Call Me Dad (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

-What's that?
-A panda.
-I see that. Where did you get it?
-In Nepal.
Nepal? What? Okay!
-Help me with my back. I can't
I can't reach.
You look burnt.
-No. I can see that.
-It's not that bad.
-Tell me if this hurts.
-Sure. Ouch.
-It was a joke.
That looks cosy.
-What are you doing here?
-I called you 10, 15 times.
But I see you're busy. I'm Viktor.
-Hi, Siv.
-I run the company with Emil.
-Emil has talked about you a lot.
-What's up?
-I got us a solicitor
In half an hour.
Weren't we going with
the trade union?
I've found a good one.
And very busy. So can we.?
Shouldn't we talk
about these things?
We did. You were supposed to talk
to Carla, but you didn't, did you?
-Will I see you tomorrow?
Sure, of course.
-See you.
I'm coming.
Emil, there's something
I need to say.
Your mum and I
are moving in together.
-This afternoon.
-Don't do that. Please stop.
-Sure. It's just
-Are you wearing glasses?
Yes. Appearances, right?
-Hello, guys.
-Gerd Jensen.
-Hello, Emil Bøgh.
-Viktor. Hi, Gerd.
-Welcome. Have a seat.
Thank you so much for
seeing us. We're chuffed.
Right. I skimmed the papers.
I've never had a case like it
Before you go on
Sorry to interrupt.
Perhaps we could begin
by establishing
how we all want to be addressed.
I can begin. My name's Emil Bøgh.
I identify as a male.
How interesting.
Emil, we're paying 4,500
an hour for this.
So let's just get on with it.
-Shall we continue?
-Yes. Shall we continue?
So you live with the accuser?
-We know that's stupid.
-No, in this case it's a good thing.
-It's a good thing?
If Carla felt wronged
by your company,
then why does
she still live with you?
That's a really good argument.
Okay. That's great. Really great.
-When you say "argument"
I was thinking
we could skip that part.
We could just talk to Carla,
pay her a bit of money
-And then No.
I'm not paying Carla a dime.
Just to put things straight.
I understand.
And I hear what you're saying.
But you risk losing your company
if you accept the blame.
-Aren't we talking 20,000-30,000?
-No. That's just a starting point.
Now you need to look sharp.
I have a question for you.
You're not personally liable
for the company, right?
-Yes, we are.
We had to in order to borrow money.
-Goddammit! What are you thinking?
-That's right.
You'll both be liable
for the compensation.
-It can be a six-digit amount.
-No, no.
-Six digits?
-That's on the high side.
-Worst case.
-Stop that.
-So what do we do?
-That's up to you.
No pressure. I'm just saying
you have a good case.
-Instead of settling out of court.
-So what do we do?
-You want to
-Go for her throat.
-Go for her throat.
-Yes. Enjoy your coffee.
-Thank you, Gerd.
-We'll talk soon. Call me.
-I think using Gerd is a bad idea.
It's an unnecessary escalation
of the whole situation.
Let me tell you what will happen
at the meeting with her union.
Carla will bawl her eyes out
while she tells them
how we destroyed her life.
She'll win, and we'll
look like giant arseholes.
And I don't want that
because it's not fair.
And we'll lose the company.
We'll go bust.
I understand that.
But if I talked to Carla
You can't talk to Carla!
She's beyond the reach
of rational argument!
You're asking too much
of the Universe.
-Let's use Gerd.
-Let's do that.
-That's a good decision.
I have to collect a moving van.
I'm collecting a moving van.
Did you forget?
No, not at all.
-You're so perfect and gorgeous!
-I agree.
-You are
-No, I'm not.
-Hi, sweetie.
Look at this.
It's just so dramatic.
Just put it there.
There's something
I have to tell you.
About the meeting tomorrow.
-No shop talk at home.
-No, sorry.
I know.
But I think you want to know
You don't understand.
I really need to unwind.
I'm so stressed out
about the meeting tomorrow.
-Did you try Bunny?
-Yes, but it didn't work.
I'm sorry.
-We spoke to someone called Gerd
-Stop it. Geez!
She's visibly moved.
What are we having for dinner?
I'm helping Viktor move.
There's lasagne in the freezer.
Heat it up for 40 minutes
at 200 degrees.
-Haven't you started yet?
I was waiting for you.
It's nicer with numbers.
We need to get started.
I'm paying by the hour.
Park the bike and take a box.
I'll be right there.
You take that.
Let me take that.
-Where's this going?
