Blackshore (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

As part of our investigation
we're very keen to
locate this young woman,
please help us find Carrie.
Sean Maguire raped me.
You go tell Fia Lucey all of it.
Jesus Christ, I never raped anyone!
What did you do, Sean?
I think there are other girls.
Payoffs, cover
ups, signed by Róisín.
Dad's phone, with messages
to and from Chloe Whelan.
She's gone after Maguire.
Fia, what are you doing in?
A day off's the last thing I need!
- Morning.
- Lucey.
- You okay?
- Yeah I'm fine, thanks.
Listen, Sean Maguire is missing.
We've, we've officers
out looking for him.
Yeah, if Carrie's with him then
she could be in serious trouble.
We don't know that for sure yet.
I know, but it's
the only lead we have.
Speak of the devil. [CLEAR THROAT]
Deirdre, Sean, have a seat.
How can we help you?
My nephew came to me
last night when he realised
Róisín's young one was missing.
He has some
information that may help you.
I saw people posting
about Carrie on socials
and I thought it might help
you to know
I sold Ket to Charlie Reid.
What would he want with Ketamine?
Creepy, sick men
use it for raping young girls.
Convenient that you
remember that just now!
Yeah, well I covered for him
before but there's no way in hell
I'm letting you hound me
for something else I didn't do!
Take it easy Sean.
Have you proof?
It's all on here.
I reckon Charlie can
answer all your questions.
Why don't you talk to him?
We just want justice and for
that poor young girl to be found.
You think you know someone.
Yeah, but you knew what he
was up to all along, didn't you?
Hi, can I help you?
How are you, is Mr. Reid in?
I haven't seen him since yesterday.
We had a fight, and he left.
I haven't seen him since.
Have you tried to call him?
I've called him like 20 times.
You can check,
if you don't believe me.
No, it's fine.
What's this about?
Sean Maguire has made a
serious allegation against him.
That implicates him
in a number of crimes.
Well, Sean Maguire is a creep.
I'm sure you know
what he did to Lynette.
He claims that wasn't him.
Have you seen this girl?
That's Róisín's daughter is it?
Yeah, she's currently missing.
I really need to speak to Charlie.
- Can you call me if you hear from him?
- Yeah.
I'm at Charlie Reid's house, I just
found the knife Carrie had on her.
Is she there?
I don't think so.
And Charlie's missing too apparently.
[SIGHS] Jesus!
You think he's gone after her?
I think he already has her.
Let's keep this quiet for now.
If the press get wind of his
name, it's just fuel to the fire.
Yeah, and protect Carrie
by going quickly and quietly.
Gannon, have you circulated
the file with her photographs
- to all the local stations?
- Yep.
Yeah, I want that email
to every station in Clare, Tipp,
- Limerick and Cork.
- Yeah, got it.
And let them know it's urgent,
we need to find her alive.
Are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.
Gannon's right, now we've got the
whole team on this now,
take the morning off,
have a lie down, we'll
call you if there's any developments.
I just need a shower.
I won't be long.
I don't understand
what she was thinking,
you were only trying to help her!
She could have killed you!
She was just scared.
I mean her mother was just killed.
She was terrified.
I don't think she's any family left.
I'm going for a walk, okay?
- You alright?
- Yeah, how are you?
- Fancy a walk?
- I'd love one.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah. Just a minor
head injury courtesy of Carrie.
It's actually not that bad, I'm just
pissed off things aren't
going the way I'd hoped.
You'll find her.
Maybe, maybe I'm just
too fuckin' incompetent!
I'm sorry, I probably sound like a
lunatic, I just feel like this case
is slipping through my fingers.
It's not your fault.
Well actually it is.
I wasn't looking in the right place.
I got distracted.
And now she could
be in serious trouble.
Do you ever feel like there's
certain people in this town
who are protected?
And it's the likes of Carrie
that actually need protection!
We all need protecting sometimes.
You are a bad influence.
It has been said.
I need to get back,
but I'll see you soon.
What happened your face?
It's nothing.
- Where have you been?
Charlie, open the door!
Charlie, what's going on?!
The guards have been
here asking questions.
Like what?
About that creep Sean.
About Lynette.
Fia Lucey seemed
pretty interested in the fact
that you didn't come
home last night.
Typical useless small town guards.
They didn't find out who
murdered Róisín, so they're
trying to drag me into it.
Are they?
They're looking for her
daughter Carrie, she's missing.
Where were you last night?!
I will defend you to the
hilt if you tell me the truth.
