After The Party (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

- For those who don't know me,
I'm Tom. Joy was my great-aunt.
- When I got pregnant, Joy was the
only person who didn't think I was
crazy for keeping Walt.
- Are you aware of the allegations
against Phil McKenzie?
- I know who you are, Ms Wilding.
This is completely inappropriate.
- How dare you go talking
to my principal.
Five years you've peddled this shit,
and the only person it hurts is
- Hi, Zach.
- What do you want?
- Can you tell me where
I might find your brother?
Ollie, listen. You need to say
something. There could be other kids.
- Ollie, come on.
Show us your moves. Come on, boy.
Bring it down.
- # Around and around and around
- There we go. Oh.
- # Around and around and
around with its own sound.
# A sound that no one has to hear.
- Ollie, come here.
- Grace.
- Put this under your― Put this
under your shirt. Up the stairs.
Just go!
- # I'm painting
my face with numbers.
- Take this back. You're cheating.
Here you go. (LAUGHS)
Oh! Go!
You touched the ground.
You drink again, Ollie.
- Ollie!
- # Happy birthday
# to you.
- You just spat in my face.
Hold still, please.
I'm trying to get this off.
- # Happy birthday
- I'm trying to help you.
- # to you.
- Can you just hold still
for one second?
- # Happy birthday dear, Scottie.
# Happy birthday
# to you. #
- JOY: Here we are. You'll feel
better in your own bed, Ollie.
Oh, stop crying now.
You don't want your dad
seeing you like this, do you?
- SOBS: I'm sorry.
Nothing happened.
- Let's go in and see Mum.
- No. No.
- Ollie.
- No, I can't.
- I'm gonna need some help here,
- I can't.
- Grace!
- Don't make me go.
- Ollie, come on, sweetheart.
- # Crazy days of crumpets
in a crazy raisin rhyme.
# Sell it for a nickel
when you buy it for a dime.
# Underneath the water
is a crackle and a line.
# Lay upon your belly
like a stone along your spine.
# I see you.
# I see you.
# Oh, yes I do.
# I see you.
# I see you.
# Ooh, she's not Jamaican.
# See, I told you so.
# She's all white; she's not black.
# She doesn't have any soul.
# Get soul. #
sure you are settled into
a comfortable position.
I would like to begin with the
feeling of gratitude for just
being here today.
- Quickly! Go faster.
Get in the car.
- Boop, boop!
I want to go. I wanna go.
- Sit down, please.
- Boop, boop, boop, boop.
- Give us the keys. I'll drive.
- What happened
to getting your own car?
- Cos I like going
to work with you guys.
- Did you still wanna check out
that station wagon? Marcus said
it's, like, new. Like, brandnew.
- Yeah, maybe.
- OK, Captain Walt.
Where are we going today?
- We're going to the jungle!
- All righty, then. Just remember ―
legs, feet and hands inside
the vehicle at all times.
- Oh my goodness.
What's happening to the car?
- Oh
- Aah! Aah!
- Aah!
- Awesome. In you go.
Round this way.
Right, bye.
Excuse me.
K. Bye.
- Morena, Walt.
- Hi.
- Nau mai.
- Cool, and I'll give you these.
Bye, Walt.
- Bye.
- What time do you finish tonight?
- 6, I think.
- Right, I'll do dinner.
- STUDENT: Amy, come look
at this. Oi!
- What's going on?
- Right, get to your class.
- Phil, I was just
about to give you a call.
- You've gotta get rid of this.
- We will once the police
have done their part.
Can we have a chat in my office?
- He didn't do anything wrong.
- Leave it. Leave it.
Go to your work. You'll be late.
Go on. Go on. I'll see you at home.
- Waiting on your bloodwork. But if
all goes well, we should be able to
have you out of here
by this afternoon, OK?
Grace. You OK?
All righty, just look at me.
All right, I'm just gonna. Oh wow.
Let's just say
That we'll keep some pressure on
there for a little bit longer, yeah?
I can't believe
I just bled on a patient.
- Oh, we've all been there.
Not all of us. None of us has.
Probably just you, really.
It's all right, though. All our
bodies process grief differently.
How was the funeral?
- Honestly, I have no idea.
- Do you wanna go for a walk
to get some fresh air?
- Yeah.
- I'll cover for you.
