Allegiance (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


Previously on Allegiance
Pappa, how could this even happen?
It happened because
someone wanted it to happen.
All they have is a collection
of deliberately twisted
and misleading facts,
and, apparently, some
kind of showstopper.
Is it happening? I need to see him.
[MAX] Sabrina, look,
your father doesn't want you visiting.
You can see his logic, right?
"IOH" "Eye of the Hurricane".
Dad's arrest?
One of these IOH guys knew it was coming
before it happened.
- Good morning, Constable Sohal.
- Morning.
- Frosty much?
- Yeah, that's what you get
when you put someone's dad in jail.
You were wishing that
maybe Sergeant Gabinski
- was in the drivers' seat?
- Oh, no.
- How's that going?
- Well, you know, you learn
a little something from everyone.
Where are you going?
[DEGAS] Drop your weapon!
[VINCE] We almost lost you today,
- you know that, right?
- You think I don't know that?
I've seen rookies like you before.
Doesn't always end well.
Pappa, what happened? Who did this?
Angry men, taking out
their frustrations.
I will fight for you.
You don't have to protect me.
was caught giving money
to who knows who,
his asylum bill feels
like a dangerous joke,
and now, treason.
talking about the same guy?
Sohal's the real one,
he fights for the little guy
and this arrest, it's a setup,
[SABRINA] That's all it says?
Nothing about what
they're alleging Dad did?
[MAX] No, that's all they're sharing.
The rest is circumstantial
leaps of imagination.
- Like what?
- Oh, like calling his philanthropic work
fraternizing with radicals"
That's ridiculous.
You saw what they did to him in Remand.
Max, we need to get him out of there.
Okay, well, let's see
what we get at Disclosure,
and I'll call you after, okay?
Okay, Max. Talk soon.
and I'm like, "You do understand
that I've got a Master's
in Digital Forensics,
not in setting up a touch
screen for your ancient Buick."
- Who's this?
- Bolton.
He's attached to the
car, what can I say?
- So, did you do it?
- He's the boss. Of course, she did it.
Yeah, I did it,
but then I charged him 200 bucks.
Yeah, you did.
Who you texting, Saskatchewan?
Who says I'm texting someone?
Oh, congrats, little buddy.
For what?
Finally having somebody in your life
worth stealth-texting to.
I was beginning to worry about him.
I still worry about him.
- come on, let's go.
- Go. Go do good work.
[MAX] Thank you, Your Honour.
This morning, my office
received the Crown summary
outlining the sealed evidence
against Minister Sohal,
but as I feared,
in this entire document,
only a handful of
unredacted words remain.
Your Honour, it is beyond me
how my client is expected
to mount a defence at all.
- Under Stinchcombe
- I would gladly share more,
but my office has grave
concerns about national security.
Ms. Bryden, there must be something
you can further disclose
that doesn't undermine
the nation's security?
We have evidence
detailing regular donations
Minister Sohal made to a
school that produces radicals,
including the same agitator
who instigated acts
of industrial sabotage
against Hanover-Douglas,
a Canadian Mining company
My client supports a local school
in his ancestral village, Your Honour.
It welcomes students
from all backgrounds,
and yes, some who you would
consider at-risk youth,
but without my client's donations,
trust me, their situation
would be a lot worse.
Clearly, the Crown is grasping
at circumstantial straws,
trying to weave them
into some kind of
"treason basket,"
but it begs the question, why?
Why paint Minister Sohal as a traitor?
And here's my concern,
among the few unredacted
words in this transcript,
we have, "Foreign Nationals",
"Against Canadian Lives",
"Foreign" again,
and "his home village".
Your Honour, my client
was born in Canada.
How do you explain the
conspicuous emphasis
on Minister Sohal's race
and his family's origins,
as factors in his alleged crime?
We are only concerned with the facts.
Cash donations,
the people that your client
chooses to give that cash to.
Minister Sohal is being denied
the presumption of innocence
and reasonable bail,
Charter-protected rights
afforded every accused in Canada.
Now, the Disclosure is clearly ongoing.
My client has already
suffered a targeted assault
while in custody.
He cannot be detained indefinitely!
