All That Glitters (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Hold on!
Hold tight.
Guys! Over here.
Hold tight.
It's okay now.
Ms. Li Zhenyu.
Forensics have confirmed that
the fingerprints and blood stains
found at the crime scene
belong to Lin Musen.
The police have listed Lin Musen
as a suspect in the fatal shooting case.
I hope you'll cooperate with the police
and provide us with
Lin Musen's info in detail
so we can bring him to justice soon.
I'll see you home.
It's okay. Go back to work.
I'll book a ride for you, then.
He really didn't contact you?
Go take a look at my statement
I already told them everything I know.
If you suspect I'm hiding things from you,
go ahead and have me charged.
Don't bother booking a ride for me.
I'll take the bus.
Mom, shall we go?
The coffee stall that Auntie Hua
recommended is in a good location,
but the rent is a little steep.
We're doing okay here.
Why do we have to move?
We can't keep on occupying
your aunt's store.
She only let us start a business
in her store
because she sympathized with us.
It's been quite a few years.
Moreover, she only charges us cheap rent.
Oh, no.
What's wrong?
How careless of me!
I forgot to take the money.
-Sit here and wait for me.
Why did you come over here?
I told you to ignore him.
Why didn't you do as I said?
Who was that?
You don't know?
Then why did you go over there?
I was captivated by the playing
of the harmonica
I can't believe you.
You were attracted to his lousy playing?
That wasn't lousy playing.
It was pretty good.
Talking back to me, huh?
Playing the harmonica for no reason -
must be up to no good.
So who was that?
The chap who talked nonsense
at our store the other day.
Kopi Gah Dai?
Accusing us of spiking your drinks
and attempting to rape you
although you have no evidence?
That's slander.
Yeah. We can sue you, you know.
Hey! You're too much!
You want to sue them?
You're asking for a beating!
You want to beat us up? I'm so scared.
Slander and assault -
we're in for a good show.
You want evidence?
The three of them are witnesses.
What did they even witness?
The line they heard,
"Lure them away so they won't find out,"
doesn't prove we spiked your drinks.
Exactly. The police aren't fools, okay?
Of course the police aren't fools.
They'll review the CCTV footage,
question the staff,
and look for the taxi driver.
They've obtained the taxi driver's info,
and they also know you wanted
to take us to a hotel in Balestier.
Jiahui and I took a blood test
at the hospital yesterday morning.
The truth will come to light soon.
The doctor said any drug
taken within 24 hours
would be detected.
Looks like you're not sincere
about apologizing.
Nothing more to talk about, then.
See you in court.
Be prepared to hit the headlines.
Oh right, Leo.
You just got a scholarship
to study abroad, right?
Tommy, you found a job
that pays well, didn't you?
Good luck.
Jiahui. Let's go.
Okay, my sincerest apologies.
I'm sorry.
I offer you my sincerest apologies too.
I'm sorry.
Your apologies came too late,
and you only did so
because you were driven into a corner.
I don't buy it at all.
What do you want from us, then?
I want you to prove your sincerity
with your actions.
You think those two fellas will run away?
How do you know that?
They're cowards who
only dare to bully the weak.
Li Zhenting only had to intimidate them
and they're scared witless.
You're right. I saw how pale they turned.
I didn't expect Little Xiaomei
to be so good at this.
Like mother, like daughter.
Liu Mu, don't you agree with me?
The guys are gone.
You don't have to keep up the act.
They're back.
Bro Musen, they compensated us
S$1,000 each!
You guys are such great friends.
You came to back us up
without any hesitation.
We have to show our appreciation.
Jiahui and I will buy you a meal.
We'll treat
and you.
-What about me?
-You're not invited.
Why not?
I only asked you to stand there
and intimidate them.
Why did you talk?
Luckily you didn't hit them.
Otherwise, you'd have ruined my plan.
-What do you want to eat?
-Anything will do.
Let's have hot pot. It's yummy.
I said you're not invited.
Seeing as you're so pitiful,
we'll treat you too.
-You mean it?
