Blood & Water (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Payback's a B*tch

Baba! What are you doing?
Somebody do something!
All we need is voice-over.
Baba! [ECHOES]
Mark, uh, give us a minute, please.
[CHRIS] Are you having second thoughts?
[FIKILE] It just feels wrong.
I don't know if I can go
through with this, Chris.
Fiks, what's wrong is
you not being Head Girl,
like you deserve to be.
Wendy's had it in for you since day one.
She needs to be put in
check for that article.
And fucking Puleng didn't do shit
after she promised
she'd take care of it.
Aren't you mad, Fiks?
Of course I'm mad.
But what if we get caught?
We won't. They won't know it was us.
Okay, you just sit back, trust me.
I'll take care of it.
[CHRIS] Hey, um, her computer
needs a password.
You have no idea how much
hotter you've just gotten.
Blood ♪
Blood and water ♪
[OVER PHONE] Hello, Charlene speaking.
[PULENG] Hello. Hi.
- Is this Home Affairs?
- Yes.
- How can I help you?
- Yes.
I need, um, help with information
regarding a birth certificate.
Please hold.
[MAN ON PHONE] Home Affairs, hello.
- Hi, hello.
- Can I help you?
Hi, yes, my name is Puleng.
I need to know who signed a
birth certificate 17 years ago.
- How do I do that?
- [SIGHS] Oh, you must be joking.
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Thank you for holding. Can you
- Hello.
- Damn it.
Mom says get done; you are late.
Why are you so late?
I overslept.
- What are you doing?
- Well, I've been thinking.
Maybe you're right.
It's time to move on.
do you need help?
We can chat about it later.
You get yourself to school.
You're very late.
I warned you.
How they let me ♪
Break the records like the law ♪
How they let a ♪
Little nigga go so hard ♪
Tattoos on my body, shawty ♪
- [WADE] Hi.
- [PULENG] Hey.
You will not believe
the morning I just had.
Home Affairs is just impossible.
Hey, uh, are you okay?
Why are you asking that?
[STAMMERS] So you haven't seen it?
Seen what?
Attention all students,
this is an important public
service announcement.
One of our very own
has been lying to us.
It's time we told Puleng
"Pretender of the Year" Khumalo,
that's right, not Vezi,
to stop acting victimized.
Daddy Khumalo is nothing but a criminal
who sold his first-born
daughter into slavery.
But the question remains,
is one of us next?
[PULENG IN VIDEO] Somebody do something!
We should go to class.
- Don't do anything stupid, Puleng.
- Where's Wendy?
The last time something
like this happened
you fought and almost got expelled.
- You don't have to make the same mistake
- Go to class!
You fight with Wendy, then what, huh?
Remember why you're here, Puleng.
Don't destroy your chance to do
what you came to Parkhurst for.
So what do you suggest I do?
[CHAD] Freedom of expression
versus the right to dignity.
[WHISPERS] Fuck me.
Where do we draw the line
between the two? Anybody?
[CHAD] All right, see you all tomorrow.
Wendy's got balls.
Did you guys see the video?
I knew there was something
off about Puleng.
Hey, KB?
What's with your girlfriend
lying to everyone
ever since she got here?
She's not my girlfriend.
And she didn't lie.
She must be a seasoned liar
to change her surname.
Do you honestly blame her for
trying to hide her identity?
Look at how you're all
judging her already.
Fikile, can I get a moment?
You weren't at training.
Yeah, sorry. I woke up
late; didn't sleep well.
Is everything okay?
You seem a bit distracted.
I'm fine.
Let's do something tonight.
Like what?
Anything. It's your choice.
What about Riley?
I'll figure something out.
- You free tonight?
- Why?
- Are there more secrets to expose?
No. That was a one-time
spectacularly done thing.
'Cause, uh, I can think of
better ways to spend our time.
Your wife's here. Hey.
Hey, Mark.
- Uh, talk later?
- Yeah.
