Breakout Kings (2011) s01e04 Episode Script

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Through self-expression,art therapy can often bring prisoners together as a community.
However,there are some inmates who are pariahs,even in the prison having to be kept isolated for their own safety.
MAN All prisoners return to cell block in ten minutes.
Hacks can't protect your ass forever,Cho-Mo.
Yo,yo,I'm Cappy's son and Tito's brother ? White rapper - let's get this.
I'm a fighter,not a lover ? After bustin' on a chick, you know I'll find another ? I'm a knight in shining armor, I ain't no shower shark ? N-No,I don't know when we'll wrap,sweetheart.
I'll just,uh,I'll pick up some food on the way home.
Yeah? Are you new? Yeah.
Grip truck's right here.
Being pulled out.
I've got visitation today.
I'm not going anywhere.
You've been waiting 40 minutes already.
No one's coming.
The work release van is outside.
You can go there or to the hole-your choice.
So,Erica or Julianne? Which one for a little bippity-bop? Me,I'd go with Julianne 'cause it's the quiet onesthat get freaky - deaky on your ass.
Well,one,she's not quiet; she's afflicted with acute laconic conveyance disorder,among other things,and two, don't talk about her like that.
Oh,snap,you dig Julianne.
Dig? What,are we in third grade,Shea? Dig her like a shovel.
If you must know,I feelfor her psychiatric condition,okay? It's called doctor - patient empathy.
it's called"you want to tap that booty.
Make a move,Doctor.
If she's that crazy,she might say yes.
- Philistine.
- Pussy.
Hey,every minute counts,sweetheart,and I don't want to lose a month off my bid'cause you don't move fast enough.
You know,a hearty breakfast can really help you startthe day off right - ouch! - You're late.
- We have donuts? It's not our fault Sweet Ass tookher sweet-ass time.
Erica,if you can't be on time,you can't do this job.
Understood? Something to say? No.
Uh,agency put extra bodieson the Internet Child Protective Services, in case our runner jumps online.
Child Protective Service? Who we going after? Joseph Ramsey,sex offender.
- How many victims?- Five.
All eight-year-old girls.
He's pathological - means his actions are driven by an uncontrollable mental condition.
- I know what "pathological" means.
- Well,now you do,thanks to me.
This guy's smart.
Walked right out of the prison's front door.
Hours passed before anybody realized he was gone.
Ramsey's a serial predator who's lefta trail of damaged kids in his wake.
If we don't get to him fast,he'll do it again.
Breakout KingsSeason01Episode04 Ramsey was doing a 60-year stretch.
Surprised he lasted two years inside.
Cho-mos are pitas in the joint.
Married,two kids,well-likedschool counselor from suburban Massachusetts until five girls came forward.
His wife left him after his arrest.
The local PD already talked to her, but she has no idea where he could be.
He refused counseling.
That's not uncommon,really.
A lot of pedophiles believe they aren't even sick,just misunderstood.
It's a self-protective mechanism.
You seem to know a lot about kid touchers,Lloyd.
Creepy-looking cracker,lives at home with his mother,probably never had sex before.
Oh,I have sexed several times.
I still want to knowhow a guy like this gets 25 years,right? I mean,that's more than I got.
- You a diaper sniper,Lowery,hmm? - End it,Shea.
'Cause I ain't working with no perverts.
Hey,private business stays private.
If you think we would let anybody on this team like that, you're dumber than you look.
- Still going to find out what you did.
- Is everybody done,hmm? Can we actually start earningsome time off now? What you got? Joe's legal briefs.
He was filing them left and right in prison.
Went from a $200-an-hour attorney to a public defender and then finally bottomed out at a jailhouse lawyer.
Didn't do him any good,though.
He lost his final appeal a few weeks ago.
Well,that's probably what set him off.
Realized he wasn't going to get out.
Jailhouse lawyer was a con named Wes Herman.
I mean,these guys had to spenda lot of time together preparing these papers.
Cons talk to cons; he might have known about the escape and what Joe was gonna do when he got out.
Wes Herman was paroled six months ago.
In for the same crimes as Joe Ramsey.
He lives in the Bronx now.
I'm calling his parole officer.
Tell his P.
I want Herman here within the hour.
There's no telling what this guy is up to.
Come on.
