Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

Jeez, those idiots.
Why are they so late?
Damn it.
Why aren't those idiots coming? Damn it.
A woman who's bleeding from her head
is following you around and cursing you.
The ghost…
The ghost…
Sir, he's come out.
Jeez, why isn't this working?
Darn it.
You shouldn't drink and drive.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to kill you.
I'm sorry.
So stop following me around!
I said
I'm sorry.
Is he dead?
-It wasn't nearly enough to kill him.
-Has the warrant been issued?
Is that the police?
I don't know.
Calm down.
Shin Gyeong-ho and Nam Han-jun
aren't going to disappear.
The warrant will be issued soon,
so let's just wait a little longer.
Hey, call Su-cheol.
-I'll call Han-jun.
-Oh, okay.
Is he picking up?
Shoot. Su-cheol isn't picking up.
What do we do?
Jeez, why's the police here so soon?
You go and tell them.
Get there faster than the police
no matter what.
Can you do it?
I can.
Good boy. Run.
What was that?
Hey. Go check what that was.
-Yes, sir.
-Hey. You can't leave me here!
You can't just leave me here!
What is that?
Don't come any closer.
Don't! Damn it!
Sir. I think something is going on here.
What's going on?
Hello? Can't you hear me? What's going on?
Strategy, my foot.
This would go quicker
if I beat them up with a gong instead.
Jeez, I'm tired.
Behind you!
There! Behind you!
Did you see that?
Did you see
how I took care of that guy like this?
What the heck was that?
Just let me do the fighting.
This takes more out of me
and is annoying to boot.
You have no idea of what's in fashion.
I can do it.
No, please.
Yes, you can do it.
Good. That's it!
Good. I can survive this.
I can save my life.
I crawled out.
Jeez, those bastards.
Where the hell are those idiots? Damn it.
What's that?
What's that sound?
What is this?
What is happening?
Nam Han-jun?
Kong Su-cheol?
Sergeant Gu Jong-man of KCSI.
He's currently being investigated
on suspicion of receiving bribery.
What does that have to do with me?
Right after the case,
you wired Sergeant Gu ten million won.
Here you go.
And on your desk, Mr. Nam,
we found the evidence that you hid away
after you paid Sergeant Gu off.
Come on.
That makes no sense.
I want to catch the culprit more
than anyone else. Why would I…
It's because a prosecutor was murdered
because of your profiling.
And you bribed Sergeant Gu
to tamper with the evidence
in case people would find out
about your mistake, no?
You were the first person to arrive
at the scene of
Prosecutor Han's murder, right?
And you are very close
to Lieutenant Kong Su-cheol,
who witnessed the culprit running away.
What are you trying to say?
The two of you were in it together,
and laid out a plan to help
Prosecutor Han's murderer run away.
Isn't that so?
How many times do I have to tell you?
I didn't.
It wasn't me.
It wasn't me. I didn't do it!
Damn it.
Just go ahead
and say that you need someone
to take the fall and that's me.
Yes, you're right.
You're quick on the uptake.
A prosecutor dies
and the police are at fault.
What a headache would that be?
Much cleaner to just blame it
on one corrupt cop.
Don't you think?
Now, stop besmirching
the good police honor
and admit that you did it.
Honor? That means nothing.
Jae-jeong's murderer is still out there.
I never took or gave bribes.
So why do I have to go to jail?
What? Justice?
It's dead. Damn it.
This isn't fair.
This isn't fair at all.
I didn't do it.
It wasn't me.
Be quiet!
My parents were always so worried
that I'd get beaten up on an assignment.
It's just as well this happened.
Hey, I'm a treasured only son.
Come on.
And this. Give it to your son.
And you. Be better to your wife.
Anyway, take it easy, okay?
Please take it easy.
I'll be off then.
So this was one of your plots.
These clownish antics aren't really
to my taste, but what was I to do?
You couldn't be blackmailed or persuaded,
so what else could we do?
We had to put your life
in danger to find out.
You psychos.
I already told you. I don't know anything.
You don't know anything?
Oh, please.
You're saying you don't know anything?
This is too big for you
to have done alone.
So come on and confess
who your bosses are.
Who told you to frame us?
-Say it, right now!
-Who was it?
Oh, please.
What difference does it make
if I tell you?
Don't tell me you want to be reinstated
and clear your names, that sort of thing?
Hey, the case is already closed.
What are you going to do about it now?
Who says it's closed?
I'd love to push you back in right now.
It's not closed for me.