So, Mark trumps Zama?
More like Mark tonight, Zama tomorrow.
What? Just a bit of harmless fun.
For you, maybe. Looks like
Mark's catching the feels.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, okay.
Judge Judith by day, banging my
married swimming coach by night.
Anyway, are you sure they can't
trace anything back to us?
Relax. Relax. I used Wendy's
computer. We're safe.
Those bitches got what they deserved.
but the question remains,
is one of us next?
[WENDY] Ma'am, I didn't post the video.
This is exactly what she does.
Just like how she manipulated
the article I wrote about Fikile.
- What? The Head Girl profile?
- Yes.
As the editor of the magazine,
I exercised my right to edit
the article as I saw fit.
But I did not post the video.
The magazine's account has been hagged.
- Hacked.
- We've been set up.
Please. That video has
Wendy written all over it.
Wendy, I am suspending
your duties as editor
of the magazine until we
get to the bottom of this.
You can't do that.
I didn't post the video.
I can do this.
And it's not just about the magazine.
I've had numerous complaints
about you being disruptive in class.
Coupled with complaints about
the defamatory article,
it makes me question your intentions.
And if it is true,
your actions constitute bullying.
And we have a zero-tolerance policy
towards bullying at this school.
You're making the biggest mistake.
One that'll have repercussions.
Excuse me, Miss. Dlamini,
is that a threat?
The school will launch an investigation
to get to the bottom of this,
and from there, a disciplinary hearing
will decide your future here.
- My future?
- Correct.
I'm suspending you until further notice.
Now get out of my office.
Are you okay?
I'm going to inform your
parents about this
No. Ma'am, please, don't.
Puleng, this is a serious matter.
It'll just make things worse.
My parents already have
enough on their plate.
I can handle this.
I swear.
Please tell me you had nothing to do
with that video about Puleng's family.
Why? Did Puleng say something?
I just
You know what?
Never mind, just forget it.
We're still best friends, right?
We tell each other everything.
Look, I like Puleng
but I just don't wanna get
caught up in all of this drama.
I promise, KB,
I had nothing to do with it.
Ever since I've been here
things have just gone south.
Don't flatter yourself.
Before you came and after we're gone,
Parkhurst has and always
will be drama central.
Oh, I just wish I could make
more progress with Fikile.
And now she wants nothing to do with me.
Let's just stick to trying to find
out who this B. Jaxa is for now.
Uh, Wade, what's happened with Wendy?
Um, she's been suspended.
That's a bit extreme.
I mean, sure she crossed
some boundaries before,
but she always owns up to them.
It doesn't sound like her.
If Wendy's innocent,
the truth will come out.
Well, can't we do anything
to help her in the meantime?
You know she'd do the same for us.
We can't do anything the
school isn't doing already.
We just have to wait and
let the investigation unfold.
Tahira's right.
What if Wendy didn't do this?
What if someone else did?
Well, like you said,
if that's the case, then
the truth will come out.
She likes you, you know?
What? No.
We're just friends, you know?
Girls can sense these kinds of things.
Let's Let's try, um,
Home Affairs again.
- [FEMALE] Home Affairs, good morning.
- Hi.
I need to speak to someone
about a birth certificate.
Hold, please.
[MAN] Hello, Promise speaking.
Hi, Promise.
I have a birth certificate, and I need
you to connect me with someone
who signed this birth
certificate 17 years ago.
Good luck with that.
- Hello?
- Do you perhaps have a name, ma'am?
B. Jaxa.
Jaxa no longer works here.
No further comment. Goodbye.
Be more rude.
You know what? Screw this.
I'm going to Home Affairs.
[STAMMERS] I'm coming with.
I'm coming with.
We're gonna be here the whole day.
- You know what?
- Hmm?
I'll go. You wait here.
[WADE] Okay.
Sorry, I really need to speak to
someone about a birth certificate.
- You have to join the queue.
