365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

The Price Tag on the Opportunity to Reset Turns out to Be One's Life

(Episode 4)
Ga Hyeon.
What's going on?
I found the hit-and-run driver.
I saw the driver.
Seo Yeon Soo's fiance is the hit-and-run driver?
You know what? Even if I take your word for it
and believe that what you saw during hypnosis is true,
that doesn't prove that the same guy is
the hit-and-run driver.
I know.
That's why I'm asking you to look into that.
I can't exactly tell the detective in charge of this case.
Even if I do, he won't believe me.
You're the only one who will believe my absurd claim.
(Busan Bound, Seoul Bound)
What brings you here at this hour?
It's about the hit-and-run accident at Sodam Park.
How's the investigation going?
Hey, forget about that case.
Corporal Kim hates it when other cops get involved in his case.
Wait, Corporal Kim Yong Woo is in charge of the case?
I bet he's going to take his sweet time to work the case.
No one reported about the accident.
And we have a dozen types of vehicle shards from the scene.
The situation isn't ideal at all.
I might have to check all the routes and the surveillance footage.
Why are you here? It's your day off.
Sun Ho. I was just passing by. I came in to talk.
Why did he come here?
He asked me about the hit-and-run accident at Sodam Park.
A hit-and-run accident?
Why? Are you transferring to the Traffic Department?
- Are you here to set things up? - No, I'm not.
As if. I can see right through your plan.
Yes, he did ask me a lot of questions.
A lot of questions?
It's not what you think.
No matter how much I hate you,
I'd rather work with you than with Corporal Kim Yong Woo.
You're better a hundredfold.
I won't go anywhere without you.
Don't worry. Bye.
You! I'll teach you a lesson.
- Have a good day. - Yes, sir.
What brings you here at this hour?
Where's Kim Dae Sung?
Why are you asking about him?
Your fiance was the hit-and-run driver of the car accident
at Sodam Park in Banho-dong at 9:45pm.
There's no way you wouldn't know about it.
A hit-and-run driver?
Try to make sense.
It was a white Czerny. And I clearly saw
your initials, DS and YS, on the back of the car.
How do I know this?
Before the reset, I was in that accident.
After the reset,
the same accident happened at the same location and time.
But this time, my friend got hurt.
So tell me. Where's Kim Dae Sung?
I remember it.
He got a new car around this time.
I just thought he got a new car.
I didn't suspect anything.
But not long after our marriage,
he started to change.
He had nightmares every night
and seemed like he had a secret.
We fought more often.
In the end, he started physically assaulting me.
That's why I agreed to reset.
I wanted to break up with him.
Earlier today, we broke up.
He couldn't understand,
so we decided to take a break.
And then, I went home.
We weren't together at that time.
I'll believe you, so let's go to his place.
Let's go and find out.
Ga Hyeon, give me one more day.
I know I've decided to end things with him,
but he used to be my husband.
If he's truly guilty, I'll make him turn himself in at all costs.
I'll make him kneel before you and beg.
So please.
Please give me one more day.
How's Ju Young?
They don't know. They need to run more tests.
Code Blue at the ER. Please come to the ER.
Min Ju Young's guardian? Please come inside.
She's in a critical condition, so we need you to be beside her.
Ma'am, wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Ms. Min Ju Young passed away on January 25 at 12:11am.
Ju Young!
Ju Young!
I haven't found any evidence at the scene.
I need to backtrack from the footages at the cafe.
But it'll take some time
Ga Hyeon, are you listening?
My friend died.
Ga Hyeon.
Ga Hyeon.
Are you
Do you know what the last thing I said to her was?
"I want you"
"to disappear from this world."
That's what I said.
She's a terrible wench.
She betrayed me and made me hate her.
But now, I can't hate her anymore
because she left.
And it was all because of me.
She died instead of me.
A close colleague of mine died
because of me.
- Sun Ho - I chose to reset to save him.
And did you?
But every now and then, I am reminded of that time.
The guilt.
The anger.
I can clearly remember
the pain I felt.
We won't be able to forget them
even after the reset.
We'll still be in pain.
