Angels of Death (2021) s01e04 Episode Script


Father, give me strength.
Tell me brother,
what strength is it you seek?
My Lord Mephiston, I did not
What strength?
Answer me!
Strength to face the
It is the blood, my lord, I feel it.
Say it.
Within me, a darkness, a
Say it
The Black Rage is within us all, Kazarion.
I am to leave the Chapter
and serve with the Deathwatch.
To stand in battle
with those not of the Angel.
What of my brothers?
My place is with them.
Lies offer no shield
against the inevitable.
You speak of shedding
the crimson armor of brotherhood
to don the black of duty
But it is the black of rage
that you shall wear
when the darkness comes for you.
That is why you come
and whisper pleas for strength.
That is what you fear.
Do you really think
that even the strength of Angels
can save you?
Do you think it saved Calistarius?
My lord.
I do not know what to do.
What else is there?
There is nothing you can do.
Our gift is a curse delayed
and nothing more.
There is the blood
and there is nothing else.
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
The Captain's signal leads this way.
It is by the grace of Sanguinius
he made it this far.
Orpheo is one of our strongest.
His spirit is forged of adamant.
Temper your expectations,
his honour guard lie dead.
Do not condemn him without true cause.
Do not let hope blind you
to the threats that must lie ahead.
We are Angels of Light
but the darkness is real.
It is time, my brothers and sisters.
Prey walk the place of our birth.
The false angels are resilient.
But they shall be broken.
They are divided.
We are the many and the one.
We are the children of the many-armed god
that embraces all.
And we shall consume them.
This is the source of the signal.
By the Angel!
The Captain fought bloodied and alone.
They threw an army at him.
Yet he made them pay over and again.
And yet there is no sign of him.
- Then he lived
- He did not walk away from this.
What is it?
Furrows through the filth.
The ground is marked.
The debris displaced.
An armoured body was dragged from here.
They took him?
Then why leave Leonas
and the others where they fell?
They took him as a trophy.
No, they would have taken his arm, too.
For what purpose?
What does it matter?
The trail leads this way.
Come! We are wasting time.
You go to our shackled siblings.
The hour of our flight
to the stars approaches.
It cannot be lost.
The many-armed god awaits us.
We cannot allow the Unclean
to keep us from its embrace.
They are impure.
And against the false angels
even the impure of our flesh
shall find purpose.
Hush Hush now.
There is beauty in you.
You were to be left here, chained
while we seek the embrace
of the many-armed god in the stars.
No, you are not to be pitied.
You were born imperfect, but
even in you
there is the shadow of divinity
More enemy dead.
Perhaps we should not have been so quick
to count the Captain out.
I warned you against the fog of hope.
Look again at the wounds on these corpses.
I stand in error.
The power field on the Captain's blade
- could not have done this.
- Then?
We've seen no evidence
of loyalists on this world.
Perhaps the enemy turned on one another.
Punishment for some failure,
or a surge of infighting?
More likely whoever has the Captain's
body was defending their prize.
Must you press the worst?
It serves us ill to turn
from truths that you cannot bear.
- I-
- It is unwise
to dwell on the nature or intent
of the Xenos.
But understand this,
until we find a corpse
or die in the trying,
the Captain's light endures.
It seems improbable that anyone
was able to drag the Captain this far.
And yet here we are, brother.
I would not underestimate the beasts
and terrors that stalk this universe.
Emperor knows,
the Captain has slain his share of them.
Do you remember our mission on
the Black Moon of Cradus?
An ambush of greenskins.
Their warlord
was a mountain of iron and sinew.
Orpheo was a good Sergeant.
He was
That was a long time ago.
And long too since my brother Kazarion
spoke with me as such.
- What happened to you?
- Do not press me on this.
I see the face I knew,
but not the brother who wore it.
You speak to me of brotherhood, Ancaeus.
Yet I was sacrificed to duty
when I most needed the bonds of blood.
You were honoured
by being sent to the Deathwatch.
And I honoured the Chapter
with my service.
And you return a stranger,
a shadow with contempt in his hearts.
You cannot understand the darkness,
the thirst
We all bear the curse of our gifts.
But not alone!
I did not want to go, brother.
I did not have the strength
to face it alone.
And now
now I fear the darkness will take me.
Stop. Something stirs
Oh, at last!
Burn them!
Blood for blood!
Let them feel our wrath, brothers!
Tiro, clear the passage to the flank.
Aye, Sergeant!
We are the Angels of Death!
Advance, my brothers!
You kill well today, brother.
Something is coming
For Sanguinius!
Drive them back!
Kazarion! No!
In blood you are born!
In blood you are armoured!
No. No!
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