Begins Youth (2024) s01e04 Episode Script


This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Not yet
Ah, but honestly, I'm not really
good at this kind of thing
Is this really the only thing I should do?
Promise me
What time is it now?
You can check from that thing
Ah, right
You're right
Hey, Bro!
You know me?
No, it's just that you seem
older than me at a glance
Ah, I was about to go
to the pharmacy too
How did you know I was
going to the pharmacy?
What are you?
I just thought you were
heading to the pharmacy
Who are you?
Ah, I really can't do these things.
Don't know why they asked for me such weird stuff
- Haru!
- What the
What's going on?
Those two had a fight?
What's up with him?
You try to stop them
You're the smartest one here
Since when does being smart
relate to stopping a fight?
Hey, Guys
Hey, Hwan
Where have you been?
- Ah, I had some things to do
- Jooan
Oh, are you here to pick me up?
You met them too, right?
Where’s your mom and sister!
Your mom left me
and now you three
plan to live together?
Huh? Tell me!
Get up, tell me!
Come on, get up and talk!
Say it, Jooan Kim!
Hey, hey where are you going!
Hey! Jooan Kim!
- Stop right there! Let me go!
- Excuse me, sir!
- Sir, please
- Let me go!
Stop right there!
Jooan Kim!
Ah, this little!
Let me go, Jooan Kim!
Sir, please
Calm down
No, come on
Boss goes crazy
if anyone is parked here
Songho Scholarship Foundation
Wonjoong Byeon
What kind of number is that?
The number you've dialed is unavailable
What the
I'm sorry
Thank you
What do you want?
- Why did you call?
- Where are you?
Ignoring all my texts and what?
Tell me where you are!
No, I'm not going, I won't
Just can't, no way
I can't leave the container today
So, where exactly are you?
Wow, the air's so fresh here
You said you wouldn't come
Said you couldn't come, you liar
Just here to get some fresh air
What air in this rain?
Enjoy as much as you like
Told you to come to the container
It's embarrassing
You are not going home at all?
Don't know, when I cool off
Let's go to the container, okay?
It's scary to be alone
in the container on a rainy day
Come on, hurry up
- Hurry, hurry, hurry!
- Seriously
Come on in
Hurry inside
Just for you, you coward
You wear it, bro
You wear it, you're all wet
- You're wet
- That's why you should wear it
Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it
Hey, Cein Min, come over here
What are you doing?
The principal is calling you
Cein, can we talk for a moment?
Hmm, this is really something
- What is going on?
- What do you mean by what?
What's wrong with you? Get going!
Something feels off
It feels so awkward, why's that?
They’re only asking to stop
the detention, why feel weird about it?
That's good then
Haru's a bit late today, though
What happened?
I heard Haru called in sick
with a cold today
But is that true?
Those comments
Haru in a psychiatric hospital, that thing?
Could that be true?
Typical of those hiding
to make up such stories
Just writing fiction as they want,
a take it or leave it approach
- Whew
- But it’s not really a story yet
We should know this ourselves anyway
Haru is suffering a lot mentally
Haru went through something tough before
Because of that, it looks like Haru
received some psychiatric treatment
Seems the situation got worse
because of the comments on my channel
And so, started hearing hallucinations
Something like that, I guess
Here it is
- Is it all done?
- Yes
- Let the boys do the self-study
- Alright, teacher
Oh, didn't know you were here
Take it easy, relax
It's all done
I can go out if you’re uncomfortable
I appreciate your consideration, but
Sorry, but I can't do it
What are you sorry for?
Didn’t know caring for
an orchid was that difficult?
It's not just an orchid
It's just an orchid
Still needs someone to look after
Sorry, Sir
Fine, if you’re not up for it
Then, go back to the classroom
Make sure to get ready for the final exam
Your dad is probably expecting a lot
It's me
Could we have dinner tonight?
It’d be better if Hwan joined us too
Please let me fill yours
Are you okay?
Hwan, you don't look well
He's overly shy and timid
Why do you say that?
Just like when you were a student
I'm trying to help out of care,
and his awkward
response is exactly the same
I wonder if I'm just doing
something unnecessary
Not even looking up when the principal
is speaking, what sort of manner is that?