- But I just
Queue outside. Next, please.
[IN XHOSA] Hello, sir.
I'm looking for Promise. He's my uncle.
something off for him.
What are you dropping?
Taxi fare.
He forgot his wallet at home.
[PULENG] Uh, Promise?
- [IN ZULU] Hello?
We spoke on the phone
earlier about B. Jaxa.
You're a long way from school.
Do you know anything about her?
Like I said, she doesn't work
here any longer. I can't help.
Sho, I'm thirsty. Gonna
get myself a cool drink.
Can I get anything from the
shop for you, Mr. Promise?
Mrs. Brenda was dismissed and
arrested a couple of years back.
Fraud. She's probably still in prison.
But that's all I know.
So can I have my break in peace now?
Do you know where she's being held?
What am I, her husband?
I told you everything I know.
Okay. Thanks.
[EXHALES] I just wish
we could speak to her.
Yeah, that's going to be difficult.
But at least we know
the B stands for Brenda.
Where are you off to?
It's the Sport Association AGM.
Remember I told you about it?
You need to slow down.
[SCOFFS] I'll slow down
when we can afford it.
Besides, I'm pregnant, not handicapped.
Nachos, chocolate spread,
and cool drink is not a diet.
[CHUCKLES] It's your baby.
- Don't blame me.
At this rate, he's gonna grow big
and strong, just like his daddy.
I've gotta go.
Hey. How's it?
I found an article about
birth certificate fraud
from a few years ago.
And it mentioned Home Affairs staff.
I'm sending you the link right now.
Okay, Sherlock.
I'm hoping that we can find out
which prison she's being kept in.
- You keen?
- Yeah, sure. Um
But what do we do if we
find which prison she's in?
[SIGHS] I'm guessing
pay her a visit?
In prison?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Hey. That's your boyfriend
you're speaking with, huh?
What? No, Siya. What do you want?
Mom says dinner's ready,
and you should get your
nose off of that screen.
Okay. Tell her I'll be there.
Siya, go.
[WADE] Yeah, funny kid.
- Your brother?
- Yeah.
Does he think I'm your boyfriend?
Yeah. Um But [SCOFFS]
He's just silly like that, man.
Anyway, um
I have to go.
- I'll talk to you tomorrow?
- Yeah. Tomorrow.
Thanks. I really needed this.
I know you've been going
through some things, babe.
But you'll bounce back.
You always do.
It's what I love about you so much.
It's just been a rough couple of days.
Do you ever feel like a spectator
watching your own life pass you by?
Wondering what the point of it all is?
You know
sometimes it's difficult to see
the point of it all until long after.
When my accident happened
it changed everything.
I lost my purpose.
Until I met you.
I wish we had the whole night.
[FIKILE] Leave it.
[GRUNTS] I need to get that. Sorry.
- Oh, I think I'm having contractions!
- Shit.
- I'll be home right away.
- No, no, no! I'm going to the hospital.
- Just breathe.
Breathe. I'll be there
before you know it.
- What's going on?
- Riley's hurt.
I have to go.
Is she okay?
Yeah. She's on her way to the hospital.
I'm sorry.
[MARK] Home sweet home.
[CHRIS] Yeah.
As I was saying
I really don't have anything
against Puleng, it's just
you know, Fiks is family. She's, um
always been there for me.
I won't tolerate anyone
messing with her.
So, where is your actual family?
So, it's just us then?
You gonna invite me in?
What's in it for me?
What are you up to tomorrow evening?
I like you, Chris.
I'm not ashamed to say it.
- Chris!
- Fuck! Uh, fuck. Um
Uh, what are you What are you
doing What are you doing here?
- I thought we're meeting tomorrow.
- Who is this?
I'm Mark.
And you are?
What the fuck? Chris?
Shit. Um
Riley Morgan?
- In there, sir.
- Thank you.
Mr. Morgan, I'm your wife's doctor.
- Hey.
- Relax.