I'm sorry, Your Honour, please,
I urge you to release Minister Sohal
on house arrest, pending trial.
I hear you.
Okay, let's get back into the courtroom.
We'll see you in there, Minister Sohal.
Thank you, Your Honour.
[VINCE] You sure you
thought that through?
As in?
A person of your body mass
versus a tea that size.
It's not easy taking
that duty belt on and off
every half hour, you know.
That's T.O. gold right there.
Bet they never covered that
in your Master's in Criminology.
Second year, Crisis
and Caffeine Management.
[LAUGHING] That's good.
You read my file?
Of course.
I need to know who I'm riding with.
Can I ask how things are with your dad?
No news. I was just
Checking for news.
[DISPATCH] 10-83, male youth,
Surrey City Centre Library,
please respond. 10-83.
That's a gun call.
Uh, this is 6103, any shots fired?
[DISPATCH] Negative,
but suspect likely
still in the building.
Tac team are 10-6.
We need immediate containment
from all nearby cars.
Yeah, we're on our way.
Okay, let's take a look!
Central City.
Armed suspect in a
target-rich environment!
Library, City Hall, University campus!
[QUIETER] Get an alert
out on social media
to avoid the area between
Whalley and 102nd Avenue,
University to King George.
Dispatch, put me through
to Library Security.
- [DISPATCH] Copy.
- What's our status?
Building's still porous.
Okay, uh, any calls from witnesses?
Just the one so far.
Ones inside are probably unaware.
Can we get Security to
issue a P.A. warning?
We didn't want to accelerate the gunman.
Dispatch, who do we have on scene?
[DISPATCH] Calls are
out. 3064 is on scene,
6103 en route.
Okay, get me City Security,
let's see if we can get extra bodies
- at all the entrances.
- Copy.
Gabinski, take point.
Lock it down and secure the perimeter.
We're gonna clear zone by zone.
[GABBY] Copy that.
Sarge, what do we know?
Student called it in.
She was inside on the third floor,
two male voices arguing.
She got a visual on one
5'11", dark hair, 20s,
- she saw a handgun.
- What's he wearing?
Uh black track pants,
orange puffer jacket.
Gabinski here.
All available units to
get a perimeter going,
set up containment
and a civilian evac
plan covering all exits
and choke points.
Hey, Tech, you got a floor plan for me?
Pulling them up now.
Surrey Central Library.
Can building security
help us with the doors?
No, they're no help,
their comms are down.
All right, let's get buses on standby,
eyes in the sky in case
this guy cuts loose.
Any chance the gunman's
already left the building?
There is, but our priority
is where the suspect was last seen.
We're going to clear zone by zone,
evacuate civilians from
this door and this door only,
and set up a secure holding
area out here for witnesses.
- Copy?
- Copy. All right, get to work.
We're heading in.
We've got you.
Foyer's got the most exposure,
let's clear that first.
All right, everybody, out now!
This way! Right now! Let's go!
[VINCE] Thank you!
Officers will show
you to a holding area.
- [VINCE] Let's go, folks!
- Thank you!
30-64, we've got 53-14 on scene.
Lederson and Chen are setting up
a secure holding zone
for library evacuees
by the main entrance.
[VINCE] Front foyer clear.
Gunman was seen on the third floor.
We've got
study areas,
and one multi-purpose room
Please leave the building.
[OFFICER] 25-59 is on scene
clearing the basement.
[OFFICER 2] We do need everybody out.
[OFFICER 3] 62-14 here.
[OFFICER 4] Copy that.
[OFFICER 5] Let's move,
let's move, let's move.
[OFFICER 6] Third-floor
study area, clear.
[SABRINA] Stand by.
Orange puffer jacket.
Excuse me
Excuse me.
Please make your way to the exit.
It's okay, you can come
back for that later.
False alarm.
Okay 2551 confirming
the basement is clear.
[BOLTON] Tell them to hold and secure
- the service entrance.
- [VINCE] Second-floor stacks clear,
- heading to the third.
- Copy.
[VINCE] Excuse me,
exit the building now, please.
Thank you.
Hey, let's go, downstairs, front door.
- Keep walking.
- Thank you.
[VINCE] Keep walking.
Sir, keep walking, keep walking.
