Cooked With Cannabis (2020) s01e04 Episode Script

Futurist Food

If you're anything like me,
then you've sat around
and you've thought about the future.
Will cars fly?
Are robots gonna have feelings?
Is Leather gonna jump Apple
as the number one gender-fluid name
in the country?
However, we're going to find out
because our theme is "future in food."
Welcome to Cooked with Cannabis.
Tonight we visit the future
with former dunk champ Nate Robinson,
comedian Megan Gailey,
- comedian Clayton English
- Good to see you.
and NBA legend John Salley
- Damn you.
- Fantastic.
who will enjoy the infused meals
and give us their thoughts on the chefs.
Hey! What's up?
How are you? Nice to see you.
- Brooke. Pleasure.
- Nice to meet you. Chris.
Hey. Heather.
- Nice to meet you guys.
- We all know we're chefs,
so that's taken care of.
Wait, really?
My name's Chris Yang, and I'm the chef
and owner of Pop Cultivate.
Pop Cultivate
is a cannabis fine-dining experience.
We do supper club events, private events.
A ways back, I was an organic chemist
on a fast track to medical school.
Took a couple detours,
and then one day, woke up,
decided that food was my calling.
Three years later,
I've done 120 cannabis dinners,
anywhere from three course
all the way up to ten courses.
Sweatin' bullets.
I've always been intrigued by
the chemical composition of cannabis,
and how high you get for a time duration,
and playing with all these variables
that no one really has played with.
There's more to cannabis than smoking it
or eating it out of a brownie.
Yeah, this kind of a project
is like a dream come true for me.
I noticed your bag, a knife kit,
was a coffin.
What was that?
I figured if I have the option
to put my knives in a coffin,
why wouldn't I?
My name's Heather Feher, and I developed
extreme appreciation for cannabis
once I learned to work with it.
Before I moved to California,
I had never had any involvement
with cannabis in my life.
I was actually very like,
against all sorts of intoxicants,
and always saw it as like, a stoner drug.
Then I started working
for this cannabis company,
revamping their edibles
to make them a little more elevated.
So I needed to learn about cannabis.
So I'd go home and I'd smoke,
or I'd eat an edible,
and that actually turned into unlocking
a decade's worth of depression, anxiety
I'm gonna get a bit weird.
The effect was so profound in me
that now I'm a huge advocate for it.
I've been going for like,
a decade and a half now with cannabis.
Before it was cool, huh?
Yeah, before the first iPhone
is what I tell people.
And it's like, really funny
when I think about it.
Hi. I'm Brooke Egger
from Coachella Valley,
and I have done everything
in this industry.
I have been a grower,
edible maker, store owner,
delivery driver
When I was 21 years old,
I couldn't find a job.
One of my buddies always had
the best weed and the best wine.
He was like, "I got a job for you.
Come in farm clothes tomorrow,"
and I had no idea that he was a grower
and so he was like,
"Why don't you start making edibles?"
Then it just evolved.
Ooh, shite!
I want to show people the science side
of it, the medicinal side of it.
I think that will help people understand
that this is something
they should maybe
not turn their nose up at.
Welcome to Cooked with Cannabis.
- This is our "future food" episode.
- Nice.
- Nice, yeah.
- What?
In the future, we thought
there would be moving walkways,
which there are.
Self-driving cars, there are.
What we want to know is what does
the future of food look like with weed?
We want to see the science of food.
We can't wait to see
what the future looks like.
- So, let's get cooked.
- Let's get cooked.
They said "futuristic"?
- Futuristic.
- Yeah, future food.
I'm gonna think about futuristic foods.
This shit's about to be weird.
But good.
I don't think they know
quite what they're in for yet.
No, we I don't really know
what we're in for
if I'm being honest.
For my theme today,
I'm gonna go a little bit dystopian,
and a little more
on the science fiction-y side.
I think there's nothing quite
as futuristic as meat grown in a lab.
So that's one thing that,
as a child, I read about
in various sci-fi books
and kind of never really thought
we'd actually get to that point.
And now here we are.
Climate change is gonna have
a big effect on our future food supplies.
We're gonna have to get extremely creative
with the foods we actually do consume
in the future.
This is literally meat grown in a lab.
For my first course, I'm gonna do it raw
like a classic beef tartare
with dandelion pesto and crackers
made with mealworms and grasshoppers.