- I appreciate your words, but
- See that?
That’s why I feel like I'm just
doing something unnecessary. See?
He's been looking after me
since I was your age
He made it possible for me to
be involved in politics like this
All because of the principal’s guidance
You should follow with appreciation
If it’s because you feel sorry,
do well enough as a way to give back
- Kim Hwan
- Yes
Yes, sir
Your father is absolutely right
I have no difference with your father
We all treat Hwan in the same way
How are the friends
you’ve been with recently?
That might explain
his late nights lately
I’m worried as well
Everyone’s like that at this age, right?
Think back to when you were a student
Back then, together with friends,
sneaking around
doing bad stuff, wasn't it?
That’s right
But, I've come this far
without slipping, all thanks to you
Please take good care of Hwan too
Don’t worry
Looking after students is
my profession and mission
Yes, much better now
Fever's gone down today
That's good
You can't afford to be unwell
with your final exam soon
Mom, where's Sangmin?
- Can I talk to him?
- Huh?
Uh, he's taking a shower
I'll ask him to call you after
You always say that
but never call back
It's just he's a bit
out of sorts and busy
After the final exam is over and vacation begins,
do I need to go back to the hospital?
It just makes my mind go blank
and I can't think at all
I really hate it there
Okay, let's talk about it
when I get back to Korea
Can you put Grandma on?
It is not fine at all
He pretends to be fine because
he doesn't want to go to the hospital
Even today, he kept looking
around and scratching his ears
hearing something all the time
I'm so scared if others might see
It's so bad that Sangmin asked
not to come to his graduation
Oh my lord
My dear lord
You're ashamed of me too, aren't you? Is that it?
Everyone in my family is ashamed of me
Because I'm crazy
No one even tries to understand me
How can this be a family?
Mail Sent
I'm on my way to school
Trust me, I'm totally fine
What is it? What's wrong?
Trust me, sweetie
You know I'm older than you?
Why are you doing this? Just let me go
- Why? We are friends
- Friends!
You are younger than me, agh!
- Yo, let's go
- Where, where to?
- Ouch, my armpit!
- Let's go!
Wow, the weather is nice
- The weather's good, isn't it?
- The weather's nice, right?
This is a bit this isn't right!
- It's okay, it's okay
- No, it's not okay!
You said it was very urgent
What the heck, get off
Haru, we'll be waiting for you
- I'll wait
- Go away
Have a good time
Haru, what do you want to eat?
What do you want to eat?
- Is that him?
- Yeah, Munhyeon Middle School, crazy one
- Right?
- The psychiatric hospital
Oops, they don’t have it here
Hey, let’s go out to eat
- Yeah, let's go out
- Go out
I told you it hurts!
What the heck, both of you
Why are you acting
like this all of a sudden!
It's because of the rumors
about me, right? Isn't it?
What are you talking about?
It's because you are always sick
and catching colds, aren't you?
Yes, me too
You know, you tend to
fall over a lot when walking
That's why
For me, well, yeah
It bothers me when one out of
every seven of us is missing
I don't know why, but I just don't like it
I hope we can be all together
When we are all together,
I don't even think about wanting to die
Really, that's how it is
That's how it is
Me too, just like that
Hey, hey? Wait!
This wasn't part of the plan, hold on!
Ouch, armpit, agh!
Ok, I'll behave
Just let me down, now!
I'm scared!
Hey, hey hey, hey!
What are you guys up to,
sticking together again!
No, sir
We were just trying to continue
the detention after class, but then
the door got locked
Talking about the school detention, huh?
Meet up there, having fun,
eating stuff you bought,
do you think I don't know?
I never trusted you guys
from the beginning
But we did clean up all the desks inside
and removed all the cobwebs, you know?
It's an order from the principal
Remaining detention will be replaced by
picking up trash around,
instead of cleaning this place
Don't stick together, all of you
- Dismissed!
- Why?
Why the sudden change?
You, why are you here after the principal said
not to do any school detention?
When told to do something,
you resist with all your might,
and now when told not to, you make a fuss?