This way.
[OFFICER] 45-59 proceeding
to the second floor.
Clearing general workroom,
staff lounge, literacy centre
Show me your hands.
Take your hands out of your pocket.
Put the gun down now!
Don't come any closer!
We have eyes on.
Suspect has a hostage.
What's your location?
[VINCE] Heading for the west exit.
suspect has a hostage.
- All units
- Stop moving!
be advised, suspect has a hostage.
Third floor, heading for the west exit.
[GUNMAN] Don't come any closer!
Drop your weapon!
- Stop!
- Let her go. Ma'am, stay calm.
It's gonna be okay.
[BOLTON] Gunman and the hostage
are at the west exit. Is it secure?
[GABBY] Building security
should be covering that area.
Negative, they are offline.
[VINCE] Rear door. Tucker, do you copy?
Drop your weapon, do it now!
Let her go!
Drop your weapon!
[LUKE] Drop your weapon!
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car! Get out!
Get out of the car!
Ma'am, come on!
[VINCE] Grey Nissan,
heading South on University.
Are you all right?
Are you hurt?
We'll take care of you.
Both of you, go with this officer.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- Next steps?
- Uh, we get their statements.
We question the witnesses
in the holding area.
[DISPATCH] All units in
the City Centre area,
we have a collision reported
at the intersection
of 105 and University.
Silver sedan struck a guard rail.
Approach with caution,
driver may be armed.
- Get out of the car now.
- Police!
Hey! Show me your hands right now!
Suspect has escaped.
105 and University.
Dispatch, we need a BOLO right now.
Okay, Dispatch confirming
a BOLO for a male, 20, armed, on foot,
last seen at 105 and University,
wearing black track pants
and a black puffer jacket
with an orange lining.
- [DISPATCH] Copy.
- Can't have gotten far.
Unless he carjacks again.
Boss take a look at this.
[VINCE] Thanks for your help.
Get in touch with us if
anything else comes to you.
Of course.
Are you sure?
Nothing unusual?
No raised voices?
No, nothing.
Someone I spoke to
said she saw you on the third floor
around that time
I was just studying,
I-I don't know.
All right, thanks.
Uh, Eddie
this is my card in case
anything comes up.
Check out the sick kicks, fam.
Yo, Eddie, faster!
No one's talking?
Yeah, it's not surprising
given the POI's wardrobe.
Could be a gang member,
could be a wannabe, too.
Yeah, either way, you'd think twice
about being seen helping us
6103, rendezvous with
3064, 105 and University.
We have the suspect's weapon.
We need you to return it
to Detachment immediately.
Ready for this?
The gunman's weapon
Is that
It's 3D-printed.
A ghost gun.
It wasn't loaded, but yeah.
- Seeing these on the streets?
- Just a matter of time.
We need to track where it came from.
If someone's setting
up a homemade gun shop,
we need to shut it down fast.
Let's get this to Tech.
Hey, courier duty, that's cool.
I'll let you know when
we catch the bad guy.
Let's go, Tucker,
this isn't a meet-cute.
The main printed
component is the receiver,
so no serial number,
but this piece ain't no
Guns 'R' Us house design.
It's got flair.
It's called "Swiftfire",
and whoever's selling it
is proud of their work,
See it?
There's a digital tag.
Our designer signed it
with a nom-de-guerre.
- See the 5 as an S
- Hmm, clever.
Yeah, he's got a website on Tor.
He sells gun designs of all kinds,
for all varieties of printers.
You send him money,
and he'll send you the
custom-printing instructions.
But we can't just shut the site down.
Technically, he's not breaking the law.
Yeah, he's selling
information, not weapons.
So yeah, it's a bit of a grey zone,
but printing the weapon?
That's a crime.
What kind of printer would
you need for a "Swiftfire"?
I scanned the gun through
Printrak, and I got a hit.
- Printrak?
- Yeah, it's pretty dope.
It's like fingerprinting for printers.
Plastics have tiny
wrinkles, in-fill patterns,
so you look at the imperfections,
and you can tell the
nozzle size, filament,
and model number.
In this case
the VX30.
Very high-end, very new.
Available to a few corporate customers,
and pro bono
to certain select public institutions.