She's stable. It was just
Braxton Hicks contractions.
I'd like to run tests, but everything's
fine. She can go home.
- Thank you, Doc.
- Good luck.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I'm sorry.
I ate too much chocolate spread.
I'm so sorry for leaving you alone.
I promise I will not do that again.
It's okay, my love.
We're okay.
How did your meeting go?
It was fine.
[ZAMA] Did you know?
About Chris being pansexual?
Well, thanks for telling me.
[SIGHS] I thought you knew.
No, I didn't.
And what the fuck does
pansexual even mean?
Well, apparently it means
he thinks with his heart,
not his down there.
It's a dick, Puleng.
Dude, you've changed.
You're not like the Puleng I knew.
What do you mean?
Chris was seeing men while with me,
and you didn't think of telling me?
You used to always have my back,
and we used to tell
each other everything.
But now there's this
distance between us.
You're being dramatic.
you're better off without Chris.
But I really like him.
Yeah, I think he likes you too,
but he just has no off button.
Neither do I.
He asked a lot of questions about you.
Wait, did you change
your surname to Vezi?
And what's that about?
Did you tell Chris that my
real surname's Khumalo?
Oh, was I not supposed to?
Reece, where's Chris?
Do I look like his keeper?
Some of us have lives,
even if you don't.
Hey, Puleng, your brother's funny.
- Why does he think I'm your boyfriend?
- What?
Last night when you called me,
your brother called me your boyfriend.
Oh, Siya.
No, he's just silly like that.
He literally thinks every boy
I speak to is my boyfriend.
So, do you have a boyfriend?
[SIGHS] Anyhoo, last night
I figured out the way that we can
Wade, can we do this another time?
I need to do something right now.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Another time.
Maybe hang out another time.
We can go on a date another time.
Another time.
[PULENG] Chris.
It was you, the video.
Zama let slip my real surname,
and you decided to go to town with it
and frame Wendy.
You have a wild imagination.
Zama was right about you.
You're nothing but a bored,
spoiled, rich boy.
- And you won't get away with this.
- We did nothing illegal.
- Plus, you can't prove anything.
- We?
- Of course.
- What's your obsession with her anyway?
You trying to get in her
pants or something?
She doesn't do coochie.
This isn't over.
It was you.
You helped Chris make
that horrible video.
Making fun of me and my family. Why?
Was it because of the article?
I told you I didn't write it.
What kind of person are you?
The kind that doesn't know
what you're talking about.
Bullshit. Chris told me you two did it.
Wow, Fiks.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I know you like playing
the victim, but it's tired.
At least have the balls to admit it.
Whoa, guys, come on.
I don't have to admit anything to you.
You're a nobody whose dad is a criminal.
Hey, I'm still talking to you.
- Get the fuck off me.
- [KB] Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys.
Hey, hey, hey! Hey, Puleng, stop!
- [KB] Guys, no!
Are you okay? Yeah?
What the fuck, Puleng?
[CHAD] Hey. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- [KB] You okay? You all right?
- [FIKILE] Yeah.
Get to the principal's office
now. You too, let's go.
[CHAD] Now!
[PRINCIPAL] Thank you, everyone,
for coming at such short notice.
Since Parkhurst doesn't
tolerate this kind of
outlandish behavior,
we are talking expulsion as a result.
I thought it best to deal
with it immediately
and hopefully, find a
constructive way forward.
Fikile, let's start with you.
Well, Puleng just attacked me
after accusing me of posting
that video of her family.
[THANDEKA] What video?
What video, Ms. Daniels?
It's a video about Mr. Khumalo's case.
We're in the process of removing it
from the school's magazine page.
And I swear, I had
nothing to do with it.
Puleng, I thought you
said Wendy did this.
Ma'am, I confronted Chris about it.
And he indicated to being involved.
- Indicated.
- With Fikile.
That's not true. Call Chris in.
Why? So he can lie for you ?
Can I just come in here, please?
