Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Is it that good?
Considering I just almost died,
of course it is.
So then,
what do you see
when you touch someone's butt?
It seems like
I can only see
the footage they let me see.
So you have no control?
I do get to choose from
the different footage that they show me.
What is it, cable TV?
Can you choose to see what happened
at a specific point in time?
That would be amazing.
Do you mean there's really
nothing you can control?
When Spider-Man got his powers,
he tested a bunch of things out.
When it comes to butts,
you can poke, grab, or knead them.
Haven't you tried any of that?
Do you
never use your brain?
- I do.
- For what?
To think about how to make money.
Stop eating.
- Wait--
- No more food for you.
Are butts dough or what?
Why would I knead them?
Are you here to kneel at my feet?
Let's get things straight.
You were both right and wrong.
There was a woman.
But it turned out to be my boyfriend.
They said they were meant to be
a woman or something.
Everything's fine now.
We agreed to just be friends.
What's with your neck?
Did something happen to you?
Oh, it's nothing.
Are you okay?
I can always find another guy.
But seriously, how did you know?
I don't know
if I should believe you or not.
But I'll sacrifice my butt
for the sake of your power.
Here we go.
You'd look better in peach than red.
Mr. Park. Are you on your way
to see the meteors?
MacArthur was a five-star general.
I'll get more powerful…
You spread the word for me.
The last thing I saw
was you selling snacks to the shaman.
That was on the night
of the meteor shower.
That was a week ago.
So poking must show me
what's happened in the past week.
What are you looking at?
If you don't want your ass kicked,
just keep walking.
You're asking for it.
Get her!
You beat up kids again.
- You can see that too?
- When was that?
Three or four months ago.
Three or four months ago?
Why did you drink so much
when you're such a lightweight?
It's been so long
since I've been to a club!
This is so fun!
You're so embarrassing.
- I'm leaving!
- I'm staying!
My goodness.
I must have been insane.
Did I dance in front of a police car?
When was that?
On your birthday last year.
So this shows me what happened a year ago.
Kneading shows me more footage.
Does that show you different things?
Not really.
But I can see further into the past
the more I touch and knead the butt.
Come in.
How are you feeling?
How do you think I'm feeling
after being abducted?
I came here to explain
how the case will proceed going forward.
The suspect is being investigated
at Mujin Police Station.
And this case will be handled
by the Violent Crimes Unit.
If you have any questions about the case,
you can ask me.
Once you're discharged,
we need you at the station
for your statement.
Make sure
that bastard is never free again.
All right. Rest up then.
Hurry up and start streaming.
Do we really have to do this?
This is a heaven-sent opportunity.
If I squeeze out a tear or two here,
I'll get a ton of donations.
Hi, everyone. It's me, Streamer Ms. Si-a.
You guys must have been worried
because I disappeared.
The truth is…
…I had been abducted.
What happened?
You see, John Wick…
I mean…
Ted Chang, that bastard…
Come on, speak clearly.
Remember how we went to
Mujin Port to catch Ted Chang?
It looks like Ted Chang is making a deal.
Should we raid them?
Listen up.
You two stay here until backup arrives.
What about you?
Where are you going?
don't tell me you're thinking about
that scene from John Wick.
I used to be
in Korea's top special forces.
Taking on ten men with this
is child's play.
Wait over there.
Stay where you are.
Or you'll just get hurt more.
That was a suicide attempt.
Captain, are you okay?
What happened?
You said it was child's play.
The pencil broke.
So you couldn't catch Ted Chang?
We did,
with the help of the special task force.
Okay, smile.
Raise your fists, please.
Damn it.
I should have been there.
Detective Moon.
Hello, sir!
Lieutenant Moon Jang-yeol,
an honor graduate from the police academy,
formerly with the RIU
and now at the Mujin Violent Crimes Unit.
What an honor to see you again.
I heard you solved the abduction case.
Yes, sir.
Please keep up the good work for Mujin.
I'll be sure to remember
your hard work if I win.
Thank you, sir!
Oh, hello.
Hello, Assemblyman Cha.
My goodness, Captain Won.
Look at you.
I'm fine.
I heard you arrested
a notorious drug lord.
I did.
You sure are the pride of our city.
Just to make it clear,
we three here were the ones
who made our city proud.
Not him.
All he did was get himself beat up.
- I heard you'll be promoted.
- That's right.
All three of us here will get a promotion.
