Ark: The Animated Series (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Element 4

I didn't
I didn't even know her name.
But you can avenge her.
Fight to free all those
whose names you do not know,
and may never know.
Helena, are you prepared
to do what is necessary,
to fight,
to kill,
in order to free these people?
I think so.
This is dangerous.
what on this island isn't?
We would need to return
to the camp
for reinforcements
for a proper assault.
But the size of the force
required to break through
their fortifications,
would take everything we have.
We won't need an army.
Indirect methods are the way
to secure this victory.
From within and from without.
Just as when we routed Nerva
at Beartooth Ridge.
If that drawbridge
can be lowered from inside,
then all we would need
is a pack of good,
solid creatures
to break the outer gate.
But we are too recognizable,
you and I.
The Beast Queen
and Thunder Comes
We will need others.
An infiltration mission! Yes!
Alasie, weren't you suffering
from Swamp Fever just yesterday?
Yeah, and I got better,
and I helped save
the whole village!
Chava said they'd never
have gotten the egg
if not for me.
All the more reason
not to risk
I know where we can find
some fearsome critters,
just like you
were talking about!
Don't be led astray.
You just said
I could join the council!
That means that sometimes
you actually have to trust me!
Climbing a mountain
and fighting trained soldiers
are very different.
I'm not you, Dad.
I'm not the people you lost.
I love you, and I know
you're worried about me,
but I can't replace your family.
I won't spend my whole life
ignoring other people
getting hurt
- so that we can stay safe.
- Daughter
Raising her, loving her
It's the best thing
I've ever done.
If you love her,
then don't fight
who she's becoming.
Help her on the path ahead.
Give her the support she needs
to grow into the person
she chooses to be.
Can you do that for her, John?
See? I told you
I knew where we could find
some fearsome critters!
This is not an adventure.
Both of you
must conduct yourselves
as soldiers in battle.
There can be no hesitation.
All our lives depend upon it,
as well as the lives of those
we intend to free.
- Understood?
- Understood.
Now, these creatures. Hmm.
How can we take charge
of so many
- in so little time?
- Hmm?
The guards will soon wonder
what became of the soldier
they sent to track down
- their escaped prisoner.
- I think I have an idea.
I love it when she says that.
Don't you, Meiyin?
Behavioral adaptation.
Uh, yeah.
"Behavioral adaptation,"
- of course!
- Correct, Alasie!
This environment has changed
the stegosauruses'
social hierarchy.
Huh. How?
They're closer
to danger than ever.
They'll protect their young
with everything they have.
But if we gain the trust
of that little one,
- the rest will likely follow.
- Then that's no problem!
Let her prove herself.
Oh, beans.
Alasie! Get to the juvenile!
Easier said than done!
Easy. Easy.
- Alasie, catch!
- Huh? Huh?
- Alasie, heads up!
- Huh?
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
Cavalry acquired!
So, how do we lower
the drawbridge, Meiyin?
there's something we could try.
- I saw it in a movie once.
- I'm in!
If it breaks the camp
and frees those within,
then my spear
is at your service.
Just a question.
What's a movie?
I found this one
trying to escape!
Alert the Legatus.
It worked!
Domina, there was
another escape attempt.
Ah. Fresh meat.
By order of The Gladiatrix,
High Legatus of General Nerva.
Domina, we have
Outfit the plump,
little pup for the games.
But leave this one
for questioning.
Did this work better
in your "movie"?
Bold of you to assume
that a trick so old would work.
Tricks only get old
because they work.
That is truer than you know.
The guards call you Gladiatrix.
So, you must have been
a slave yourself once,
a gladiator of Rome.
How can you do this
to other people?
I had a name, once. "Octavia."
Before they took it from me.
It turns out that every world
is the same.
"Hit first, hit hard."
And that justifies
the suffering you've caused?
You think these slaves
are any better?
Any one of them
would cut my throat
to sit in my chair,
and take what I have.
I chose to fight in the arena,
the only place I could be free.
And to be free,
you and Nerva have destroyed
so many lives.
- Helena?
- Alasie!
We all heard about the woman
who unleashed Nerva's serpents
upon his camp
and slaughtered
half a battalion.
Your handiwork,
but you wanna talk to me
of killing?
Let her go!
I find a person's last moments
to be the most meaningful
and entertaining.
The fight. The struggle.
The desperation.
Wouldn't you agree?
I'll do it!
- I'll fight them!
- No.
You will watch.
No! No!
You've kept those soft,
little hands clean.
But she is no doubt here
because of you.
You give the orders,
but you don't swing the axe,
and so,
you think you're somehow pure
and innocent.
You were supposed to be
this splendid thing.
The rebel trickster
who defied even Nerva himself.
But look at you. Pathetic.
And without even the Artifact
they say you stole.
You don't deserve the death
Nerva would have given you.
All it takes is one person
to stand up to you,
and then others will follow.
Like the brave, kind woman
who escaped you,
who you sent a soldier
to hunt and murder.
What was her name?
If she was one of my slaves,
she didn't have one.
And by the time I'm finished,
neither will you.
I can't believe
the the last thing I said
to my dad was
It's okay, Alasie.
We're together.
Everything's gonna be fine.
- Alasie.
- Helena?
Huh. I wonder
There we go.
Meiyin told me
about these fire worms.
Nerva's lackeys
have been so used
to having everyone
under their feet,
they haven't noticed
what else is under the ground.
Wait, was this always
part of the plan?
Use this to break every lock
on the prisoners holding cells.
Anyone in chains, let them go.
Got it.
- What about you?
- I'm going to the drawbridge.
That she-wolf
only makes the varmints fight
'cause Nerva don't like her
killing so many of his slaves.
Hmm? You hear that?
Let's check it out.
Hello again, little killer.
And to think
a little nothing like you
got the better of Nerva!
I wanna look
into the eyes of the butcher
who slaughtered Nerva's men
before I bleed you dry.
What was her name?
- Who? The dead slave?
- What was her name?
You're not paying attention,
little killer.
What did I say about old tricks?
Old tricks
grow old
for a reason.
For freedom!
How amusing!
I needed a new dwarf jester,
and for that,
I'll leave you your tongue!
Well done, soldier.
Yeah! Beast Queen!
Go on, my pet. Eat well.
Hello, daughter.
We'll drive them back, together.
Beast Queen.
Training eliminates fear.
You little
Look around,
little killer.
and your friends
are no better
than me and mine.
What was it for?
To take my camp?
To take my place?
This? This is for Annika.
Every one of you is free!
Join us if you wish,
that we may break these camps,
break these chains,
and break the stranglehold
Nerva has over this land!
It's over.
Take the shot.
Helena! Take the shot!
Do not let him escape!
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