Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e04 Episode Script

Episode 4


In the summer of '16 ♪
- Need a ride?
- Hey.
Hello, you two.
Just a pretty likkle lie ♪
And it hit me
when I saw you ♪
Shoulder to shoulder ♪
Smile with a Brixton shine ♪
But you weren't that kind ♪
When you were mine ♪
JD and Cola ♪
Don't even have to try
but you weren't ♪
Have you got everything?
- Yeah.
- Okay. Good.
This was all, you know, a farm.
And here's the old farmhouse.
The kitchen and living room
is down there.
But, you know,
we mostly eat outside.
Wow. It's beautiful.
This isn't real.
I know.
- Shall I show you your rooms?
- Yep.
We're kinda spread out
all over the place.
Everyone should be back soon
and, uh, we'll have lunch.
Sounds good.
Frances, this is you.
The bathroom's
just through there.
Yeah, come out
when you're settled.
This is amazing.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
So cool.
- Don't worry, Bobbi.
- Your room is just as gorgeous.
I treat all my children equally.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I did not check the packet.
- What does it say?
- Yeah, six minutes.
Are you sure
you should be the one making it?
Yes, I'm sure. I'm confident.
- I've done this before.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Have we?
- Yeah, we just realized with Bobbi.
Melissa's birthday.
- Yes.
- Evelyn. This is Derek.
Hi. Again.
- I'm Frances.
- Welcome.
Thank you.
Frances, I hope you're hungry.
What are you reading?
- Oh. Um
- Oh, fun holiday read.
Yeah, well,
I haven't got there yet,
but I've heard.
Hey, Frances.
Were you always
this skinny, Nick?
- And how are you, Bobbi?
- I'm good.
How was your shoot?
Honestly, not great.
- Oh?
- Why?
- Oh, it's just long hours.
- Not much fun.
Wait, so how do you guys
all know each other?
Nick and I go way back.
Did a very serious play
We were serious,
the production was a joke.
Ev kind of adopted me
when I moved over.
- Aw.
- Well, I didn't know anybody.
Did no one
offer you wine, Frances?
- Sorry, yeah.
- Thank you.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Your pot's boiling.
- How embarrassing.

Do you ever get tired of it?
So how bad's this crush?
On a scale of one to
how you felt about me in school.
So one being
a really big crush?
What about you and Melissa?
What about us?
You kissed her.
Think it could happen again?
Who knows?
But no.

It's the way they, like,
crouch on the ground
- and lean on the table.
- Oh, God.
And then
rattle off the specials.
Say when.
Oh, look, look, here's one.
Here's one now where
he doesn't look like salad.
Oh, he looks cute.
He takes after his father.
What age is he?
Uh, 17.
He's your son. Yes.
Eighteen in March.
- Oh, he's brilliant.
- He's very funny and he's kind.
If only they could be
born that way.
All self-possessed
and lovely and 18.
- Tricky labor, though.
- Oh!
Oh, I'd say sore, yeah.
Oh. Ow.
Good morning!
- Morning.
- Hey.
- You ready?
- Hmm.
- Sit.
- Two more minutes.
What are you guys up to today?
Uh, I actually have to do
some work unfortunately.
Have you seen my shades?
- On your head.
- Oh, okay.
- See you later.
- Yeah, have fun.
Bye. We will.
- Sure.
- Yes.
Do you guys wanna
do something today?
Take a drive,
see some of the island?
- Yeah, let's do that.
- Great.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
I'm expecting some savage
commentary on everyone soon.
I'll work on it.
You know,
your whole silent thing
makes everyone think you're
enigmatic and interesting.
Exactly that.
You're thinking things
and not saying them.
It's suspicious.

Hey, guys.
Can I ask what
you guys are digging?

Come on, let's get a picture.
Come on!

Okay. Okay.

So beautiful.
- You gonna get one?
- Yeah.

- I'll grab it.
- Oh. Thanks.

Yep. Alright.

There she goes.
Is it very awkward
that I'm on your holiday?
It's good to see you.
Is it awkward for you?
Bobbi doesn't know?
I'm sorry, by the way.
For what?
For hurting my feelings?
Sure. If you have any.
Hurting your feelings and
the way that I handled things.
It's really good to see you.
I mean that.
That was incredible.

Did you ever want me? ♪
No worries if not ♪
It's just that I,
I told my mom ♪
She thinks
we're still going strong ♪
She knows that I,
I stay fond of you ♪
That she can't ignore ♪
How every day she knocks ♪
But I don't answer my door ♪
Every time I look
outside my house ♪
I try to make
myself believe ♪
Sorry. I just wanted
to get a glass of water.
So you're a midnight cleaner?
My room gets very warm.
Couldn't sleep.
Me neither.
Is Melissa awake?
Um, I don't know. Um
She's in a different room.
Oh, I see. Yeah.
Okay. Um
Good night.

