Be Loved in House (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

He has been here for a week.
(Singlehood Rule)
Look at what this is.
He set the rules once he arrived.
Isn't he trying to take over
someone else's turf?
I've been living here
for five years.
The owner of the property,
Jin Yuzhen.
(Property Owner, Jin Yuzhen)
You know what?
When he's at home,
he even
doesn't wear clothes.
He uses other people's towels
to wipe his body.
What are you filming?
♪Light years apart, there are
so many obstacles to this journey♪
I don't know.
Actually, it's fine to live with him
as long as he follows the rules.
♪I suddenly raised my head and saw that
everyone is obviously still clueless♪
♪Show me Show me Your eyes♪
♪One, two I got distracted
and delayed the rhythm♪
♪Clear my mind and realize
who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
♪The little prince♪
♪Goes to dreamland
and plants golden wheat♪
♪Your smile is like the sunshine
that will be always on my mind♪
♪In the next moment the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
Be careful, it's hot.
What do you think?
Is it good or bad?
What's going on?
What kind of soup is this?
This soup
is my specialty.
Onion soup.
Jin Yuzhen.
Jin Yuzhen.
Jin Yuzhen.
Why didn't you mention that you're
allergic to Nickel?
No wonder you always wear gloves
at the office
and even want the workshop
to get rid
of all Nickel-containing materials.
Even the fridge at home
- is divided so clearly.
- I
Let me get this clear.
I've decided to implement
the workshop's strategic transformation
after serious consideration.
It is nothing personal.
Please don't
associate them inappropriately.
What kind of inappropriate association
can I make?
I just don't like
your Singlehood Rule.
Have I ever made a fuss
for other matters?
Forget it.
I'll deal with the leftovers.
You're such a competent person.
I didn't expect you
to have this weakness.
You're like Superman
who's scared
of kryptonite.
are you actually
from the planet Krypton?
(HWC Roasters)
I ended up eating
all the food.
(HWC Roasters)
I'm so full.
I can even skip lunch.
So you really mentioned
the planet Krypton?
Don't you think
it's a very good analogy?
You're a metalwork maker.
You have a lot of knowledge
about metals.
You should have heard
about Nickel allergy before.
(HWC Roasters)
So the food on the menu
is categorized.
there are very few that would cause
Nickel allergies.
When I was in my junior year in college,
during our club's welcome party
for new members,
a new member
accidentally ate Nickel-containing food
and was struck by strong
allergic reaction on the spot.
He even was delivered
to the hospital in the end.
He's a very capable person.
because he can't eat a lot of food,
he didn't gather much with people.
He seems very popular,
but he's actually an outcast.
People even called him a "Kryptonian".
when I decided to open a shop,
I took that into consideration.
Could that person
be Jin Yuzhen?
you know that you've gone out of line
with your joke.
since you're his senior in school,
why didn't you tell us?
You must know
a lot of things about him
in college then.
Did he date anyone back then?
it's better not to poke your nose.
Tell me a bit.
Just a little bit.
Lei, you're the only one here?
Are you hinting
that business isn't good today?
I'm not.
By the way,
it's my turn to do the laundry today.
How nice.
Little Qiqi is all grown up.
He's not as nice as you.
You took Siqi in
without any hesitations.
You were both members of the same club.
Why are you so different?
What do you mean?
Jin Yuzhen
was Gang's junior in college.
You're surprised, right?
He's his junior.
Gang is so easy to get along with.
Look at Jin Yuzhen.
That's not allowed.
We won't buy more ingredients
at home for now.
If we need to cook,
I'll buy the ingredients that day.
Your ambition
isn't to become a chef.
I just want to help.
You can help them
at the workshop.
I can't help Lei.
also doesn't need me.
Give me your hand.
Let me feel
the fingers
of a metalwork maker.
I won.
I'll hang the clothes to dry.
♪The wind is lightly
blowing over your world♪
♪perhaps it's fine
even if it's just a pretense♪
I'll be okay.
I don't think so.
(Yinhua International Company Limited)
You're here.
Mr. Mai.
Sit down.
Have a seat.
Don't be so formal.
I've heard already.
I didn't expect
that you'll take over
Jincherng Metalwork and Design
and you've become so successful.
To be successful,
I must learn more from you.
You're too kind.
Who is he?
He's our team leader,
Shi Lei.
(Yinhua International Company Limited)
(Yinhua International Company Limited)
he'll discuss
our current design direction
and the details.
Nice meeting you, Mr. Mai.
I'm going to start.
We'll start
with the initial concept of the project.
First, let me tell you about
Good job.
We're going
into the implementation phase soon.
Of course.
I do solid work.
Unlike you, you're so cunning.
You're even doubtful?
I was wondering how you can be
that incredible
to find such a big company.
I didn't expect
that you know Mai Zhengxiong.
And after the meeting,
he even kept complimenting you.
He was treating you like a son.
Having contacts
is very important indeed.
didn't you also try
to use the same method
to win the bet before?
I'm sorry.
I was kidding when I mentioned
you being a Kryptonian.
You found out?
Zhaogang told you?
It's fine.
I mean it.
I don't think that will work.
It won't?
The vlogging circle
is so strict.
Give him a demonstration.
I won't do it!
It's your turn.
I won't do it!
What was that?
If you act this way, how can you
be tough and protest your boss?
You're not aware
of how strong
our director's presence is.
Do you want to get married or not?
I want to.
Then your presence
must be stronger than that of your boss.
If you can't overpower his presence,
don't think about getting married
in this lifetime.
Tell your boss
that no one
can change my design sketch.
If you want to change it,
find someone else to design it.
