A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

The Shopping Mall

Order in the court!
Prosecutor, please continue.
Let me ask you again.
During the mission,
did you or did you not see
the defendant killing civilians?
Sir, I need your answer!
Why aren't you answering it? Isn't it Mom?
Who is it?
Sir, this is Juncheol.
How did you get this number?
That's not important right now.
Bale is still alive.
I can't talk for long.
He's on his way to your mom's funeral
with Lee Seongjo.
Please, answer your phone! Come on!
What the hell?
I'm so sorry,
but my phone died.
Can I borrow your phone?
I have to call the insurance company.
Turn off your light!
What the fuck?
How thrilling.
Second floor, center!
Cease fire!
Mr. Kim, how's it going?
Come in. Mr. Kim.
Can you hear me?
Hey, Mr. Kim
What the hell?
Today's not your lucky day.
Attain enlightenment, buddy.
What the fuck's going on?
Are they all dead?
They can't even take
what's handed to them.
For God's sake.
What's taking you guys so long?
Hurry up, will you?
Shoot the ceiling!
You should've
secured your visibility
first in the dark, Mr. Kim.
You've finally lost your touch.
Someone like you
is worth taking to hell with me.
Goodbye, Mr. Kim.
Oh Hi, Jeong Jian.
I'm Brother.
Put that on your wrists.
Put it on Bae Jeongmin.
How do you know me?
I feel like I can spin it all night.
These six have rented out the ride.
You all must be rich.
The girl with her eyes shut and the guy
in the leather jacket. Are you related?
- Or a couple?
- Don't worry. Hold onto me.
What? You're holding hands?
Look at that.
I can't let that happen. Attack!
What's this? This isn't right.
You can't sit there.
- How will you explain this?
- Junmyeon.
Don't move.
You'll fall if you move again.
By the way, this girl has
the strongest legs I have ever seen!
Look at her hold on!
I'll be going, then.
You're going to leave like that?
Is there something more to do
before I go in?
You really
don't have a clue, do you?
Your muffler has a hole.
I'll fix it for 50,000 won.
This is my uncle.
Oh Hello.
Isn't it illegal for a teenager to ride
a motorcycle? No helmet, illegal mods.
Show me your license.
Come on, sir.
You're so old-fashioned.
Let the kids be lovey-dovey.
Jian, keep going.
Still, I need to check.
Show me your license.
I I didn't bring it with me today.
I should go.
Have a good night.
I'll go with you.
- I'll call you!
-Come here.
Why are you getting on?
Drop me off at the store.
Did you see how he didn't bow his head
as he greeted me?
One bulgogi burger and two shrimp burgers.
She's been working here for a while.
Didn't you know? She works two jobs.
She works at the gimbap shop too.
She still lives with her uncle?
It could be her uncle, lover, or pimp.
Who knows?
Hey, it's her uncle.
- Okay.
- So sensitive.
- So sensitive.
- I'm not sensitive!
- You're disgusting.
- She's always like this.
Does she not have parents?
That's right. You wouldn't know.
You transferred in middle school.
Her mom and dad
Stop. Do you want her to hit you
- with a chair again?
- Wait! My PTSD!
My head!
Enjoy your meal.
don't you hang out with her?
Let's go somewhere else.
- Why?
-What? Why?
-Go somewhere else.
- What?
-Let's go. Come on.
-What is it?
-Do you know her?
-She's no one.
They have confiscated
400 unauthorized guns,
five crossbows, and 32 stun guns.
If you are caught carrying
or using weapons without a permit,
you could be imprisoned
for three to 15 years
Why did you act that way to Minsook?
In middle school
when Minsook came over.
You came into my room,
stared at her for ten minutes,
and got misunderstood for a pervert.
It lost me my only friend.
Also, my tutor, Jinki.
He was just messing around a little.
You just had to threaten him
to do his job properly
and make him quit the next day.
Listen up, Jian.
First off,
Minsook stole my watch that day.
I only looked at her to confirm that.
She apologized to me
and returned my watch.
That was the end of it.
your tutor, Kim Jinki
Well, in the end,
he was arrested for molestation
a week later.
As your legal guardian
who must protect you,
I think I did my best.
Then, what about Junmyeon?
What did he do so wrong?
It's illegal for a high schooler
to ride a motorcycle.
He had no helmet.
He even smokes!
He reeked of it.
Come on!
Do you know why I work so many jobs?
I'm saving up to move out of here.
I've thought about
why I'm so different
from the other kids.
I know you raised me,
why does it feel like
you're locking me up?
I know I'm not a model student.
But I'm not a problem child either.
Why do you meddle in everything?