- I'll just be back.
- Okay.
- Dad? Is everything okay?
- Frances?
Can you hear me?
Hello? Can you hear me?-FRANCES: Yeah.
Dad, I can hear you,
you don't need to shout.
The line
is doing something funny.
You know I'm away, right?
- I'm away.
- Oh, right.
Where are you? -Croatia.
What are you
doing out there, then?
I'm on a holiday.
Good. Good for you.
Do you remember,
do you remember
when we used to get in the car
and go to France?-FRANCES: Yeah.
Yeah, Dad, this isn't really
the best time to chat.
Um, was there something
that you wanted?
I-I didn't get to sort
that roommate thing, yet, so
No hassle.
I've been talking is all.
- Okay. Thanks.
- Enjoy yourself.
You okay?
Yeah. I just needed a minute.
Um, my dad called earlier.
Yeah, um, he was drunk.
He's actually drunk every time
he calls me these days.
- He's an alcoholic.
- Right.
Um, I mean, I don't really
talk to him that much.
I'm not a very good daughter,
but, um
he gives me money
for college, so
That's bad.
Isn't it?
Is it?
It just makes me feel complicit
or something.
In what way?
I just wish I could
figure things out on my own
so that he wouldn't have
this sort of weird hold on me.
But I
I don't even know
how to do that, so.
I guess for now it's the one
fatherly thing
that he's trying to do.
Sometimes people
just like to feel needed.
I know I sound horrible.
You don't.
Sometimes I don't even know
if I love him, though.
Like, I
I know that sounds unnatural
and he's my father, but, um
It just feels really stupid
to have to love someone
unconditionally sometimes.
Like, maybe
there has to be conditions.
Would you draw up a contract?
That'll probably help.
There would be a lot of clauses.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I think I'm gonna go for a hike
tomorrow if you wanna come.
It would be cool to do
something, just the two of us.
Sounds good.
Are you having fun?
Are you sure?
Yeah. Yeah. Are you?
Yeah. Good.
Okay, good night.
- You coming, Nick?
- Nah,
I think I'm gonna
just hang here, actually.
- See you later then.
- Bye.
- Anyway, I'm gonna go.
- I'd like to hear about it.
Hear about what?
Our time.
I found a really nice trail
if you wanna head in a while.
Uh, would you mind
if I stayed here?
I wanted
to write for a bit, so.
I thought we were gonna do
something by ourselves today.
I know. Is it a big deal?
No. I'll leave you to it.

- Hey, Frances.
- Hi.
You didn't wanna
go with Bobbi today?
Um, I thought
I'd try and write for a bit.
Yeah. How's it going?
Uh, not great.
Don't put too much pressure
on yourself, yeah?
If it's not coming, then
leave it for a bit.
- Are you glad you came, Frances?
- Yeah.
Uh, thanks again.
Yeah, it's, uh, it's good
for us to have company.
I love it when the house
is full, it's, uh
And Nick does too.
He was pretty wrecked
when he got here,
and he's perked up a bit, so.
It's good. It's good to see.
See you later anyway.
Hey. How was it?
Yeah, it was good.
- Any luck with the writing?
- Not really.
I should have just
gone with you.
Yeah, you should have.
That sounds okay, does it?
You wanna give it a go?
- You good? Alright.
- Yeah.

Long afloat on ♪
Shipless oceans ♪
I did all my best to smile ♪
Till your singing eyes
and fingers ♪
Drew me loving to your isle ♪
And you sang ♪
Sail to me ♪
Sail to me,
let me enfold you ♪
Here I am ♪
Waiting to hold you ♪

Yes. Okay.
- It is my turn.
- It's your turn.
Uh, two.
- Lucky card.
- Um
- Fuck you.
- Yes.
Okay. I'm going to
Uh, my husband to have a drink.
No, you have to take the little
man off every time you drink.
- Fucking little man.
- I don't get the little man.
Oh, okay, okay.
You take, uh,
you take little man off
- Now you drink.
- Sound effects.
And then you put it back.
- Good job, Nick.
- Nah, no names!
Oh, drink. Drink now.
- No names!
- Drink.
Drink, drink, drink.
Okay, um, little man off.
- Mm-hmm.
- Right.
Well, see? Your wife gets it.
Okay, every time
someone forgets the little man,
they have to
kiss the person on their left.
Don't forget on purpose, Nick.
Oh, name, name, name!
- Fine, fine, fine.
- Yeah, thank you.
I almost got a finger.
But I didn't point.
I used my elbow.
I took my hand
off my shoulder momentar
Thought you
wanted nothing to do with me.
I thought the same about you.
I mean, even before
I wasn't sure
if it was what you wanted.
You don't always
seem that enthusiastic.
If there's things that
I'm doing wrong, then just
You're not doing
anything wrong.
It's me.
I'm just awkward.
Okay, well, me too.
I want you so much.

When I wake up
I can't even stay up ♪
I slept through the day,
fuck ♪
I'm not getting younger ♪
But when I'm older ♪
I'll be so much stronger ♪
I'll stay up for longer ♪
Meet me at our spot ♪
- Caught a vibe ♪
- Woo-hoo ♪
Baby, are you
coming for the ride? ♪
I just wanna
look into your eyes ♪
I just wanna stay
for the night, night, night ♪
When we take a drive ♪
Maybe we can hit the 405 ♪
Hypnotized by the lights ♪
Man, this must be the life ♪
When I go to sleep ♪
I can't even fall asleep ♪
got a hold of me ♪
Feel it taking over me ♪
But when I'm older,
I'll be moving onward ♪
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