- Yeah.
- Good work.
[LIBRARIAN] Printer's a VX30.
It was donated last month.
And who uses it?
Basically, anyone with
a Surrey library card
can get access.
So, um, how does it work?
Well, first, you take
the mandatory workshop,
then you log in with your I.D.,
and reserve the system.
It's right here.
Is it supervised?
The room's not monitored, no.
You upload your project design,
pick a filament, load that up,
adjust some settings,
press "Go", and wait.
Can we get a list
of everyone who knows how to operate it?
Sure, yeah.
14 people have taken
the workshop so far,
and of those,
seven people have printed projects.
It's mostly creative, nerdy types.
Students from the high school and SFU.
Can you send us this information
along with the printer logs?
- Sure.
- You still have my card, right?
Thanks, Brian.
If you wanted to sell guns,
would you use a public library
as a base of operations?
- It's not ideal.
Hold on.
[SABRINA] The gunman's not on there.
Maybe the gunman
didn't print it himself.
Someone on that list is printing guns.
Let's bring 'em in.
Thanks, Thomas.
Eddie Lin?
We meet again.
I print minis.
Sorry, like, figurines from video games.
Oh, like World of Warcraft?
Impressive, Boomer, but no.
Uh, Questers.
A Gold Runner with a
Tier One armour set.
Super rare.
Check it.
- May I?
- Yeah.
[SABRINA] So what do
you mean "little things".
Like, uh, you know, trees.
Just for fun?
I'm trying to learn how to use it.
Uh, so he library log said
that you reserved a 3D printer
for overnight printing last night.
Uh, sometimes, trees
can take a long time.
The branches are pretty delicate.
Um look,
I already told you that
I didn't see anything,
so, like, um, what else do you need?
Those are nice kicks.
Shock 20s. Legit.
Those don't come cheap.
It's a birthday present from my mom.
Well, your mom has taste.
My dad would literally have no clue.
Your friends got heat like that?
How did the tree turn out?
Uh good.
That's why you were on
the third floor, right?
Uh, this morning? Yeah.
Did you have the tree with you
when we evacuated the library?
Did I? Uh
Yeah, did you have the tree
that you printed overnight,
and you picked up?
Was it in your backpack
- when we evacuated the library?
- Uh
Is it in your backpack now?
- No.
- Oh, yeah,
it's probably just too fragile, right?
So, did you pick it up
before or after you got into an argument
with somebody on the third floor?
I I didn't.
Oh, sorry, um,
someone I spoke to said
that they saw you there.
I'm just trying to make
sense of all this, you know?
How this times out with the online order
of the Swiftfire design.
The, uh, timing of
the overnight printing.
I think you're a good kid.
I think there's a reason
why you made the choices you did.
I just need your help
so I can understand what happened.
Tell me why you printed that gun.
His name's Junior.
He knows some kids at my school,
and someone told him that
I knew how to 3D-print.
He said he needed a gun like now,
and I-I couldn't say no.
Why? Why not?
He runs with SC-12 gang.
I was finishing up the last piece,
putting it all together,
when Junior showed up early.
He was stressed.
I I don't know,
maybe high on something?
Yes, please, come in.
Eddie, are you okay?
I'm okay.
Mrs. Lin?
- Can I have a word?
- [VINCE, MILDLY] Eddie, you hungry?
I'll get you something.
Okay, I'll be right back.
[SABRINA] We won't be long.
[AUDREY LIN] Can you
tell me what's going on?
Uh, Eddie was involved in a transaction
with a possible gang member.
It looks like he was under duress.
There'll be some follow-up,
but you'll be free to go for today.
But is he in danger?
From the gang member?
We're looking into it.
Our officers are doing
everything they can.
Is everything okay with Eddie at home?
Eddie's a good kid.
He doesn't run around with gangs.
He studies hard.
Can you excuse me, Mrs. Lin?
- Max.
- Okay, so,
cutting to the chase
I managed to get your Dad
released on house arrest.
- He's coming home?
- No.
He is categorically refusing.
He's wait, he's what?
That doesn't make any sense.
He's not safe in there
I know.
- I don't get it.
- He says
he doesn't want to appear
to be taking advantage of his position.
