Call It Love (2023) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

You've been caught.
So if you really want to ruin
this company, then try harder.
It's nothing, so just listen as you work.
It better be really about nothing.
That woman came by the office today.
Mr. Sim Chulmin's mistress…
And also that guy's mom.
When I saw them separately,
I thought they looked nothing alike.
But when I saw them together,
they really were mother and son.
-They looked alike.
She even had a new boyfriend.
I'm not taking any sides here.
But it hasn't even been
that long since the funeral.
She seems to have gotten over it already.
Get to the point.
Is everything in the open?
I made her coffee and even talked to her,
but she didn't recognize me.
I just look too different
from when I crashed the funeral.
But still, she didn't recognize you?
That's what I'm saying.
How can she not recognize me?
I remember her voice…
…the shoes she wore,
and even the way she walked.
I remember it all.
But she forgot everything and has been
living as if nothing had happened.
I was the only one carrying
that disgusting memory this whole time.
You tell me.
Should I still have not done anything?
Am I really not allowed to do anything?
You did well. Woojoo.
Whatever you did,
it was the right thing to do.
You suffered all your life
because of your father.
So just consider it even.
And that guy too.
He got the money from his mom.
He deserves what's coming.
don't get involved anymore.
Just end it here.
Yeah, it'll take about 20 minutes
if I get in a cab now.
I'll be right there.
There's no need.
Director Kim's not home. He really must
have gone on that trip for work.
Did you check thoroughly?
You know I don't work often,
but when I do, I do a good job.
And why would he avoid us?
That doesn't make sense.
I mean, even if
he backs out of the contract now,
he would have just as much to lose.
Where would he advertise
all the new products from this season?
So let's stop acting like
we're the underdogs here.
No one cares.
I mean, it would have been great
if Director Kim signed the contract
before going on this business trip,
considering he knows how desperate we are.
Or at least answer our call.
This is just
another one of his power trips.
I didn't tell you to visit him
because of the contract.
I know, man.
I know what you're worried about.
But people who stomp on others
because they only care about themselves
quickly find their way out of the mess.
But it's the sore losers like us,
who can't say anything
and just writhe in pain.
Just go check again in the morning.
Okay. But you have to listen to me.
Don't crawl back to the office again.
Go hang out with friends.
If you meet a woman, even better.
What good is it to live like a monk?
I'm hanging up.
No, I'm hanging up first.
This must be fate.
Fate? What fate?
Why did you call me?
Both you and Jun shouldn't come anywhere
near the pub by the intersection.
I'm warning you.
Why doesn't she want us
to come to the pub?
She must have gotten dumped again.
She was beside herself yesterday
saying she was asked out by a young guy.
I was like, "No. A young man wouldn't
do that. You're not all that,"
to myself.
Why didn't I just say that out loud?
I'd better go tell her in person.
You go drink with her.
No way, you have to come too.
You can't go home sober
on a day like this.
Come with me!
Come on, you can't just walk past me.
Oh, you must not remember me.
I work at the bank.
You gave me your business card.
He wouldn't have my number.
Yes. Hello.
We met so briefly last time, right?
Let me introduce myself properly.
I'm Sim Woojoo's sister, Sim Haesung.
I see…
I saw you two earlier
walking together all close.
Is something going on
between you and my sister?
We just work at the same company.
Co-workers then…
Wait, no. You're the company's CEO, right?
Oh, awesome.
-Would you like to have a beer with me?
-No, thank you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not
hitting on you or anything like that.
It's with pure and noble intent.
Think of it like a parent
meeting the teacher of their children.
-I'm in a hurry--
-You're not giving me
those cliché excuses
like you're in a hurry.
I saw you walking slowly
from all the way over there.
And it's so obvious.
That you're going home
to drink a beer with some instant noodles.
Don't drink all alone and sad.
Drink with me.
Just one beer, no more, no less.
-I'm in!
-My gosh.
Hello. I am this woman's little brother.
As you can see, I look nothing like her.
I see.
So who is he?
Neil Armstrong.
The first man to ever woo the moon.
Oh, oh. He grew up abroad?
Be quiet and go home.
Let's go in. Don't mind him.
Yes, please go in. Don't mind her.
Excuse me, three pints over here, please.
I scared you a little back there,
didn't I?
I usually don't make a fool
of myself like that,
but I was so glad to see you.
You can't lie to someone you just met.
