A Little Princess (1986) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

(bright orchestral music)
(gentle downbeat music)
(gentle dramatic music)
(wind whistling)
(children laughing)
- [Girl] Donald!
- Hello, poor little girl.
I'm sure you won't have
enough to eat this Christmas.
Here's sixpence for you.
- Oh, no.
Thank you very much but
I couldn't possibly.
- Of course, you can.
It's a whole sixpence.
You can buy some food with it.
- But I'm not a beggar.
- It doesn't matter.
You look as though you're in need.
Go on, take it.
- Thank you.
(wind howling)
(carriage door slams)
(horse huffing)
(horse hooves clopping)
(gentle somber music)
I'm not gonna spend it, Emily.
I only took it
cause he looked so
disappointed when I refused.
But, I shall wear it round my neck
to remind me
there are still some
kind people in the world.
Thought I was a beggar you see.
Was quite a shock, really.
I mean,
I'd no idea I looked so poor.
- Do you think she's
duke's daughter, Papa?
- I should think it's very unlikely.
- Then how did she learn to speak so well?
- Yeah.
- Well, she probably listened
to the pupils and copied them.
- But she had this hair about her.
It didn't seem to go
with her shabby clothes.
- And that cloak she was wearing.
It was dirty and torn.
- It was horrible.
- But it wasn't a cheap one.
It looked as if it had seen better days.
- Don't play with your food.
- Couldn't we invite
her for Christmas, Mama?
- No.
- Oh, yes, please.
(children chattering)
- And she seems to have so little.
Why don't we invite her
for Christmas dinner?
- It's a nice thought, Donald.
But I'm afraid if she's
in service at the seminary
we cannot interfere.
- Oh, please.
- Oh, why not?
- The headmistress would
take it as a slight.
Besides if she almost
refused your sixpence
she's hardly likely to
accept any more charity.
- Do you think she's too proud?
- She was too proud to beg wasn't she?
- Yes, I wonder why.
If I was in her position
I'd take whatever anyone offered me.
- I must buy a house.
- What's the matter with this one?
- It's not for us,
Donald, it's for a client.
- [Children] Oh.
- Please, may I get down?
- Please, may I get down?
- Yes, you may all get down.
- He's returning to England
after many years abroad.
(children laughing)
- What about the one across the square,
next to the seminary?
Been on the market for months now,
so I'm sure the agents would
listen to a reasonable offer.
- Yes, what a good idea.
Yes, it might be just
what they're looking for.
I'll call on them this morning.
- Remember,
when you arrive back in
the bosom of your families
that Christmas is a time
of peace and goodwill,
it is not merely for the giving
and receiving of presents, Victoria,
but to celebrate the birth of our Lord.
So throughout the festive season,
I would like you all to behave
like good Christian children,
with obedience, Gloria,
towards your mamas and papas
and with charity towards those
less fortunate than yourselves.
To those girls whose parents are abroad
and who will therefore
remain at the seminary
for the holidays, I will say this.
Miss Amelia and I will do our best
to make up for the enforced
separation from your loved ones.
On Christmas day we shall
have a splendid feast,
followed by some jolly party games,
and I have had a message
from Father Christmas
to say that he will not be passing us by.
So, we shall all in our various ways
be sharing in Christ's bounty.
Do not forget to thank him,
as you thank those friends and relatives
who are generous towards you all.
And until we meet again
for the Easter term
I wish you all a merry Christmas.
- [Girls] Merry Christmas, Miss Minchin.
- [Miss Minchin] Thank you.
- [Amelia] Good. Now,
girls, take your seats.
Henrietta will announce
each carriage as it arrives.
(gentle music)
- Miss Lottie, your carriage is here.
- Bye, Lottie.
- [Girls] Bye, Lottie!
- [Lottie] See you soon.
Merry Christmas.
- Bye.
(wind whooshing)
- Hello, Martha.
- Hello, Lottie.
- Goodbye, Mama.
- Goodbye, Lottie, have a good time.
(brush scraping)
- [Lottie] I shall miss you.
- I shall miss you too.
- I hope Father Christmas
doesn't pass you by.
- Thank you, but I have a feeling he will.
- [Lottie] Why?
- I'm too old for presents.
- You're only 11.
My sister's 15 and he
still fills her stocking.
- [Sara] Maybe she's
better behaved than I am.
- She's not, she's awful.
She pulls my hair.
- Well if she does it again
you just pull hers back.
- Aren't you even going
to hang up your stocking?
- [Sara] No.
- I tell you what I'll do,
I'll write to Father Christmas
and ask him not to forget you.
- Thank you, Lottie,
I'm sure that'll make all the difference.