I want to hang out with friends
like the other kids.
I want to date too.
Am I not allowed?
Then, make a bet with me.
My face.
I'll let you move out
if you can hit it even once.
I'm being serious.
So am I.
Are you done eating?
I'll put them away.
Are you hiding something from me?
Mom and Dad
Did they really die the way
that everyone talks about?
Honestly, I don't remember.
Isn't it time you told me?
Will you take the bet?
It took a lot for me
to bring this up to you!
What's wrong with you?
Why do you always avoid the subject?
Forget it if you don't want to move out.
Damn it!
You're so slow.
You do the dishes.
Darn it!
You're so annoying!
Turn right.
There you go.
Come on.
Great job, Jian.
Bring it down.
Wow, Jian!
You pass.
You've got a knack for it.
Great job.
Put the forklift back where it was
and come eat.
Darn it.
Damn it.
Move! Move!
I said move!
Get out of my way!
What are you doing, Jian?
You're scaring me!
Fighting with your family
makes you a bitch.
Stay out of it!
It's a family matter, Pasin!
Did you just hit me?
You're too slow. You're like a slug.
You won't even touch his hair.
Can't touch.
Why are you all on my case?
Let go of me!
Let go!
Let go of me!
Hey! Let go!
You're getting it all wrong.
How do you get it wrong every time?
You're so annoying.
Worry about yourself.
I took it out!
Look. You got it wrong again.
How do you keep getting
the distance wrong?
Stop nagging me.
Did I
pass out?
Jian is up.
You must've been tired.
Don't study so hard.
Did I pass out?
How could you
make your niece pass out?
- What?
- She's right.
I didn't do it. He did.
Right. What?
You're shameless, Jinman.
You told me to do it.
When did I?
You're such a liar.
Fuck you Die!
You told me to do it. You made me.
Unbelievable. When?
Put the forklift back where it was.
What's your hand?
Give me your head.
You lose, you get hit.
Pay first.
Pasin, what you did to me earlier.
Teach me how to do it.
You want me to teach you Muay Thai
so you can hit Jinman?
Yes, Master.
Just creep up on him
and hit him while he's sleeping.
But isn't that cheating?
It seems too easy too.
Do you think it'd be easy?
I want to move out of my uncle's place.
He's frustrating. I can't live with him.
The Muay Thai that I do is tough.
You can't do it.
I can.
I'll do everything you tell me to do.
Three times a week. 500,000 won a month.
I'm in high school.
I don't have that kind of money.
I have to send my son
to a private school next year.
So I need a lot of money,
but I don't have any right now.
I should just die.
Even with my paychecks,
the most I can get is 50,000 won a week.
Follow me.
First lesson.
We're starting now?
Try to block me.
One, two.
- One, two.
- Keep your elbows up.
Always remember this box.
Don't lose balance.
Why do you play with my heart? ♪
With you ♪
You're too stiff.
You're all talk.
Barely breaks even.
One, two.
You're a slug.
Slug, you're so slow!
Get up, Slug.
What are you doing?
- Put me down.
- So slow, Slug.
I must've been nothing to you ♪
- Hey, hurry
- Jian?
What the hell?
You're pretty.
Who were those kids? Your friends?
We're better than them.
Did we scare you?
You're a pretty thing.
- Hey, show us your face.
-Cha Minsook?
- Hey.
- Jian!
- Hey!
- What the hell?
What the fuck?
- Who the fuck are you?
You ruined everything!
What is that? Green onions?
Is this a fucking joke?
This is good. I was hungry.
I'm craving ramyeon.
She ran away,
so you have to make up for it.
Can you handle it?
Who the fuck am I talking to?
What? What's that glare?
What is it? What are you trying to do?
Damn. Are you a boxer or something?
What is it? Do you want to play?
What the
You must not be from around here.
That's enough.
Listen up, Jian.
I know you've become stronger
after learning to fight from Pasin,
but it's not enough
to beat a man holding a knife.
Just run away next time.
Drop me off at Master Pasin's place.
My money!
I need my 350,000 won to pay rent!
I haven't seen him
for two or three days.
- He took 500,000 won from me.
-Everyone, calm down.
We're checking everything now.
- Just wait.
- What's going on?
Pasin, that bastard!
He borrowed money and ran off.
- What?
- Not just me!
Everyone here lent him money.
What do we do? We're done for!
Is there a Jeong Jian here?
That's me.
you're not a slug anymore.
What is this?
Is that your school?
There's one in the bathroom.
You're insane!
Who are you?
How long have you been watching me?
Who made all of this?
Was it my uncle?
It's not the time for this, Jian.
Minhye is out of bullets.
More guys will come soon!