- Have I missed Walt?
- Yeah, he's been asleep
for about an hour.
Have you had food?
- OK.
So, what happened?
- I agreed to take some time off.
- How long?
- The board are gonna meet
later in the week to decide.
- Well, they can't stop you from
teaching. You haven't done anything.
- Nobody's saying Ihave.
- Are the cops gonna talk to Mum?
- We still don't know it was her.
- Dad. Seriously,
you can't let Mum do this again.
Look, just― you can stand up to her.
I'll come with you to the meeting.
- I'm not going to themeeting.
And I spoke to the
principal and said she has to do
whatever is right for the school.
- This is what happened last time.
OK? Hiding away doesn't― doesn't
work; it just makes people think
you're guilty.
- People are going to think
what people are going to think!
There's nothing I can do aboutit!
And I was stupid to ever believe
that I could come back here and
change it.
I'm going to bed.
- PENNY: Grace?
All right, you go to Gran's,
and we'll talk about it later.
I just need to ask you a question,
Stop. Stop. Stop.
I need to ask you a question,
and you gotta answer me truthfully,
all right?
Did your dad ever touch you?
- Wh-What the―?
What is wrong with you?
- Did he ever touch you?
- No!
SHRIEKS: Mum, you're disgusting!
- Grace, come on.
- No, just get out!
Mum, just get out!
She's fuckin' batshit, Tom.
I mean, she won't stop till
she gets Dad fired ― or worse.
- Where's the bloody lid?
- Do you think
the school has cameras?
- I don't know. Probably.
I'll have a look into it.
- How long have you let him cry for?
- I was just trying to have
a conversation with Grace, OK?
- No, it's not OK.
- I can't be late again.
I have to go.
- We had a bit of a rough night.
- Do you want me to take him
so you can finish up?
- Yes, please.
- Yep.
Oof. Hello.
- Thank you.
- A little, please, Mrs George.
I just need to listen to your
back, thank you.
Uh, she presented yesterday
with chest pain and
- Sorry. Sorry.
- Good morning, Grace.
Thank you for joining us.
You should be able to hear a wheeze.
# Brush your teeth every night.
# Make them shine oh so bright.
# Front to back and in between.
# That's how to keep
your teeth all clean. #
Your turn. Scrub, scrub, scrub.
OK, you keep going,
and get the back ones, please.
Ollie. Hi.
- Hi.
Bad time?
- Uh
No, no. Um It's all good.
You look great. How are you doing?
- Oh (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) I'm good.
Yeah. I'm good. You?
- Yeah. So good. (CHUCKLES)
(SIGHS) It's been so long.
- You got something to drink?
- Um, I was actually just
about to put Walt to bed.
We're raiding your booze! (CHUCKLES)
- She's not here, actually. She's
- Oh fuck.
CHUCKLES: What happened?
- Stroke.
- Huh.
Grace, are you OK?
- Yeah.
I'm OK. I mean
it's a bit shitty.
- Come here.
She was a good human ―
racist tendencies aside.
Full-time Christian,
part-time racist, eh?
Grace, is this your menstrual cup?
- Oh my God.
- You must be William.
Wallace? No.
- Wilbur?
- (LAUGHS) No.
- What is it?
- Walt.
- Oh! That's right!
- Walt, do you know what this is?
- No.
- Teacup.
- It's a teacup.
For wibbily-wobbily tea.
I can drink.
- No, Ollie.
- Yum, yum, yum.
Ooh, it's quite full.
Oh, thank you so much.
Oh, there's no more.
- Aw!
- Can you put some over to mine?
- Um, I think that's enough
tea before bed. Shall we go
read your books?
Um, Uncle Ollie's gotta get going.
He's getting tired.
- I can wait.
- No, no, um, honestly,
it can take a while. (CHUCKLES)
- I'm cooking.
- No, it's no rush, honestly.
- I'm cooking.
- Um, say goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Night-night.
- I'm cook― I'm cooking.
- OK.
- Night-night, Walter.
- READS: 'Tucked in a hidey hole
under the stair lay a rickety in
need of repair.
'A chewed-up old cushion,
a blanket all worn,
'everything broken
and smelly and torn.'
- Smelly and torn.
- Yeah, smelly and torn.
- Fuck me, this is intense.