What's wrong with your cousin?
Ignore him. He acts cool all the time.
Bro Musen.
Hang on
Hang on, Bro Musen
Lin Jiahui.
You've always been kind
and trusting since you were a kid.
That's why I always tell you
to be careful when choosing friends
I know that.
Don't be friends with Li Zhenting anymore.
You're asking me why?
Zhenting isn't to blame
for what happened that night.
Who should I blame, then?
You almost got
It was my fault.
I had a crush on Leo.
I was thrilled when he said
he wanted to celebrate my birthday.
He found out Zhenting's birthday
was only days away from mine,
so he asked me to take her along
to the karaoke bar as a surprise.
Zhenting didn't want to go
I didn't want to upset Leo,
so I dragged her along.
So you threw yourself at him, huh?
Don't you watch TV?
Some men are despicable.
He knew you liked him,
so he took liberties with you.
I didn't know he was that sort of guy.
Zhenting didn't blame me.
She said she was more streetwise than me,
but she failed to catch
on to their schemes,
she did not take a good care of me.
Zhenting also said
we shouldn't let them off lightly.
We had to teach them a lesson.
She was right. You saw how smug they were.
If I hadn't held back,
I'd have punched them.
So you don't blame Zhenting anymore?
I want fishballs, pork liver,
tofu skin and instant noodles.
Bro Musen, Bro Jianzhi,
what would you like?
Yam, napa cabbage and rice.
I'd like fish slices,
tofu and luncheon meat
I told you to go all out.
But you guys only ordered cheap stuff.
Rice, kurobuta pork, wagyu,
fish maw and lobster.
That's all.
Those are expensive.
We can afford it.
Zhenting, did we order too much?
Nah, they're hungry.
Especially these two.
They keep staring at me.
Why? Want to eat me up?
Get in line if you want to woo Zhenting.
She has lots of suitors.
Don't bother I'd pick neither of them.
-How come?
-She only wants to marry someone rich.
-Am I right?
I know! She wants to marry
someone she loves.
Someone I love? So corny.
Look, there's love when there's money.
No money? Then there's no love.
But you said you don't want
to marry someone rich.
How do you define "rich"?
Having a million dollars?
But of course!
It's a million dollars, you know!
I wouldn't be able to save that amount
even after working for 50 years.
You're kidding! You couldn't reach
that sum even after working for 50 years?
Yeah! You know how many zeros
there are in S$1 million?
Bro, there are millionaires everywhere.
An apartment costs you S$500,000.
A small car costs S$100,000.
A million dollars will be gone in no time.
So you want to marry a multi-millionaire?
A multi-millionaire
isn't that big of a deal either
I want to marry a super-rich tycoon.
And how do you define
a "super-rich tycoon"?
A super-rich tycoon is someone
who won't hesitate to spend
S$1 million on a diamond.
He won't frown at buying
a condo that costs S$10 million.
Even if he loses S$100 million
in investments,
it doesn't bother him one bit.
What's with that expression?
Lin Jiahui.
Drop her as a friend after dinner.
The more I look at her, the more
she appears to be dangerous.
Sever ties with her.
Sever ties with her!
I I'm dangerous?
-"Sever ties with her."
-"Sever ties with her."
I ordered that! Over here.
Bro Jintiao was so funny.
He sang such old songs! A Little Bird?
He's been listening to songs
his grandma does since he was little.
No surprise he only knows oldies.
But he's such a bad singer.
He won't believe you.
He thinks he's the king of singing.
King of singing?
What's wrong?
What happened? Who hit you?
Leo and Tommy?
No. It was my mom.
She berated me for staying out that night
I talked back to her,
and she pinched and hit me.
Why did you talk back to her?
She called me a prostitute!
I couldn't take it.
Your mom was way too mean.
You're already an adult,
yet she still hit you.
You know what my mom's like.
I hope to leave home soon,
find a job soon,
find a boyfriend soon,
and get married soon.
What kind of guy do you want to marry?
A super-rich tycoon
like what Li Zhenting wants?