And see if the judges
can tell the difference.
For my first course,
I'm making a salmon ceviche.
It's deconstructed.
I'm taking apart
all the different ingredients
that I want in it
and put it into different forms.
So, we have a salmon ceviche
and pickled jalapenos
and I'm using gellan
to form like a cool Jell-O
with some Tobiko fish eggs,
as well as like, an avocado yuzu foam.
I guess the real specialty
is challenging existing dishes,
like a spaghetti bolognese.
What if you deconstruct it?
What if you change the form of it?
What if it becomes a cube
instead of a sauce?
So the future is always about challenging
what people understand about things.
It should be kind of nice.
Seven quarter cups would be how much?
It would almost be two cups, right?
When I was 21 years old,
my parents had taken me
to a three-star Michelin place
and I was just blown away.
I looked at them and said,
"I want to be a chef."
They literally dropped their flatware
and started laughing.
"You can't even open a bag of Top Ramen.
There's no way."
I'm doing a take
on the traditional caprese with tomatoes,
And I purify them with fresh herbs
done with whipped mozzarella
and some cannabis juice caviar pearls
and blistered baby tomatoes.
Years ago, you'd think future food
and all you'd think
is molecular gastronomy.
Whereas now,
future of food can be anything
from what it's doing for the future
like helping save our world,
i.e., bugs as opposed to animal proteins.
I love being surprised.
So I'm super excited to see
what is actually coming.
First we have to go back to yesterday,
when our chefs spent time in the lab
creating their infusions
for today's competition.
Heather picked Dream Queen,
a strain with sweet berry notes,
and infused the weed into coconut oil.
Chris, ever the technician,
infused truffle oil with distillate.
Distillate, remember, is a concentrated
solvent that's almost 100% THC.
And Brooke macerated it
in vacuum-sealed fruit
with CBD honey
and the mango-scented terpenes
or essential oils
from the Mango Kush strain,
giving the fruit a kind of sweetness
and a tropical punch.
I can't wait to see what the future holds
for our taste buds.
And I think that Heather might be
our dark horse here,
because she is legitimately peculiar.
- Which I like.
- She's not putting it on.
- No, I love that.
- Me too.
I'm just making
some grasshopper mealworm crackers.
I spent a lot of time in Mexico
and the first time I was so grossed out
by the idea of eating bugs.
And then I actually tried them
in a guacamole, and I was like,
"That's pretty rad."
I put a little coconut oil,
infused with Blue Dream, as an oil base.
It's a really heady, euphoric sativa.
It's my favorite kind of strain.
I figured we'd start out with that one
because it just kind of makes everything
a little more fun.
I think that's a good way to start out.
I'm just infusing the mozzarella cheese
with a little THC oil.
And then the balsamic will be sauteed
with Purple Punch.
Doing some cannabis juice pearls.
So, you juice the flower
and then you put a little agar-agar on it.
It's called spherification,
and you put it in this little doodad.
It's pretty darn cool.
So I'm making
a couple of different infusions right now,
one of which is a cilantro oil.
So what I just did is blanch the cilantro.
Um, it's gonna go into a grapeseed oil
just to dilute it and get it thinned out
with a bit of THC distillate.
- Five minutes left
- No, less.
It's like four-twenty. Ha-ha!
That was good. I was waiting for that.
Here goes nothing.
Put that anywhere.
Yeah, I'm making seafood gellan Jell-O.
Got to get around to moving faster
'cause it's starting to stiffen up
before I was able to form and shape it.
Drop it back in and remelt it.
Try one more time.
I am pretty competitive. I like to win.
If things aren't working in my favor,
I figure out new strategies
to make it work in my favor.
Less than two minutes.
Two minutes.
I'm just excited
that I have an opportunity
to have an audience for this kind of food
because this is the weird shit
that's in my brain all the time.
Ten seconds.
- Ten!
- Oh, no.
- eight, seven
- We're under the gun.
six, five,
three, two,
Time's up!
What've we got here?
So today we have a salmon ceviche
with an avocado yuzu
Super Lemon Haze foam,
a cucumber salad,
and what you see on top,
that clear Jell-O thing,
is flavor of the sea
in a little clear Jell-O bi-egg
with the infused THC cilantro oil.
This is three milligrams.
The infusion is a topical thing,
and if I wanted,
- I could have this dish without THC.
- Absolutely.