Not him.
He's been sitting on the sidelines.
Still, he caught the kidnapper.
Who cares? The Ted Chang case
is getting all the spotlight.
If he had just followed us,
he'd already be back in Seoul.
This is all because of that perv.
- Thank you so much for your hard work.
- I was just doing my job.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Let's go!
- Let's go.
- All right.
Hey, what are you doing?
Come here. It's okay.
Well then.
All right, take a picture of us
with this phone.
You have nothing to do anyway.
So take some pictures for us.
- Sure.
- Here.
Mr. Kang, you come here too.
- We should all be in the picture.
- Okay.
All right.
Make sure we look nice.
Here we go.
One, two, three.
Take one in landscape mode too.
One, two, three.
Thanks. Give it here.
All right.
Very nice.
He took very nice selfies.
Do I have a boyfriend?
I've never been in a relationship.
My father was so strict
that I couldn't even think of dating.
I'm going to keep thinking of
my subscribers as my boyfriend.
Guys, wait a second.
The officers
who recently solved a big case
are in the same hospital as me.
Please say hello to my subscribers.
- What the…
- Hello.
Don't film me.
She must be shy.
- Hello.
- Hi. But what's this?
I'm Streamer Ms. Si-a.
I see.
- Who is that?
- Thank you so much
- She's the abduction victim.
- for protecting us!
She's apparently a famous online streamer.
How many subscribers does she have?
Put on a smile.
- She has over 500,000.
- 500,000?
- Are you okay?
- Yes, I'm fine.
Hello, it's nice to meet you!
Hello, I'm Cha Ju-man,
candidate number one
in the upcoming general election.
It's important to exercise
your voting rights.
So be sure to vote.
And please consider voting for me.
Yes, thank you.
Let's shake hands.
Thank you so much.
So nice to meet you.
Look, people are posting comments.
They're saying
that you look like such a nice person.
Hello, and thank you.
Hey, why didn't you just play along?
She's so fake.
She doesn't actually care about us.
She just wants to thank us.
She's doing it for the money.
She wouldn't have even looked at us
if not for the donations.
Why do you sound like you know her well?
My husband was into her.
I'm getting annoyed again.
Good mor--
- What are you doing?
- Hey, perv.
- What are you going to do?
- About what?
I now have a huge gaping hole
in my career because of you.
Why? You caught the kidnapper
thanks to me.
Catching Ted Chang
would've sent me back to Seoul.
But I blew the chance
while trying to save you.
Since I saved you,
shouldn't you save me in return?
How would I do that?
What's all this?
These are the cases you'll be solving.
How am I supposed to solve any of these?
You see everything
when you touch someone's butt.
Then you could see the culprits.
- What?
- You have to send me back to Seoul.
Look, I do want to help you.
But there's an issue
that I didn't tell you about.
What is it?
Whenever I use my power,
my hair falls out.
I guess hair loss is a serious problem.
What's this for?
If you have no hair in the first place,
you don't have to worry about losing it.
Make your choice.
Do you want to shave it all off
or lose some along the way?
I'll lose some along the way.
I'm sorry.
There are these thieves
that steal produce from farms.
And lately,
they've been stealing
any and all peppers from around here.
The prime suspects frequent this gym.
It's those guys.
Go touch them.
Figure that out yourself.
It's them.
All right.
Are we done for the day?
What do you mean? We've only just begun.
I ache all over. I can't do this anymore.
Detective Moon,
this is so thoughtful of you.
But this doesn't seem like
what the guests wear.
We're here for a man
who illegally occupied
some karaoke bars nine months ago.
What took you so long?
I'll get started then.
Start already.
One moment, please.
- What is it?
- There's a red monster on his back.
It has horns,
and its bulging eyes are glaring at me.
- Wait!
- Go!
- What are you doing?
- Sorry?
Hurry up and get started.
Well then…
All right.
I'll get started.
I'm sorry.
Detective Moon!
Come here, you.
Was this guy at the karaoke bar or not?
That was my boys. I wasn't there.
He was there singing this song.
The sunlight…
The sunlight that pours over me
I hope my dazzling dreams bloom too
-Putting things off over and over
-Over and over
-Those exhausting days
-Those exhausting--
I hope today is happier
Than yesterday
What's wrong?
I think I pushed myself too hard
and got injured.
My hands are pretty fragile.
They're so delicate.
I'm sorry I can't help you anymore.
What is this?