I, actually―
I've got an essay due in the
morning that I haven't started.
- Come on. Just one.
To Joy.
- To Joy.
- And your dad's
long-awaited return.
Your mum paid me a visit.
Did she not tell you?
- Um
We're not really speaking.
- Right.
So, what's it like
having your dad back?
- Oh, it's really good.
Um, Walt loves him.
- Is he still teaching?
- Yep.
- Which school?
- Wakefield.
- Nice.
Whereabouts is he living?
- Um
He's staying with friends mostly.
Um What about you?
Where are you at the moment?
- I've actually just moved in
to the Manor.
- The Manor? Wow.
- You should come by one night.
- Yeah. That'd be cool.
- Is it all right if I,
um, use the loo?
- Yeah, sure.
- PHIL: Ollie?
- You taught me those chords.
- Did I?
- Yeah.
- You hungry? Want to join
us for some dinner? Pizza?
- Yeah.
Uh, I mean, if it's no trouble.
- No, it's no trouble.
- Pizza?
All right, now we put the lemon,
and then now we shake.
- Go for it.
- (HUMS)
- (CHUCKLES) Now we pour
into the glass. Careful.
And voila.
- Great. Can we try it now?
- Yeah.
- It's, um
LAUGHS: Scottie, stop it.
- I think I will have one.
- Yeah.
- A toast.
To you, Ollie.
Good to see you looking so well.
You gave us all a real scare,
you know that?
I'm sorry I wasn't here for you.
- I should go, actually.
- Do you need a lift?
- No, no, no, it's all good.
It's all good.
Thank you for the pizza, though.
- Pleasure.
- Come visit, OK?
- Yeah.
- He's a good kid.
Hope he's got someone
looking out for him.
- Here's your coffee.
Get in there, dog.
You're my friend.
The Metta Bhavana practice is about
cultivating loving kindness.
First to ourselves,
then extending to others.
To start
- You're gonna get arrested,
you know.
- You're gonna have to be a bit
more specific than that, Grace.
- The graffiti. The school has
cameras, Mum. You're gonna get
- What graffiti?
- Don't play dumb.
I know about all of it.
I know about harassing the
principal, harassing Ollie,
and now this.
- What did the graffiti say?
Was it about Phil?
- Are you seriously gonna
act like this wasn't you?
- Where did they find it?
- You know what ― don't pick
up Walt this afternoon. OK?
- Don't be stupid.
It's my day, and you have to work.
- Dad's gonna do it.
- If you honestly think your father
is gonna take time to do the kindy
run, you're dreaming.
- Well, he's got the week off,
- Cos of the graffiti?
- Look do not pick up Walt. OK?
I'm serious.
- Are you looking into the
allegations against Phil McKenzie?
- That is a matter for the police,
not the school.
- So the staff are OK
with a rapist at school?
- I'll meet you in there.
- Right. They know you're coming.
- Thank you.
As far as I'm aware, the only crime
that's been committed here is some
rather unoriginal vandalism.
- But he's been stood down.
- He wasn't stood down. He agreed it
was best if he took some time off.
- It's not good enough. That graffiti
out there proves that there are more
This could be happening right now
under your watch. If I were you,
I'd be shitting myself.
- OLLIE: Do you still talk to Liam?
- GRACE: Not really. Um
(CHUCKLES) I mean, he sometimes
sends Walt weird chocolates from
- CHUCKLES: Oh, yeah.
- Yep.
- I always knew you'd be a good mum.
- I wanted to tell you
about the pregnancy.
Um You know, we weren't
really talking then, though.
- Honestly, it's fine.
- It's not fine, though.
The way everyone was treating you.
I should've done something.
- They were right, though, weren't
they? (CHUCKLES) I'm a fag through
and through.
- No, I should've tried.
Everything was just so messed up.
I'm really sorry.
- Don't beat yourself up.
Hey, what's your dad's number?
- Why?
- I was just gonna send him this.
Just send it to me. His phone has
been playing up since he got back.
- OK.
- Coming to the staffroom?
- Oh, I thought it
was your Nana day.
- Nah, not today.
- Hey, have you seen this?
It's all over the socials.
- Yeah.
- Do you reckon a student did it?
- Grace thinks I did it.
- What? I thought things
were getting better there.
You know what ―
it is my Nana day.