I'm not as pretty or smart as Zhenting.
I just wish to find someone
whom I love and who loves me.
We'll live a happy life together.
It doesn't have to be a super-rich tycoon.
Then be more discerning.
If you get together with a guy like Leo,
you'll only suffer in future
I know I wasn't a good judge of character.
Listen, you'd better
run the guy you like by me first.
You can only be with him
if I approve of him.
-No questions.
I'm your older brother. I care about you.
-I'm serious, okay?
-Any friends to introduce to me?
-Sure, the king of singing.
Huh? No way!
I am a little bird
You're back late. Take over.
Why did you take the money?
Going gambling again?
Come on!
This is my money. Stay out of it.
The supplier is coming tomorrow
to collect payment.
We're three months in arrears!
You want to close down the stall?
What are you doing?
I need to pay the loan sharks back.
If not, they'll hack me to death.
You borrowed from them.
Serves you right
if you get hacked to death.
Fine. Be prepared to collect my body.
Stay there! What now?
Take it.
Don't leave money lying around.
Is my satay ready?
-Twenty sticks of chicken satay?
It won't take long. Give me five minutes.
Your name is really Jintiao?
This is Zhenting.
What a small world.
Her family's coffee stall is just nearby.
-You scammer!
-What are you doing?
-Come with me.
Let go!
I offer you my sincerest apologies.
Your apologies came too late,
and you only did so
because you were driven into a corner
I don't buy it at all.
She's too dangerous.
Sever ties with her.
I I'm dangerous?
Zhenting has lots of suitors. Get in line.
Don't bother, I'd pick neither of them
I want to marry a super-rich tycoon.
And how do you define
a "super-rich tycoon"?
A super-rich tycoon is someone
who won't hesitate to spend
S$1 million on a diamond.
He won't frown at buying
a condo that costs S$10 million.
Even if he loses S$100 million
in investments,
it doesn't bother him one bit.
Zhenyu, go wash the cups I'll take over.
Lady boss, the usual.
What do you want?
The usual.
I don't remember your usual order.
Dinosaur peng for me
and kopi gah dai for him.
Boss, how many times
do I have to repeat myself?
We're not free.
We're not machines that can work
for a month without rest.
Listen up! I quit!
Contract? I never signed
any contract, okay?
I'll kick your butt!
You wouldn't take me seriously
until I hit back.
Xiaomei seemed to be in a bad mood.
She usually greets me with a smile
and asks me if I'm having the usual
before I even speak.
But she was so cold to me just now.
It was your fault!
What did I do?
Xiaomei was cold to me because of you.
Jianzhi told me you caused a scene
at Xiaomei's store two days ago.
That's not true
I only reminded her
not to marry her daughter off to
To who?
-George! You're here.
Zhenyu, George is here.
I specifically took half a day off.
I'd like to take Zhenyu
to the Botanic Gardens.
Sure! Go ahead, Zhenyu.
You can't cope by yourself.
I'll get Zhenting to come and help.
She has classes.
I can manage by myself.
George took leave to take you out.
Go with him.
George, give her a moment.
-Coffee for you?
-It's okay, thanks.
Hurry up, Zhenyu.
You're still mad at me?
I was wrong.
I was too impatient that day
and upset you.
I even said spiteful things and hurt you.
It's only natural that
you didn't take my calls.
I didn't mean to do that
I regret my actions and I feel really bad
I swear I'll never do that to you again.
I can walk by myself.
Okay. Be careful.
Over here. Hold on.
Easy does it.
Mind your head.
I'll help you.
We're setting off.
Give me a second.
Hello, I
Hello? Can you hear me?
Come on! I just sent my car for servicing
What's wrong with the car?
It's destiny. Even heaven
doesn't want you to go out with him.
Kopi Gah Dai?
Come with me.
What are you doing?
We won't be able to leave if he sees us.
Come on.
Can you tell me now what happened?
As I said, it's destiny. Heaven doesn't
want you to go out with him,
so his car tires burst.
Destiny? You punctured
his tires, didn't you?
Yup, it was me.
