in everything,
and the first in many people's hearts."
What about their love?
I mean,
let's say I like someone
who I've never met in person before.
How likely is it that the person
will reciprocate my feelings?
My question is nonsense.
How can you know?
Since you can't escape orbiting this Sun,
you might as well be brave, Ongsa.
Very likely.
That person must like you very much.
Regardless, both Earth and the Sun
will inevitably coexist in this universe.
Where are you going, Ongsa?
What's the point of running away
from the Sun, Ongsa?
You must revolve in
the same universe as Sun anyway.
I'll be right back, Sun.
A universe that needs
no prophecy from the stars.
A universe where
you already know how you feel.
Are these for me?
Guys, I'm having a birthday party
this Saturday.
It'd be great if you guys could come.
Do you have time?
-I do.
-I do.
A meaningful present?
For me, spending time
with someone special is enough.
Do you think aliens have hearts, human?
Can aliens fall in love
just like humans do?
Can I ask you a favor, Earth?
Can we meet?
I think you'd better tell her soon
that you're Earth.
Do you really like Sun, human?
If you do, you must make it right.
Keep lying, and you may eventually
drift away from your orbit around her.
If he wasn't going to come,
why didn't he say so?
Deep down, I still believe Earth
will come to see me.
I have no idea what to do about Sun.
If I go see her,
she'll be disappointed that I'm not a guy
like she thought I was.
If I don't go,
she will be sad because
Earth broke his promise.
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