ACMA:GAME (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Hundred Contest

If you collect 99 devil's keys,
you can have everything in the world.
We have become wrapped up
in our struggle for the keys
and finally reached
the mastermind behind it all.
First of all, let me tell you about
Hoshin's organization.
"Gungnir is the spear of Odin,
who is the god of war
and death in Norse mythology."
Exactly what kind of organization is this?
Strange things
have been happening recently.
Something is pulling the strings
behind the scenes
That's not all.
Politicians, high-ranking policemen,
and members of the self-defense force
have been mysteriously killed.
ACMA:GAME and Gungnir
seem to be responsible.
What's Gungnir's end game?
Beats me.
They want the key owners
to fight each other.
Unsuspecting citizens have no idea,
but Gungnir's influence
can be felt everywhere.
How cool is that?
I'm getting goose bumps.
Show some respect.
Teruasa has had to live
with the consequences.
The baggage is still here?
You're just a background character.
-What did you say?
-Calm down.
You need to calm down.
Can you really trust this guy?
Ui. Yuki, you too.
It's too dangerous now.
You need to stay out of this.
You need people you can rely on
to help decipher the keys.
can't think of anyone
you can trust more than Ui and Yuki.
let us help you.
We won't do anything
that would put you in trouble.
She's right.
Okay. Thank you.
Did you find anything on Gungnir?
OROCHI searched everything.
It's useless.
I see.
I got some interesting data
thanks to you and Senya Uesugi.
You two are like cats and dogs.
Thanks for the concrete example
of two people who don't see eye to eye.
Stop learning pointless stuff
and get on with your work.
Sorry to barge in.
I got some data on the devil's key.
Everything the analytical engine found
is on here.
Thanks, I'll check it now.
Yoo-hoo, Terurin.
-I let myself in.
-I've gotta go.
-That's a great jacket.
18,000,000 YEN
Yes, this is Saito from U.U. Engineering.
Sorry to disturb you.
My name is Inukai, from Black Size Japan.
I see.
Yep! You seemed down in the dumps,
so I got you some bread.
Oh, right. Terurin.
Know what this is?
It's called a "bread clip."
-Heard of it?
Terurin, your lips look a bit
-Don't touch me.
-They're so chapped.
You should use this lip balm I made.
I named it Senya-kun Lip.
Shall I put it on for you?
-I'm good.
-Pucker up.
Get away.
Dry lips are unpopular with the ladies.
Look at this.
More numbers appear
when you put three keys together,
and when I do a particular analysis,
you get two numbers.
Two numbers
If you convert it to angle and distance
It looks like
there was a devil's key here.
I see.
So this is how Gungnir
has been finding key owners.
I guess someone from Gungnir was here,
Teruasa, wait.
The coordinates are moving.
The key isn't here anymore.
Are you Teruasa Oda?
Nice to meet you.
I'm Nagakute, from Gungnir.
Sorry for calling you out of the blue.
I'm Inukai.
You're the CEO?
-Let me get straight to it.
Have a seat.
This man is from Gungnir.
Let's skip the pointless chitchat.
I'm here to play you at ACMA:GAME.
I think that's what you want too,
isn't it?
Don't, Teruasa.
You don't know what he's after.
I've been waiting ever since that day.
To take revenge
on the one who killed my father.
I accept.
Let's play.
let the game begin.
Not Gado?
Don't tell me you'd prefer
that tacky brute of a cow?
Not at all!
It's just that Gado's the only devil
Terurin has met so far.
How pitiful, to have only met Gado.
I'm the game master, Korjia.
I take fairness very seriously.
I promise to be a dignified judge.
There are different types of devil?
Korjia's personality is totally different.
I wonder if it will affect the game
The players are
Yoichi Nagakute and Teruasa Oda, correct?
Although I don't mind
if all three of you come at me at once.
Yoichi Nagakute, state your demands.
I want Teruasa to swear
never to defy Gungnir,
and offer total obedience
from here on out.
Total obedience?
Nice one!
Teruasa Oda, what are your demands?
He will tell me everything
he knows about Gungnir.
One player risks
total obedience to Gungnir.
The other risks
all of Gungnir's information.
The purity of your desires is admirable.
Take your oaths.
I will fight for my desires.
I will triumph for my desires.
-I swear on the devil.
-I swear on the devil.
Here is the game!
"Hundred Contest."
"Hundred Contest."