Hey,it's me.
Can I,uh,can I talk to her? Well,can you pause it? Denny,we were supposed to have a visit today,okay? I I have the right to see my kid.
No,D Denny,please.
Denny,please,you are just doing this to try to hurt I know what you all think of me.
What do you think we think-that your favorite porno's Home Alone? Shut up.
That's okay,I deserve any ridicule.
I'm,I'm sick; I have a disease.
Actually,cancer is a disease.
You have a psychosexual disorder that manifests itself in deviant behavior, so in short,you are disgusting.
You know,this was a mistake.
I should go.
No,you know what?You are gonna sit your ass down, - and you're going to answerall of our questions.
What,Charlie? - Erica,Erica Let's go.
Herman,you worked closely on Joe's appeals.
Yes,but I wish I hadn't.
Why is that? Because I'm trying to get better.
Since I was released,I go to state-sponsored counseling,private therapyout of my own pocket.
I have gotten off of busesten blocks from home because there is a kidacross the aisle from me.
We don't have the right to hold this guy,we need him to cooperate, - and you're pushing him around? - He's an animal; he hurts kids.
Listen,you promised meyou were going to keep your cool,Erica, and since this morning,you came in here like gas on fire.
Okay,look,if you really need to know,I hada visitation today, and my daughter's father will notlet me see her,and I just O - Okay,okay,you've got personal issues,but guess what.
Take a number,we all do.
Bury that stuff deep down inside'cause we have a job to do.
What does this have to do with Ramsey? I know I have problems;Joe never owned up to his.
He was full of hate and anger,and he rarely talked,and when he did, it was alwaysabout the first girl who turned him in.
He was obsessed with her.
I- I-I think he-he'd hurt her.
- Tess Samuels? - That's the name.
I am ashamedI ever helped Joe with his appeals.
Thanks for coming in.
I'm better now.
- No,you're not.
- Let's go.
Are you Ms.
Cates? Yes,I'm the assistant principal.
Charlie DuChamp,U.
Hi,we still haven't been able to get in touchwith Tess' parents, but I can answer any questions about Joe Ramsey.
We worked together for some time.
We appreciate it.
- Charlie,Charlie.
- We'll cut him off! Hey,Erica,you don't make the choice when to run.
I don't hear from you in five minutes,I put an alarm out on your ass.
Couldn't keep up with Erica? - She's fast.
- You're slow.
Charlie's asking for a satellite mapof the woods behind the school.
That's all protected state land.
It's hundreds of acres.
It's okay.
I know Tess can help us find him.
Hey,Tess,I'm Charlie.
Tess,I'm going to ask you some questions.
I promise they're not gonna be hard questionslike a test or anything.
They're gonna be easy.
I really think we should wait until her parents get here.
We just don't have the time,Ms.
At this point,every second counts.
Tess,when you saw Mr.
Ramsey,were his clothes torn? Did-Did he appear hurtin any way? Just something that can help people notice him? - Ms.
Samuels? - Yes.
Uh,Charlie DuChamp.
Tess's dad.
Honey,did he say anything to you? Map's up.
Local cops scouring the woods.
- He could be anywhere.
- Yeah,so can Erica.
- Is she okay? - I don't know.
Sign of self-hatred.
Victims blame themselves.
It'll get much worse as she gets older.
Ramsey really did a number on this kid.
- Where are you? - Beats the hell out of me.
- Four or five miles from the school,maybe.
- When I call you,you answer! I'm in the middle of the freakin' woods,Ray.
Okay,I've got like one bar on this thing,and if I was gonna run, I wouldn't be answering,would I? Now get off my back! Who do you think you're talking to? You don't freelance,you hear what I'm saying? You do what Charlie and I say when we say it.
I see footprints in the mud.
Erica? You there? Erica! Shut up.
I know where he is.
We have a location.
Ramsey's in a house on Lefferts Drive.
His wife's house is on that street.
Let's go.
Tess,I promise you,I will not let that man come near you again.
Hey,when you catch this animal,do the world a favor and kill him.
He's gone.
I turned around,and there he was in my kitchen.
I thought he was going to kill me.
He gave you no idea where he was going? No.
He went through my purse,took what little cash I had.
- Here you go,ma'am.
- Thank you.
- These the kids? - Yeah.