(carriage door slams)
(horse hooves clopping)
(gentle music)
- Mistletoe, holly. We
shall need plenty of holly.
- Oh, yes.
What about the tree?
- Oh, send Sara to the market for that.
It'll be half the price
they charge in the shops.
- And the turkey too.
She should be able to get
a nice cheap one there.
- No, no. I don't think we
should economize on food.
We don't want the girls
writing to their parents
that we were parsimonious
on such an occasion, do we?
Oh, bye-bye, Eleanora,
have a lovely Christmas.
- [Eleanora] Merry
Christmas, Miss Minchin.
- Besides, it'll all go
on the parent's account.
Oh, look, a stupid
child's left their gloves.
- We cannot give staff Christmas boxes-
- [Miss Minchin] Henrietta,
run after that sleepy child will you?
- Can't put them on the parent's account.
- What?
- And we really ought to
give them more this year.
They haven't had an
increase for some time.
- And what did we give them last year?
- Two pounds to cook.
- Well, make it three.
That'll stop her asking
for an increase in wages.
- And one pound to Henrietta.
- Hm, hm, hm
- One pound to Henrietta.
- Make it one pound 10.
- And five shillings to Rebecca.
- Oh, give her the same,
she's lucky to get that.
- What about Sara?
- What about her?
- Well, we ought to give her something.
- We already give her
something, a roof over her head.
- I mean something for Christmas.
- Amelia, I can't believe my ears.
She already owes us in
excess of 260 pounds.
Are you seriously suggesting-
- Only five shillings, the same as-
- Not one penny.
She's not getting one penny more.
(door slams)
(cook snoring)
- Miss, miss!
- Shh!
There's a heathen, miss,
moving in next door.
- [Sara] A what?
- A heathen.
It's got to be a heathen.
He's got a graven image.
- Becky, what are you talking about?
- I've just seen the removal blokes
lifting it out of the van.
It's an idol.
A heathen idol.
And I reckon he worships it.
- It's probably some kind of ornament.
- No, it's not.
It's got four arms and
nasty pointed teeth.
It's got a necklace made out of skulls
and a belt made out of snakes.
- Kali?.
- Who?
- The wife of Shiva, the
Hindu god of destruction.
- That things never a god's wife.
It's a graven image, that's what it is.
And I don't fancy living next to a heathen
what bows down to graven images.
- Papa had a statue of Kali in his study
but he never bowed down to it.
- What did he want it for then?
- He just liked looking at it.
As a work of art.
- Work of art?
(cook coughing)
But it's ugly.
- Not to a Hindu.
- What's that?
- A kind of Indian.
(cook snoring)
- The gentleman that's
moving in next door,
he could be an Indian?
- Perhaps.
You say the removal van's outside?
- Yeah and the blokes left that idol
standing on the pavement.
Stonking I call it.
- Let's see if it's still there.
(Cook snoring)
(Cook coughing)
Yes, that's Kali all right.
It's just like the one in Papa's study.
- So it is an Indian gentleman then.
- Well, he certainly bought
some of his things there
but I don't think he's an Indian.
- Why not?
- You see that other statue?
That's Buddha, another god.
But you can't be a Buddhist and a Hindu.
- Oh, be careful with
this table, be careful.
- Well he's an Indian.
Seen them funny hats before.
It must make you feel homesick, miss.
- It would, if I still had a home.
- [Ram Dass] Yes, that's
right, that's the correct one.
- [Becky] I suppose he's
arranging everything
for the new owner.
- I hope he has children.
They might use their attic as a playroom
and I could see them from my window.
(gentle music)
- This could be him now.
(gentle music)
Looks like he's ill.
- Very ill, if he has to have
a nurse to travel with him.
- No children, not even a wife.
- It doesn't matter.
If he likes Indian things,
I'll think of him as a friend.
- You wanna be careful, miss
I still say he's a heathen.
God rest ye merry gentlemen ♪
Let nothing you dismay ♪
For Jesus Christ our savior ♪
Was born on Christmas day ♪
To save us all from Satan's power ♪
(children giggling)
- A doll's house.
Oh thank you, Mama, it's wonderful.
- Was that what you wanted?
- Yes it is, it's lovely.
- [Donald] A theater, a toy theater!
Oh, thank you, Papa.
- [Mr. Carmichael] Well it's
not exactly a theater, Donald.
Open your mama's box, then
you'll see what it is.
- [Mrs. Carmichael] Oh, darling, pearls.
- [Mr. Carmichael] Oh, sweetie.
There, there, there, there.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Punch and Judy!
Oh, thank you, Mama!
I shall be able to make
up my own pantomime.
- And we won't have to waste money
taking you to a real theater.
- You mean, we can't go
and see "Mother Goose"?
But you promised.
