Concordia (2024) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4

We were inside the house. He was
in the backyard in the treehouse.
He fell from the
ladder, hit his head.
He was unconscious and
we didn't hear a thing.
To think how long he'd have been there,
if the cameras hadn't raised an alert.
With my condition any
infection is scary,
but how it works here
is the AI monitors viral
loads in the community.
If the risk is high, I'm notified
and given professional advice.
You see, I had these abdominal
pains. It was stomach cancer.
The AI spotted it. The system is
keeping an eye out for any signs,
even ones that I might not see.
When I came to Concordia,
I was pregnant.
I was immediately provided
with a prenatal scan.
They noticed some abnormalities
which they had prepared for.
It was a level of care that I could
have never imagined or afforded.
We both work. We
don't make a lot.
But here in Concordia, it's more
than enough for us to provide.
There are no private schools.
Everyone gets the same education.
Concordia offered me free day care, so
I could finish school and find work.
If they want to go to university
or pursue a craft or trade,
the town offers to pay the cost.
It doesn't matter
where you live
- how old you are
- where you're from
in Concordia, there is nothing
to keep you from your potential.
I'm not naive, Fatemah.
I've been to your world. I
know how venture capital works.
But we shouldn't
be finding out now.
I put money into a facial
recognition software company.
My ex-husband and I
should have known better
and done more due diligence.
He decided to license the
technologies to entities
I would have never
agreed to work with:
intelligence agencies and
regimes with a poor track record.
I pulled out immediately.
But my name was still
on all the paperwork.
And this was?
25 years ago.
I decided then and there, I would not
pursue this type of money ever again.
And I haven't.
So that's what we say. We'll tell
them exactly what happened and why.
I think we can put all of
this to bed once and for all.
We make everything public.
Show the world we
have nothing to hide.
Every investor, every cent, open books
on our website for the world to see.
Whether they meant to or not, the
Faceless have done us a favour.
Who's there?
Open it.
Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
Concordia's first murder, a data leak
from within the Amin Family Trust
has exposed damaging details
about the source of
Concordia's finances.
The leak has raised questions
about the true intent
concrete data and fast.
For now, analysis
seems satisfied that
Morning. You made it.
You had me drugged.
What the fuck?
Where's Tessa?
She'll be back.
Yeah, but where is she?
Is she supposed to tell
you everywhere she goes?
I need to get a
message to my dad.
Or at least find out how he is.
You have people who
can do that, right?
Their eyes will be on places they
expect us to let our guard down.
- Loved ones, friends
- No, I really need this.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
What am I meant to do
until Tessa gets back?
Just relax.
You're safe now.
How will the investors react?
Honestly, I don't know.
Oliver Miller's murder,
the hack and now this.
It may be that some
investors will withdraw.
Then what?
We will return their
investments in full.
But before we do that, we
are going on the offensive.
Some younger party members are
pressuring for a new referendum.
You have to do what
is best for Kopwitz.
If you need a re-vote, I
won't stand in your way.
We can turn to another city.
Of course, it will delay
Concordia's expansion.
But I also want our
first sister city
to be a willing partner.
Okay. Let's talk again
after the press conference.
Like I said when the police
came in, Oliver was super quiet.
- We kept to our screens.
- No after-work drinks, gatherings?
Some of us would go for drinks
sometimes, but never Oliver.
So he never hung out with
anyone here? During breaks even?
Well, the only person I can
think of is Chester Pappas.
They occasionally
had the same shifts.
I sometimes saw them
on breaks together.
Look, I don't think anyone
here really knew Oliver.
That's the honest
truth. Not even Chester.
- Is Chester working today?
- He didn't come in.
I didn't ask, but I figured
he went to Oliver's funeral.
It's today.
I had no idea this was today.
The family wanted
to keep it private.
Just close friends.
Will you excuse me?
- Chester?
- Yes?
- I know this isn't the best time.
- I told the police everything.
And I'm not accusing
you of anything.