That's kind of how I always feel
infused food should be.
But I'm ready for THC,
and there's a little bit in here,
and I appreciate that very much.
So, to me,
the future is representing foods
in different ways.
Yuzu avocado is a traditional staple
in a lot of ceviches,
but putting it into a foam form
can change
your whole overall mouthfeel experience.
That's good. Nice plate.
- That's great.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Absolutely.
This jelly thing is weird.
I can tell you gotta be high
to come up with this.
I'm gonna take a solid,
turn it into a liquid. Okay.
- Walk us through this.
- Talk to us.
I took Marzano tomatoes,
some basil and some spices
and crispy garlic with tomato aspic.
Then I did the pearls
with agar-agar as well.
This is the future
because you can take ugly food
and repurpose it.
And the future isn't perfect.
We don't have that capability anymore.
We have too many people,
and too many things to take care of.
What's your infusion on this one?
The infusion is there's terpes
in the mozzarella.
There is also the Purple Punch-infused
balsamic reduction.
There's a little bit of THC
from the olive oil,
one milligram,
and about ten milligrams CBD.
I love the recombination of the caprese.
I like the signifier of the pot leaf.
One of the things we talk about is
we got to know that something's going on
- so we're not just shoveling.
- Absolutely.
Very similar to
- Okay.
- gallstones.
It's tomato aspic, which is
what my grandma used to eat
when she couldn't find her teeth.
- Oh, my God.
- Yeah, okay.
There's nothing more futuristic
than lab-grown meat.
Oh, my Yes.
So we have a vegan, beefless beef tartare.
- Yeah, aha.
- It's the impossible burger.
This is a dandelion emulsion.
And then the crackers are made
with mealworms and grasshoppers.
And then the egg is poached
in 25 milligrams CBD chili oil as well.
And then the THC is two milligrams
in the crackers.
Were you using the bugs as a parlor trick?
No, I honestly believe
that is the future of food.
I think that we're going to be scarce
in what we have as options for food
in the coming future.
- I'm scared a little bit of this story.
- It's very apocalyptic chefery.
It's very like, doomsday cooking.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
So hold on, there's like,
bugs inside the crackers?
There's crickets in these?
In the crackers?
- No.
- They expect me to eat that, for real?
- You have a full spine in your cracker.
- That's crazy.
I need more crackers.
We're gonna sit down
and have a discussion,
- while you guys can get cooking.
- Now!
- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
First dish, future food.
I'm a little rocked.
I'm a little discombobulated.
I'm shocked to say,
but Heather's substitute meat tartare
tasted good.
I was not expecting that, especially,
as you know, I'm a real meat advocate.
I completely agree.
But Chris had the smartest application
of cannabis,
with his careful and precise cilantro oil.
That was a crafty infusion.
Brooke really has her work
cut out for her.
- Best buds.
- Yes.
Are you guys excited for the entree?
Are you ready?
Do you know if there's any more bugs?
- Probably, but not called out.
- We don't know yet.
Keep it to yourselves
when you talk about bugs.
- Don't tell Nate.
- No more bugs.
Heather, how was that first round for you?
You happy with it?
Yeah, I am actually.
I am a competitive person
in that I like to win,
but I like to win if it's fair.
If somebody beats me fair and square,
I'm not gonna be upset about it
because they deserve it.
But if I deserve it and I don't get it,
then I get a little upset.
For this main course, I'm going to do
a Blade Runner inspired noodle dish.
But a futuristic noodle dish
where the noodles are made out of yams.
And then I'm gonna do
compressed vegan scallops
made of king oyster mushrooms.
Maybe some eggplant. We'll see.
I think that as a society we're realizing
that we don't want chemicals in our food.
I think we're realizing that we don't want
everything to be processed
and preserved and altered.
I think the majority of my dosage
is gonna be in this course
because I think the main course
is the heavy hitters.
You kinda ease into it with the appetizer.
Then you hit 'em hard
with the main course,
and then ease off in the dessert.
Main course, I have a black rice garden
with some roasted veg,
a sous vide truffle egg yolk
and a hickory-smoked rib eye.
Gonna be kind of cool
with some infused truffle oil to finish.
I think the biggest mistake
in making molecular gastronomy food
is when you overreach
and then people stop relating to the food
because it's just so far beyond
what food is.
So my main course
is something a little bit more relatable:
rice, vegetables.