Where's my passport?
Why do you need your passport?!
It isn't in here.
- Charlie, I don't understand
- Did you take it?
Charlie, what the fuck is going on?!
You're scaring me.
Did you rape Lynette?
Did you?
I'm sorry.
Whatever Sean said to the
police about me, it's not true.
It's not all true.
Stop, just stop lying.
It's over, I know all about you.
Drugs, young girls,
it's a sickness you have!
I can't believe I didn't know.
I need your help.
I know I said we were
practically family, but you know,
you can't stay in this town,
now I'll give you some cash.
I need a plan, do I go to England
and lay low for a while or
Could I use the villa?
They'll find you there.
I'm practically family huh?
I'm trying to help you, but your
options are limited,
I suggest you run
and keep on running.
So you're a saint Bill, are you?!
You never did anything wrong?!
You've covered up plenty
of messes in the past,
how many people in this town
have taken the Blackshore
Whisky payout over the years?
Okay, I gave you a chance, but
I have my family to consider
and you're a liability.
I'm sorry Charlie, but I
need you gone, so you can do
whatever it is you need to do.
Blackwater Garda Station?
Okay, whereabouts?
Hey, anything on Carrie?
Charlie Reid's been sighted
at Two Mile Gate, he's armed.
Right, I'm five minutes away.
Hey Charlie.
Put the gun down Charlie.
Put it down!
That's it.
Where is she Charlie?
- Where is Carrie?
- I don't have to talk to you.
Yeah, we don't have to talk
- I could just arrest you.
- I could just shoot you!
I think you want to make things
better for yourself, not worse, huh?
Too late, it's all
over for me here now.
Fuckin' nothing left.
Go on, I'm listening.
I am not a bad person!
I have done some bad
things, but I'm not a bad person.
Look, I'm just here
to let you explain things.
The state of ye all.
Going on as if Róisín's some
kind of dead saint or something!
What did she do to you Charlie?
What did she do to you Charlie?
You met her, what do you think?
- Why did you kill her?
- Oh!
Oh, that would make things all
nice and neat for you, wouldn't it?
Oh I'm guilty of a lot of things,
but you can't pin that one on me.
I'm not trying to
pin anything on you Charlie.
I'm just trying to get the truth.
And now you of all people should
know, truth can't exist in this town!
So if you didn't kill her, who did?
There were plenty
who wanted to over the years!
We fought like hell but the
woman was like a sister to me.
I believe you.
I believe you, I do.
But please
Please just tell me where Carrie is.
Is she in the water Charlie?
Look, if something
happened to her, at least
tell me where her body is.
Just give me the gun.
Just give me the gun Charlie.
Tell her I'm sorry.
CIAN: Search and Recovery are going
to set up base here and spread out.
If Carrie's out there
they'll find her.
FIA: I thought if I could
just find Carrie alive
Then it wouldn't all
have been for nothing.
How stupid is that!?
I thought if I found this one girl
You did all you could Fia.
But I was too late.
What the fuck was he thinking?
It's revenge, he was furious with us
for stepping away from him
and he thought this will show them.
I think this is probably
about more than just us.
But he brought it all on himself,
what was I supposed to do?!
Are you even listening to me?
I would be
But I just can't stop thinking
about how he got his hands on a gun.
A post mortem examination
will be carried out
on the body of a man who was
believed to have died as a result
of a self-inflicted
gunshot earlier today.
The victim has
been named locally as
I wouldn't pray
for him if I were you.
I'm praying that in death he
might find peace from his illness.
And for the girls
whose lives he destroyed.
Bit late.
Honesty and decency left this town
the day our darling
Chloe was taken from us.
And none of us may cast a stone.
I'll keep you updated but listen,
Shanahan's not going to be happy
about keeping the divers here.
If Carrie's out there
in the lake, yeah,
the least we could do is
find her body.
You okay?
Are you?
I just mean
you're the last person who should
have to witness that, you know.
Yeah, probably.
Look, I'm just gonna
get cleaned up, okay.
DONAL: You shouldn't have
gone there on your own.
SANDRA: Would you stop Donal?
The last thing she needs is a
lecture after what she's just seen.
DONAL: It's not right,
you shouldn't have been there.
A lot of things
happened that shouldn't.
He had this look,
right before he did it.
It was just like, blank.
Like he'd checked out already.
Do you think dad had that look
just before he pulled the trigger?
Do you think he had to check out too?
Just so he could go through with it.
- Don't go there.
- Actually I think I should.
That's exactly what I should do.
