A Simple Murder (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Tu Kya Hai?

My name is Priya Davas.
Politician Pran Davas is my father.
I eloped with the love of my life.
And he sent a killer
after us.
He knows no emotion!
All he knows is killing! Only killing!
And if we die, then
Then He
How do you say 'zimmedar' in English?
Hey, listen.
Why don't you do this in Hindi?
No one will understand
that refined English.
So, why didn't you elope
with an Englishwoman?
Sorry. Carry on.
- Why did you elope with me?
I'm unsophisticated, right?
- Okay, I'm sorry. Continue.
I'll have to start over.
[OS] 'Breaking news.'
[OS] 'Minister Pran Davas' daughter
has revealed'
[OS] 'She is in danger of honour killing.'
- A shocking revelation'
[OS] 'Her father is after her life.'
[OS] 'Let's take another look
at the clip.'
[OS] 'My name is Priya Davas.'
[OS] 'Minister Pran Davas is my father.'
[OS] 'I'm a Jat girl.'
[OS] 'And I love a Muslim boy.'
[OS] 'And my father finds this fact
very embarrassing.'
[OS] 'So, he wants us both dead.'
[OS] 'On the one hand,
Pran Davas advocates women's safety.'
[OS] 'And on the other hand,
his own daughter, Priya Davas,'
[OS] 'has accused him
of attempted honour killing.'
Now, those who want to kill
their daughters are contesting elections!
[OS] 'If the minister can't keep
his own daughter happy,'
'what will happen
to the daughters of this country?'
[OS] 'If you find our dead bodies
in the near future,'
[OS] 'or if we disappear, you can assume'
'that Minister Pran Davas got
his own daughter killed.'
Come, ma'am.
Anything else, ma'am?
Nothing else.
- And your check-out will be
Take your time.
Don't go anywhere, okay?
[VO] 'Manish, who had lost
both his wife and the money,'
[VO] 'found himself between
the devil and the deep blue sea.'
[VO] 'Now, all he had for consolation
was cheap booze'
[VO] 'and his moustachioed
drunkard friend.'
do you know the 'dosa' centre in Dwarka?
That's where I had proposed to her
for the first time.
She had rejected me then.
I gave her so much love.
I had ordered 'paper masala dosa' for her.
She didn't like it.
But, no, Manish is fucking determined.
He doesn't give up.
Now, suffer, you piece of shit.
She ran away with Rs 50 million!
If she had to run away,
at least, she could have
left Rs 25 million for me.
I would have kept it
as a souvenir of her love.
But now, even if she comes and begs me,
I won't forgive her.
Even if she says to me at gunpoint,
'Manish, please forgive me,'
I won't forgive her.
Because now, it's a matter
of my self-respect.
Richa, where are you?
Prime Heritage Inn.
Please come here soon.
- Yes. I'll be there right away.
Hey, Himmat!
Himmat, wake up!
I've found the money! Come on!
Are we there yet?
- We're almost there.
Here. Wash your face.
It's an upscale hotel.
Listen to me carefully.
The girl must come out of it alive.
- What do you mean?
If she dies, I'll lose the election.
The media is hounding me.
There must be no mistake
this time around, Pandit.
Okay. Don't worry, minister.
Your job will be done.
Determine the location. Find out where
the video was uploaded from. Hurry up.
And find out Usman's entire history.
- Yes, boss.
When there's a horde
of guests at the door,
the bride's mother has to take a dump.
Himmat, pay him.
I'll give you a lot of money
once we go upstairs.
Come on.
Hey, listen.
There's a metal detector at the entrance.
So? Why should we fear it?
- Gun
Come on.
Come on, hurry up!
It's a lie! She's lying!
Richa, tell me the truth.
- No!
Manish, I swear on you.
She swears on you.
She's lying for sure.
Ask her for proof.
Richa, prove it.
- What?
There are condoms in the dustbin.
Check it out.
My box is collecting dust,
and here, you
But you're the only one I love, Manish.
Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?
She does.
You were eating 'masala dosa' with him!
But I didn't have 'paper masala dosa'.
You guys carry on. I'll
Baby, that man was using me.