This is called Iron Palm Training.
It's how the monks at the Shaolin Temple
trained their hands.
You'll be able to shove your hand
through a brick wall after this.
That's a bit of a stretch, isn't it?
Say "delicate" at one, and "hands" at two.
Let's go.
Could you demonstrate it for me?
I'll follow after you.
You're so high-maintenance.
Delicate! Hands!
Now, one.
What? Two.
- Hands!
- No. Faster, deeper!
One, delicate! Two, hands!
- One!
- Delicate!
- Two!
- Hands!
- One! Two!
- Delicate! Hands!
Now, both hands! One!
- Delicate! Hands!
- Two!
- One! Two!
- Delicate! Hands!
See? He worked me so hard
that my fingerprints disappeared.
Is he a nutjob or what?
My hands are all scraped.
I should put some Band-Aids on them.
I don't think they sell Band-Aids.
Oh, my.
Then I have to go to
the convenience store.
What are you doing here?
I'm going to film a vlog.
My subscribers
are always curious about this.
They want to know
if shamans also buy lottery tickets.
I just bought one.
Shamans can win the lottery
through the power of their deity.
But that would be divulging
a heavenly secret,
which can result in much more bad luck
than the initial stroke of good luck.
But I will show you just this once.
Since I'm not summoning
the power of my deity,
there's no way I'll win.
Let's see here.
The 1st row says 500 million won.
I'm not shocked at all by this.
Better luck next time.
Excuse me.
Dr. Bong.
Hi, Seon-woo.
Are you hurt?
I hurt my hands a little.
Let me take a look.
It looks pretty bad.
I get scratched by the cats all the time,
so I always carry this around.
All done.
Just put on some Band-Aids.
Thank you.
We have so much expired food.
Feel free to take some home.
I can't finish these by myself.
Have you had dinner yet?
This is such a feast.
They're slightly past their sell-by date,
but they're still edible.
And they cost more
than what I make in an hour.
Thank you.
It's good.
I'll treat you to a better meal next time.
It's not about what you eat
but who you eat it with.
It's what my mom used to say.
You won't be able to enjoy
even the best food in the world
with someone you hate.
But if you're with someone you like,
everything you eat will feel like a feast.
You have a good mother.
I did.
She passed away though.
I'm fine.
It's been so long
that I don't feel sad anymore.
Same here.
My mom passed away too.
To be honest,
this is her hometown.
I remember her telling me
it was a nice place to live
because the air and people were good here.
That's why I moved here.
I see.
I wanted to see for myself,
and my mom was right.
The air is good here.
And the people are too.
We have quite a lot in common.
We both like cats too.
If it's okay with you,
can we be friends?
your girlfriend won't like it.
I don't have a girlfriend.
So you don't.
But there is someone
I'm interested in these days.
I could be the one he's interested in.
We saved a cat together,
and he even treated my wound.
And on top of that,
he moved close to where I live.
It must be me.
Should I just check real quick?
You wanted to return to Seoul
but bailed out of the Ted Chang case.
So how are you going to
come back any time soon?
Don't get me started.
Is there any news on Seung-gil?
Give me a call if you hear anything.
Will you look at her?
Jeez, that little perv.
She's trying so hard.
We're here.
Good night then.
- Seon-woo.
- Yes?
You have gum stuck to your butt.
I'll get it off.
Excuse me.
I got it off.
Thank you.
Bye then.
What was that?
Why couldn't I see anything?
Did I touch him too lightly?
what's with the long face?
Do we not have enough money?
It's just that
we've been living hand to mouth,
but you haven't seen
any patients in a while.
We're in a pretty bad state.
Don't worry.
I'll treat patients again.
- Start setting up appointments.
- Really?
Yes. So don't worry
and get ready to open the hospital.
You can start first.
I'm taking your grandpa to the hospital.
Is he unwell?
His back doesn't seem to be fully healed.
He says he's fine,
but he seems to have trouble walking.
I want to see what his condition is.
Father, the cab is here! Come out!
See you later.
You didn't have to come with me.
I could have come alone.
Why do you insist on coming alone
when your back is injured?
The door is opening.
Second floor.
Father, press the button
for the fourth floor.
What the…
Why would you do that?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. It must have been an accident.
The door is opening.
Who cares if it was an accident?
It's so annoying.
Excuse me.
What did you just say?
How could you say that to an elder?
Who do you think is at fault here?