- I'm sure Donald's pantomime
will be much more enjoyable.
You can't expect us to
go out to the theater
now that we have one at home.
- Papa, I don't want to see
Donald's "Punch and Judy" show,
I want to see clowns and panoramas
and transformation scenes.
- I can do transformation scenes.
- Don't be stupid, Donald.
Don't you want to see a proper pantomime?
- Yes, I do.
- All right then, perhaps I
will take these back after all.
(children chattering)
- Papa.
- Now, look.
- So you were only joking?
- I was only joking.
Well, no, look at these.
- [Girl] You got us, Papa.
- [Girl] That wasn't funny.
(family chattering)
(choir singing)
And his tidings of comfort and joy ♪
Comfort and joy ♪
And his tidings of comfort and joy ♪
- Let us pray.
Almighty God, on this, the
anniversary of the birth
of thine only-begotten son,
we beseech thee to bless all those
who are separated from their loved ones.
Comfort and sustain
them on this joyous day.
Blessed too those whose lot it is
to serve their fellow-creatures.
Make them diligent in their duties
and humbly grateful both to thee
and to their earthly benefactors.
So that at the last
they too may be admitted
to thine everlasting kingdom
through Christ our Lord.
- [All] Amen.
- Young ladies, you may open your gifts.
Those members of staff who wish
to do so may stay and watch.
Well, what a wonderful array of gifts.
Oh, that is very nice, thank you.
Yes, oh, and what have you there?
(gentle solemn music)
- Sara, Sara.
This is for you.
- For me?
Oh, Ermengarde.
- It's a book.
You've probably read it
but I know you like reading
books over and over again.
And I know you haven't
any of your own books.
- Thank you.
I just wish-
- Sara, if that is a gift then
you will open it downstairs.
It would not be seemly to do so here.
- Yes, ma'am.
- [Miss Minchin] Isn't that very nice?
(pans bubbling)
- How lovely.
- What, miss?
- "Alice Through the Looking Glass".
I've read "Alice in Wonderland"
but I've never read this.
- Books?
What does a skivvy want with books?
They don't teach you to
scrub floors, do they?
- And they don't tell you how
to keep hold of your money.
Nor how to recognize a mine
what ain't got no diamonds in it.
- Merry Christmas, everyone.
(gentle music)
Merry Christmas, Cook.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Merry Christmas, Henrietta.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Merry Christmas, Rebecca.
- Thank you kindly, ma'am.
- Merry Christmas everyone.
- [Becky] Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, ma'am.
Oh, three pounds.
Should have been a fiver.
Still, it's a quid more than last year.
- [Henrietta] I've got 10 bob more.
- I've got the same.
Here, miss, I'll share it with you.
Half a crown each, eh?
- No, Becky, it's sweet of you
but it's your Christmas box.
You must keep it.
- But you didn't get nothing.
- I didn't expect anything.
I owe Miss Minchin so much money,
I couldn't expect her to give me anymore.
- But it's not fair.
Everyone should get a
present at Christmas.
- I've got one, and
it's just what I wanted.
- Carrots.
- Sorry again to call you
out on Christmas day, doctor.
I hope we haven't wasted your time?
- Not at all, my dear man.
Your master has jaundice.
- Jaundice?
- A general disorder of the system
in which bile accumulates
in the bloodstream.
This can be caused by some
mechanical impediment,
such as a blocked bile duct.
In a great many cases
it can be caused by a sudden mental shock
or prolonged anxiety.
Has your master had such a shock recently?
- Yes, yes he has.
- And he drinks spirits I see.
- Yes, doctor he drinks.
- He must stop immediately.
The bile duct could well be blocked
by an inflammation of the liver.
A condition aggravated by spirit drinking.
I shall have to make some tests.
But if he follows my advice,
the prognosis should be favorable.
And may I ask if he has
recovered from the shock?
- No.
- And I don't suppose I ever shall.
- Nonsense.
It's just a question of willpower,
whether you wish to recover.
It seems to me, my dear sir,
you're putting up very little
resistance to your illness.
I cannot emphasize enough
that in a case like yours,
the mental and the
physical go hand in hand.
So if you continue on your present course-
- I'll just fade away.
- Exactly.
- Well, perhaps that would be best.
- Then why did you seek medical advice?
- To please my servant.
- It would please him a great deal more
if you cease to brood on your troubles.
And you must follow a strict diet.
No more spirit drinking.
- No, Doctor.
- I shall call again tomorrow morning.
Good day, sir.
And a merry Christmas to you.
(door clunking)
(drink splashing)
(group chattering)
- [Miss Minchin] Lavinia, pass the salt.
- It was a wonderful present.
- Did you like it, really?
- I love it and I haven't read it.