So make your choice.
Tell us about your boss
and live to see another day,
or get caught by Shin Gyeong-ho again
and be buried alive.
What is your choice?
-Tell us!
-Don't touch me.
-What do you choose?
-Wait, wait. Give me a moment.
Wait, what was that?
-Hey, what's that sound?
-Wait. What is it?
-Hey, what's going on?
-What is it?
-What is it?
-Ghost! It's a ghost!
-It's not a ghost.
-You scared me.
The police are here.
Wow. Already?
We pray to you.
Nam Han-jun!
What are you doing there?
You can stop now.
Be quiet.
Who dares disturb me in my prayers
and invite misfortune?
We know everything.
There's no way you're getting out of this.
Where is Shin Gyeong-ho?
Shin Gyeong-ho?
We came here to do an exorcism.
-Can you hear them?
-Oh, no.
Can you hear the evil spirits cry?
Something terrible will happen
-if we do not assuage their anger.
Are they performing an exorcism?
Unless I heard wrong,
Lieutenant Nam Han-jun's
now a shaman, right?
I have my suspicions,
but that's what he says.
Prosecutor Han, you still don't know
what's going on
even when it's right in front of you.
Nam Han-jun, the profiler,
is now a shaman…
I'd never have seen that coming.
That's what keeps life interesting.
We have to do the exorcism,
so go away now.
Cry no more, vengeful ghosts.
-I pray to you.
-My gosh.
I pray to you, please lead
those poor lost ghosts to rest.
Yes, please lead them.
There are no such things as evil spirits!
You can't come here. It's dangerous.
You might get possessed.
You need to go.
Possessed, my foot.
Get out of my way!
The evil spirits are here.
We saw them.
-We pray to you.
-Oh, please!
It's the ghost!
-Stop right there, Shin Gyeong-ho!
-Oh, no!
I have to run away!
A ghost! I have to run!
Jeez, that idiot.
Hey! We have to get him!
He's coming! Okay!
Hey, stop!
What? Mommy?
What's he doing? He's scaring me.
-Jeez, look at his eyes. Hey, be careful.
-Right. Don't worry.
Jeez, that idiot!
Jeez, I told you to stop running!
-Gosh, it hurts.
-Shin Gyeong-ho!
-You caught him!
-You got him, you did!
-I got him!
-Don't let him go.
-Nice job.
The situation seems pretty urgent
over there. Aren't you going to go down?
We need to get Shin Gyeong-ho.
You will receive a summons soon.
When you do, come to the police station.
I'll talk him into going. Go on.
I'll be seeing you again, Mr. Nam.
Let's go.
"See you again?" He's a real dogged one.
Stop right there!
Go turn yourself in before the spirits
decide to take revenge on you.
-Oh, no.
-It's the only way you'll live.
Oh, spirits.
What am I to do with these fools?
I pray to you.
Oh, the evil spirits are coming!
All right. I'll confess, I will.
What is to be done with these fools?
-Jeez, I'm tired.
-Gosh, it's finally over.
-Oh, I'm so tired.
-Gosh, my back.
This is pretty hard.
Stop swinging that around.
My ears are ringing.
-Hey, nice work.
-I did good, didn't I?
Yes. You did a great job.
We did it!
We did it!
Look where you're going, you idiot.
Hey, wait a minute.
What's this?
What is this?
What is it?
I don't know…
I knew it. The MK Noble murder.
It was Shin Gyeong-ho.
Jung Cheong-gi must have
hidden it away for him.
We'd better put Chief Jung
on the wanted list.
-Let's take him away.
-Yes, sir.
Unless you want to join them,
you better tell us
who your boss is right now.
I arranged somewhere safe for you
to go to already,
so don't worry and just tell us.
Let us meet the guy and you can take
a ship there right away.
That's it. Come on.
Superintendent Lim.
It's me, Jung Cheong-gi.
I need to talk to you right now
about that thing
you told me to do three years ago.
Yes, sir. Okay.
I'll come over to your house right now.
Yes, sir!
Wait. Superintendent Lim?
You mean Superintendent Lim Min-jun?
The one who did so many corrupt deeds
and defected to Choekang Construction?
He's the one who told me
to tamper with the evidence.
No! Honey!
Oh, no. Honey.
Ma'am. What's going on?
My husband suddenly went into shock.
Honey! Oh, no.
What's with this?
The timing couldn't be worse.
Follow them and check his condition.
Okay. What about you?
I'm going to check
if this was really a coincidence.
