Actress (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

A Little Bit of Emotion

When did you first realize?
While we were after Jülide?
Or before?
He hires the waiter and has Rafet killed.
In return, he gives him
this dope that looks like rock salt.
It's really something though.
The guy was like a zombie.
Then he points the gun at me. There I am,
thinking he's going to kill me.
But he blows his brains out.
Blood splattered
all over the walls, my face.
You're ecstatic, aren't you?
You've finally found the trouble
you've been looking for.
I think it could be Mazhar.
I mean, he might be alive.
Who else would want me burnt to death?
- He set the house on fire.
- Good job he did!
I'd lost you!
You'd be dead if I hadn't seen the flames!
You can really be nasty sometimes.
Listen, Yasemin.
If you want to get caught,
just fucking turn yourself in.
If not, if you want to die like the end
scene of that stupid new movie of yours,
sure, go ahead.
There are easier ways.
Save me the trouble.
There goes Mr. I Know Everything.
Where are we going?
I checked the plate of the vehicle
that was tailing us on the way to Jülide.
It was fake, of course.
Nothing on city surveillance cams either.
But when I had the vehicle tracked further
back, it was leaving this customs office.
Nothing prior to that.
So whoever this guy is, he's not alone.
Others are behind him.
Maybe a company.
But which one?
That's easy.
How come?
The warehouse with this stuff
leads us to the company.
There must be a hundred warehouses.
Are we meant to check each one?
No, we only check the ones without CCTV.
You're saying dealers must be idiots
to install CCTV.
- Nice to see that gray matter in action.
- I'm starving. Shall we get a bite to eat?
Yasemin, I've got this.
You stay out of it.
And inform me immediately
if anything happens. Okay?
- Okay?
Now you can go back
to your mundane life in the limelight.
Very funny.
-"What got you into acting?"
I thought a lot about that.
I could say it's my infinite curiosity
about other people's lives.
Human behavior has always fascinated me,
and this really got me excited.
"Why are you single?"
Being single is good. I like being alone.
"What happened to your forehead?"
Nothing major. A small sporting accident.
"Do you consider yourself happy?"
I couldn't be happier.
"I love you, but please be careful.
You won't survive another fire!"
There's always a scene
like that in the series I'm in.
You're absolutely right.
I'm a little fed up with this
because a fire scene pops up
whenever there's a stalemate in the story.
This can be quite annoying.
But I still think I'd make it out alive.
It's hard to kill off the main character.
Have-- Have you been in the coop yet?
You know, have the tides come in?
- The tide coming in. Get it?
- What tide?
- What are you on about?
- You know, jiggy jiggy.
Jiggy jiggy?
Good God.
What's jiggy jiggy?
Aren't you supposed to have
more guys around you?
- Actually, I'm fine with guys.
I once gave a boy a rose
in primary school.
That's nice.
- How did he react?
- With the rose?
What did he do?
He ate it.
What a douche. He ate the rose.
I was never comfortable with men
after that.
Tomorrow, you get a gift or something,
go to this guy and apologize.
I mean, the great Yasemin Derin
cursing and dissing.
Shame on you!
What about you and your jiggy jiggy?
- But jiggy jiggy is sweet.
- It would have been good.
- I need to get a gift.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- I guess there's no one serving.
- I guess so.
I could be of help if you want.
I practically own the place.
Yes. What can I get you?
If it's no trouble.
None at all.
- Then I'll have a double espresso, please.
- Coming right up.
Actually, it's a great
coincidence bumping into you like this.
Is that so? Why?
We mentioned your name the other day.
At a murder scene.
And you are?
I'm so sorry.
Commissioner Raside Gunes Yilmaz. Homicide.
Yasemin Derin.
An elderly homeless guy turned up
at the crime scene.
He grabbed me by the arm and started
shouting, "Yasemin Derin was here!"
Then we looked up. You were really there.
An oversized billboard.
Your name in huge font.
- We were splitting at the sides.
- That's really funny.
- The neighborhood nut job.
But you know what the real coincidence is?
I'm portraying a cop in my new film.
What's more, she also works in homicide.
No way.
If it wouldn't be too much trouble,
I'd like to ask some questions
about my character.
At a more convenient time, of course.
Sure. I'd love to help out.
- By the way, to-go?
- To-go.