It looks very different,
but at the end of the day it's still food.
My first round there was a couple things
that didn't go the way I wanted.
I don't think it was the biggest hit
because it's tomato aspic.
You either love it or hate it.
For my second course,
I'm doing quail with molecular saffron
see-through pasta, done with gellan.
It's gonna be like
a play on Italian rabbit pasta.
I believe that quails and rabbits
are just literally the meat of the future.
I like that Purple Punch there.
Sour Diesel's always kickin'.
The inmates are running the asylum.
You're really using this stuff right here.
Yes, this is actual food.
It's lit.
Oh! It fell.
It fell.
- It fell in your pocket.
- It fell in my pocket. What am I gonna do?
Whoa! Jesus!
We've definitely got fire.
We've got fire.
I'm infusing this course
by searing the scallops
in the infused THC butter that I made.
It's about two milligrams per plate.
Oh, like a fucking rock star.
Oh! Don't do that.
I'm infusing THC oil into the cheese foam
that goes onto the dish,
and some kumquat slices
that I infused in CBD honey.
They love CBD.
So I'd like to really show people
the science side of it,
the medicinal side of it.
I think that will help people understand,
this is a real deal
and this is going to keep going.
Left it on high heat.
Obviously, molecular gastronomy
and science come hand-in-hand.
So it's really fun to be able to utilize
a lot of techniques
and things I've practiced
in an organic chemistry lab setting.
So this one's gonna be infused
with the truffle oil that I made earlier.
This dose will be the same
as the first was,
three milligrams of THC, no CBD.
Anybody feeling anything?
Yeah, I feel good.
I'm in good spirits, you know.
I'm 'bout to make some phone calls.
- Oh!
- Who you gonna call?
Like, please censor.
He's so high that he went
in the quality goods and stole some stuff.
- We stole some stuff.
- Now it's
This thing's like, fucking hot.
It's fire time, guys.
Basically, what I'm gonna do
is drop all my meats in there.
It's gonna smoke all together.
I'm gonna cap it,
and serve it to the judges just like that.
So they'll get like, a nice flavor.
Look what's going on.
Chris is doing something fun.
And I see lots of jogging.
There's lots of running.
Steps are getting got.
Smoke is being made. This is what I like.
- Let's just get up.
- Oh yeah.
So we can see.
That's When you think
mad scientist chef person
- I love it.
- you wanna see that.
The freezer's not even.
Come on! I'm a little intimidated.
I won't lie.
I haven't done molecular gastronomy
in about 15 years.
No fucking prep space here.
There's like, really no space.
We have too many things!
You have less than five minutes.
Oh fuck, this is terrible.
You see this plating?
I can't reach that far.
Fuck! This guy keeps breaking.
Feeling the pressure a bit.
Not really looking how I wanted it, but
Oh! I did not just do that.
One minute!
You've got less than one minute.
Here we go.
Jesus Christ!
One minute, you got it.
It's the worst, dude.
two, one.
- Talk us through this. What've we got?
- Absolutely.
We have a sauteed black rice
and some roasted veggies,
a sous vide truffle egg yolk right here.
We have a smoked rib eye for you.
Kind of captured all the smoke in there.
I love that. So cute!
It's a hickory wood in there.
Talk about how you infused this dish
and where.
- It's a truffle oil that I made.
- That's right.
It goes right on top.
Three milligrams of THC and no CBD.
My favorite movie was The Matrix.
So I always felt like that is the future.
That kind of vibe and mysticism.
That's what this black rice is for me.
A kind of very futuristic, like,
- ingredient I've never seen before.
- Right.
- I love everything here.
- Very tasty.
Most importantly, it's delicious.
Thank you, guys.
It's good.
It is kind of fun to just eat it
and not know what the weed is in.
Yo, this might not even be cauliflower.
This just might be Purple Kush.
Threw it on the plate,
didn't even cook it.
Brooke. What've you got for us?
- Talk to us.
- I did a vegetable tagliatelle,
crispy quail,
a compressed grapefruit sauce,
and then I did a 25 milligram
CBD honey infusion
into the grapefruits.
Playing it up for you like a chef.
The THC is also in the butter
that was in the marinade for the quail.
- Okay.
- Really good.
Can you tie yourself to this dish?
Quail is very dear to my heart.
I grew up hunting, fishing, trapping
on the border of Canada, Washington.