What I'm trying to say is,
I can empathize with you.
The culprit should feel pain, not us.
I'll help you find him.
- Here. - Hey.
You said an hour was enough.
Wait a minute.
You joined Violent Crimes Investigation,
so why are you digging into a hit-and-run case?
This is comradeship. I'll treat you to a meal.
Buy alcohol instead!
Whatever. We need to work too. Go on, now.
- Your time's up. - Fine. Wait a minute.
- There. - Here?
This is the last time his car was spotted
before he reached Sodam Park.
It takes about 30 minutes from there
to Seo Yeon Soo's place.
There's no way he could've dropped her off beforehand.
If he's truly the hit-and-run driver,
Seo Yeon Soo should be aware of it.
it was all a lie.
We weren't together at that time.
She said she went home early
and didn't know about it.
I'll make him turn himself in at all costs.
She said she'd convince him.
I'll make him kneel before you and beg.
She lied about everything.
He didn't get in the driver's seat.
The person who ran over me
was Seo Yeon Soo, not Kim Dae Sung.
Seo Yeon Soo.
I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. - Apologize to me and my friend.
Bring her back!
What are you doing? What's all this noise?
- Let me explain. - You're dead meat. Come out.
Come out!
I won't let this slide. You deserve the same.
I'll kill you! Seo Yeon Soo! Come out!
Come out! Seo Yeon Soo!
- I know you're in there. - Goodness.
- Come out this instant. - Thank you for your service.
I'm a detective.
She was buying time.
Time to get rid of evidence.
I had no idea and let her go.
I must've looked stupid for not recognizing that it was her.
Don't think like that.
We have an advantage.
Dae Sung and Yeon Soo have become key suspects.
Now, we just need to find evidence.
This is much easier than if we were to have evidence
but no suspects.
This is a map of junkyards within the radius of the cell signals
from Kim Dae Sung's cell phone after the accident.
Let's start with this.
(Geumsang Complex Junkyard)
Sir, did you come across to scrap this car recently?
Sir, did you come across to scrap this car recently?
I get so many cars. I can't remember all of them.
(Geumsang Complex Junkyard)
This is next on the list.
(Gwanwoo Vehicle Disassembly and Recycling)
(Daehyun Junkyard)
(Saeil Junkyard)
(Naeilro Junkyard)
- Over there. - Yes.
It's completely gone.
What about the backup footage?
It's gone.
The surveillance footages, the vehicle logs,
and the transaction list for that day are gone.
Darn it. Who did this?
Didn't an employee quit recently?
Soon Woo, do me a favor.
I'll send you a number. Can you get me the call history?
It's fine.
But don't tell Sun Ho
and Captain Heo about this.
Okay. Thank you.
Do you always park here?
(January 24)
- Here you go. - Thank you.
I thought you were off until tomorrow.
Why did you come back to work so early?
I was in the neighborhood. I'm just stopping by.
Sa Kyung, where's Soon Woo?
He was right here.
Soon Woo?
Wait. No!
"No witnesses for the hit-and-run accident at Sodam Park."
"Surveillance footages can't be checked."
"A white Czerny and Naeilro Junkyard".
"DS loves YS".
- What is this? - Come on.
You're off duty.
Why do you keep helping the Traffic Department?
What? What is this about?
I caught him lounging around at the Traffic Department yesterday.
I got him red-handed.
Hey, you need to explain this.
Don't you know things are already hard here?
Will you leave us and join the Traffic Department?
Is that true?
- Are you betraying us? - Is that true?
You It's not what you think.
That's even more suspicious,
- Yes. - Exactly.
- You even put off your own cases. - You put off your cases.
Why would you be working on your precious days off?
- Exactly. - And it's a traffic accident!
It's a traffic accident.
- They are right. - Come on!
If you keep harassing me like this, I'll really transfer.
- What? - I mean
Something is bothering me.
But I don't have evidence.
And I happen to be on my days off.
So I was just trying to figure this out.
I won't transfer to the Traffic Department.
And they won't accept a lazy detective like me.
Don't act like you liked having me here.
I mean, we've been doing pretty good
thanks to your good work these days.