One front tire and one rear tire.
I had to act like a thug
to deal with a jerk.
Don't keep calling him a jerk.
He is a jerk all right.
He's not good enough for you.
Why not?
He's a young university graduate
who has a highly-paid job.
But he's not a good person.
Who are you to decide
if he's a good or bad person?
He's an eligible bachelor,
yet he doesn't mind that I can't see
and that I'm just an ordinary girl
at a coffee stall.
So you're grateful to him
and it doesn't matter whether
he's a baddie or a jerk?
The question is, do you love him?
You don't, right?
I know that. You didn't allow him
to hold your hand just now.
You don't know anything.
Don't be a smart Alec.
It doesn't concern you whom I love.
Of course it concerns me! I like you.
You're so cruel.
You okay?
Kopi Gah Dai.
Kopi Gah Dai.
Kopi Gah Dai!
I'm looking for a Band-Aid.
Are you okay?
I need a Band-Aid. I'm bleeding.
Why do you always hit others
with your cane?
Take your time to look for a Band-Aid.
You're leaving right after you hit me?
You gave me Band-Aids the last time.
I hurt you by accident that time.
But you asked for it this time.
I got hit for speaking my mind.
How unreasonable.
You were being glib.
I wasn't.
This is the first time
I'm confessing my feelings to a girl
I thought you'd be moved to tears.
I'll hit you every time
I hear you saying that.
Okay. I like you.
I like you.
I like you, I like you
Stop it! Stinky Egg!
What stinky egg?
Stinky Egg, you stink!
Hey Where are you going?
At least give me tissue paper
if you don't have a plaster.
Stop lying.
I'm not. I'm bleeding for real.
Don't believe me?
You're really bleeding?
Of course. Why would I bluff?
Help me.
Don't push your luck.
My hands are dirty
from puncturing the tires
I don't want to risk an infection.
Sit down.
You're so pretty.
Come again?
Isn't your name Li Zhenmei?
My name is Zhenyu. Li Zhenyu.
But I think you should be called Zhenmei.
That's because
you're really pretty.
That'll teach you to talk nonsense.
He's here.
They say widows are the most coquettish.
Turns out to be true.
Xiaomei is a coquettish widow
through and through.
She may seem like a demure woman,
but she's absolutely wild in bed.
-You're just boasting.
Don't believe me? I have proof.
I secretly took pictures
when she wasn't looking.
Nude pics!
-Show us!
-Show us, quick!
I'll only show the pics once.
If you blink and miss them,
don't blame me
-Lady boss
This fella was talking rubbish over there.
He said you
What did he say?
He said you
What? Let go of me, or I'll sue you!
-Let go!
-Stay right there.
What did he say about me?
He said
widows are the most coquettish,
and that Xiaomei is a coquettish widow.
He even said you pretend to be demure
but are actually wild in bed.
I wasn't referring to you.
I'm telling the truth!
He even took photos of you.
He said they're nude photos.
When did you take these?
You really took nude pics of her?
Take a look.
Not that kind of photos.
I only took pics of
her making coffee and toast.
Nothing obscene.
Why did you tell them they were nude pics?
I can't even crack a joke?
You can't.
You ruined my reputation
and took pics of me without my consent.
You're not getting away with this.
Why do I need your consent?
This is a public space.
I can take photos of anything I like.
You accuse me of ruining your reputation?
Take me to court, then!
My son is a lawyer.
He'll take on my case for free.
What a snob! I can punch you for free too!
Kopi Gah Dai.
Kopi Gah Dai.
Kopi Gah Dai.
Where are we?
-Hear that?
-Hear what?
Quieten down.
You won't hear anything
if you keep worrying I'll sell you off.
Quieten down and listen.
They say you go to heaven
when you're dead.
Do you believe that?
We're kindred spirits.
I don't think so.
Oh, I mean we have
a telepathic connection.
But seriously, You're-so-pretty,
if there were a castle in heaven,
who would you want to see?
My dad.
Your dad?
My dad passed on when I was 14.
He was a taxi driver.