So quail, chukar
are like very dear to my heart.
And they're also It's very sustainable.
But the future here is represented
in the vegetarian noodles, I'm gonna say?
Yes, the vegetarian noodles
- And the sustainable meat?
- Exactly, yes.
I'm very impressed with your infusions
and how broad the spectrum is
of your approach.
Thank you very much.
Yes, I really enjoy that.
I don't love it.
Uh-oh. I don't know.
I can't swallow it.
- Hi, Heather.
- Hi. I wanted to do a play
on the most famous scene
in Blade Runner,
sticking with the sci-fi trend
throughout the whole menu.
There's one scene
where Rick Deckard is sitting there,
eating a bowl of noodles
in the beginning.
So these are my replicant scallops.
Compressed king oysters
with eggplant spuma on the side,
and the noodles are actually yams.
The infusion is in the butter
I seared the scallops with.
Two milligrams per plate.
When you seared them in the butter,
did you pour it off?
- Or did it go
- It went onto the noodles.
Good. So it's integrated.
- You've got it all in there.
- Yeah.
I am much more intrigued
and much less frightened by this dish
- This is great.
- than I am by the last one.
It's very smart, very tasty.
It has really nice flavor balance.
- Really well done, chef.
- Thank you.
- This one's good.
- Yeah, this is bomb.
This is my favorite so far.
I can taste that weed butter.
There's one thing I know,
it's weed butter.
You're making brownies, cookies
- Toast.
- Toast?
- That's what I'm making.
- Weed butter on toast?
- Breakfast of champions.
- Yes, it is, most certainly.
You've got your last course left.
That's dessert.
Leather and I are gonna go over there
and talk to our best buds,
and at the end of this, don't forget
someone's walking away with $10,000.
Let's get cooked.
So Nate, plate's very far away from you.
- Yes, slide
- And full, it's also very full.
That noodle tastes like cough medicine.
It's the texture.
- But it feels future-y too.
- It does feel future-y,
but maybe at the expense of things
like flavor and texture.
Clearly none of us
are feeling Brooke's dish,
but she's a baker, so hopefully
she brings it in the dessert round.
Let's get to Heather.
I thought it was the best meal
I had today.
I'll give Heather the old-school
raise-the-roof on that.
Her noodles took me over the top.
So she's won my heart there.
And it felt the most futuristic.
See, I agree with you.
Heather's noodle dish
tasted out of this world,
and it was a fun twist
on the future theme.
Chris's, that one.
- I really thought that one was great.
- That was awesome too.
He's had my two favorite dishes.
- Okay.
- I got to eat out of the weed jar,
so that definitely added some fun flair.
Did it feel futuristic to you, though?
- It felt rustic.
- It felt fancy.
On the weed front, Chris using
the truffle oil on his futuristic egg yolk
showed me his science background
and his masterful use of cannabis.
- Megan, I think you have to go, right?
- I do, yeah.
- I'm sorry. I have another shoot.
- Get your ass out of here.
That's right.
Go make your real money.
- She had to go.
- Thank you so much.
Thirty minutes for dessert
is damn near impossible.
So, yeah. I think it's a really, like
sucky time frame.
I'm attempting to make
some sort of a CBD-infused nougat,
maybe some sort of cherry balsamic
caramel situation.
I don't know. It's a work-in-progress.
We'll see where the cards fall today.
30 minutes till I win the $10,000.
- Ooh, watch yourself.
- We'll see about that, won't we?
If I win,
I'd love to host a big yacht party
in the Caribbean with my friends.
Maybe smoke a little bit of weed
and from there, a strip club?
I'm just kidding.
I'm currently making
a pumpernickel crumble
for rum raisin ice cream
with grape pearls,
CBD raisin whipped cream.
It should bring a nice smile
to the judges' faces, hopefully.
God, I am so discombobulated. This sucks.
One of my friends said metalheads didn't
grow up to be anything but stoners.
I was like, "I was a metalhead
and a stoner and look at me.
I'm a business owner and executive chef.
Some of us turned out okay."
My third course,
I think I'm gonna make
a yuzu and lemon gel
and a honeycomb candy whipped cream.
Hopefully, we'll get
the mealworm piecrust done.
Then a little anise cotton candy
on the side.
Basically a play on a lemon meringue pie.
- How are you feeling? Can you feel it?
- Is there anything happening?
Oh, I'm wavy.