Joe used to vacation thereevery summer when he was a boy, and then we took our children.
And the hand on your kid's shoulder-I assume that's her father? You know,at first I didn't want to believewhat everybody was saying about him, but you can only keep your head in the sand for so long.
I cut him out of our livesand our photographs.
- Where are the children now? - They're safe.
I enrolled them in school two counties over.
I didn't have a choice.
Just to be safe,until we apprehend him,is there someplace you can go? My parents live in Pittsburgh.
We could go there.
Those children weren't the only victims.
He would have gotten her off that playground,he would have killed her.
It was too close.
Hey,listen,we couldn't have knownhe would actually go after her like that.
These perverts are normally little worms who don't come out during the daylight.
Am I wrong,Lowery? While your technical assessment of themnormally being "worms"is difficult to improve upon Don't be a wise ass.
I may be able to give a bit more insight into Mr.
Uh,you guys,our fugitive is actuallyan incredible case study.
Now,there is a common pathology to pedophiles that,though not intractable, does serve as a templatefrom which we can draw conclusions.
Look at Joe's abuse progression.
First victim: mere exposure.
- Second victim: petting.
- Hey,man,oh,no.
- Just third victim: first time clothing is removed.
- Okay,we got you.
Just hang on.
I'm trying to make a point.
Now,the next victim Christ,Lloyd,would you just shut the hell up? These are little girls,okay? She's going through some things.
I dealt with it.
Just wrap it up,Lloyd.
Okay,bottom line is that Ray is right.
Okay,these perverts normally stay out of the daylight.
Sometimes for years.
And when they do finally decide to act on their sick urges, they invariably dip their toe in the water.
But this crib creeper jumped headfirst into the kiddie pool, so the notion that he could move to more straight forward violence is entirely possible.
He is so much more dangerous than we ever thought, because I have never seen an abuse pathology like his before.
Now,uh the subject matter is-is horrible,granted, but I think it's best if we alltry to look at this clinically and not emotionally.
And speaking of clinically,I could write a paper on this guy that could get me published again so fast Lloyd,Lloyd,Ramsey's a runnerwe're trying to catch,all right? It's not your chance to become a teacher again.
- Well,professor,but - Don't poke the bear,Lloyd.
Charlie? Marisol,um,is everything okay? You didn't pick up your phone,so - Can I talk to you for a minute? - Yeah.
Baby,let's just go downstairs.
Ray,can you Please.
Nice to meet you,Mrs.
Marisol,now's just not a good time.
I know.
That's why I called our travel agent,I pushed our flight five days.
We get back on the 31st.
And we can move it again - without a penalty if we have t - I don't think we can.
No,we can.
Our travel agent said we could.
We made these plans when I was on a desk.
I mean,the job I have right now-it just jumps up,and just grabs you like it did today.
I got to show them that I can do it.
I mean,to cash in on my vacation days this early-it just wouldn't be the right move.
I knew that you'd do this.
"We'll go away once I get made a full marshal.
""We'll take a trip once I get my task force.
"I'm not a file clerk,Marisol.
My job is different from most husbands.
And I know that.
And I'm proud of you.
But no one works all the time for years without a break.
It's not healthy.
I got to go.
You said you'd get me off.
- Easy,Joe.
- Shut up! You took all my money,and I still went to prison.
Now it's time to pay it up.
He looked crazy,so I went for a gun I keep in my top drawer.
You keep a gun in your office? I represent scumbags.
So before I could do anything,Joe is all over me.
Gun goes off,bullet tears through his shoulder,ends up in my wall over there, but he grabs the gun out of my hand.
He knocks me over the head, and when I come to,he's gone.
So's the piece.
He was shot,but was still able to knock you out? I'm 76 years old,you little turd.
When I was your age,I'd kick your ass.
Just trying to figure out how bad a woundour boy's got.
What was it? 9mm? Yeah,a man's gun.
Small caliber,close range.
He can run,but he'll have a slow bleed.
It'll make things tough for him.
Yeah,now that he's hurt,he'll become more desperate.
Yeah,I have a quick question.
- Why is this very charming fellow still alive? - Screw you,peewee.
Okay,see? I barely know him,and I want to shoot him.
- Heard that.
- Why didn't Joe? He had a gun.