You moron!
Since it's the exam period,
at least pretend to study, got it?
Did you hear me?
Yes, sir
What's this all of a sudden?
It's just about not to
play together. That's all
How are the friends
you’ve been with recently?
What are you doing here?
What are you up to, Hwan?
Are you cleaning the principal's office?
No, I'm not
Actually, I
I'm taking care of an orchid
in the principal's office
Uh, orchid
Did the principal say something to you?
Something like what?
Does the principal have
something to say to me?
Well, maybe just
something like being careful about me
Never mind then
Do well on your exams
Dogeon! Dogeon!
The question you pointed
out came up in the exam
So, did you get it right?
No, I couldn't remember the answer
Ah, Jeha Jeon, gosh
Should we split just because
it's still locked? After the exam?
- Elephant Bunsik, who's in?
- I'm in.
Then, just for fun,
How about the losing team
in a soccer game pays?
Can you play?
You just sit on the bench
- Yeah, we're already seven
- Why seven?
I'm out
Hurry up and make the teams
What are you waiting for?
It's getting dark
My team, my team, my team go!
Go, go, go, go
My team go, my team go!
Go, go, go, go!
Urgh! no, no
Oh, gosh, sigh
That bro is just
What are you doing?
Come on!
- Pass, pass, pass!
- Go my team!
- Hey, hey!
- Hurry, hurry
Oh, nice!
Hey, Hwan!
Oh my!
You just, no way
My ball. I got it
Come on!
See? I told you to do that and it works!
- Right!
- Too late!
- I scored, I did it
- Jooan!
Urgh, I can't hear it
You guys teasing me now, huh?
What's wrong?
- Are you okay?
- Stop it
Jeez, stop it already!
Fortunately, the right ear
is back to normal
It seems like it was a temporary
hearing loss due to the shock
- The right side was injured, correct?
- Yes, that's right
But he hurt one ear,
can both ears become deaf?
Right, I couldn't hear
anything for a moment
Do you do any sports?
Like judo or wrestling?
No, why?
Or maybe you had a car
accident a long time ago?
Or maybe
you were hit really hard on the left ear
Your left ear must have
been deaf for quite a while
You didn't know?
Haru, let's unpack this
- Jooan should rest when he's back
- Okay
I'll go with you, Hosu
Dad and mom
Wow, Dogeon is so photogenic!
Jeha, your stepfather became the chairman
of the scholarship foundation, right?
Then, have you heard anything
about the scholarship foundation?
My mom once asked why the scholarship
foundation only selects male students,
and he said something about it's only
for boys because of the issue in the past
I heard that kind of story before
What issue?
Mom didn't ask further,
so I don't really know
It'll be okay
You're not Ronaldo or something
What could happen just
because he got hit, right?
You think so?
And if you have any troubles,
you should talk about it
Don't just keep it for yourself
Troubles, like what?
Well, just
Isn't it annoying that the principal
put you to take care of the plants?
Why would he make you do that
instead of doing it himself?
Well, yeah
It is annoying but
Anyway, since your dad and the principal
are close, it must be hard to refuse
Have you, by any chance,
heard anything about the 7th
Songho scholarship members from your dad?
Is it important to you?
You asked about it before
my mom and your dad
both were from the 7th
Songho scholarship members
I only found out recently
I don't know much about my mom
Oh, I see
dad never talked about
the scholarship foundation
Dad's middle and high school records
might be still in the old house
Hwan, then maybe
Why are you here alone?
Where's Jooan?
He went home to get something
What are they saying?
Why he couldn't hear?
Well, that's
The ear that got hit
by the soccer ball is fine
See? I told you it would be okay
He can't hear at all
with his left ear
Can't hear?
At the hospital, they said
Juan's left eardrum
was damaged due to continuous impact
but it wasn't treated in time,
so he lost his hearing function
What do you mean by continuous impact?
On that rainy day,
Jooan was hit by his father
Haru and Hosu might not have seen it
Oh, are you here to pick me up?
Hey, Jooan
Jeha and Haru were waiting, but they
left early because it was getting late
Are you hungry?