He says he is not
coming home from Remand
until the Crown's evidence is released,
and his innocence is proven.
They're still not releasing
the sealed evidence?
They are stalling for time.
They are putting their case together
while he gets his ass kicked
in the court of public opinion.
Which is why our first objective
is to get your Dad out of Remand.
Okay, what can I do?
You can go see him, Sab.
If anyone can change his mind, it's you.
Okay, thanks Max.
I gotta take this.
Tucker. What?
Well, hello to you, too.
Easy on the threads, huh! Oh, my god.
So if I give this dude
up, I'm good, right?
'Cause I got a date
with a lady waitin'
So we caught the guy.
Are you literally calling me to gloat?
Gabby has to be in court, so
I need a T.O.
you need a babysitter?
Well, that's adorable.
- Luke?
So I'm chillin' with the boys, right?
We was talkin' bout what to do
with this mans I'm in deep with.
"In deep" how?
Well, he got a girl, right?
And she into me,
and bro is mad pressed,
tryin' to act hard.
Sayin' 'ish like, "Watch out, bro!"
But he's strapped up tho,
too, for real, and all dat.
- So he's pissed, and he's got a gun?
- Yeah.
So I tell my homies
I'mma get strapped, too, ya feel me?
But I ain't got guop like that.
But next day at school,
some kid, he come up
to me, kinda sus, he go,
"Yo, I heard you at the mall,
and I can get you a custom piece,
untraceable, ea-zee "
Wait, Eddie approached you?
On God.
He say if I come to the
library this morning,
he'd have it ready
for me for three bands.
You paid him $3,000 for that?
Hell, nah, I was just going to take it.
I mean, you've seen the kid, right?
What's he gonna do about it?
But Eddie stood up for himself.
If you wanna call it that.
So we threw some,
and that's when
somebody called the cops.
Excuse us a second.
I got a date with a lady waiting,
I cannot miss it
Do you believe what
he's saying about Eddie?
I don't know.
- Why not?
- Eddie's quiet.
He's maybe got some self-esteem issues.
Hard to see him starting
a weapons business
out of the library.
Constable Sohal.
He's gone.
Wait, what do you mean?
- Eddie's gone? [
I got a notification.
Someone made a maximum withdrawal
from my bank account,
and Eddie's not in his room,
he's not in the house,
and he's not answering his phone.
I have no idea what he's up to,
or who he's involved with,
but this is not like him.
Mrs. Lin, this is Corporal Brambilla.
Has Eddie mentioned
owing money to anyone?
- No.
- We will do everything we can to find him, okay?
But first, can we get his cell number?
Gillian, we're on 104th
approaching King George,
are we getting warm?
I'm getting in the zone.
I'm tracking the phone,
but the range is still pretty broad.
You say your son has
no history with gangs.
Is he having trouble
with friends, a partner?
Does he ever bring friends home?
Anyone from school?
Ever since the pandemic.
It's been hell on Eddie.
It was hell on a lot of young people.
And it's like it never ended.
He didn't come out of his room then,
and he still doesn't.
I just
I wish I knew where I went wrong.
I, um, I can't find the words.
He won't talk.
He doesn't seem to fit in.
Gillian, anything?
[GILLIAN] He's ahead of
you. He's still in motion.
Eddie's wearing some
pretty expensive shoes.
[AUDREY] Oh, my god,
those shoes
I'm working two jobs right now,
but his face,
the first time he walked
out of the house with them?
I don't think I've
ever seen him so proud.
He heard some other kids
talking about going to
the fireworks that night
in English Bay.
It sounded like he might
be joining up with them,
you know, coming home late?
He was back in an hour.
I guess they went without him.
He just said
"What's the point of fireworks anyway?
As soon as they're over,
the sky is just dark again."
[GILLIAN] Uh, I've got
a lock on his phone.
He's at another ATM.
I'm sending you the PIN.
- We're close.
- Hit the gas.
- [SABRINA] We'll call you when we find him, Mrs. Lin.
Someone's putting pressure on him.
And he's vulnerable.
- "Insufficient "
Come on. No, no
No, no, no.
He's stopped moving. Have you got him?
[VINCE] We're just
reaching the ATM now.