I can't believe
the company that made OROCHI
is suffering from financial difficulty.
We're extremely willing to work with you.
That's amazing.
Thank you!
I just have one condition.
I want to take over OROCHI's rights.
If you agree to this condition,
I'll make sure your company thrives.
O.B. I can't spot any abnormalities.
Wow, what a cutie.
Can you stop messing about?
Quit nagging.
Wish I was allowed to play.
Put it back.
I'm really sorry.
It'll be hard to tell them apart
with the body totally smashed.
I'll make a new one.
Lucky for you, Kor-chin is very forgiving.
Gado and I are totally different.
You really hate him, huh?
I'll explain the rules.
For each player,
it's a fight for 100 gold coins.
The number of coins to be wagered
is decided at the start of each round.
In this case, you would play for 30 coins.
The importance of each round
hangs on the number of coins at stake.
Next, the players choose
which piece to use.
In strength order, there's a king,
and lastly, a commoner.
But the king can be
defeated by the commoner.
Once a piece has been used,
it cannot be used again.
The player must choose his piece
and place it in the opening.
Once both have chosen,
the choices are revealed.
Now for the last twist.
When you use a level-up diamond,
the piece you have chosen
levels up to the next rank.
However, like the pieces,
diamonds can only be used once.
Then the winner is decided.
The gold coins are awarded to the winner.
So even if you're about to lose,
you can use the diamond,
and make it a tie.
What happens to the gold if it's a tie?
It is discarded.
Neither of you get the coins.
What if both players have the same
number of coins after five rounds?
The player who still has a diamond wins.
If both players have used their diamonds,
the game starts over.
What if you use the diamond on a king?
It becomes a level two king.
In that case, you must use
a diamond on the commoner
to beat the level two king.
Any other questions?
So, a fight to the bitter end.
Let the game Hundred Contest begin!
You will play for seven coins
in round one.
Choose your piece,
and place it in the opening.
It makes sense to use the stronger piece
when there are more coins at stake.
There are only seven coins this time.
The best strategy is to save
the commoners to beat the king,
and use the soldiers instead, right?
So you'd think.
You've played three games so far.
You won against small fry
Maruko and Hyodo,
but lost miserably to Senya Uesugi.
You're desperate to win this game.
But the more you focus on winning,
the more clearly I will know
exactly which piece
you're going to choose.
I already know something about you.
have experience working
in medicine, don't you?
O.B. I can't spot any abnormalities.
O.B. is a medical term
meaning, "No pathological findings."
Why would someone
who wanted to preserve life
join an organization like Gungnir?
Aren't you going to answer?
Just like you said.
There was a time
when I worked in a hospital
specializing in intensive care.
The reason I worked there
was because I wanted to help
bring my wife out of a coma.
But no amount of treatment
could bring her back to consciousness.
I was in the depths of despair.
Then one day,
I witnessed a miracle.
Someone visited the hospital
and cured my wife completely.
That person was the leader of Gungnir.
The Guide.
The Guide has power
beyond human comprehension.
An ordinary person like you
cannot understand it.
If you stand in his way,
I will destroy you.
Just watching this making my heart race.
I'm so turned on.
I need to concentrate.
Can you shut him up for me?
How many times do I have to tell you?
Stop messing about.
I'm not doing anything wrong.
All you do is nag, nag, nag.
It is time.
I've chosen.
Me too.
Now I will reveal both pieces.
Both of you played a soldier.
If you wish to use a diamond,
place it in the hole.
We both took the expected approach.
The real game starts now.
How's he gonna play it?
Time to find out who the winner is.
The strength of both pieces
is evenly matched.
The first round is a draw.
Seven coins discarded.
Nagakute didn't use the diamond either.
He must think the same.
The point of the game
is when to use the diamond.
The first round was a tie,
so 93 coins remain.
The second round is for 42 coins.
To gain the majority, I need 47 coins.
If I win, I only need five coins
in the final three rounds.
In other words,
this round is a crucial turning point.
Choose your piece
and place it in the opening.
I need to win this round no matter what.
So I should use
the strongest piece, the king.
But if he does the same,
it'd be better to play the commoner.
Or if he plays the commoner,
I need to play the general.
Either way, there are three choices,
but definitely not the knight.
But between these three,
it's pretty much rock-paper-scissors.
A one in three chance of winning.
A one in three chance of losing.