I'm just trying to find
out more about Oliver.
Did you notice anything strange
in the weeks before his death
in his behaviour?
He was trying to get out
there more, you know.
Meet people.
We both were, actually,
but he was more determined.
He really wanted
to be different.
He hated, you know,
being shy or whatever.
He started doing it
for a bit, for a while.
I was a little
jealous, if I'm honest.
He seemed like he had changed.
But then he kind of went back
to the way he was: quiet.
He didn't want to talk.
When was this?
Maybe a month before he died.
Any idea why?
Did he improve?
Kind of. He seemed
jittery for a while.
Just a bit edgy. I thought
he was just being moody.
But then, in the days
before he died, he
He almost seemed relieved.
Thank you.
When you say anyone
can see this list,
where will I find it?
On our website as
of this morning.
I can promise you,
there is not a single cent from any
military or governmental agency.
Not for Concordia here in Sweden
or for the German city of Kopwitz.
- And the ledgers will prove this?
- They will.
I encourage anyone with a
single doubt to take a look.
When Juliane first spoke to me
about her vision of this utopia,
a new kind of city, greener, safer,
more equal and with total privacy,
well, I knew I had
to be a part of it.
20 years on, it's become much
more than we originally imagined.
And the leak itself?
Who was behind that?
A group of anti-establishment
The group, we have
reason to believe,
is guilty of the murder
of Oliver Miller,
a beloved member of the
Concordia community.
Clearly, we cannot bow in
the face of intimidation.
Especially not in
the face of violence.
So, the German
launch is proceeding?
Without any hesitation.
Of course, it will take Kopwitz a
few years to be fully transformed,
but the beginnings of our Concordia
system are already in place.
Regeneration of housing
is ready to start,
as is the reclaiming
of green spaces.
It'll all commence as planned
after the official launch.
To the fears of another China
or North Korea, you say
That we are not creating another
totalitarian surveillance state.
While being realistic
to the modern world,
we are doing everything we can
to prevent that exact scenario.
Thank you to you both.
This was the exclusive interview with
Juliane Ericksen and Fatemah Amin
for EBC News.
For EBC News.
That's it?
Is there any reaction at all?
Online? Anywhere?
They they just
shrugged it off.
Nobody fucking cares.
I gave everything for this.
Where the fuck is Tessa?
What do you expect her to do?
Tessa is out in the field
and that's where she works.
Fortifying our ranks.
What does that mean?
She specialises in recruitment.
She doesn't do what they do.
She isn't behind the screen.
We need her out in the field,
guiding more people
to the cause.
Like she recruited me?
That was a few days ago?
Yes. After crossing into Denmark, we can
assume this is their route into Germany.
Where do you think
they're likely to be?
Likely gone underground
elsewhere in Leipzig.
But I know what you're thinking.
Kopwitz is just a stone's throw away.
- That was Thea's concern.
- You feel confident with our timelines?
I wouldn't say confident. But
things always tend to work out.
We'll let you know if
we pick up more signals
and if the German police
or Interpol come back.
Yeah, I wouldn't hold
my breath for them.
You should have told me when
I first came to you about him.
I can't celebrate now.
I can't do this, Juliane.
I feel like I am drowning
under the weight of it.
Peter, please.
There must be a way to
tell the truth without
- Hi, hi, hi!
- Come on, Talon.
- Oh my God.
- Thank you.
Saw the news. How is it going?
The usual evolving tangle.
- Are you okay?
- The odd palpitation.
- How far is the town?
- Five minutes.
Okay, so I've got about five minutes
to delete all the nudes off my phone.
Don't be crazy. Five
minutes isn't enough time.
Come on, Talon, let's go.
Bring your bag to Mummy's car.
There's a beetle, Daddy.
I saw a bunch of
beetles on my
Come on, Tal.
Come on.
Does this mean you can spy
me even when you're not here?
- That's exactly what it means.
- Really, Mummy?
- Yeah.