- Right. - You know?
As for detectives, there's a time in life
- when their hunches are golden. - Right. It's now.
- That happens. - Yes.
- It's now. - Don't use that up on other cases.
Go all-in and use them up with our cases.
- Go all-in. - Okay?
Okay? Go all-in with us.
The call history. Is that it?
- The burner - We're leaving!
Let go.
Loosen up.
You must go all-in with our cases!
Sure. Thanks.
- Doctor, this is him. - Okay.
I think we met at the cafe the other day, right?
You're a doctor.
How could you leave a girl like that on the street?
Did you forget all about the Hippocratic Oath?
What are you accusing me of all of a sudden?
I'm sure you saw it coming.
Not at all. I don't follow you at all.
Is that so?
All right.
What? Is scrapping a car against the law?
Running away after hitting someone is.
And if the victim is dead,
you'll get a heavier sentencing.
Do you have proof that I was the hit-and-run driver?
Do you see this man? After scrapping your car,
he deleted all the records and quit.
Why would you need to talk to a worker
who quit his job at the junkyard for this long?
You guys even talked five times.
If this evidence is to hold up in court, you must have a warrant.
I would have escorted you to the station if I had.
You must have thought
it was all over once you got the car scrapped.
A witness can be evidence too.
If we catch this guy first,
you won't even have a chance to confess.
Even to a scumbag like you, the law can be lenient.
Don't waste your energy on this losing battle.
Just turn yourself in and see the silver lining.
Seo Yeon Soo what I told you just now.
This is the last time.
She can't get away with this twice.
Seo Yeon Soo.
Seo Yeon Soo!
That's enough!
She moved out this morning.
You keep yelling at her. You're being really loud.
Ga Hyeon.
You knew, didn't you?
How Seo Yeon Soo and I were connected.
You're connected? What do you mean?
Before the reset, the hit-and-run accident I was in
was caused by Seo Yeon Soo.
You invited both of us knowing the truth, didn't you?
And did you hypnotize me, so I could find out she was the driver?
Was that part of your plan as well?
Why would I go to such lengths for that?
Just like your claim, if I planned everything,
don't you think I would have seen this coming?
What do I gain from doing something
that you will find out so easily like this?
I am very sorry about what happened to you.
I will try to think about the best way I can help you.
I think it's better for you to go home today.
You told us to feel free to come to you
if we had any problems or needed help.
It's like you knew that we would have problems.
Seo Yeon Soo will come to you soon.
When she does, relay this message.
I won't let her get away like the last time.
I will make her pay
for both of the crimes.
Ju Young.
Please send her off for me.
(The day of your departure will shine everlastingly. Goodbye.)
Hey, Ga Hyeon.
Hi, sir.
I couldn't reach you at all.
Did you hear the news too?
What news?
How could this happen?
To avoid making the same mistake, I went through the reset.
How did I get tangled up in this incident again?
Does it mean
this is destined to happen to me?
The advice I can give you
is always the same.
Until the next reset,
survive no matter what.
He told me that his son was getting married next month.
He left before he could attend the wedding.
He was happy about buying his son a house when he won the lottery.
By the way,
why did he pass away all of a sudden?
I don't know.
I can't ask the bereaved family as we've never met before.
It was a heart attack.
Come and sit down.
- How did you know? - This guy is a detective.
You're a detective?
After you called me,
I asked the officers at the district police station.
(Choi Kyung Man)
- Cheers. - Cheers. Goodness.
- It was his last day at work. - You just wait.
- He bought his colleagues drinks. - Next week,
I'll buy you Korean beef.
My heart sings
He was fine at the restaurant.
His wife found him passed out near their house.
The deliveryman died not long ago.
Why did another guy die like this?
My gosh. Come on.
I told you, didn't I?
Aren't you curious who the next victim will be?
I'm suspecting that it's a woman.
- A woman? - That woman in a wheelchair.
If not her, it'd be that security guard.
Well, we'll find out soon enough what the actual rule is.
- Delete the photos. - What did you say?
I was right.
I said the security guard would be next.
I figured out the rule now.
What are you talking about?
