Bombay Begums (2021) s01e04 Episode Script

The Bell Jar

Hey! What happened? Are you okay?
Nothing. I am fine.
Sometimes, what we want
is to push it all away.
To forget, to pretend that it never was.
But the memory…
It stays alive inside of us
like a living, breathing thing.
Why did you call the cops?
This is not a shanty store on your street!
Ron, I expected more from you, at least.
Ma'am, I am so sorry.
You didn't think it was prudent
to consult the legal department
or inform the PR team at the very least?
As for you, Ayesha,
you had one job.
To get this factory up and running.
And if you're not capable of doing it,
I don't know how
HR hired you in the first place.
Sometimes I feel like I am running
a goddamn crèche here, not a bank!
He's a top officer from your bank.
Ayesha had introduced him to me
at the press conference.
She'd address him as Deepak Sir.
And this jerk, I tell you,
he was kissing her forcibly.
She said no. She pushed him,
but he didn't stop.
-Touching inappropriately--
Please let this go.
Stay out of this.
I recognize him and I'm a witness.
I won't be able to do anything
unless Ayesha decides to speak up.
Yes, so call Ayesha!
-It doesn't work like that.
I have to follow procedure.
What the hell is your procedure?
To shut up? Silence!
That's your procedure!
Follow your goddamn procedures.
All right.
Let me follow my procedure.
There are many things I could say
to the inspector.
Am I right,
Rani Ma'am?
Okay. Let me cut to the chase.
Would you like to register
a formal complaint against Deepak Sanghvi?
There will only be
an investigation if you file a complaint.
-What exactly happened that night?
Did anything happen?
Ayesha, speak up!
-Tell them!
-No, ma'am.
Are you sure?
We made out. It was consensual.
What the hell are you saying?
I've seen it! Please--
Lily, please. Leave me alone.
-And stop interfering in my life.
Maybe you're misunderstanding
the entire situation.
That's not possible
because I hold a PhD
in non-consensual sex.
A corporate bank doesn't function
like a dance bar does.
She's saying that it was
all consensual, right?
Please drop it.
He has a family, you know.
But clearly,
that's not your problem. Right?
-Got a straw!
-Oh, madam!
Try it.
It's so messed up
that he's cheating on Nalini.
Maybe they have an arrangement.
What does that even mean?
I don't know, I mean…
Some version of an open marriage, I guess.
Yes. Just say no.
-She can do that.
-Yes, she can.
-This looks good.
-Who's winning?
-Everyone's winning!
Have you seen this?
-So, Mum, you're done?
-It's her?
-Dad, don't embarrass me. It's your turn.
-It's your turn, come on!
-I know, as a woman,
I'll never know
what it feels like to be free.
To feel like my body belongs to me.
If being fair wasn't peddled as a dream,
there would never exist
a damn fairness cream!
As a woman, how can I flourish?
How can I be free?
How can I be me?
If I have to look over my shoulder
and reach for my keys,
double guess my outfit in the mirror
and try to see what a predator sees.
Tell me. How can I flourish?
How can I be free?
How can I loiter, how can I wander,
how can I truly be me?
If the world, which is my oyster,
is constantly out to get me?
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Anand
Happy birthday to you
You know,
she's fucking Anand.
I used to fuck him.
What exactly happened that night?
-You're such a tease.
-We made out.
She's saying that…
It was consensual.
It was all consensual, right?
-I could feel your eyes on me…
-Ayesha, what the fuck?
What the fuck are you doing?
Get the fuck out of the house!
Fuck you, bitch!
To what do I owe the pleasure?
You want Ayesha Agarwal
to be transferred to your department?
Yes. We had a long chat
at the new recruits' party.
She's smart, she's eager,
and she's being wasted on welfare schemes.
What's wrong?
If we transfer her
to Mergers and Acquisitions,
then it undermines Fatima's authority
because Fatima fired her.
So now you're worried
about upsetting Fatima?
Really, Rani!
-Fine. I will send the approval.
Mummy, sometimes,
I am so haunted by the memory.
So afraid that I just want to crawl
right back deep into your womb.
I won't work at the factory full-time.
I will still continue my business.
Just select a color!
We need to place
an order for our uniforms.
Those uniforms are useless
if there's no factory.
Sathe is giving me a hard time.
-Sathe is a motherfucking asshole!
But don't worry about it.
The bank scheme, Shakti, is in our favor.
Let the bank handle him.
A summon from Dubai!
-We're going through a breakup.
Ever since he left for Dubai.
They're perpetually on and off.
But as soon as he lands in Mumbai,
it'll be Love Actually.
He's dying to hear your voice.
Let him die. Why do you care?
-Finish your biryani.
-Yes, I will.
Mummy, do memories fade with time?
What if I wake up one day
and can't remember your smile?
A video uploaded
from an unverified account shows
the Public Resource Bank Governor,
Mr. Mahesh Rao
and the CEO of Royal Bank of Bombay,
Mrs. Rani Singh Irani,
leaving the Queensbury Hotel in Colaba.
No comment!
Our source from the hotel has also
confirmed that Mr. Rao and Mrs. Irani
are regulars at the Queensbury Hotel.