Hang on.
He was here.
Gillian, no sign at the
ATM. Is he on the move?
No, he should be right there.
He should be in visual range.
[SABRINA] Weird.
[DISPATCH] All units, 6103
is requesting assistance.
[VINCE] All right, you've got this.
You just keep him talking.
Hey, and don't look at me.
Eddie, hang on, okay?
Whatever it is
please, we can just talk about it first.
It doesn't matter.
It's over.
Eddie, can you tell me what that means?
What's over?
[EDDIE] I'm out of time.
I'm done.
I know you've got a
lot going on right now,
but can you focus on one thing,
for me?
Your mom.
She's worried about you.
She just wants you home.
She's not angry about the money.
She just wants you safe.
I can help you with that.
We can we can work on it together.
I can't.
She doesn't get it.
Yeah, I know how much she loves you,
and if she were here right now,
she would tell you herself.
She'd say
"Please, Eddie,
live for me.
Eddie, can you look at me?
I can't.
It's gonna be okay.
- [SABRINA] Eddie
- [EDDIE GASPING] I'm sorry.
[VINCE] I gotcha.
I gotcha, Eddie. You're okay.
- You're okay. Come on.
- Easy.
Easy, here we go, here we go.
Hey Hey
they're going to see
My mom
Everyone at school
Eddie, did you share pictures
of yourself with someone?
Private pictures?
[EDDIE SOBBING] It's gonna
be on socials forever!
All the schools I apply to,
places I try to work!
And they're threatening to release them?
At 5:00 p.m.
[VINCE] So we've been analyzing
your laptop and your cell phone,
and working our databases
as fast as we can
to see if there's a match
for this sextorter's M.O.
[AUDREY] "Sextorter"?
So maybe you can still find them
and stop them from
releasing the pictures?
We've got a few hours
left before 5:00 p.m.
It's possible, but to
be honest, it's unlikely.
We've got a counsellor on the way
to talk to you guys about it some more.
Eddie, no matter what
happens, this isn't your fault,
and you're not alone, okay?
This has turned into huge business.
They target vulnerable people,
mostly young men who are alone.
They string them along,
get them to share all sorts of things,
eventually pictures,
and then, suddenly, there's a demand
and a deadline,
and they rely on their
victims to feel so ashamed
that they don't tell anyone,
so they'll do anything to pay the money.
But before that,
they take the time
to create a real bond.
I I liked her.
Like, a lot.
She DM'd me in a match
a couple of months back.
Not a lot of girls play.
She was cool.
We talked about minis.
We talked about everything.
- [EDDIE] Yeah, they're these, um
- Yeah, yeah, I know what they are.
Which game?
Are you talking about
a Tier One armour set?
How did you know that?
Do you know what happened
today because of what you did?
Please, I will tell you everything,
whatever you need.
Good. Start talking.
Just stop him.
Stop the guy who's doing this to me.
Who's doing what to you?
He was gonna post my pics online.
Hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa
I don't know who he is.
I just got way too tight with him
in a Questers forum.
I thought we were a thing,
and he sent me a couple of pics,
and I sent him a few back.
Personal ones.
He figured out who I was and
he didn't give me a choice.
He said that I had to recruit for him,
or else he would
post all my pics online,
to all my socials, all my contacts.
Sabrina, about Kit
We know. We're in her laptop.
- We see it.
- I'm setting up a virtual desktop
to mirror Kit's
[SABRINA] She has a handler.
Gillian's got the guy in chat.
Catfishing the catfish.
The sextorter uses a
proprietary chat app
to DM Kit.
Kit uses the same app
to correspond with Eddie,
but what the kids don't realize
is that the app gives the
sextorter back-door access
to all of their personal information,
contacts, social-media passwords.
- Damn.
- What the sextorter doesn't realize
is that by the same path,
I get back-door access to him.
If I can just get him to click a link
Ah, got a little bait on the hook here.
A photo of a new "client"
Kit just lined up.
And can he see that?
No, but maybe he'll click on it,
to get a better look.
[KIT] I didn't really know Eddie,
I saw him at the Library a ton,
we said hey a few times.
I mean, I figured he could afford it.
- I mean, look at his shoes.