You want some ramen?
I'm good
Give it to me, I'll open it
Don't touch
Sorry, Jooan
It's okay
I said it's okay!
I told you it's okay!
- Jooan
- Just for a moment
It's my fault
What did you do wrong?
What are you?
What are you!
Hey, hey Jooan
Stop it, please
Hey, Hwan Kim
You think I'm pitiful, right?
Like those fundraising
and charity from TV,
it feels real when you see me, doesn't it?
Seeing me live like this
makes you feel fortunate
about your own life, right?
Jooan Kim, stop it, okay?
Tell me honestly
You feel good hanging out with us
You know it too,
we're different from you
Everyone watches you
envies you
even the principal looks out for you
Hey, let's go outside, let's go
You still don't know?
I've never called you 'Bro'
You know why?
Because I don't accept you!
- Let's get some fresh air
- Yeah, let's go, let's go
Let's go out
I know you're taking your anger out on me
But it's not because of me
Your ear
It's your father to hit you
Isn't it?
- Stop it!
- Aah!
Stop, just stop!
Let go!
What's wrong with you?
What did Hwan do wrong?
It's dead
It's dead
What, what's dead?
What are you talking about?
That kitten died
Hey, Jooan
It died because it was weak
If you're weak, you lose
And if you lose, you die
Oh, you're here?
Why are you
Sorry for coming all of a sudden
What's going on?
I wanted to ask
I didn't have anything to say
about your mom before
And I don't have anything to say now too
About the incident with the 7th members
I know about it
About that incident,
I have nothing to tell you
There was an incident, right?
I'm sorry
Principal's Office
An exciting vacation
starts in a few hours, right?
To enjoy my vacation,
I feel like I need to ask something
I have nothing more to say
if it's about your mother again
Even if you don’t remember my mom,
Maybe you'll recall something
if it's an incident to the
7th scholarship members
That's quite an old story
Given my age
Cein, you seem very curious
about the scholarship
foundation, don't you?
You want to hide that incident, right?
I'm not quite sure what
incident you're talking about
Can you tell me?
If I were to talk,
it certainly wouldn't be here
Perhaps at a police station, education
department, or a newspaper office
Don't you think?
I see
I am also very curious
about what the incident is
Feel free to do as you wish,
wherever that might be
You seem to dislike me already
It's time to prepare
the vacation ceremony broadcast
Okay, you're good to go
Oh, and
I hope you become a student who can
take responsibility for your actions
Whatever they may be
Ranking by class: 1/21
Ranking by school: 3/174
Your father must be feeling relieved now
Good job, Hwan
But from now on,
you don't need to hold back
Why not just comfortably be
the top student in the school?
Wouldn't your father be happier?
Now, do you understand
how much I care for you, Hwan?
Come down
Just say no
Say no
About what?
That my dad didn't do it
It was not you
and it was not my dad
Just say like that
Just say it happened that way
That I was just unlucky
Say it like that
It just happened that way
It was bad luck
From now
Mom has
got a house in Munhyeon-si
- To live with you and me
- I'm not going
Are you still mad at mom?
If I go there,
then dad will really be alone
can't leave dad again
I still like my dad
You go
Go live with mom there
If you come back,
then you should live like mom
So, you should go
Don't come back
Did someone come home?
What's everyone doing?
How about we go to the beach tomorrow?
- What is it? Attention seeker?
- Attention seeker?
What, let go!
Let go!
Huh? Hey, wait!
Be careful
- Hey
- Hey guys!
These guys are so weird!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Hey, it's still cold
Hey, you'll get hurt!
Oh my, water can be so dangerous
- That's what I'm saying
- Whoops
Hey, come on quick, quickly come here
I know, I know
I know how you feel. I do
I'll walk
I'm really okay
- Hwan, quick
- Oh, it's cold!
Come on
Can I ask something?
Cein, that lighter
You always carry it around
Is there any reason?
I never saw you smoking
Yeah, I don't smoke
But sometimes, just looking at the flame
makes me feel both scared and relaxed
It might not make sense as I say it
But it's just like that
I know what you're talking about
I feel something similar
when I climb up high
Scared and relaxed
Don't do that, it's dangerous
You're still young
And you must have dreams
Do we really need something like dreams?