I can't wait to start.
- Sarah, stop talking, please.
Servants should be seen and not heard.
- [Sara] Yes ma'am.
- Oh for heaven's sake.
Look what she's done, Miss Minchin.
- You clumsy girl.
You're not even fit to wait on tables.
Go to your room this instant.
- It wasn't, me ma'am, it was her.
She did it on purpose.
- Nonsense.
How dare you accuse one of my young ladies
of uncouth behavior.
- You will go to your room immediately.
You will beg Lavinia's pardon.
- No, I won't beg her pardon
because it was her fault.
- Then you will go to your room
for the rest of the day
and you will go without
luncheon and dinner.
- But that's not fair.
- I'm not interested in
what you think is fair.
You will do as I say.
(Sara sighs)
Don't laugh at me, you insolent child.
- Maria.
- I wasn't laughing.
I was thinking.
- What?
- It would be strange if I
turned out to be a princess,
after all, wouldn't it?
- Well, get on with your lunch!
This is supposed to be a festive occasion!
(somber music)
(monkey chattering)
- Come back evil one.
You mustn't go there you naughty monkey.
You can't visit the little girl.
Come back at once.
(Sara speaking in foreign language)
- You speak Hindustani?
- Yes.
- A miracle, sent by Krishna perhaps?
Did you drop from heaven?
- If I had I certainly wouldn't
have chosen this place.
But you haven't answered my question.
Will your monkey let me
catch him or will he bite?
- No, no, he won't bite.
He is however frightened of strangers.
- You better come and fetch him then.
Can you get across?
- I will come at once.
(monkey chirping)
Now come along evil one.
Come to Ram Dass.
It's no use, there is no escape.
I shall inform the Sahib of your conduct
and there will be no
bananas for you today.
- Tell me about the Sahib.
He comes from India too?
- No, he was there only a few weeks.
Then he became ill
and had to return to England.
- What's the matter with him?
- He has a disease called jaundice.
If he had stayed in India,
he would surely have died.
- Poor man, I will pray for him.
- Thank you, Missy Sahib.
Thank you also for your indulgence.
Please, forgive the evil
one for his wickedness.
(monkey squealing)
- Missy Sahib.
(gentle music)
Oh, Anna, if you could see me now.
- The habitation was not fit, Sahib.
Not fit for a girl of her extreme youth.
In India,
perhaps it'd be possible
to live in such a place.
But here, here it is too cold.
- There was no fire?
- There has been no fire
there for many weeks.
She could freeze to death.
- BO!
I thought you might like some company.
- Won't you be missed downstairs?
- It's all right, they're
playing hide and seek
and it's my turn to hide.
They'll never think of
looking for me up here.
- Well, if you're sure.
- I brought you some Christmas cake.
- Oh, Ermengarde, thank you.
I'll save it for later.
It'll be something to look forward to.
- It was beastly of Lavinia
to get you into trouble.
I'm sorry I didn't stick up for you
but I couldn't think of anything to say.
- There was nothing you could have said.
The gorgon would never have
believed it wasn't my fault.
- She was beastly too.
Making you go hungry on Christmas day!
I hate her!
- I don't.
I pretend I'm a princess in disguise.
At any time I choose I
can order her execution.
It's a great comfort.
(Ermengarde laughs)
- Oh you've started it then.
- Yes.
And do you know something,
Alice was a prisoner too.
She had a more comfortable
cell, of course.
She had a nice warm fire and a carpet
but she still felt like a prisoner.
- And that's why she went
through the looking glass.
- [Both] To escape.
- She thought that once
she was on the other side
no one could get at her.
- It's a pity you haven't
got a looking glass.
- I shall just have to pretend
this is the other side.
Strange things happen here too you know.
- Mr. Carmichael, Sahib.
- Mr. Carrisford.
- I'm sorry about the gloom, Carmichael,
but the light hurts my eyes.
Please do sit down.
- Thank you.
- Have a good Christmas?
- Wonderful.
And you?
- Oh, Christmas isn't for
crusty bachelors like me,
it's for children.
You have five, don't you?
- Yes, yes.
Four girls and a boy.
Thank you.
Perhaps you would like to meet them?
- Oh, when I'm on my feet again.
- Sahib.
- I feel they've much better things to do
than visit a boring invalid like me.
- What did the doctor say?
- That if I follow his advice
I shall make a complete recovery.
Though, frankly, I'm
not sure it's worth it.
Not unless you can find
Crewe's daughter for me.
Have you any news?
- Yes, Mr. Carrisford, I have.
I heard from my French
inquiry agent an hour ago,
I came straight over to tell you.
- You found her.
Tell me where she is.
- Well, I believe that she's in Russia.
(gentle downbeat music)
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