Can't you see it?
Had you gone blind?
Forgive me.
I have nothing else to say.
Baby, I'm really, really sorry.
Please forgive me.
For cappuccino's sake.
Hello, sir.
You remind me of my younger brother.
Actually, he wanted to work
in hospitality too.
Really? - How much time did it take you?
Where did you study it?
Sir, I studied HM from Goa.
My family spent all their savings on that.
And now, after struggling for 4-5 years,
I've got to this position.
This is my first day as a manager.
Fantastic! It doesn't look
like it's your first day.
Also, I must tell you
that the hotel is well looked-after.
Thank you, sir.
- The security is amazing.
Security is too tough, sir.
- The security is very good here.
Too tough
There are ten CCTV cameras on each floor.
So many floors, so many rooms
How do you people manage it?
Sir, the data from every security camera
goes to one room. Only one room.
- I see.
And only I
As a manager, only I have access.
Do you see this bar code?
Can I have it?
But why should we believe
that it was Rahul who took the money?
Tell us.
[OS] You son of a b
- Sorry!
Come on, hurry up!
One second.
- Where are you going?
A pot plant?
Manish, why aren't we going home?
I broke a bottle on Himmat's head.
He knows our house.
But where will we stay?
Driver, take us
to the cheapest lodge you know.
[OS] Okay, sir.
Who are you?
You're a soldier.
So, soldier, did you kill that girl?
are you?
'Ghalib, they ask me who I am.'
The girl you killed
I'm her boyfriend.
Her sweetheart. Her darling.
The love of her life. That's who I am.
Hand me the pot. I'll pay you.
I'll go and get food. Okay?
Take care. Okay?
Lock the door from the inside.
Hey. Excuse me.
Call someone.
Tell me.
We need a room.
- IDs?
- Brother.
If he is my husband,
I must be his wife, right? - Okay.
- I'll pay tomorrow morning.
No credit. Only cash.
One second.
Go, man!
What do we do now?
We'll have to do something about this.
Throw it away somewhere.
One minute.
I have some money in this account.
Withdraw it.
Hey. Look after her.
Manish killed my sweetheart.
Then, he escaped with my money.
He gave the money to his wife.
She left him and went with her boss Rahul.
Then, Rahul fooled her.
So, the money is with Rahul now. Right?
We can use Richa
to catch Rahul.
- You.
Who? Me?
- Yes, you. Only you.
You have stressed your brain a lot today.
It's a flesh wound.
It's not very deep. It'll heal soon.
Save yourself.
You made me come all the way here,
and now, you say you don't know!
Look for him in the 100-metre radius!
We'll find him! We'll surely find him!
[OS] His GPS location has moved,
Mr Pandit. - Shut up!
'Location has moved' You fool!
Do you want to live or not? Tell me.
Look for him fast! I'm leaving.
Okay? I'm starting the car.
Update me fast.
[OS] Wait, Mr Pandit.
- What happened?
[OS] Usman has made a cash transaction.
From which ATM?
- [OS] CTC bank.
What are you doing here?
Where's the girl?
She's with me, Mr Pandit.
I don't trust you fools!
She's with me
- Where is the girl?
[OS] Where?
- She's with me.
[OS] But where is she?
- Lower the gun.
[OS] I'm telling you, sir
- You?
Okay. You finish your job.
- Hold on!
Where have you been?
- Who are you?
Hey! Get inside! Stay there.
Excuse me. Who are you?
I'll give you one slap,
and you'll remember everything!
You sneaked into my office,
stole half a million rupees
and disappeared. And now, you ask me,
'Who are you?'
'After this, if we ever meet
on any street or a marketplace,'
- Shut up!
That's what you had said.
- Give me my money.
The money
- Give me my money.
I spent the money, Mr Pandit.
- I've got to go
Son, everyone has to go one day.
But today, I will decide who leaves when.
You son of a
Give me Give me my half a million.
What Do you take me for a fucking fool?
Give me my money!
Do you think I carry
half a million in my dhoti?
Do you take me for a fucking fool?
This is an ATM!
Withdraw it and give it to me.