Screw you.
Hey! What did you just say?
You're way out of line here! Apologize.
Why should I apologize?
You should be apologizing to me.
Why you little…
Let go!
Why should I? Apologize right now.
I'm sorry.
It was a mistake.
Go to hell.
Oh, my gosh.
What on earth is her problem?
Don't worry about it.
There's nothing to be done
about rude brats like her.
I'll go inside by myself.
Why? We should go together.
What am I, a little kid?
Just wait outside.
I heard you arrested a drug lord in Mujin.
You sure are the pride of our city.
I heard you'll be promoted.
That's right.
What's wrong?
What happened to you?
What are you doing here?
That's not important right now.
what terrible thing happened to you?
No, something very fortunate
happened to me.
You're lying.
You look…
absolutely miserable.
No, this is one of
the happiest periods of my life.
Please just leave me alone.
I'm happy right now.
Come to me.
I said I'm happy!
Why are you doing this to me?
You've always been like this.
You keep putting me in danger
while pretending to care about me.
Why are we here?
To do something that will make us
super excited and happy!
Just watch.
This will make you really happy.
What do you think?
Don't you feel so happy?
But just one doesn't make me happy enough.
- Jong-muk.
- Yes?
We'll be so much happier
if you turn on all of them.
- Should I?
- Yes.
What do you think you're doing?
We shouldn't…
Louder. Two!
…waste water!
We shouldn't…
…waste water!
I was disciplined all night long.
And my father beat me to a pulp
when he had to pay 23,000 won
for the water bill.
And look what you've done to me now. I'm
What can I do for you?
What can I do to make you feel better?
You can go in right through there.
Go on in.
I ended up hurting him again
when I should be nice to him.
But I will
still keep on trudging along
step by step.
You're so cute.
So what can I help you with?
Everything else is fine,
but it's obsessed with the clothes
and socks I take off after work.
Let me take a look.
Doctor, why is my dog acting this way?
It could be because it's teething.
Let me take another look.
What are you doing?
Why can't I see anything?
Why are you touching my butt?
Why doesn't it work?
Did I really lose my power?
All my fingerprints are gone.
- One!
- Delicate!
- Two!
- Hands!
- Now, both hands!
- Delicate!
Did my power disappear
with my fingerprints?
That son of a…
What's your take on this?
You rarely see a case this big
here in Mujin.
Are you smiling right now?
This is my default expression.
Where's Captain Won?
He's still hospitalized.
You can tell me what happened, sir.
What exactly was stolen?
Your donor list?
It's a document that lists the names
of all my donors
and how much they've donated.
One can donate
up to five million won a year,
but one of my donors
donated under his wife's name too.
We were going to return
the extra donation,
but then the list disappeared.
Oh, no.
If the list gets into the hands
of an opposing candidate,
it could be misused.
And it could influence the election.
The things we're discussing here
can never be made public.
We ask for your discretion.
Yes, I understand.
But I suspect that the document
was stolen by someone on the inside
who understands its value.
Is there anyone you might suspect?
The people here have been with me
for over ten years
and are like family to me.
No one here would do that.
Everyone is capable of betrayal.
Excuse me?
You shouldn't trust anyone
until the truth comes out.
Except for the detective
handling your case.
- Then…
- That's right!
You should only be trusting me.
You can go out first.
Just a second, please.
Do you have something else to say?
I would like to ask you for a favor.
Where should we begin?
You're going to return to the station
with Detective Bae.
And just stay put.
This is my ticket back to Seoul!
I can't see anything anymore.
What do you mean you can't see anything?
I lost my powers after you overworked me.
- For real?
- For real.
- Let me…
- Don't touch me.
Why now of all times?
Then you shouldn't have overworked
my precious hands.
I'm actually a very sensitive person.
I'm picky with food, have sensitive skin,
and am meticulous all around.
- So?
- Even in school,
some kids are motivated by criticism
while other kids are motivated
by compliments, and I'm the latter.
The carrot works better on me
than the stick.
But what did you do to me?
You constantly threatened and scolded me.
Are you saying
you can't use your abilities anymore?
How would I know?
Maybe if my hands go back to normal.
- I'll take all of these.
- Okay.
Do you have any more hand products?
Hand products?
Yes, it's for someone
with extremely delicate hands.
What do you recommend?
Then how about this?
- It's made from French--
- Great.
- This is an all-natural--
- Sure.