-Your old room.
-Will it fit?
-Sweetie? Pizza for the movers!
-You were drunk as a skunk, Emil.
-No, I wasn't.
-You were turbo-vomiting.
-Turbo-vomiting? Give me a break!
-You did so. You were so drunk.
-You did.
It was ugly, but funny.
-It was your graduation party.
-You were meant to be drunk.
-I don't remember it like that.
-But we do.
We sat in the kitchen,
talking all night.
That night, I realised you were more
than just Emil's mum.
Nothing happened. We only talked.
-Nothing happened.
-Anyone want a beer?
-A beer?
No thanks,
I have everything I need right here.
-Am I being over the top?
It's lovely.
-Knock, knock!
-Hi, Erik!
-Hi, Erik.
-This looks cosy.
Pizza and everything
I just wanted to apologise
for the scene in the park.
I was caught off guard
about you having a boyfriend.
-So I wanted
-I wanted to give you this.
-Thanks, Erik.
-It's French.
-That's a really good wine.
-It wasn't cheap, I tell you.
As I say,
nothing is too good for Helle.
-That's very true.
-Hi, Erik!
-Hi, lad.
Well, that's the end of that then.
In the jungle.
What do you mean? The jungle?
I see you're moving back in.
-No, that's not me.
-No, I'm moving in.
-Yes, Viktor is my boyfriend.
I nearly fell for that.
It's actually true.
Helle and I are in a relationship.
But you can't be. He's
They used to play together.
He's the same age as your son.
-But You're sick!
-Erik, I want you to leave.
-You're sick!
-You need to leave now.
-Please leave.
-What about the patio?
-You owe me for the boards.
-Erik, please leave.
-Give me that bottle!
-You want it?
-You can bloody believe it!
-Bye, Erik.
It's bloody disgusting!
It's profoundly depraved!
Bye, bye, Erik. What an idiot.
I almost feel sorry for him.
Two years ago, we'd called
him boomer. A giant boomer.
Now he's just a dick.
Siv, where are you?
Siv Hello.
Siv Ah!
-Who's Siv?
-Sorry, sweetie.
Sorry, sweetie. I had a bad dream.
Bloody hell!
Thank you so much for seeing me
at such short notice.
Please don't talk
until I've finished.
Damn. Hold this for a second.
-Are you okay?
-I just need to
Yes. Thank you. That's fine.
-It was quite sudden.
-What was?
You didn't suffer
a blow to the head?
No, no. I woke up in my bed,
and there was blood everywhere.
Doctor Kjærgaard, are you okay?
Do you want to lie down?
There you go.
It feels like an outpouching.
Left ear.
Can you feel it? It's all swollen.
I'm no expert, so I don't know if
I have an irregular pulse.
If I pass out, please promise me you
won't call the emergency services.
Call professor Jørgen Schmidt at the
University Hospital of Copenhagen.
-His number is in the desk drawer.
Hey, take it easy. I'm right here.
Breathe in through the nose
and out through the mouth.
-Great. Well done.
Excuse me, can we get
some help in here? Take it easy.
-Don't worry, it'll be fine.
-Hi, Carla.
-Hi, sweetie.
Who's that?
-It's someone named Gerd.
-Our solicitor.
-Did you bring a solicitor?
-I tried to tell you.
But we're not allowed to talk shop
at home. So I couldn't tell you.
-Come on!
-Yes. Sorry.
You go ahead. We'll be right in.
Not bloody Gerd Jensen!
-Yes, that was great.
-Way to go! You were so good!
-Yes, it's great.
-High five. You destroyed her.
-Yes, I did.
-You killed her.
Carla? Sweetie?
-Leave me alone. Don't!
I don't know what to say.
-I'm sorry that
-I'm in shock!
I can't do this!
I'm breaking up with you!
Carla! We'll talk when I get home.
-No, we won't!
-Emil, drop it.
-Emil, she deserved it.
-Come on, boys!
Now we'll go get a beer with Gerd.
-Come on!
-Way to go! This was important. Yes!
-Leave your bikes. We'll get a cab.
-Let's go get a beer.
Carla, I had no idea Gerd
would lash into you like that.
I found it unacceptable.
It was going too far.
Gerd was Viktor's idea, and I told
him I thought it was a bad idea.
Where are you going to go?
-I'll find a bench in the park.
Stop it. Calm down.
Hey, look Look
This is my key to the flat.
I only have this one. Take this.
Take this.
Now you'll live here, all right?
I'll live somewhere else. With Laust
or David, no problem. Right?