And they meet at least
five times every month.
This video also shows us
that their meetings last a few hours.
Hello. Yes?
There will be a statement out shortly.
There has been no official comment
from either party.
The relationship between both of them
should be thoroughly investigated.
Because we, the citizens of India,
demand an answer.
India wants to know.
Just one comment?
-Let us know…
I can't go out like this.
I can't go out there.
Yes, you can.
I am sorry, Naushad.
I'm sorry.
Have I ever stopped you?
Never. Right?
But right now,
you need to go out and fix things.
Remember. For next time…
No, there won't be a next time, Naushad.
I'm never going to see him again.
I promise.
I promise.
Thank you.
You've got 24 hours
to hand in your resignation.
I won't resign
based on a rumor.
That's been blown out of all proportion!
Rani, you were caught red-handed
with the PRB governor!
Well, then why don't you just…
fire me.
Our stock prices have dropped already.
They'll hit rock bottom.
But, remember…
If I go…
I'm taking the bank down with me.
Now, if I may be excused…
Do help yourselves
to some more tea or coffee.
I have some actual work to do.
Most importantly,
I don't want my daughter's company
to get caught in the middle
of your extra-curricular activities.
Absolutely! I understand that.
But then, Afzal, your bad loans.
We've forgiven a large part of those
in exchange for this deal.
If you back out of this deal now,
then I'll be forced to use other measures.
You know, that could be rather
inconvenient, to put it mildly.
FCB Asia's PR team has done this!
Not the first time Devyani
tried to fuck me over!
Talk to Niyamat, make sure she's okay.
The CEO of that US company
she's trying to take over,
make sure things go smoothly with him.
Is something bothering you?
I think the top management team
will stick around.
Thank you for not poaching them, Jeff.
I'm more of a sous vide
kind of lad, to tell you the truth.
But I know my team and I think
it's best if I stay on as an advisor
or something after the deal closes.
In fact, I would like you
to join the Board of Directors.
As the chairperson.
Oh, wow!
That would be like I never left.
There goes your early retirement.
-Should we proceed then?
Ayesha, what's the status
of Laxmi's factory?
-Good afternoon, ma'am.
-Good afternoon. Please, sit.
-We need Shakti succeeding.
-Yes, ma'am.
I'll be meeting the head
of the factory association of that area.
He will help us deal with Vijay Sathe.
We need the factory up and running
before you are moved to corporate banking.
Am I being transferred?
Didn't HR call you?
Deepak told me
that he has had a word with you.
In either case, you have made
quite an impression on him.
He says you are especially bright.
From the next quarter,
you'll be joining his department.
And try not to get fired again.
You finally got what you wanted.
I really hate this bland food!
You could do one thing.
Why don't you ask Deepak
to take you to a fancy restaurant?
To celebrate.
Because he thinks
you're so special anyway.
Sleeping with Deepak
will advance your career.
What can I give you?
I saw him the other night.
Dropping you home and everything.
Sometimes I feel that all you care about
is what you can get from people.
And clearly,
nothing I can give you is good enough.
You're just jealous.
No. I'm not jealous!
I'm really happy that you're getting
what you want out of your life.
-It is just how--
-Stop pretending, asshole.
You don't give a damn.
What I want, what I need…
Are you fucking crazy?
You're so self-centered!
All I do is take care of you.
Ayesha wants this! Ayesha wants that!
All I seem to do these days is think
about what Ayesha fucking wants!
Because you want to fuck me.
You're doing it all
so that you can fuck me!
So just fuck me
and end your freaking drama!
You know what? Actually, fuck you!
Where are you?
Mrs. Bhagat has a small kitchen
right next to the side entrance.
I was just making some tea.
I didn't see it the last time I was there.
Yes, she has just renovated it.
You didn't call the guy, right?
We've lost him.
What's wrong?
I hope some modern Bombay girl
hasn't poisoned your mind.
Those girls are really evil!
Look, I said I'm sorry.
I don't want your fucking apology!
And I don't want to fucking live
with a slut!
Yes, but it's okay for you to sleep
with a prostitute!
Excuse me! You're the most
fucking immoral person I know!
Control your fucking tongue!
She made me cover up what I did.
Cover up what you did?
I prevented you from going to jail!
You wouldn't last
a single bloody day in there!
I can't even be
in the same fucking room as her!
Well then go!
But shut up, or Shai will hear.
I will hear what?
Why don't you leave too, Shai?
Why do you want to be
in the same fucking room as me?
It's a free world. You can sleep
with whoever the fuck you want.
Try some edamame instead.
-By the way, I loved your TED Talk.
-Thank you.
So you learned leadership skills
by observing oak trees as a child.
That's quite amazing.
Trust me, if I'd had friends or siblings,
I wouldn't have been sitting around
staring at trees.
You were a lone ranger.
Yes. A major loner.
It takes one to know one!
Piya was telling me about Sandeep's
new job she got from this new headhunter.
Why discuss it now?
I was just thinking, you know,
you could just call him.
I mean, if you feel like it but…
I mean…
Maybe, he could do something for you.