Did anyone visit during then?
I heard he was expecting a guest,
but I don't know who they were.
I see.
Did you find out?
He died on his way here.
Check if there are needle marks
on his body.
Needle marks?
Someone made it look
as if he had died from shock.
Excuse me.
Wait. What do you mean
he was murdered and didn't die from shock?
Lim Min-jun was usually scrupulous
about his caffeine allergy.
He wouldn't suddenly drink tea
with high caffeine content.
He kept track of when each tea was open
except for the one he had just drank.
And he never drank from the teacup.
Someone murdered him and made it look like
he died from shock
after overdosing on caffeine.
Yes, Su-cheol.
Hey. There's a needle mark behind his ear.
I knew it.
Hint to the cops that it's a murder
and come back here.
If you want to live, you'd better…
I want to live.
At 11 p.m. on January 10th,
you hit Mr. Woo In-cheol, the victim,
then dumped his body elsewhere.
Do you admit to the charges?
Do you?
I won't say a thing
until my secretary comes.
Your secretary is here too!
He is?
The last drop. I added the last drop…
I should have listened to the shaman…
Mr. Shaman…
I don't let most people
use this cup.
Ms. Min, you've been of great help
in arresting Shin Gyeong-ho.
We'll sort your situation out,
considering these mitigating factors.
Thank you for telling us what happened.
But how did you know Shin Gyeong-ho
would be hiding in his villa?
Well, Mr. Shaman told me…
You know, he told us about it
when he came to the station that time.
That's how I knew to go there too.
Oh, right!
Right. So that's how you knew.
I'm such an idiot.
I can't believe I forgot.
He's really good.
-Isn't he?
I didn't believe him at first either,
but he knew everything.
He's such a great shaman.
I know, he is.
And he's so handsome. He's just my type.
Is he? I see.
He told me to wait until he called me
to come up as a witness.
He said that was
the only way I would live.
So you gave them
the testimony and the report
because Nam Han-jun told you to?
Jeez, you startled me. What is it?
We found Jung Cheong-gi.
You said you had a ship
that would take me to safety!
Are you kidding me?
You look so snug.
Hey, wait.
What are you doing?
Come on.
You said you'd make sure I'd be fine
if I let you meet my boss.
Speaking from personal experience,
prison's the safest place
for you right now.
You can't do anything fun in the clink,
so enjoy yourself now.
Have fun! You won't be having any soon!
Welcome to the land
of dreams and fantasies!
If you aren't ready,
-raise your arms above your head
and make an X with them.
You can't because your arms are tied?
All right, then we'll start the ride!
You made a great choice!
Very nicely done!
No, please!
-Oh no. Please!
-Let's go.
I hate this.
Viking, Viking, Super Viking!
King, king
King, king, Viking, Super Viking!
Please untie me!
Hey, you're leaving me like this?
Hey, I…
Oh, please. My goodness…
-King, king
-King, king, Viking, Super Viking!
King, king
-King, Viking!
-Help! Help!
-Let's go!
-Let's go.
Please stop the ride.
Stop it. I'm begging you.
I'm dying here!
Why aren't you doing anything?
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
They got rid of Lim Min-jun
as soon as we went for him,
so that means Gopuri must have
been close to Lim Min-jun.
Yes. You're right.
I mean, the CCTV footage's been deleted,
but they're saying he died from shock,
which is suspicious.
And it's weird they're cremating him
right away without an autopsy.
I knew Gopuri wouldn't be here,
but there's not
a single suspicious person here.
Hey. How many bowls
of beef soup did you eat?
-Did you pay the condolence money?
You went to the bathroom,
so I assumed you wouldn't and I--
-What the…
-Gosh, hey!
What's going on?
Is the president coming or something?
What is going on?
Jeez. What was that?
Did you just see that?
He had this intense glare, did you see it?
Wow. Is he someone scary?
It's the beef soup.
I told you to have a bowl.
Hey, what you're smelling is
Egyptian acacia, myrrh, and frankincense.
It's the finest Baccarat perfume,
and all you can think of is beef soup?
-Seriously, beef soup?
-Isn't it the smell of beef soup?
-Then is it a perfume?
Hey, wait for me.
Find out who hired director Lim Min-jun
at Choekang Constructions.
Why? Are you getting a vision?
His spirit is wandering around
because he has a message to give.
Okay, I'll get on that.
By the way,
why did you ask me to come here?
Well… Mr. Shaman,
I wanted to show you my new office,
which I couldn't have gotten without you.