I just haven't been
brave enough to face it.
I just loved him so much,
I didn't want it to be true.
Wake up.
Come in.
Only me.
I'm not intruding?
You're gonna ask if I
want to talk, aren't you?
How did you guess?
Just a hunch.
I can talk if you prefer.
I know what it's like to feel like
you're drowning in the work,
losing yourself under the weight of it.
I couldn't save her, Donal.
I thought if I got to her on time
It might make up for some
of the shit that fucker did.
You did your best though.
Yeah, but it wasn't good enough.
There's something
I've never told you.
After your father died, I took
myself off the case immediately.
In fact, I took a break
from the job altogether.
It was too much.
I've never really forgiven myself.
But after I saw the crime scene
Well I was traumatised,
I had a total breakdown.
I told my superior
officer that I couldn't do it.
I knew that if I didn't
walk away when I did, then
I had to put myself
and you girls first.
Emma was sick going through chemo.
You were well you weren't
great either, understandably.
It made sense to
take some pressure off.
Why didn't I know all this?
Myself and Sandra
decided that it was best
to pretend that everything was normal.
You'd enough to deal with, you
didn't need to know that your uncle
was falling apart too.
What you saw today,
nobody should ever see!
We all have our limits, it's
important to know where they are.
Yeah, thanks Donal.
And you know,
talk to someone about it, maybe?
Yeah. Yeah, I will.
Just not today.
Fair enough.
Jesus Fia, I heard
what happened, what the hell!
- Yeah.
- Are you okay?
You need a drink.
Feck off dad, let her get dressed.
There's wine in the fridge.
What are you looking for?
I thought we'd
emergency smokes in here?
Next drawer down.
Kids go down alright?
Yeah, good as gold.
What a mess.
Isn't it funny how there
was always a mess
to be cleaned up after Róisín
Hurley was involved?
Special place in hell
for women like her.
Look, I know this is
bizarre to even talk about but
I knew Róisín had a dark
side with the booze and that, but
The other stuff I mean,
covering up abuse at a hotel and
[SIGHING] I don't even
know what to think anymore!
I've been lazy and complacent and
Basically shit.
I've no excuses, I'll do better.
- Sláinte.
- Sláinte.
FIA: So, how was your day?
I wrote up an advertorial on the
artisan sourdough pizza stand
coming to the festival.
Exactly as tedious as it sounds.
Sounds like a very
nice day at work to me.
- Fancy a swap tomorrow?
Not a chance!
Sure, you need to be
a nutter to join the Gardaí.
Come on
Talk to me.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm grand.
What are you looking
at me like that for?
I mean, what do you want me to say?
I mean, today was a completely
fucked up day at work and I just want
to forget about it for a
while, is that okay with you?
Yeah, okay. Alright
I mean, Jesus, I
thought that's why we came here!
Okay, I just asked.
What was all that about?
What's wrong with you?
What was the story
back there with that woman?
Ah nothing, we had a
fling, it's no big deal.
I just wasn't in
the mood to talk to her.
Oh, so you pulled a classic Fi,
you stonewalled her before
she could get too close.
God it's actually boring.
Give me a break, I just saw a man
shoot himself in the fucking face!
I know, it's awful.
I'm here if you want to talk about it,
but there's always an excuse with you.
Are you serious?!
No, I get it, you've had a bad
day, that's not what I'm talking
A bad day?!
A bad fucking day?!
Give me a break.
Jesus, you just
can't let it go, can you?
Actually I didn't
want to have to do this now.
Do what?
Go on, spit it out!
I didn't want to have to point out
to you, that you have a pattern
of behaviour with women
which borders on abusive.
My love life is
none of your business!
Your whole life has been my business
for way too long, believe me.
I wish it wasn't.
After everything that happened I
felt like I lost my dad too,
but I could never tell you that
and after your dad
did what he did,
your grief was so massive there was
never any room for anyone else.
And now you're back, and it's 20
years later and nothing has changed.
You still manage to suck
up all the energy around you.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh that's it, walk away!
Why change the habit of a lifetime?
Hi, Superintendent Byrne, it's erm
It's Fia Lucey here.
Look, I've been thinking
about things and
I'm ready to come back to Dublin.
Look, I know I didn't
leave things the best, but
but I'd love to talk to you
about rejoining the team.
Could you give me a call?
[CRYING:] Maybe my instinct
isn't instinct at all, it's just denial.
I mean Eana's right, I
just don't want to face the truth.
I mean dad killed himself.
And he killed mum
and Aidan and for some
fucking reason he left me here
alone to deal with it.