She specializes in making a fool of
herself and drama is her life.
Tell him now, so he's not surprised later.
Why don't you open your mouth
only to drink beer?
I'm sorry. I need to go make a phone call.
Sure. Come back soon. You should
drink your beer while it's cold.
He's a CEO.
-Gosh, he's so tall.
-And handsome.
That young guy
isn't right in the head.
What would he see in Haesung?
He probably likes her
because he's not right in the head…
-She should get married, you know?
-I don't want her to get married.
I wish she'd just stay single.
I'm going to the bathroom.
-I'll order us some beer.
What's this? Why did you come?
I told you not to come.
You're not by yourself?
Drinking alone is boring.
So I snagged a man walking by.
And he happens to be a guy you know too.
Please sit over here.
What? You're here too?
Yeah, I was walking by
and decided to mooch off her.
Take it easy with smoking.
It'll stunt your growth.
Sure. Wait, Jun.
Woojoo's boss looks really young.
He's got a thick head of hair too.
How do you know he's got a thick
head of hair? Have you seen him?
Yes, you'll see him soon too.
I've been calling you
and even called out to you outside.
What are you staring at?
You've never seen a handsome man before?
Why are you sitting over there?
I told you.
I snagged him off the street.
Haesung, do you know who this is?
Hey, Woojoo.
Mr. Han. Get up.
We need to talk.
To see Woojoo holding a man's hand.
I think I'm going to cry, seriously.
That didn't look like
the type of genre you're thinking of.
You're the worst, Haesung.
You knew my sister?
I found out she's your sister
just a few minutes ago.
How did you know her before that?
From the bank.
I'm just checking,
so don't take this the wrong way.
Mr. Han. Did you date Sim Haesung…
I mean, my sister?
The look on your face says no.
We first met at the bank,
and today is the second time.
She said she saw you and me
together earlier today.
Then it's fine.
You didn't tell her anything, did you?
Like what? What do you mean?
I met her five minutes ago,
and we haven't talked much.
So could you just leave then?
Let's say my sister dragged you
in there so you couldn't stop it.
But if you happen to run into her again,
please just avoid her.
Why should I do that?
I don't like it.
You being around my family.
I was sitting there because
I couldn't think of an excuse to leave.
I'll get going.
By the way,
does it feel good to just say
whatever is on your mind?
To you, it may seem like people hold
themselves back because they're dumb.
But if you say everything
that's on your mind,
you have to watch others
get hurt by what you say.
Some people find it harder
than holding back,
so they try hard not to say anything.
I'm leaving.
Please give my bag back to me tomorrow.
Yoon Jun! What did you just say to me?
Do you just jump on every guy you see?
You had your hair all pulled out
at the bank not even a month ago.
It's just pathetic.
-I said it loud. Didn't you hear?
-I did.
So who are you to talk to me like that?
What do you think?
I've been your friend for over ten years.
Do you realize I was the one who
took care of you every time you got dumped
apart from your sister, Woojoo?
Right. He is the landlord
who gives us a discount on rent.
He's got every right to talk.
Shut it.
Stop overreacting.
I told you already I didn't grab
that guy outside to ask him out!
And when have you dated anyone normal?
Just admit it.
You're lousy at judging men
and you're bound to have
a bad relationship no matter who you date.
Stop getting into so much drama.
That's how you'll help everyone out.
Shut it. You jerk.
I'm warning you for the last time.
Or what?
You better not show me
those front teeth of yours.
You might lose them all at once.
Ugh, I hate undercooked noodles.
I can see your front teeth.
Just start eating.
They'll soften up as you eat.
Haesung. From now on, don't even
say hi to him if you run into him.
We don't have anything going on
nor will there be anything in the future.
We'll see.
See what?
I saw you two
walking together earlier today,
and I had a sudden realization.
A woman standing
next to a handsome man
automatically becomes beautiful too.
I didn't consider a guy's looks
in my past relationships.
Even if you end up breaking up,
at least try dating him.
There's no harm in trying.
No way.
It won't happen,
not even over my dead body.
Why not?
It's not like he's our sworn enemy.
Haesung, do you want some more?
You can barely see my teeth.
I mean, he's not married
nor has a girlfriend,
so at least give it a try.
Did you ask him?
Do you think I'm an idiot?
I didn't have to ask.
His hair, the suit he was wearing,
and everything else.
He's been alone for at least a few years.