- He's wavy. That's good.
- I'm on a whole other wavelength.
- Nice.
- I don't feel anything.
John Salley, you're a professional.
So I'm gonna put this dry ice
into this food processor
and then crush it,
so it's gonna turn into, like,
a dry ice snow, almost,
and that's gonna help me
make some ice cream.
I'm infusing with CBD grape juice pearls
that I made
as well as CBD raisin whipped cream.
Everyone's gonna get
a nice dose of CBD only
just to kind of ease off
and get home safely.
We got our first batch of ice cream.
I'm actually doing a play on a Mars bar.
"Life on Mars."
So, I'm doing a chocolate soil,
CBD-infused nougat,
cherry balsamic caramel,
and I've got some Pop Rocks
going in this one, so it's gonna
Yeah, it's gonna get a little weird.
I'm infusing the nougat
with CBD sugar and Tangie terpenes.
I hit 'em pretty hard with the last course
so I wanna let it mellow a bit
and not get too crazy.
I'm going to be doing the bug crust.
The best-is-yet-to-come crust.
It's a mealworm crust
just with 25 milligrams CBD
coconut oil I infused.
Just with a little bit
of the THC whipped cream.
Future of food can be anything from
what it's doing for the future,
helping save our world. I eat bugs.
And it's whimsical.
It's something that is fairytale-esque,
science fiction-esque,
so it's fun to end the meal on something
that's a total talking point.
It's an interesting concept
you got there, Brooke.
Doesn't sound like
what I've been saying all day.
Thank you.
Five minutes.
Fuck! Forgot to chill this guy.
We have really had some ups and downs
as far as our feelings about these dishes.
We've seen it before, right?
The dessert is the swing.
It could completely change your idea
about the chef.
This story
that comes out of Brooke's station
That dessert
That thing had better be levitated.
Oh, my God. Money!
I'm very interested
to see what Chris has,
and if he's gonna do
something exciting and new.
There's a little bit of Fear Factor,
but also excitement now, with Heather.
Less than two minutes.
Not good.
- I'm such a mess.
- Too hot!
There are definitely some things
I could have made a little differently,
but all-in-all,
everything has turned out really great.
It really portrayed who I really am
on a plate.
Come on, buddy.
Oh shit.
$10,000 to someone
who cooks professionally
is the equivalent of like a million.
So I am even having a hard time
conceptualizing that money right now.
But overall, I'm happy with the flavors
that I was able to create
for the dessert dish.
- Final minute.
- Shit!
Heard "shit" followed by footfalls.
Ah, fuck!
Everything's melting.
Wake up, Salley.
We're gonna count 'em in.
- That's right.
- You ready?
Ten seconds left.
- Ten seconds! Shit.
- Ten, nine,
six, five,
- Time's up.
- Yes!
I fuckin' did it, dude. Boom!
- Talk about this dish.
- What is it?
This is
a deconstructed rum raisin.
We have a rum ice cream,
grape pearls, a Sour Diesel,
raisin whipped cream
and a pumpernickel crumble.
- What's the floral?
- It's the Sour Diesel terpenes.
It's so mild though.
But it's great. I love it.
It's got five milligrams of CBD in there.
And that's how we're infusing that,
as well as CBD in the whipped cream.
To me the future is
very much like, well,
what if it's just a capsule
of rum flavor and a capsule of grape?
That to me, in essence,
is rum raisin still.
And it's delicious.
Thank you. That was great.
Glad you liked it.
You wanna bring it with you? You can.
- Ooh!
- The top is good.
I am really high now.
It is hitting me.
I am so happy
I have a car picking me up.
What's happening here?
All right. This is basically a play
on a lemon meringue pie.
It's a mealworm piecrust.
And then I have an anise cotton candy.
And on top of the whipped cream
is a honeycomb candy.
Then that's a yuzu gel.
You can either eat them individually,
or you can put them all together.
You can mash it all the way around.
Put the worms and dirt in the bowl
and mix it around like a kid.
The infusion is where?
25 milligrams CBD in the worms
and dirt and the honeycomb.
- Any THC?
- One milligram in the whipped cream.
- Also?
- Yes.
I like that
more than I thought I would.
Thank you, chef.
- Thank you.
- Take it easy.
This one is just no flavor whatsoever.
Nah, I can't do that, son.
This looks like it's water Jell-O
out of your fish tank.