- Even if I'm hiding?
Well, maybe if you
hide really well.
Okay, then.
- Sorry to love you and leave you, but
- It's fine. Turn your phone back on.
Come and find me.
Lift off's just around the
corner, then it's just us.
One request.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Do you think we can have a little
time later to reconnect?
The thought of it is what's
getting me through today.
- Really?
- Really.
Bye, Tal. See you later.
After much thought
I feel that we are in
need of some change.
I think it's time for me to
step down from the board.
This is not an easy decision.
But we all know that the future of
Concordia's healthcare lies in the AI.
I'd recommend that A.J. takes my seat
and my role leading the initiative.
The project needs
him more than me.
- Peter, maybe we can find a way to
- My mind's made up.
I'm looking forward to having more time
to spend with my practice actually.
I'm so sorry.
You know
What is it? Are you okay?
I'm fine. But
- But what?
- The Oliver Miller investigation
- We're closing it.
- Closing it?
My superiors are satisfied
with the Faceless theory.
- They're handing the case to Interpol.
- We need more time.
I know
But it's out of my hands now.
We're overstretched and I've
been assigned a new case.
I'm sorry, Isabelle.
Heard about Peter.
Yeah, he'll be missed, given how key
he was in making Concordia happen.
A.J. is more than qualified
to sit on the board.
Mathilde's taking
on his HQ workload.
She was due promotion, so it's
great she'll be getting a chance.
Are you okay?
The Gothenburg police are turning
the case over to Interpol.
But aren't they better
equipped to handle it?
I guess.
It was Oliver Miller's
funeral today.
Sorry, I didn't know.
I can't help but think we
failed Oliver and his mother.
They believed in us, in Concordia.
We should have been there for him.
He didn't want us to find out.
He made sure we didn't know.
Knowing is what we do.
Look, the system is not
perfect. We know that now.
The best way to make it right
for his mother, for everyone
is to make sure that
it never happens again.
- Hi. Sorry, I was
- I know where you were.
So, you're my handler?
Is that what this is?
I didn't hook up with
you because of Oliver.
We met and then I trusted you.
You expressed similar beliefs, so I
told you who I was, what I was part of.
I thought we were
in this together.
- I didn't think you were using me.
- I was not using you.
I'd never use you.
Everything I said was true.
If this never went the way
it did, I would still want
I would still want
to be with you.
How long do we
have to stay here?
I don't know. They're
working on it.
We're in this together, Elodie.
Do you not believe that?
Is he okay running
around like that?
You see anyone else worried?
Well, I don't see any
kids as reckless as Talon.
- Fork meets socket.
- Relax. Trust me.
You're not hungry?
- Just checking.
- I'm snacking loads, promise.
You should be more worried about
the amount of sugar I'm consuming.
Listen, I know you've got a lot on,
but is it okay if I ask you to
to be with me just for a moment?
I'm sorry. My head is just
spinning with everything going on.
I know I've been shit recently.
I'm gonna make it up to you.
Well, actually it's
funny you say that,
because there's something
I want to ask you.
I want us to move to
France, close to my family.
We could use the help and
my parents miss Talon, so
What about Mum?
- Well, they have facilities.
- Facilities?
Yes, I mean like nurses
who can visit at home.
I can't keep up anymore.
We need a professional.
I need to be able to
focus on my work more.
I feel like I'm
always falling behind.
And more importantly, I don't
have a community in London.
I've tried, but
it's hard for me.
And I'm I feel it
now more than ever.
Hey, I'm
I'm not asking you
to give up anything.
I would never do that.
I know how important your work
is to you, but I need more.
Support, community, fulfilment.
I need a proper base to
build from, you know.
I didn't know you were
thinking about this.
I'm sorry I didn't notice.
You don't have to
answer right now.
And I'm open to ideas of
how to make it work, but
things can't stay as they are.
That's all I'm saying.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Mathilde?
- We got an alert for Peter Blom again.
Peter? What is he doing?