I'm getting confused, Mrs. Daniels.
This is a second person
this girl is accusing.
I know my daughter, girly.
Fikile is not a liar.
So that makes my Puleng a liar then?
If the shoe fits, wear it.
I don't know your daughter.
And I know her. She is no liar.
Parents, please.
Expulsion is a bit much,
in my opinion, Mrs. Daniels.
[NWABISA] And this damn video
can we at least see it?
I'm being accused of
kidnapping my own daughter,
my other daughter, Phumelele Khumalo.
She was abducted about 17 years ago.
Of course it's nonsense.
And it's terrible that people make
videos out of my family's pain.
Puleng acted the way she did
because this video is
extremely offensive to us.
Even if Fikile is innocent,
I ask that you forgive Puleng
because it's not like her.
And I'm sure you understand.
Will the school be conducting any
further investigations into this?
Of course.
- Mom?
- Mrs. Bhele, are you okay?
I'm fine. I'm fine.
- I just need some fresh air.
- All right?
[IN XHOSA] I'm getting hot.
get fresh air, please?
Can we see this video?
[PRINCIPAL] Girls, we'll have
to conclude this another time,
but for now, please
apologize to each other.
You can go.
What'd they say?
Puleng, what happened?
I heard you and Fiks were in a fight.
I don't wanna talk about it.
Okay. Um
I have some good news, at least.
I found B. Jaxa.
Well, two, in two prisons.
One died in a prison in
Kimberley a few years ago.
The other is alive and being
kept at Pollsmoor Prison
here in the mother city.
[IN ZULU] Puleng, let's go.
but I don't give a shit
about Fikile Bhele anymore.
[STAMMERS] Oh, okay.
Rolling with a youngster ♪
With a youngster ♪
With a youngster ♪
Baby yasis ♪
Baby yasis ♪
Baby drop it down to the floor ♪
You must just ♪
All the kinders love rolling ♪
With a youngster ♪
With a youngster ♪
With a youngster ♪
[FIKILE] You're a nobody,
whose dad is a criminal.
Are you okay?
I have failed all of them.
Oh, no.
You haven't failed them.
We're in this together, remember?
We'll be fine.
Everything will be fine.
[CHAD] Someone's coming.
Hey, Wendy.
Um Listen, I know you
didn't post that video.
And you were right about
Fikile not being as perfect
as she pretends to be.
So here's something to tip the
balance in your war with Fiks.
[EXHALES] Fiks and Coach
Morgan are sleeping together.
I saw them kissing at
Fiks's birthday party.
Do with that what you want.
[PRINCIPAL] There is no way
of proving conclusively
who was behind the video, so
Wendy can return to school.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
- Thank you, Mrs. Daniels.
So how do you plan ensuring
this does not happen again?
I won't have my daughter's future
here threatened by incompetence.
Mrs. Dlamini, I was simply
following protocol.
Then maybe protocol
needs to be reviewed.
Because for the tuition fee we pay,
I expect certain kind of care for
my daughter's academic future.
Of course, Mrs. Dlamini.
I will forward your concerns
about protocol to the board.
And the magazine?
It will continue to function.
But without you as a member.
- For now.
- But ma'am, that's unfair.
Chris and Fikile are the ones that
are causing problems for everyone.
Why won't you do anything about that?
Your suspension from
it is not permanent.
Take the time away
for some introspection.
When I think you're ready to return
we will have a conversation.
Fair enough.
Well, if there's nothing
further to discuss here
Thank you so much for
coming in, Mrs. Dlamini.
Thank you.
I'm sure I'll see you soon, Wendy.
I turn my back for one second
and all hell breaks loose.
Why didn't you guys tell
me about the video?
It's for your own safety.
It's Fiks's request.
My own safety.
I can look after myself.
You guys made that video, didn't you?
That's what the fight was about.
Chris, say something, man.
Don't look at me.
What the fuck is wrong with you, dude?