- Yeah.
So you reached out to him online?
We both played Questers.
I peeked over his shoulder one day
when he was playing in the library,
and I got his handle, "High Voltage",
and I started DM'ing him
with, like, a cute persona,
you know, like, kawaii stuff,
but once I got to
know him, it was like
I could tell him anything, you know?
I could be real.
These guys play good defence.
VPN, encryptions, honeypots.
This is going to take too long.
Okay, what's something he wouldn't hide?
How does Kit send the money?
This is her first time.
Boom. It's a crypto wallet.
He wants Bitcoin.
So he's untraceable?
No, that's what he thinks,
but if he's got his
money on an exchange,
we can get a warrant
We're going to have an answer
any minute for you, Eddie.
We've got our best
people working on this.
Hey, uh
So the exchange is going to
seize the sextorter's funds
and freeze his accounts.
You're kidding.
We got the shithead?
We only cut off his funding.
He never moved it to an outside bank,
so we can't identify him.
So it's a dead end.
Look, we did everything we could
to get those photos back,
there's a good chance
that they're gonna go wide.
I'm sorry.
Eddie, I'm sorry,
we weren't able to get your photos back.
[VINCE] We weren't able
to retrieve the photos.
We did all we could, I'm sorry,
but with your permission,
we'd like to hand over your
hard drive with the photos
to Interpol specialists.
They encrypt compromising photos,
put them on a secure server
used by tech companies
that run automated scans
[SABRINA] that run automated scans
for materials like this.
If anyone saves or shares these photos,
privately or publicly,
puts them on the cloud,
anywhere in the world,
we will know.
We will know.
Eddie, I know it feels like
it's the end of the world,
but it isn't.
You're gonna get through this.
This has happened to a lot of people.
We have a counsellor standing by
should you choose to speak to them
[SABRINA] You're not alone.
[VINCE] You're not alone.
Employers know, schools know
[SABRINA] It's not your fault,
and no one,
absolutely no one,
should hold it against you.
[SOBBING] I'm so
I'm so sorry.
In a parallel universe
All these kids, feeling so alone,
and some monster taking
advantage of that, you know?
Of what they're going through?
My middle kid, when she hit 15, 16,
it was like
and Helena and I,
we thought we did
everything right, you know?
We were there, whatever she needed,
but sometimes, there's a huge
you just can't touch,
no matter how hard you
and then the pandemic,
and everyone's trapped in their rooms?
Just sucked into the social media,
where everyone else is perfect, right?
Everyone else is happy.
All these young people
need to be out there with their friends,
trying stuff out,
making a little mischief
You know, and nowhere to turn except
turning on themselves.
I'm sorry
Oh, no, we got her through.
We were lucky.
We were lucky
Okay. I know, we're into O.T.,
but I'm going to go brief
the boss on the job you did.
You wanna come along?
Thanks, but
- it's a long day.
- You sure?
I gotta go see my Dad.
Here's a sight for sore eyes.
Hi, Pappa.
You're looking better.
Max says you don't want to come home.
Of course, I want to come home,
but I can't,
on principle.
Which principle?
Sweetheart, I have been accused
of one of the most serious crimes
against my country. What does it say,
if somehow I'm allowed to return home
before my innocence is even proven?
When so many others in here,
so many men without means,
disenfranchised men,
racialized men,
are detained here for months at a time
while they wait for justice?
Do the laws that apply
to ordinary citizens
not apply to me?
You're not safe here.
No one is safe in
Remand, that's the point.
I stand with these men.
Pappa, you're not Guru Hargobind.
Nothing that you can do will
set all of these men free,
but if you come home,
you can put yourself
in a better position
to fight for your freedom
and clear your name,
and be of service
to the people that
you want to represent,
to keep fighting for them,
for equality.
Or maybe there's
other reasons to come home.
Look, Kit was super helpful,
and I'm pretty sure the Crown's
going to take that into account
Good. That's good
Uh, are you sure you still
want to go out tonight?
Okay, look me in the
eyes and say that again.
I do.
Do you remember
when you got into that
big blow-up with your mom,
and we just drove to Seattle?
I know exactly what you need.
Ready to make some mischief?
Let's get out of here.
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