If you're not sure,
I'll ask him next time.
Go ahead if you'd like to see me die.
It is odd how much you're overreacting.
It's just…
I'm a high-school graduate
and a lowly part-timer.
And he's the CEO.
It's preposterous.
If that cheesy reason is why,
don't you even worry about it.
He definitely has feelings for you.
Your CEO has this dark aura
about him, like a street cat.
I'm sorry. Maybe next time…
There is no next time. A chance
like this won't come around again.
I'm sorry.
By the way, Woojoo will be here soon.
But that street cat
quickly lowered his tail
once he heard your name.
Like a well-loved puppy.
Well, how about seasoned whelk
with noodles to go with the beer?
They make good fried chicken here.
Oh, we're fine.
But Woojoo doesn't like to hang out
with someone
who has different food preferences.
Mm-hmm. This place does
indeed make good fried chicken.
If you wanted to eat the seasoned whelk,
oof, we'd have walked out.
We'd like fried chicken, please!
I honestly didn't think
he'd follow me in.
He was an open book though.
"I'm actually very lonely."
"I've been waiting for someone
to talk to me."
Everyone is lonely.
Forget it. I don't want to talk about him.
I bet you anything.
When a fine man like him is that lonely,
it's 100% because
his heart was broken by a woman.
He got hurt pretty badly.
I even let my girlfriend
cheat on me for a year.
Plus, I happen to be an expert
when it comes to having a broken heart.
Youngjun, wait up.
You're leaving already?
Yes. I think
there will be less traffic now.
Isn't it that you want
to get away from these loud people?
You got me.
You know, you remind me
so much of Dongjin?
I've been coming here for days on end,
and you never once asked
what was going on with me.
I'm going to stop coming here now.
I have to stop being so pitiful.
I can't stay like this forever.
Stop avoiding him and just meet him.
Beg for forgiveness or have a fight.
Just meet him in person.
You sound like you know more than
you're letting on. That hit the bullseye…
If there's one thing I know about Dongjin,
it's that he would
never give someone trouble.
Lots of firewood. Come use them.
I hear there's a hiking trail.
Do you want to go for a walk?
Let's get going before we hit traffic.
I want to break up.
You know I love camping, right?
It's the one hobby this boring guy has.
If you break up with me here,
I won't be able to go camping ever again.
Let's talk about it at home. Not here.
I'm getting married next month.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry,
but that's how it is.
Hey, Minyoung…
It will be a small ceremony
in the States, with just our parents.
No one else knows yet.
But you have to know.
Why are you doing this to me?
I let it slide for you.
I pretended not to know.
Then you shouldn't have done this to me.
I'll get back to Seoul on my own.
If you leave now,
it's really over.
I won't let this one slide.
Don't drive by yourself.
Call Sunwoo and drive back home together.
I'm getting married next month.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry,
but that's how it is.
Hey, is this a movie or what?
Why did you call me all the way out here?
I'm nervous that
CEO Han apparently knows everything.
I'm quite impressed by Han Dongjin.
So he could throw
a sucker punch like that?
I think you have to hurry this up.
Otherwise, we might get hurt.
-It's all done.
Why are you surprised?
Director Kim is on board with us.
What are you trying to do here?
It's exactly twice as big as Best Fairs.
And it takes place three days before.
They will probably go all-in with B2C,
but we're going to aim for B2B
as well as foreign buyers
and high-profile campers too.
Come on. This is just
pure marketing, Director.
I just want to help you get promoted
to vice president faster.
They're finally going to find out, right?
What it feels like to get stabbed
in the back by someone you trust.
Don't avoid me and just come in.
I just need to pour my cup,
and I'll leave after that.
Who said I was avoiding you?
Did you bring my bag?
I'm sorry. I forgot.
Bring it tomorrow, please.
Ms. Sim.
Are you mad at me or something?
No, it's nothing like that.
Then did you do something wrong?
I think I've gotten used to how you talk.
I thought for sure that I'd be upset.
But somehow, it felt okay.
So, if you're avoiding me because
you feel sorry, I'm telling you it's okay.
Hey, Sunwoo.
Yes, I did come here again
because of your nagging.
But it's not like I'm some undercover
detective. What am I doing here?
Just do it for one more day.
I still get confused every time
I come here. Which building is it?
I'm sure he saw me. Our eyes met.
You need to stop coming to my place.
Didn't you go on a business trip?
You guys are really relentless.