Don't be silly.
If you're going to run it
like your husband, hire a qualified CEO.
I would never.
No. I'm confident that I can do
so much better.
As long as you're by my side.
You can always find me at Minamdang.
Sir. Here's your fee, as agreed upon.
-Check the amount.
-Oh, there's no need for that.
Take a look right now.
What's with this fuss?
What's this?
It's a prenuptial agreement.
Nam Han-jun.
This is a marriage proposal.
You're not divorced yet.
You know I'll be getting one soon.
And it'll go smoothly, thanks to you.
Ever since I was born,
I spent my whole life
fighting to protect what's mine.
But looking back,
I realized that none of it was my choice.
You gave me the gift of freedom.
So live your life free from now on.
Mr. Shaman. Didn't you say
you wanted to become a conglomerate?
I can make that dream come true.
No thanks.
You can't have me just because
you want me, I'm not that easy.
I knew you wouldn't say yes right away.
I was just declaring my intentions today.
You better be ready.
I'm going to do my very best
to steal your heart.
Stop wasting your energy
and focus on the company instead.
Stay away from Minamdang
until your husband's case is done.
Better yet, live a happy and untroubled
life and stay away forever!
Mr. Shaman!
-You can hold it in, come on.
Excuse me.
Can we talk?
Nam Han-jun?
Let's go.
This is compensation money for Mr. Woo.
It'll cover the surgery
and the hospital bill.
It includes the kids' school fees
until they go to university.
Why would you give us all this money?
Did the man
who did this to my husband send you?
So we'll agree to a settlement?
No. It's the opposite.
Your husband's assailant will contact you.
Don't agree to a settlement.
Get him to recompense you for everything,
and bring him to justice.
This is just to help you
prepare for that day.
And if anything happens in the meantime,
you can call this number.
Café Minamdang?
It is as the spirit
wills it.
We'll be off then. Let's go.
Don't worry and be strong. Okay?
Thank you so much.
Why am I getting a sudden chill?
-What are you talking about? It's hot.
-Then take your jacket off.
-But that will make me cold.
-What on earth is he doing?
That hurts.
What made you give her all that money?
It's not like you.
The money would have brought misfortune.
Didn't you once say you should
hate the sinner but not their money?
Why do you keep going back and forth?
You're being very inconsistent.
You wish you kept the money, don't you?
-You can make your own way back.
Are you sulking over what I said?
I have somewhere to go.
Where? Take me with you.
I want to go by myself.
You mean there?
Oh, you should've said that.
I'll drive you for you.
-No, I'm going on my own.
You know I didn't--
Get lost!
Wait, come on.
Hey! I forgot my wallet,
let me have just 10,000 won!
You son of a bitch!
Stop smiling. You're annoying me.
Why are you smiling
when I didn't even catch your killer?
I was finally going
to find out who gave the orders,
but he died right in front of me.
It's ridiculous, isn't it?
I come empty-handed again.
I'm going to catch the bastard
who did this to you.
I'm sorry it's taking so long.
Wait just a little longer.
I swear I'll catch him and make him
kneel before you.
Your sister kept coming to see me,
but I refused to see her.
The three of us
are going to put everything behind us
and start over in the United States.
if Jang-mi comes, don't talk to her.
This is the last favor I'm asking you
as Jae-jeong's mother.
I'll do that.
I'm going to catch your killer,
so tell Jang-mi to forget about everything
and have fun with her life.
The next time I'm here,
I'll have caught the killer,
so you just have faith in me and wait.
You punk.
I swear I'm going to catch you
no matter what.
It's hot.
So you haven't found proof
that the ghost those people saw
was Lieutenant Nam?
Everyone says they never saw his face
because he was wearing a mask.
One of them threw a fit and said
it was a ghost and not a guy in a mask.
Then maybe
it really wasn't Lieutenant Nam.
It's Nam Han-jun, I'm sure of it!
Then why don't you get him
to talk to you, face-to-face?
That's your specialty.
Listening to people and sympathizing
with them and persuading them.
I can't seem to do it with him.
He acts like he's the king of the world
with this arrogant look on his face.
I can't talk to him.
Things keep going wrong
whenever I run into him.
He got Shin Gyeong-ho
released then arrested.
It's like he's toying with me.
Are you kidding me?
What on earth is he planning?
I got you, you stalker.
Why would you sneak up on me like that?
You startled me.
When you're arresting a culprit,
do you say out loud
that you're coming to catch them?
Who are you calling a culprit?