It won't stop here. The boss said so!
Minhye can't die if we want to stop them.
We have to go out there
and give her more bullets and medicine!
What the hell are you saying?
Wait That's too bright!
That's too bright! It's bright!
Xeroderma pigmentosum.
Xeroderma pigmentosum!
If I
If I'm exposed to light
for a long time, it hurts!
Turn off the lights
Hurry! Turn off the lights!
You haven't answered me yet!
What is all of this?
How long have you been watching me
from here?
You came to this house
on June 26, 2009.
I came to this house
on June 20, 2009.
In just
We have to be careful.
He's pretending to be pitiful
to evoke sympathy.
I don't know why he's here,
but it's true he spied on you.
I'm going to try to figure out
the shopping mall's system.
We'll be able to get
proper information on your uncle.
What is this?
Why does a mere weapons shopping mall
have a server room like this?
Jeong Jian!
Don't trust him!
Hey, open this right now!
Damn it!
What's going on?
What do I do now?
Let me go.
Get this off me, asshole.
Jeong Jian?
Open the second drawer to your right.
If the owner of murthehelp,
Jeong Jinman, dies or is absent
due to an accident,
then Jeong Jinman's niece, Jeong Jian,
will inherit murthehelp.
Two. After Jeong Jian inherits murthehelp,
she will faithfully cooperate
with the handover and carry out her duties
such as accounting,
management, and personnel tasks.
During the handover, Jeong Jian
is allowed to give up her inheritance.
She'll take responsibility after signing.
Six. Whether the handover proceeds
according to these regulations
The necessary measures must be taken.
As an employee of murthehelp,
I promise to obey
whatever the owner of murthehelp orders,
no matter what.
I also promise to risk my life if need be.
I read it all.
Now, tell me if you consent to take over
Do you see a pen and paper in there?
The boss planned all of this.
He expected
that he would die
and murthehelp would be attacked.
Now, just follow my guide
Let Jeongmin
I can't.
You said you'd risk your life and obey me.
That's what you said.
Don't you remember?
Let Jeongmin go!
Anything but
Not that
There's a reason for this.
What is it?
The boss
died because of Bae Jeongmin.
Stop it.
What are you doing, Jian?
Do you Do you seriously believe him?
Shut up!
No, Jian.
Think about it.
I was with you
when we almost died upstairs an hour ago.
And a strange woman drugged me.
Don't you remember?
I helped build the hardware website.
I helped with your uncle's funeral!
But I'm the one that made him die?
You probably erased
the evidence during the funeral.
Erased what?
I'm the one that found his phone,
and because of that
all of this happened and I almost died.
What about him?
How do we know why or when he came here?
He's been here in the basement
while you two lived upstairs?
Does that make sense?
Is he a parasite or what?
Jeong Jian.
Don't you think it's strange?
Shut your mouth!
You're a pervert
who spied on Jian's naked body!
Your uncle
would never commit suicide.
- Jian, don't listen to him--
- Wait!
I want to hear what he has to say.
Of course. Sure, Jian.
But But think carefully about it.
This is ridiculous and so unfair.
Keep going.
He came to your uncle.
Then, the boss died.
If you're curious,
open the video file labeled "0404"
on the main screen of the computer.
What are you up to?
Are you a hacker?
No, don't click it.
The moment you click it,
we don't know what will happen.
The doors here could be disarmed.
And the killers might get in.
Look at the facilities here, Jian.
Just hurry up and click it.
Watch it.
He could've controlled everything in here
to kill us.
No, no, no! That's not true!
He's lying!
Just click it and watch the video!
Jian Wait, Jian
Do you remember?
When you were locked
in the school storage room,
the person who told your uncle
that you were there
was me.
Listen up, Jian.
Whatever you choose,
I'll leave it to you to decide.
What will you do?
Do you want to raise it
or take it to the shelter?
I want to raise it.
I already gave it a name.
I'm going to make sure Dooney lives.
All right. Do that.
Listen up, Jian.
Every choice you make
comes with responsibilities.
If Dooney gets sick and dies,
you must take responsibility
for your sadness too.
You go.
and give that woman guns and medicine.
This is a gift.
Can you hand me the beanie?
Oh, right.
Do not,
under any circumstances,
come outside of the shopping mall.
Who are you?
It's me.
It's been a long time.
You've grown a lot.
Are you okay?
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for choosing me.
Yes, sure
did you know?
When we were young,
the person that locked you in
was also me.
What was that?
I got a dose of that earlier.
It works pretty well.
Who are you?
How do you use this?
Does it have a button?
Is that it? One, two, three.
What the heck?
You control it with that computer?
It's like a game controller.
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