See ya.
- Later.
- Hey, Esther, I just need to take
Walt early today. Is that OK?
- Yeah, sure.
He's just in the sandpit.
I'll go get him cleaned up for you.
- Just got one box of saline left.
- Just one box.
You doing anything this weekend?
- Um
If Walt has his way,
it'll be playground, trip to the
bus depot and ice cream probably.
- All right. That sounds like fun.
- You could come, if you wanted.
- Um
- Or not.
- No, sorry, it's not that
I don't want to; I just―
- No, it's OK.
You don't have to explain.
- I'll see you out there.
Hi, Dad.
- PHIL ON PHONE: Hi, honey. I'm
at Walt's daycare. He's not here.
- What do you mean?
- She's taken him.
- Mum!
- VOICEMAIL: You've reached
Penny Wilding. Leave a message.
- Where the hell are you?
- Whatcha doing?
Are you putting them all in a boat?
- Yep.
- Do you know those guys ― those
guys there ― they've got stomachs
that come right out of their mouths,
and they go scuttling across
the ocean floor to grab what
they want to eat.
- Aah!
- Yeah. And that guy too.
- Look! Look how much there is.
- How many?
- Grace, I'm just at work.
- Mum's taken Walt.
- What do you mean?
- She's taken him from daycare.
I don't know where they are.
- Isn't it her day?
- I told her not to, though.
She's kidnapped him.
- Grace, come on. I know Penny can
be a bit of a dick, but she's not
gonna do anything to hurt him.
- She's gone too far this time.
Can you just help me look for them?
- Look, just go home, have a cup of
tea. They'll be back before you know
- Yeah, whatever.
- Up the ladder, Mr Pirate.
- Through the tunnel.
Where's he gone? Where's Walt gone?
There he is. Do you want a chip?
- Don't worry. He'll be fine.
- Give him to me.
- Oh, come on. What's the big deal?
It's my day.
- See you, sweetie.
Bye-bye, Waltie.
- Half past 10 at night.
What were you thinking?
- Yeah, well, you're hardly
grandparent of the year, are you?
- Take him. Take him!
- Come on. Bedtime for you.
- Grace, we went to the park.
He had a great time.
- I told you not to take him.
- Well, I wanted to spend
some time with my grandson.
- Oh, so now you can't go
one week without seeing him.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- You didn't want me to have him.
- For God's sake.
- If he weren't for Gran,
he wouldn't exist.
- Oh, Jesus, Grace.
Stop being so dramatic.
- Why can't you just
admit you're wrong?
- What, about Walt?
- About everything, Mum.
Everything about Walt and about Dad.
- Do you honestly think I chose this?
- Yes! Yes, Mum!
None of this had to happen!
- Oh, grow the fuck up!
Stop it! I am sick to
fucking death of this.
You are 20; you are not 10, so stop
falling for your father's bullshit
like some stupid little fucking kid.
Just stop it!
- I don't want you
in my life any more.
Stay the hell away from me.
And stay the hell away from Walt.
- OK, Walt, we just have to look
out for dolphins. Tell me if you
see one.
If you see one, you have to scream,
'Dolphin!' Can you see one?
Do you want a hand there, hon?
- No, it's OK.
- Can you see one?
Oh, look who it is.
Ooh, hot sand. Hot sand.
- KID: I just talked to
my friend this morning.
- Is that right?
- Really?
- Yeah, he lives on Breaker Bay.
It's so cool.
- Have a good day.
- Have a good surf.
- See you after.
- See ya.
- TOM: Grace.
Come have some kai.
- KATE: Should I wake him
for a feed?
- Nah, he'll wake when he's hungry.
- I just can't get
him into a routine.
- You're doing great.
- How'd you manage it on your own?
- I mean, I had Gran and, obviously,
Tom helped heaps ― more than Walt's
actual dad.
So, yeah, it was hard, though.
- All right, lads.
Good boards, man.
- We're both really struggling
with the lack of sleep.
- OK, let me see you on your board.
- We're up all night.
He never seems to settle.
Tom's job is stressful and
- OK, good.
- there's a lot of
pressure on him, but, yeah
- That's OK. That's OK.
- I just wish he took more time
off after the birth, you know?
- So so? So so?
- He could enjoy it more. I think
Tom's finding it hard to connect
with him.