Well,maybe he was afraidpeople heard them fighting,so he took off.
Plus he was shot,just wantedto get out,treat his wound.
- You own a green BMW? - Yeah.
Why? It was found abandoned a few miles away,blood on the seat.
First Tess,then the lawyer who didn't get him off.
Joe Ramsey's looking for revengeon everybody he blames for his incarceration.
Jules,get me security to the judge and the prosecutorin the Ramsey trial and all the other victims.
Copy that.
He knew that the lawyer would eventually realizehis car is missing, so he had to dump it.
There's a lot of real estate.
Could have gone in any direction.
That's how it starts.
First the office pop-ins,and then you avoid the wife's calls.
It's about our vacation to St.
It's not a good time at work right now.
Then you start canceli trips because of the job.
You,my friend,are following the Ray and Christina handbook.
Marisol and I are fine,Ray.
Girls that look like her say,"Let's go to St.
Barts,"I go to St.
You might want to check out Fire Island,Charlie.
I hear it's lovely.
You two done talking yet? Got two words for you:Josh Pollack-best divorce lawyer in New York.
You really should get that.
Hey,uh,I know where he went.
He stopped as soon as he saw something he wanted.
The green line into Boston.
Yeah,we passed a few trains on the way here,but that'sthe one he wanted because as soonas he saw it,he ditched his car.
What are you doing? Amazing what you learn when you're stuck behind a desk for six years,Ray.
I'm cross-referencing all the stops on the green lineto the case file for Joe's trial.
I mean,if he's going after everybody he thinks is responsible for putting him away,then Carla Rodriguez,social workerwho testified for the prosecution.
She has an office on Charles Streetfive stops down on the line.
- Ray,call her fice - I'm already on it.
Got her machine.
If she's in session,she might haveher phone turned off.
We gotta hurry.
Mar Help! He's in here! Hurry! He went out the fire escape! Go around! He ran out the back! Let's go.
I'll take the east side of the building.
- Homeboy's got a gun; I'll stay here.
- Ditto.
At least keep a lookout on the other block,okay? And just call one of the adults if you see something.
Mother,I can't talk right now.
Because I'm on the case! Because that's how cops talk! Mom,I'm down! I lost him,but I think he's on the ground.
Go a block over,I'll wrap around - we'll box him in.
- You all right? - Yeah.
Don't move.
You've got a gun pointed at a federal officer.
I don't hurt children.
I love kids.
That's how you guys rationalize it? Pull the trigger.
I'll be happy to diecatching a piece of garbage like you.
I'm getting off at the next stop.
You're not.
You move,and I will fire into this car.
We got lucky again- we got there 20 seconds after he locked himself in a social worker's office.
This receipt fell out of his pocket when he knocked Lloyd over.
When I tackled him.
He must have snatchedhis wife's credit card when he stole her money.
Get the account number.
Put an alarm on it.
Oh,my God,you guys,look at these pictures Tess drew.
She made herself really small; means she was feeling weak.
And she didn't even put her parents in any of them, which indicates that she felt totally vulnerable,like nobody could help her.
Why'd you take the social worker's file? Is there anything in there that we don't already know? Well,not really - but this Ramsey profile,psychologically,is one in a million, and if I couldfind a way to present this Hey,Lloyd,didn't I tell you you're not gonna write this paper? There's no way you're gonna publicize that you're a partof this team without having the people in the max houseshank you when you get there.
And that's exactly where I'm gonna send you.
Stop thinking of yourself.
- Get out.
- You seem angry.
And the last timeyou were angry,you kind of punched me in the face, so maybe I could throw a little water on the fire for my sake.
ListenI know that I'm an A-hole, but I'm a pretty good doctor.
Parents who can't even protect their kidsstill get to keep them, and I don't even get to see mine? It's not right.
No,it isn't.
And despite your, uh,semi-psychotic rage-control issues, you have the protective instincts that are necessaryto be a wonderful mother.
Nothing stronger than that,and you have it in spades.
I don't want to talk to you about this,okay? You are notmy friend.
I'm not trying to be your friend.
I'm trying to keep you walking the line so that we can allkeep our jobs.
I can do my job.
I'm just gonna do as Charlie said and and bottle it upand focus on work.
I wouldn't advise that.