-Good to see you.
-You too. What's up?
-I need a big favour.
-What happened?
It's just Carla and me. We
We didn't break up or anything,
but I think we're on a break.
-Who is it, darling?
It's not a very good time, Emil.
Sorry if I was
a bit harsh back at
No, forget that.
I know you're freaking out because
Viktor is fucking your mum.
Do you have a pull-out-sofa?
It's just that Mie is here.
We're having a night in.
-Of course.
-What about Laust?
He's in his summer house.
-Oh yeah, I forgot.
-I see your problem.
-I'll work something out.
Don't worry.
I can't just come barging in on you.
-Thanks, Emil. Cool, mate.
-All good. Take care.
-All right. Sorry.
-Say hi to Mie. Bye, Mie!
-See you.
I'm so glad you're here, Tubby.
-You can stay as long as you like.
-Thanks, mum.
-Viktor? Come here a minute.
-What's up?
-Will you move some of those boxes?
But you said I could use
this as my wine cellar.
You can, but this is a child's room.
It will be.
No, it already is.
It's Tubby's room.
Emil's room.
And there isn't room for him.
-There are boxes everywhere.
-Isn't there room enough, Emil?
-There's room.
-Yes, I think so.
-No, you can't.
-There's plenty of room for him.
-There's enough room.
-There isn't.
Let's move the boxes into the shed.
-There's enough room for him.
We can't move the boxes now.
The sediment will be churned up.
It's not good for the wine.
-I don't care about the sediment.
-I think
-Shut up, darling. Fix it, okay?
-I'll put the kettle on.
-Lovely, sweetie.
Right, well then I'd better
my mum can be a bit
-She doesn't mean anything by it.
-Don't worry, I'll sort it out.
-There's plenty of room, right?
-Yes, no problem.
-You're right about the sediment.
-Yes, that's bad.
-Dinner was amazing.
-I'm glad, mum.
Did you add umami?
Umami? Umami means savoury.
-I know that.
-Hi, are you guys having fun?
-Thanks for a lovely meal, Emil.
-You're welcome. I'm glad.
Did you take a test today?
A test? I thought you had to
take pregnancy tests in the morning.
-But I have a good feeling.
-A good feeling?
I think we're in luck.
I have a really good feeling.
We're constantly shagging.
It's got to happen sooner or later.
I need a word with you. A word!
What the hell are you thinking?
My son is there,
and you barge in
and talk about shagging!
It's incredibly annoying
that you're so insensitive.
-But we shag
-Yes, we're shagging.
It's all about
We're allowed to talk
in our own home.
Stop that right now.
This is my home. My home!
Can't we talk about shagging?
-Not right in his face!
-But we want children!
Hi, Siv. This is Emil. Hi.
Oh, I see. I'm sorry.
So he quit?
Do you guys need help?
Sure, I'd be happy to.
Great. Then I'll see you in a bit.
-Stop it right now!
-Shut your gob now! Man-child!
Come on, Helle!
320 up, please!
-40 up.
Sauce, mussels, yes
-This looks good. You're busy.
-Thanks for coming. My saviour!
-Do you need help?
-Yes, please.
It looks that way.
There you go. You need to
plate up these four dishes.
-I've done one already.
-Who are you?
Hi. Emil.
Siv asked me to help out tonight.
-He's our lucky charm.
-I promise to behave.
-Thank you.
Where's the waiter? Hello?
-Are you okay, Emil?
-Let me know if you need anything.
Wow, that was really beautiful.
You're really good.
-Where did you learn that?
I lived there for eight months.
-I think that was my awakening.
-Wow. Is that today's lifesaver?
-Hi, Torben.
-Hi, I'm Torben.
-Hi, I'm Emil.
I own this restaurant.
-So I heard. It's an amazing place.
-Thank you.
Listen, Emil How much
do I owe you for tonight?
-No, nothing.
Yes, it was a huge pleasure.
I have to give you something.
You could give him a job.
From what I've seen tonight,
Emil is an amazing chef.
And he will fit right into the team.
Ivan loved him,
and Ivan hates everybody.
-You know that.
-Yes, he's pretty crazy.
-Is that true?
I have an idea. My husband and I
are hosting a function next week.
How about you do the cooking?
Sure. For how many people?
Four. Then we can see
if we're the right match.
-Yes, let's do that. I'm up for it.
-Perfect. That's a deal.
-Great, Torben.
-Have a nice evening.
-You too. Bye.
You're welcome.
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