A one in three chance of a tie.
Even if I lose the second round,
the way I lose
will change things going forward.
If I lose with the king,
in the third round,
I can only draw to Nagakute's general.
If I lose with the commoner,
then the best I can hope for is a tie.
But if I lose with the general,
depending on the number of coins,
and whether I can keep the king,
I could just about make it.
So basically, I shouldn't
play the king or commoner,
but go for the least
risky option, the general.
So I should try to tie,
by using the general,
and then win the game
in the following rounds.
You're considering
the risk of losing, right?
Just like I told you,
I know everything you're thinking.
That's why I have a proposal.
Shall we draw in the second round too?
Draw on purpose?
We won't get anywhere
trying to read each other's minds.
Even so, I don't want
to lose one third of the coins.
So why don't we both
play our knights and draw,
and then decide the game
on the third round?
Taking your time to enjoy the process
is the best part of ACMA:GAME.
I don't need your opinion.
If I agree and play my knight,
how do I know
you won't play the general or king?
If you agree to my proposal,
I'll show you my piece
before I place it down.
Of course,
I expect you to do the same in return.
Now you're talking.
So, what will it be?
Things are heating up.
What's this guy's devil power?
Surely whatever I do, he'll win somehow.
But I don't know what he is capable of,
so I shouldn't do anything stupid.
Get the show on the road.
The suspense is killing me.
I'm falling asleep here.
Cut the crap.
Teruasa is fighting a serious battle.
Who are you again?
Yuki Manabe.
You've got a nice slap on you.
I like it.
I'm gonna call you Yukky.
-Such a pleasure, Yukky.
Get off me.
I feel bad for you.
Your friends are really dragging you down.
Forty-two coins is huge win.
The one thing I have to avoid
is losing this round.
Nagakute's goal
is to get me to play the knight,
and then beat me with a king or general.
If he can win with either,
there's no reason to use the king.
So he'll use the general.
I accept your proposal.
we'll put them down on three.
I have checked the pieces.
I will reveal what each player set down.
A knight?
You didn't expect me to
follow through on my promise?
Is he using a devil power?
You're busy thinking,
"Is that really a knight?"
And now you hesitate.
If you lose,
you'll lose a grand total of 42 coins.
If you wish to use a diamond,
place it in the hole.
What should I do?
He used a diamond.
And now for the results.
Based on the strength of the pieces,
round two is a tie.
Forty-two coins are void.
A tie?
So it wasn't just Teruasa,
but both of you used a diamond?
It's his devil power.
That's right.
My devil power
is called Poor Scapegoat.
Also known as a shoddy substitution.
I can change
the appearance of an object.
Like the name implies,
it's a pretty shitty skill.
I don't deny it.
But the one you should
be laughing at is Teruasa,
who was tricked into using a diamond.
But Teruasa has stronger pieces left.
He can still win.
You're wrong.
Teruasa already knows.
His chances of winning are very slim.
-The diamond.
He can use his diamond
to make a level two king.
But Terurin has used his diamond,
so he can't level up his commoner.
It's a guaranteed win for Nagakute.
If he takes that win on a round
with a high number of coins,
it's the end.
Did that sink in?
I have an impossible advantage.
Time for the third round.
Since the second round was a tie,
there are 51 gold coins left.
Three rounds to go.
It could be three lots of 17,
or something like that.
Then he still stands a chance.
But if the number is 26 or more
Thirty gold coins
are up for grabs in round three.
At the end of this round,
there will be 21 gold coins remaining.
Whatever happens cannot be reversed.
Victory will be decided.
It's over.
Teruasa Oda.
I must admit,
I am not as forgiving
as you and Senya Uesugi.
You will serve as Gungnir's slave
until the day you die.
Choose your piece
and place it in the opening.
He's already used his diamond.
If I choose the king
and use my diamond, victory is certain.
I will reveal both pieces.
A commoner?
That doesn't make sense.
If you wish to use a diamond,
place it in the hole.
I've won.
My Guide,
I dedicate this victory
to you.
Yoichi Nagakute.
Victory is decided.
The pieces are a level two king,
and a level two commoner.
The commoner wins the gold coins.
Therefore, Teruasa Oda is the winner.
You did it!
There must be a mistake!
You used a diamond in the second round.
I didn't use it then.
When I was listening
to the rules of the game,
I realized that the whole game
hung on a diamond.
I need to concentrate.