Would you just getthe hell out of here,Lowery, before you get anotherup-close look at my rage issues? Give me your gun - I want to shoot some people.
What? You get to play doctor; I get to play G-man.
- G- man's FBI.
- You told Erica to bottle it up? What kind of Guatemalan med school did yougo to,Charlie? She's got to focus on the task at hand.
She needs an emotional release,jackass.
Her father was murdered,her kid was taken away from her.
She has rage issues,and you're telling her to put a corkin Mount Vesuvius.
Did you just call me a jackass? - Possibly,yeah.
- Credit card hit.
Uh,recently used at a convenience storein Portland,Maine.
How the hell did he get up there? I doubt this guy knows how to hotwire.
He's going to Canada.
There are 611 miles of border.
He's not going to the border.
At his wife's house,the fishing photo.
There was a sign for Bar Harbor.
Now,Joe's wife said he went there every summer as a kid.
He knows the area.
There's a car ferryfrom Bar Harbor to Canada.
Okay,I'll put an alarm outto all of the main precincts and the ferry.
Call the field office,get us a plane and a car.
Director's gonna kill me for this.
Erica! Quit sulking - we got work to do.
Hey,you're hurt.
You stay.
- I appreciate the effort.
- Thank you,Raymond.
Don't get cocky.
Raise your right hand.
Julianne Simms,I hereby deputize you as a Deputy U.
Marshal to supervise this inmate currently under provisional release.
I do? - We didn't just get married,Julianne.
- Uh,yeah.
All right.
Don't cause any problem,dumbass.
Children are so symbolic.
Especially when they're expressing a trauma it protects themfrom having to say what actually happened.
Look - in this one,Tess literally made herselfan animal's prey.
That's because she was.
I wonder why she picked a bird.
Why not a bear or a tiger? Something more fierce.
His buckle.
Honey,did he say anything to you? Oh,my God.
What would you say if a pedophile came after your kid? You know,"Did he touch you? ""Did he lay a finger on you? "Tess's father didn't say any of that.
Honey,did hesay anything to you? He wanted to know if Joe said anything to Tess- like maybe Joe wastrying to convince her to tell the truth.
Because there's only three peoplethat know Joe's innocent:Tess,Joe,Daddy.
- I'm completely not following you.
- Okay.
The case history said that Tess's teachersknew something was bothering her,okay? So she was questioned,she saw some doctors, and eventually,she said she was being abused.
Very brave.
But to turn in your own dad.
Come on,no eight-year-old is that brave.
And meanwhile,she has adults demanding answers from her.
"Who did this to you,Tess? You have to tell us,Tess.
"All the while,her dad is right there in the room,staring at her,scaring her to death.
So she picks somebody,a man that she seesevery day at school,Joe Ramsey.
But there were five victims.
There were well-meaning but hysterical parents who heard that a counselor at their child's schoolwas a pedophile.
"Come on,sweetheart,you can tell us.
"Mommy and Daddy won't be mad.
"It's not your fault.
"We'll only be upset if you're keeping a secret.
"You're not keeping a secret,are you? Tell us when Mr.
Ramsey molested you.
- "This can happen? - It has happened.
The McMartin Day Care Trial.
The,uh,Tonya Craft prosecution.
If you mix terrified parents,scared kids, uh,barely qualified social workersand an ambitious prosecution, you have yourself a modern-day witch trial.
- Where are you going? - Massachusetts.
And you're driving me,because Mothernever let me get my permit.
W - We can't leave.
I was deputized.
Uh,look,we shouldn't even be here.
You're right,but this is your chance to actually be a marshal instead of somebody that was tossed out of the academy for psychiatric afflictions - and I'm sorry,it's just,it's really obvious to me.
I - I just can't.
Let me call Charlie.
He will say no,okay? I need proofbefore I bring all this stuff to Charlie.
I need to talk to Tess.
You want me to go outside of my comfort zone,drive on a highway UhI have partial agoraphobia,tachophobia,neophobia I have send-an-innocent- man-to-jail-aphobia.
Not to mention,Tess is still living with her father,which means she is living in hell.
Come on,I'll talk youthrough it,I will help you,but we have to go now.
I promise you'll be fine.
a b c d e Tough drive.
How can I help you? Well,we were just wonderingif you have any of Tess' old report cards.