- OK, OK. Keep it low. Keep it low.
- At least a month, they say―
- Head down, eyes up.
- Dad, stop. Stop!
Just stop touching him!
- What's going on?
- Is everything OK?
- Grab your stuff. We're going home.
- Grace!
You want to tell me
what the hell was going on?
- Why would you put yourself
in that situation?
- What situation?
- With boys. You know what
people are saying about you.
Why would you?
Why would you risk that?
- All right, what's really going on?
- You let people get too close to
you. You let Ollie get too close
to you, and look what happened.
I would have gone surfing with you.
I would have learnt the guitar.
Why didn't you pickme?
- Is that what you think of me?
- It just feels like you wanted
a son.
- Oh my God. Sweetheart, no.
No, you mean the world to me. You're
everything to me. Youaremy world.
I came back here for you.
I put up with all this shit for you.
- I know.
- And you're all I ever wanted.
- I know that. I do.
- Did I coming back make
things impossible for you?
- Don't say that.
- I couldn't bear that.
Have I made―? Tell me, have I
made things really hard for you?
- It's not you.
- Then what is it?
- It's losing Gran.
And it's all this shit with Mum.
Sorry. (SOBS)
I didn't― I mean, I'm sorry.
- It's OK. It's OK. It's OK.
- (SOBS)
- I've decided I'm going to
go to that meeting tonight.
- OK.
I'll ask Reggie to babysit.
- Now to the graffiti
on the school lawn.
Phil, very sensibly, has agreed
to spend some time away from the
let everything settle down―
- Could I speak to that?
- Uh
Yes, yes, by all means.
- Years ago, I was, uh
wrongly accused by someone who
has all but admitted had
a vendetta against me,
and I wasn't charged
because they found no evidence of
any crime having been committed.
it almost destroyed me,
almost destroyed my family,
and I'm not prepared
to let that happen again.
Now, before I thought
if I kept my head down, it would
all just blow over, and it doesn't.
Things just get worse.
I have 35 years, unblemished record.
And And as a good teacher,
all I want to do is teach.
- Yes. Um
We understand that.
Marion, do you have
any thoughts there?
- I appreciate the impact that
this must be having on you, Phil.
But there is a lot to consider here.
- You said it would be my decision.
That's what you said.
- Absolutely.
Absolutely, and it is.
But we've got to consider how this
looks from the outside to people who
might not have all thefacts.
Another couple of weeks would
simply give us time to come up
with a strategy to manage that.
- I don't care about the optics.
The optics are no good to me.
I'm an innocent man,
and I'm not gonna behave
like a guilty one.
I am going to be in my classroom
first thing Monday morning.
- OK.
- Is it OK if you drop me in town?
- Mm-hm.
- Just gonna meet someone
from work for a drink.
- Someone from work for a drink.
- Thanks.
- See you, sweetheart.
- See you later.
- That's Alexa's room in there.
Hi, everyone.
Um, this is my friend Grace.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- These are my flatmates.
Did you want something to drink?
- No, I can't stay.
- OK. Yeah, yeah. It's all good.
My room's just through here.
This is it.
Sorry about them. We were just
about to have a flat meeting,
and it was gonna get
very passive-aggressive.
Evie's on a power trip
at the moment, so
- You need to stay away from my dad.
- Wait, are you serious?
I don't understand.
- I know you think that you have
this special kinda relationship
with him, but you don't.
All right?
He just feels sorry for you.
Phil is not your dad.
- You need to leave us alone.
- Zach.
- Did it work?
Is he gonna get arrested now?
- Didyoupaint that field?
- People need to know
what he fucking did.
- Is this about your brother?
Is this about Ollie?
- He needs to be locked up.
- Listen, if you know something,
you gotta go to the cops.
In fact, stay there, OK? I'll just
get rid of my bike. I'll come with
you. Please?
No. Zach, no.
No. Zach!
- Jules just told me that Phil
selected him for that squad thing.
- You're fucking kidding.
- Why do you think he took boys up
to Gibbons Beach all the time?
Why do you think he didthat?
- Why couldn't you trust me
to tell me?
- Well, I (STAMMERS)
- But you can trust Simon, and then
you have to keep it a secret?
- He is my son. You
back off.
- You were a coward back then,
and you're being a coward now.
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