You should have taken
the hint by this point.
Forget about the contract.
What's the reason?
Couldn't you at least tell me that?
Do I really have to explain
things like that?
Anything can happen
when you're doing business.
Tell Dongjin that I'm sorry.
Should I at least ask him
if he wants to come with us for lunch?
No, let's just go eat.
Let's go.
-Enjoy your lunch.
-Thank you.
Suho. You're going to lunch, right?
Great, let's go eat together.
What do you like?
Korean, Chinese, or Japanese?
I like eating alone.
-I like eating alone.
Enjoy your lunch.
Did you see that?
I saw, and I heard.
Are you hitting on him
knowing how old he is?
Why would I ask that?
It's not going to do anything in my favor.
What's your problem, seriously?
Because I like him.
Whatever he does or says,
I like him. So I'm hitting on him.
So I can have him if he leans into it.
By the way, you can tell
my story of getting rejected just now
to a radio show for all I care,
but just don't tell Jun.
It's embarrassing.
Give me the bag.
I really hate eating alone! Eat with me.
Gosh, seriously…
Hey, Dongjin.
Where are you?
You know.
I'm nearby.
I'll be in the office in the afternoon.
You were talking about Director Kim.
Yes, apparently he had
a busy trip and couldn't call you.
So he says he's sorry.
That silly man acts like he's
the busiest person in the world, right?
Customer number 47…
Hey, Dongjin. That's what I wanted
to tell you. I'll talk to you later.
Do I really have to sell my baby?
-What are you doing over there?
-Gosh. You startled me.
Make a noise, will you?
Eat up. You must be starving.
Gosh, that's so thoughtful of you.
That was good.
You'll have some coffee, right?
Who says I'm getting coffee?
Darn it.
Can you ring us up, please?
Anyway, just let me handle Director Kim.
Let me save face
in front of the employees for once.
I'm still a co-CEO of the company,
and I look like I don't do any work.
Are you sure there's nothing going on?
Just believe me when I say it's all good.
Have you been lied to your whole life?
You. Stop swearing at me
with your eyes like that. I can hear it.
Will you give me the bag now?
Gosh, you see him every day.
Do you miss him already?
Stop it. It's not like that.
Just let me ask you one last time.
Why don't you like your CEO?
I just don't like him.
Why do I need a reason?
I don't like him because he's Han Dongjin.
Woojoo, come on.
If you really think about it,
I'm sure there's a reason.
If you answer me now, I'll stop asking.
Don't give me that crap.
I'm serious.
Well… I'll bet you my allowance.
Why don't you like him?
His back.
His back?
You don't like how he looks from behind?
The way he looks so lonely
and bored from behind.
That back is the worst part about him.
So what if he's handsome?
He's carrying his grim feelings
on his back.
I hate that it looks dumb.
My goodness!
Hi, Ms. Sim. Did you have a nice lunch?
Gosh, check out this weather.
I guess spring really has arrived.
How much did you hear?
I think I heard from the back part.
Dongjin, how about you?
-We weren't trying to eavesdrop.
-It doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter even if you heard it.
Saying you look pitiful is no big deal.
Give him his bag. I'm leaving.
What? Oh, well…
I'll see you back at the office.
Here. I took it yesterday.
I can't do this.
Sim Woojoo. Wait up!
CEO Han, I'll see you around.
I'm also the CEO.
Hey, she is way too nice and cheerful
for them to be sisters, don't you think?
All right.
Darn it.
Why aren't you drinking?
If I drink again,
I might end up at a police station.
Let me know if you end up there.
I've been so curious.
If it looks just like it does on TV.
Let me have the same
but in a bottle instead of a glass.
Yes, sir.
Is everything all right with the company?
You're asking
if Dongjin is all right, aren't you?
Sir, I'm heading out.
-Have a good evening.
I'll see you tomorrow.
-See you.
Has Mr. Cha left already?
I think he went to take care
of some business.
You're here.
This is my way
of saying thanks, so eat up.
You don't like Japanese food?
You said you had something
important to discuss. What is it?
Well, it's nothing major.
I wanted to tell you to find another job.
I can even introduce you
to a few places if you want.
Best Fairs is going to go under soon.
I was going to let them at least host
the camping fair, but you let me know.
That CEO Han knows about
CEO Shin and I working together.
So I've decided
to execute the plan sooner.
We can't get sucker punched this way.