These two won't be the only ones.
This is
like a survival game.
Come on.
Are you saying that someone else will die next?
What's the rule?
It's the order people got up.
On the first day we met at Zian Clinic,
the first person to get up from his seat was
If I reset my life, does it mean I can win the lottery too?
It was the deliveryman.
- He was? - That's true.
When we met again after the reset,
who was the first person to get up?
Hello, ma'am.
I'll believe you
if you tell me we can make soybean blocks with red beans.
It was the security guard.
I wasn't sure if it was the person who got up first
or if it was the person who left the room first.
Now, I'm sure of it.
In the order people got up,
they will be killed.
I know that you're joking, but that's a nasty joke.
We'll see which one of us gets up first and we'll know for sure then.
Let's wait and see.
Please don't tell me that you actually believe
that absurd claim of his.
I got up first this time.
You can relax and go home.
And you should be the last one to get up.
- No! - How could this
Don't cry.
I can't believe this!
- Oh, no. - Don't cry.
Ga Hyeon.
Let me drop you off.
No, I'll go on my own.
- Let me go with you. - You don't believe
that ridiculous rule, do you?
No way.
I met with Kim Dae Sung earlier today.
I could definitely tell something was between him and the worker.
Does it mean we can catch him if we catch the worker?
Well, it just means that we have one more possibility.
Thank you for your effort.
You can thank me when I catch the culprit.
Seo Yeon Soo.
You knew from the start, didn't you?
You knew that I was the victim before the reset.
No, I didn't. I really didn't know.
That part is true.
I was tortured after causing the accident too.
That's why I reset my life.
Then, you should have avoided doing the same.
You shouldn't have been anywhere near that car!
Of course, I avoided it.
- Right here, Dae Sung. - Hi.
- My friends called him - She didn't drink that much.
without knowing I broke off the engagement.
Yeon Soo, Dae Sung is here.
Yeon Soo, Yeon Soo.
Yeon Soo, wake up.
Yeon Soo, wake up. Yeon Soo.
When I woke up,
the accident had already happened.
I reset my life because of the accident.
But it happened anyway.
I don't care about your excuse. You left after hitting a girl.
You chose to do so. Both of you are murderers.
I was going to report it and turn myself in.
But Kim Dae Sung said he'd kill me.
He told me to keep quiet.
I'm a victim who was threatened too.
Tell that to the police then. Tell them exactly what happened.
I can't do that now.
I got a chance to reset my life.
Why would I admit to a crime I didn't commit?
That jerk, Kim Dae Sung, will be arrested soon.
And you'll face the same punishment as you were in the car.
Turn yourself in now and beg for my friend's forgiveness.
Do you have proof?
That hypnosis session?
Do you think that will be admissible in court?
How did you know that?
How do you think?
Don't trust that woman, Lee Shin, too much.
Didn't that woman say
that she randomly called people?
That's odd.
I never got a call from her.
- What? - That woman came to me
and brought us together. Got it?
Stop right there, Seo Yeon Soo!
- Have a nice evening. - Bye.
I have something to tell you.
Come to the cafe tomorrow at 2pm.
It's important.
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
I have something to tell you
about Seo Yeon Soo and me.
Before the reset,
I was a victim of a hit-and-run accident.
And the driver
was Seo Yeon Soo.
- What? - No way.
That's chilling.
Did you hear? Ga Hyeon's hit-and-run driver was
Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon.
Is this you?
- Why do you have this? - Answer me.
Yes, it's me. We met last night.
- We - Seo Yeon Soo
is dead.
She's dead?
I need to interrogate you regarding her death.
Please come with me to the police station.
(Special appearances by Lim Ha Ryong and Min Do Hee)
(365: Repeat the Year)
Fate is so simple
and gruesome.
Why did you argue? It's not a difficult question.
Why did you two argue?
You've become a suspect from this moment on.
Okay. Keep up the good work.
That can't be.
No. That's not true!
We're not all going to die, are we?
- Nice. - Who are you?
Who put you up to this?
- Bae Jung Tae. - I have a favor.
Ms. Lee?
I wish I could go back.
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