Are you still going to deny it?
Ms. Kangaroo Mom?
Why do you have that?
Okay, I get that you like me.
But you should have just told me so
and gotten rejected fair and square.
You can't sneak around and startle
people like this. You're a police officer.
You must know
what a serious crime stalking is!
I do.
Stalking is a serious crime,
because it could even lead to murder.
So why would you do this?
Let me ask you something
before that happens.
No thanks.
It's true I don't have a girlfriend,
but you're not my type.
That wasn't what I was going to ask you!
You got Shin Gyeong-ho released,
then give us a tip-off
and took down a corrupt cop.
What I want to know is why you're
acting like some sort of superhero.
I don't know what sort of ideas
you have about me,
but my client is Lee Min-gyeong.
Not Shin Gyeong-ho. Lee Min-gyeong.
The one who got rid of Shin Gyeong-ho
and became the vice chairwoman.
So the whole thing
was to make Lee Min-gyeong
the vice chairwoman?
I don't know what you think I did,
but don't go around talking about it,
would you?
Confidentiality is everything
with my VVIP conglomerate clients.
I thought everything would become clear
once I saw you again.
-But I'm even more confused.
-What are you talking about?
You caught Shin Gyeong-ho anyway,
so just say thank you.
Don't overanalyze things
and give yourself a headache.
You made the evidence inadmissible too!
Yes, I did.
I apologize. I'm sorry.
That I do feel bad about.
You feel bad?
Is that why you paid
the victim's hospital bill?
Gosh, you really are stalking me.
How do you know that?
Don't obsess over me.
Don't fall for me. I'm warning you.
Stop making me do that then!
What? She really likes you?
What? Gosh!
Okay, wait.
Jeez, I'm so tired.
Oh, I'm sorry.
-We were just passing by.
-You two are cute together.
Hey, it really isn't like that!
Darn it. It really isn't!
Are you annoyed?
You shouldn't have stalked me then.
Just think it's all as the spirit
willed it and forget about it.
Next time, I'm really going to call
the police, so quit stalking me too. Okay?
I really hope
we never see each other again.
I can't believe this. How did I end up
in this mortifying situation?
This is so annoying!
Instead of getting my revenge,
everyone now thinks I love him!
Jeez, this is so annoying!
Your husband's assailant will contact you.
Don't agree to a settlement.
Get him to recompense you for everything,
and bring him to justice.
This is just to help you
prepare for that day.
Maybe he isn't as terrible as I thought.
I don't know. This is so confusing.
Right, he's just a nutcase.
I'm definitely not doing this
because I want to believe in Nam Han-jun.
Hi, I was hoping to ask you a favor.
Could you show me the files on Lieutenant
Nam Han-jun's internal investigation?
Yes, Detective Na.
Ma'am, would you like a cup of coffee?
Oh, yes. Hey, I need to
hang up for now. Bye.
Shoot. I'm giving that briefing
on the case today
and I'm late.
I can't believe this.
I almost had it and I missed it.
Jeez, stop sighing already.
Cheer up.
It's not that bad. We'll get them.
He's right. If you're going to agonize
over it, at least do it on a full stomach.
You were thinking about going shopping
for the new collection, not the killer?
I'm going to torch that catalog one day.
Jeez. Eat your food or buy
the new collection. Pick one!
I'd love to buy it!
But the sales are down after we spent
all that time chasing Gopuri.
It's our day off, but she's a VIP,
so I have to take this.
Why are you calling me when I'm praying?
-I shall be angry if this isn't--
-Mr. Shaman.
-What is it?
-I think
there's a ghost in my house.
-I'll be buying the new collection.
Eat up.
I shall stop by when my prayers are done,
wait for me.
Eat up.
I think it's here somewhere.
-They all look the same.
Is it true that there's a ghost
in Ms. Kim's place?
She's been hearing something move around
in the kitchen at night these days
-and thought it was mice,
but then she saw a human figure.
Is it really a ghost? Maybe it's a thief.
I don't know. I think that's it.
She looked at the CCTV footage,
but there wasn't anyone.
The figure appeared out of nowhere
then disappeared.
She's really scared.
-Mr. Shaman!
Come on in.
Hey, get a hold of your glasses, jeez.
I can't see.
Now, let's see.
Let's see.
Where is the evil spirit?
Let's take a look.
Nothing's going on.
If you've kept me from my date
just to catch some petty thief,
you're dead.
You know that, right?
Oh, don't be so difficult.
Let's see if there's a difficult spirit
haunting the place.
