A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

What Kind of Voice?

A sign language notebook?
What's this doing here?
Maybe Itsu-kun's studying
something new again?
Why sign language?
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
It's the first time I've been back
so close to my curfew.
A coin from a distant country
Since it's from Itsuomi-san,
just holding it makes me feel
like I can go anywhere.
It's Rin-chan!
Cheer up! Just Itsu being himself
"I'm going out shopping with the owner
on his next holiday!"
"Wow! That's great, Rin-chan!"
That was fast!
"The two of us being alone in the car
is too embarrassing for me right now, so"
"Wanna tag along with Itsuomi-san
to make that four people?"
Us four?
Itsuomi-san did promise to see me again.
Maybe this is a good time.
Even though I feel like I can go anywhere,
there's only one place I want to go.
Okay, let's do it!
Lemme stay over.
Well, I won't pry since I probably
already know what happened.
I'm hungry, too.
Objection! He has no proof.
I knew you were going to say that.
Go ahead.
That's called "shadowing" right?
You still do that
even though you're already fluent?
I need to maintain it
or else I'll lose it.
I guess every skill
needs hard and steady work.
Is that sign language?
Did Yuki-chan teach you that?
Sign language isn't like English.
She's the only one
you can use it on right now.
So why are you still trying to learn it?
Is that also for your dream?
Yuki-chan looks like
she has a crush on Itsu.
But Itsu still has baggage with Emma.
I don't want to see
a nice girl like her cry.
Have a beer.
That's mine in the first place.
You've got plans with Rin?
"Why don't the four of us go together?"
Or so Yuki texted.
Ah, okay. You wanna go shopping together?
You and Rin?
What's that supposed to mean?
There's nothing going on between us!
Want to come with us?
Wow, she's so pretty!
Maybe she's a model?
Her hair is beautiful!
Hey there, lady. Going somewhere?
Meeting up with someone?
A friend, maybe?
Come on, don't ignore me.
You texting someone?
A friend.
For real? She cute?
He's a guy!
Thank you for your patronage!
When do you get off work?
Let's grab some fancy drinks!
Thank you for waiting.
Here is your skirt steak.
It looks so yummy!
-You gotta taste this, Shin-chan!
Think you can drink another bottle?
Look at you go.
Something bothering you, Emma?
Itsu-kun again?
That's right! I gathered all my courage,
but he didn't even bat an eye!
It also looks like
he's studying something new again.
Oh, really?
Yup. Sign language, I think?
Geez! And here I was
getting all flustered!
Let's drink that away, yeah?
Excuse me! Another bottle, please!
You really know how to cheer me up,
Vent away, I'm all yours today.
You're making me cry!
I'm so happy you're always there for me!
All right, let's eat!
These look good!
Let's eat! Itsu-kun, you dummy!
Today's finally the day.
I'm excited yet anxious.
I wonder how our conversations will go
with four people.
Rin-chan said Kyoya-san was willing
to pick us up with his car.
But I'd feel bad having him
go all the way to my house.
Plus I don't want to bump
into Oushi-kun on the way like last time.
Why are you here?
What's with that reaction?
Where the heck are you going?
Calm down.
To the library.
The library?
And also, what time did you go home
the other day?
He's really childish
compared to Itsuomi-san.
You're heavy.
I'm near the ticket gate
It's from Itsuomi-san!
Hey, that's not the way to the library.
Hey, Yuki!
It's crowded today!
Wait up a sec, will you?
You were meeting up with him?
You want something?
You shouldn't hug her
from behind out of the blue like that.
She can't hear you coming.
I can't see his lips.
Are they talking about something?
Yuki said she doesn't mind if it's me.
Oushi-kun! What's with that glare?
He's glaring at Itsuomi-san.
Don't worry, it's nothing.
Let's go.
It didn't feel that way, though
"I diot"?
Wait, what, why?
Itsuomi-san looks upset about something.
Did something happen?
Just a guy thing. Don't worry about it.