- Drop by whenever you want.
- Thanks so much.
- By the way, I hope you're okay.
- Huh?
- Your forehead.
- Hmm. Yes, thanks.
So pleased to have met you.
The pleasure is all mine.
I love your energy.
Please let's get together again.
Call me whenever you want.
I will.
Welcome, Gunes.
What's going on?
You have your second customer. Congratulations.
No one's given me a rose before. Thanks.
Please don't eat it.
Does that card belong to a cop?
I'm sorry. I said stupid things. I guess
I took myself too seriously back there.
No sweat. I was a jerk myself.
Ates is just the same.
How did it go?
Does he have a date with the girl?
Nah. I'm taking him
to the aquarium tomorrow.
He invited the girl too. But she turned
him down, and now he's bummed out.
- So, the selfie didn't do the trick.
He told her
that you were his close friend.
The girl didn't believe him
and told the rest of the class.
Everyone made fun of him.
He cried all night.
What? Look at that snotty Defne.
Who does she think she is?
- Where's this aquarium?
- In Libadiye.
Fine, I'm coming too.
- There's no need. You're a busy person.
- I'm coming.
Get him to call Defne.
Let's see if she turns up now.
Are you kidding?
They will probably go mad.
Front door! Now!
Right. I'm off.
What's up?
Who's this Fatih?
- How did you know--
- Who is he?
Of course, you have no idea.
He suddenly turns up
in your life like this.
And you don't bother asking who he is.
Who could it be?
He's just a guy
who's taken over my local café.
I'm going to look into him, Yasemin. Stay
away from him until I get some answers.
Now, is there anything else you want
to tell me but haven't been able to?
Good. Now
There are three warehouses
without CCTV at the port.
The first one is empty and disused.
The second is full
but the security is really weak.
The third might be the one
we're looking for.
- So we go tonight.
- I'm going.
- We're going.
- I'm going.
- We're going.
- I'm going.
- We're going.
- I'm going.
We're going.
This Ahmet
Don't you think he's going too far?
He sticks his nose
into everything!
I wish you'd said your farewells
before he left.
Tonight, I'm taking Ahmet
from you!
The number you have
dialed cannot be reached right now.
Please try later.
Z 22
You couldn't wait at home, could you?
You're welcome, man. No worries.
I merely saved your life.
Don't get me started. Come on. Move it.
- Are you okay?
- Just a graze. All clear.
Back, back. Go back!
- Duck!
What a night.
Are you okay?
I'll be better once we get the hell
out of here. Come on.
Who the heck were they?
Whoever he is, it's clear that
the guy is investing big in you.
Zone 22. So this is our company, huh?
I told you not to come, Yasemin.
Why did you?
You're my red line, Ahmet. What can I do?
"Tonight, you tell me everything.
Tonight, we get this over with."
Who's the guy you're in love with?
Have you ever thought of that?
Take another look at the script.
Take a look
and see who you're in love with.
Think again.
"This is not the man I fell in love with!
Tonight, you tell me everything!"
Maybe we should stop wasting our time?
I mean, I can't take
another humiliation before an audience.
It's not working. I'm being honest here.
I'd tell you if it did.
It's not coming out of you. It's not.
No, no.
It's not working. Uh-uh.
Why? What did I do wrong?
Have you read the script? Huh?
This is the end of the story.
I mean, the last scene in the movie.
The peak point. The scene that will be
remembered after the movie is over.
You're in it.
That means you'll be remembered too.
I mean, show your wild side.
Be wild. Let's see some lust in your eyes.
You're like a whining kid.
Boo-hoo, boo-hoo.
Show some femininity.
Show some femininity?
Well, there's no one before me.
That's what you get.
- You'll suddenly be Müjde Ar if there was?
- Maybe I will.
Come on, then. Here.
I'm before you. Come.
I've got some experience. Come on, act.
"This is not the man I fell in love with!
Tonight, you tell me everything!
You tell me all your secrets!
Tonight, we get this over with!"
How about that?
- What's going on?
- We're just rehearsing.
- Okay. Let's go.
- Let's go.
You're amazing.
This is what you call a character.
This is it.
Well done.
We should really change her name
right away.
It's still Yasemin in the script.
What about Gunes?
Commissioner Gunes.
It sounds good.
Right? Commissioner Gunes.