Okay, just leave. Just leave.
Good morn [STAMMERING] Sorry.
- Good afternoon.
- Who are you?
Wade. Wade Daniels
from Parkhurst High.
Um Um, it's a school. I'm a student.
I'm I'm doing research
for our school magazine.
- Do you mind if I ask you some questions?
- What kind of research?
Nothing serious. Nothing serious. No.
Um, just about
- food and stuff.
- What's in it for me?
What do you want?
Do you have your phone on you?
I can't give you my phone.
I got it as a gift from my
I don't want your phone.
I just want you to send a data
top-up to my phone, three gigs.
Three gig [CHUCKLES]
I don't have three gigs on my phone.
You guys are allowed to
have cell phones in here?
Okay, wait! Okay, wait. Um, three gigs?
Okay. What number do I send it to?
[WADE] Three gigs.
[B. JAXA] Okay, before we start,
I just wanna say I had nothing to
do with the Point of Grace case.
I didn't even know it was happening.
I just received some money now and then
just to certify some bad certificate
without a background check.
I know, I regret my actions,
but I needed the money.
- Do you know how much they make ?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Wait.
I didn't want to know
about, um, Point of
I just wanted to know if
if this is your signature.
This one here.
Do you maybe remember if this is
one of the fake birth certificates
that you certified?
That was more than ten years ago.
Do you know how many of these I've done?
It's hard to tell which ones are
fake and which ones are real.
It was so long ago.
Next question.
Next question.
Next, next question.
[STAMMERS] That was the
only question that I had.
I'm I'm sorry.
- [PULENG] Hi.
- Hi
Puleng speaking. Please text me
[MATLA] You should stop
smoking this shit.
It'll kill your brain cells.
[MATLA] Girl problems?
I can spot that look a mile away.
Don't tell me it's Fiks again.
Yeah, sort of.
It's just complicated, Dad.
You're only a teenager, man.
How complicated can it be?
- Very.
- Try me.
Okay, I kind of blew it with Puleng.
She got into a fight with Fiks today,
and after that, I checked on Fiks first.
So I think she took it the wrong way.
So, any wise words of advice?
Man, you blew it.
- Thanks, Matla. Great parenting.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
We all make mistakes.
God knows I've made a few big ones too.
Know what your grandfather
used to say to me?
"When you have a disagreement
with the one you love
don't go to bed angry.
Stay up until you sort the shit out."
I hear you, but I tried.
I texted her, I called
her; she didn't reply.
- She's been avoiding me.
You kids of today.
When I grew up,
we didn't even have a phone.
Are you going to let that stop you?
And seriously, son,
will you stop smoking this shit?
As it numbs your pain,
it dumbs your brain.
I just rhymed, nigga.
Give it up to your old man.
- My weed though.
I'm traveling for you don't you know ♪
I'm hustling forward for you now ♪
[PULENG] Fiks and Coach
Morgan are sleeping together.
I saw them kissing at
Fiks's birthday party.
Do with that what you want.
Hey. Your boyfriend is here to see you.
My what?
What are you doing here?
And how did you even know where I live?
Why does it matter? I just
wanted to talk to you.
Couldn't it have waited
until tomorrow at school?
Well, it could, but I feel like
you've been avoiding me.
You're not even answering my texts.
[SIYA] You're not even
answering his texts?
Let's go to my room.
You know Mom is gonna be home soon,
and she doesn't like you
having boys in your room.
Shut up, Siya.
So talk.
Why are you being like that?
Like what?
Like that.
[CLEARS THROAT] I'm sorry.
I just really needed to
check if you're fine.
And to apologize about the fight.
It wasn't your fault.
Still, I'm sorry that it happened.
Look, I really like you, Puleng,
but this whole fight with Fiks
is just messing everything up.
You don't know me.
Let me get to know you, Puleng.
My life is full of drama, KB.
That fight with Fiks was
just the tip of the iceberg.