When we eventually prosecute Mr.
Ramsey, we'd like to show the adverse effect she's had on all aspects of his victims' lives, including,you know,academics and such.
Yeah,I'd have to go and find them.
I would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much.
Tess,I'll be right back.
Okay,go talk to her.
- No.
- What? You're the doctor.
She's not going to open up to a man,and you were just driving on I-95; you can talk to a kid.
It's okay.
I'm Julianne.
It's okay.
We came here because we were wondering if there was something about this situation that you'd want to tell us something that maybe you haven't been ableto tell anybody yet.
I know what it's liketo feel stress and pressure and feel like nobody understandswhat you're feeling, and I know what it's liketo feel scared.
You don't have to be scared,'cause we're here to help you.
A tip came in - a guymatching Joe's description is filling up a minivanon Route 9,just outside Bar Harbor.
Okay,I'll forward it.
Keep going.
He's only two miles away.
We'll get there before the local cops.
They're going to be there in two minutes.
Tess,people are after Mr.
It could get dangerous.
If you have something to say,something that you've kept to yourself, you have to say it now.
Okay,hey,Tess,we don't have much time.
You don't have to say anything,but if you want,you can nod your head.
Okay,if you're keeping a secret about what happened, it's okay if you want to nod your head.
Now is the time to be brave,Tess.
It's okay.
What the hell are you doing? Ma'am,there is something going on under your roofthat you need to Get out now,or I get my gun.
Tess,be brave now,come on,you can just nod your headif you want.
Get out! Roll down your window,put your hands outside where we can see 'em! If you do not respond,we will fire.
He could be loading ammo.
Fire on ree.
One,two Don't shoot.
Put your hands where I can see 'em! - Gun! - Put the weapon down,Joe! Kick the weapon under your car.
I said kick the weapon under your car.
- What's going on?- From Julianne- 911.
Well,put it over the car speaker.
Jules,everything all right? Charlie,Ray? Ramsey is innocent.
He is the victim of hysteria and overreaction.
He is not a criminal.
Well,that's strange; he's got a gun he won't step away from.
Look,he hasn't hurt anybody since he broke out.
He could have shot that lawyer,he could have attacked the social worker, but he was going to people he thought could help himby telling the truth, by reopening the case,reconsidering their testimony.
He's a desperate man; he is not a bad man.
Tess' father is; he's the one,not Joe.
- Please believe him.
- Shut up.
Lloyd,do you have proof? No,but I saw something in Tess' eyes,Charlie.
I'm a doctor; I can tell when somebody's hiding something.
You got to be kidding me,Lloyd.
Hang up the phone,Shea.
Kick the weapon under your car,Joe.
Kick the weapon under your car.
Last time I'm going to tell you.
There's somebody inside.
No no! On your knees.
Stop,he's been through enough! On your knees.
Lloyd might be right.
If Joe was dangerous,she would not be running awaywith him with her kids.
Debate's over.
We catch fugitives,and we take 'em in.
That's it.
What were you thinking? That he was innocent.
Our job is to chase and catch,Julianne,not question and judge.
What if you're wrong,Charlie? Okay,an accused pedophileescapes and then is thrown back into prison.
The notoriety alone will get him killed in one year.
Well,he might last longer in there than you do, 'causeI'm seriously reconsidering you both on this team.
This was bullshit.
J - Just go.
Busted-up leg,chewed out.
That's what you get for jumping into the fray,stupid.
You've reached Special Deputy Charlie DuChamp.
Leave a message at the beep.
Hey,it's me.
Look,I'm just going to go with Sarah from work.
I'd rather be going with you,but I guess that can't be,so I'll see you on the 31st.
I just wanted to drop off my cell phone.
Look,we think the important people are always going t gbe in our lives until they aren't.
You should go.
Her flight's already left.
Uh,my daughter told me something.
I'm sorry.
We're gonna need more chicken for next week,Tim.
Hey did you catch him? Yeah,I just did.
Should I still do the world a favor and kill the animal? Get him out of here.
I'll be back.
Where the hell are we? Charlie DuChamp,U.
I've got a woman here that wants to see her kid.
Erica,you might want to wake up for this.
There's that emotional release I was talking about.
Breakout KingsSeason01Episode04
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