Can you shut him up for me?
In the first round, I put a Mog chocolate
wrapper in the hole,
to check that Korjia
wouldn't challenge my method.
In the second round, I used the cap
of the lip balm I got from Senya.
To make you think I had used the diamond.
That's a lie.
If you did, then in the second round,
my general would have beaten your knight!
Just like you,
my knight was really a general.
But in my case,
I used brute force.
I was in front of you the whole time!
There's no way I would have missed
something so obvious.
That's why
I let you have it your way.
Although I don't mind
if all three of you come at me at once.
I need to concentrate on the game.
Can you shut him up for me?
How many times do I have to tell you?
Stop messing about.
What's wrong?
All you do is nag, nag, nag.
I trusted Senya to understand
what I wanted him to do.
You've got a nice slap on you.
I like it.
I'm gonna call you Yukky.
-Such a pleasure, Yukky.
-Get off me.
-And so,
he gave the two altered pieces
-back to Yuki.
Just like you wanted, right?
But I gotta say, I didn't expect a slap.
Right, sorry!
you were winding me up pretty bad.
Who the hell does he think he is?
That was a risky gamble.
Messing with something
prepared by the devil
They could have ended up unrecognizable.
I don't think so.
When that happened before
It'll be hard to tell them apart
with the body totally smashed.
I'll make a new one.
These pieces
look identical except from the crown.
Most people would
identify the piece by the crown.
Korjia specifically mentioned the body.
That's when I thought.
Korjia didn't tell them apart
by the crown,
but by something inside its body.
If so,
it wouldn't make a difference
if I switched the crowns.
you lose.
A fascinating battle.
The game Hundred Contest is complete.
Will you share
everything you know about Gungnir?
What's happened?
A debt to be paid.
Who are you?
What do you mean?
This place
Seems his memory was tampered with
by his defeat in ACMA:GAME.
That's not all.
If he loses again,
he has been carefully conditioned
to lose his memory completely.
So what about the info on Gungnir?
Don't ask me.
Guess we're back to square one.
My wife.
My wife, where is she?
My wife had six months to live.
I have to watch her.
If I'm not by her side, she'll die.
My wife
Why am I alive?
I see.
I got confirmation.
Yoichi Nagakute's wife
died seven years ago.
How awful.
How is Nagakute?
His mental health deteriorated suddenly,
and a hospital I know took him in.
I've been thinking a lot
about what my dad said.
The flames of desire ignite conflict.
Try to become someone who can save those
who become consumed by desire.
Those who are taken by desire,
and consumed by it,
are those in misery.
If I'm going to save those people,
I need to fight Gungnir.
Thank you.
Can I speak to you?
Remind me,
how long have we been working together?
What's wrong with you?
You sound like an old man.
I've always been grateful to you.
I don't even pay you that much.
I'm sure you could work somewhere
with better conditions.
Can I tell you what your problem is?
You jump to conclusions
by spending too much time thinking alone.
Isn't it exhausting?
Contrary to what you might think,
I've always been simple and self-centered.
I like it here.
That's why I work here.
If I get to keep working
with you and OROCHI,
then I'll be okay.
Especially if Teruasa
comes over from time to time.
Don't invite Senya Uesugi though.
I see.
I'm sorry,
I'm afraid that
I have to refuse your offer.
My colleagues and I will work hard
to ensure our company's survival alone.
I understand. But take a look at this.
When investors and banks see this notice,
they won't want
to invest in U.U. Engineering.
If that happens, you'll go bankrupt.
AI OROCHI will be seized by Mitsuba bank,
and I will buy it out, as arranged.
You tricked me?
Your developer is amazing
and so is OROCHI.
you are out of your depth.
They'd be better off
without you in the picture.
Yoo-hoo, Terurin!
Yukarin's going to be in a drama.
She got lucky with the devil's key.
You seem pleased.
I like girls who are honest
about what they want.
What do you want?
You didn't come here for small talk.
I want your opinion.
My opinion?
You got it.
Well, what you gonna do?
This is a trap set by Gungnir.
It's too dangerous.
Don't say things you don't mean.
I had already made up my mind.
Whatever danger awaits,
I will crush Gungnir's ambitions.
Hey, wait.
Compared to Teruasa,
Drink this.
The ultimate ACMA:GAME begins.
I already have you in my trap.
The ability of the real devil.
I've always wanted to fight you.
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