I don't care.
I'm here for all the drama.
You're not ready.
I am.
And besides, I like what I know already.
I tell her I'm on my way ♪
And I got a Chardonnay ♪
I know that she love that shit ♪
On my dick she wanna sit ♪
I tell her I'm on my way ♪
Your bitch I'ma confiscate ♪
She a bomb, she a grenade ♪
You can have her back later ♪
She cannot be kinky sober ♪
So I brought lean and some soda ♪
I finna bend her over ♪
Fuck a bedroom we got a sofa ♪
Don't let this moment pass ♪
'Cause in the morning it's over ♪
You haven't been yourself lately.
I'm not saying that you did it,
but if you did, for whatever reason,
maybe you made a mistake
or acted out of character.
It's never too late to apologize.
Look, I know she's done some
crazy things to you and shit,
but she's really a good person.
It's just that Chris,
he gets into her head sometimes,
which annoys the fuck out of me.
But it is what it is.
Anyway, it would mean a lot to
me if you gave her a chance.
She's like family, and it's important
to me that you guys get along.
[NWABISA] I just want
you to focus, my baby.
Block all the noise around you.
You have so much going on for you.
[IN XHOSA] We are the Bheles.
[PULENG] So Fiks's mom's a lot, eh?
She's always been overprotective
of her from a young age.
Apparently Mrs. Bhele couldn't
have kids for a long time.
And then after years of struggling,
then came Fiks, the miracle child.
Miracle child?
Well, at least that's
what my dad calls her.
- Mom?
- Yeah?
I keep forgetting to ask you,
where was I born?
It's just I was asked it in the
interview, and I couldn't answer it.
Puleng's interview, right?
You were born at home with a midwife.
[THANDEKA] Are you going to
introduce me to your guest, Puleng?
Mom, KB.
KB, Mom.
Mrs. Khumalo.
- Ms. Khumalo
- You know the rules
about having boys in your room.
Yeah, Mom, but Siya
Ah, ah, ah! I don't
want to hear anything.
Are you staying over for dinner?
Yeah No
thank you, Ms. Khumalo.
I was going anyway.
And my dad doesn't like to eat
alone, so maybe next time?
Yeah, next time.
So I'll see you tomorrow?
So how did you get here, KB?
Oh, my car.
- [PULENG] Bye.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- [KB] Bye.
- Bye.
- [KB] Bye.
He's got a car?
How old is he?
- Seventeen.
Eighteen. I don't know.
I know two of the same ♪
Your mouth and a pram ♪
I beat the box ♪
Make the bitch wig slip off her ♪
Drive the bitch crazy ♪
Make the wheels spin-off ♪
Oh you think you icy nigga ♪
We'll defrost ya ♪
All them hollow chains ♪
You a Giggs imposter ♪
Gorillas in the cut check your tone ♪
You a pussy nigga imitating thugs ♪
From your home ♪
Face tats make a
fake rat feel strong ♪
When the cappin goes wrong ♪
They put caps in their own ♪
Miracle child.
I picked up a book ♪
And went nerd on 'em folks ♪
Get my information go to work ♪
Whoa ♪
Back to the topic, I'm on my way ♪
She got ass in her
pockets, oh my days ♪
I know you had a long day ♪
And your man is a lame ♪
Make you dry up like hay ♪
Well, I'm gon' hydrate ya ♪
I ain't gon' lie ♪
I'm gon' be late ♪
It's me.
Please call me back urgently.
As soon as you get this message.
I tell her I'm on my way ♪
Your bitch I'ma confiscate ♪
She a bomb, she a grenade ♪
You can have her back later ♪
Well, I'd pay to find you ♪
In our story ♪
Where our shows intertwine in glory ♪
I can feel you in my spirit ♪
My heart is bruised ♪
And you're my healing ♪
Blood ♪
Blood and water ♪
Blood ♪
Blood and water ♪
Blood ♪
- Blood and water ♪
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