I thought I could
handle coming back here.
But I can't.
I just can't.
Ah, Fia, are you sure you don't
wanna see this thing through?
I need to go.
- Did you drop flowers up to the grave?
- Sandra!
I'm going to ask!
You don't know when she'll be back.
Look, I can't face it right now.
Maybe next time okay.
Hey, Cian can I call you
Listen to me, search and
recovery have pulled something in.
I'm heading down there.
It must be at least 20 years old.
We came across it by
chance during the search.
We're looking for
the body of a young girl.
Well it looks like there are some
human remains in there,
but whoever it is has been in there
a lot longer than two days.
So if it's not Carrie in there
Who the hell is it?
Let's take a closer look at this reg.
Car registered to
Charles Reid.
We're waiting for an ID of
the remains found in the car.
So, he's abusing
young girls since then?
When I think of the amount of times
I shook hands with that scumbag,
- it makes me sick.
- I know.
None of us knew.
Not even his poor missus.
Sorry to interrupt.
We've got
preliminary ID on the remains.
Looks like the body
belonged to Chloe Whelan.
- Are sure you want to do this?
- Yeah!
- Because you know if you don't
- No!
- Wanna talk about it?
- Nope!
You're gonna
have to reopen the case.
I can't even
Look, let's just do this first, okay.
Human remains were retrieved
from a car which we pulled
from the lake this morning.
They've been identified as Chloe's.
I'm so sorry.
You're certain it's her?
Dental records have
confirmed it is, yeah.
Whose car is it?
The car belonged to Charlie Reid.
I know this must be very
hard to hear after all these years.
How long has she been down there?
Seems she died around
the time of her disappearance.
20 years!
My baby has been
in that water for 20 years.
Oh, she oh she
must have been so cold!
Did you wrap her up well?
Where is she?
- It must be a lot to take in.
- Where is she?
Please sit down Mrs Whelan.
And we'll talk you
through what happens next.
MR WHELAN: Come on.
We can bury her now.
Marjorie, we can bury her now.
- She's with God.
- Yes.
We can say our goodbyes
to her earthly body and send her
- to her father in heaven.
- We can, yes.
All this time
We had no way
of dealing with our grief.
No grave to visit.
We've been living in hell.
But now we are released.
Your father was innocent all along.
So why would he kill his own family?
We need to search Charlie's house.
- Have you got the warrant?
- Yeah.
We'll keep looking for evidence
to back up the abuse claims
and see if there are any links to
Róisín on the night of her death.
If Carrie's still out
there, she needs us to find her.
They didn't find her in the lake.
So let's keep a watch
on all ferry and airports.
And I want teams searching all
properties within a three mile radius
- of Charlie's.
Hiya Serena, so we have a
warrant to search the premises,
do you mind if we come in?
Jesus Christ!
Hi Sara.
No, no, I do not wish to comment.
At this time we're still reviewing
whether the Whisky Festival
will go ahead or not, so
you can keep an eye on our
website and social media pages
for further information,
okay, thanks, bye.
Lucey, what have you got for me?
We still haven't found Carrie and
until we do we're going to struggle
to definitively tie Charlie
to Róisín Hurley's murder.
Well, I think we can
all agree it was him, but erm
thank you for the due diligence.
- Cian?
- Fia, there's been a tip off.
A girl matching Carrie's
description was spotted
- in a warehouse just north of Limerick.
- Right, I'll come pick you up.
I'm already on my way there.
Okay I'll be right behind you.
No, no, I got this, you stay
put and keep your phone on.
We got a lead on Carrie.
Carrie, this is Garda
Furlong, I'm here to help.
I need you to know you're safe, okay?
Fia isn't going to press
charges, Charlie Reid is dead.
He can't hurt you anymore.
Carrie, we really need you to help us
find out what happened to your mam, okay?
You don't need to
worry, I'm here to protect you.
Let's get you home.
Cian, talk to me, have you got her?
Yeah, I have her
in the car, she's safe.
[SIGHING] Oh God, thanks Cian, thanks.
Just bring her in, okay?
Good job, thank you.
I saw you come in, thought
you might like some company.
The dead can't defend themselves.
Once dad was gone they
tried to peg everything on him.
You know Charlie looked me in the eye
right before he pulled that trigger
and said he didn't kill Róisín.
I mean, I know he did a
lot of fucked up shit, but
In that moment I
swear I believed him.
I think the killer
is still out there, Cian.
We, the drowed, ♪
The lost and found out ♪
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