Let's see, let's see.
Let's take a look.
I came downstairs late at night to get
a glass of water because I was thirsty
and I saw this black figure by the fridge.
It shot outside
when I entered the kitchen.
What's that flap down there?
Oh, I used to have a dog
and I put that there
so it could play in the backyard.
I see.
Is there something wrong?
It's giving off bad energy.
-I shall go and check. You stay here.
-Right, okay.
There aren't any CCTVs in the backyard,
but the security is good.
It's unlikely someone broke in
from outside.
Check where this sewer pipe leads to.
The sewer pipe in the backyard
is connected to the sewer system.
They must have escaped that way.
Su-cheol, you go see if there's
anyone suspicious outside the house.
-Okay. Sewer. Footprints.
-And muddy footprints.
It's the sewer.
I found the footprint.
Wow. The weather's great today.
What would they look like?
They escaped through the sewer pipe,
so they must be thin. And they'd smell.
I'm a good person. I'm not a bad person.
I got you. What are you doing here, kid?
I've got you good now.
You're in--
Jeez, you scared me.
Hey, put that down. It's dangerous.
You'll be in big trouble.
Put that down, kid.
What are you looking at?
What? Hey, you little…
-Come here.
He's trying to kidnap me.
What? Oh, I'm not.
No, that's not what this is.
Kong Su-cheol, no.
-That's not what this is.
-No, this isn't the time to grin.
Shit. I told you to stop grinning.
Tell them what really happened.
This man threatened me
with that knife.
What? This is unbelievable.
You know I wouldn't do that.
You only have to look at my face
to know that.
The sound of the wind is enough
to startle me from sleep.
-You too?
Let's go to the station.
I want to ask you something too.
-Let him go.
Let go of me, will you?
We were just looking for a ghost.
A ghost?
Ghosts, again?
I can see it all. Everything you've done.
What do you think you're doing?
The bad energy inside the house.
It's not a ghost.
-It was him.
There's another one of you, isn't there?
He is in the sewer pipe
that leads to Ms. Kim's backyard.
You can go and check.
Okay. Let's go check. But untie me first.
Do you know how much this outfit cost?
I'm not going to get these clothes
and shoes dirty. I'd rather…
What is it?
I can't go in. It's too small.
My shoulders are too…
Oh, I've got a bad knee.
Once I bend this leg,
I can't straighten it again.
There's bad energy
coming off from there. It's very strong.
It will anger the spirit if I go in there.
You'd better go in there with me.
If you don't, I'm going to arrest you.
Arrest me?
Your glasses have
a camera on them, don't they?
I don't care
if you're a real shaman or not.
But a fraud who cons people using
hidden cameras? That's a different matter.
Are you going to
go down the sewers with me?
Or would you rather go to the station?
What I meant was…
There is this bad energy
around the sewers,
and I'd worry if you went down
on your own,
so I'll go with you.
That's what I meant.
Jeez, it stinks.
Gosh, it smells horrible.
Darn it.
All right. There's no need to be scared.
I said he's the accomplice,
but it's a kid who doesn't know anything.
Hey, wait for me.
What is it?
Are my brother and I going to jail?
Why did you two
go into someone else's house?
It's okay.
She wants to help you guys.
We were hungry.
I see.
You must be cold.
Your brother's waiting outside,
so let's get out of here now, okay?
Let's go.
Oh, are you okay?
Are you all right?
Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry.
It's a bit slippery here.
It's Choi Yeong-seop.
Choi Yeong-seop's back.
It's him.
It's that bastard, Gopuri. I'm sure of it.
There's a fire in 38-2 Seohyeon-ro,
Yongmyeong. I repeat, there's a fire.
A burnt corpse has been found.
Requesting backup from officers nearby.
Burnt corpse found at the crime scene
at Hakbaek-dong.
Requesting backup.
Thank you.
Yes. Don't worry too much.
Just go home and do as I told you,
and everything will be fine.
They found a burnt corpse.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
This is the same MO as three years ago.
Could it be Gopuri again?
The bloodstain belongs to the victim
we found in the sewers.
I'll be able to learn
why my brother died, right?
-I'm sure you will.
-I'm sensing an ominous aura.
Stop getting in the way and get lost!
You have to stop them!
Stop them at all costs!
I will now consider them an accomplice
and investigate them.
-He's not the culprit.
-Again, because of you…
You're the one
who made me lose the culprit.
I don't think he did it alone.
So tell me. Who's really behind this?
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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