I do want to find my mom and be happy
Are you unhappy now?
but it's not just about finding my mom
and living happily together
It's just that if I find her
and see that she's living happily,
then I feel like I can live happily too
When I was young, my dream
was to become president
But now, I'm not sure
Hey, it's okay not to have dreams
I don't dream of such things
Oh, I know Jooan Kim's dream
He wants to walk around
just in a red T-shirt, no pants
because he's a pervert
What are you talking about!
I meant Bearman!
A superhero saving
the world from villains
How cool!
You know it, bro!
Of course
Dreams or whatever
I just hope my
part-time job wage increases more
But still, everyone has dreams
For me, writing down my future
for homework was the hardest
No matter how much I think about it
Nothing comes to mind
I guess I don't have
anything I want to become
everyone talks about what they
want to be in the future, but
wonder if I'll even be alive by then?
Hey, don't worry, I'll protect you
- Here
- Oh?
Where did you find it?
I thought I had lost it
Thor shouldn't leave his hammer behind
It's your weapon, right?
Jeha has really grown up
Knowing to take care of such things
I've always been taller
than you, you know?
No, you're not!
Hey, let's measure
- Both of you, stand up, stand up
- Ah, really
- Stand up
- I'm way taller!
- I'm telling you, I'm taller
- How much
Jeha is much taller, right?
- No way!
- I'm taller!
Jeha is taller, right?
Ah, damn sand
Come in
- Have a seat
- Ah, yes
I was worried I'd leave
without seeing Cein
but I'm glad I see you
Sit down
I'm sorry
No, it's okay
Today, I came not to talk about Cein
but about your late mother
I've avoided discussing it until now,
worried it might hurt Cein
Of course, from Cein's perspective,
it's natural to be curious about his mother
I thought it'd be better to discuss this
in your father's presence,
to avoid any misunderstandings
Is that okay?
Please go ahead
As Cein knows,
your mother, the late Eunjoo Kim,
was indeed a member of
the 7th Songho scholarship
To me, she was an
unforgettable thorn in my side
She was the first female student in the scholarship foundation
which had only chosen male students before
She was exceptionally bright and witty
and played the piano wonderfully
She was pretty
and more mature than her peers
which perhaps led to
numerous rumors about her
During that time,
I personally had to handle
various incidents that were proven true
Those incidents are
exactly what Cein is curious about,
from the 7th scholarship members
After that, the foundation stopped
selecting female scholarship student
There was some issue between
Eunjoo and Changjun Kim
The assemblyman, Changjun Kim?
Changjun Kim was also one of
the 7th scholarship members like Eunjoo
It seems natural for young
men and women to mingle,
Eunjoo developed feelings
for Changjun Kim
She confessed her feelings,
but Changjun, focusing on his studies,
rejected her
Eunjoo must have been
deeply hurt by this rejection
Happy birthday Cein
And then she had inappropriate
relationships with several students
It's embarrassing to even mention, but
Eunjoo falsely accused Changjun Kim of rape
as the secretary at the time,
I had to step in to resolve the matter
I hoped she would marry and live well
Especially since I was the one who
recommended Eunjoo for the scholarship,
I deeply regretted what happened
So, I tried to cover up this incident
If Cein knew about mother's past,
I worried you might get hurt
I was also worried about
what would happen if you
heard about this from Hwan,
so I tried to keep the two of you
apart because of that
Oh, I guess my judgment
fails with age
No, it's not
I'm sorry, I've been too busy with work
and haven't taken care of my children
I'm going to the US to see my brother
Actually, I asked to go to
the beach because of that
Stay safe. I'll be back with a gift
It's Haru Park
Oh, are you here for the hospital admission?
- Yes
- Just a moment, please
You've made a good decision
It's to get better, right?
Haru Park
You only think about your own troubles?
Have you ever thought
about how families feel
those with a member
suffering from mental illness?
- Haru
- Yes
- There's this amazing dance
- What is it?
It's a mix of Krump and Popping
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