Give me everything.
I'll throw in a lip balm for free.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
That'll be 2,000 won.
Your lips are chapped.
Use this.
Oh, shoot.
She's head over heels for someone again.
That feels good.
- What?
- Are you going to only massage my hands?
Massage my shoulders too.
So do you think your power is coming back?
You should've been this nice to me
in the first place.
Why do things you'll regret?
Right here.
What do you think? Is this working?
I'm not sure.
I'll kill you.
Then who should I touch?
What are you two up to?
An incompetent detective
is taking advantage of a psychic.
She knows about my power too.
That's great.
You could test it out on her.
Test what out?
My power wouldn't have disappeared
in the first place
if they were to return so easily.
Do it.
Your lips are chapped. Use this.
Oh, shoot.
So? Can you see something now?
You're lying.
- You saw something.
- I didn't.
Hey, how do you know if she's lying?
She avoids eye contact when she's lying.
Hey, why did you tell him that?
I couldn't lie to a cop, could I?
You like that nutjob, don't you?
- Me?
- You played the accordion earlier.
I was just bored.
Then why did your heart race
when you saw him?
- You can hear my heartbeat too?
- Yes.
It's because I had a lot of coffee.
You've got to be kidding me.
You know how your heart doesn't race
when you get paid since it's yours anyway?
Your heart only races
when you know something isn't yours
but it could become yours
if you play your cards right.
Pull yourself together, you're--
No matter what you heard,
what I say is fact.
Too much caffeine
can interfere with your sleep,
make you nervous, nauseous, or anxious.
So be careful.
Why are you two just sitting here?
Someone broke into
Assemblyman Cha's election office.
Detective Moon told us to just stay put.
That's ridiculous.
Why just sit here
when you should be investigating?
What are you, ducks?
Where's the one who told you to stay put?
At the scene, I guess.
You're all driving me crazy.
The one who should stay put is him!
What is going on here?
Then should we head out?
You bet!
Check all the security cameras
and dash cams.
Then investigate the alibis
of everyone at the office.
- Yes, sir.
- We were just following orders.
What are you mumbling about now?
Did you check the security cameras?
No one came in through the front entrance.
So they used the back entrance?
Should we check the dash cams
in the cars that are parked out back?
- What do we do now?
- We need to check the dash cams.
From the cars?
Unfortunately, this is a blind spot.
We have a better option.
A human dash cam.
Excuse me, sir.
Have you been parked, I mean…
Have you been staying here for long?
Have you been staying here for long?
Sir, please answer my question.
have you eaten?
Take your time
and eat as much as you want.
Thank you for the meal.
Excuse me,
you have something on your butt.
I'll get it off.
Right here.
He saw the thief.
May I go now?
Hold on.
Call me at this number anytime,
and I'll treat you to a meal.
Did you see something?
He saw the culprit,
but he fell asleep at the crucial moment.
You can't see anything if they're asleep?
I can't see anything
as long as their eyes are closed.
In other words,
I think I can only see
what enters their optic nerve.
What kind of superpower is that fussy?
So how are things proceeding?
Nothing was caught
on the security cameras.
Nothing to note on the dash cams either.
If nothing was caught
on the security cameras or dash cams,
are you saying they left no trace?
There is a trace.
I mean, there must be a trace.
The culprit might be on the inside,
so we should investigate everyone.
But shouldn't we investigate
the opposing party first?
The one who would gain the most
from obtaining that document
is the opposing candidate.
You have a point.
But how do we investigate
all those people?
Should we call them in all at once?
- Your number one, Cha Ju-man!
- Your number one, Cha Ju-man!
Candidate number two
will put the citizens first!
- Go touch everyone.
- Park Tae-seok!
- You mean, everyone here?
- Yes.
This is the only way
I can return to Seoul.
How can I touch all of them?
What if I end up
being labeled as a pervert
and no one wants to marry me?
- You're already…
- Already what?
I'm grateful that you saved me,
but that was your duty
as a police officer.
I think I've done enough,
so I'll leave you on your own now.
Dr. Bong.
Take a look at this before you go.
No matter how much you like him,
you shouldn't abuse your power like this.
I'd like to phone a friend.
Hi, Bunnie, what's up?
Got it.
Thanks for showing up today too.
- Yes, sis!
- Yes, sis!
Eun-hye, what's your specialty?
Grabbing people by the hair.
You little…
So you twirl the hair. You're in.