He went to work as usual that morning.
Before he left for work, he told me
he'd come back in the afternoon
to take me to the doctor's.
He'd always believed that
my eyes could be cured.
He went around looking
for doctors to treat me.
Doctors, TCM physicians,
or even quacks who claim to have powers.
No matter the distance,
he'd take me there.
But he never came home that day.
On his way home,
he was hit by a sports car
that ran a red light.
He passed away
before he reached the hospital.
If there were a castle in heaven,
I'm sure my dad would be there.
What about you?
Who would you like to see?
My dad, my mom, and my younger sis.
I was ten.
My dad was driving us to Ipoh
to visit my grandparents.
The journey was bumpy
and I fell asleep during the ride.
But when I woke up,
I wasn't in the car
but on a hospital bed
I had been in a coma for three days.
I had no recollection of
how the accident took place.
No matter who I saw at that time -
be it the doctors, nurses,
people who delivered my meals or cleaners,
I'd ask them
where my parents and sister were.
But none of them dared
to tell me the truth.
Then my uncle took me home.
Only then did I know
I'd never be able to see my parents
and sister again.
Kopi Gah Dai.
You must have been devastated.
Sure I was.
But I stopped myself from crying.
Boys have to be steady, you see.
I mustn't cry.
So I found other ways
to vent my frustrations
I kicked a football
and broke someone's window
I got into fights
and the police went to our place.
My aunt had never been fond of me
I kept getting into trouble,
and that made her dislike me even more.
was my sis's birthday.
It was also the day
the accident took place.
You were remembering them last night?
This harmonica was a gift from my sis.
She was two years younger than me,
but she was the sensible one.
I found this harmonica when I was
going through her belongings.
It was in a box
with a card attached that said
Bro, happy birthday!
I prepared this birthday gift for you.
Our birthdays were only a week apart.
She didn't have the chance
to give me this harmonica.
I didn't have the chance either
to ask her
why give me a harmonica as a gift
when I didn't know how to play it.
Perhaps she subconsciously knew
she was going to leave you,
so she hoped the playing of
the harmonica would comfort you.
it's to remember her.
My parents, sister, and your dad
are in the castle in heaven,
I'm sure they've become good friends.
Weihao, what did you do?
Mom, this chap kept staring at you.
Don't be ridiculous.
You all right?
I'm okay.
Sorry about that.
This is my son. He's very mischievous.
Your son
is so cute.
Apologize to him.
This is yours.
-How much?
-No worries, it's on the house.
I heard that fella used to
be part of an underworld gang.
-Do be careful from now on.
Dig in.
You're so naughty.
That uncle helped me just now.
Can you do me a favor
and pass this to my friend?
His name is Louis.
He'll be here shortly.
For you.
Louis, right?
-Yeah. Thank you.
I am a little bird
Liu Mu, I think lady luck
is smiling on me today.
You've repeated yourself over 800 times.
Xiaomei was smiling
from ear to ear at you.
I think her smile brought me good luck.
I forgot how you say it -
smiling from eye to eye?
It's smiling from ear to ear.
Right, smiling from ear to ear.
Liu Mu.
Think I've never seen a S$50 note?
I know you know what this is,
but have you ever received a S$50 tip?
Who was so generous?
The customer earlier on.
Call Jianzhi. Supper is on me tonight.
I'm going to the washroom.
Give this to someone called Louis
when he comes for this later.
-What is it?
-Beats me.
Hey, come back.
What's the matter?
-What's inside?
-How would I know?
Who gave this to you?
The customer who gave me a S$50 tip.
You took this without knowing
what's inside?
Have you got a death wish?
That S$50 might just get you into trouble.
Louis may be a drug dealer
or an undercover police officer.
If there are drugs inside,
you'll be done for.
You might be made the fall guy.
You're scaring me!
I know nothing about this.
Would the police or judge believe you?
I had the urge to pee just now,
but what you just said
makes me want to pee in my pants.
You'd better hold it in!
Where are you going?
Wait here.
Subtitle translation by: Youshi
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