Sir, how can half a million
be withdrawn from an ATM?
So, how much can one withdraw?
10-15 thousand
- No. One can withdraw 50. But
My wife withdrew it today, so
- Damn it!
Anyway, we both will run away now.
What will you do?
I'll chase you, and I'll hit you
- No, you fucking idiot!
We'll run away,
and you'll stay right here.
Come on.
Open the door.
Come on.
You will regret this.
I'll hit you so much.
- Point it at them!
I'll beat you up
- Shut up!
Listen, I'll count to three.
Okay? - Okay.
Okay. - As soon as I say three,
you have to run.
- Okay.
You fucking morons, get the car!
You asshole!
Who did you kill?
- I haven't killed anyone.
Mr Pandit had come to kill me.
- Come on, let's go!
Go upstairs. Come on!
- Let's go!
Let's go! I'll explain later.
Pack your things.
- Usman!
Just start packing.
- Sit down!
How did you get injured?
It's 'irshad', sir.
- So, you want me to recite one?
Never mind. Forget it.
- 'What are you?'
'What are you?'
- Me, sir?
'You always ask me,'
'What are you?'
'You always ask me,'
'What are you?'
'Don't be so mean to me,
or else, I'll tell you'
'who your mother is,
and what your father is!'
This couplet is perfect
for policemen! - Wow, really?
'Who your mother is,
and what your father is' - Sir.
Could you come outside for a minute?
I need to talk to you in private.
Yes. Tell me.
- Sir, outside.
One minute.
Sir, my phone battery is very low.
If I could use the landline
Buddy, I'd give you my mobile phone!
What's a landline?
Well said, sir!
Come on.
- Sir.
What is this, sir?
That's the wrong line.
It's 'what are you?'
Sir, instead of wasting time on him,
it'd be better if we go after Rahul.
Do you want to teach me
how to carry out an investigation?
Hello. - I'm speaking
from Dwarka Police Station.
Come to the station tomorrow.
[OS] At 10:30 am.
Should I come over right now?
Sir, I'm sorry,
but we're on duty.
And this poetry recitation
Hold on. Don't waste my time, okay?
Yes. 'Idrish'.
'Irshad', sir.
Yes! 'Irshad'.
You think you're too smart, huh?
You have given me a lot of trouble,
you motherfucker!
A lot of trouble!
Point a gun at his head.
Keep him at gunpoint.
And if he tries any tricks,
shoot the motherfucker!
I'll be right back.
What's the room number?
Take your phone.
Hurry up. We need to get out fast.
Listen. Keep some cash
Mr Pandit?
Mr Pandit, please hear me out.
Please hear me out.
Mr Pandit, please hear me out
for two minutes.
Please hear me out, sir.
Otherwise, I'll shoot you, Mr Pandit.
Shoot me.
I'll really
- Shoot me.
I'll shoot you, Mr Pandit.
- Shoot me!
Shoot me, motherfucker!
Hindu How dare you touch
a Hindu girl? - Mr Pandit!
How dare you touch a Hindu girl,
motherfucker? - Mr Pandit!
Move aside!
- I had really trusted you.
I had come to you for help
- Don't shout!
You will cause trouble.
- There will be a lot of trouble now!
I'll scream! I'll tell everyone!
Dear, I'm doing this for your own good.
Pick up your bag and go home.
Really? And what will you do
to Usman after that? - I
I'll settle scores
- She won't go anywhere alone!
I love her!
- You damn
Mr Pandit!
- A Jat
You want to love a Hindu girl?
Mr Pandit, no!
- You mother
You damn
- Mr Pandit
Mr Pandit!
- Motherfucker!
Let's go.
[OS] Mr Pandit, open the door!
[OS] Mr Pandit!
- Check that room.
[OS] Mr Pandit! Mr Pandit!
[VO] 'People want to believe'
[VO] 'that nothing is immoral in love.'
[VO] 'You can believe that.'
[VO] 'But love for money is immoral.'
[VO] 'Because money never favours anyone.'
[VO] 'Today, he has it.'
[VO] 'Who knows what happens tomorrow?'
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