- Yeong-hui, what's your specialty?
- It's cursing.
You useless motherf.
You're such an annoying little b.
I'm going to hit you
with a full swing from the bottom up
so that your neck snaps
and does a 360, you piece of s.
I'll chew you up starting from--
You're out. That can't go on air.
Sorry, sis.
Mi-yeong, what's your specialty?
Water punches. You're in.
I sell accessories.
That's your specialty?
The rings would leave marks on the face.
Good. You're in.
Hwa-in, what about you?
I like martial arts, sis.
You're in.
Jeong-hyeon, what's your specialty?
I'm good at open-hand strikes.
You're in.
Okay, girls. Call in enough people…
Gosh, why are you here again?
What's your specialty?
I know all the latest swear words, sis.
Like I said, you shouldn't go too far.
I'm good at cursing like a 12-year-old.
I'm a teacher,
so I know how kids these days curse.
You're a teacher?
Yes, sis. Would you like to see?
- You're saying them to me?
- Yes.
You're cringe and you got no drip.
You're mad jelly and you're salty.
You're a simp, you fail every vibe check
'cause your vibe is sus.
Your face looks like what my dog vomits
after eating my homework.
You got no friends 'cause you get ratioed.
All your jokes are so millennial,
so go touch--
Gosh, I'm sorry.
I couldn't help it
because I was getting pissed off.
It's okay. It happens a lot, sis.
All right.
Assemblyman Cha
has made a very good point.
It's true that he has been in office
for the last four years…
What's going on with that phone call?
There they are.
And over there too.
I will bring in a university hospital
no matter what
so that we can attract
young talent here to Mujin…
You're cringe and you got no drip.
You're mad jelly and you're salty.
You're a simp, you fail every vibe check
'cause your vibe is sus.
Your face looks like what my dog vomits
after eating my homework.
You got no friends 'cause you get ratioed.
All your jokes are so millennial,
so go touch some grass!
Why, you little…
How dare you!
Number two hit number one!
- Number two hit number one!
- Number two hit number one!
- Number one hit number two!
- Number one hit number two!
Assemblyman Cha's aide was at the office
on the day it happened.
Why didn't he say that he was there?
He probably has a reason why he didn't.
You see the woman
with brown hair over there?
Go touch her.
So? Did you see anything?
I didn't see anything.
You really didn't see anything?
I really didn't.
Babe, you're…
Turn the car around.
I'm craving beer
now that I'm out of the hospital.
It's you, isn't it?
Ms. Si-a.
Yes, that's me.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm a fan.
I'm also on MeTube.
Is that right?
My channel is called General MacArthur TV.
I'm a shaman MeTuber.
Come on my channel,
and I'll read your fortune.
Okay, I can't wait.
That'll be 10,000 won.
You're really cute.
I bet you'd look great on camera too.
Thank you.
Give me a call.
I'll buy you a drink.
You can go.
Why all of a sudden?
Come on. Take a hint, will you?
Edit the videos properly.
Don't get distracted.
First, the energy of water and trees.
And I'm not talking about
just any old water or trees…
I'm headed to your place right now.
But seriously, do you have to do this?
You think my fans will still send me money
if they know I have a boyfriend?
No, they won't!
If my top donor finds out
and asks for a refund,
will you take responsibility?
My goodness.
Oh, no. It's all smashed up.
Are you okay?
Are you hurt?
Does it look like I'm okay?
Oh, you're badly hurt.
Don't touch me!
- Jeez.
- I was just worried.
Stop bothering me and just go.
You don't need help?
Will you be all right on your own?
I'm going to call a tow truck
and the insurance company, so just go!
All right.
I just got into an accident.
The address here?
How am I supposed to know that?
I hate this place.
When is the tow truck coming?
What the…
What the hell?
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
Please let me go.
What happens now?
We'll have to catch the culprit
no matter what.
I don't know what you're up to,
but please stop.
He's investigating
the live burial incident.
So just tell him what you saw.
I wish all the bad people in this world
would just disappear.
Did you really not see anything?
I'm telling you,
there's something off about this town.
We need to get this bastard.
Everything is up to my hands now.
So your power gets upgraded?
- It's time for the next step.
- Next step?
I'm going to get you, you punk.
It seems like they're working in cells.
Organized crime…
They're going to dump us in the water.
We'll both end up being fish food.
Let's get out of here.
Stay right here.
Is there a way?
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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