I have a feeling I shouldn't pry into it.
They're almost here.
Just arrived.
Heading there with Itsu.
Really? That was fast.
I know, right?
It's awkward being alone
with Kyoya-san in here!
Hurry up, Yuki!
The weather sure is great today.
I know, right?
I can't believe we actually started
talking about the weather
Come on, Rin!
You can think of something better!
By the way, Kyoya-san,
there's this new place around the
No way he's sighing?
You know, Rin-chan.
I'm not sure
if I should be asking this, but
Is Yuki-chan in love with Itsu?
Or does she have some feelings for him?
His looks make him a hit with the ladies.
But he's not interested
in romance right now.
He's too busy chasing his dream.
His dream?
I've seen many customers fall for him
and get their hearts crushed.
You're worried Yuki will end up like them?
But doesn't Itsuomi-san also like Yuki?
He seems really interested
in sign language.
I'd be happy if he liked her as a woman.
But I'm not sure what kind
of kindness he's showing Yuki-chan.
Rin-chan. Looks like they're here.
Sorry for the wait.
Wait, why are you two holding hands?
It's 'cause Yuki
was about to get roadkilled back there.
Oh, okay.
Well, I'm glad you two are okay. Come in.
You can start the car now, Kyoya.
Yeah, let's go!
What're you planning to buy?
Some for the store and some for myself,
so feel free to visit the shops you like.
Kyoya-san's so nice!
What are you buying for yourself,
I love furikake, so I buy loads of them.
Kyoya-san's so cute!
Wow! These candy packages are huge!
I'm glad you're impressed.
What's with their reaction?
Tiramisu! And a big one, too!
That makes you look tiny.
Wanna buy it?
You've been acting weird earlier. Why?
You know
Keep this a secret from Itsu, okay?
Itsu sounded so tender
when he called out to you.
Really? Can voices sound that different?
What is it?
What's his usual voice like?
Was this the only time
he's called me gently?
Or maybe
He does it all the time?
Nah, no way.
These chocolates are good.
They're Belgian.
Looks yummy!
You want to buy this, yeah?
Did I just get sales talked?
I can't believe
I'm having so much fun today.
Have you ever been abroad?
Many deaf people love traveling abroad
since they're good at gestures, though
I see.
I guess the will to communicate
is the most important thing.
That feeling really is the most important.
Aren't you the same, Yuki?
I'll never forget your eyes
when you thanked me
in sign language back then.
I wonder if my eyes were the same
back when I wanted to communicate
but didn't know English yet.
So he felt that way about me
All right.
How about I stuff you in my bag
next time I go abroad?
Think you'll fit?
Is he
Inviting me to go with him?
I don't want to feel like your baggage.
Just kidding.
You aren't my baggage.
Itsuomi-san's words always shoot straight
into the depths of my heart.
I wonder what he sounded like just now.
Will Kyoya-san be okay carrying all this?
Maybe I should help him out.
What is it, Itsuomi-san?
How about you ride alone
with Kyoya on the way back?
You've been coming
to the cafe a lot lately.
I see what's going on.
I-I don't know what you're talking about!
Just be honest. I'll even help you out.
I'm counting on you!
All right.
Go ask him to drive you alone after this.
Weren't you going to help me?
I'm giving you advice, aren't I?
What if he says no?
Sorry for the wait!
It was crowded back there.
Just go already.
They're going home alone together.
Rin-chan sure is assertive today!
So cute! I'm happy for you, Rin-chan!
All right, let's leave the stuff
to them and take the train home.
Right, we'll also be alone
on the way back.
We'll be off now. Good luck!
Let's go.
Grab a bite with me?
Looks like I'm getting
the hang of sign language.
I'm going home.
He turned me down!
No way!
Wanna eat at my place with me?
Your place?
-Kyoya? Can I take the pizza home with me?
-Place, as in, your house?
-You still nearby?
-Wait, don't tell me
-Okay, got it. Sorry.
-He means
Let's go.
We're going to his house?!
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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