You promised not to micromanage.
I'm not! It's…
It's just a suggestion!
But with your promotion,
when the baby's here,
I could stay at home.
Only for a couple of years. Not forever.
You hate the idea of a househusband?
Too embarrassing?
Nobody thought Mahesh's wife
was going to stoop so low.
Do you think Maya is responsible?
I mean, who else?
I thought you were.
Of course, you did, darling.
Or Deepak.
I don't know.
Of all the skeletons in your closet,
you think Deepak would expose this?
Only a fool would go after Mahesh.
And I tell you, Mahesh's wife
is the biggest fool I know.
My vote is for Sanjay Puri.
He's attacking you
quite aggressively, right?
That is so fucking vindictive!
They purposely want to fuck everything up.
But I refuse to be manipulated
and they keep calling for my resignation.
-Almost like they want to see us fail.
Anyway, don't worry.
Afzal doesn't know that FCB Asia
is financing Royal Bank for the takeover.
And he will never know.
And just in case he comes to me
for direct funding,
I will turn him away.
You can rest assured.
You have my word.
Thank you, Devyani.
I truly appreciate that.
Would you just get me
a large cup of ice chips?
Yes, no trouble at all.
This menopause, it is driving me crazy.
How do you cope with it?
It hasn't started for me yet.
I see. I envy you, Rani!
I am dying! Absolutely.
We retrieved 12 eggs from the donor.
Does she know?
That we are having her baby?
It's not her baby.
We don't tell the donors anything
if their eggs or sperm have been used
or who used them.
Everything is confidential.
Their identities, yours, everything.
And no one needs to know
we are using somebody else's eggs.
Do you both want to see a counselor?
It helps.
-We could try…
-No. We're very busy with…
I mean…
I don't think we need one, right?
I think we are fine.
Thank you.
At the end of the day, I am a failure.
I can't even fucking give birth
to a child.
I mean, I'll raise
the surrogate child as mine,
but it is not me.
Half of it is the donor's
and the other half is Arijay's.
I don't know if I'll…
if I will be able to love it
as my own, you know.
Fatima, come on! Of course, you will!
You are very lucky, you know.
A solid and loving husband
like Arijay is very rare.
I don't know. I just hope
Arijay is happy with this child.
He's already happy!
You don't see it because you are
so caught up in your own misery.
Just relax!
You have everything,
and you still want more.
Tell me. Are you guys fucking?
I mean, if you call it that.
You are doing something, right?
Sandeep and I…
We haven't had sex in two years.
Yes. I don't know.
Sometimes I think
Sandeep's totally over me.
Is he having an affair?
Well, Mr. Vijay Sathe
is the municipal corporator of our area.
How can I help you deal with him?
Please, Mr. Shinde.
We need the factory association
to support us.
All right.
I have a solution.
Make my wife a beneficiary
of your Shakti Scheme.
Let her have a similar factory.
Sir, Shakti is a welfare scheme
meant to help underprivileged women.
Women who have financial needs.
Whatever! Who cares, right?
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm offering you a solution.
The rest is up to you.
"Sorry, sir." "Please, sir."
"Hello, ma'am." "Thank you, ma'am."
You should've let Rani handle him.
She'll talk to him if it comes to that.
You're a bloody coward, Ayesha.
You can't fight for yourself.
How will you fight for me?
Fighting is not my job, Lily.
I'm doing my job.
What are you doing?
"Sorry!" "Please!" Just bullshit!
Starting this factory is beyond you!
You are a bloody slave.
Just fuck off!
Come in.
Sir, you wanted to see me?
Come on in.
Leave the door open, please.
I tried to speed up your transfer,
but Rani says we can only do it
once you finish setting up
the first factory under the Shakti Scheme.
What's wrong? Is everything okay?
Yes, sir.
Just a lot of deals in process.
Hectic days.
I can imagine.
So a new hand would be welcome.
I need a break.
Do you have a cigarette?
-Okay. Send it over…
I keep trying to quit,
but it is so addictive.
I think…
some things are fun
simply because they are addictive.
You have some hidden addictions.
Please don't!
I could feel your eyes on me all evening.
Sir, what are you doing?
Sir, please don't! Please stop.
You're such a tease!
You have some hidden addictions.
We made out.
It was consensual.
He has a family, you know.
But clearly, that's not your problem.
It was all consensual, right?
The memory is truth itself.
The truth about our bodies.
The truth about our lives.
The truth about our hearts.
And the truth is best not denied.
-There's a traffic jam! I had to walk!
-Why don't you dry out?
-No, it's fine.
Niyamat said to have a drink
on her behalf. She's under the weather.
Well, here.
You can easily dry up with this.
-You don't want to fall sick.
Here. That helps?
Would you kill me if I asked
for some hot chocolate instead?
You know, I'd slaughter you.
But only after I have had my own
with cinnamon and nutmeg.
Oh, my god! That reminds me
of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
They do.
The truth is painful,
but owning that truth can set us free.
Sometimes that memory must be kept alive.
So we can breathe.
Can we meet once?
It's been two years of waiting.
All right. See you, love.
See you, love.
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