I won't do it!
I think
Qian is the one
with the strongest presence.
These are the mineral stones we have
in the workshop now.
Currently, we can only use these
as the base
for the design.
Hasn't Wang Jing
made up on his progress yet?
The next mineral stone conference
is the month after next.
That's too slow.
See what?
If not for the Singlehood Rule,
do you think things
will turn out this way?
Do you know
why I set the Singlehood Rule then?
Because personal matters
shouldn't affect your work.
What if what happened with Wang Jing
occurs again
in the future?
If you never had it,
you've never lost it.
That's nonsense.
You're still arguing?
Forget it.
There's only one week left.
Let's do it your way.
By the way,
can I contact Mr. Mai by myself?
Since you're so busy,
you might not have the time.
If there's a problem,
I'll let you know.
What do you think?
Youngsters nowadays are so motivated.
Mr. Mai.
You have been keeping me posted.
Have a seat.
What's the matter?
I want to ask you about something.
(All Recordings)
Yuzhen didn't come?
Mr. Mai,
you also know
our director's personality.
He's so hard to get along with.
It takes a while
for him to negotiate with others.
Yuzhen is hard to get along with?
No way.
My impression
is that Yuzhen
is a very thoughtful
and easygoing child.
That's not
what I see.
Is it bothering you guys?
Should I
help you talk to him?
There's no need.
I won't trouble you.
Our director is very prideful.
I think
it's not good for you
to tell him directly.
Do you know him very well?
I don't.
I want to know more
about him indeed.
Because we're colleagues.
we're flat mates now.
I think it's good
to get to know one's flat mate.
You live together?
You're concerned about each other.
Then you're like family.
That's great.
I think he hasn't changed.
I noticed it.
During the meeting,
he was still very concerned about you.
Was he?
Of course.
When a person is very focused
on work,
and he can still be concerned
about others,
that's not an easy feat.
I can't do that.
But you look thoughtful to me.
You're not aware.
When I was in your age,
my goodness.
I was so ambitious
and enthusiastic.
In order to expand my business,
I worked so hard daily.
In the end,
I lost my family.
I sacrificed them.
I can only see my child
for a few times
in a year.
(We haven't visited)
(my wife's grave together
for a long time too.)
(you youngsters shouldn't be like me.)
(Treasure your family.)
(That's the most important thing.)
Are you busy?
What's the matter?
What are you up to?
In absorbing knowledge
and improving one's breeding,
this is required.
Cut it out.
I want to talk to you.
What is it?
It's regarding Mr. Mai.
(Recording 1)
(I can only see my child)
(for a few times)
(in a year.)
(We haven't visited)
(my wife's grave together
for a long time too.)
What's this?
I know that it's not right
to film others secretly.
But I really
Not only did you film him secretly,
you even want to interfere
in his affairs.
You're so heartless.
Aren't you close with Mr. Mai?
But he's also our client.
I don't care
what your motive is for doing this.
But this is disrespectful to the client.
Do you know that?
I'm disrespectful.
It's my fault.
You think I'm joking?
Do I look like I'm joking?
Listen to me.
Our interaction with Mr. Mai
is only limited to the proposal.
And that's all.
Mr. Mai told me
that you're a thoughtful person.
I'm not.
But I think you are.
I always trust my instinct.
That's why I think
I can ask for your help regarding this.
What if I don't help you?
Then I'll go and find Mr. Mai's family.
This will affect the progress
of the proposal.
I guarantee, it definitely won't.
This concerns the workshop's survival.
I know.
Just like Wang Jing,
and the others,
I'm responsible for them
because I'm their team leader.
In the same way,
I'm responsible for Mr. Mai too.
Because I know that this proposal
is Mr. Mai's way of making up
for what he wasn't able
to give his family.
What if I stop you
as the director?
Then as the person in charge of this,
I'll request you to revise the proposal.
♪Light years apart, there are
so many obstacles to this journey♪
♪To you, I'm like an unreasonable
and bad monster♪
♪I suddenly raised my head and saw that
everyone is obviously still clueless♪
♪Show me Show me Your eyes♪
We received a reply about Mr. Mai.
This is the related information.
Thank you.
♪Clear my mind and realize
who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment, the tear
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
Wang Jing.
Can you give me
some materials
on copper twining?
do you have any copper twining
design sketches?
Lei, you're so hard-working.
This is the proposal I came up with.
I considered mass production
and avoiding
expensive mineral stones
that easily go out of stock.
If you don't like it,
and would like to give us more time,
I'll surely do my best to complete it.
♪Don't be shy♪
You gave this very careful thought.
It's very good.
It's really great.
Actually, I have another proposal.
I got my inspiration from Mr. Mai.
Did I give you any suggestions?
We designed this for you, Mr. Mai.
This is
Mr. Mai, please take a look.
(Happy Father's Day)
My son drew that.
Mr. Mai, I'm sorry.
I was the one
I acted on my own.
I'm sorry.
(How are you doing lately?)
(For the Qingming Festival holiday
this year,)
(let's go and visit Mom together.)
That was really ridiculous.
Good thing Mr. Mai didn't hold you
accountable for filming him secretly.
Otherwise, even I won't be able
to protect you.
I planned to take this with you.
I didn't expect that Mr. Mai
would like you so much.
In the end, it was like
I was trying
to take the credit from you.
Don't worry.
This order belongs to you.
Why are you so quiet today?
It's so unlike you.
You're burning up.
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,
I can't hide my excitement
and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪I'm gonna share with u my luv♪
♪I do, do do,
we agreed to meet in early summer♪
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
Where are you going?
If you don't explain it clearly,
you can't leave.
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