As you said, it sounds good.
Write that down. Great. Okay.
So. Guess who we're talking to
for the Hunter.
- Barbaros.
- Barbaros.
He doesn't appear much
but everything will work out fine
once we find a good name
for the woman he falls in love with.
Actually, we have a proposal
regarding that.
Right, Taner?
Ekin Canol.
- Ekin Canol?
- Uh-huh.
Didn't we audition her
for something else?
Can't say she's a great performer, right?
You know, she gets excited and stressed
during these auditions but trust us.
- Um, she can surprise. Uh-huh.
- Exactly.
- Really?
- Yes, she can surprise.
We'll try her out if that's
what you think. No worries. Okay.
We'll sort that out.
There's a slight change on the production
side but that's none of our business.
Don't worry, nothing changes for us.
- Like what?
- Well, as you can imagine,
The Hunter is a big-budget film.
A producer showed interest.
We said, "Fine."
They came with a good offer.
We never met the guy in person,
but we shook hands
with the company's representatives.
Ah. And they won't interfere
in any creative decisions.
Full stop. We said that from the start.
Anyhow, he has no clue
about this business.
Just some guy from another line of work.
- What business is that?
- Well, he's a legumes wholesaler.
What was it? A company called Z 22.
Z 22.
But, as I said,
this has nothing to do with us.
We continue as we agreed.
- He won't have any say. Don't worry.
- Z 22?
Is she really your friend?
- A very close friend.
- I think you're making that up.
Detestable stinker.
Why do you look so tired?
I don't know.
Perhaps it's because I've started
thinking again after a long break.
- What's on your mind?
- Emotions.
Aren't emotions shit? What use are they
other than leaving you vulnerable?
They make you human.
That's the worst part.
There are 8.7 million species
on the planet, and I had to be a human.
I had full control previously,
and I was bored shitless.
Now, there have been certain diversions.
I've started to lose control.
Join the club.
Don't be so scared.
A little emotion won't kill you.
How do you shoot the kissing scenes?
We kiss.
Death scene?
Isn't she just so sweet?
Sweeter than honey.
I need to take this. Could you keep an eye
on them for two minutes?
Come on, then.
- March on. Single file.
- One more thing. Crying scenes?
Come on.
Walk in front of me.
Come on now.
Come on.
Sweet kids!
Don't let them out of your sight!!!
Ms. Yasemin, can we have a photo taken?
- Okay, but it has to be quick.
- Thank you.
Ms. Yasemin, can we have a photo?
I love playing with kids!
Ms. Yasemin, can you say hello?
- Guys, can we do this later?
Fuck off! Out of my way!
- Where were you?
- Right here.
- Are you okay?
- We're fine.
We decided to wait here when we lost you.
Where were you?
Can we get out of here? Come on.
Let's go.
Very well.
Thank you so much for today.
You're a good person.
- Bye-bye.
- Don't stay up late.
- Okay.
Why can't we make love?
- We're even eager at the beginning.
- Uh-huh.
- Fatih?
- Hmm?
Do you think I'm a good person?
I don't know.
I haven't seen you do wrong.
Are you a good person?
- I don't think about this stuff, Yasemin.
- Why?
To keep my sanity.
For example
I took someone's life.
It doesn't matter if it was intentional or
not, if it was an accident or otherwise.
You say you've started thinking again
after a long break.
Well, I've been thinking of that moment
since the day it happened.
And I can tell you
it hasn't done me any good.
I got divorced.
I couldn't see my son.
I even thought of taking my life.
It's not easy.
Someone is dead because of me.
Then I think of others.
The psychos who do this stuff
for the thrill.
Like this fucking Hunter character
we have now.
I look at them and then at myself.
Who is good and who is bad?
It's hard.
Real hard.
So, I prefer not to think.
I mean, I let it go.
We're born,
we fall in love
we suffer, and we die.
It's that simple.
- Excuse me.
- Uh-huh.
- Hello.
- Hello, Yasemin.
It's just as I thought.
The companies are all shells.
They are owned by a guy called Cihan Acar.
There's nothing on him.
Not even a single photo.
Meanwhile, about your coffee boy, Fatih.
Traffic accident,
involuntary manslaughter.
He was in for three years
until he was released on good behavior.
Bravo. Well done at making great friends.
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