I wish I could tell you what
the microphones are picking up,
but it's not making sense.
- Where is he?
- At the memorial.
The memorial? What is he doing?
- He's just pacing.
- Selfish, so selfish.
Peter's data readings: they're
higher than they've been before.
Okay, shit. I'll
I'll go check on him.
- I can get someone else.
- No, no, no, it's fine. Thank you.
- It's Peter.
- I heard. What's going on?
It's a distress alert.
He's at the memorial.
No, no. Stay. Let me.
I was there today. Maybe he'll
open up to me a bit more.
I wasn't sleeping anyway.
Could do with some fresh air.
Besides, you need some rest.
The hours you're putting in.
Actually, we all need
you to rest. Okay?
- Peter.
- What?
I'm surprised it's you.
Well, they called Isabelle.
I said I'd come.
It's a bit worrying
you out here at this time.
Just clearing my head.
I thought you had
running for that.
Yeah. It's not quite
cutting it anymore.
There's nothing
left for me here.
That's not true, Peter.
That is just not true.
Wait. Wait.
All I ever wanted was
to support your mother.
And you have. You always have.
I'm sure stepping
down wasn't easy.
I know how invested
you are in Concordia.
But it was brave of you
to make that decision.
And my mother respects you
for it. Yes, we all do.
- We all respect you for that.
- You do, do you?
I can't look myself
in the mirror anymore.
Because you're being
too hard on yourself.
I could have made it
better for both of us.
It's all good.
It's all good.
But she wouldn't let me.
Let me walk you home. Come on.
For me.
Just consider it a
favour. I'm up anyway.
- What happened to Oliver's files?
- We restricted access to them.
- Why?
- The police investigation is closed.
But not the internal one.
That's not for you to worry
about. HQ will handle that.
- Who signed off on this?
- I did.
Unless Interpol needs
access, the files are sealed.
- Mrs Miller, forgive
- What on earth do you want with me now?
- I'm so sorry.
- Bad enough you were at his service.
Now they're saying you
know who his killers are
and you can't catch them.
I am so sorry we weren't able
to protect you and your son.
But I'm only here to
find out the truth.
And I need your help.
Did you notice anything different
about him, right before it happened?
He did come over more than
usual in the last few weeks.
He didn't say why and
I didn't ask.
I was just glad
that he came over.
Nothing that changed in
his life that you know of?
Nothing I was aware of.
He seemed
He seemed happy.
I guess that's what a
mother wants to see.
He didn't want to talk, so
I left him be. I
didn't want to intrude.
We'd make some dinner
and we'd eat together
and then I'd go into the
den and watch some TV
and he'd play video games
on his old computer.
He used to always tease me
about the TV shows I'd watch,
so it was fine with me that
he'd play games in his old room.
It was
It was just nice
to have him near.
Can I take a look at that
computer in his room?
Mrs Miller?
- Yes?
- Was your son ever a patient of Dr Blom?
Dr Blom?
No. He saw Azeem.
Noah mentored him for a while.
Other than that
just his school counsellor.
That was it.
Sorry to bother you.
I wanted to speak to your
grandfather, Edvin Claesson.
- Sorry, I'm Isabelle
- Larsson.
My grandparents aren't home.
Do you know when
they'll be back?
No, I don't.
I'll leave my number. If your
grandfather could call me
- What happened?
- He swam out, weighed down with rocks.
You came to see me.
What do you want?
I wanted to talk to you
about Oliver Miller.
The boy who was killed.
He was researching what
happened with Jesper and
How Jesper was Peter
Blom's patient before
Just say it. The
school shooting.
Peter wrote to me.
Wanted to meet.
I wasn't sure, but
I agreed to it.
When was this?
We were supposed to meet last
night, but he didn't turn up.
Peter took his own life today.
It was a great burden
for him to carry.
How he failed Jesper
My grandson.
Those memories
come rushing back.
Even after all these years
The past is echoing
very loud tonight.
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