Bong water Jell-O.
- How beautiful!
- Nice plate.
I'm calling this one
"Life on Mars."
We have CBD nougat
with a bit of Tangie extract in it,
Martian soil, Pop Rocks
and a cherry balsamic fluid gel caramel.
Nice. And so this is totally CBD, not THC.
- Correct. 20 milligrams.
- Got it.
I like to do that because people
I want them to enjoy
the rest of their night.
I'm a huge nougat fan.
The texture, because it's gummy,
in conjunction with the sugar,
that's what makes it great.
- Smart.
- Very cool.
This is poppin'. It got Pop Rocks in it.
Welcome to the future.
In the future,
chocolate will pop in your mouth.
That doesn't sound right.
Things I've been saying to ladies
for years.
Yeah, this weed got me.
I just drooled on myself.
Great job. Leather and I are going to go
and talk to our best buds.
And then we're gonna bring you guys back,
and one of you is going to win $10,000.
How's everybody feeling?
- Good.
- Yeah?
- Really good.
- Yeah.
What do you think? Dessert.
The ice cream, it tastes like a vape pen
a little bit.
There was actually whipped cream
on the ice cream
that had like a terpene pull in it.
It was CBD.
- Okay.
- But yes, I got that too.
I've never had anybody say rum raisin
was their favorite ice cream either.
Rum raisin's for old people, ain't it?
You about to die if you eatin' rum raisin.
Did you write your will?
Let's move down the line to Brooke.
This was supposed to be
a take on lemon meringue pie.
- Right.
- Yes, but the texture of this
It just wasn't the lemon meringue
you're tasting for.
You want that to be sweet,
and it wasn't.
- And I'm a lemon-head.
- That was a disappointment.
Let's talk through the Mars bar.
This was the best.
- Bomb.
- The Pop Rocks in there?
- It's another thing I've never had.
- All right.
Out of all
Just think about the whole thing.
Each chef from top to bottom.
There was Chris.
There was Brooke. Then there was
There was Heather.
- Heather was it for me.
- Okay.
I like Heather.
The first two dishes were solid.
The tartare was iffy for me.
For me, it's gonna be Heather too,
because that first one, the tartare,
that's something I was like,
- "Oh, I can do this."
- Definitely interesting.
This is a quick meal.
You just slap one of them on a plate.
Did they deliver a nice buzz?
I am really pleasantly high
and I don't usually like
getting the edible high.
But this seemed to be
keeping me on the right spot.
Like, I'm happy.
This was perfect for me,
because I wasn't in the best mood.
I wasn't.
I got bad news,
stuff I didn't want to hear.
Damn near forgot about all of it.
Damn near forgot.
- Thanks for staying, enjoying, laughing.
- Thanks for having us.
Leather, we've got some deciding.
- Some work to do?
- We do.
We definitely do.
- All right, guys, thank you.
- Thank you, guys.
- Welcome back.
- Hi.
The theme was future food,
and I feel like we've been provoked
and inspired and excited.
And everybody had a moment
that was just shining.
Getting through today, it was a rough one.
But I'm just happy I got all three out
and on the plate.
I'm really happy with what I did.
I think each course got better
as it came along,
because my vision
and what this theme meant to me
developed as the challenges continued.
I feel pretty good
about how things turned out today.
There's definitely some things
I wish I'd done differently,
but I feel like
I put my best effort out there.
You've certainly made this concept proud
by showing that the addition of cannabis
is not superfluous.
It enriches the conversation.
We have the hard part
of actually deciding who is our winner,
and who goes home with the $10,000.
That chef impressed us
by serving the future
through delicious food
and their imaginative use of cannabis.
And the winner
of our future food challenge is
Good job, Heather.
Oh, my God!
- Congratulations! Come on!
- You look shocked.
What are you gonna do
with that million dollars?
- Can I come up here?
- Yes!
- Congratulations, that's amazing.
- Oh, my God.
I only first started experimenting
with cannabis two and a half years ago.
Now the fact
that this is happening for me,
it proves that this is the right path.
And that's a really
overwhelmingly powerful thing to realize.
So I'm so grateful.
Cannabis saved my life,
so having this as a win just proves
that it was the right decision
and the right move for me in my life,
and it really, like
It's a little overwhelming, sorry.
- That's pretty awesome.
- It's amazing. You know what?
Thank you.
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