We'll be the ones punching.
I wasn't…
able to tell Dongjin about Director Kim.
That guy invited Dongjin even
to his brother's restaurant opening party.
When his wife had an affair
and ran out on him,
Dongjin looked for her everywhere
on his behalf and drank with him.
What was the reason?
There's no reason
when it comes to an affair.
That's why it's an affair.
Not that.
Oh, right.
Why did he back out from the fair?
what I'm going to find out now.
Did you look into CEO Shin?
You know CEO Shin?
You told me about him.
You said he made things
difficult for the company.
I must have told you all kinds of things.
The driver is almost here, so wait up.
I'll give you a ride.
No, it's fine.
It's a short walk home from here.
You'll cross the river on foot
this late at night?
You'll freeze to death…
Where do you live now?
The place I used to live in
before I went to the States.
Who is it?
Ms. Sim Woojoo?
Apartment 2702!
Get up! There's been a complaint.
Apartment 2702!
Do you know the man in 2701?
You do. You know him.
I haven't asked you this once
all this time.
But why did you come back?
Why did you suddenly come back?
Don't answer me.
And I'll pretend
I don't know you live here.
Whatever it is,
you two need to sort it out.
I'm sorry.
Hey, I was just about to call you,
and here you are, right on time.
Did you drink?
I drank something expensive,
but sadly, I'm all sober now.
You didn't drive, did you?
Come on.
What kind of a man do you think I am?
The driver is still in the car.
Why are you here?
I just felt like it.
Do you have some beer at home?
Have the driver park your car.
I don't want you driving right now.
So much nagging. I get it.
-Good morning, everyone…
-What is that plan?
How are you going to ruin Best Fairs?
You can tell me, can't you?
Aren't we on the same team?
This is a big secret though.
They seem to be happy thinking
that once the camping fair goes well,
things will get back to normal.
But they won't even
get to have the fair at all.
CEO Shin and I are
recruiting the clients separately.
If a fair that costs the company
its every penny gets ruined,
that will be its end for it all.
This is all because they worked
for the wrong boss.
Mr. Han didn't come in today.
He didn't come to work?
That's odd. He left the house a while ago.
He told us he's meeting
with Director Kim.
He didn't tell me, but Ms. Baek…
This fool never listens to me. Darn it.
We don't need tea. He'll be leaving soon.
You didn't get word from CEO Choi?
I told him I can't sign that contract.
You and I go way back, so I tried my best.
But you don't do business
out of friendship.
Director Kim.
You don't have to sign our contract.
I've taken enough
sucker punches like this.
But if I beg you right now,
I think I would really hate myself.
I'm sorry.
You should have apologized sooner.
Then I'd have believed you.
I was worried.
I thought about dying every day.
Each time, I drank.
And I thought I'd just die.
But if I had actually died,
I was afraid that
people would gossip about why I died.
So I wished for the very ground
I was standing on to just cave in.
When the girlfriend I had been seeing
for a long time left me,
that's all I could think about.
Don't drink too much
and take good care of yourself.
The number you have dialed is
unavailable at present. Please try again--
This is the next step
in Shinwoo Fair's plan.
I had reason to be discreet
in recruiting companies for the fair,
but now it's time to be open about it.
And I've already signed
the contract with Jet Camping.
You know that the company is
a major player in this business, right?
I'm not trying to rush you,
but when would you be able
to deposit the investment funds?
Come with me.
To think this would happen today.
You can't show up
in front of me like this.
Even if you run into me on the street,
you should be running the other way.
That's the least bit of respect
you could show me.
The least bit of darn respect.
If you get it, then go.
I moved back to where I used to live.
I felt I had to tell you.
I'll avoid you.
I haven't been seen by you until now,
but today, I was just in a hurry…
I guess people really don't change.
That's so like you.
Sir, leave it. I'll clean it up.
I'm sorry.
Please answer.
Dongjin! Where are you?
When did you find out?
When did you…
find out where Minyoung lives?
-Where are you? I'll come to you.
-You damn bastard.
When I keep quiet about something,
it's for a reason.
You just have to make me say these things.
A wedding invitation.
From the girl I dated
for seven years.
From the girl that
I had in my arms just the day before.
I received a wedding invitation
from a girl like that.
Who would I tell this to?
No one would ever forget that.
I'm sorry.
My life is…
really pathetic.
Are you crazy?
You scared me!
Are you completely out of your mind--
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